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Tag #debugging

1050 papers:

ASPLOSASPLOS-2020-0001SWWKK #detection #memory management #persistent #source code
Cross-Failure Bug Detection in Persistent Memory Programs (SL0, KS, YW, TFW, AK, SK), pp. 1187–1202.
CGOCGO-2020-VermaKPR #concurrent #interactive #memory management #modelling #source code
Interactive debugging of concurrent programs under relaxed memory models (AV, PKK, AP, SR), pp. 68–80.
ICPCICPC-2019-FontanaP #sequence #using #visualisation
Visualizing sequences of debugging sessions using swarm debugging (EAF, FP), pp. 139–143.
ICPCICPC-2019-IslamMRS #replication
Comparing bug replication in regular and micro code clones (JFI, MM, CKR, KAS), pp. 81–92.
ICSMEICSME-2019-CokerWGBS #framework
A Qualitative Study on Framework Debugging (ZC, DGW, CLG, CB, JS), pp. 568–579.
ICSMEICSME-2019-GaoJJ00G #contract #detection #named
SmartEmbed: A Tool for Clone and Bug Detection in Smart Contracts through Structural Code Embedding (ZG, VJ, LJ, XX0, DL0, JCG), pp. 394–397.
ICSMEICSME-2019-Khalil #performance #policy
Studying the Impact of Policy Changes on Bug Handling Performance (ZAK), pp. 590–594.
ICSMEICSME-2019-KhalilCMDQ #analysis #eclipse
A Longitudinal Analysis of Bug Handling Across Eclipse Releases (ZAK, EC, TM, LD, CQ), pp. 1–12.
ICSMEICSME-2019-MondalRRS #adaptation
Investigating Context Adaptation Bugs in Code Clones (MM, BR, CKR, KAS), pp. 157–168.
ICSMEICSME-2019-RwemalikaKPTL #difference #industrial
An Industrial Study on the Differences between Pre-Release and Post-Release Bugs (RR, MK, MP, YLT, PL), pp. 92–102.
ICSMEICSME-2019-SarkarRB #predict
Improving Bug Triaging with High Confidence Predictions at Ericsson (AS, PCR, BB), pp. 81–91.
ICSMEICSME-2019-ShimariI0I #execution #java #using
Near-Omniscient Debugging for Java Using Size-Limited Execution Trace (KS, TI, TK0, KI), pp. 398–401.
ICSMEICSME-2019-ZimmermannA #case study #open source
Impact of Switching Bug Trackers: A Case Study on a Medium-Sized Open Source Project (TZ, ACA), pp. 13–23.
MSRMSR-2019-RaduN #dataset #non-functional
A dataset of non-functional bugs (AR, SN), pp. 399–403.
MSRMSR-2019-RiganelliMMM #android #benchmark #metric
A benchmark of data loss bugs for Android apps (OR, MM, DM, LM), pp. 582–586.
SANERSANER-2019-ChaparroFSM #detection #query
Reformulating Queries for Duplicate Bug Report Detection (OC, JMF, US, AM), pp. 218–229.
SANERSANER-2019-DelfimUMM #automation #benchmark #java #metric #named #program repair
BEARS: An Extensible Java Bug Benchmark for Automatic Program Repair Studies (FM, SU, MdAM, MM), pp. 468–478.
SANERSANER-2019-IslamMR #case study #comparative
A Comparative Study of Software Bugs in Micro-clones and Regular Code Clones (JFI, MM, CKR), pp. 73–83.
SANERSANER-2019-LiuK0B #named #semantics #static analysis
AVATAR: Fixing Semantic Bugs with Fix Patterns of Static Analysis Violations (KL0, AK, DK0, TFB), pp. 456–467.
SANERSANER-2019-LuC00 #comprehension #distributed
Understanding Node Change Bugs for Distributed Systems (JL, LC, LL0, XF0), pp. 399–410.
SANERSANER-2019-ZeroualiMRG #on the
On the Relation between Outdated Docker Containers, Severity Vulnerabilities, and Bugs (AZ, TM, GR, JMGB), pp. 491–501.
ICMLICML-2019-OdenaOAG #fuzzing #named #network
TensorFuzz: Debugging Neural Networks with Coverage-Guided Fuzzing (AO, CO, DA, IJG), pp. 4901–4911.
MoDELSMoDELS-2019-PouraliA19a #approach #challenge #editing #modelling #uml
A Focus+Context Approach to Alleviate Cognitive Challenges of Editing and Debugging UML Models (PP, JMA), pp. 183–193.
ECOOPECOOP-2019-LopezSMBS #idea #multi #nondeterminism #source code
Multiverse Debugging: Non-Deterministic Debugging for Non-Deterministic Programs (Brave New Idea Paper) (CTL, RGS, SM, EGB, CS), p. 30.
OnwardOnward-2019-AcharDL #distributed #interactive #named
GoTcha: an interactive debugger for GoT-based distributed systems (RA, PD, CVL), pp. 94–110.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2019-BaderSP0 #automation #learning #named
Getafix: learning to fix bugs automatically (JB, AS, MP, SC0), p. 27.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2019-LiWNN #detection #learning #network #representation
Improving bug detection via context-based code representation learning and attention-based neural networks (YL, SW0, TNN, SVN), p. 30.
I/O dependent idempotence bugs in intermittent systems (MS, LJ, BL), p. 31.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2019-WangZS #contract #detection #nondeterminism
Detecting nondeterministic payment bugs in Ethereum smart contracts (SW, CZ, ZS), p. 29.
PLDIPLDI-2019-LiLCGL #automation #distributed #named
DFix: automatically fixing timing bugs in distributed systems (GL, HL, XC, HSG, SL), pp. 994–1009.
ASEASE-2019-ChenD0Q #comprehension #scalability
Understanding Exception-Related Bugs in Large-Scale Cloud Systems (HC, WD, YJ0, FQ), pp. 339–351.
ASEASE-2019-JiaLYLWLL #detection #fault #specification
Detecting Error-Handling Bugs without Error Specification Input (ZJ, SL, TY, XL, JW, XL, YL), pp. 213–225.
ASEASE-2019-JiangWXCZ #empirical #fault #locality #statistics
Combining Spectrum-Based Fault Localization and Statistical Debugging: An Empirical Study (JJ, RW, YX, XC, LZ), pp. 502–514.
ASEASE-2019-RahatFT #android #empirical #named
OAUTHLINT: An Empirical Study on OAuth Bugs in Android Applications (TAR, YF, YT), pp. 293–304.
ASEASE-2019-StepanovAB #compilation #how #named
ReduKtor: How We Stopped Worrying About Bugs in Kotlin Compiler (DS, MA, MAB), pp. 317–326.
ASEASE-2019-Yu19a #comprehension #crowdsourcing #generative
Crowdsourced Report Generation via Bug Screenshot Understanding (SY), pp. 1277–1279.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2019-ChaparroBLMMPPN #quality
Assessing the quality of the steps to reproduce in bug reports (OC, CBC, JL, KM, AM, MDP, DP, VN), pp. 86–96.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2019-ChenHSZHZ #compilation #effectiveness #generative
Compiler bug isolation via effective witness test program generation (JC, JH, PS, LZ, DH, LZ0), pp. 223–234.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2019-CotroneoSLNB #analysis #empirical #framework #how #in the cloud #platform
How bad can a bug get? an empirical analysis of software failures in the OpenStack cloud computing platform (DC, LDS, PL, RN, NB), pp. 200–211.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2019-DurieuxDMA #empirical #java #overview #program repair #scalability #tool support
Empirical review of Java program repair tools: a large-scale experiment on 2, 141 bugs and 23, 551 repair attempts (TD, FM, MM, RA), pp. 302–313.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2019-DuttaZHM #named #probability #programming #reduction #testing
Storm: program reduction for testing and debugging probabilistic programming systems (SD, WZ, ZH, SM), pp. 729–739.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2019-He19a #comprehension #detection #fault #performance
Tuning backfired? not (always) your fault: understanding and detecting configuration-related performance bugs (HH), pp. 1229–1231.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2019-IslamNPR #learning
A comprehensive study on deep learning bug characteristics (MJI, GN, RP, HR), pp. 510–520.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2019-KimHK #composition #detection #effectiveness #refinement #summary #testing
Target-driven compositional concolic testing with function summary refinement for effective bug detection (YK, SH, MK), pp. 16–26.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2019-KoyuncuLB0MKT #named #program repair
iFixR: bug report driven program repair (AK, KL0, TFB, DK0, MM, JK, YLT), pp. 314–325.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2019-Mitropoulos #evolution #program analysis
Employing different program analysis methods to study bug evolution (CM), pp. 1202–1204.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2019-MordahlOKWG #detection #empirical #tool support #variability
An empirical study of real-world variability bugs detected by variability-oblivious tools (AM, JO, UK, SW, PG), pp. 50–61.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2019-SuiZZZX #analysis #android #difference #effectiveness #reduction #user interface
Event trace reduction for effective bug replay of Android apps via differential GUI state analysis (YS, YZ0, WZ, MZ, JX), pp. 1095–1099.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2019-WenWLTXCS #commit #correlation
Exploring and exploiting the correlations between bug-inducing and bug-fixing commits (MW, RW, YL, YT, XX, SCC, ZS), pp. 326–337.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2019-ZhangSYZPS #comprehension #model checking
Finding and understanding bugs in software model checkers (CZ, TS, YY, FZ, GP, ZS), pp. 763–773.
ICSE-2019-AmarR #fault #locality #mining #predict
Mining historical test logs to predict bugs and localize faults in the test logs (AA, PCR), pp. 140–151.
ICSE-2019-PhamLQT #detection #learning #library #locality #named #validation
CRADLE: cross-backend validation to detect and localize bugs in deep learning libraries (HVP, TL, WQ, LT0), pp. 1027–1038.
ICSE-2019-YangZSS00X #difference #random #test coverage #testing #tool support
Hunting for bugs in code coverage tools via randomized differential testing (YY, YZ, HS, ZS, ZZ0, LX0, BX), pp. 488–498.
ICSE-2019-ZhaoYSLZZH #android #automation #named
ReCDroid: automatically reproducing Android application crashes from bug reports (YZ, TY, TS, YL0, WZ, JZ, WGJH), pp. 128–139.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2019-CasiasATSW #pattern matching
Debugging Support for Pattern-Matching Languages and Accelerators (MC, KA, TTI, KS, WW), pp. 1073–1086.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2019-GanZHCHPD #big data #complexity #named #performance
Seer: Leveraging Big Data to Navigate the Complexity of Performance Debugging in Cloud Microservices (YG0, YZ, KH, DC, YH, MP, CD), pp. 19–33.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2019-TuLSZ #comprehension #concurrent
Understanding Real-World Concurrency Bugs in Go (TT, XL, LS, YZ), pp. 865–878.
ICSTICST-2019-GyimesiVSMBF0 #benchmark #javascript #metric #named
BugsJS: a Benchmark of JavaScript Bugs (PG, BV, AS0, DM, ÁB, RF, AM0), pp. 90–101.
ICSTICST-2019-TannoI #interactive #realtime #source code
Suspend-Less Debugging for Interactive and/or Realtime Programs (HT, HI), pp. 194–205.
ICPCICPC-2018-GaoMSSZMMDDZC #c #c++ #detection #named
CoBOT: static C/C++ bug detection in the presence of incomplete code (QG, SM, SS, YS, GZ, LM, XM, FD, XD, SZ, XC), pp. 385–388.
ICPCICPC-2018-LiJLRL #summary
Unsupervised deep bug report summarization (XL, HJ, DL, ZR, GL), pp. 144–155.
ICPCICPC-2018-ScarsbrookKR0 #javascript #named #scalability #visualisation
MetropolJS: visualizing and debugging large-scale javascript program structure with treemaps (JDS, RKLK, BR, DB0), pp. 389–392.
ICPCICPC-2018-TakahashiSHS #case study #locality #smell #using
A preliminary study on using code smells to improve bug localization (AT, NSL, SH, MS), pp. 324–327.
ICPCICPC-2018-ZhangLXJS #recommendation
Recommending frequently encountered bugs (YZ0, DL0, XX0, JJ0, JS), pp. 120–131.
ICPCICPC-2018-ZhouLSG #repository
Recognizing software bug-specific named entity in software bug repository (CZ, BL0, XS, HG), pp. 108–119.
ICSMEICSME-2018-LawrieB #locality #on the
On the Value of Bug Reports for Retrieval-Based Bug Localization (DJL, DWB), pp. 524–528.
ICSMEICSME-2018-LebeufVHS #comprehension #design #distributed #optimisation
Understanding, Debugging, and Optimizing Distributed Software Builds: A Design Study (CL, EV, KH, MADS), pp. 496–507.
ICSMEICSME-2018-MillsPPBH #locality #question
Are Bug Reports Enough for Text Retrieval-Based Bug Localization? (CM, JP, EP, GB, SH), pp. 381–392.
ICSMEICSME-2018-WangK #concept #open source #replication
A Conceptual Replication Study on Bugs that Get Fixed in Open Source Software (HW, HHK), pp. 299–310.
ICSMEICSME-2018-WangMZ #empirical #multi
An Empirical Study of Multi-entity Changes in Real Bug Fixes (YW, NM, HZ), pp. 287–298.
MSRMSR-2018-0002LM08 #information management #locality #requirements #traceability
Analyzing requirements and traceability information to improve bug localization (MR0, DL0, PM), pp. 442–453.
MSRMSR-2018-AfzalG #case study #ide #using
A study on the use of IDE features for debugging (AA, CLG), pp. 114–117.
MSRMSR-2018-BellmanSB #analysis #developer #ide #timeline #visual notation
Studying developer build issues and debugger usage via timeline analysis in visual studio IDE (CB, AS, OB), pp. 106–109.
MSRMSR-2018-SahaLLYP #dataset #java #scalability
Bugs.jar: a large-scale, diverse dataset of real-world Java bugs (RKS, YL, WL, HY, MRP), pp. 10–13.
MSRMSR-2018-Soto-ValeroBB #analysis #behaviour #detection #process
Detection and analysis of behavioral T-patterns in debugging activities (CSV, JB, BB), pp. 110–113.
SANERSANER-2018-PascarellaPB #predict
Re-evaluating method-level bug prediction (LP, FP, AB), pp. 592–601.
SANERSANER-2018-SobreiraDDMM #dataset #fault
Dissection of a bug dataset: Anatomy of 395 patches from Defects4J (VS, TD, FM, MM, MdAM), pp. 130–140.
SANERSANER-2018-SotoG #predict #probability #using
Using a probabilistic model to predict bug fixes (MS, CLG), pp. 221–231.
CIKMCIKM-2018-LoyolaGS #learning #locality #rank
Bug Localization by Learning to Rank and Represent Bug Inducing Changes (PL, KG, FS), pp. 657–665.
MoDELSMoDELS-2018-ArcegaFC #algorithm #configuration management #locality #modelling #runtime
Evolutionary Algorithm for Bug Localization in the Reconfigurations of Models at Runtime (LA, JF, CC), pp. 90–100.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2018-PradelS #approach #detection #learning #named
DeepBugs: a learning approach to name-based bug detection (MP, KS), p. 25.
PLDIPLDI-2018-LiuH #analysis #concurrent #difference #named #parallel #performance
D4: fast concurrency debugging with parallel differential analysis (BL, JH0), pp. 359–373.
PLDIPLDI-2018-VilkB #automation #memory management #named #web
BLeak: automatically debugging memory leaks in web applications (JV, EDB), pp. 15–29.
POPLPOPL-2018-MajumdarN #effectiveness #question #random testing #testing #why
Why is random testing effective for partition tolerance bugs? (RM, FN), p. 24.
Replay without recording of production bugs for service oriented applications (NA, JB0, FI, GEK, BR), pp. 452–463.
ASEASE-2018-HabibP18a #case study #detection #how
How many of all bugs do we find? a study of static bug detectors (AH, MP), pp. 317–328.
ASEASE-2018-HanYL #learning #named #performance
PerfLearner: learning from bug reports to understand and generate performance test frames (XH, TY, DL0), pp. 17–28.
ASEASE-2018-HuWLCH #android #how
A tale of two cities: how WebView induces bugs to Android applications (JH, LW, YL, SCC, HH), pp. 702–713.
ASEASE-2018-Lin0TBWD #slicing
Break the dead end of dynamic slicing: localizing data and control omission bug (YL0, JS0, LT, GB, HW, JSD), pp. 509–519.
ASEASE-2018-LinWLSZW #concurrent #data access #memory management #named
PFix: fixing concurrency bugs based on memory access patterns (HL, ZW, SL, JS0, DZ, GW), pp. 589–600.
Delta debugging microservice systems (XZ, XP0, TX, JS0, WL, CJ, DD), pp. 802–807.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2018-0001R #locality #query
Improving IR-based bug localization with context-aware query reformulation (MMR0, CKR), pp. 621–632.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2018-BianLSH0 #detection #named
NAR-miner: discovering negative association rules from code for bug detection (PB, BL0, WS, JH0, YC0), pp. 411–422.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2018-GadelhaMCN #detection #performance #towards
Towards counterexample-guided k-induction for fast bug detection (MYRG, FRM, LCC, DAN), pp. 765–769.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2018-GaoDQGW0HZW #distributed #empirical #scalability
An empirical study on crash recovery bugs in large-scale distributed systems (YG, WD, FQ, CG, DW, JW0, RH, LZ, YW), pp. 539–550.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2018-GulzarWK #automation #big data #data analysis #data-driven #named #scalability
BigSift: automated debugging of big data analytics in data-intensive scalable computing (MAG, SW, MK), pp. 863–866.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2018-HashimotoMI #automation #semantics #source code
Automated patch extraction via syntax- and semantics-aware Delta debugging on source code changes (MH, AM, TI), pp. 598–609.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2018-LuLL0 #concurrent #in the cloud #named
CloudRaid: hunting concurrency bugs in the cloud via log-mining (JL, FL, LL0, XF0), pp. 3–14.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2018-MaLLZG #analysis #automation #difference #named #network
MODE: automated neural network model debugging via state differential analysis and input selection (SM, YL, WCL, XZ, AG), pp. 175–186.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2018-QuerelR #modelling #named #static analysis #statistics
WarningsGuru: integrating statistical bug models with static analysis to provide timely and specific bug warnings (LPQ, PCR), pp. 892–895.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2018-RoyPDH #fault #synthesis #tool support
Bug synthesis: challenging bug-finding tools with deep faults (SR, AP, BDG, YH), pp. 224–234.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2018-Tomassi #effectiveness
Bugs in the wild: examining the effectiveness of static analyzers at finding real-world bugs (DAT), pp. 980–982.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2018-WoodRAM #detection #developer #speech
Detecting speech act types in developer question/answer conversations during bug repair (AW, PR, AA, CM), pp. 491–502.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2018-Zhou #graph
Intelligent bug fixing with software bug knowledge graph (CZ), pp. 944–947.
ICSE-2018-BankenMG #data flow #source code
Debugging data flows in reactive programs (HB, EM0, GG), pp. 752–763.
ICSE-2018-BellerSSZ #behaviour #on the
On the dichotomy of debugging behavior among programmers (MB, NS, DS, AZ), pp. 572–583.
ICSE-2018-ChowdhuryMMGJC #automation #cyber-physical #development
Automatically finding bugs in a commercial cyber-physical system development tool chain with SLforge (SAC, SM, SM, SG, TTJ, CC), pp. 981–992.
ICSE-2018-GaoW #named #parallel
MSeer: an advanced technique for locating multiple bugs in parallel (RG, WEW), p. 1064.
ICSE-2018-HabayebMMB #markov #on the #predict #using
On the use of hidden Markov model to predict the time to fix bugs (MH, SSM, AVM, ABB), p. 700.
Enlightened debugging (XL, SZ, Md, AO), pp. 82–92.
ICSE-2018-MotwaniSJB #automation #program repair #question
Do automated program repair techniques repair hard and important bugs? (MM, SS, RJ, YB), p. 25.
ICSE-2018-VendomeGPBVP #matter #why
To distribute or not to distribute?: why licensing bugs matter (CV, DMG, MDP, GB, MLV, DP), pp. 268–279.
ICSE-2018-XuMZZX #probability
Debugging with intelligence via probabilistic inference (ZX, SM, XZ0, SZ, BX), pp. 1171–1181.
ICSE-2018-YangSLYC #case study #how #performance #web
How not to structure your database-backed web applications: a study of performance bugs in the wild (JY, PS, SL, CY, AC), pp. 800–810.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2018-LiuWLLYT #automation #detection #named
FCatch: Automatically Detecting Time-of-fault Bugs in Cloud Systems (HL, XW, GL, SL, FY, CT0), pp. 419–431.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2018-RiggerSMGM #c #execution #fault #source code
Sulong, and Thanks for All the Bugs: Finding Errors in C Programs by Abstracting from the Native Execution Model (MR, RS, RM, MG, HM), pp. 377–391.
CGOCGO-2018-0003LJZW #concurrent #distributed #graph #scalability
Scalable concurrency debugging with distributed graph processing (LZ0, XL, HJ0, JZ, QW), pp. 188–199.
ICSTICST-2018-TimperleyAKHG #detection #question #simulation
Crashing Simulated Planes is Cheap: Can Simulation Detect Robotics Bugs Early? (CST, AA, DSK, JMH, CLG), pp. 331–342.
EDMEDM-2017-VillamorR #analysis #collaboration #empirical
Characterizing Collaboration in the Pair Program Tracing and Debugging Eye-Tracking Experiment: A Preliminary Analysis (MV, MMTR).
ICPCICPC-2017-DaoZM #execution #how #locality #question
How does execution information help with information-retrieval based bug localization? (TD, LZ, NM), pp. 241–250.
ICPCICPC-2017-LamNNN #information retrieval #learning #locality
Bug localization with combination of deep learning and information retrieval (ANL, ATN0, HAN, TNN), pp. 218–229.
