765 papers:
WICSA-2015-CavalcanteBO #architecture #implementation- Supporting Dynamic Software Architectures: From Architectural Description to Implementation (EC, TVB, FO), pp. 31–40.
WICSA-2015-EliassonHPL #architecture- Architecting in the Automotive Domain: Descriptive vs Prescriptive Architecture (UE, RH, PP, JL), pp. 115–118.
DAC-2015-TretterKT #multi #probability- Interleaved multi-bank scratchpad memories: a probabilistic description of access conflicts (AT, PK, LT), p. 6.
DATE-2015-Ibing #architecture #execution #symbolic computation- Architecture description language based retargetable symbolic execution (AI), pp. 241–246.
SCAM-2015-ChochlovEB #data flow #feature model #using- Using changeset descriptions as a data source to assist feature location (MC, ME, JB), pp. 51–60.
LATA-2015-BachmeierLS #automaton #complexity #finite- Finite Automata for the Sub- and Superword Closure of CFLs: Descriptional and Computational Complexity (GB, ML, MS), pp. 473–485.
CHI-2015-ZhongLBB #image #named- RegionSpeak: Quick Comprehensive Spatial Descriptions of Complex Images for Blind Users (YZ, WSL, ELB, JPB), pp. 2353–2362.
DHM-HM-2015-EndoSSNKH #comparison- Comparison of Description Skill on Characteristics of the Urushi Crafts Work Between Expert Craftspeople and Non-expert Craftspeople (AE, MS, YS, SN, NK, HH), pp. 46–57.
ICEIS-v3-2015-ThabetGG #analysis #mining #petri net #process- Petri Net Model Cost Extension based on Process Mining — Cost Data Description and Analysis (DT, SAG, HHBG), pp. 268–275.
ICML-2015-SunWKM #geometry #network- Information Geometry and Minimum Description Length Networks (KS, JW, AK, SMM), pp. 49–58.
MLDM-2015-Perner #automation #feature model #image #mining- Automatic Cell Tracking and Kinetic Feature Description of Cell Paths for Image Mining (PP), pp. 441–451.
SEKE-2015-AdjoyanS #architecture #product line- An Architecture Description Language for Dynamic Service-Oriented Product Lines (SA, AS), pp. 231–236.
SEKE-2015-RamosCRSAP #analysis #architecture #recommendation- Recommendation in the Digital TV Domain: an Architecture based on Textual Description Analysis (FBAR, AAMC, RRdS, GS, HOdA, AP), pp. 99–104.
SAC-2015-DAddioM #approach #collaboration #sentiment- A sentiment-based item description approach for kNN collaborative filtering (RMD, MGM), pp. 1060–1065.
SAC-2015-GuessiMAON #architecture #named #ontology- OntolAD: a formal ontology for architectural descriptions (MG, DAM, GA, FO, EYN), pp. 1417–1424.
SAC-2015-GuessiNBFON #architecture #bibliography- A systematic literature review on the description of software architectures for systems of systems (MG, VVGN, TB, KRF, FO, EYN), pp. 1433–1440.
SAC-2015-PedrosaTB- Shape description based on bag of salience points (GVP, AJMT, CAZB), pp. 74–79.
SAC-2015-Rekha #big data #detection #performance #using- A fast support vector data description system for anomaly detection using big data (AGR), pp. 931–932.
SAC-2015-StracciaM #concept #estimation #fuzzy #learning #named #owl #probability #using- pFOIL-DL: learning (fuzzy) EL concept descriptions from crisp OWL data using a probabilistic ensemble estimation (US, MM), pp. 345–352.
ESEC-FSE-2015-NasrBAFBSD #architecture #matrix #named- MatrixMiner: a red pill to architect informal product descriptions in the matrix (SBN, GB, MA, JBFF, BB, NS, JMD), pp. 982–985.
SPLC-2015-BecanBGA #feature model #modelling #synthesis- Synthesis of attributed feature models from product descriptions (GB, RB, AG, MA), pp. 1–10.
CADE-2015-KaliszykSUV- System Description: E.T. 0.1 (CK, SS, JU, JV), pp. 389–398.
CADE-2015-MouraKADR #agile #proving #theorem proving- The Lean Theorem Prover (System Description) (LMdM, SK, JA, FvD, JvR), pp. 378–388.
LICS-2015-DalmauEHLR #complexity #problem- Descriptive Complexity of List H-Coloring Problems in Logspace: A Refined Dichotomy (VD, LE, PH, BL, AR), pp. 487–498.
LICS-2015-PaulyB #set- Descriptive Set Theory in the Category of Represented Spaces (AP, MdB), pp. 438–449.
ECSA-2014-CavalcanteOB #architecture #code generation #implementation- Architecture-Based Code Generation: From π-ADL Architecture Descriptions to Implementations in the Go Language (EC, FO, TVB), pp. 130–145.
ECSA-2014-FrommgenLB #composition #framework- A Property Description Framework for Composable Software (AF, ML, APB), pp. 267–282.
WICSA-2014-BaroniMMW #architecture #modelling #semantics #wiki- Architecture Description Leveraging Model Driven Engineering and Semantic Wikis (AB, HM, IM, EW), pp. 251–254.
ASE-2014-TurenneKGR #generative- A tool chain for generating the description files of highly available software (MT, AK, AG, SR), pp. 867–870.
DATE-2014-ShiC #named- Memcomputing: The cape of good hope: [Extended special session description] (YS, HMC), pp. 1–3.
SIGMOD-2014-ChalamallaIOP- Descriptive and prescriptive data cleaning (AC, IFI, MO, PP), pp. 445–456.
ICPC-2014-VassalloPPC #developer #mining #named #source code- CODES: mining source code descriptions from developers discussions (CV, SP, MDP, GC), pp. 106–109.
SCAM-2014-YooBE #slicing- Seeing Is Slicing: Observation Based Slicing of Picture Description Languages (SY, DB, RDE), pp. 175–184.
FLOPS-2014-BarkatiWJ #interpreter #multi #named- Faustine: A Vector Faust Interpreter Test Bed for Multimedia Signal Processing — System Description (KB, HW, PJ), pp. 69–85.
FLOPS-2014-Kiselyov #design #implementation- The Design and Implementation of BER MetaOCaml — System Description (OK), pp. 86–102.
AFL-2014-GruberH #automaton #complexity #finite #regular expression #summary- From Finite Automata to Regular Expressions and Back — A Summary on Descriptional Complexity (HG, MH), pp. 25–48.
LATA-2014-Prusa #complexity- Weight-Reducing Hennie Machines and Their Descriptional Complexity (DP), pp. 553–564.
HIMI-DE-2014-HoriguchiASN #dependence #generative- Menu Hierarchy Generation Based on Syntactic Dependency Structures in Item Descriptions (YH, SA, TS, HN), pp. 157–166.
ICEIS-v2-2014-OtonBGGB #learning #metadata #using- Description of Accessible Learning Resources by Using Metadata (SO, CB, EG, AGC, RB), pp. 620–626.
ICEIS-v2-2014-SarmientoLRS #approach #automation #concurrent #generative #requirements #testing- An Automated Approach of Test Case Generation for Concurrent Systems from Requirements Descriptions (ES, JCSdPL, NR, AvS), pp. 339–347.
CIKM-2014-YilmazKC #evaluation #retrieval- Effect of Intent Descriptions on Retrieval Evaluation (EY, EK, NC), pp. 599–608.
ICPR-2014-DavarzaniM #adaptation #image #robust- Robust Image Description with Weighted and Adaptive Local Binary Pattern Features (RD, SM), pp. 1097–1102.
ICPR-2014-HalsteadDSF #approach #database #people #semantics #video- Locating People in Video from Semantic Descriptions: A New Database and Approach (MH, SD, SS, CF), pp. 4501–4506.
ICPR-2014-SantanaLH #geometry #identification #people #semantics- People Semantic Description and Re-identification from Point Cloud Geometry (MCS, JLN, DHS), pp. 4702–4707.
ICPR-2014-XieUKG #incremental #learning- Incremental Learning with Support Vector Data Description (WX, SU, SK, MG), pp. 3904–3909.
KDIR-2014-FouratiJG #automation #documentation- Automatic Audiovisual Documents Genre Description (MF, AJ, FG), pp. 538–543.
KEOD-2014-TongphuS #logic #standard- A Non-standard Instance Checking for the Description Logic ELH (ST, BS), pp. 67–74.
KR-2014-BienvenuCOS #logic #query- Nested Regular Path Queries in Description Logics (MB, DC, MO, MS).
KR-2014-BorgwardtDP #decidability #logic- Decidable Gödel Description Logics without the Finitely-Valued Model Property (SB, FD, RP).
KR-2014-BotoevaKRWZ #knowledge base #logic #query- Query Inseparability for Description Logic Knowledge Bases (EB, RK, VR, FW, MZ).
KR-2014-GarciaLS #finite #logic #reasoning- Finite Model Reasoning in Horn Description Logics (YAIG, CL, TS).
KR-2014-GottlobHKL #logic #semantics- Stable Model Semantics for Guarded Existential Rules and Description Logics (GG, AH, CK, TL).
KR-2014-Gutierrez-BasultoJ0 #branch #lightweight #logic- Lightweight Description Logics and Branching Time: A Troublesome Marriage (VGB, JCJ, TS).
KR-2014-KonevLOW #learning #lightweight #logic #ontology- Exact Learning of Lightweight Description Logic Ontologies (BK, CL, AO, FW).
