Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Germany
Collaborated with:
C.Grimm K.Einwich L.Andrade T.Maehne C.B.Aoun F.Pêcheux M.Louërat
Talks about:
synchron (1) rational (1) discret (1) between (1) analysi (1) system (1) symbol (1) requir (1) object (1) design (1)
Person: Alain Vachoux
DBLP: Vachoux:Alain
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- DATE-2015-AndradeMVAPL #analysis #data flow #modelling
- Pre-simulation symbolic analysis of synchronization issues between discrete event and timed data flow models of computation (LA, TM, AV, CBA, FP, MML), pp. 1671–1676.
- DATE-2003-VachouxGE #design #requirements
- SystemC-AMS Requirements, Design Objectives and Rationale (AV, CG, KE), pp. 10388–10395.