5 papers:
VMCAI-2015-Christakis0W #evaluation- An Experimental Evaluation of Deliberate Unsoundness in a Static Program Analyzer (MC, PM, VW), pp. 336–354.
SIGMOD-2009-SunLDC #analysis #detection #workflow- Detecting and resolving unsound workflow views for correct provenance analysis (PS, ZL, SBD, YC), pp. 549–562.
VLDB-2009-SunLNDC #analysis #detection #named #workflow- WOLVES: Achieving Correct Provenance Analysis by Detecting and Resolving Unsound Workflow Views (PS, ZL, SN, SBD, YC), pp. 1614–1617.
CADE-2009-BonacinaLM #on the #proving #satisfiability #theorem proving- On Deciding Satisfiability by DPLL(G+T) and Unsound Theorem Proving (MPB, CL, LMdM), pp. 35–50.
CSL-2004-Lynch #proving #theorem proving- Unsound Theorem Proving (CL), pp. 473–487.