Travelled to:
1 × Portugal
1 × Spain
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
F.Frasincar F.d.Jong U.Kaymak M.Capelle F.Hogenboom E.Niewenhuijse M.Jansen D.Vandic D.Bal M.Bal B.Heerschop F.Goossen
Talks about:
analysi (2) use (2) sentiment (1) recommend (1) distribut (1) structur (1) emoticon (1) discours (1) wordnet (1) similar (1)
Person: Alexander Hogenboom
DBLP: Hogenboom:Alexander
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- SAC-2015-HogenboomNJFV #distributed #optimisation #query #rdf
- RDF chain query optimization in a distributed environment (AH, EN, MJ, FF, DV), pp. 353–359.
- SAC-2013-CapelleHHF #recommendation #semantics #using
- Semantic news recommendation using wordnet and bing similarities (MC, FH, AH, FF), pp. 296–302.
- SAC-2013-HogenboomBFBJK #analysis #sentiment
- Exploiting emoticons in sentiment analysis (AH, DB, FF, MB, FdJ, UK), pp. 703–710.
- CIKM-2011-HeerschopGHFKJ #analysis #using
- Polarity analysis of texts using discourse structure (BH, FG, AH, FF, UK, FdJ), pp. 1061–1070.