ICPCICPC-2017-MondalRS #identification
Identifying code clones having high possibilities of containing bugs (MM, CKR, KAS), pp. 99–109.
ICPCICPC-2017-ZhangCJLX #automation #recommendation
Bug report enrichment with application of automated fixer recommendation (TZ0, JC, HJ, XL, XX0), pp. 230–240.
ICSMEICSME-2017-ChaparroFM #behaviour #locality #query #using
Using Observed Behavior to Reformulate Queries during Text Retrieval-based Bug Localization (OC, JMF, AM), pp. 376–387.
ICSMEICSME-2017-DeshmukhMPSD #learning #retrieval #towards #using
Towards Accurate Duplicate Bug Retrieval Using Deep Learning Techniques (JD, KMA, SP, SS, ND), pp. 115–124.
Coarse Hierarchical Delta Debugging (RH, ÁK0, TG), pp. 194–203.
ICSMEICSME-2017-MondalRS #empirical
Bug Propagation through Code Cloning: An Empirical Study (MM, CKR, KAS), pp. 227–237.
ICSMEICSME-2017-TerdchanakulHPM #classification #n-gram #using
Bug or Not? Bug Report Classification Using N-Gram IDF (PT, HH, PP, KM), pp. 534–538.
A Characterization Study of Repeated Bug Fixes (RY, NM, QW), pp. 422–432.
MSRMSR-2017-WanLXC #empirical #scalability
Bug characteristics in blockchain systems: a large-scale empirical study (ZW, DL0, XX0, LC), pp. 413–424.
SANERSANER-2017-TrefferPU #database
Bringing back-in-time debugging down to the database (AT, MP, MU), pp. 521–525.
ICFP-2017-PerezN #functional #programming #testing
Testing and debugging functional reactive programming (IP0, HN), p. 27.
A comprehensive study of real-world numerical bug characteristics (ADF, HG0, CRG), pp. 509–519.
ASEASE-2017-Wang #javascript #nondeterminism
Characterizing and taming non-deterministic bugs in JavaScript applications (JW), pp. 1006–1009.
ASEASE-2017-WangDGGQYW #concurrent
A comprehensive study on real world concurrency bugs in Node.js (JW, WD, YG, CG, FQ, KY, JW0), pp. 520–531.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2017-BagherzadehHD #development #independence #modelling #platform #realtime
Model-level, platform-independent debugging in the context of the model-driven development of real-time systems (MB, NH, JD), pp. 419–430.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2017-BohmeS0UZ #empirical #how
Where is the bug and how is it fixed? an experiment with practitioners (MB, EOS, SC0, EU, AZ), pp. 117–128.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2017-ChaparroLZMPMBN #detection
Detecting missing information in bug descriptions (OC, JL, FZ, LM, MDP, AM, GB, VN), pp. 396–407.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2017-LeeHLKJ #automation #industrial #learning
Applying deep learning based automatic bug triager to industrial projects (SRL, MJH, CGL, MK, GJ), pp. 926–931.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2017-TianR #automation #c #fault
Automatically diagnosing and repairing error handling bugs in C (YT, BR), pp. 752–762.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2017-ZhouS #automation #commit #identification #security
Automated identification of security issues from commit messages and bug reports (YZ, AS), pp. 914–919.
ICSE-2017-GaoBB #detection #javascript
To type or not to type: quantifying detectable bugs in JavaScript (ZG, CB, ETB), pp. 758–769.
Feedback-based debugging (YL0, JS0, YX, YL0, JSD), pp. 393–403.
ICSE-2017-MaCZZX #case study #correlation #developer #ecosystem #git #how #python
How do developers fix cross-project correlated bugs?: a case study on the GitHub scientific python ecosystem (WM, LC0, XZ0, YZ, BX), pp. 381–392.
SLESLE-2017-LiF #metaprogramming
Debugging with domain-specific events via macros (XL, MF), pp. 91–102.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2017-HuangAZ #named #performance #semantics
Pallas: Semantic-Aware Checking for Finding Deep Bugs in Fast Path (JH0, MAB, XZ), pp. 709–722.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2017-LiuLLLLGT #automation #concurrent #detection #distributed #named
DCatch: Automatically Detecting Distributed Concurrency Bugs in Cloud Systems (HL, GL, JFL, JL, SL, HSG, CT0), pp. 677–691.
FASEFASE-2017-AraujoNN #effectiveness #on the #predict
On the Effectiveness of Bug Predictors with Procedural Systems: A Quantitative Study (CWA, IN, DJN), pp. 78–95.
Selective Bisection Debugging (RS, MG), pp. 60–77.
CAVCAV-2017-SinghBM #detection #fault #formal method #locality #named #validation
E-QED: Electrical Bug Localization During Post-silicon Validation Enabled by Quick Error Detection and Formal Methods (ES, CWB, SM), pp. 104–125.
ICSTICST-2017-XuLC #concurrent #data type #testing #using
Using Delta Debugging to Minimize Stress Tests for Concurrent Data Structures (JX, YL, RHC), pp. 35–46.
VMCAIVMCAI-2017-AbalBW #abstraction #c #effectiveness #source code
Effective Bug Finding in C Programs with Shape and Effect Abstractions (IA, CB, AW), pp. 34–54.
ICPCICPC-2016-AzadmaneshH #named
InfectoMeter: A tool that helps to place bug fixes (MRA, MH), pp. 1–3.
ICPCICPC-2016-PetrilloSKPFG #comprehension #framework #interactive
Understanding interactive debugging with Swarm Debug Infrastructure (FP, ZS, FK, MSP, CMDSF, YGG), pp. 1–4.
ICPCICPC-2016-TianWLG #learning #rank #recommendation
Learning to rank for bug report assignee recommendation (YT0, DW, DL0, CLG), pp. 1–10.
ICSMEICSME-2016-Moran #mobile #testing
Improving Bug Reporting and Testing for Mobile Applications (KM), p. 620.
ICSMEICSME-2016-PalombaZFLO #performance #predict #smell #using
Smells Like Teen Spirit: Improving Bug Prediction Performance Using the Intensity of Code Smells (FP, MZ, FAF, ADL, RO), pp. 244–255.
ICSMEICSME-2016-XiaBLL #automation #case study #fault #harmful #locality #scalability #user study #using
“Automated Debugging Considered Harmful” Considered Harmful: A User Study Revisiting the Usefulness of Spectra-Based Fault Localization Techniques with Professionals Using Real Bugs from Large Systems (XX0, LB, DL0, SL), pp. 267–278.
MSRMSR-2016-DilshenerWY #roadmap
Locating bugs without looking back (TD, MW, YY), pp. 286–290.
A deeper look into bug fixes: patterns, replacements, deletions, and additions (MS, FT, CPW, CLG, DL0), pp. 512–515.
SANERSANER-2016-IslamMR #empirical #replication
Bug Replication in Code Clones: An Empirical Study (JFI, MM, CKR), pp. 68–78.
SANERSANER-2016-NayrollesH #named #natural language
BUMPER: A Tool for Coping with Natural Language Searches of Millions of Bugs and Fixes (MN, AHL), pp. 649–652.
SANERSANER-2016-RochaVMM #empirical #recommendation
An Empirical Study on Recommendations of Similar Bugs (HR, MTV, HMN, GCM), pp. 46–56.
ICFP-2016-Ryu #javascript #web
Journey to find bugs in JavaScript web applications in the wild (SR), p. 2.
ECOOPECOOP-2016-TomanG #named
Staccato: A Bug Finder for Dynamic Configuration Updates (JT, DG), p. 25.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2016-BavishiPR #precise
To be precise: regression aware debugging (RB, AP, SR), pp. 897–915.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2016-SunLS #compilation
Finding compiler bugs via live code mutation (CS, VL, ZS), pp. 849–863.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2016-ZuoFKXL #abstraction #automation #refinement #statistics
Low-overhead and fully automated statistical debugging with abstraction refinement (ZZ0, LF, SCK, G(X, SL), pp. 881–896.
ASEASE-2016-AlmhanaMK0 #multi #recommendation #using
Recommending relevant classes for bug reports using multi-objective search (RA, WM, MK, AO), pp. 286–295.
ASEASE-2016-BocicB #data access #web
Finding access control bugs in web applications with CanCheck (IB, TB), pp. 155–166.
ASEASE-2016-HentschelHB16a #comprehension #effectiveness #interactive #proving #verification
The interactive verification debugger: effective understanding of interactive proof attempts (MH, RH, RB), pp. 846–851.
ASEASE-2016-TangWWZ #android #concurrent #generative #testing
Generating test cases to expose concurrency bugs in Android applications (HT, GW, JW, HZ), pp. 648–653.
ASEASE-2016-WangCMT #detection #modelling #n-gram #named
Bugram: bug detection with n-gram language models (SW, DC, DMA, LT), pp. 708–719.
ASEASE-2016-WenWC #named
Locus: locating bugs from software changes (MW, RW, SCC), pp. 262–273.
FSEFSE-2016-BarrMMMS #javascript
Time-travel debugging for JavaScript/Node.js (ETB, MM, EM, DM, GS), pp. 1003–1007.
FSEFSE-2016-GulzarICK #big data #data analysis #interactive #named
BigDebug: interactive debugger for big data analytics in Apache Spark (MAG, MI, TC, MK), pp. 1033–1037.
FSEFSE-2016-Guo #interactive #java #named
SmartDebug: an interactive debug assistant for Java (XG), pp. 1127–1129.
FSEFSE-2016-GyoriLSLM #api #detection #java #named #specification
NonDex: a tool for detecting and debugging wrong assumptions on Java API specifications (AG, BL, AS, OL, DM), pp. 993–997.
FSEFSE-2016-HanamBM #javascript
Discovering bug patterns in JavaScript (QH, FSDMB, AM0), pp. 144–156.
FSEFSE-2016-Kellogg #detection #generative #testing
Combining bug detection and test case generation (MK), pp. 1124–1126.
FSEFSE-2016-LiuCL #comprehension #concurrent #generative #quality
Understanding and generating high quality patches for concurrency bugs (HL, YC, SL), pp. 715–726.
FSEFSE-2016-Xu0ZX #analysis #detection #predict #python
Python predictive analysis for bug detection (ZX, PL0, XZ0, BX), pp. 121–132.
ICSE-2016-GulzarIYTCMK #big data #interactive #named
BigDebug: debugging primitives for interactive big data processing in spark (MAG, MI, SY, SDT, TC, TDM, MK), pp. 784–795.
ICSE-2016-LiangBZSYC #mining #named
AntMiner: mining more bugs by reducing noise interference (BL0, PB, YZ, WS, WY, YC0), pp. 333–344.
ICSE-2016-MeloBW #how #question #variability
How does the degree of variability affect bug finding? (JM, CB, AW), pp. 679–690.
ICSE-2016-NearJ #data access #security #using #web
Finding security bugs in web applications using a catalog of access control patterns (JPN, DJ0), pp. 947–958.
ICSE-2016-PanichellaPBZG #empirical #performance #summary #testing
The impact of test case summaries on bug fixing performance: an empirical investigation (SP, AP, MB, AZ, HCG), pp. 547–558.
ICSE-2016-SalvaneschiM #programming
Debugging for reactive programming (GS, MM), pp. 796–807.
ICSE-2016-XieLSCXX #analysis #automation
Revisit of automatic debugging via human focus-tracking analysis (XX, ZL, SS, ZC0, JX, BX), pp. 808–819.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2016-ColinHLS #energy
An Energy-interference-free Hardware-Software Debugger for Intermittent Energy-harvesting Systems (AC, GH, BL, APS), pp. 577–589.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2016-Leesatapornwongsa #concurrent #distributed #named #nondeterminism #taxonomy
TaxDC: A Taxonomy of Non-Deterministic Concurrency Bugs in Datacenter Distributed Systems (TL, JFL, SL, HSG), pp. 517–530.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2016-MaoCXS #consistency #named
RID: Finding Reference Count Bugs with Inconsistent Path Pair Checking (JM, YC0, QX, YS), pp. 531–544.
FASEFASE-2016-BadashianHS #crowdsourcing #platform
Crowdsourced Bug Triaging: Leveraging Q&A Platforms for Bug Assignment (ASB, AH, ES), pp. 231–248.
FASEFASE-2016-LechenetKG #branch #slicing #verification
Cut Branches Before Looking for Bugs: Sound Verification on Relaxed Slices (JCL, NK, PLG), pp. 179–196.
CAVCAV-2016-BeyerD #fault #interactive
Verification-Aided Debugging: An Interactive Web-Service for Exploring Error Witnesses (DB, MD), pp. 502–509.
ICSTICST-2016-GhardallouDMF #testing
Debugging without Testing (WG, ND, AM, MFF), pp. 113–123.
ICSTICST-2016-MahajanLBH #using #visual notation #web
Using Visual Symptoms for Debugging Presentation Failures in Web Applications (SM, BL, PB, WGJH), pp. 191–201.
ICSTICST-2016-YeZWL #detection #empirical
An Empirical Study on Detecting and Fixing Buffer Overflow Bugs (TY, LZ, LW, XL), pp. 91–101.
Classifying Bugs with Interpolants (AP, MS, TW), pp. 151–168.
TAPTAP-2016-TamaritRMC #erlang #testing
Debugging Meets Testing in Erlang (ST, AR0, EMM, RC0), pp. 171–180.
JCDLJCDL-2015-AlonsoMN #crowdsourcing
Debugging a Crowdsourced Task with Low Inter-Rater Agreement (OA, CCM, MN), pp. 101–110.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2015-DietrichG #database #sql
A SQL Debugger Built from Spare Parts: Turning a SQL: 1999 Database System into Its Own Debugger (BD, TG), pp. 865–870.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2015-SalihogluSKTW #named
Graft: A Debugging Tool For Apache Giraph (SS, JS, VK, BQT, JW), pp. 1403–1408.
EDMEDM-2015-Liu #data-driven #generative
Data-driven Hint Generation from Peer Debugging Solutions (ZL), pp. 665–667.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2015-BrianTHF #student #testing
Planting Bugs: A System for Testing Students’ Unit Tests (SAB, RNT, JMH, CF), pp. 45–50.
ICPCICPC-2015-WhiteVJBP #android #generative
Generating reproducible and replayable bug reports from Android application crashes (MW, MLV, PJ, CBC, DP), pp. 48–59.
ICSMEICSME-2015-BadashianHS #crowdsourcing
Crowdsourced bug triaging (ASB, AH, ES), pp. 506–510.
ICSMEICSME-2015-NucciPSBOL #developer #on the #predict
On the role of developer’s scattered changes in bug prediction (DDN, FP, SS, GB, RO, ADL), pp. 241–250.
ICSMEICSME-2015-PiorkowskiFSBKH #bias #developer #how #information management
To fix or to learn? How production bias affects developers’ information foraging during debugging (DP, SDF, CS, MMB, IK, AZH, JM, CH, AH), pp. 11–20.
ICSMEICSME-2015-VahabzadehF0 #empirical
An empirical study of bugs in test code (AV, AMF, AM), pp. 101–110.
MSRMSR-2015-CamiloMN #case study
Do Bugs Foreshadow Vulnerabilities? A Study of the Chromium Project (FC, AM, MN), pp. 269–279.
MSRMSR-2015-CoelhoAGD #android #exception #git
Unveiling Exception Handling Bug Hazards in Android Based on GitHub and Google Code Issues (RC, LA, GG, AvD), pp. 134–145.
MSRMSR-2015-MirakhorliC #architecture
Modifications, Tweaks, and Bug Fixes in Architectural Tactics (MM, JCH), pp. 377–380.
MSRMSR-2015-OhiraKYYMLFHIM #classification #dataset
A Dataset of High Impact Bugs: Manually-Classified Issue Reports (MO, YK, YY, HY, YM, NL, KF, HH, AI, KiM), pp. 518–521.
MSRMSR-2015-SahaLKP #question
Are These Bugs Really “Normal”? (RKS, JL, SK, DEP), pp. 258–268.
SANERSANER-2015-AggarwalRTHGS #detection #re-engineering
Detecting duplicate bug reports with software engineering domain knowledge (KA, TR, FT, AH, RG, ES), pp. 211–220.
SANERSANER-2015-KochharTL #effectiveness #empirical #scalability #test coverage #testing
Code coverage and test suite effectiveness: Empirical study with real bugs in large systems (PSK, FT, DL), pp. 560–564.
SANERSANER-2015-NayrollesHTL #approach #model checking #named #using
JCHARMING: A bug reproduction approach using crash traces and directed model checking (MN, AHL, ST, AL), pp. 101–110.
SANERSANER-2015-TianL #case study #comparative #effectiveness
A comparative study on the effectiveness of part-of-speech tagging techniques on bug reports (YT, DL), pp. 570–574.
SCAMSCAM-2015-BoisselleA #empirical
The impact of cross-distribution bug duplicates, empirical study on Debian and Ubuntu (VB, BA), pp. 131–140.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2015-SariK #analysis #monitoring #predict #using
Bug Prediction for an ATM Monitoring Software — Use of Logistic Regression Analysis for Bug Prediction (ÖS, OK), pp. 382–387.
AMTAMT-2015-SelimCDLO #case study #experience #model transformation #verification
Finding and Fixing Bugs in Model Transformations with Formal Verification: An Experience Report (GMKS, JRC, JD, LL, BJO), pp. 26–35.
MoDELSMoDELS-2015-MontaghamiR #declarative #modelling
Pattern-based debugging of declarative models (VM, DR), pp. 322–327.
SPLCSPLC-2015-SoutoGdMKB #detection #feature model #modelling #performance #product line
Faster bug detection for software product lines with incomplete feature models (SS, DG, Md, DM, SK, DSB), pp. 151–160.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2015-LeSS #compilation #probability
Finding deep compiler bugs via guided stochastic program mutation (VL, CS, ZS), pp. 386–399.
AdaEuropeAdaEurope-2015-PavleticVRKK #framework
Extensible Debugger Framework for Extensible Languages (DP, MV, SAR, BK, TK), pp. 33–49.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2015-InsaS #algorithm
A Generalized Model for Algorithmic Debugging (DI, JS), pp. 261–276.
PLDIPLDI-2015-FaddegonC #algorithm #dependence #haskell #source code #stack
Algorithmic debugging of real-world haskell programs: deriving dependencies from the cost centre stack (MF, OC), pp. 33–42.
PLDIPLDI-2015-MachadoLR #concurrent #difference
Concurrency debugging with differential schedule projections (NM, BL, LETR), pp. 586–595.
PLDIPLDI-2015-OlivoDL #detection #performance #static analysis #traversal
Static detection of asymptotic performance bugs in collection traversals (OO, ID, CL), pp. 369–378.
PPDPPPDP-2015-CaballeroGS #constraints #datalog #source code
Debugging of wrong and missing answers for datalog programs with constraint handling rules (RC, YGR, FSP), pp. 55–66.
PPDPPPDP-2015-StievenartNMR #abstract interpretation #concurrent #detection #higher-order #source code
Detecting concurrency bugs in higher-order programs through abstract interpretation (QS, JN, WDM, CDR), pp. 232–243.
ASEASE-2015-DeligiannisDR #analysis #concurrent #performance #precise
Fast and Precise Symbolic Analysis of Concurrency Bugs in Device Drivers (T) (PD, AFD, ZR), pp. 166–177.
Fixing Recurring Crash Bugs via Analyzing Q&A Sites (T) (QG, HZ, JW, YX, LZ, HM), pp. 307–318.
ASEASE-2015-LamNNN #information retrieval #learning #locality
Combining Deep Learning with Information Retrieval to Localize Buggy Files for Bug Reports (N) (ANL, ATN, HAN, TNN), pp. 476–481.
ASEASE-2015-LinMZCZ #benchmark #concurrent #java #metric #named
JaConTeBe: A Benchmark Suite of Real-World Java Concurrency Bugs (T) (ZL, DM, HZ, YC, JZ), pp. 178–189.
Crowd debugging (FC, SK), pp. 320–332.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2015-DovgalyukDM #kernel
Don’t panic: reverse debugging of kernel drivers (PD, DD, VM), pp. 938–941.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2015-HammoudiBBR #on the #using #web
On the use of delta debugging to reduce recordings and facilitate debugging of web applications (MH, BB, GB, GR), pp. 333–344.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2015-JensenSSC #independence #javascript #memory management #named #platform
MemInsight: platform-independent memory debugging for JavaScript (SHJ, MS, KS, SC), pp. 345–356.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2015-LeOL #information retrieval #locality
Information retrieval and spectrum based bug localization: better together (TDBL, RJO, DL), pp. 579–590.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2015-Moran #android
Enhancing Android application bug reporting (KM), pp. 1045–1047.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2015-MoranVBP #android
Auto-completing bug reports for Android applications (KM, MLV, CBC, DP), pp. 673–686.
ICSEICSE-v1-2015-YuanWWLYHFLCG #concurrent #named #using
ReCBuLC: Reproducing Concurrency Bugs Using Local Clocks (XY, CW, ZW, JL, PCY, JH, XF, YL, YC, YG), pp. 824–834.
ICSEICSE-v1-2015-ZhongS #empirical
An Empirical Study on Real Bug Fixes (HZ, ZS), pp. 913–923.
ICSEICSE-v2-2015-Cornu #named #null #using
Casper: Using Ghosts to Debug Null Deferences with Dynamic Causality Traces (BC), pp. 790–791.
ICSEICSE-v2-2015-CzerwonkaGT #code review #how #overview
Code Reviews Do Not Find Bugs. How the Current Code Review Best Practice Slows Us Down (JC, MG, JT), pp. 27–28.
When App Stores Listen to the Crowd to Fight Bugs in the Wild (MG, MM, MM, RR), pp. 567–570.
SACSAC-2015-SakuraiM #object-oriented #source code
The omission finder for debugging what-should-have-happened bugs in object-oriented programs (KS, HM), pp. 1962–1969.