KR-2014-KrotzschR #logic- Nominal Schemas in Description Logics: Complexities Clarified (MK, SR).
ECMFA-2014-SchwichtenbergGHE #modelling #normalisation #qvt- Normalizing Heterogeneous Service Description Models with Generated QVT Transformations (SS, CG, ZH, GE), pp. 180–195.
Onward-2014-Skene #logic #programming language- Description Logic as Programming Language (JS), pp. 143–162.
SAC-2014-FerrazPG #feature model #symmetry- Feature description based on center-symmetric local mapped patterns (CTF, OPJ, AG), pp. 39–44.
ICSE-2014-GorlaTGZ #behaviour- Checking app behavior against app descriptions (AG, IT, FG, AZ), pp. 1025–1035.
SPLC-2014-YuZZJ #automation #case study #feature model #named- TDL: a transformation description language from feature model to use case for automated use case derivation (WY, WZ, HZ, ZJ), pp. 187–196.
IJCAR-2014-CeylanP #logic- The Bayesian Description Logic ℬℰℒ (IIC, RP), pp. 480–494.
IJCAR-2014-GoreOT #calculus #implementation #using- Implementing Tableau Calculi Using BDDs: BDDTab System Description (RG, KO, JT), pp. 337–343.
IJCAR-2014-GoreTW #logic #proving #theorem proving #using- A History-Based Theorem Prover for Intuitionistic Propositional Logic Using Global Caching: IntHistGC System Description (RG, JT, JW), pp. 262–268.
IJCAR-2014-GorinPSWW #algebra #hybrid #logic #named- Cool — A Generic Reasoner for Coalgebraic Hybrid Logics (System Description) (DG, DP, LS, FW, TW), pp. 396–402.
IJCAR-2014-SteigmillerGL #algorithm #logic- Coupling Tableau Algorithms for Expressive Description Logics with Completion-Based Saturation Procedures (AS, BG, TL), pp. 449–463.
LICS-CSL-2014-KlinLOT #complexity #constraints #problem #turing machine- Turing machines with atoms, constraint satisfaction problems, and descriptive complexity (BK, SL, JO, ST), p. 10.
RTA-TLCA-2014-CreusG #automation #context-free grammar #evaluation- Automatic Evaluation of Context-Free Grammars (System Description) (CC, GG), pp. 139–148.
RTA-TLCA-2014-HondaYB #interactive #process #π-calculus- Process Types as a Descriptive Tool for Interaction — Control and the π-Calculus (KH, NY, MB), pp. 1–20.
RTA-TLCA-2014-SternagelM #confluence- Conditional Confluence (System Description) (TS, AM), pp. 456–465.
ECSA-2013-LeiteOB #architecture #named- SysADL: A SysML Profile for Software Architecture Description (JCL, FO, TVB), pp. 106–113.
ECSA-2013-SilvaMCB #architecture #lightweight #product line- A Lightweight Language for Software Product Lines Architecture Description (ES, ALM, EC, TVB), pp. 114–121.
ECSA-2013-ThatSOB #design pattern- Composition-Centered Architectural Pattern Description Language (MTTT, SS, FO, IB), pp. 1–16.
DAC-2013-WagstaffGFT #architecture #partial evaluation #set- Early partial evaluation in a JIT-compiled, retargetable instruction set simulator generated from a high-level architecture description (HW, MG, BF, NPT), p. 6.
DRR-2013-YouSADT #documentation #image #multimodal #retrieval- Annotating image ROIs with text descriptions for multimodal biomedical document retrieval (DY, MSS, SA, DDF, GRT).
ICDAR-2013-TatawRK #clustering #using- Clustering of Symbols Using Minimal Description Length (OMT, TR, EJK), pp. 180–184.
CIAA-J-2012-KutribO13 #automaton #complexity #on the- On the Descriptional Complexity of the Window Size for Deleting Restarting Automata (MK, FO), pp. 831–846.
HCI-AMTE-2013-BratMP #interactive #model checking #semantics- V&V of Lexical, Syntactic and Semantic Properties for Interactive Systems through Model Checking of Formal Description of Dialog (GB, CM, PAP), pp. 290–299.
HCI-AMTE-2013-MeixnerOK #development #evaluation #industrial #modelling #user interface- Evaluation of User Interface Description Languages for Model-Based User Interface Development in the German Automotive Industry (GM, MO, MK), pp. 411–420.
HIMI-D-2013-Maeshiro #multi #network- A Model of Living Organisms to Integrate Multiple Relationship Network Descriptions (TM), pp. 475–483.
ICEIS-v1-2013-EllouzeLB #database #design #logic #object-oriented #realtime- Object-oriented Real-time Database Design based on Description Logics (ZE, NL, RB), pp. 264–271.
ICEIS-v3-2013-EssienO #architecture #case study #component #enterprise #modelling #student #validation- Enterprise Architecture Models — Description of Integrated Components for Validation — A Case Study of Student Internship Programme (JE, SO), pp. 302–309.
KEOD-2013-SagaeF #development #identification #image- Knowledge Resource Development for Identifying Matching Image Descriptions (AS, SEF), pp. 100–108.
SAC-2013-LarizgoitiaTBLM #semantics- Environmental service discovery based on semantically annotated OGC service descriptions (IL, IT, AB, AL, PM), pp. 303–310.
SAC-2013-MokarizadehKM #ontology #web #web service- Ontology acquisition from web service descriptions (SM, PK, MM), pp. 325–332.
ESEC-FSE-2013-Dajsuren #architecture #quality- Automotive architecture description and its quality (YD), pp. 727–730.
ESEC-FSE-2013-DavrilDHACH #feature model #scalability- Feature model extraction from large collections of informal product descriptions (JMD, ED, NH, MA, JCH, PH), pp. 290–300.
ESEC-FSE-2013-JensenMS #automation #interface #javascript #testing #web- Server interface descriptions for automated testing of JavaScript web applications (CSJ, AM, ZS), pp. 510–520.
CADE-2013-BenderPS #logic- System Description: E-KRHyper 1.4 — Extensions for Unique Names and Description Logic (MB, BP, CS), pp. 126–134.
CADE-2013-GoreT #logic- An Improved BDD Method for Intuitionistic Propositional Logic: BDDIntKt System Description (RG, JT), pp. 275–281.
CSL-2013-BulatovDT #approximate #complexity- Descriptive complexity of approximate counting CSPs (AAB, VD, MT), pp. 149–164.
WICSA-ECSA-2012-FrancoBR #architecture #automation #predict #reliability- Automated Reliability Prediction from Formal Architectural Descriptions (JMF, RB, MZR), pp. 302–309.
WICSA-ECSA-2012-WoodsB #architecture #case study #experience #industrial #information management #scalability #using- Using an Architecture Description Language to Model a Large-Scale Information System — An Industrial Experience Report (EW, RB), pp. 239–243.
TFPIE-2012-ODonnell #education #functional #hardware #using- Connecting the Dots: Computer Systems Education using a Functional Hardware Description Language (JTO), pp. 20–39.
FASE-2012-BecceMRS #user interface- Extracting Widget Descriptions from GUIs (GB, LM, OR, MS), pp. 347–361.
ICPC-2012-PanichellaAPMC #developer #mining #source code- Mining source code descriptions from developer communications (SP, JA, MDP, AM, GC), pp. 63–72.
AFL-J-2011-Pin12 #equation- Equational Descriptions of Languages (JÉP), pp. 1227–1240.
CIAA-2012-KutribO #automaton #complexity #on the- On the Descriptional Complexity of the Window Size for Deterministic Restarting Automata (MK, FO), pp. 253–264.
CHI-2012-MetoyerLRC #comprehension #visualisation- Understanding the verbal language and structure of end-user descriptions of data visualizations (RAM, BL, NHR, MC), pp. 1659–1662.
ICPR-2012-HongZPC #correlation- Combining local and global correlation for texture description (XH, GZ, MP, XC), pp. 2756–2759.
ICPR-2012-LiFLF #recognition- Face recognition with illumination distinction description (YL, JF, CL, XF), pp. 809–812.
ICPR-2012-MartelliCBTM #detection #paradigm #similarity- Joining feature-based and similarity-based pattern description paradigms for object detection (SM, MC, LB, DT, VM), pp. 2702–2705.
ICPR-2012-PazzagliaC #approach #recognition #tool support #visual notation- Visual description and recognition of mechanical tools with a silhouette-based approach (FP, CC), pp. 2549–2552.
ICPR-2012-SantosPTGPF #classification #image #multi #using #visual notation #word- Improving texture description in remote sensing image multi-scale classification tasks by using visual words (JAdS, OABP, RdST, PHG, SPF, AXF), pp. 3090–3093.
KEOD-2012-LinharesD #analysis #functional #geometry- Geometric Knowledge Analysis based in Part Functional Descriptions (JCL, AD), pp. 307–313.
KMIS-2012-EmmeneggerLT #semantics- Improving Supply-Chain-Management based on Semantically Enriched Risk Descriptions (SE, EL, BT), pp. 70–80.
KR-2012-ArenasBCRS #knowledge base #logic- Exchanging Description Logic Knowledge Bases (MA, EB, DC, VR, ES).
KR-2012-BienvenuLW #logic #query- Query Containment in Description Logics Reconsidered (MB, CL, FW).
KR-2012-BorgwardtP #fuzzy #logic- Undecidability of Fuzzy Description Logics (SB, RP).
KR-2012-GrauHKKMMW #logic #query- Acyclicity Conditions and their Application to Query Answering in Description Logics (BCG, IH, MK, CK, DM, BM, ZW).
