5 papers:
SAC-2010-Kuzume #using- Input device for disabled persons using expiration and tooth-touch sound signals (KK), pp. 1159–1164.
CHI-2008-ChangLHHCWCH #education- Playful toothbrush: ubicomp technology for teaching tooth brushing to kindergarten children (YCC, JLL, CJH, NYH, HHC, HYW, PYC, YLH), pp. 363–372.
CASE-2007-MitaniYH #analysis #using- Feeding of Submillimeter-sized Microparts along a Saw-tooth Surface Using Only Horizontal Vibration: Analysis of Convexities on the Surface of Microparts (AM, TY, SH), pp. 69–76.
ICPR-v3-2006-AsanoTTTANTHM #using- Extraction of trabecular structures of mandible excluding tooth roots on dental panoramic radiographs using mathematical morphology (AA, TT, AT, CMA, TN, KT, TH, MM), pp. 988–991.
ICPR-v3-2004-ChenJ- Tooth Contour Extraction for Matching Dental Radiographs (HC, AKJ), pp. 522–525.