SACSAC-2015-ZhangYLC #concept #mining #predict #repository
Predicting severity of bug report by mining bug repository with concept profile (TZ, GY, BL, ATSC), pp. 1553–1558.
SLESLE-2015-BousseCCGB #performance
Supporting efficient and advanced omniscient debugging for xDSMLs (EB, JC, BC, JGG, BB), pp. 137–148.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2015-HicksSKS #lightweight #named #runtime #specification
SPECS: A Lightweight Runtime Mechanism for Protecting Software from Security-Critical Processor Bugs (MH, CS, STK, JMS), pp. 517–529.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2015-RingenburgSACG #approximate #monitoring #quality #source code
Monitoring and Debugging the Quality of Results in Approximate Programs (MFR, AS, IA, LC, DG), pp. 399–411.
CGOCGO-2015-ZhengLHWJ #approach #manycore #on the #performance
On performance debugging of unnecessary lock contentions on multicore processors: a replay-based approach (LZ, XL, BH, SW, HJ), pp. 56–67.
DACDAC-2015-CampbellLMC #detection #fault #hybrid #synthesis #using #validation
Hybrid quick error detection (H-QED): accelerator validation and debug using high-level synthesis principles (KAC, DL, SM, DC), p. 6.
DACDAC-2015-LeeHLP #data flow #information management #interface #performance
Efficient dynamic information flow tracking on a processor with core debug interface (JL, IH, YL, YP), p. 6.
A breakpoint-based silicon debug technique with cycle-granularity for handshake-based SoC (HCC, CRW, KSML, KJL), pp. 1281–1284.
DATEDATE-2015-FarkashHS #data mining #locality #mining
Data mining diagnostics and bug MRIs for HW bug localization (MF, BGH, BS), pp. 79–84.
DATEDATE-2015-LinSKRM #detection #effectiveness #fault #performance #testing #validation
Quick error detection tests with fast runtimes for effective post-silicon validation and debug (DL, ES, SK, ER, SM), pp. 1168–1173.
SOSPSOSP-2015-MinKLSK #correctness #file system #semantics
Cross-checking semantic correctness: the case of finding file system bugs (CM, SK, BL, CS, TK), pp. 361–377.
CAVCAV-2015-OzkanET #android
Systematic Asynchrony Bug Exploration for Android Apps (BKO, ME, ST), pp. 455–461.
ICLPICLP-2015-DamasioMA #source code
Unifying Justifications and Debugging for Answer-Set Programs (CVD, JM, AA), pp. 260–273.
ICLPICLP-2015-LiVPSB #using
Debugging ASP using ILP (TL, MDV, JP, KS, TB), pp. 100–113.
ICSTICST-2015-MahajanH15a #html #named
WebSee: A Tool for Debugging HTML Presentation Failures (SM, WGJH), pp. 1–8.
ISSTAISSTA-2015-KhoshnoodKW #concurrent #constraints #named #theorem proving
ConcBugAssist: constraint solving for diagnosis and repair of concurrency bugs (SK, MK, CW), pp. 165–176.
VMCAIVMCAI-2015-SalaunY #algebra #process #specification
Debugging Process Algebra Specifications (GS, LY), pp. 245–262.
Report on a User Test and Extension of a Type Debugger for Novice Programmers (YI, KA), pp. 1–18.
SANERCSMR-WCRE-2014-OsmanLN #mining
Mining frequent bug-fix code changes (HO, ML, ON), pp. 343–347.
SANERCSMR-WCRE-2014-PerscheidFH #execution
Follow the path: Debugging state anomalies along execution histories (MP, TF, RH), pp. 124–133.
SANERCSMR-WCRE-2014-PerscheidH #fault #navigation #testing #tool support
Follow the path: Debugging tools for test-driven fault navigation (MP, RH), pp. 446–449.
SANERCSMR-WCRE-2014-SahaKP #empirical
An empirical study of long lived bugs (RKS, SK, DEP), pp. 144–153.
SANERCSMR-WCRE-2014-SassoL #repository #visual notation
In∗bug: Visual analytics of bug repositories (TDS, ML), pp. 415–419.
SANERCSMR-WCRE-2014-XiaLWSZ #empirical
An empirical study of bug report field reassignment (XX, DL, MW, ES, BZ), pp. 174–183.
ICPCICPC-2014-WangL #locality #version control
Version history, similar report, and structure: putting them together for improved bug localization (SW, DL), pp. 53–63.
ICPCICPC-2014-XiaLWZW #locality
Cross-language bug localization (XX, DL, XW, CZ, XW), pp. 275–278.
ICSMEICSME-2014-HuoDMG #empirical
An Empirical Study of the Effects of Expert Knowledge on Bug Reports (DH, TD, CM, MG), pp. 1–10.
ICSMEICSME-2014-KashiwaYKO #case study
A Pilot Study of Diversity in High Impact Bugs (YK, HY, YK, MO), pp. 536–540.
ICSMEICSME-2014-LiuQWM #concurrent #named #precise
Pinso: Precise Isolation of Concurrency Bugs via Delta Triaging (BL, ZQ, BW, RM), pp. 201–210.
ICSMEICSME-2014-MorenoTMS #locality #on the #stack #using
On the Use of Stack Traces to Improve Text Retrieval-Based Bug Localization (LM, JJT, AM, WS), pp. 151–160.
ICSMEICSME-2014-SahaLKP #c #effectiveness #information retrieval #locality #on the #source code
On the Effectiveness of Information Retrieval Based Bug Localization for C Programs (RKS, JL, SK, DEP), pp. 161–170.
ICSMEICSME-2014-WangLL #composition #locality #modelling
Compositional Vector Space Models for Improved Bug Localization (SW, DL, JL), pp. 171–180.
ICSMEICSME-2014-YeasminRS #evolution #interactive #summary #topic #using #visualisation
Interactive Visualization of Bug Reports Using Topic Evolution and Extractive Summaries (SY, CKR, KAS), pp. 421–425.
ICSMEICSME-2014-ZhouTGG #classification #data mining #mining
Combining Text Mining and Data Mining for Bug Report Classification (YZ, YT, RG, HCG), pp. 311–320.
MSRMSR-2014-ChenNSH #empirical
An empirical study of dormant bugs (THC, MN, ES, AEH), pp. 82–91.
MSRMSR-2014-GarciaS #open source #predict
Characterizing and predicting blocking bugs in open source projects (HVG, ES), pp. 72–81.
MSRMSR-2014-JoorabchiMM #exclamation
Works for me! characterizing non-reproducible bug reports (MEJ, MM, AM), pp. 62–71.
MSRMSR-2014-KleinCK #detection
New features for duplicate bug detection (NK, CSC, NAK), pp. 324–327.
MSRMSR-2014-KochharLL #classification #locality #question
It’s not a bug, it’s a feature: does misclassification affect bug localization? (PSK, TDBL, DL), pp. 296–299.
MSRMSR-2014-LazarRS #detection #metric #similarity #using
Improving the accuracy of duplicate bug report detection using textual similarity measures (AL, SR, BS), pp. 308–311.
MSRMSR-2014-LazarRS14a #dataset #generative
Generating duplicate bug datasets (AL, SR, BS), pp. 392–395.
MSRMSR-2014-MitropoulosKLGS #ecosystem
The bug catalog of the maven ecosystem (DM, VK, PL, GG, DS), pp. 372–375.
MSRMSR-2014-SainiSOL #dataset
A dataset for maven artifacts and bug patterns found in them (VS, HS, JO, CVL), pp. 416–419.
Supplementary Bug Fixes vs. Re-opened Bugs (LA, FK, BA), pp. 205–214.
SCAMSCAM-2014-BazrafshanK #developer #performance
Effect of Clone Information on the Performance of Developers Fixing Cloned Bugs (SB, RK), pp. 1–10.
SCAMSCAM-2014-SajnaniSL #case study #comparative #java
A Comparative Study of Bug Patterns in Java Cloned and Non-cloned Code (HS, VS, CVL), pp. 21–30.
Guided Type Debugging (SC, ME), pp. 35–51.
FLOPSFLOPS-2014-Riesco #declarative #maude #semantics #using
Using Big-Step and Small-Step Semantics in Maude to Perform Declarative Debugging (AR), pp. 52–68.
VISSOFTVISSOFT-2014-Reiss #challenge
The Challenge of Helping the Programmer during Debugging (SPR), pp. 112–116.
SEKESEKE-2014-YangWSFC #analysis #fault
Bug Inducing Analysis to Prevent Fault Prone Bug Fixes (HY, CW, QS, YF, ZC), pp. 620–625.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2014-BarowyGB #named #spreadsheet
CheckCell: data debugging for spreadsheets (DWB, DG, EDB), pp. 507–523.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2014-BarrM #named
Tardis: affordable time-travel debugging in managed runtimes (ETB, MM), pp. 67–82.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2014-SongL #performance #problem #statistics
Statistical debugging for real-world performance problems (LS, SL), pp. 561–578.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2014-ToschB #automation #named #programming
SurveyMan: programming and automatically debugging surveys (ET, EDB), pp. 197–211.
PLDIPLDI-2014-MitraLABSG #analysis #parallel #scalability
Accurate application progress analysis for large-scale parallel debugging (SM, IL, DHA, SB, MS, TG), p. 23.
POPLPOPL-2014-ChenE #fault #type system
Counter-factual typing for debugging type errors (SC, ME), pp. 583–594.
PPDPPPDP-2014-StulovaMH #higher-order #source code
Assertion-based Debugging of Higher-Order (C)LP Programs (NS, JFM, MVH), pp. 225–235.
ASEASE-2014-AbalBW #analysis #kernel #linux #variability
42 variability bugs in the linux kernel: a qualitative analysis (IA, CB, AW), pp. 421–432.
ASEASE-2014-Borg #re-engineering #using
Embrace your issues: compassing the software engineering landscape using bug reports (MB), pp. 891–894.
ASEASE-2014-KochharTL #bias #locality #matter #question
Potential biases in bug localization: do they matter? (PSK, YT, DL), pp. 803–814.
ASEASE-2014-ThungKL #detection #named #tool support
DupFinder: integrated tool support for duplicate bug report detection (FT, PSK, DL), pp. 871–874.
ASEASE-2014-WangWWYSYLFG #concurrent #locality #memory management #using
Localization of concurrency bugs using shared memory access pairs (WW, ZW, CW, PCY, XS, XY, JL, XF, YG), pp. 611–622.
ASEASE-2014-ZuddasJPMO #comprehension #named
MIMIC: locating and understanding bugs by analyzing mimicked executions (DZ, WJ, FP, LM, AO), pp. 815–826.
FSEFSE-2014-0010TZ #concurrent #named
Grail: context-aware fixing of concurrency bugs (PL, OT, CZ), pp. 318–329.
FSEFSE-2014-BanerjeeC0R #detection #energy #mobile
Detecting energy bugs and hotspots in mobile apps (AB, LKC, SC, AR), pp. 588–598.
FSEFSE-2014-TaoKKX #automation
Automatically generated patches as debugging aids: a human study (YT, JK, SK, CX), pp. 64–74.
FSEFSE-2014-ThungLKL #locality #named #tool support
BugLocalizer: integrated tool support for bug localization (FT, TDBL, PSK, DL), pp. 767–770.
FSEFSE-2014-Xiao #architecture #detection
Detecting and preventing the architectural roots of bugs (LX), pp. 811–813.
FSEFSE-2014-YeBL #learning #rank #using
Learning to rank relevant files for bug reports using domain knowledge (XY, RCB, CL), pp. 689–699.
FSEFSE-2014-ZhangWLQRZ #concurrent #lightweight #named
AI: a lightweight system for tolerating concurrency bugs (MZ, YW, SL, SQ, JR, WZ), pp. 330–340.
ICSEICSE-2014-LiuXC #detection #performance #smarttech
Characterizing and detecting performance bugs for smartphone applications (YL, CX, SCC), pp. 1013–1024.
ICSEICSE-2014-RahmanKBD #predict #statistics
Comparing static bug finders and statistical prediction (FR, SK, ETB, PTD), pp. 424–434.
SACSAC-2014-PotocnikCS #named #problem #scala
Linter: a tool for finding bugs and potential problems in scala code (MP, UC, BS), pp. 1615–1616.
SACSAC-2014-YangZL #algorithm #developer #effectiveness #multi #recommendation
Utilizing a multi-developer network-based developer recommendation algorithm to fix bugs effectively (GY, TZ, BL), pp. 1134–1139.
SACSAC-2014-ZhaoXKLL #empirical #process
An empirical study of bugs in build process (XZ, XX, PSK, DL, SL), pp. 1187–1189.
SLESLE-2014-ChisGN #framework
The Moldable Debugger: A Framework for Developing Domain-Specific Debuggers (AC, TG, ON), pp. 102–121.
SLESLE-2014-KaufmannKPSW #diagrams #satisfiability #sequence chart #state machine
A SAT-Based Debugging Tool for State Machines and Sequence Diagrams (PK, MK, AP, MS, MW), pp. 21–40.
CGOCGO-2014-WangPPLGN #named #slicing
DrDebug: Deterministic Replay based Cyclic Debugging with Dynamic Slicing (YW, HP, CP, GL, RG, IN), p. 98.
DACDAC-2014-YounGK #locality #probability #statistics
Probabilistic Bug Localization via Statistical Inference based on Partially Observed Data (SY, CG, JK), p. 6.
DATEDATE-2014-AdlerAABG #logic
Facilitating timing debug by logic path correspondence (OA, EA, IA, IB, IG), pp. 1–6.
DATEDATE-2014-MurilloWCLA #automation #concurrent #constraints #detection
Automatic detection of concurrency bugs through event ordering constraints (LGM, SW, JC, RL, GA), pp. 1–6.
OSDIOSDI-2014-0001RB #concurrent #kernel #named
SKI: Exposing Kernel Concurrency Bugs through Systematic Schedule Exploration (PF, RR, BBB), pp. 415–431.
OSDIOSDI-2014-LeesatapornwongsaHJLG #model checking #named #performance #semantics
SAMC: Semantic-Aware Model Checking for Fast Discovery of Deep Bugs in Cloud Systems (TL, MH, PJ, JFL, HSG), pp. 399–414.
PDPPDP-2014-DehbashiF #multi #online #transaction
Transaction-Based Online Debug for NoC-Based Multiprocessor SoCs (MD, GF), pp. 400–404.
PPoPPPPoPP-2014-WangWYYWL0 #concurrent #locality #memory management #using
Concurrency bug localization using shared memory access pairs (WW, CW, PCY, XY, ZW, JL, XF), pp. 375–376.
Causal-Consistent Reversible Debugging (EG, IL, CAM), pp. 370–384.
TACASTACAS-2014-CaballeroMRT #declarative #erlang #named #source code
EDD: A Declarative Debugger for Sequential Erlang Programs (RC, EMM, AR, ST), pp. 581–586.
ICSTICST-2014-VarvaressosLMGH #automation #case study #game studies #monitoring #runtime #video
Automated Bug Finding in Video Games: A Case Study for Runtime Monitoring (SV, KL, ABM, SG, SH), pp. 143–152.
ISSTAISSTA-2014-Zuo #performance #statistics
Efficient statistical debugging via hierarchical instrumentation (ZZ), pp. 457–460.
ISSTAISSTA-2014-ZuoKS #mining #performance
Efficient predicated bug signature mining via hierarchical instrumentation (ZZ, SCK, CS), pp. 215–224.
CSMRCSMR-2013-BhattacharyaUNK #analysis #android #empirical #open source
An Empirical Analysis of Bug Reports and Bug Fixing in Open Source Android Apps (PB, LU, IN, SCK), pp. 133–143.
CSMRCSMR-2013-BissyandeTWLJR #empirical #evaluation
Empirical Evaluation of Bug Linking (TFB, FT, SW, DL, LJ, LR), pp. 89–98.
CSMRCSMR-2013-LamkanfiD #predict
Predicting Reassignments of Bug Reports — An Exploratory Investigation (AL, SD), pp. 327–330.
Finding Duplicates of Your Yet Unwritten Bug Report (JL, MM), pp. 69–78.
CSMRCSMR-2013-XiaLWYLS #algorithm #case study #comparative #learning #predict
A Comparative Study of Supervised Learning Algorithms for Re-opened Bug Prediction (XX, DL, XW, XY, SL, JS), pp. 331–334.
ICSMEICSM-2013-EbertC #case study #developer #exception
A Study on Developers’ Perceptions about Exception Handling Bugs (FE, FC), pp. 448–451.
ICSMEICSM-2013-FrancisW #policy
Determining “Grim Reaper” Policies to Prevent Languishing Bugs (PF, LW), pp. 436–439.
ICSMEICSM-2013-LarssonH #mining
Mining Telecom System Logs to Facilitate Debugging Tasks (AL, AHL), pp. 536–539.
ICSMEICSM-2013-MorenoBHM #on the #source code
On the Relationship between the Vocabulary of Bug Reports and Source Code (LM, WB, SH, AM), pp. 452–455.
ICSMEICSM-2013-TabaKZHN #predict #using
Predicting Bugs Using Antipatterns (SEST, FK, YZ, AEH, MN), pp. 270–279.
ICSMEICSM-2013-TianLS #analysis #multi #named #predict
DRONE: Predicting Priority of Reported Bugs by Multi-factor Analysis (YT, DL, CS), pp. 200–209.
MSRMSR-2013-AlipourHS #approach #detection #towards
A contextual approach towards more accurate duplicate bug report detection (AA, AH, ES), pp. 183–192.
MSRMSR-2013-LamkanfiPD #dataset #eclipse #fault #mining
The eclipse and mozilla defect tracking dataset: a genuine dataset for mining bug information (AL, JP, SD), pp. 203–206.
MSRMSR-2013-ManiNMNSN #identification #repository
Bug resolution catalysts: identifying essential non-committers from bug repositories (SM, SN, DM, RN, VSS, AAN), pp. 193–202.
MSRMSR-2013-NaguibNBH #process #recommendation #using
Bug report assignee recommendation using activity profiles (HN, NN, BB, DH), pp. 22–30.
MSRMSR-2013-NistorJT #performance
Discovering, reporting, and fixing performance bugs (AN, TJ, LT), pp. 237–246.
MSRMSR-2013-ShokripourAKZ #recommendation #why
Why so complicated? simple term filtering and weighting for location-based bug report assignment recommendation (RS, JA, ZMK, SZ), pp. 2–11.
MSRMSR-2013-SismanK #automation #code search #locality #query
Assisting code search with automatic query reformulation for bug localization (BS, ACK), pp. 309–318.
MSRMSR-2013-WangKZ #correlation #locality #using
Improving bug localization using correlations in crash reports (SW, FK, YZ), pp. 247–256.
PASTEPASTE-2013-ModiRA #locality #statistics
Exploring program phases for statistical bug localization (VM, SR, SKA), pp. 33–40.
SCAMSCAM-2013-WangFGN #interactive
A state alteration and inspection-based interactive debugger (YW, MF, RG, IN), pp. 84–93.
WCREWCRE-2013-LiuTZ #question
Has this bug been reported? (KL, HBKT, HZ), pp. 82–91.
WCREWCRE-2013-RaoMK #framework #incremental #library #locality #performance #retrieval
An incremental update framework for efficient retrieval from software libraries for bug localization (SR, HM, ACK), pp. 62–71.
WCREWCRE-2013-XiaLWZ #developer #recommendation
Accurate developer recommendation for bug resolution (XX, DL, XW, BZ), pp. 72–81.
SEFMSEFM-2013-KeshishzadehMM #automation #detection #domain-specific language #fault #smt #using
Early Fault Detection in DSLs Using SMT Solving and Automated Debugging (SK, AJM, MRM), pp. 182–196.
CHICHI-2013-KuttalSR #programming
Debugging support for end user mashup programming (SKK, AS, GR), pp. 1609–1618.
A closer look at bugs (TDS, ML), pp. 1–4.
SEKESEKE-2013-LiLJJ #communication #comprehension #concurrent #graph
Locating and Understanding Concurrency Bugs Based on Edge-labeled Communication Graphs (HL, ML, TJ, ZJ), pp. 525–530.
SEKESEKE-2013-YuanYL #fine-grained #predict #source code
Bug Prediction for Fine-Grained Source Code Changes (ZY, LY, CL), pp. 381–387.
SEKESEKE-2013-ZhangLK #on the #statistics #using
On the Use of Bug and Predicate Signatures for Statistical Debugging (YZ, EL, BK), pp. 249–299.
ECMFAECMFA-2013-0002G #execution #model transformation
End-User Support for Debugging Demonstration-Based Model Transformation Execution (YS, JG), pp. 86–100.
TOOLSTOOLS-EUROPE-J-2012-LilisS13 #approach #fault #metaprogramming
An Integrated Approach to Source Level Debugging and Compile Error Reporting in Metaprograms (YL, AS), pp. 1–26.
ECOOPECOOP-2013-HaoLZG0 #question
Is This a Bug or an Obsolete Test? (DH, TL, HZ, CG, LZ), pp. 602–628.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2013-GonzalezIS #architecture #eclipse #hybrid
A New Hybrid Debugging Architecture for Eclipse (JG, DI, JS), pp. 183–201.
Reversible Language Extensions and Their Application in Debugging (ZD, JFM, MVH, MC), pp. 206–221.
PLDIPLDI-2013-ElmasBNS #concurrent #domain-specific language #named
CONCURRIT: a domain specific language for reproducing concurrency bugs (TE, JB, GCN, KS), pp. 153–164.
RERE-2013-WangLWYZL #dependence #integration #network #question #requirements
Can requirements dependency network be used as early indicator of software integration bugs? (JW, JL, QW, DY, HZ, ML), pp. 185–194.
SACSAC-PL-J-2010-PopeeaC13 #analysis #proving #safety
Dual analysis for proving safety and finding bugs (CP, WNC), pp. 390–411.
