5 papers:
STOC-1978-Kozen #recursion- Indexing of Subrecursive Classes (DK), pp. 287–295.
STOC-1974-Mehlhorn #polynomial #recursion- Polynomial and Abstract Subrecursive Classes (KM), pp. 96–109.
ICALP-1974-Mehlhorn #decidability #recursion- The “Almost All” Theory of Subrecursive Degrees is Decidable (KM), pp. 317–325.
STOC-1972-ConstableM #decidability #equivalence #problem #recursion- Subrecursive Program Schemata I & II: I. Undecidable Equivalence Problems; II. Decidable Equivalence Problems (RLC, SSM), pp. 1–17.
STOC-1970-Constable #on the #recursion #source code- On the Size of Programs in Subrecursive Formalisms (RLC), pp. 1–9.