KR-2012-KazakovKS #logic #product line #reasoning- Practical Reasoning with Nominals in the EL Family of Description Logics (YK, MK, FS).
KR-2012-LutzSW #approach #approximate #logic- An Automata-Theoretic Approach to Uniform Interpolation and Approximation in the Description Logic EL (CL, IS, FW).
KR-2012-LutzW #complexity #logic #query- Non-Uniform Data Complexity of Query Answering in Description Logics (CL, FW).
MLDM-2012-SapkotaBS #grammar inference #principle #using- Unsupervised Grammar Inference Using the Minimum Description Length Principle (US, BRB, APS), pp. 141–153.
SEKE-2012-ShenHTGZ #feature model #logic #modelling #verification- Feature modeling and Verification based on Description Logics (GS, ZH, CT, QG, WZ), pp. 422–425.
BX-2012-GibbonsJ #algebra #lens- Relating Algebraic and Coalgebraic Descriptions of Lenses (JG, MJ), pp. 5–20.
MoDELS-2012-HumaGEJ #automation #towards #uml- Towards an Automatic Service Discovery for UML-Based Rich Service Descriptions (ZH, CG, GE, OJ), pp. 709–725.
MoDELS-2012-HumaGEJ #automation #towards #uml- Towards an Automatic Service Discovery for UML-Based Rich Service Descriptions (ZH, CG, GE, OJ), pp. 709–725.
REFSQ-2012-TekaCS #bibliography- A Systematic Literature Review on Service Description Methods (AYT, NCF, BS), pp. 239–255.
SAC-2012-AlebrahimCHCH #architecture #design #interactive #model transformation #problem- Designing architectures from problem descriptions by interactive model transformation (AA, IC, MH, CC, DH), pp. 1256–1258.
SAC-2012-HogDA #adaptation #web #web service- Profile annotation for adaptable Web Service description (CEH, RBD, IA), pp. 1935–1940.
SAC-2012-MinervinidF #concept #learning #logic #probability- Learning probabilistic Description logic concepts: under different Assumptions on missing knowledge (PM, Cd, NF), pp. 378–383.
SAC-2012-YanZM #data type #fuzzy #logic- f-SROIQ(G): an expressive fuzzy Description Logic supporting fuzzy data type group (LY, FZ, ZMM), pp. 320–325.
FSE-2012-DiGiuseppeJ #automation #fault #semantics- Semantic fault diagnosis: automatic natural-language fault descriptions (ND, JAJ), p. 23.
ICSE-2012-IwamaNT #industrial #natural language #parsing #specification- Constructing parser for industrial software specifications containing formal and natural language description (FI, TN, HT), pp. 1012–1021.
ICSE-2012-PanditaXZXOP #api #natural language #specification- Inferring method specifications from natural language API descriptions (RP, XX, HZ, TX, SO, AMP), pp. 815–825.
CSL-2012-GrandjeanO #complexity- Descriptive complexity for pictures languages (EG, FO), pp. 274–288.
IJCAR-2012-BaaderMM #logic #named #unification- UEL: Unification Solver for the Description Logic ℰℒ — System Description (FB, JM, BM), pp. 45–51.
IJCAR-2012-BorgwardtDP #fuzzy #how #logic #question- How Fuzzy Is My Fuzzy Description Logic? (SB, FD, RP), pp. 82–96.
IJCAR-2012-SteigmillerLG #logic- Extended Caching, Backjumping and Merging for Expressive Description Logics (AS, TL, BG), pp. 514–529.
ECSA-2011-BarbosaBGS #architecture #aspect-oriented #named #product line- PL-AspectualACME: An Aspect-Oriented Architectural Description Language for Software Product Lines (EAB, TVB, AFG, ES), pp. 139–146.
ECSA-2011-SilvaB #architecture #specification #using- A Model for Specifying Rationale Using an Architecture Description Language (LdS, DB), pp. 319–327.
DAC-2011-AuerbachBCRS #hardware #object-oriented- Virtualization of heterogeneous machines hardware description in a synthesizable object-oriented language (JSA, DFB, PC, RMR, SS), pp. 890–894.
ITiCSE-2011-EganCT #evaluation #framework- The academic enhancement program in introductory CS: a workshop framework description and evaluation (RE, DC, DMT), pp. 278–282.
SCAM-J-2009-PhalpAJVK11 #case study #comprehension #requirements- The role of comprehension in requirements and implications for use case descriptions (KP, AA, SJ, JV, JMK), pp. 461–486.
PLDI-2011-LiTOKCSH #data flow #hardware #named- Caisson: a hardware description language for secure information flow (XL, MT, JO, VK, FTC, TS, BH), pp. 109–120.
AFL-2011-Pin #equation- Equational descriptions of languages (JÉP), pp. 50–63.
DLT-2011-HolzerJ #complexity- Chop Operations and Expressions: Descriptional Complexity Considerations (MH, SJ), pp. 264–275.
LATA-2011-OkhotinS #ambiguity #automaton #complexity #word- Descriptional Complexity of Unambiguous Nested Word Automata (AO, KS), pp. 414–426.
CHI-2011-HolzW #gesture- Data miming: inferring spatial object descriptions from human gesture (CH, AW), pp. 811–820.
HCD-2011-KlineQ #network #scalability- Attribute Description Service for Large-Scale Networks (DK, JQ), pp. 519–528.
HCD-2011-Kurosu #experience #user interface #word- Descriptive Words for Expressing the User Experience (MK), pp. 81–90.
HCI-UA-2011-IshidaNKOT #word- Therapeutic Category Improvement Method Based on the Words Appearing in Effect-Efficacy Description (HI, KN, MK, MO, FT), pp. 174–181.
CAiSE-2011-AsnarPM #case study #design pattern #logic #modelling- Modeling Design Patterns with Description Logics: A Case Study (YA, EP, JM), pp. 169–183.
CAiSE-2011-RoySSWB #design #enterprise #using- Using SOA Governance Design Methodologies to Augment Enterprise Service Descriptions (MR, BS, DS, IW, BB), pp. 566–581.
CIKM-2011-LiLWG- Context-based entity description rule for entity resolution (LL, JL, HW, HG), pp. 1725–1730.
KDIR-2011-LiVM #graph #learning #relational #using #visual notation- Unsupervised Handwritten Graphical Symbol Learning — Using Minimum Description Length Principle on Relational Graph (JL, CVG, HM), pp. 172–178.
KEOD-2011-MullerRH #logic #modelling #towards- Towards a Description Logic for Scientific Modeling (JPM, HLR, DH), pp. 183–188.
SEKE-2011-MokarizadehKM #automation #evaluation #semantics #web #web service- Evaluation of Semi-Automatic Acquisition of Semantic Descriptions of Web Services(S) (SM, PK, MM), pp. 353–356.
SIGIR-2011-Martinez-Alvarez #classification #information retrieval #integration #modelling- Descriptive modelling of text classification and its integration with other IR tasks (MMA), pp. 1317–1318.
REFSQ-2011-LauesenK #case study- Use Cases versus Task Descriptions (SL, MAK), pp. 106–120.
SAC-2011-NardiniOV- Description spaces with fuzziness (EN, AO, MV), pp. 869–876.
ICSE-2011-DumitruGHCMCM #mining #on-demand #recommendation- On-demand feature recommendations derived from mining public product descriptions (HD, MG, NH, JCH, BM, CCH, MM), pp. 181–190.
SPLC-2011-AsirelliBGF #product line #variability- Formal Description of Variability in Product Families (PA, MHtB, SG, AF), pp. 130–139.
CADE-2011-BaaderBBM #concept #logic #unification- Unification in the Description Logic EL without the Top Concept (FB, TBN, SB, BM), pp. 70–84.
CADE-2011-Horbach11a- System Description: SPASS-FD (MH), pp. 331–337.
CSL-2011-CantoneLA #decidability #logic #order #quantifier #set- A Decidable Quantified Fragment of Set Theory Involving Ordered Pairs with Applications to Description Logics (DC, CL, MNA), pp. 129–143.
ICLP-2011-DovierFP #coordination #named #prolog- BAAC: A Prolog System for Action Description and Agents Coordination (AD, AF, EP), pp. 187–197.
ICLP-2011-Zombori #information retrieval #logic #performance #reasoning- Two Phase Description Logic Reasoning for Efficient Information Retrieval (ZZ), pp. 296–300.
ECSA-2010-HeeschA #architecture #bibliography #comprehension #process #reasoning #student- Naive Architecting — Understanding the Reasoning Process of Students — A Descriptive Survey (UvH, PA), pp. 24–37.
ECSA-2010-KiwelekarJ #analysis #architecture #generative #ontology- Ontological Analysis for Generating Baseline Architectural Descriptions (AWK, RKJ), pp. 417–424.
ECSA-2010-RuscioMMPP #architecture #framework #named- ByADL: An MDE Framework for Building Extensible Architecture Description Languages (DDR, IM, HM, PP, AP), pp. 527–531.
CASE-2010-MikosFBF #design #development #distributed #ontology #reuse #using- Development of a system for distributed sharing and reuse of design and manufacturing knowledge in the PFMEA domain using a description logics-based ontology (WLM, JCEF, PEAB, LSF), pp. 598–603.
DATE-2010-RaffelsieperMS #library- Checking and deriving module paths in Verilog cell library descriptions (MR, MRM, CWHS), pp. 1506–1511.
ICSM-2010-GuptaDKR #case study #implementation- A case study in matching service descriptions to implementations in an existing system (HSG, DD, RK, GMR), pp. 1–10.