ASEASE-2013-OhmannL #analysis #control flow #lightweight
Lightweight control-flow instrumentation and postmortem analysis in support of debugging (PO, BL), pp. 378–388.
ASEASE-2013-SagdeoEPV #automation #invariant #locality #testing #using
Using automatically generated invariants for regression testing and bug localization (PS, NE, DP, SV), pp. 634–639.
ASEASE-2013-SahaLKP #information retrieval #locality #using
Improving bug localization using structured information retrieval (RKS, ML, SK, DEP), pp. 345–355.
ASEASE-2013-Servant #analysis #using
Supporting bug investigation using history analysis (FS), pp. 754–757.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2013-GongZ #named
BugMap: a topographic map of bugs (JG, HZ), pp. 647–650.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2013-LiangWXM #detection
Inferring project-specific bug patterns for detecting sibling bugs (GL, QW, TX, HM), pp. 565–575.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2013-McPeakGR #detection #incremental #scalability
Scalable and incremental software bug detection (SM, CHG, MKR), pp. 554–564.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2013-MusluBM #testing
Data debugging with continuous testing (KM, YB, AM), pp. 631–634.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2013-SunK #mining
Mining succinct predicated bug signatures (CS, SCK), pp. 576–586.
ICSEICSE-2013-BortisH #approach #named
PorchLight: a tag-based approach to bug triaging (GB, AvdH), pp. 342–351.
ICSEICSE-2013-HerzigJZ #classification #how #predict
It’s not a bug, it’s a feature: how misclassification impacts bug prediction (KH, SJ, AZ), pp. 392–401.
Reproducing and debugging field failures in house (WJ), pp. 1441–1443.
ICSEICSE-2013-JohnsonSMB #developer #question #static analysis #tool support #why
Why don’t software developers use static analysis tools to find bugs? (BJ, YS, ERMH, RWB), pp. 672–681.
ICSEICSE-2013-KhooFH #named
Expositor: scriptable time-travel debugging with first-class traces (YPK, JSF, MH), pp. 352–361.
ICSEICSE-2013-LewisLSZOW #case study #developer #predict
Does bug prediction support human developers? findings from a google case study (CL, ZL, CS, XZ, RO, EJWJ), pp. 372–381.
ICSEICSE-2013-Murphy-HillZBN #design
The design of bug fixes (ERMH, TZ, CB, NN), pp. 332–341.
ICSEICSE-2013-NguyenCT #named #visual notation
GROPG: a graphical on-phone debugger (TAN, CC, NT), pp. 1189–1192.
ICSEICSE-2013-PastoreMG #c #c++ #named #problem
RADAR: a tool for debugging regression problems in C/C++ software (FP, LM, AG), pp. 1335–1338.
ICSEICSE-2013-ZanettiSTS #case study #categorisation #community #network #open source #social
Categorizing bugs with social networks: a case study on four open source software communities (MSZ, IS, CJT, FS), pp. 1032–1041.
SACSAC-2013-LaurentBG #modelling #uml
Executing and debugging UML models: an fUML extension (YL, RB, MPG), pp. 1095–1102.
SACSAC-2013-PougetSCM #approach #data flow #embedded #interactive #novel
A novel approach for interactive debugging of dynamic dataflow embedded applications (KP, MS, PLC, JFM), pp. 1547–1549.
SACSAC-2013-ZhangL #algorithm #developer #hybrid #recommendation
A hybrid bug triage algorithm for developer recommendation (TZ, BL), pp. 1088–1094.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2013-ViennotNN #manycore #validation
Transparent mutable replay for multicore debugging and patch validation (NV, SN, JN), pp. 127–138.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2013-ZhangKLLS #concurrent #execution #named #thread
ConAir: featherweight concurrency bug recovery via single-threaded idempotent execution (WZ, MdK, AL, SL, KS), pp. 113–126.
CGOCGO-2013-ArthurMRAB #named #profiling #scalability #security
Schnauzer: scalable profiling for likely security bug sites (WA, BM, RR, TMA, VB), p. 11.
CGOCGO-2013-LiHCZ0L #effectiveness #fault #locality #set
Effective fault localization based on minimum debugging frontier set (FL, WH, CC, LZ, XF, ZL), p. 10.
DATEDATE-2013-DeOrioLBB #detection #machine learning
Machine learning-based anomaly detection for post-silicon bug diagnosis (AD, QL, MB, VB), pp. 491–496.
DATEDATE-2013-LiD #approach #hybrid #performance
A hybrid approach for fast and accurate trace signal selection for post-silicon debug (ML, AD), pp. 485–490.
HPDCHPDC-2013-ZhouTKB #automation #detection #named #scalability
WuKong: automatically detecting and localizing bugs that manifest at large system scales (BZ, JT, MK, SB), pp. 131–142.
LCTESLCTES-2013-MorenoFH #analysis #embedded
Non-intrusive program tracing and debugging of deployed embedded systems through side-channel analysis (CM, SF, MAH), pp. 77–88.
PLOSPLOS-2013-AryaDVC #automation #process
Semi-automated debugging via binary search through a process lifetime (KA, TD, AMV, GC), p. 7.
PPoPPPPoPP-2013-ZhouKB #effectiveness #named #scalability
WuKong: effective diagnosis of bugs at large system scales (BZ, MK, SB), pp. 317–318.
ICLPICLP-J-2013-BusoniuOPST #ide #named #programming
SeaLion: An eclipse-based IDE for answer-set programming with advanced debugging support (PAB, JO, JP, PS, HT), pp. 657–673.
ICSTICST-2013-LiuYTH #automation #generative #named
R2Fix: Automatically Generating Bug Fixes from Bug Reports (CL, JY, LT, MH), pp. 282–291.
ICSTICST-2013-PastoreM #named
AVA: Supporting Debugging with Failure Interpretations (FP, LM), pp. 416–421.
ISSTAISSTA-2013-Park #concurrent
Debugging non-deadlock concurrency bugs (SP), pp. 358–361.
ISSTAISSTA-2013-ParkHV #comprehension #concurrent #data access #named
Griffin: grouping suspicious memory-access patterns to improve understanding of concurrency bugs (SP, MJH, RWV), pp. 134–144.
TAPTAP-2013-CaballeroMRT #declarative #erlang #source code
A Declarative Debugger for Sequential Erlang Programs (RC, EMM, AR, ST), pp. 96–114.
TAPTAP-2013-InsaSR #algorithm #execution #using
Speeding Up Algorithmic Debugging Using Balanced Execution Trees (DI, JS, AR), pp. 133–151.
VLDBVLDB-2012-KhoussainovaBS #named #performance #pipes and filters
PerfXplain: Debugging MapReduce Job Performance (NK, MB, DS), pp. 598–609.
CSMRCSMR-2012-AlsallakhBGM #eclipse #java #visual notation
Visual Tracing for the Eclipse Java Debugger (BA, PB, AG, SM), pp. 545–548.
CSMRCSMR-2012-BernardiCLPD #communication #developer #eclipse
Do Developers Introduce Bugs When They Do Not Communicate? The Case of Eclipse and Mozilla (MLB, GC, GADL, MDP, DD), pp. 139–148.
CSMRCSMR-2012-CoutoSVBA #metric
Uncovering Causal Relationships between Software Metrics and Bugs (CC, CS, MTV, RdSB, NA), pp. 223–232.
CSMRCSMR-2012-Dovgalyuk #dynamic analysis #execution #multi
Deterministic Replay of System’s Execution with Multi-target QEMU Simulator for Dynamic Analysis and Reverse Debugging (PD), pp. 553–556.
CSMRCSMR-2012-Gall #smell
Keynote 1: LGTM — Software Sensing and Bug Smelling (HCG), pp. 3–4.
CSMRCSMR-2012-HoraADBCVM #analysis #visual notation
Bug Maps: A Tool for the Visual Exploration and Analysis of Bugs (AH, NA, SD, MUB, CC, MTV, JM), pp. 523–526.
CSMRCSMR-2012-HosseiniNG #predict #using
A Market-Based Bug Allocation Mechanism Using Predictive Bug Lifetimes (HH, RN, MWG), pp. 149–158.
CSMRCSMR-2012-Izquierdo-Cortazar #comprehension #distributed #process
Global and Geographically Distributed Work Teams: Understanding the Bug Fixing Process and Potentially Bug-prone Activity Patterns (DIC), pp. 505–508.
CSMRCSMR-2012-KaushikT #case study #comparative #detection #information retrieval #modelling #performance
A Comparative Study of the Performance of IR Models on Duplicate Bug Detection (NK, LT), pp. 159–168.
CSMRCSMR-2012-LamkanfiD #analysis
Filtering Bug Reports for Fix-Time Analysis (AL, SD), pp. 379–384.
CSMRCSMR-2012-TianSL #identification
Improved Duplicate Bug Report Identification (YT, CS, DL), pp. 385–390.
ICSMEICSM-2012-Linares-VasquezHDKGP #commit #question
Triaging incoming change requests: Bug or commit history, or code authorship? (MLV, KH, HD, HHK, MG, DP), pp. 451–460.
ICSMEICSM-2012-LotufoMC #modelling #process
Modelling the “Hurried” bug report reading process to summarize bug reports (RL, ZM, KC), pp. 430–439.
ICSMEICSM-2012-OhiraHOM #case study #eclipse
The impact of bug management patterns on bug fixing: A case study of Eclipse projects (MO, AEH, NO, KiM), pp. 264–273.
ICSMEICSM-2012-ThungLJLRD #question
When would this bug get reported? (FT, DL, LJ, L, FR, PTD), pp. 420–429.
MSRMSR-2012-AsaduzzamanBRS #android #case study
Bug introducing changes: A case study with Android (MA, MCB, CKR, KAS), pp. 116–119.
MSRMSR-2012-Breckel #comparison #database #detection #fault #mining #scalability
Error mining: Bug detection through comparison with large code databases (AB), pp. 175–178.
MSRMSR-2012-LotufoPC #game studies #towards
Towards improving bug tracking systems with game mechanisms (RL, LTP, KC), pp. 2–11.
MSRMSR-2012-MartiePSL #android #roadmap #topic
Trendy bugs: Topic trends in the Android bug reports (LM, VKP, HS, CVL), pp. 120–123.
MSRMSR-2012-ParkKRB #empirical
An empirical study of supplementary bug fixes (JP, MK, BR, DHB), pp. 40–49.
MSRMSR-2012-SismanK #information retrieval #locality #version control
Incorporating version histories in Information Retrieval based bug localization (BS, ACK), pp. 50–59.
MSRMSR-2012-SouzaC #ide #open source #verification
Characterizing verification of bug fixes in two open source IDEs (RS, CC), pp. 70–73.
MSRMSR-2012-ZamanAH #performance
A qualitative study on performance bugs (SZ, BA, AEH), pp. 199–208.
SCAMSCAM-2012-AliSGA #using
Improving Bug Location Using Binary Class Relationships (NA, AS, YGG, GA), pp. 174–183.
SCAMSCAM-2012-BavotaCLPOS #empirical #refactoring
When Does a Refactoring Induce Bugs? An Empirical Study (GB, BDC, ADL, MDP, RO, OS), pp. 104–113.
SCAMSCAM-2012-HillRK #java #locality #on the #using
On the Use of Stemming for Concern Location and Bug Localization in Java (EH, SR, ACK), pp. 184–193.
WCREWCRE-2012-DaviesRW #locality #similarity #using
Using Bug Report Similarity to Enhance Bug Localisation (SD, MR, MW), pp. 125–134.
WCREWCRE-2012-HanZFHWS #analysis #android #comprehension #topic
Understanding Android Fragmentation with Topic Analysis of Vendor-Specific Bugs (DH, CZ, XF, AH, KW, ES), pp. 83–92.
WCREWCRE-2012-TianLS #classification #fine-grained #information retrieval #nearest neighbour #predict
Information Retrieval Based Nearest Neighbor Classification for Fine-Grained Bug Severity Prediction (YT, DL, CS), pp. 215–224.
WCREWCRE-2012-ZhangKZH #empirical
An Empirical Study on Factors Impacting Bug Fixing Time (FZ, FK, YZ, AEH), pp. 225–234.
IFMIFM-2012-RochaBCN #bound #comprehension #model checking #programming #using
Understanding Programming Bugs in ANSI-C Software Using Bounded Model Checking Counter-Examples (HR, RSB, LCC, ADN), pp. 128–142.
FLOPSFLOPS-2012-CaballeroGS #declarative #sql
Declarative Debugging of Wrong and Missing Answers for SQL Views (RC, YGR, FSP), pp. 73–87.
IFLIFL-2012-TsushimaA #embedded
An Embedded Type Debugger (KT, KA), pp. 190–206.
CHICHI-2012-BogartBDAW #case study #design #interactive #programming
Designing a debugging interaction language for cognitive modelers: an initial case study in natural programming plus (CB, MMB, SD, HA, RW), pp. 2469–2478.
CIKMCIKM-2012-HerschelE #comprehension #data transformation
The nautilus analyzer: understanding and debugging data transformations (MH, HE), pp. 2731–2733.
CIKMCIKM-2012-ZhouZ #learning #rank
Learning to rank duplicate bug reports (JZ, HZ), pp. 852–861.
SPLCSPLC-2012-OliveiraBN #analysis #product line
Supporting the analysis of bug prevalence in software product lines with product genealogy (THBdO, MB, EYN), pp. 181–185.
Reusing debugging knowledge via trace-based bug search (ZG, ETB, DS, ZS), pp. 927–942.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2012-HuangZ #agile #concurrent #execution #named #reduction
LEAN: simplifying concurrency bug reproduction via replay-supported execution reduction (JH, CZ), pp. 451–466.
TOOLSTOOLS-EUROPE-2012-LilisS #fault #metaprogramming #precise
Supporting Compile-Time Debugging and Precise Error Reporting in Meta-programs (YL, AS), pp. 155–170.
TOOLSTOOLS-EUROPE-2012-Sureka #component #learning
Learning to Classify Bug Reports into Components (AS), pp. 288–303.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2012-InsaST #declarative
Enhancing Declarative Debugging with Loop Expansion and Tree Compression (DI, JS, CT), pp. 71–88.
PEPMPEPM-2012-KarlsenHO #eclipse #java #plugin
Finding and fixing Java naming bugs with the lancelot eclipse plugin (EKK, EWH, BMØ), pp. 35–38.
PLDIPLDI-2012-JinSSSL #comprehension #detection #performance
Understanding and detecting real-world performance bugs (GJ, LS, XS, JS, SL), pp. 77–88.
PLDIPLDI-2012-NagarakatteBMM #concurrent #detection #manycore
Multicore acceleration of priority-based schedulers for concurrency bug detection (SN, SB, MMKM, MM), pp. 543–554.
PLDIPLDI-2012-RegehrCCEEY #c #compilation #reduction #testing
Test-case reduction for C compiler bugs (JR, YC, PC, EE, CE, XY), pp. 335–346.
Underspecified harnesses and interleaved bugs (SJ, SKL, AL), pp. 19–30.
ASEASE-2012-BissyandeRLM #automation #generative #interface #kernel #linux #named
Diagnosys: automatic generation of a debugging interface to the Linux kernel (TFB, LR, JLL, GM), pp. 60–69.
ASEASE-2012-CamposRPA #eclipse #named #plugin #testing
GZoltar: an eclipse plug-in for testing and debugging (JC, AR, AP, RA), pp. 378–381.
ASEASE-2012-NguyenNNLS #detection #information retrieval #modelling #topic
Duplicate bug report detection with a combination of information retrieval and topic modeling (ATN, TTN, TNN, DL, CS), pp. 70–79.
ASEASE-2012-ThungLLJRD #detection #empirical #fault #tool support #what
To what extent could we detect field defects? an empirical study of false negatives in static bug finding tools (FT, L, DL, LJ, FR, PTD), pp. 50–59.
ASEASE-2012-YuLCZ #fault
Practical isolation of failure-inducing changes for debugging regression faults (KY, ML, JC, XZ), pp. 20–29.
FSEFSE-2012-LiuTC #question
Has this bug been reported? (KL, HBKT, MC), p. 28.
FSEFSE-2012-ManiCSD #approach #named #summary
AUSUM: approach for unsupervised bug report summarization (SM, RC, VSS, AD), p. 11.
FSEFSE-2012-NguyenNNN #approach #multi
Multi-layered approach for recovering links between bug reports and fixes (ATN, TTN, HAN, TNN), p. 63.
ICSEICSE-2012-BoosFJK #cyber-physical #framework #named
BRACE: An assertion framework for debugging cyber-physical systems (KB, CLF, CJ, MK), pp. 1341–1344.
ICSEICSE-2012-CeccatoMMNT #effectiveness #empirical #random testing #testing
An empirical study about the effectiveness of debugging when random test cases are used (MC, AM, LM, CDN, PT), pp. 452–462.
ICSEICSE-2012-DeLineBRJR #experience #industrial #paradigm
Debugger Canvas: Industrial experience with the code bubbles paradigm (RD, AB, KR, JJ, SPR), pp. 1064–1073.
ICSEICSE-2012-GoreR #bias #metric #statistics
Reducing confounding bias in predicate-level statistical debugging metrics (RG, PFRJ), pp. 463–473.
ICSEICSE-2012-GouesDFW #automation #program repair
A systematic study of automated program repair: Fixing 55 out of 105 bugs for $8 each (CLG, MDV, SF, WW), pp. 3–13.
ICSEICSE-2012-HanDGZX #in the large #mining #performance #stack
Performance debugging in the large via mining millions of stack traces (SH, YD, SG, DZ, TX), pp. 145–155.
ICSEICSE-2012-HataMK #fine-grained #predict
Bug prediction based on fine-grained module histories (HH, OM, TK), pp. 200–210.
ICSEICSE-2012-JinO #named
BugRedux: Reproducing field failures for in-house debugging (WJ, AO), pp. 474–484.
ICSEICSE-2012-Mayerhofer #modelling #testing #uml
Testing and debugging UML models based on fUML (TM), pp. 1579–1582.
ICSEICSE-2012-PradelG #automation #detection #generative #mining #specification #testing
Leveraging test generation and specification mining for automated bug detection without false positives (MP, TRG), pp. 288–298.
Object-centric debugging (JR, AB, ON), pp. 485–495.
ICSEICSE-2012-SongT12a #detection #metadata #on the fly
Detecting metadata bugs on the fly (MS, ET), pp. 1455–1456.
ICSEICSE-2012-TianLL #identification #linux
Identifying Linux bug fixing patches (YT, JLL, DL), pp. 386–396.
ICSEICSE-2012-XuanJRZ #developer #repository
Developer prioritization in bug repositories (JX, HJ, ZR, WZ), pp. 25–35.
ICSEICSE-2012-ZhangLY #framework
An integrated bug processing framework (XZ, ML, KY), pp. 1469–1470.
ICSEICSE-2012-ZhouZL #information retrieval #locality
Where should the bugs be fixed? More accurate information retrieval-based bug localization based on bug reports (JZ, HZ, DL), pp. 14–24.
ICSEICSE-2012-ZimmermannNGM #predict
Characterizing and predicting which bugs get reopened (TZ, NN, PJG, BM), pp. 1074–1083.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2012-KasikciZC #difference
Data races vs. data race bugs: telling the difference with portend (BK, CZ, GC), pp. 185–198.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2012-VolosTSL #concurrent #memory management #transaction
Applying transactional memory to concurrency bugs (HV, AJT, MMS, SL), pp. 211–222.
CGOCGO-2012-LueckPP #interface #named
PinADX: an interface for customizable debugging with dynamic instrumentation (GL, HP, CP), pp. 114–123.
DACDAC-2012-KengV #abstraction #design #refinement #satisfiability
Path directed abstraction and refinement in SAT-based design debugging (BK, AGV), pp. 947–954.
DACDAC-2012-LinHFHM #detection #effectiveness #validation
Quick detection of difficult bugs for effective post-silicon validation (DL, TH, FF, NH, SM), pp. 561–566.
DACDAC-2012-YuanLX #configuration management #named
X-tracer: a reconfigurable X-tolerant trace compressor for silicon debug (FY, XL, QX), pp. 555–560.
DATEDATE-2012-ChandrasekarMSH #design #industrial
A scan pattern debugger for partial scan industrial designs (KC, SKM, SS, MSH), pp. 558–561.
DATEDATE-2012-GaoWHZL #clustering #concurrent #manycore
A clustering-based scheme for concurrent trace in debugging NoC-based multicore systems (JG, JW, YH, LZ, XL), pp. 27–32.
DATEDATE-2012-LeMKV #satisfiability #using
Non-solution implications using reverse domination in a modern SAT-based debugging environment (BL, HM, BK, AGV), pp. 629–634.
DATEDATE-2012-PoulosYAVL #functional
Leveraging reconfigurability to raise productivity in FPGA functional debug (ZP, YSY, JA, AGV, BL), pp. 292–295.
DATEDATE-2012-WilleSD #consistency #modelling #ocl #uml
Debugging of inconsistent UML/OCL models (RW, MS, RD), pp. 1078–1083.
PPoPPPPoPP-2012-DinhAJGMR #parallel #scalability #statistics
Scalable parallel debugging with statistical assertions (MND, DA, CJ, AG, BM, LDR), pp. 311–312.
WRLAWRLA-J-2010-RiescoVMC12 #declarative #logic #specification
Declarative debugging of rewriting logic specifications (AR, AV, NMO, RC), pp. 851–897.
TACASTACAS-2012-WeissenbacherKM #contest #named
Wolverine: Battling Bugs with Interpolants — (Competition Contribution) (GW, DK, SM), pp. 556–558.
CAVCAV-2012-PaulaHN #named #nondeterminism
nuTAB-BackSpace: Rewriting to Normalize Non-determinism in Post-silicon Debug Traces (FMdP, AJH, AN), pp. 513–531.
