16 papers:
PLDI-2015-MendisBWKRPZA #domain-specific language #kernel #named- Helium: lifting high-performance stencil kernels from stripped x86 binaries to halide DSL code (CM, JB, KW, SK, JRK, SP, QZ, SPA), pp. 391–402.
CHI-2013-LetondalHLVC #design- Flights in my hands: coherence concerns in designing strip’tic, a tangible space for air traffic controllers (CL, CH, RL, JLV, SC), pp. 2175–2184.
KDD-2013-KutzkovBBG #learning #named- STRIP: stream learning of influence probabilities (KK, AB, FB, AG), pp. 275–283.
DATE-2011-Wang #coordination #gpu #kernel #power management- Coordinate strip-mining and kernel fusion to lower power consumption on GPU (GW), pp. 1218–1219.
PASTE-2011-JacobsonRM #library- Labeling library functions in stripped binaries (ERJ, NER, BPM), pp. 1–8.
ICPR-2010-LeeHH #automation #gender #recognition #using- Automatic Gender Recognition Using Fusion of Facial Strips (PHL, JYH, YPH), pp. 1140–1143.
SAC-2009-MarquesF #documentation #using- Reconstructing strip-shredded documents using color as feature matching (MAOM, COAF), pp. 893–894.
CSL-2009-DuparcFM #automaton #decidability #game studies #linear #problem- Linear Game Automata: Decidable Hierarchy Problems for Stripped-Down Alternating Tree Automata (JD, AF, FM), pp. 225–239.
TACAS-2008-BalakrishnanR #bytecode- Analyzing Stripped Device-Driver Executables (GB, TWR), pp. 124–140.
DHM-2007-YaoMW #3d #low cost #using- Low Cost 3D Shape Acquisition System Using Strip Shifting Pattern (LY, LM, DW), pp. 276–285.
STOC-2005-JansenS #on the- On strip packing With rotations (KJ, RvS), pp. 755–761.
IJCAR-2001-Larchey-WendlingMG #named #performance- STRIP: Structural Sharing for Efficient Proof-Search (DLW, DM, DG), pp. 696–700.
SIGMOD-1997-AdelbergGW #maintenance- The STRIP Rule System For Efficiently Maintaining Derived Data (BA, HGM, JW), pp. 147–158.
ICPR-1996-ChenL96c #novel #using- A novel form structure extraction method using strip projection (JLC, HJL), pp. 823–827.
KR-1989-Pednault #calculus #named- ADL: Exploring the Middle Ground Between STRIPS and the Situation Calculus (EPDP), pp. 324–332.
DAC-1987-ApteK #layout #standard- Strip Layout: A New Layout Methodology for Standard Circuit Modules (JA, GK), pp. 363–369.