WCRE-2010-AthanasopoulosK #identification #legacy- Identification of REST-like Resources from Legacy Service Descriptions (MA, KK), pp. 215–219.
FLOPS-2010-Kiselyov #ml- Delimited Control in OCaml, Abstractly and Concretely: System Description (OK), pp. 304–320.
LATA-2010-Clark #modelling- Three Learnable Models for the Description of Language (AC), pp. 16–31.
LATA-2010-PlatekML #automaton #functional #generative- Restarting Automata with Structured Output and Functional Generative Description (MP, FM, ML), pp. 500–511.
SEFM-2010-WeitlNF #logic- Structured Counterexamples for the Temporal Description Logic ALCCTL (FW, SN, BF), pp. 232–243.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-TomeAC #architecture #enterprise #experience #named- TREEAD — A Tool that Enables the Re-use of Experience in Enterprise Architecture Description (PT, LA, EC), pp. 332–343.
CIKM-2010-ThurauKB #matrix- Yes we can: simplex volume maximization for descriptive web-scale matrix factorization (CT, KK, CB), pp. 1785–1788.
CIKM-2010-XiaoLC #bound #concept- K-farthest-neighbors-based concept boundary determination for support vector data description (YX, BL, LC), pp. 1701–1704.
ICPR-2010-GriptonL #kernel #semistructured data #using- Kernel Domain Description with Incomplete Data: Using Instance-Specific Margins to Avoid Imputation (AG, WL), pp. 2921–2924.
ICPR-2010-GueguenSP #composition #difference #image #multi #segmentation- Differential Morphological Decomposition Segmentation: A Multi-Scale Object Based Image Description (LG, PS, MP), pp. 938–941.
ICPR-2010-Liao #using- Region Description Using Extended Local Ternary Patterns (WHL), pp. 1003–1006.
ICPR-2010-LuWD #detection #random- Part Detection, Description and Selection Based on Hidden Conditional Random Fields (WL, SW, XD), pp. 657–660.
ICPR-2010-OliverTLM #automation #segmentation #set #using- Automatic Diagnosis of Masses by Using Level set Segmentation and Shape Description (AO, AT, XL, JM), pp. 2528–2531.
ICPR-2010-SantoshWL #using #visual notation- Using Spatial Relations for Graphical Symbol Description (KCS, LW, BL), pp. 2041–2044.
KEOD-2010-CasasCC #fibonacci #modelling #representation #specification #towards #using- Towards a Representation of Enviromental Models using Specification and Description Language — From the Fibonacci Model to a Wildfire Model (PFiC, MC, JC), pp. 343–346.
KMIS-2010-Caballero-GilCM #analysis #clustering #information management #simulation #using- Knowledge Management using Clusters in VANETs — Description, Simulation and Analysis (CCG, PCG, JMG), pp. 170–175.
KR-2010-BaaderBLW #logic #query- Query and Predicate Emptiness in Description Logics (FB, MB, CL, FW).
KR-2010-CeramiEB #decidability #logic- Decidability of a Description Logic over Infinite-Valued Product Logic (MC, FE, FB).
KR-2010-KonevLPW #logic #ontology- Decomposing Description Logic Ontologies (BK, CL, DKP, FW).
KR-2010-LutzS #logic #nondeterminism #probability- Probabilistic Description Logics for Subjective Uncertainty (CL, LS).
KR-2010-PenalozaS #axiom #complexity #logic #on the #product line- On the Complexity of Axiom Pinpointing in the EL Family of Description Logics (RP, BS).
KR-2010-WangWT #knowledge base #logic- Revising General Knowledge Bases in Description Logics (ZW, KW, RWT).
SEKE-2010-VaraS #modelling- System Modeling from Extended Task Descriptions (JLdlV, JS), pp. 425–429.
MoDELS-v2-2010-ParetoEE #architecture #bound #design- Architectural Descriptions as Boundary Objects in System and Design Work (LP, PE, SE), pp. 406–419.
LOPSTR-2010-SakuraiA #library #named #proving #user interface #visualisation- MikiBeta: A General GUI Library for Visualizing Proof Trees — System Description and Demonstration (KS, KA), pp. 84–98.
POPL-2010-DiasR #automation #declarative #generative #using- Automatically generating instruction selectors using declarative machine descriptions (JD, NR), pp. 403–416.
RE-2010-ChenYJ #named #problem- Dptool: A Tool for Supporting the Problem Description and Projection (XC, BY, ZJ), pp. 401–402.
SAC-2010-AlmeidaYA10a #principle #using- Filtering spams using the minimum description length principle (TAA, AY, JA), pp. 1854–1858.
SAC-2010-WeinreichB #architecture #development- Paving the road for formally defined architecture description in software development (RW, GB), pp. 2337–2343.
LDTA-2010-Bagge #implementation- Language description for front end implementation (AHB), p. 9.
LCTES-2010-PykaKMM #approach #embedded #framework- Versatile system-level memory-aware platform description approach for embedded MPSoCs (RP, FK, PM, SM), pp. 9–16.
CSL-2010-EickmeyerG #complexity- Randomisation and Derandomisation in Descriptive Complexity Theory (KE, MG), pp. 275–289.
ICLP-2010-OetschPT10 #source code- Methods and Methodologies for Developing Answer-Set Programs — Project Description (JO, JP, HT), pp. 154–161.
ICLP-J-2010-WangYYS #logic programming #source code- Loop formulas for description logic programs (YW, JHY, LYY, YDS), pp. 531–545.
IJCAR-2010-DunchevLLWP #proving- System Description: The Proof Transformation System CERES (TD, AL, TL, DW, BWP), pp. 427–433.
IJCAR-2010-GlimmHM #logic #reasoning- Optimized Description Logic Reasoning via Core Blocking (BG, IH, BM), pp. 457–471.
IJCAR-2010-GoreKPS #algebra #logic- Global Caching for Coalgebraic Description Logics (RG, CK, DP, LS), pp. 46–60.
IJCAR-2010-Kazakov #axiom #logic- An Extension of Complex Role Inclusion Axioms in the Description Logic SROIQ (YK), pp. 472–486.
IJCAR-2010-MagkaKH #data type #logic- Tractable Extensions of the Description Logic EL with Numerical Datatypes (DM, YK, IH), pp. 61–75.
IJCAR-2010-PientkaD #deduction #framework #named #programming #reasoning- Beluga: A Framework for Programming and Reasoning with Deductive Systems (System Description) (BP, JD), pp. 15–21.
WICSA-ECSA-2009-BontaB #algebra #architecture #code generation #java #named #process- PADL2Java: A Java code generator for process algebraic architectural descriptions (EB, MB), pp. 161–170.
WICSA-ECSA-2009-EmeryH #architecture #framework #using- Every architecture description needs a framework: Expressing architecture frameworks using ISO/IEC 42010 (DEE, RH), pp. 31–40.
FoSSaCS-2009-AdamekMV #monad- A Description of Iterative Reflections of Monads (Extended Abstract) (JA, SM, JV), pp. 152–166.
ICSM-2009-KhomhGA #design pattern #empirical #game studies- Playing roles in design patterns: An empirical descriptive and analytic study (FK, YGG, GA), pp. 83–92.
SCAM-2009-AlikacemS #framework #metric- A Metric Extraction Framework Based on a High-Level Description Language (EHA, HAS), pp. 159–167.
PEPM-2009-SalamaMTGO #consistency #dependent type #using- Static consistency checking for verilog wire interconnects: using dependent types to check the sanity of verilog descriptions (CS, GM, WT, JG, JO), pp. 121–130.
CIAA-J-2008-HolzerK09 #automaton #complexity #finite #nondeterminism- Nondeterministic Finite Automata — Recent Results on the Descriptional and Computational Complexity (MH, MK), pp. 563–580.
DLT-2009-FreydenbergerR- Existence and Nonexistence of Descriptive Patterns (DDF, DR), pp. 228–239.
DLT-2009-GruberH #bound #complexity #regular expression- Tight Bounds on the Descriptional Complexity of Regular Expressions (HG, MH), pp. 276–287.
LATA-2009-HolzerK #automaton #complexity #finite- Descriptional and Computational Complexity of Finite Automata (MH, MK), pp. 23–42.
HCD-2009-Kurosu #approach- Full Description Persona vs. Trait List Persona in the Persona-Based sHEM Approach (MK), pp. 230–238.
HCI-AUII-2009-HamaguchiKDI #framework- User-Definable Rule Description Framework for Autonomous Actor Agents (NH, HK, MD, SI), pp. 257–266.
HCI-VAD-2009-OHearB #enterprise #process #user interface #using- Using Activity Descriptions to Generate User Interfaces for ERP Software (TO, YB), pp. 577–586.
HIMI-II-2009-KimuraONOT #analysis- Analysis on Descriptions of Dosage Regimens in Package Inserts of Medicines (MK, KO, KN, MO, FT), pp. 539–548.
VISSOFT-2009-HassaineDSP #analysis #generative #maintenance #visualisation- Generating visualization-based analysis scenarios from maintenance task descriptions (SH, KD, HAS, PP), pp. 41–44.
ICEIS-DISI-2009-AmiratO #architecture #first-order #metamodelling #named- C3: A Metamodel for Architecture Description Language based on First-order Connector Types (AA, MO), pp. 76–81.
CIKM-2009-YangXBHSY #case study #cumulative #generative #information retrieval #social #using- A study of information retrieval on accumulative social descriptions using the generation features (LY, SX, SB, DH, ZS, YY), pp. 721–730.