CAVCAV-2012-Schwartz-NarbonneLAM #named #parallel #source code
passert: A Tool for Debugging Parallel Programs (DSN, FL, DIA, SM), pp. 751–757.
ICSTICST-2012-ParkVH #approach #concurrent
A Unified Approach for Localizing Non-deadlock Concurrency Bugs (SP, RWV, MJH), pp. 51–60.
ICSTICST-2012-YuL #fault #towards
Towards Practical Debugging for Regression Faults (KY, ML), pp. 487–490.
ISSTAISSTA-2012-LiRCS #detection #precise #predict
Residual investigation: predictive and precise bug detection (KL, CR, CC, YS), pp. 298–308.
TAPTAP-2012-BruningGHK #modelling #ocl #uml
Evaluating and Debugging OCL Expressions in UML Models (JB, MG, LH, MK), pp. 156–162.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2011-OlstonR #distributed #framework #monitoring
Inspector gadget: a framework for custom monitoring and debugging of distributed dataflows (CO, BR), pp. 1221–1224.
Debugging Data Exchange with Vagabond (BG, JD, RJM, GA, LMH), pp. 1383–1386.
VLDBVLDB-2011-OlstonR #distributed #framework #monitoring
Inspector Gadget: A Framework for Custom Monitoring and Debugging of Distributed Dataflows (CO, BR), pp. 1237–1248.
Mystery Bug Theater (RCB, VA), pp. 381–385.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2011-VirsedaM #education #semantics #source code #verification
An innovative teaching tool based on semantic tableaux for verification and debugging of programs (RdVV, FPM), p. 352.
CSMRCSMR-2011-LamkanfiDSV #algorithm #mining #predict
Comparing Mining Algorithms for Predicting the Severity of a Reported Bug (AL, SD, QDS, TV), pp. 249–258.
ICSMEICSM-2011-BachwaniCBKZ #named
Sahara: Guiding the debugging of failed software upgrades (RB, OC, RB, DK, WZ), pp. 263–272.
ICSMEICSM-2011-DhaliwalKZ #case study
Classifying field crash reports for fixing bugs: A case study of Mozilla Firefox (TD, FK, YZ), pp. 333–342.
MSRMSR-2011-BhattacharyaN #modelling #predict #question
Bug-fix time prediction models: can we do better? (PB, IN), pp. 207–210.
MSRMSR-2011-CanforaCCP #interactive #social
Social interactions around cross-system bug fixings: the case of FreeBSD and OpenBSD (GC, LC, MC, MDP), pp. 143–152.
MSRMSR-2011-EyolfsonTL #commit #developer #experience
Do time of day and developer experience affect commit bugginess (JE, LT, PL), pp. 153–162.
MSRMSR-2011-GigerPG #fine-grained #predict #source code
Comparing fine-grained source code changes and code churn for bug prediction (EG, MP, HCG), pp. 83–92.
MSRMSR-2011-RaoK #case study #comparative #library #locality #modelling #retrieval
Retrieval from software libraries for bug localization: a comparative study of generic and composite text models (SR, ACK), pp. 43–52.
MSRMSR-2011-WangBD #analysis #eclipse
System compatibility analysis of Eclipse and Netbeans based on bug data (XOW, EB, PTD), pp. 230–233.
MSRMSR-2011-ZamanAH #case study #performance #security
Security versus performance bugs: a case study on Firefox (SZ, BA, AEH), pp. 93–102.
MSRMSR-2011-Zhou #detection #problem
Connecting technology with real-world problems — from copy-paste detection to detecting known bugs: (YZ), p. 2.
Counting Bugs is Harder Than You Think (PEB), pp. 1–9.
WCREWCRE-2011-Beard #information retrieval #locality #using
Extending Bug Localization Using Information Retrieval and Code Clone Location Techniques (MDB), pp. 425–428.
WCREWCRE-2011-BeardKEL #information retrieval #locality
Measuring the Accuracy of Information Retrieval Based Bug Localization Techniques (MDB, NAK, LHE, SKL), pp. 124–128.
WCREWCRE-2011-CanforaCCP #empirical #how
How Long Does a Bug Survive? An Empirical Study (GC, MC, LC, MDP), pp. 191–200.
WCREWCRE-2011-DaviesRW #dependence #evaluation
A Preliminary Evaluation of Text-based and Dependency-based Techniques for Determining the Origins of Bugs (SD, MR, MW), pp. 201–210.
WCREWCRE-2011-KaushikTM #case study #testing #traceability
Reconstructing Traceability between Bugs and Test Cases: An Experimental Study (NK, LT, MM), pp. 411–414.
WCREWCRE-2011-Raber #kernel #profiling
Stealthy Profiling and Debugging of Malware Trampolining from User to Kernel Space (JR), pp. 431–432.
SEFMSEFM-2011-GouesLM #verification
The Boogie Verification Debugger (CLG, KRML, MM), pp. 407–414.
CSCWCSCW-2011-GuoZNM #exclamation
“Not my bug!” and other reasons for software bug report reassignments (PJG, TZ, NN, BM), pp. 395–404.
CIKMCIKM-2011-SarmaJB #information management #pipes and filters
Building a generic debugger for information extraction pipelines (ADS, AJ, PB), pp. 2229–2232.
SEKESEKE-2011-Kaiser #concurrent #higher-order #using
Constructing Subtle Concurrency Bugs Using Synchronization-Centric Second-Order Mutation Operators (LWGK), pp. 244–249.
Debug Concern Navigator (MS, NU, YK), pp. 197–202.
SEKESEKE-2011-WuXKP #analysis #data mining #mining #named #reliability
BUGMINER: Software Reliability Analysis Via Data Mining of Bug Reports (LW, BX, GEK, RJP), pp. 95–100.
ECOOPECOOP-2011-PothierT #query #scalability
Summarized Trace Indexing and Querying for Scalable Back-in-Time Debugging (GP, ÉT), pp. 558–582.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2011-JovicAH #detection #performance
Catch me if you can: performance bug detection in the wild (MJ, AA, MH), pp. 155–170.
Finding and Fixing Bugs in Web Applications (FT), p. 2.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2011-CaballeroRVM #declarative #maude #proving
Simplifying Questions in Maude Declarative Debugger by Transforming Proof Trees (RC, AR, AV, NMO), pp. 73–89.
PADLPADL-2011-MeraTLH #logic programming #performance #profiling #runtime #source code
Profiling for Run-Time Checking of Computational Properties and Performance Debugging in Logic Programs (EM, TT, PLG, MVH), pp. 38–53.
PLDIPLDI-2011-BudiLJL #behaviour #named
kb-anonymity: a model for anonymized behaviour-preserving test and debugging data (AB, DL, LJ, L), pp. 447–457.
PLDIPLDI-2011-YangCER #c #compilation #comprehension
Finding and understanding bugs in C compilers (XY, YC, EE, JR), pp. 283–294.
SASSAS-2011-HuangZ #concurrent #performance #source code
An Efficient Static Trace Simplification Technique for Debugging Concurrent Programs (JH, CZ), pp. 163–179.
ASEASE-2011-GoreRK #statistics
Statistical debugging with elastic predicates (RG, PFRJ, DK), pp. 492–495.
ASEASE-2011-InsaS #algorithm
An optimal strategy for algorithmic debugging (DI, JS), pp. 203–212.
ASEASE-2011-NguyenNANN #approach #topic
A topic-based approach for narrowing the search space of buggy files from a bug report (ATN, TTN, JMAK, HVN, TNN), pp. 263–272.
ASEASE-2011-SunLKJ #retrieval #towards
Towards more accurate retrieval of duplicate bug reports (CS, DL, SCK, JJ), pp. 253–262.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2011-MusluSW #testing
Finding bugs by isolating unit tests (KM, BS, JW), pp. 496–499.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2011-TamrawiNAN #approach #fuzzy #set
Fuzzy set and cache-based approach for bug triaging (AT, TTN, JMAK, TNN), pp. 365–375.
ReLink: recovering links between bugs and changes (RW, HZ, SK, SCC), pp. 15–25.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2011-YinYZPB #how #question
How do fixes become bugs? (ZY, DY, YZ, SP, LNB), pp. 26–36.
Angelic debugging (SC, ET, SB, RB), pp. 121–130.
ICSEICSE-2011-GuBS #named #reuse
BQL: capturing and reusing debugging knowledge (ZG, ETB, ZS), pp. 1001–1003.
ICSEICSE-2011-OhHVP #concurrent #execution #framework #multi #named #thread
LIME: a framework for debugging load imbalance in multi-threaded execution (JO, CJH, GV, MP), pp. 201–210.
ICSEICSE-2011-SoffaWM #hardware #testing
Exploiting hardware advances for software testing and debugging (MLS, KRW, JM), pp. 888–891.
ICSEICSE-2011-TamrawiNAN #automation #fuzzy
Fuzzy set-based automatic bug triaging (AT, TTN, JMAK, TNN), pp. 884–887.
ICSEICSE-2011-TanZP #concurrent #detection #mining #named
aComment: mining annotations from comments and code to detect interrupt related concurrency bugs (LT, YZ, YP), pp. 11–20.
SACSAC-2011-BoixNCMD #message passing #named
REME-D: a reflective epidemic message-oriented debugger for ambient-oriented applications (EGB, CN, TVC, WDM, TD), pp. 1275–1281.
SACSAC-2011-HuN #android #framework #user interface
A GUI bug finding framework for Android applications (CH, IN), pp. 1490–1491.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2011-GaoZCZQ #concurrent #named #towards #type system
2ndStrike: toward manifesting hidden concurrency typestate bugs (QG, WZ, ZC, MZ, FQ), pp. 239–250.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2011-ZhangLOSJLR #concurrent #detection #fault #named
ConSeq: detecting concurrency bugs through sequential errors (WZ, JL, RO, JS, GJ, SL, TWR), pp. 251–264.
DATEDATE-2011-GaoHL #multi
Eliminating data invalidation in debugging multiple-clock chips (JG, YH, XL), pp. 691–696.
DATEDATE-2011-GuoCSCWH #design #empirical #predict #verification
Empirical design bugs prediction for verification (QG, TC, HS, YC, YW, WH), pp. 161–166.
DATEDATE-2011-KengSV #automation
Automated debugging of SystemVerilog assertions (BK, SS, AGV), pp. 323–328.
DATEDATE-2011-LiuX #multi #on the
On multiplexed signal tracing for post-silicon debug (XL, QX), pp. 685–690.
DATEDATE-2011-MatsudaI #verification
Developing an integrated verification and debug methodology (AM, TI), pp. 503–504.
DATEDATE-2011-Winterholer #embedded #requirements
Embedded software debug and test: Needs and requirements for innovations in debugging (MW), p. 721.
HPDCHPDC-2011-ZhouKB #detection #locality #named #parallel #scalability #source code #using
Vrisha: using scaling properties of parallel programs for bug detection and localization (BZ, MK, SB), pp. 85–96.
LCTESLCTES-2011-NavabpourBF #testing #using
Software debugging and testing using the abstract diagnosis theory (SN, BB, SF), pp. 111–120.
LCTESLCTES-2011-WangLLFBL #dependence #multi #network
Dependence-based multi-level tracing and replay for wireless sensor networks debugging (MW, ZL, FL, XF, SB, YHL), pp. 91–100.
ICSTICST-2011-MalikSK #constraints #data type #using
Constraint-Based Program Debugging Using Data Structure Repair (MZM, JHS, SK), pp. 190–199.
ICSTICST-2011-Sun #question #why
Why are Bug Reports Invalid? (JS), pp. 407–410.
ISSTAISSTA-2011-ParninO #automation #question
Are automated debugging techniques actually helping programmers? (CP, AO), pp. 199–209.
TAPTAP-2011-ChebaroKGJ #analysis #c #generative #slicing #testing
The SANTE Tool: Value Analysis, Program Slicing and Test Generation for C Program Debugging (OC, NK, AG, JJ), pp. 78–83.
CSMRCSMR-2010-CavalcantiACLM #problem
An Initial Study on the Bug Report Duplication Problem (YCC, ESdA, CEAdC, DL, SRdLM), pp. 264–267.
CSMRCSMR-2010-MyersSS #scalability
Utilizing Debug Information to Compact Loops in Large Program Traces (DM, MADS, MS), pp. 41–50.
ICSMEICSM-2010-BhattacharyaN #fine-grained #graph #incremental #learning #multi
Fine-grained incremental learning and multi-feature tossing graphs to improve bug triaging (PB, IN), pp. 1–10.
ICSMEICSM-2010-InsaS #algorithm #java
An algorithmic debugger for Java (DI, JS), pp. 1–6.
ICSMEICSM-2010-JalbertB #clone detection #concurrent #detection #identification #using
Using clone detection to identify bugs in concurrent software (KJ, JSB), pp. 1–5.
ICSMEICSM-2010-KameiMMMAH #modelling #predict #using
Revisiting common bug prediction findings using effort-aware models (YK, SM, AM, KiM, BA, AEH), pp. 1–10.
MSRMSR-2010-BachmannB #correlation #dataset #process #quality #re-engineering
When process data quality affects the number of bugs: Correlations in software engineering datasets (AB, AB), pp. 62–71.
MSRMSR-2010-BougieTGS #comparative
A comparative exploration of FreeBSD bug lifetimes (GB, CT, DMG, MADS), pp. 106–109.
MSRMSR-2010-DAmbrosLR #comparison #predict
An extensive comparison of bug prediction approaches (MD, ML, RR), pp. 31–41.
Perspectives on bugs in the Debian bug tracking system (JD, HZ, LN, DMG), pp. 86–89.
MSRMSR-2010-GegickRX #case study #identification #industrial #mining #security
Identifying security bug reports via text mining: An industrial case study (MG, PR, TX), pp. 11–20.
MSRMSR-2010-LamkanfiDGG #predict
Predicting the severity of a reported bug (AL, SD, EG, BG), pp. 1–10.
MSRMSR-2010-SchroterBP #developer #question #stack
Do stack traces help developers fix bugs? (AS, NB, RP), pp. 118–121.
SCAMSCAM-2010-KesterMB #concurrent #how #question #static analysis
How Good is Static Analysis at Finding Concurrency Bugs? (DK, MM, JSB), pp. 115–124.
SCAMSCAM-2010-LuoHDQ #concurrent #effectiveness #java #static analysis
Effective Static Analysis to Find Concurrency Bugs in Java (ZDL, LH, RD, YQ), pp. 135–144.
WCREWCRE-2010-NguyenAH #bias #case study #dataset
A Case Study of Bias in Bug-Fix Datasets (THDN, BA, AEH), pp. 259–268.
WCREWCRE-2010-ShihabIKIOAHM #case study #eclipse #predict
Predicting Re-opened Bugs: A Case Study on the Eclipse Project (ES, AI, YK, WMI, MO, BA, AEH, KiM), pp. 249–258.
RTARTA-2010-RiescoVM #declarative #maude
Declarative Debugging of Missing Answers for Maude (AR, AV, NMO), pp. 277–294.
FDGFDG-2010-LewisWW #game studies #taxonomy #video #what
What went wrong: a taxonomy of video game bugs (CL0, JW, NWF), pp. 108–115.
CHICHI-2010-GrigoreanuBR #approach #design #tool support
A strategy-centric approach to the design of end-user debugging tools (VG, MMB, GGR), pp. 713–722.
CHICHI-2010-KoC #how
How power users help and hinder open bug reporting (AJK, PKC), pp. 1665–1674.
CSCWCSCW-2010-BertramVGW #collaboration #communication #issue tracking #social
Communication, collaboration, and bugs: the social nature of issue tracking in small, collocated teams (DB, AV, SG, RW), pp. 291–300.
CSCWCSCW-2010-BreuPSZ #developer
Information needs in bug reports: improving cooperation between developers and users (SB, RP, JS, TZ), pp. 301–310.
SOFTVISSOFTVIS-2010-AftandilianKGRSG #comprehension #interactive #named #visualisation
Heapviz: interactive heap visualization for program understanding and debugging (EA, SK, CG, NPR, SLS, SZG), pp. 53–62.
SOFTVISSOFTVIS-2010-ChengTWH #animation #automation #named
xDIVA: automatic animation between debugging break points (YPC, HYT, CSW, CHH), pp. 221–222.
SEKESEKE-2010-CunhaCNAM #analysis #visual notation
A Visual Bug Report Analysis and Search Tool (CEAdC, YCC, PAdMSN, ESdA, SRdLM), pp. 742–747.
SEKESEKE-2010-WangXLS #optimisation #probability
A Stochastic Model for Optimizing the Patching Time of Software Bugs (YW, DX, WML, DBS), pp. 88–92.
SEKESEKE-2010-XuanJRYL #automation #classification #using
Automatic Bug Triage using Semi-Supervised Text Classification (JX, HJ, ZR, JY, ZL), pp. 209–214.
ECOOPECOOP-2010-DhooliaMSS #using
Debugging Model-Transformation Failures Using Dynamic Tainting (PD, SM, VSS, SS), pp. 26–51.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2010-JinTLL #concurrent
Instrumentation and sampling strategies for cooperative concurrency bug isolation (GJ, AVT, BL, SL), pp. 241–255.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2010-ShiPYLZCZ #concurrent #detection #invariant
Do I use the wrong definition?: DeFuse: definition-use invariants for detecting concurrency and sequential bugs (YS, SP, ZY, SL, YZ, WC, WZ), pp. 160–174.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2010-InsaS #algorithm #execution #scalability
Scaling Up Algorithmic Debugging with Virtual Execution Trees (DI, JS), pp. 149–163.
PLDIPLDI-2010-BondBG #analysis #context-sensitive grammar #detection #named #performance
Breadcrumbs: efficient context sensitivity for dynamic bug detection analyses (MDB, GZB, SZG), pp. 13–24.
PLDIPLDI-2010-LeeWHGM #detection #interface #named
Jinn: synthesizing dynamic bug detectors for foreign language interfaces (BL, BW, MH, RG, KSM), pp. 36–49.
SACSAC-PL-J-2008-BussBSE10 #analysis #novel #pointer
A novel analysis space for pointer analysis and its application for bug finding (MB, DB, VCS, SAE), pp. 921–942.
ASEASE-2010-HahnleBBR #execution #interactive #symbolic computation #visual notation
A visual interactive debugger based on symbolic execution (RH, MB, RB, MR), pp. 143–146.
ASEASE-2010-KimYS #memory management #model checking #named #using
JRF-E: using model checking to give advice on eliminating memory model-related bugs (KK, TYK, BAS), pp. 215–224.
ASEASE-2010-LawallL #approach #automation
An automated approach for finding variable-constant pairing bugs (JLL, DL), pp. 103–112.
ASEASE-2010-VisserG #named
Impendulo: debugging the programmer (WV, JG), pp. 351–352.
ASEASE-2010-XingSLD #named #specification
SpecDiff: debugging formal specifications (ZX, JS, YL, JSD), pp. 353–354.
FSEFSE-2010-BachmannBRDB #commit
The missing links: bugs and bug-fix commits (AB, CB, FR, PTD, AB), pp. 97–106.
FSEFSE-2010-BanerjeeRHL #implementation
Golden implementation driven software debugging (AB, AR, JAH, ZL), pp. 177–186.
FSEFSE-2010-JalbertS #concurrent #effectiveness #source code
A trace simplification technique for effective debugging of concurrent programs (NJ, KS), pp. 57–66.
FSEFSE-2010-KillianNPBAJ #implementation #performance
Finding latent performance bugs in systems implementations (CEK, KN, SP, RB, JWA, RJ), pp. 17–26.
ICSEICSE-2010-GuBHS #question
Has the bug really been fixed? (ZG, ETB, DJH, ZS), pp. 55–64.
ICSEICSE-2010-GuoZNM #empirical #predict
Characterizing and predicting which bugs get fixed: an empirical study of Microsoft Windows (PJG, TZ, NN, BM), pp. 495–504.
ICSEICSE-2010-NainarL #adaptation
Adaptive bug isolation (PAN, BL), pp. 255–264.
ICSEICSE-2010-NguyenNPAN #object-oriented #source code
Recurring bug fixes in object-oriented programs (TTN, HAN, NHP, JMAK, TNN), pp. 315–324.
ICSEICSE-2010-RastkarMM #case study
Summarizing software artifacts: a case study of bug reports (SR, GCM, GM), pp. 505–514.
ICSEICSE-2010-RungtaM #concurrent #slicing #source code
Slicing and dicing bugs in concurrent programs (NR, EM), pp. 195–198.
ICSEICSE-2010-SahooCA #automation #empirical
An empirical study of reported bugs in server software with implications for automated bug diagnosis (SKS, JC, VSA), pp. 485–494.
ICSEICSE-2010-SongWXZM #detection #named
JDF: detecting duplicate bug reports in Jazz (YS, XW, TX, LZ, HM), pp. 315–316.
ICSEICSE-2010-SunLWJK #approach #retrieval
A discriminative model approach for accurate duplicate bug report retrieval (CS, DL, XW, JJ, SCK), pp. 45–54.
ICSEICSE-2010-ZhangYZCY #automation #generative #named
BPGen: an automated breakpoint generator for debugging (CZ, DY, JZ, YC, SY), pp. 271–274.
SACSAC-2010-PopeeaC #analysis #proving #safety
Dual analysis for proving safety and finding bugs (CP, WNC), pp. 2137–2143.
GPCEGPCE-J-2007-CulpepperF10 #metaprogramming
Debugging hygienic macros (RC, MF), pp. 496–515.
SLESLE-2010-BandenerSE #behaviour #execution #specification #visual notation
Extending DMM Behavior Specifications for Visual Execution and Debugging (NB, CS, GE), pp. 357–376.
