Travelled to:
1 × France
2 × Germany
Collaborated with:
W.Müller M.Conrad I.Oliver
Talks about:
classif (2) system (2) tree (2) test (2) systemat (1) function (1) descript (1) approach (1) coverag (1) random (1)
Person: Alexander Krupp
DBLP: Krupp:Alexander
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- DATE-2010-Krupp0 #approach
- A systematic approach to the test of combined HW/SW systems (AK, WM), pp. 323–326.
- DATE-2006-KruppM #classification #functional #random testing #testing
- Classification trees for random tests and functional coverage (AK, WM), pp. 1031–1032.
- MBT-2006-ConradK #classification #embedded
- An Extension of the Classification-Tree Method for Embedded Systems for the Description of Events (MC, AK), pp. 3–11.
- DATE-DF-2004-KruppMO #model checking #refinement
- Formal Refinement and Model Checking of an Echo Cancellation Unit (AK, WM, IO), pp. 102–107.