ECIR-2009-BaillieCC #distributed #information retrieval #quality #topic- A Topic-Based Measure of Resource Description Quality for Distributed Information Retrieval (MB, MJC, FC), pp. 485–496.
ECIR-2009-LeaseAC #learning #query #rank- Regression Rank: Learning to Meet the Opportunity of Descriptive Queries (ML, JA, WBC), pp. 90–101.
KEOD-2009-ZambachM #implementation #logic #ontology- Applying Terminological Methods and Description Logic for Creating and Implementing an Ontology on Inhibition (SZ, BNM), pp. 452–455.
RecSys-2009-CarolisNPG #comparative #generative- Generating comparative descriptions of places of interest in the tourism domain (BDC, NN, VLP, EG), pp. 277–280.
RecSys-2009-GreenLAMKHBM #generative #recommendation- Generating transparent, steerable recommendations from textual descriptions of items (SJG, PL, JA, FM, SK, JH, JB, XWM), pp. 281–284.
SEKE-2009-VaraS #requirements #specification- Specification of Data Requirements from Task Descriptions (JLdlV, JS), pp. 55–60.
SIGIR-2009-Potthast #web- Measuring the descriptiveness of web comments (MP), pp. 724–725.
MoDELS-2009-DhaussyPCRTB #validation- Evaluating Context Descriptions and Property Definition Patterns for Software Formal Validation (PD, PYP, SC, AR, YLT, BB), pp. 438–452.
MoDELS-2009-DhaussyPCRTB #validation- Evaluating Context Descriptions and Property Definition Patterns for Software Formal Validation (PD, PYP, SC, AR, YLT, BB), pp. 438–452.
REFSQ-2009-VaraS #approach #lessons learnt #specification- BPMN-Based Specification of Task Descriptions: Approach and Lessons Learnt (JLdlV, JS), pp. 124–138.
SAC-2009-CaldersGPR #mining #process #using- Using minimum description length for process mining (TC, CWG, MP, AR), pp. 1451–1455.
SAC-2009-YokoyamaHSK #internet #operating system #policy #security- Simplifying security policy descriptions for internet servers in secure operating systems (TY, MH, MS, KK), pp. 326–333.
CADE-2009-IhlemannS- System Description: H-PILoT (CI, VSS), pp. 131–139.
CADE-2009-SebastianiV #analysis #axiom #encoding #lightweight #logic- Axiom Pinpointing in Lightweight Description Logics via Horn-SAT Encoding and Conflict Analysis (RS, MV), pp. 84–99.
ICLP-2009-Simkus #logic #logic programming- Fusion of Logic Programming and Description Logics (MS), pp. 551–552.
RTA-2009-BaaderM #logic #unification- Unification in the Description Logic EL (FB, BM), pp. 350–364.
ECSA-2008-BernardoB #algebra #architecture #process- Non-synchronous Communications in Process Algebraic Architectural Description Languages (MB, EB), pp. 3–18.
ECSA-2008-MohammadA #architecture #component #named- TADL — An Architecture Description Language for Trustworthy Component-Based Systems (MM, VSA), pp. 290–297.
MSR-2008-ParninG- Improving change descriptions with change contexts (CP, CG), pp. 51–60.
PEPM-2008-GillenwaterMSZTGO #hardware #static typing #using- Synthesizable high level hardware descriptions: using statically typed two-level languages to guarantee verilog synthesizability (JG, GM, CS, AYZ, WT, JG, JO), pp. 41–50.
CIAA-2008-HolzerK #complexity #finite #nondeterminism- Nondeterministic Finite Automata-Recent Results on the Descriptional and Computational Complexity (MH, MK), pp. 1–16.
IFL-2008-WangG #ad hoc #haskell #library- A Library for Processing Ad hoc Data in Haskell — Embedding a Data Description Language (YW, VG), pp. 174–191.
GT-VMT-2008-BraatzB #framework #graph transformation- Graph Transformations for the Resource Description Framework (BB, CB).
SIGAda-2008-LiangRB #ada #architecture #named #reliability- Re-ADA: reliable Ada-based descriptive architecture for C4ISR via a quantitative interoperating model (SXL, LAR, JB), pp. 39–56.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-AmiratO #architecture #modelling #reasoning #representation- Representation and Reasoning Models for C3 Architecture Description Language (AA, MO), pp. 207–212.
ICPR-2008-HulkkonenH #detection #monitoring- A minimum description length principle based method for signal change detection in machine condition monitoring (JJH, JVH), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-MorrisT #adaptation #analysis #process #video- An adaptive scene description for activity analysis in surveillance video (BM, MMT), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-TavakkoliNBN #incremental #modelling #performance- Efficient background modeling through incremental Support Vector Data Description (AT, MN, GB, MNN), pp. 1–4.
KR-2008-BaaderGL #axiom #logic #ltl- LTL over Description Logic Axioms (FB, SG, CL), pp. 684–694.
KR-2008-Bienvenu #abduction #complexity #lightweight #logic #product line- Complexity of Abduction in the EL Family of Lightweight Description Logics (MB), pp. 220–230.
KR-2008-CalvaneseGLLR #constraints #identification #logic- Path-Based Identification Constraints in Description Logics (DC, GDG, DL, ML, RR), pp. 231–241.
KR-2008-CalvaneseGLR #logic #ontology #query- View-Based Query Answering over Description Logic Ontologies (DC, GDG, ML, RR), pp. 242–251.
KR-2008-MotikGHS #graph #representation #using- Representing Structured Objects using Description Graphs (BM, BCG, IH, US), pp. 296–306.
KR-2008-SchroderP #how #logic #strict- How Many Toes Do I Have? Parthood and Number Restrictions in Description Logics (LS, DP), pp. 307–317.
KR-2008-TomanW #identification #logic- Identifying Objects Over Time with Description Logics (DT, GEW), pp. 724–732.
RecSys-2008-GeyerDMMF #online #recommendation #self #topic- Recommending topics for self-descriptions in online user profiles (WG, CD, DRM, MJM, JF), pp. 59–66.
SEKE-2008-QayyumO #architecture #dot-net- .NET Extensions to the p-architecture Description Languages (ZQ, FO), pp. 244–249.
ECMDA-FA-2008-WoodAHM #array- Array OL Descriptions of Repetitive Structures in VHDL (SW, DHA, WGJH, KDMM), pp. 137–152.
MoDELS-2008-SinhaKPW #case study #modelling #requirements #using #validation- Requirements Modeling and Validation Using Bi-layer Use Case Descriptions (AS, MK, AMP, CW), pp. 97–112.
MoDELS-2008-SinhaKPW #case study #modelling #requirements #using #validation- Requirements Modeling and Validation Using Bi-layer Use Case Descriptions (AS, MK, AMP, CW), pp. 97–112.
SAC-2008-ZhangMD #feature model #fuzzy #image #retrieval #set #using- Texture feature extraction and description using fuzzy set of main dominant directions of variable scales in content-based medical image retrieval (GZ, ZMM, LD), pp. 1760–1761.
SLE-2008-GjosaeterIP #case study #named- Sudoku — A Language Description Case Study (TG, IFI, AP), pp. 305–321.
CSL-2008-DawarG #complexity #game studies- The Descriptive Complexity of Parity Games (AD, EG), pp. 354–368.
ICLP-2008-LukacsySK #logic #prolog #reasoning- Prolog Based Description Logic Reasoning (GL, PS, BK), pp. 455–469.
IJCAR-2008-AvanziniMS #analysis #automation #complexity- Automated Implicit Computational Complexity Analysis (System Description) (MA, GM, AS), pp. 132–138.
IJCAR-2008-BeierleKK #automation #implementation #reasoning- A High-Level Implementation of a System for Automated Reasoning with Default Rules (System Description) (CB, GKI, NK), pp. 147–153.
IJCAR-2008-BenzmullerPTF #automation #higher-order #logic #named #proving #theorem proving- LEO-II — A Cooperative Automatic Theorem Prover for Classical Higher-Order Logic (System Description) (CB, LCP, FT, AF), pp. 162–170.
IJCAR-2008-DuranLM #maude #named #termination- MTT: The Maude Termination Tool (System Description) (FD, SL, JM), pp. 313–319.
IJCAR-2008-FurbachGHP #named- LogAnswer — A Deduction-Based Question Answering System (System Description) (UF, IG, HH, BP), pp. 139–146.
IJCAR-2008-Gacek #interactive #proving #theorem proving- The Abella Interactive Theorem Prover (System Description) (AG), pp. 154–161.
IJCAR-2008-GoreP #evaluation- An Experimental Evaluation of Global Caching for (System Description) (RG, LP), pp. 299–305.
IJCAR-2008-KonevWW #difference #logic #problem- The Logical Difference Problem for Description Logic Terminologies (BK, DW, FW), pp. 259–274.
IJCAR-2008-Korovin #first-order #logic #named #proving #theorem proving- iProver — An Instantiation-Based Theorem Prover for First-Order Logic (System Description) (KK), pp. 292–298.
IJCAR-2008-Kovacs #generative #invariant #named- Aligator: A Mathematica Package for Invariant Generation (System Description) (LK), pp. 275–282.
IJCAR-2008-Lutz #complexity #logic #query- The Complexity of Conjunctive Query Answering in Expressive Description Logics (CL), pp. 179–193.
IJCAR-2008-MotikH #logic #reasoning #reuse- Individual Reuse in Description Logic Reasoning (BM, IH), pp. 242–258.