SLESLE-2010-MannadiarV #modelling
Debugging in Domain-Specific Modelling (RM, HV), pp. 276–285.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2010-BurckhardtKMN #probability #random
A randomized scheduler with probabilistic guarantees of finding bugs (SB, PK, MM, SN), pp. 167–178.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2010-WeeratungeZJ #concurrent #manycore
Analyzing multicore dumps to facilitate concurrency bug reproduction (DW, XZ, SJ), pp. 155–166.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2010-ZhangSL #approach #concurrent #detection #named
ConMem: detecting severe concurrency bugs through an effect-oriented approach (WZ, CS, SL), pp. 179–192.
DACDAC-2010-ConstantinidesA #testing #using
Using introspective software-based testing for post-silicon debug and repair (KC, TMA), pp. 537–542.
DACDAC-2010-ParkBWM #graph #locality #named #using
BLoG: post-silicon bug localization in processors using bug localization graphs (SBP, AB, HW, SM), pp. 368–373.
DATEDATE-2010-NeishaburiZ #clustering #performance
Enabling efficient post-silicon debug by clustering of hardware-assertions (MHN, ZZ), pp. 985–988.
DATEDATE-2010-WenCCL #named #parallel #runtime #source code
RunAssert: A non-intrusive run-time assertion for parallel programs debugging (CNW, SHC, TFC, TJL), pp. 287–290.
DATEDATE-2010-ZengGA #embedded #framework #visual notation
Graphical Model Debugger Framework for embedded systems (KZ, YG, CA), pp. 87–92.
HPDCHPDC-2010-AbramsonDKMD #parallel
Data centric highly parallel debugging (DA, MND, DK, BM, LDR), pp. 119–129.
PPoPPPPoPP-2010-ZyulkyarovHUCV #memory management #source code #transaction
Debugging programs that use atomic blocks and transactional memory (FZ, TH, OSÜ, AC, MV), pp. 57–66.
WRLAWRLA-2010-RiescoVM #maude #specification
Enhancing the Debugging of Maude Specifications (AR, AV, NMO), pp. 226–242.
CAVCAV-2010-KahlonW #concurrent #detection #graph #precise #source code
Universal Causality Graphs: A Precise Happens-Before Model for Detecting Bugs in Concurrent Programs (VK, CW), pp. 434–449.
ICLPICLP-2010-Lopez-GarciaDB10 #framework #resource management #verification
A Framework for Verification and Debugging of Resource Usage Properties: Resource Usage Verification (PLG, LD, FB), pp. 104–113.
ICLPICLP-J-2010-BrummayerJ #development #testing
Testing and debugging techniques for answer set solver development (RB, MJ), pp. 741–758.
ICLPICLP-J-2010-OetschPT #source code
Catching the Ouroboros: On debugging non-ground answer-set programs (JO, JP, HT), pp. 513–529.
ICSTICST-2010-HeiskanenJK #modelling #testing #user interface
Debug Support for Model-Based GUI Testing (HH, AJ, MK), pp. 25–34.
ICSTICST-2010-KimSGSHN #analysis #automation #identification
Automated Bug Neighborhood Analysis for Identifying Incomplete Bug Fixes (MK, SS, CG, HS, MJH, MGN), pp. 383–392.
ICSTICST-2010-WeyukerBO #question #what
We’re Finding Most of the Bugs, but What are We Missing? (EJW, RMB, TJO), pp. 313–322.
IJCARIJCAR-2010-MouraB #development #reasoning
Bugs, Moles and Skeletons: Symbolic Reasoning for Software Development (LMdM, NB), pp. 400–411.
ISSTAISSTA-2010-WeeratungeZSJ #concurrent #slicing #using
Analyzing concurrency bugs using dual slicing (DW, XZ, WNS, SJ), pp. 253–264.
ICSTSAT-2010-BrummayerLB #automation #satisfiability #testing
Automated Testing and Debugging of SAT and QBF Solvers (RB, FL, AB), pp. 44–57.
TAPTAP-2010-ChebaroKGJ #c #generative #static analysis #testing
Combining Static Analysis and Test Generation for C Program Debugging (OC, NK, AG, JJ), pp. 94–100.
QoSAQoSA-2009-WaignierMD #component #design #framework #modelling
A Model-Based Framework to Design and Debug Safe Component-Based Autonomic Systems (GW, AFLM, LD), pp. 1–17.
ICPCICPC-2009-BaysalGC #automation #framework
A bug you like: A framework for automated assignment of bugs (OB, MWG, RC), pp. 297–298.
ICPCICPC-2009-JeffreyFGG #developer #named
BugFix: A learning-based tool to assist developers in fixing bugs (DJ, MF, NG, RG), pp. 70–79.
ICPCICPC-2009-StefikG #empirical #using
Using spoken text to aid debugging: An empirical study (AS, EG), pp. 110–119.
ICSMEICSM-2009-AnbalaganV #on the #open source #predict
On predicting the time taken to correct bug reports in open source projects (PA, MAV), pp. 523–526.
ICSMEICSM-2009-Zimmermann #development #mining #predict #process
Changes and bugs — Mining and predicting development activities (TZ), pp. 443–446.
MSRMSR-2009-LinsteadB #gnome #mining #modelling #statistics #topic
Mining the coherence of GNOME bug reports with statistical topic models (EL, PB), pp. 99–102.
MSRMSR-2009-MatterKN #developer #using
Assigning bug reports using a vocabulary-based expertise model of developers (DM, AK, ON), pp. 131–140.
Bug-Inducing Language Constructs (JF, SNA, FW), pp. 155–159.
SEKESEKE-2009-AhsanFW #estimation #machine learning #using
Program File Bug Fix Effort Estimation Using Machine Learning Methods for OSS (SNA, JF, FW), pp. 129–134.
SEKESEKE-2009-Al-SharifJ #architecture #multi
A Multi-agent Debugging Extension Architecture (ZAS, CLJ), pp. 194–199.
Language Support for Event-based Debugging (ZAS, CLJ), pp. 392–399.
MODELSMoDELS-2009-WimmerKSKRS #modelling #petri net #qvt #using
Reviving QVT Relations: Model-Based Debugging Using Colored Petri Nets (MW, AK, JS, GK, WR, WS), pp. 727–732.
MODELSMoDELS-2009-WimmerKSKRS #modelling #petri net #qvt #using
Reviving QVT Relations: Model-Based Debugging Using Colored Petri Nets (MW, AK, JS, GK, WR, WS), pp. 727–732.
Debugging Method Names (EWH, BMØ), pp. 294–317.
Debug all your code: portable mixed-environment debugging (BL, MH, RG, KSM), pp. 207–226.
Flow-Centric, Back-in-Time Debugging (AL, JF, ON), pp. 272–288.
PEPMPEPM-2009-CifuentesKLS #detection #program analysis #using
Program analysis for bug detection using parfait: invited talk (CC, NK, LL, BS), pp. 7–8.
PPDPPPDP-2009-Virseda #algorithm #declarative #framework #higher-order #logic #source code #verification
A higher-order logical framework for the algorithmic debugging and verification of declarative programs (RdVV), pp. 49–60.
ASEASE-2009-MalikGEK #automation #data type #using
A Case for Automated Debugging Using Data Structure Repair (MZM, KG, BE, SK), pp. 620–624.
ASEASE-2009-ShivajiWAK #predict
Reducing Features to Improve Bug Prediction (SS, EJWJ, RA, SK), pp. 600–604.
ASEASE-2009-WimmerKSKRS #petri net #qvt
A Petri Net Based Debugging Environment for QVT Relations (MW, GK, JS, AK, WR, WS), pp. 3–14.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2009-AshokJLRSV #named #recommendation
DebugAdvisor: a recommender system for debugging (BA, JMJ, HL, SKR, GS, VV), pp. 373–382.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2009-BirdBADBFD #bias #dataset
Fair and balanced?: bias in bug-fix datasets (CB, AB, EA, JD, AB, VF, PTD), pp. 121–130.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2009-JeongKZ #graph
Improving bug triage with bug tossing graphs (GJ, SK, TZ), pp. 111–120.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2009-QiRLV #approach #evolution #named #source code
Darwin: an approach for debugging evolving programs (DQ, AR, ZL, KV), pp. 33–42.
Debugging debugging: acm sigsoft impact paper award keynote (AZ), pp. 263–264.
ICSEICSE-2009-ArandaV #fault #repository
The secret life of bugs: Going past the errors and omissions in software repositories (JA, GV), pp. 298–308.
ICSEICSE-2009-ChilimbiLMNV #effectiveness #named #performance #profiling #statistics
HOLMES: Effective statistical debugging via efficient path profiling (TMC, BL, KKM, AVN, KV), pp. 34–44.
ICSEICSE-2009-HaoZZSM #interactive #named #visual notation
VIDA: Visual interactive debugging (DH, LZ, LZ, JS, HM), pp. 583–586.
An extensible source-level debugger (ZAS, CJ), pp. 543–544.
SACSAC-2009-BohnetVD #execution #locality
Projecting code changes onto execution traces to support localization of recently introduced bugs (JB, SV, JD), pp. 438–442.
SACSAC-2009-MaengKSR #architecture #embedded #named #realtime
RT-replayer: a record-replay architecture for embedded real-time software debugging (JCM, JIK, MKS, MR), pp. 1670–1675.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2009-DimitrovZ #approach #automation #predict #validation
Anomaly-based bug prediction, isolation, and validation: an automated approach for software debugging (MD, HZ), pp. 61–72.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2009-ParkLZ #named
CTrigger: exposing atomicity violation bugs from their hiding places (SP, SL, YZ), pp. 25–36.
CCCC-2009-DaoAKV #distributed
Live Debugging of Distributed Systems (DD, JRA, CEK, AV), pp. 94–108.
Transparent Debugging of Dynamically Optimized Code (NK, BRC, MLS), pp. 275–286.
Debugging strategies for mere mortals (VB), pp. 635–638.
Debugging from high level down to gate level (MF, YK, AMG), pp. 627–630.
DACDAC-2009-RanjanCS #verification
Beyond verification: leveraging formal for debugging (RKR, CC, SS), pp. 648–651.
DACDAC-2009-SiegelMP #performance
Untwist your brain: efficient debugging and diagnosis of complex assertions (MS, AM, CP), pp. 644–647.
DACDAC-2009-VishnoiPB #online
Online cache state dumping for processor debug (AV, PRP, MB), pp. 358–363.
DACDAC-2009-WenCCS #architecture #concurrent #detection #manycore #named
NUDA: a non-uniform debugging architecture and non-intrusive race detection for many-core (CNW, SHC, TFC, APS), pp. 148–153.
A high-level debug environment for communication-centric debug (KG, BV, ABN), pp. 202–207.
DATEDATE-2009-SulflowFBKD #satisfiability
Increasing the accuracy of SAT-based debugging (AS, GF, CB, UK, RD), pp. 1326–1331.
Cache aware compression for processor debug support (AV, PRP, MB), pp. 208–213.
DATEDATE-2009-WilleGFDD #network
Debugging of Toffoli networks (RW, DG, SF, GWD, RD), pp. 1284–1289.
DATEDATE-2009-YangNV #automation #data analysis
Automated data analysis solutions to silicon debug (YSY, NN, AGV), pp. 982–987.
LCTESLCTES-2009-McKechnieBV #monitoring #transaction
Debugging FPGA-based packet processing systems through transaction-level communication-centric monitoring (PEM, MB, WV), pp. 129–136.
SOSPSOSP-2009-AltekarS #manycore #named
ODR: output-deterministic replay for multicore debugging (GA, IS), pp. 193–206.
SOSPSOSP-2009-GlerumKGAONGLH #experience #implementation #scalability
Debugging in the (very) large: ten years of implementation and experience (KG, KK, SG, GA, VO, GN, DG, GL, GCH), pp. 103–116.
WRLAWRLA-2008-CaballeroMRV09 #declarative #functional #maude
A Declarative Debugger for Maude Functional Modules (RC, NMO, AR, AV), pp. 63–81.
(C)LP Tracing and Debugging (MD), p. 38.
Debugging for Model Expansion (JW, HV, MD), pp. 296–311.
ISSTAISSTA-2009-ChengLZWY #graph #identification #mining #using
Identifying bug signatures using discriminative graph mining (HC, DL, YZ, XW, XY), pp. 141–152.
MBTMBT-2009-KimHHK #concurrent #kernel #modelling #testing
Model-based Kernel Testing for Concurrency Bugs through Counter Example Replay (MK, SH, CH, TK), pp. 21–36.
Debugging into Examples (BS, MP, MB, JL, RH), pp. 235–240.
VMCAIVMCAI-2009-KiddRDV #random #using
Finding Concurrency-Related Bugs Using Random Isolation (NK, TWR, JD, MV), pp. 198–213.
ICSMEICSM-2008-BettenburgPZK #harmful #question
Duplicate bug reports considered harmful ... really? (NB, RP, TZ, SK), pp. 337–345.
ICSMEICSM-2008-JeffreyGG #identification #memory management #using
Identifying the root causes of memory bugs using corrupted memory location suppression (DJ, NG, RG), pp. 356–365.
ICSMEICSM-2008-ZhangGLZ08a #aspectj #automation #named
AutoFlow: An automatic debugging tool for AspectJ software (SZ, ZG, YL, JZ), pp. 470–471.
Extracting structural information from bug reports (NB, RP, TZ, SK), pp. 27–30.
MSRMSR-2008-HerraizGGR #eclipse #towards
Towards a simplification of the bug report form in eclipse (IH, DMG, JMGB, GR), pp. 145–148.
MSRMSR-2008-SudakrishnanMWR #comprehension
Understanding bug fix patterns in verilog (SS, JTM, EJWJ, JR), pp. 39–42.
SCAMSCAM-2008-Cifuentes #c #named #scalability
Parfait — A Scalable Bug Checker for C Code (CC), pp. 263–264.
SCAMSCAM-2008-GorbovitskiTRSL #analysis #performance
Analysis and Transformations for Efficient Query-Based Debugging (MG, KTT, TR, SDS, YAL), pp. 174–183.
WCREWCRE-2008-LukinsKE #locality #retrieval #source code #using
Source Code Retrieval for Bug Localization Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (SKL, NAK, LHE), pp. 155–164.
CHICHI-2008-SubrahmaniyanBGBWNBDF #testing #what
Testing vs. code inspection vs. what else?: male and female end users’ debugging strategies (NS, LB, VG, MMB, SW, VN, KB, RD, XZF), pp. 617–626.
ICEISICEIS-J-2008-Zacharias08a #challenge #rule-based
Tackling the Debugging Challenge of Rule Based Systems (VZ), pp. 144–154.
SIGIRSIGIR-2008-ChenJYW #clustering #information retrieval #learning
Information retrieval on bug locations by learning co-located bug report clusters (IXC, HJ, CZY, PJW), pp. 801–802.
ECOOPECOOP-2008-LienhardGN #object-oriented
Practical Object-Oriented Back-in-Time Debugging (AL, TG, ON), pp. 592–615.
PPDPPPDP-2008-ChitilD #algorithm #finite #functional #higher-order #source code
Comprehending finite maps for algorithmic debugging of higher-order functional programs (OC, TD), pp. 205–216.
SASSAS-2008-Liblit #static analysis
Reflections on the Role of Static Analysis in Cooperative Bug Isolation (BL), pp. 18–31.
ASEASE-2008-HsuJO #agile #identification #named #process
Rapid: Identifying Bug Signatures to Support Debugging Activities (HYH, JAJ, AO), pp. 439–442.
ASEASE-2008-MayerS #modelling
Evaluating Models for Model-Based Debugging (WM, MS), pp. 128–137.
ASEASE-2008-Yom-TovTUH #automation #concurrent #random #source code
Automatic Debugging of Concurrent Programs through Active Sampling of Low Dimensional Random Projections (EYT, RT, SU, SH), pp. 307–316.
FSEFSE-2008-BettenburgJSWPZ #question #what
What makes a good bug report? (NB, SJ, AS, CW, RP, TZ), pp. 308–318.
ICSEICSE-2008-KoM #behaviour #why
Debugging reinvented: asking and answering why and why not questions about program behavior (AJK, BAM), pp. 301–310.
ICSEICSE-2008-StoreyRBMS #developer #game studies #how
TODO or to bug: exploring how task annotations play a role in the work practices of software developers (MADS, JR, RIB, DM, JS), pp. 251–260.
ICSEICSE-2008-WangZXAS #approach #detection #execution #natural language #using
An approach to detecting duplicate bug reports using natural language and execution information (XW, LZ, TX, JA, JS), pp. 461–470.
SACSAC-2008-PothierT #aspect-oriented #programming
Extending omniscient debugging to support aspect-oriented programming (GP, ÉT), pp. 266–270.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2008-CastroCM #privacy
Better bug reporting with better privacy (MC, MC, JPM), pp. 319–328.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2008-LuPSZ #concurrent #learning
Learning from mistakes: a comprehensive study on real world concurrency bug characteristics (SL, SP, ES, YZ), pp. 329–339.
CCCC-2008-ZhaoRARW #how #performance #using
How to Do a Million Watchpoints: Efficient Debugging Using Dynamic Instrumentation (QZ, RMR, SPA, LR, WFW), pp. 147–162.
DACDAC-2008-HsiehH #embedded #framework #interface #platform
An embedded infrastructure of debug and trace interface for the DSP platform (MCH, CTH), pp. 866–871.
DACDAC-2008-ParkM #analysis #locality #named
IFRA: instruction footprint recording and analysis for post-silicon bug localization in processors (SBP, SM), pp. 373–378.
DATEDATE-2008-ChattopadhyayZ #online
Built-in Clock Skew System for On-line Debug and Repair (AC, ZZ), pp. 248–251.
DATEDATE-2008-TangX #transaction
In-band Cross-Trigger Event Transmission for Transaction-Based Debug (ST, QX), pp. 414–419.
ICSTICST-2008-WagnerDAWS #evaluation #java #tool support
An Evaluation of Two Bug Pattern Tools for Java (SW, FD, MA, JW, MS), pp. 248–257.
Finding bugs in dynamic web applications (SA, AK, JD, FT, DD, AMP, MDE), pp. 261–272.
ISSTAISSTA-2008-KondohO #interface #java #source code
Finding bugs in java native interface programs (GK, TO), pp. 109–118.
ISSTAISSTA-2008-Liblit #testing
Cooperative debugging with five hundred million test cases (BL), pp. 119–120.
ICPCICPC-2007-StefikAPB #named #using
WAD: A Feasibility study using the Wicked Audio Debugger (AS, RTA, RP, JB), pp. 69–80.
ICSMEICSM-2007-BrandBS #analysis #detection
Evidence-Based Analysis and Inferring Preconditions for Bug Detection (DB, MB, VCS), pp. 44–53.
ICSMEICSM-2007-NagarajanJGG #named #online #performance
ONTRAC: A system for efficient ONline TRACing for debugging (VN, DJ, RG, NG), pp. 445–454.
Debugging Integrated Systems: An Ethnographic Study of Debugging Practice (, AIW), pp. 305–314.
MSRMSR-2007-AnvikM #implementation
Determining Implementation Expertise from Bug Reports (JA, GCM), p. 2.
MSRMSR-2007-JoshiZRB #approach #predict
Local and Global Recency Weighting Approach to Bug Prediction (HJ, CZ, SR, CB), p. 33.
MSRMSR-2007-Panjer #eclipse #predict
Predicting Eclipse Bug Lifetimes (LDP), p. 29.
MSRMSR-2007-WeissPZZ #how #question
How Long Will It Take to Fix This Bug? (CW, RP, TZ, AZ), p. 1.
PASTEPASTE-2007-HovemeyerP #null #pointer
Finding more null pointer bugs, but not too many (DH, WP), pp. 9–14.
SCAMSCAM-2007-Larson #detection #framework #named #tool support
SUDS: An Infrastructure for Creating Bug Detection Tools (EL), pp. 123–132.
WCREWCRE-2007-RaberL #data mining #mining #using
Emulated Breakpoint Debugger and Data Mining Using Detours (JR, EL), pp. 271–272.
Bug Hunting with False Negatives (JRC, NI, JvdP, NS), pp. 98–117.
HaskellHaskell-2007-MarlowIPG #haskell #interactive #lightweight
A lightweight interactive debugger for haskell (SM, JI, BJP, AG), pp. 13–24.
IFLIFL-2007-BrasselS #functional #lazy evaluation #source code
Debugging Lazy Functional Programs by Asking the Oracle (BB, HS), pp. 183–200.
VISSOFTVISSOFT-2007-DAmbrosLP #database #visualisation
“A Bug’s Life” Visualizing a Bug Database (MD, ML, MP), pp. 113–120.
VISSOFTVISSOFT-2007-VoineaT #process #repository #source code #visualisation
Visualizing Debugging Activity in Source Code Repositories (LV, ACT), pp. 156–157.
SEKESEKE-2007-ZachariasA #on the #rule-based
On Modern Debugging For Rule-Based Systems (VZ, AA), pp. 349–353.
MODELSMoDELS-2007-HibberdLR #forensics #model transformation
Forensic Debugging of Model Transformations (MH, ML, KR), pp. 589–604.
MODELSMoDELS-2007-PilskalnsWI #runtime #uml #using
Runtime Debugging Using Reverse-Engineered UML (OP, SW, FI), pp. 605–619.
MODELSMoDELS-2007-HibberdLR #forensics #model transformation
Forensic Debugging of Model Transformations (MH, ML, KR), pp. 589–604.
MODELSMoDELS-2007-PilskalnsWI #runtime #uml #using
Runtime Debugging Using Reverse-Engineered UML (OP, SW, FI), pp. 605–619.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2007-PothierTP #scalability
Scalable omniscient debugging (GP, ÉT, JMP), pp. 535–552.
POPLPOPL-2007-PolishchukLS #comprehension #type inference
Dynamic heap type inference for program understanding and debugging (MP, BL, CWS), pp. 39–46.
ASEASE-2007-DallmeierZ #benchmark #locality #metric
Extraction of bug localization benchmarks from history (VD, TZ), pp. 433–436.
