4 papers:
ICST-2015-ZhangAC #exclamation #model checking #verification- Yes! You Can Use Your Model Checker to Verify OSEK/VDX Applications (HZ, TA, YC), pp. 1–10.
WRLA-2014-ZhangCO #framework #semantics #standard #𝕂- A Formal Semantics of the OSEK/VDX Standard in 𝕂 Framework and Its Applications (MZ, YC, KO), pp. 280–296.
SEFM-2013-Choi #constraints #generative #operating system #specification #testing- Constraint Specification and Test Generation for OSEK/VDX-Based Operating Systems (YC), pp. 305–319.
DATE-2008-DiederichsMSW- An application-based EDF scheduler for OSEK/VDX (CD, UM, FS, GW), pp. 1045–1050.