13 papers:
DUXU-DI-2014-GomezF #experience #mobile #user interface- Territorial Brand Graphic Interface Management in Mobile Applications Focused on User Experience (LSRG, VCF), pp. 323–333.
VLDB-2013-AntonelliCCLT- Exploiting the Diversity, Mass and Speed of Territorial Data by TELCO Operator for Better User Services (FA, AC, CC, RL, GT), pp. 1164–1165.
HCI-MIIE-2011-EL-QiremC #development #experience #user interface- Computer Usage and User Experience in Jordan: Development and Application of the Diamond Model of Territorial Factors (FAEQ, GC), pp. 490–499.
CHI-2010-Thom-SantelliCG #collaboration #what- What do you know?: experts, novices and territoriality in collaborative systems (JTS, DC, GG), pp. 1685–1694.
SAC-2010-PortugalR #algorithm #clustering #graph #multi #using- MSP algorithm: multi-robot patrolling based on territory allocation using balanced graph partitioning (DP, RPR), pp. 1271–1276.
HT-2009-Beauvisage #web- The dynamics of personal territories on the web (TB), pp. 25–34.
CHI-2009-PinelleBNM #coordination #evaluation- An evaluation of coordination techniques for protecting objects and territories in tabletop groupware (DP, MB, MAN, RLM), pp. 2129–2138.
CHI-2009-Thom-SantelliCG #authoring #collaboration #what- What’s mine is mine: territoriality in collaborative authoring (JTS, DC, GG), pp. 1481–1484.
CHI-2009-TuddenhamR #collaboration #coordination- Territorial coordination and workspace awareness in remote tabletop collaboration (PT, PR), pp. 2139–2148.
ICEIS-DISI-2009-GonzalezLLTF #named #open source- gisEIEL: An Open Source GIS for Territorial Management (PAG, ML, MRL, DT, JILF), pp. 177–182.
CSCW-2004-ScottCI #collaboration- Territoriality in collaborative tabletop workspaces (SDS, MSTC, KMI), pp. 294–303.
JICSLP-1996-SchwitterF- Attempto Controlled English (ACE) A Seemingly Informal Bridgehead in Formal Territory (Poster Abstract) (RS, NEF), p. 536.
SIGMOD-1982-AntonacciDT #database- A Territorial Database Management System (Abstract) (FA, PD, AT), p. 213.