Mary E. S. Loomis, Toby Bloom, A. Michael Berman
Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications
OOPSLA, 1997.
@proceedings{OOPSLA-1997, acmid = "263698", address = "Atlanta, Georgia, USA", editor = "Mary E. S. Loomis and Toby Bloom and A. Michael Berman", isbn = "0-89791-908-4", publisher = "{ACM}", title = "{Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications}", volume = "SIGPLAN Notices 32(10)", year = 1997, }
Contents (23 items)
- OOPSLA-1997-Mezini #consistency #evolution #library #maintenance
- Maintaining the Consistency of Class Libraries During Their Evolution (MM), pp. 1–21.
- OOPSLA-1997-PriceD #design #object-oriented #reuse #usability
- Analyzing and Measuring Reusability in Object-Oriented Designs (MWP, SAD), pp. 22–33.
- OOPSLA-1997-Weihe #algorithm #challenge #object-oriented #programming #reuse #using
- Reuse of Algorithms: Still a Challenge to Object-Oriented Programming (KW), pp. 34–48.
- OOPSLA-1997-AgesenFM #java
- Adding Type Parameterization to the Java Language (OA, SNF, JCM), pp. 49–65.
- OOPSLA-1997-BoylandC #implementation #java #multi
- Parasitic Methods: An Implementation of Multi-Methods for Java (JB, GC), pp. 66–76.
- OOPSLA-1997-LitmanMP #modelling #using
- Modeling Dynamic Collections of Interdependent Objects Using Path-Based Rules (DJL, AM, PFPS), pp. 77–92.
- OOPSLA-1997-FranklinZ #framework
- A Framework for Scalbale Dissemination-Based Systems (MJF, SBZ), pp. 94–105.
- OOPSLA-1997-GroveDDC #graph #object-oriented
- Call Graph Construction in Object-Oriented Languages (DG, GD, JD, CC), pp. 108–124.
- OOPSLA-1997-ZendraCC #compilation #performance
- Efficient Dynamic Dispatch without Virtual Function Tables: The SmallEiffel Compiler (OZ, DC, SC), pp. 125–141.
- OOPSLA-1997-VitekHK #performance #testing
- Efficient Type Inclusion Tests (JV, RNH, AK), pp. 142–157.
- OOPSLA-1997-HudsonMMM #garbage collection
- Garbage Collecting the World: One Car at a Time (RLH, RM, JEBM, DSM), pp. 162–175.
- OOPSLA-1997-Hayes #named
- Ephemerons: A New Finalization Mechanism (BH), pp. 176–183.
- OOPSLA-1997-HarrisonLS #design #performance #realtime
- The Design and Performance of a Hard Real-Time Object Event Service (THH, DLL, DCS), pp. 184–200.
- OOPSLA-1997-Lorenz #case study #design pattern #interpreter #using
- Tiling Design Patterns — A Case Study Using the Interpreter Pattern (DHL), pp. 206–217.
- OOPSLA-1997-Riehle #design pattern
- Composite Design Patterns (DR), pp. 218–228.
- OOPSLA-1997-Haines #analysis #design #implementation #lightweight #thread
- An Open Implementation Analysis and Design for Lightweight Threads (MH), pp. 229–242.
- OOPSLA-1997-OlerLC #biology #experience #lessons learnt #migration #relational
- Migrating Relational Data to an OODB: Strategies and Lessons from a Molecular Biology Experience (JRO, GL, TC), pp. 243–252.
- OOPSLA-1997-Alagic #question
- The ODMG Object Model: Does it Make Sense? (SA), pp. 253–270.
- OOPSLA-1997-TipS
- Class Hierarchy Specialization (FT, PFS), pp. 271–285.
- OOPSLA-1997-VolanschiCMC #declarative #object-oriented #source code
- Declarative Specialization of Object-Oriented Programs (ENV, CC, GM, CC), pp. 286–300.
- OOPSLA-1997-LenceviciusHS #debugging #object-oriented #source code
- Query-Based Debugging of Object-Oriented Programs (RL, UH, AKS), pp. 304–317.
- OOPSLA-1997-IngallsKMWK #smalltalk
- Back to the Future: The Story of Squeak — A Usable Smalltalk Written in Itself (DI, TK, JM, SW, ACK), pp. 318–326.
- OOPSLA-1997-Kent #constraints #diagrams #modelling #object-oriented #visualisation
- Constraint Diagrams: Visualizing Assertions in Object-Oriented Models (SK), pp. 327–341.
6 ×#object-oriented
3 ×#design
3 ×#performance
2 ×#design pattern
2 ×#implementation
2 ×#java
2 ×#modelling
2 ×#reuse
2 ×#source code
2 ×#using
3 ×#design
3 ×#performance
2 ×#design pattern
2 ×#implementation
2 ×#java
2 ×#modelling
2 ×#reuse
2 ×#source code
2 ×#using