IJCAR-2008-Otten #agile #logic #performance #proving #theorem proving- leanCoP 2.0and ileanCoP 1.2: High Performance Lean Theorem Proving in Classical and Intuitionistic Logic (System Descriptions) (JO), pp. 283–291.
IJCAR-2008-PlatzerQ #hybrid #named #proving #theorem proving- KeYmaera: A Hybrid Theorem Prover for Hybrid Systems (System Description) (AP, JDQ), pp. 171–178.
IJCAR-2008-SatoWKM #multi #termination #tool support- Multi-completion with Termination Tools (System Description) (HS, SW, MK, AM), pp. 306–312.
IJCAR-2008-Schack-NielsenS #concurrent #deduction #framework #logic #named- Celf — A Logical Framework for Deductive and Concurrent Systems (System Description) (ASN, CS), pp. 320–326.
IJCAR-2008-SchmidtT #first-order #logic- A General Tableau Method for Deciding Description Logics, Modal Logics and Related First-Order Fragments (RAS, DT), pp. 194–209.
WICSA-2007-OliveiraW #approach #architecture #modelling- A Model-Driven Approach to Extract Views from an Architecture Description Language (CO, MW), p. 7.
DAC-2007-GoldgeisserCD #hardware #modelling- Modeling Safe Operating Area in Hardware Description Languages (LBG, EC, ZD), pp. 377–382.
DATE-2007-EckerESSVH #abstraction #interactive #performance #representation #simulation- Interactive presentation: Impact of description language, abstraction layer, and value representation on simulation performance (WE, VE, LS, TS, MV, MH), pp. 767–772.
DATE-2007-VermaHR #automation #behaviour #functional #generative #interactive #modelling- Interactive presentation: Automatic generation of functional coverage models from behavioral verilog descriptions (SV, IGH, KR), pp. 900–905.
ICDAR-2007-HiranoOOY #analysis #documentation #information management #layout- Text and Layout Information Extraction from Document Files of Various Formats Based on the Analysis of Page Description Language (TH, YO, YO, FY), pp. 262–266.
ICDAR-2007-LemaitreCC #documentation #multi #recognition- Contribution of Multiresolution Description for Archive Document Structure Recognition (AL, JC, BC), pp. 247–251.
DLT-2007-MalcherP #bound #complexity #context-free grammar- Descriptional Complexity of Bounded Context-Free Languages (AM, GP), pp. 312–323.
DLT-2007-Salomaa #automaton #complexity #finite #nondeterminism- Descriptional Complexity of Nondeterministic Finite Automata (KS), pp. 31–35.
LATA-2007-BaaderHP #automaton #exclamation #logic- SI! Automata Can Show PSPACE Results for Description Logics (FB, JH, RP), pp. 67–78.
LATA-2007-DassowF #approach #comparison- Comparison of Some Descriptional Complexities of 0L Systems Obtained by a Unifying Approach (JD, HF), pp. 249–260.
LATA-2007-KutribR #automaton #regular expression- Succinct Description of Regular Languages by Weak Restarting Automata (MK, JR), pp. 343–354.
LATA-2007-MasopustM #complexity- Descriptional Complexity of Grammars Regulated by Context Conditions (TM, AM), pp. 403–412.
LATA-2007-Povarov #complexity #regular expression- Descriptive Complexity of the Hamming Neighborhood of a Regular Language (GP), pp. 509–520.
AdaEurope-2007-ZalilaHHP #architecture #distributed #generative- Generating Distributed High Integrity Applications from Their Architectural Description (BZ, IH, JH, LP), pp. 155–167.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-Egyhazy #architecture #comparison #design #security- Comparison of Five Architecture Description Languages on Design Focus, Security and Style (CJE), pp. 270–277.
SEKE-2007-LeitaoTB #named #natural language #specification #testing- NLForSpec: Translating Natural Language Descriptions into Formal Test Case Specifications (DL, DT, FdAB), pp. 129–134.
SIGIR-2007-TurnbullBTL #semantics #set #towards #using- Towards musical query-by-semantic-description using the CAL500 data set (DT, LB, DAT, GRGL), pp. 439–446.
POPL-2007-MandelbaumFWFG #functional #ml #named- PADS/ML: a functional data description language (YM, KF, DW, MFF, AG), pp. 77–83.
SAC-2007-GooneratneTH #algorithm #graph #traversal #using #verification #web #web service- Verification of web service descriptions using graph-based traversal algorithms (NG, ZT, JH), pp. 1385–1392.
SAC-2007-SantoZ #adaptation #user interface- Reversing GUIs to XIML descriptions for the adaptation to heterogeneous devices (GDS, EZ), pp. 1456–1460.
ICSE-2007-LeclercqOQS #architecture #tool support- Supporting Heterogeneous Architecture Descriptions in an Extensible Toolset (ML, AEÖ, VQ, JBS), pp. 209–219.
CADE-2007-LutzW #lightweight #logic- Conservative Extensions in the Lightweight Description Logic EL (CL, FW), pp. 84–99.
CADE-2007-MotikSH #logic #reasoning #using- Optimized Reasoning in Description Logics Using Hypertableaux (BM, RS, IH), pp. 67–83.
CADE-2007-PelzerW- System Description: E-KRHyper (BP, CW), pp. 508–513.
CADE-2007-WeidenbachSHRT- System Description: SpassVersion 3.0 (CW, RAS, TH, RR, DT), pp. 514–520.
ICLP-2007-CaliL #logic programming #probability #semantics #source code #web- Tightly Integrated Probabilistic Description Logic Programs for the Semantic Web (AC, TL), pp. 428–429.
ICLP-2007-Nguyen #approximate #complexity #knowledge base #logic- Approximating Horn Knowledge Bases in Regular Description Logics to Have PTIME Data Complexity (LAN), pp. 438–439.
CBSE-2006-PerezACR #architecture #aspect-oriented #design- Designing Software Architectures with an Aspect-Oriented Architecture Description Language (JP, NA, JÁC, IR), pp. 123–138.
DAC-2006-WangKO #nondeterminism #parametricity #probability #statistics- Statistical timing based on incomplete probabilistic descriptions of parameter uncertainty (WSW, VK, MO), pp. 161–166.
FASE-2006-LavazzaB #problem #requirements #uml- Combining Problem Frames and UML in the Description of Software Requirements (LL, VDB), pp. 199–213.
ICALP-v2-2006-HondaBY #higher-order #logic- Descriptive and Relative Completeness of Logics for Higher-Order Functions (KH, MB, NY), pp. 360–371.
EDOC-2006-Zhang #collaboration- Extended Collaboration Description Language (X-CODL) (JZ), pp. 56–66.
ICEIS-J-2006-KoutsomitropoulosMKP06a #framework #logic #reasoning #semantics #web- Establishing the Semantic Web Reasoning Infrastructure on Description Logic Inference Engines (DAK, DPM, ANK, TSP), pp. 351–362.
ICEIS-SAIC-2006-KoutsomitropoulosMKP #information management #logic #using- OWL-Based Knowledge Discovery Using Description Logics Reasoners (DAK, DPM, ANK, TSP), pp. 43–50.
ICPR-v1-2006-KimK #classification #using- Simultaneous Classification and VisualWord Selection using Entropy-based Minimum Description Length (SK, ISK), pp. 650–653.
ICPR-v3-2006-LiuZ- Minimum Enclosing and Maximum Excluding Machine for Pattern Description and Discrimination (YL, YFZ), pp. 129–132.
ICPR-v4-2006-RosL #image- Description of Local Singularities for Image Registration (JR, CL), pp. 61–64.
KR-2006-BonattiLW #logic- Description Logics with Circumscription (PAB, CL, FW), pp. 400–410.
KR-2006-CalvaneseGLLR #complexity #logic #query- Data Complexity of Query Answering in Description Logics (DC, GDG, DL, ML, RR), pp. 260–270.
KR-2006-CateCMV #logic- Definitorially Complete Description Logics (BtC, WC, MM, YV), pp. 79–89.
KR-2006-GhilardiLW #logic #ontology- Did I Damage My Ontology? A Case for Conservative Extensions in Description Logics (SG, CL, FW), pp. 187–197.
KR-2006-LiuLMW #logic- Updating Description Logic ABoxes (HL, CL, MM, FW), pp. 46–56.
KR-2006-LukasiewiczS #logic- Variable-Strength Conditional Preferences for Matchmaking in Description Logics (TL, JS), pp. 164–174.
KR-2006-Rosati #datalog #integration #logic- DL+log: Tight Integration of Description Logics and Disjunctive Datalog (RR), pp. 68–78.
KR-2006-SannerM #calculus #first-order #hybrid #logic #reasoning- An Ordered Theory Resolution Calculus for Hybrid Reasoning in First-Order Extensions of Description Logic (SS, SAM), pp. 100–111.
KR-2006-SirinGP #logic #optimisation #reasoning- From Wine to Water: Optimizing Description Logic Reasoning for Nominals (ES, BCG, BP), pp. 90–99.
LOPSTR-2006-MoralesCH #automaton #optimisation #prolog #towards- Towards Description and Optimization of Abstract Machines in an Extension of Prolog (JFM, MC, MVH), pp. 77–93.
PADL-2006-NagyLS #logic #prolog #query- Translating Description Logic Queries to Prolog (ZN, GL, PS), pp. 168–182.
POPL-2006-FisherMW- The next 700 data description languages (KF, YM, DW), pp. 2–15.
