5 papers:
HCI-UC-2015-HarringtonFBPS #people- Digital Wellbeing Assessments for People Affected by Dementia (KH, PF, MAB, JP, SS), pp. 409–418.
CHI-2013-BentleyT #behaviour #mobile #power of- The power of mobile notifications to increase wellbeing logging behavior (FB, KT), pp. 1095–1098.
CHI-2013-Moncur #research- The emotional wellbeing of researchers: considerations for practice (WM), pp. 1883–1890.
OCSC-2013-GoodSP #facebook #roadmap- Looking Back at Facebook Content and the Positive Impact Upon Wellbeing: Exploring Reminiscing as a Tool for Self Soothing (AG, AS, VP), pp. 278–286.
DUXU-v1-2011-YeratziotisSVN #analysis- Analysis of Emergent Use for Wellbeing Service Innovation (AY, CS, JV, MN), pp. 332–341.