8 papers:
FM-2014-DenmanM #automation #proving- Automated Real Proving in PVS via MetiTarski (WD, CAM), pp. 194–199.
LATA-2011-Marciniec- Tarski’s Principle, Categorial Grammars and Learnability (JM), pp. 378–389.
TLCA-2007-Berardi #game studies #semantics- Semantics for Intuitionistic Arithmetic Based on Tarski Games with Retractable Moves (SB), pp. 23–38.
CSL-2005-Marx #algebra #navigation #xml- XML Navigation and Tarski’s Relation Algebras (MM), pp. 1–2.
LICS-2005-Feferman- Tarski’s Influence on Computer Science (SF), p. 342.
CSL-2001-Bussche #database- Applications of Alfred Tarski’s Ideas in Database Theory (JVdB), pp. 20–37.
WCRE-1998-Holt #algebra #architecture #relational #using- Structural Manipulations of Software Architecture using Tarski Relational Algebra (RCH), pp. 210–219.
CSL-1990-CantoneCS #problem #set- Decision Problems for Tarski and Presburger Arithmetics Extended With Sets (DC, VC, JTS), pp. 95–109.