SAC-2006-BaillieAC #evaluation #metric #quality- An evaluation of resource description quality measures (MB, LA, FC), pp. 1110–1111.
SAC-2006-dAmatoFE #concept #difference- A dissimilarity measure for ALC concept descriptions (Cd, NF, FE), pp. 1695–1699.
CC-2006-DiasR #assembly #declarative #using- Converting Intermediate Code to Assembly Code Using Declarative Machine Descriptions (JD, NR), pp. 217–231.
LCTES-2006-FarfelederKSB #architecture #compilation #effectiveness #generative- Effective compiler generation by architecture description (SF, AK, ES, FB), pp. 145–152.
ICLP-2006-Lukacsy #logic #prolog #reasoning- Description Logic Reasoning in Prolog (GL), pp. 463–464.
IJCAR-2006-JanicicQ- System Description: GCLCprover + GeoThms (PJ, PQ), pp. 145–150.
IJCAR-2006-TomanW #dependence #functional #logic #on the- On Keys and Functional Dependencies as First-Class Citizens in Description Logics (DT, GEW), pp. 647–661.
IJCAR-2006-TsarkovH #logic- FaCT++ Description Logic Reasoner: System Description (DT, IH), pp. 292–297.
MBT-2006-ConradK #classification #embedded- An Extension of the Classification-Tree Method for Embedded Systems for the Description of Events (MC, AK), pp. 3–11.
RTA-2006-Salvati #equation #linear #type system #λ-calculus- Syntactic Descriptions: A Type System for Solving Matching Equations in the Linear λ-Calculus (SS), pp. 151–165.
SAT-2006-SebastianiV #case study #encoding #logic #satisfiability- Encoding the Satisfiability of Modal and Description Logics into SAT: The Case Study of K(m)/ALC (RS, MV), pp. 130–135.
WICSA-2005-WoodsH #architecture- Architecture Description Languages in Practice Session Report (EW, RH), pp. 243–246.
DocEng-2005-LumleyGR05a #documentation #framework- A demonstration of the document description framework (JWL, RG, OR), pp. 227–228.
ICDAR-2005-ArrivaultRB #approach #fuzzy #graph- A Fuzzy Hierarchical Attributed Graph Approach for Handwritten Egyptian Hieroglyphs description and matching (DA, NR, PB), pp. 898–903.
ICDAR-2005-MozaffariFFZ #composition #statistics- Structural Decomposition and Statistical Description of Farsi/Arabic Handwritten Numeric Characters (SM, KF, MZ), pp. 237–241.
CSMR-2005-JiangLSS #analysis #comparison #uml #web #web service- UML-Level Analysis and Comparison of Web Service Descriptions (JJ, JL, PS, TS), pp. 236–240.
CIAA-2005-VielhaberC #infinity #on the #set #transducer- On a Class of Bijective Binary Transducers with Finitary Description Despite Infinite State Set (MV, MdPCC), pp. 356–357.
SEFM-2005-DittmarF- A unified description formalism for complex HCI-systems (AD, PF), pp. 342–351.
SEFM-2005-GeorgievaM #analysis #logic- Description Logics for Shape Analysis (LG, PM), pp. 321–331.
ICEIS-v1-2005-OuziriVF #approach #integration #logic #modelling #topic- Data Integration and User Modelling: An Approach Based on Topic Maps and Description Logics (MO, CV, AF), pp. 171–175.
ICEIS-v3-2005-KacemJKD #architecture #comparison #evaluation- Evaluation and Comparison of ADL Based Approaches for the Description of Dynamic of Software Architectures (MHK, MJ, AHK, KD), pp. 189–195.
MLDM-2005-JanichenP #clustering #concept- Acquisition of Concept Descriptions by Conceptual Clustering (SJ, PP), pp. 153–162.
LOPSTR-2005-SimonMG #design #implementation #realtime- Design and Implementation of AT: A Real-Time Action Description Language (LS, AM, GG), pp. 44–60.
PADL-2005-Ramsey #compilation #declarative- Building the World from First Principles: Declarative Machine Descriptions and Compiler Construction (NR), pp. 1–4.
CADE-2005-BechhoferHT #owl- The OWL Instance Store: System Description (SB, IH, DT), pp. 177–181.
CADE-2005-MeierM #multi #proving #theorem proving- System Description: Multi A Multi-strategy Proof Planner (AM, EM), pp. 250–254.
ICLP-2005-Horrocks #logic #named #ontology #owl- OWL: A Description Logic Based Ontology Language (IH), pp. 1–4.
LICS-2005-Hofmann #approach- Proof-Theoretic Approach to Description-Logic (MH0), pp. 229–237.
WICSA-2004-BernardoB #architecture #generative #parallel #source code #thread- Generating Well-Synchronized Multithreaded Programs from Software Architecture Descriptions (MB, EB), pp. 167–176.
DAC-2004-KappS #automation #behaviour #control flow #scheduling #synthesis- Automatic correct scheduling of control flow intensive behavioral descriptions in formal synthesis (KK, VKS), pp. 61–66.
DATE-v1-2004-MartensG #architecture #design- A Phase-Frequency Transfer Description of Analog and Mixed-Signal Front-End Architectures for System-Level Design (EM, GGEG), pp. 436–441.
DATE-v1-2004-ReNR #automation #generative- A Tool for Automatic Generation of RTL-Level VHDL Description of RNS FIR Filters (ADR, AN, MR), pp. 686–687.
DocEng-2004-TroncyC- A reduced yet extensible audio-visual description language (RT, JC), pp. 87–89.
IFM-2004-PickinJ #diagrams #sequence chart #uml #using- Using UML Sequence Diagrams as the Basis for a Formal Test Description Language (SP, JMJ), pp. 481–500.
ICEIS-v2-2004-NairC #image- Linguistic Description of Patterns from Mined Images (HN, IC), pp. 77–83.
ICPR-v1-2004-ValienteACG #design #image #using- Structural Description of Textile and Tile Pattern Designs Using Image Processing (JMV, FA, CC, JMG), pp. 498–503.
ICPR-v3-2004-ChengCK #database #video- Periodic Human Motion Description for Sports Video Databases (FC, WJC, JK), pp. 870–873.
ICPR-v3-2004-Li04a #representation- Sky-Ground Representation for Local Scene Description (SL), pp. 252–255.
ICPR-v3-2004-RicardCB #3d #retrieval- ART Extension for Description, Indexing and Retrieval of 3D Objects (JR, DC, AB), pp. 79–82.
ICPR-v4-2004-LaiY #algorithm #fault #network #predict- Successive-Least-Squares Error Algorithm on Minimum Description Length Neural Networks for Time Series Prediction (YNL, SYY), pp. 609–612.
ICPR-v4-2004-SelmaouiRLA #analysis #detection #image- Image Analysis for Core Geological Descriptions : Strata and Granulometry Detection (NS, BR, CLM, MA), pp. 305–310.
ICPR-v4-2004-SialaCCB #detection- Moving Shadow Detection with Support Vector Domain Description in the Color Ratios Space (KS, MC, FC, OB), pp. 384–387.
KR-2004-EiterLST #logic #programming #semantics #set #web- Combining Answer Set Programming with Description Logics for the Semantic Web (TE, TL, RS, HT), pp. 141–151.
KR-2004-HustadtMS #datalog #logic #source code- Reducing SHIQ-Description Logic to Disjunctive Datalog Programs (UH, BM, US), pp. 152–162.
KR-2004-MasoloVBCFGG #social- Social Roles and their Descriptions (CM, LV, EB, CC, RF, AG, NG), pp. 267–277.
KR-2004-SmythP #probability- Qualitative Probabilistic Matching with Hierarchical Descriptions (CS, DP), pp. 479–487.
SEKE-2004-MouhoubSS- Formal Description Techniques for CSPs and TCSPs (MM, SS, AS), pp. 406–410.
GPCE-2004-Mosses #composition- Modular Language Descriptions (PDM), p. 489.
ICSE-2004-CaporuscioIP #architecture #composition #middleware #verification- Compositional Verification of Middleware-Based Software Architecture Descriptions (MC, PI, PP), pp. 221–230.
ICSE-2004-Waewsawangwong #approach #architecture #component #constraints #self- A Constraint Architectural Description Approach to Self-Organising Component-Based Software Systems (PW), pp. 81–83.
HPDC-2004-WeinbergJDFH #execution #matrix #query #using- Gridflow Description, Query, and Execution at SCEC using the SDSC Matrix (JW, AJ, AD, MF, YH), pp. 262–263.
LCTES-2004-QinRM #architecture #concurrent #development #modelling #synthesis #tool support- A formal concurrency model based architecture description language for synthesis of software development tools (WQ, SR, SM), pp. 47–56.
IJCAR-2004-GilHSZ #algorithm #constraints #finite #order #performance #problem- Efficient Algorithms for Constraint Description Problems over Finite Totally Ordered Domains: Extended Abstract (ÀJG, MH, GS, BZ), pp. 244–258.
IJCAR-2004-Schulz- System Description: E 0.81 (SS), pp. 223–228.
DAC-2003-Hershenson #design #performance- Efficient description of the design space of analog circuits (MdMH), pp. 970–973.
DATE-2003-Castro-LopezFMR #behaviour #hardware #modelling #simulation #using- Behavioural Modelling and Simulation of SigmaDelta Modulators Using Hardware Description Languages (RCL, FVF, FM, ÁRV), pp. 10168–10175.
PODS-2003-MendelzonP #set- Concise descriptions of subsets of structured sets (AOM, KQP), pp. 123–133.