ASEASE-2007-HooimeijerW #modelling #quality
Modeling bug report quality (PH, WW), pp. 34–43.
ASEASE-2007-JiangS #control flow #predict #statistics
Context-aware statistical debugging: from bug predictors to faulty control flow paths (LJ, ZS), pp. 184–193.
ASEASE-2007-YilmazW #approach #automation #modelling
An automated model-based debugging approach (CY, CW), pp. 174–183.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2007-DolbyVT #satisfiability
Finding bugs efficiently with a SAT solver (JD, MV, FT), pp. 195–204.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2007-JiangSC #detection
Context-based detection of clone-related bugs (LJ, ZS, EC), pp. 55–64.
ICSEICSE-2007-AbrahamE #named #spreadsheet
GoalDebug: A Spreadsheet Debugger for End Users (RA, ME), pp. 251–260.
A Technique for Enabling and Supporting Debugging of Field Failures (JAC, AO), pp. 261–270.
ICSEICSE-2007-ElbaumPDJ #testing
Bug Hunt: Making Early Software Testing Lessons Engaging and Affordable (SGE, SP, JD, MJ), pp. 688–697.
GPCEGPCE-2007-CulpepperF #metaprogramming
Debugging macros (RC, MF), pp. 135–144.
DATEDATE-2007-AnisN #architecture #interactive #low cost #using
Interactive presentation: Low cost debug architecture using lossy compression for silicon debug (EA, NN), pp. 225–230.
DATEDATE-2007-SafarpourV #abstraction #automation #design #refinement
Abstraction and refinement techniques in automated design debugging (SS, AGV), pp. 1182–1187.
DATEDATE-2007-TangX #framework #manycore #platform
A multi-core debug platform for NoC-based systems (ST, QX), pp. 870–875.
HPCAHPCA-2007-VenkataramaniRSP #memory management #monitoring #named #performance #programmable
MemTracker: Efficient and Programmable Support for Memory Access Monitoring and Debugging (GV, BR, YS, MP), pp. 273–284.
SOSPSOSP-2007-LuPHMJLPZ #automation #concurrent #correlation #detection #multi #named #semantics
MUVI: automatically inferring multi-variable access correlations and detecting related semantic and concurrency bugs (SL, SP, CH, XM, WJ, ZL, RAP, YZ), pp. 103–116.
/*icomment: bugs or bad comments?*/ (LT, DY, GK, YZ), pp. 145–158.
CAVCAV-2007-Kropf #development #formal method #industrial #question
Software Bugs Seen from an Industrial Perspective or Can Formal Methods Help on Automotive Software Development? (TK), p. 3.
ICLPICLP-2007-CaballeroRV #constraints #declarative #functional #logic programming
Declarative Debugging of Missing Answers in Constraint Functional-Logic Programming (RC, MRA, RdVV), pp. 425–427.
ISSTAISSTA-2007-JonesHB #parallel
Debugging in Parallel (JAJ, MJH, JFB), pp. 16–26.
ISSTAISSTA-2007-NainarCRL #statistics #using
Statistical debugging using compound boolean predicates (PAN, TC, JR, BL), pp. 5–15.
ISSTAISSTA-2007-TzorefUY #automation #concurrent
Instrumenting where it hurts: an automatic concurrent debugging technique (RT, SU, EYT), pp. 27–38.
TAPTAP-2007-SmaragdakisC #detection #reasoning
Combining Static and Dynamic Reasoning for Bug Detection (YS, CC), pp. 1–16.
VLDBVLDB-2006-AlexeCT #named
SPIDER: a Schema mapPIng DEbuggeR (BA, LC, WCT), pp. 1179–1182.
Debugging Schema Mappings with Routes (LC, WCT), pp. 79–90.
CSMRCSMR-2006-DAmbrosL #approach #evolution #visual notation
Software Bugs and Evolution: A Visual Approach to Uncover Their Relationship (MD, ML), pp. 229–238.
ICPCICPC-2006-StefikFA #comprehension #effectiveness #music #runtime #using
Layered Program Auralization: Using Music to Increase Runtime Program Comprehension and Debugging Effectiveness (AS, KF, RTA), pp. 89–93.
MSRMSR-2006-CanforaC06a #question
Where is bug resolution knowledge stored? (GC, LC), pp. 183–184.
MSRMSR-2006-KimW #how #question
How long did it take to fix bugs? (SK, EJWJ), pp. 173–174.
SCAMSCAM-2006-PanKW #classification #metric #slicing #using
Bug Classification Using Program Slicing Metrics (KP, SK, EJWJ), pp. 31–42.
HaskellHaskell-2006-Himmelstrup #interactive
Interactive debugging with GHCi (DH), p. 107.
CHICHI-2006-BeckwithKBWLBC #gender
Tinkering and gender in end-user programmers’ debugging (LB, CK, MMB, SW, JL, AFB, CRC), pp. 231–240.
SOFTVISSOFTVIS-2006-LiuV #animation #control flow #low level
Animation of control flow for low-level debugging (HL, FSV), pp. 157–158.
ICMLICML-2006-ZhengJLNA #identification #multi #statistics
Statistical debugging: simultaneous identification of multiple bugs (AXZ, MIJ, BL, MN, AA), pp. 1105–1112.
SEKESEKE-2006-MayerS #coordination #web #web service
Debugging Failures in Web Services Coordination (WM, MS), pp. 536–543.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2006-Silva #algorithm #case study #comparative
A Comparative Study of Algorithmic Debugging Strategies (JS), pp. 143–159.
PADLPADL-2006-MacLartyS #declarative
Controlling Search Space Materialization in a Practical Declarative Debugger (IM, ZS), pp. 31–44.
PPDPPPDP-2006-SilvaC #algorithm #slicing
Combining algorithmic debugging and program slicing (JS, OC), pp. 157–166.
SASSAS-2006-HuangCS #identification
Catching and Identifying Bugs in Register Allocation (YH, BRC, MLS), pp. 281–300.
Memories of bug fixes (SK, KP, EJWJ), pp. 35–45.
ICSEICSE-2006-Anvik #automation
Automating bug report assignment (JA), pp. 937–940.
ICSEICSE-2006-AnvikHM #question
Who should fix this bug? (JA, LH, GCM), pp. 361–370.
Debugging by asking questions about program output (AJK), pp. 989–992.
ICSEICSE-2006-Misherghi #named
HDD: hierarchical Delta Debugging (GM, ZS), pp. 142–151.
GPCEGPCE-2006-PorkolabMS #c++ #metaprogramming
Debugging C++ template metaprograms (ZP, JM, ÁS), pp. 255–264.
Patches as better bug reports (WW), pp. 181–190.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2006-ChilimbiG #detection #identification #named #using
HeapMD: identifying heap-based bugs using anomaly detection (TMC, VG), pp. 219–228.
Visibility enhancement for silicon debug (YCH, FST, WJ, YTC), pp. 13–18.
The good, the bad, and the ugly of silicon debug (DJ), pp. 3–6.
DATEDATE-DF-2006-AkselrodAA #architecture #framework #independence #multi #platform #security
Platform independent debug port controller architecture with security protection for multi-processor system-on-chip ICs (DA, AA, YA), pp. 30–35.
ESOPESOP-2006-LalLPL #optimisation #source code
Path Optimization in Programs and Its Application to Debugging (AL, JL, MP, BL), pp. 246–263.
FASEFASE-2006-FeiLLM #detection #named #online #statistics
Argus: Online Statistical Bug Detection (LF, KL, FL, SPM), pp. 308–323.
FASEFASE-2006-KobW #calculus #using
Fundamentals of Debugging Using a Resolution Calculus (DK, FW), pp. 278–292.
Looking for bugs in all the right places (RMB, TJO, EJW), pp. 61–72.
ISSTAISSTA-2006-CsallnerS #analysis #hybrid #named
DSD-Crasher: a hybrid analysis tool for bug finding (CC, YS), pp. 245–254.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2005-AhmadzadehEH #analysis #student
An analysis of patterns of debugging among novice computer science students (MA, DE, CH), pp. 84–88.
ICSMEICSM-2005-BriandDL #aspect-oriented #contract #programming
Instrumenting Contracts with Aspect-Oriented Programming to Increase Observability and Support Debugging (LCB, WJD, YL), pp. 687–690.
ICSMEICSM-2005-ChesleyRR #java #named #source code
Crisp: A Debugging Tool for Java Programs (OCC, XR, BGR), pp. 401–410.
PASTEPASTE-2005-HovemeyerSP #null #pointer #static analysis
Evaluating and tuning a static analysis to find null pointer bugs (DH, JS, WP), pp. 13–19.
SCAMSCAM-2005-Singer #code generation #concept
Concept Assignment as a Debugging Technique for Code Generators (JS), pp. 75–86.
FMFM-2005-Johnson #formal method #using
The Natural History of Bugs: Using Formal Methods to Analyse Software Related Failures in Space Missions (CWJ), pp. 9–25.
SEFMSEFM-2005-Trakhtenbrot #testing #using #verification
Use of Verification for Testing and Debugging of Complex Reactive Systems (MBT), pp. 13–22.
CHICHI-2005-BeckwithBWCSH #effectiveness #gender #question
Effectiveness of end-user debugging software features: are there gender issues? (LB, MMB, SW, CRC, SS, MH), pp. 869–878.
PLDIPLDI-2005-LiblitNZAJ #scalability #statistics
Scalable statistical bug isolation (BL, MN, AXZ, AA, MIJ), pp. 15–26.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2005-LiuYFHM #locality #modelling #named #statistics
SOBER: statistical model-based bug localization (CL, XY, LF, JH, SPM), pp. 286–295.
ICSEICSE-2005-MichailX #user interface
Helping users avoid bugs in GUI applications (AM, TX), pp. 107–116.
SACSAC-2005-WuGRM #domain-specific language #weaving
Weaving a debugging aspect into domain-specific language grammars (HW, JGG, SR, MM), pp. 1370–1374.
LDTALDTA-2005-BrandCOV #framework #named #tool support
TIDE: A Generic Debugging Framework — Tool Demonstration (MvdB, BC, PAO, JJV), pp. 161–165.
CASECASE-2005-AbdelhameedD #logic #network #programmable #source code
Diagnosis and debugging of programmable logic controller control programs by neural networks (MMA, HD), pp. 313–318.
CCCC-2005-RyuR #multi #programming
Source-Level Debugging for Multiple Languages with Modest Programming Effort (SR, NR), pp. 10–26.
DATEDATE-2005-MayerSM #multi
Debug Support, Calibration and Emulation for Multiple Processor and Powertrain Control SoCs (AM, HS, KDMM), pp. 148–152.
DATEDATE-2005-Takeuchi #lightweight #monitoring #using #virtual machine
OS Debugging Method Using a Lightweight Virtual Machine Monitor (TT), pp. 1058–1059.
DATEDATE-2005-YangVTV #automation #design #fault #modelling #power management
Extraction Error Modeling and Automated Model Debugging in High-Performance Low Power Custom Designs (YSY, AGV, PJT, SV), pp. 996–1001.
HPCAHPCA-2005-CorlissLR #interactive
Low-Overhead Interactive Debugging via Dynamic Instrumentation with DISE (MLC, ECL, AR), pp. 303–314.
SOSPSOSP-2005-QinTSZ #named
Rx: treating bugs as allergies — a safe method to survive software failures (FQ, JT, JS, YZ), pp. 235–248.
TACASTACAS-2005-KellerSBS #c #model checking #named #source code
FocusCheck: A Tool for Model Checking and Debugging Sequential C Programs (CWK, DS, SB, SAS), pp. 563–569.
CAVCAV-2005-BarnerGR #concurrent #formal method #named #using
Wolf — Bug Hunter for Concurrent Software Using Formal Methods (SB, ZG, IR), pp. 153–157.
CAVCAV-2005-XieA #detection #named #satisfiability
Saturn: A SAT-Based Tool for Bug Detection (YX, AA), pp. 139–143.
ICTSSTestCom-2005-WagnerJKT #testing #tool support
Comparing Bug Finding Tools with Reviews and Tests (SW, JJ, CK, PT), pp. 40–55.
ICSMEICSM-2004-GalliLNW #testing
Ordering Broken Unit Tests for Focused Debugging (MG, ML, ON, RW), pp. 114–123.
ICSMEICSM-2004-IshioKI #aspect-oriented #graph #slicing
Debugging Support for Aspect-Oriented Program Based on Program Slicing and Call Graph (TI, SK, KI), pp. 178–187.
AFPAFP-2004-Pope04 #declarative
Declarative Debugging with Buddha (BP), pp. 273–308.
FLOPSFLOPS-2004-CaballeroR #declarative #functional #named
DDT: a Declarative Debugging Tool for Functional-Logic Languages (RC, MRA), pp. 70–84.
ICFPICFP-2004-ChristiansenH #concurrent #haskell #source code
Searching for deadlocks while debugging concurrent haskell programs (JC, FH), pp. 28–39.
ICFPICFP-2004-Graham #programming
Don’t make the wrong mistakes: programming as debugging (PG), p. 66.
CHICHI-2004-KoM #behaviour #design #interface
Designing the whyline: a debugging interface for asking questions about program behavior (AJK, BAM), pp. 151–158.
Impact of interruption style on end-user debugging (TJR, SP, MMB, CRC, JRR, LB, AP), pp. 287–294.
SEKESEKE-2004-CubraniM #automation #categorisation #using
Automatic bug triage using text categorization (DC, GCM), pp. 92–97.
ASEASE-2004-MarceauCKR #data flow
Dataflow Language for Scriptable Debugging (GM, GHC, SK, SPR), pp. 218–227.
ICSEICSE-2004-HenkelD #algebra #specification
A Tool for Writing and Debugging Algebraic Specifications (JH, AD), pp. 449–458.
SACSAC-2004-DemetrescuF #virtual machine
A portable virtual machine for program debugging and directing (CD, IF), pp. 1524–1530.
DACDAC-2004-VermeulenUG #automation #generative #hardware
Automatic generation of breakpoint hardware for silicon debug (BV, MZU, SKG), pp. 514–517.
DACDAC-2004-YoussefYSPJ #case study #design #interface #video
Debugging HW/SW interface for MPSoC: video encoder system design case study (MWY, SY, AS, YP, AAJ), pp. 908–913.
DATEDATE-v1-2004-BjesseK #abstraction #refinement #using
Using Counter Example Guided Abstraction Refinement to Find Complex Bugs (PB, JHK), pp. 156–161.
OSDIOSDI-2004-LiLMZ #named #operating system
CP-Miner: A Tool for Finding Copy-paste and Related Bugs in Operating System Code (ZL, SL, SM, YZ), pp. 289–302.
Configuration Debugging as Search: Finding the Needle in the Haystack (AW, RSC, SDG), pp. 77–90.
FASEFASE-2004-HeG #automation #using
Automated Debugging Using Path-Based Weakest Preconditions (HH, NG), pp. 267–280.
ICLPICLP-2004-HanakSS #library #prolog
FDBG, the CLPFD Debugger Library of SICStus Prolog (DH, TS, PS), pp. 458–459.
ICLPICLP-2004-LangevineD #monitoring #visualisation
A Tracer Driver to Enable Debugging, Monitoring and Visualization of CLP Executions from a Single Tracer (LL, MD), pp. 462–463.
VMCAIVMCAI-2004-EnglerM #model checking #static analysis
Static Analysis versus Software Model Checking for Bug Finding (DRE, MM), pp. 191–210.
CSMRCSMR-2003-ChaimMJ #requirements
A Debugging Strategy Based on Requirements of Testin (MLC, JCM, MJ), pp. 160–169.
ICSMEICSM-2003-FischerPG #database #version control
Populating a Release History Database from Version Control and Bug Tracking Systems (MF, MP, HG), p. 23–?.
Analyzing and Relating Bug Report Data for Feature Tracking (MF, MP, HG), pp. 90–101.
SEFMSEFM-2003-DeharbeR #proving #theorem proving #verification
Light-Weight Theorem Proving for Debugging and Verifying Units of Code (DD, SR), pp. 220–228.
HaskellHaskell-2003-EnnalsJ #lazy evaluation #named #source code
HsDebug: debugging lazy programs by not being lazy (RE, SLPJ), pp. 84–87.
HaskellHaskell-2003-StuckeySW #haskell #interactive
Interactive type debugging in Haskell (PJS, MS, JW), pp. 72–83.
SOFTVISSOFTVIS-2003-JacobsM #interactive #uml #visual notation
Interactive Visual Debugging with UML (TJ, BM), pp. 115–122.
PLDIPLDI-2003-AmmonsMBL #concept analysis #specification
Debugging temporal specifications with concept analysis (GA, DM, RB, JRL), pp. 182–195.
Bug isolation via remote program sampling (BL, AA, AXZ, MIJ), pp. 141–154.
PPDPPPDP-2003-CameronBMM #named #visual notation
ViMer: a visual debugger for mercury (MC, MJGdlB, KM, PM), pp. 56–66.
PPDPPPDP-2003-PopeN #aspect-oriented #declarative #haskell
Practical aspects of declarative debugging in Haskell 98 (BP, LN), pp. 230–240.
ASEASE-2003-MayerS #exception #source code
Extending Diagnosis to Debug Programs with Exceptions (WM, MS), pp. 240–244.
ASEASE-2003-SearleGA #automation
Automating Relative Debugging (AS, JG, DA), pp. 356–359.
ASEASE-2003-ShlyakhterSJST #declarative #modelling #satisfiability #using
Debugging Overconstrained Declarative Models Using Unsatisfiable Cores (IS, RS, DJ, MS, MT), pp. 94–105.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2003-LivshitsL #c #context-sensitive grammar #detection #pointer #source code
Tracking pointers with path and context sensitivity for bug detection in C programs (VBL, MSL), pp. 317–326.
Advanced techniques for RTL debugging (YCH, BT, YAC, FST), pp. 362–367.
DATEDATE-2003-RoychoudhuryMK #protocol #using
Using Formal Techniques to Debug the AMBA System-on-Chip Bus Protocol (AR, TM, SRK), pp. 10828–10833.
SOSPSOSP-2003-AguileraMWRM #black box #distributed #performance
Performance debugging for distributed systems of black boxes (MKA, JCM, JLW, PR, AM), pp. 74–89.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2002-AbadiC #development #query #visual notation
Visual COKO: a debugger for query optimizer development (DJA, MC), p. 617.
PASTEPASTE-2002-AkgulM #execution
Instruction-level reverse execution for debugging (TA, VJM), pp. 18–25.
Recompilation for debugging support in a JIT-compiler (MMT, JKH, GYL), pp. 10–17.
SCAMSCAM-2002-XuCY #object-oriented #slicing #source code
Dynamic Slicing Object-Oriented Programs for Debugging (BX, ZC, HY), pp. 115–122.
ICALPICALP-2002-HermenegildoPBL #approximate #semantics #specification #using #validation
Program Debugging and Validation Using Semantic Approximations and Partial Specifications (MVH, GP, FB, PLG), pp. 69–72.
Assertions to better specify the amazon bug (LB, GD, LM, PP), pp. 585–592.
PADLPADL-2002-BunusF #declarative #equation #modelling
A Debugging Scheme for Declarative Equation Based Modeling Languages (PB, PF), pp. 280–298.
POPLPOPL-2002-BallR #static analysis
The SLAM project: debugging system software via static analysis (TB, SKR), pp. 1–3.
ASEASE-2002-AugustonJU #automation #framework
A Framework for Automatic Debugging (MA, CJ, SU), pp. 217–222.
FSEFSE-2002-Holzmann #logic
The logic of bugs (GJH), pp. 81–87.
ICSEICSE-2002-HangalL #automation #detection #using
Tracking down software bugs using automatic anomaly detection (SH, MSL), pp. 291–301.
DATEDATE-2002-PomeranzRR #fault
Finding a Common Fault Response for Diagnosis during Silicon Debug (IP, JR, SMR), p. 1116.
HPDCHPDC-2002-MatthewsHJL #automation #backtracking #source code
Backtracking and Re-Execution in the Automatic Debugging of Parallelized Programs (GM, RH, SJ, PFL), p. 150–?.
LCTESLCTES-SCOPES-2002-WakabayashiT #adaptation #approach #evaluation #interface #specification #standard
Standardization approach of ITRON debugging interface specification and evaluation of its adaptability (TW, HT), pp. 65–74.
OSDIOSDI-2002-KumarL #model checking #using
Using Model Checking to Debug Device Firmware (SK, KL), pp. 61–74.
PDPPDP-2002-Kranzlmuller #grid #named
DeWiz — Event-Based Debugging on the Grid (DK), p. 162–?.
TACASTACAS-2002-GunterP #concurrent
Temporal Debugging for Concurrent Systems (ELG, DP), pp. 431–444.
ICLPICLP-2002-OsorioNA #approach #logic #prolog
Debugging in A-Prolog: A Logical Approach (MO, JANP, JA), pp. 482–483.
IWPCIWPC-J-1999-FrancelR01 #slicing
The value of slicing while debugging (MAF, SR), pp. 151–169.
PASTEPASTE-2001-AncourtN #array #maintenance #reuse
Array resizing for scientific code debugging, maintenance and reuse (CA, TVNN), pp. 32–37.
WCREWCRE-2001-CifuentesWE #analysis #decompiler #security
Computer Security Analysis through Decompilation and High-Level Debugging (CC, TW, MVE), pp. 375–380.
FLOPSFLOPS-2001-CaballeroLR #declarative #functional #lazy evaluation #logic programming #source code
Theoretical Foundations for the Declarative Debugging of Lazy Functional Logic Programs (RC, FJLF, MRA), pp. 170–184.
FLOPSFLOPS-2001-Delzanno #case study #prolog #protocol #security #specification
Specifying and Debugging Security Protocols via Hereditary Harrop Formulas and λ Prolog — A Case-study (GD), pp. 123–137.
ICFPICFP-2001-Chitil #algorithm #composition #fault
Compositional Explanation of Types and Algorithmic Debugging of Type Errors (OC), pp. 193–204.
VISSOFTSVIS-2001-LengenB #distributed #ecosystem #visualisation
Visualisation and Debugging of Decentralised Information Ecosystems (RHvL, JTB), pp. 395–404.
VISSOFTSVIS-2001-Mehner #concurrent #java #named #source code #uml #visualisation
JaVis: A UML-Based Visualization and Debugging Environment for Concurrent Java Programs (KM), pp. 163–175.
VISSOFTSVIS-2001-OechsleS #automation #diagrams #interface #java #named #sequence chart #using #visualisation
JAVAVIS: Automatic Program Visualization with Object and Sequence Diagrams Using the Java Debug Interface (JDI) (RO, TS), pp. 176–190.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2001-DelzannoE #logic programming #protocol #proving #security
Proof Theory, Transformations, and Logic Programming for Debugging Security Protocols (GD, SE), pp. 76–90.
ICSEICSE-2001-HobatrM #c++ #using
Using OCL-Queries for Debugging C++ (CH, BAM), pp. 839–840.
SACSAC-2001-FerrariT #calculus #mobile
A debugging calculus for mobile ambients (GLF, ET).
SACSAC-2001-Flater #case study #interactive
Debugging agent interactions: a case study (DWF), pp. 107–114.
SACSAC-2001-HobatrM #c++ #design #ocl
The design of an OCL query-based debugger for C++ (CH, BAM), pp. 658–662.
PDPPDP-2001-SujeckaW #corba
Remote Debugging of CORBA Objects (MS, BW), pp. 396–401.
SOSPSOSP-2001-EnglerCC #approach #behaviour #consistency #fault
Bugs as Inconsistent Behavior: A General Approach to Inferring Errors in Systems Code (DRE, DYC, AC), pp. 57–72.
FASEFASE-2001-LoginovYHR #runtime #type checking
Debugging via Run-Time Type Checking (AL, SHY, SH, TWR), pp. 217–232.
CAVCAV-2001-BjesseLM #satisfiability #using
Finding Bugs in an α Microprocessor Using Satisfiability Solvers (PB, TL, AM), pp. 454–464.
IFLIFL-2000-ChitilRW #comparative #evaluation #functional #lazy evaluation #source code
Freja, Hat and Hood — A Comparative Evaluation of Three Systems for Tracing and Debugging Lazy Functional Programs (OC, CR, MW), pp. 176–193.
PLDIPLDI-2000-Boothe #algorithm #bidirectional #performance
Efficient algorithms for bidirectional debugging (BB), pp. 299–310.
SASSAS-2000-JaramilloGS #named
FULLDOC: A Full Reporting Debugger for Optimized Code (CJ, RG, MLS), pp. 240–259.
FSEFSE-2000-ButkevichRBY #compilation #protocol #tool support
Compiler and tool support for debugging object protocols (SB, MR, GB, MY), pp. 50–59.
FSEFSE-2000-Pethia #source code
Bugs in the programs (RDP), p. 79.
DACDAC-2000-LachMP #detection #fault #locality #performance
Efficient error detection, localization, and correction for FPGA-based debugging (JL, WHMS, MP), pp. 207–212.
LCTESLCTES-2000-LeeLKK #design #embedded #implementation #internet
A Design and Implementation of a Remote Debugging Environment for Embedded Internet Software (KL, CL, KK, HNK), pp. 199–203.
PDPPDP-2000-ClaudioCC #message passing #monitoring #visualisation
Monitoring and debugging message passing applications with MPVisualizer (APC, JDC, MBC), pp. 376–382.
ESOPESOP-2000-ElgaardMS #c #source code
Compile-Time Debugging of C Programs Working on Trees (JE, AM, MIS), pp. 119–134.
ISSTAISSTA-2000-JacksonV #constraints #theorem proving
Finding bugs with a constraint solver (DJ, MV), pp. 14–25.
ISSTAISSTA-2000-SchulzM #interface #thread
A thread-aware debugger with an open interface (DS, FM), pp. 201–211.
IWPCIWPC-1999-FrancelR #comprehension #slicing
The Relationship of Slicing and Debugging to Program Understanding (MAF, SR), pp. 106–113.
ICFPICFP-1999-Nilsson #functional #lazy evaluation
Tracing Piece by Piece: Affordable Debugging for Lazy Functional Languages (HN), pp. 36–47.
HCIHCI-EI-1999-RigasKO #communication #named
AUDIOTEST: Utilising Audio to Communicate Information in Program Debugging (DIR, MARK, DO), pp. 1293–1297.
Dynamic Query-Based Debugging (RL, UH, AKS), pp. 135–160.
TOOLSTOOLS-ASIA-1999-WangZAC #distributed #java #parallel
A Parallel and Distributed Debugger Implemented with Java (FW, QZ, HA, GC), pp. 342–347.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-1999-PueblaBH #constraints #logic programming #source code
Combined Static and Dynamic Assertion-Based Debugging of Constraint Logic Programs (GP, FB, MVH), pp. 273–292.
PADLPADL-1999-Lai #constraints #proving #using
Using Constraints in Local Proofs for CLP Debugging (CL), pp. 350–359.
PLDIPLDI-1999-WuMPOH #framework
A New Framework for Debugging Globally Optimized Code (LCW, RM, HP, BO, WmWH), pp. 181–191.
ASEASE-1999-GoualardB #constraints #visualisation
A Visualization Tool for Constraint Program Debugging (FG, FB), p. 110–?.
ESECESEC-FSE-1999-GyimothyBF #performance #slicing
An Efficient Relevant Slicing Method for Debugging (TG, ÁB, IF), pp. 303–321.
ESECESEC-FSE-1999-JaramilloGS #approach #comparison
Comparison Checking: An Approach to Avoid Debugging of Optimized Code (CJ, RG, MLS), pp. 268–284.
ICSEICSE-1999-Ducasse #automation #c #named
Coca: An automated Debugger for C (MD), pp. 504–513.
CCCC-1999-Sloane #compilation
Debugging Eli-Generated Compilers With Noosa (AMS), pp. 17–31.
DeHiFo-an advanced HPF debugging system (PB, SG, KSP, RW), pp. 226–232.
PDPPDP-1999-TsiatsoulisCF #message passing #specification #testing
Testing and debugging message passing applications based on the synergy of program and specification executions (ZT, JYC, EF), pp. 196–203.
ICLPICLP-1999-HermenegildoBPL #optimisation #preprocessor #program analysis #using
Program Analysis, Debugging, and Optimization Using the Ciao System Preprocessor (MVH, FB, GP, PLG), pp. 52–66.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1998-KornackerSH #named
amdb: An Access Method Debugging Tool (MK, MAS, JMH), pp. 570–571.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-1998-MalletD #database #deduction #named #relational
Myrtle: A Set-Oriented Meta-Interpreter Driven by a “Relational” Trace for Deductive Databases Debugging (SM, MD), pp. 328–330.
ASEASE-1998-McCluskeyW #automation #maintenance #modelling #requirements #towards
Towards the Automated Debugging and Maintenance of Logic-based Requirements Models (TLM, MMW), pp. 105–114.
CCCC-1998-Pettersson #profiling
Portable Debugging and Profiling (MP), pp. 279–293.
DACDAC-1998-MalkaZ #analysis #design #estimation #reliability #statistics
Design Reliability — Estimation through Statistical Analysis of Bug Discovery Data (YM, AZ), pp. 644–649.
Silicon Debug of Systems-on-Chips (KvD, SN, GJvR, EJM), pp. 632–633.
LCTESLCTES-1998-AroraS #embedded #realtime
A Tool to Assist in Fine-Tuning and Debugging Embedded Real-Time Systems (GA, DBS), pp. 83–97.
LCTESLCTES-1998-HinesB #distributed #implementation #process
Debugging Distributed Implementations of Modal Process Systems (KH, GB), pp. 98–107.
High-level CHILL debugging system in cross-development environments (YB, YSC, BSL), pp. 211–216.
ESOPESOP-1998-Ruggieri #declarative
A Complete Declarative Debugger of Missing Answers (SR), pp. 236–251.
CHICHI-1997-WilcoxABCC #feedback #programming #question #visual notation
Does Continuous Visual Feedback Aid Debugging in Direct-Manipulation Programming Systems? (EMW, JWA, MMB, JJC, CRC), pp. 258–265.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-1997-LenceviciusHS #object-oriented #source code
Query-Based Debugging of Object-Oriented Programs (RL, UH, AKS), pp. 304–317.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-1997-GilH #generative #source code #testing #using
T++: A Test Case Generator Using a Debugging Information Based Technique for Source Code Manipulation (JYG, BH), pp. 272–281.
AdaTRI-Ada-1997-NeriPT #distributed
Debugging Distributed Applications with Replay Capabilities (DN, LP, ST), pp. 189–195.
AdaTRI-Ada-1997-Tucker #ada
Debugging Highly-Optimized Ada with Code Motion (DHACM) (KT), pp. 197–203.
ASEASE-1997-Gaugne #comprehension #static analysis
A Static Analysis for Program Understanding and Debugging (RG), pp. 297–298.
SACSAC-1997-JoKIPL #design #object-oriented #prototype
A design and prototyping of an object-oriented program debugger (CHJ, PSK, HSI, EHP, BSL), pp. 45–51.
DACDAC-1997-FangWY #online #realtime
A Real-Time RTL Engineering-Change Method Supporting On-Line Debugging for Logic-Emulation Applications (WJF, ACHW, TYY), pp. 101–106.
DATEEDTC-1997-DasdanMG #analysis #constraints #embedded #named
RATAN: A tool for rate analysis and rate constraint debugging for embedded systems (AD, AM, RKG), pp. 2–6.
FMFME-1996-ArnoldBR #embedded #formal method #using
An Example of Use of Formal Methods to Debug an Embedded Software (AA, DB, JPR), pp. 649–661.
SEKESEKE-1996-FoxBM #automation #fault #pascal #process #syntax
Automating the Debugging Process of Pascal Syntax Errors (RF, CB, JM), pp. 92–99.
SEKESEKE-1996-LawM #object-oriented
Debugging of Object-Oriented Software (RCHL, RBM), pp. 77–84.
Source-Level Debugging of Scalar Optimized Code (ARAT, TRG), pp. 33–43.
PLDIPLDI-1996-FlanaganFKWF #invariant #web
Static Debugging: Browsing the Web of Program Invariants (CF, MF, SK, SW, MF), pp. 23–32.
CCCC-1996-FritzonWHSS #array #bytecode #distributed #parallel #process
A Parallel Debugger with Support for Distributed Arrays, Multiple Executables and Dynamic Processes (PF, RW, OH, JS, PS), pp. 341–355.
SEKESEKE-1995-YoonG #framework
A Cognitive Framework of Debugging (BdY, ONG), pp. 304–311.
PPDPPLILP-1995-Arenas-SanchezG #lazy evaluation
A Debugging Model for Lazy Narrowing (PAS, AGL), pp. 453–454.
PDPPDP-1995-GrabnerKV #concurrent #process
Debugging of concurrent processes (SG, DK, JV), pp. 547–554.
Anatomy of the Pentium Bug (VRP), pp. 97–107.
TAPSOFTTAPSOFT-1995-Tip #slicing
Generic Techniques for Source-Level Debugging and Dynamic Program Slicing (FT), pp. 516–530.
ICSMEICSM-1994-RegelsonA #legacy
Debugging Practices for Complex Legacy Software Systems (ER, AA), pp. 137–143.
SEKESEKE-1994-Auguston #automation
A language for debugging automation (MA), pp. 108–115.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-1994-CominiLV #logic programming
Abstract Debugging of Logic Program (MC, GL, GV), pp. 440–450.
PLDIPLDI-1994-NetzerW #incremental #source code
Optimal Tracing and Incremental Reexecution for Debugging Long-Running Programs (RHBN, MHW), pp. 313–325.
PLDIPLDI-1994-Wismuller #analysis #data flow #source code #using
Debugging of Globally Optimized Programs Using Data Flow Analysis (RW), pp. 278–289.
AdaTRI-Ada-1994-BarbaschE #ada
Always One More Bug: Applying AdaWise to Improve Ada Code (CB, DE), pp. 228–235.
ICSEICSE-1994-TakadaMT #performance #process #testing
A Programmer Performance Measure Based on Programmer State Transitions in Testing and Debugging Process (YT, KiM, KT), pp. 123–132.
CCCC-1994-PineoS #approach
A Practical Approach to the Symbolic Debugging of Parallelized Code (PPP, MLS), pp. 339–356.
DATEEDAC-1994-ChenYF #design #identification #model checking
Bug Identification of a Real Chip Design by Symbolic Model Checking (BC, MY, MF), pp. 132–136.
DATEEDAC-1994-NaganumaOH #algorithm #design #using #validation
High-Level Design Validation Using Algorithmic Debugging (JN, TO, TH), pp. 474–480.
PDPPDP-1994-Dauphin #distributed #functional #modelling #monitoring #parallel #performance
Combining Functional And Performance Debugging Of Parallel And Distributed Systems Based On Model-driven Monitoring (PD), pp. 463–470.
Debugging Optimized Code Via Tailoring (LLP, MPB, MLS), p. 201.
SEKESEKE-1993-TsaiLN #approach #requirements #specification
Debugging Logic-Based Requirements Specifications — a FRORL Approach (JJPT, AL, KRN), pp. 372–379.
PLDIPLDI-1993-Bourdoncle #higher-order #imperative
Abstract Debugging of Higher-Order Imperative Languages (FB), pp. 46–55.
PPDPPLILP-1993-HanusJ #functional #logic programming #source code
A Debugging Model for Functional Logic Programs (MH, BJ), pp. 28–43.
POPLPOPL-1993-Adl-TabatabaiG #interactive
Evicted Variables and the Interaction of Global Register Allocation and Symbolic Debugging (ARAT, TRG), pp. 371–383.
AdaTRI-Ada-1993-KoehnemannL #embedded #testing #tool support #towards
Towards Target-Level Testing and Debugging Tools for Embedded Software (HK, TEL), pp. 288–298.
ESECESEC-1993-Bourdoncle #abstract interpretation #imperative #source code
Assertion-based Debugging of Imperative Programs by Abstract Interpretation (FB), pp. 501–516.
ICSEICSE-1993-MukherjeaS #algorithm #animation #comprehension
Applying Algorithm Animation Techniques for Program Tracing, Debugging, and Understanding (SM, JTS), pp. 456–465.
PDPPDP-1993-AugustonF #behaviour #parallel #specification
PARFORMAN-an assertion language for specifying behaviour when debugging parallel applications (MA, PF), pp. 150–157.
CAVCAV-1993-HojatiBK #design #using
BDD-Based Debugging Of Design Using Language Containment and Fair CTL (RH, RKB, RPK), pp. 41–58.
PLDIPLDI-1992-BrooksHS #approach
A New Approach to Debugging Optimized Code (GB, GJH, SS), pp. 1–11.
Debugging Optimized Code with Dynamic Deoptimization (UH, CC, DU), pp. 32–43.
A Retargetable Debugger (NR, DRH), pp. 22–31.
PPDPPLILP-1992-NilssonF #algorithm #functional #lazy evaluation
Algorithmic Debugging for Lazy Functional Languages (HN, PF), pp. 385–399.
PPDPPLILP-1992-SaidiB #two-level grammar
Checking and Debugging of Two-level Grammars (SS, JFB), pp. 158–171.
FMVDME-1991-KinnaesV #metalanguage
A Debugger for a Meta-IV-like Meta-Language (DK, KDV), pp. 597–603.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-1991-JamrozikRS #distributed #source code #visual notation
A Graphical Debugger for O-O Distributed Programs (HJ, CR, MS), pp. 117–128.
PLDIPLDI-1991-Bertot #specification
Occurences in Debugger Specifications (YB), pp. 327–337.
PLDIPLDI-1991-FritzsonGKS #algorithm #testing
Generalized Algorithmic Debugging and Testing (PF, TG, MK, NS), pp. 317–326.
PPDPPLILP-1991-Loyola #animation #execution #logic programming
Extending Execution Trees for Debugging and Animation in Logic Programming (DL), pp. 419–420.
ASEKBSE-1991-AllemangC #functional #representation
Functional Representation and Program Debugging (DA, BC), pp. 136–143.
Race Frontier: Reproducing Data Races in Parallel-Program Debugging (JDC, SLM), pp. 145–154.
ICLPISLP-1991-FeldmanS #animation #visual notation
Temporal Debugging and its Visual Animation (YF, EYS), pp. 3–17.
LISPLFP-1990-TolmachA #ml #reverse engineering #standard
Debugging Standard ML Without Reverse Engineering (APT, AWA), pp. 1–12.
PPDPPLILP-1990-KamkarNF #algorithm #locality #slicing
Bug Localization by Algorithmic Debugging and Program Slicing (MK, NS, PF), pp. 60–74.
CCCC-1990-ShahmehriF #algorithm #imperative
Algorithmic Debugging for Imperative Languages with Side-Effects (NS, PF), pp. 226–227.
PPoPPPPoPP-1990-HseushK #concurrent #modelling #parallel
Modeling Concurrency in Parallel Debugging (WH, GEK), pp. 11–20.
ICSEICSE-1989-OhbaC #question #reliability
Does Imperfect Debugging Affect Software Reliability Growth? (MO, XMC), pp. 237–244.
ASPLOSASPLOS-1989-AralGS #multi #performance
Efficient Debugging Primitives for Multiprocessors (ZA, IG, GS), pp. 87–95.
DACDAC-1989-BolsensRCM #analysis #behaviour #logic
Electrical Debugging of Synchronous MOS VLSI Circuits Exploiting Analysis of the Intended Logic Behaviour (IB, WDR, LJMC, HDM), pp. 513–518.
DACDAC-1989-DervisogluK #named #state of the art #tool support
ATLAS/ELA: Scan-based Software Tools for Reducing System Debug Time in a State-of-the-art Workstation (BID, MAK), pp. 718–721.
ISSTATAV-1989-PodgurskiC #dependence #maintenance #testing
The Implications of Program Dependencies for Software Testing, Debugging, and Maintenance (AP, LAC), pp. 168–178.
ECOOPECOOP-1988-HondaY #concurrent
Debugging Concurrent Systems Based on Object Groups (YH, AY), pp. 267–282.
PLDIPLDI-1988-CoutantMR #approach #named
DOC: A Practical Approach to Source-Level Debugging of Globally Optimized Code (DSC, SM, MR), pp. 125–134.
PLDIPLDI-1988-MillerC #parallel #performance #source code
A Mechanism for Efficient Debugging of Parallel Programs (BPM, JDC), pp. 135–144.
PLDIPLDI-1988-Stone #case study #concurrent #process
Debugging Concurrent Processes: A Case Study (JMS), pp. 145–153.
ICSEICSE-1988-DucasseE #automation #overview
A Review of Automated Debugging Systems: Knowledge, Strategies, and Techniques (MD, AME), pp. 162–173.
ICLPJICSCP-1988-LichtensteinS88 #algorithm
Abstract Algorithmic Debugging (YL, EYS), pp. 512–531.
ICLPJICSCP-1988-PereiraC88 #framework #prolog
A Framework for Prolog Debugging (LMP, MC), pp. 481–495.
ICLPJICSCP-1988-Plummer88 #named #prolog
Coda: An Extended Debugger for PROLOG (DP), pp. 496–511.
HCIHCI-CE-1987-Moser #comprehension #design #using #visual notation
Understanding Complex Software Systems Using GADD: A Tool for Graphical Animated Design and Debugging (MCM), pp. 449–456.
PLDIPLDI-1987-BahlkeMS #generative
A generator for language-specific debugging systems (RB, BM, GS), pp. 92–101.
PLDIPLDI-1987-ChaseH #source code
Selective interpretation as a technique for debugging computationally intensive programs (BBC, RTH), pp. 113–124.
PLDIPLDI-1987-SkedzielewskiYO #interactive #interpreter #named
DI: an interactive debugging interpreter for applicative languages (SKS, RKY, RRO), pp. 102–112.
ASPLOSASPLOS-1987-CargillL #hardware #profiling
Cheap Hardware Support for Software Debugging and Profiling (TAC, BNL), pp. 82–83.
ICLPSLP-1987-DershowitzL87 #deduction
Deductive Debugging (ND, YJL), pp. 298–306.
ICLPSLP-1987-Huntbach87 #algorithm
Algorithmic PARLOG Debugging (MMH), pp. 288–297.
ICLPICLP-1986-Pereira86 #logic programming
Rational Debugging in Logic Programming (LMP), pp. 203–210.
ICSEICSE-1985-FrancescoLV #concurrent #interactive
An Interactive Debugger for a Concurrent Language (NDF, DL, GV), pp. 320–329.
LISPLFP-1984-Lieberman #lisp #tool support #towards
Steps Toward Better Debugging Tools for Lisp (HL), pp. 247–255.
ICLPILPC-1984-Plaisted84 #algorithm #performance
An Efficient Bug Location Algorithm (DAP), pp. 151–157.
ICSEICSE-1982-TakahashiAK #fortran #visual notation
Visual Aid for FORTRAN Program Debugging (KT, TA, MK), pp. 414–415.
ASPLOSASPLOS-1982-Johnson #architecture #requirements
Some Requirements for Architectural Support of Software Debugging (MSJ), pp. 140–148.
DACDAC-1970-French #interactive #visual notation
An interactive graphical debugging system (LJF), pp. 271–273.
SOSPSOSP-1969-Kulsrud #interactive #named
HELPER: an interactive extensible debugging system (HEK), pp. 105–111.
SOSPSOSP-1967-Horn68 #design
Three criteria for designing computing systems to facilitate debugging (ECVH), pp. 360–365.
Debugging aids (SR), p. 15.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.