FASE-2003-SoraVB #component #composition- A Description Language For Composable Components (IS, PV, YB), pp. 22–36.
TACAS-2003-BarayCDM #functional #generative #testing #validation- Code-Based Test Generation for Validation of Functional Processor Descriptions (FB, PC, DD, HM), pp. 569–584.
CIAA-2003-Zijl #regular expression- Succinct Descriptions of Regular Languages with Binary +-NFAs (LvZ), pp. 72–82.
SFM-2003-StaffordWC #analysis #architecture #dependence- The Application of Dependence Analysis to Software Architecture Descriptions (JAS, ALW, MC), pp. 52–62.
AGTIVE-2003-Rising #graph grammar #graph transformation #multi #semantics- MPEG-7 Semantic Descriptions: Graph Transformations, Graph Grammars, and the Description of Multimedia (Invited Talk) (HKR), pp. 369–382.
CAiSE-2003-DammHG #ontology #using- Translating and Searching Service Descriptions Using Ontologies (DD, FH, AG), pp. 308–323.
EDOC-2003-JonkersBABBBDGSHIJLLPSTZ #architecture #enterprise #towards- Towards a Language for Coherent Enterprise Architecture Descriptions (HJ, RvB, FA, FSdB, MMB, HB, HWLtD, LG, JGS, SH, MEI, WJ, MML, DvL, EP, AS, LWNvdT, GVvZ), pp. 28–39.
ICEIS-v2-2003-KjellinD #knowledge base- A General Knowledge Base for Comparing Descriptions of Knowledge (HK, SD), pp. 272–279.
ICEIS-v3-2003-AllouiMO #approach #architecture #generative #modelling #using- Modelling and Generating Business-To-Business Applications Using an Architecture Description Language — Based Approach (IA, KM, FO), pp. 201–210.
ICEIS-v3-2003-FaulknerK #architecture #information management #towards- Towards an Agent Architectural Description Language for Information Systems (SF, MK), pp. 59–66.
SEKE-2003-Lavazza #requirements #uml- Rigorous Description of Software Requirements with UML (LL), pp. 327–334.
SEKE-2003-MaLCCZ #approach #architecture #distributed #implementation- A Graph-Oriented Approach to the Description and Implementation of Distributed and Dynamic Software Architecture (XM, JL, JC, ATSC, KZ), pp. 518–525.
UML-2003-StraetenMSJ #consistency #logic #maintenance #modelling #uml #using- Using Description Logic to Maintain Consistency between UML Models (RVDS, TM, JS, VJ), pp. 326–340.
UML-2003-YangX #architecture #case study #encoding #experience #uml- Encoding Informal Architectural Descriptions with UML: An Experience Report (YY, JX), pp. 138–142.
GPCE-2003-Kastner #analysis #hardware #named #optimisation- TDL: A Hardware Description Language for Retargetable Postpass Optimizations and Analyses (DK), pp. 18–36.
GPCE-2003-PintoFT #architecture #component #development #named- DAOP-ADL: An Architecture Description Language for Dynamic Component and Aspect-Based Development (MP, LF, JMT), pp. 118–137.
RE-2003-RichardsFA #approach #case study #multi #visualisation- An Approach to Visualise and Reconcile Use Case Descriptions from Multiple Viewpoints (DR, ABF, OA), pp. 373–374.
SAC-2003-PenaCA #approach #protocol #top-down- A Top Down Approach for MAS Protocol Descriptions (JP, RC, JLA), pp. 45–49.
ICSE-2003-Reiss #java #named #visualisation- JIVE: Visualizing Java in Action Demonstration Description (SPR), pp. 820–821.
ICSE-2003-ReissKWK #evolution #named- CLIME: An Environment for Constrained Evolution Demonstration Description (SPR, CMK, TW, SK), pp. 818–819.
CADE-2003-HladikS #automaton #logic- A Translation of Looping Alternating Automata into Description Logics (JH, US), pp. 90–105.
CADE-2003-LutzST #complexity #finite #logic #reasoning- The Complexity of Finite Model Reasoning in Description Logics (CL, US, LT), pp. 60–74.
WICSA-2002-CuestaFBB #architecture- Introducing Reflection in Architecture Description Languages (CECQ, PdlF, MBS, MEBG), pp. 143–156.
DATE-2002-BruschiCFS #design #fault #simulation- Error Simulation Based on the SystemC Design Description Language (FB, MC, FF, DS), p. 1135.
DATE-2002-FerrandiRS #constraints #functional #theorem proving #using #verification- Functional Verification for SystemC Descriptions Using Constraint Solving (FF, MR, DS), pp. 744–751.
DATE-2002-Leveugle #automation #detection #fault- Automatic Modifications of High Level VHDL Descriptions for Fault Detection or Tolerance (RL), pp. 837–841.
ITiCSE-2002-LevyL #recursion #syntax- Shared terminology, private syntax: the case of recursive descriptions (DL, TL), pp. 89–93.
SAS-2002-Hymans #abstract interpretation #behaviour #safety- Checking Safety Properties of Behavioral VHDL Descriptions by Abstract Interpretation (CH), pp. 444–460.
FLOPS-2002-PetterssonSJ #compilation #erlang #evaluation #performance- The HiPE/x86 Erlang Compiler: System Description and Performance Evaluation (MP, KFS, EJ), pp. 228–244.
DLT-2002-DassowNR #complexity #on the- On the Descriptional Complexity of Some Variants of Lindenmayer Systems (JD, TYN, BR), pp. 128–139.
ICEIS-2002-Audy #analysis #information management- Analysis of the Relation between the Prescriptive and Descriptive Approaches of the Information System Planning (JLNA), pp. 553–561.
ICEIS-2002-MarirZO #database #logic #online #retrieval #video- An Integrated Object Database and Description Logic System for Online Content and Event-Based Indexing and Retrieval of a Car Park Surveillance Video (FM, KZ, KO), pp. 129–139.
ICEIS-2002-PanMMARV #query- A Model for Advanced Query Capability Description in Mediator Systems (AP, PM, AM, MÁ, JR, ÁV), pp. 140–147.
CIKM-2002-GloverPLK- Inferring hierarchical descriptions (EJG, DMP, SL, RK), pp. 507–514.
ICML-2002-GambergerL #case study #induction- Descriptive Induction through Subgroup Discovery: A Case Study in a Medical Domain (DG, NL), pp. 163–170.
ICPR-v1-2002-CostaGB #difference #statistics- Orientation Difference Statistics for Texture Description (JPDC, CG, PB), pp. 652–655.
ICPR-v2-2002-Amin #learning #prototype #using- Prototyping Structural Description Using Decision Tree Learning Techniques (AA), pp. 76–79.
ICPR-v2-2002-GibsonCT #abstraction #modelling #using #visual notation- Visual Abstraction of Wildlife Footage Using Gaussian Mixture Models and the Minimum Description Length Criterion (DPG, NWC, BTT), pp. 814–817.
ICPR-v2-2002-KojimaTF #process- Textual Description of Human Activities by Tracking Head and Hand Motions (AK, TT, KF), pp. 1073–1077.
ICPR-v3-2002-BoyerSF #for free #multi #recognition- Multiscale Surface Organization and Description for Free Form bject Recognition (KLB, RS, PJF), pp. 569–572.
ICPR-v3-2002-FauqueurB #detection #image #query- Coarse Detection and Fine Color Description for Region-Based Image Queries (JF, NB), pp. 1027–1034.
KR-2002-BrandtKT #approximate #difference #logic- Approximation and Difference in Description Logics (SB, RK, AYT), pp. 203–214.
KR-2002-KutzWZ- Connecting Abstract Description Systems (OK, FW, MZ), pp. 215–226.
KR-2002-Lutz #logic- Adding Numbers to the SHIQ Description Logic: First Results (CL), pp. 191–202.
UML-2002-Jackson #development- Descriptions in Software Development (MJ), p. 1.
SAC-2002-RinePG #re-engineering #theory and practice- ACM SAC2002 software engineering: theory and applications (SETA) track description (DCR, JFP, JPG), pp. 969–970.
SAC-2002-SmithH #analysis #design #reliability- Augmenting descriptive scenario analysis for improvements in human reliability design (SPS, MDH), pp. 739–743.
SAC-2002-StanS- Color patterns for pictorial content description (DS, IKS), pp. 693–698.
ICSE-2002-DashofyHT #agile #architecture #development #framework #xml- An infrastructure for the rapid development of XML-based architecture description languages (EMD, AvdH, RNT), pp. 266–276.
ICSE-2002-NittoLSTT #execution #process #uml- Deriving executable process descriptions from UML (EDN, LL, MS, ET, MT), pp. 155–165.
CADE-2002-Horrocks #logic #reasoning #theory and practice- Reasoning with Expressive Description Logics: Theory and Practice (IH), pp. 1–15.
CADE-2002-JamnikKP- Learn Omega-matic: System Description (MJ, MK, MP), pp. 150–155.
CADE-2002-SchulzS- System Description: GrAnDe 1.0 (SS, GS), pp. 280–284.
CADE-2002-WhalenSF #automation #certification #named #synthesis- AutoBayes/CC — Combining Program Synthesis with Automatic Code Certification — System Description (MWW, JS, BF), pp. 290–294.
CADE-2002-ZimmerK #distributed #reasoning- System Description: The MathWeb Software Bus for Distributed Mathematical Reasoning (JZ, MK), pp. 139–143.
LICS-2002-CalvaneseGL #information management #logic #representation- Description Logics: Foundations for Class-based Knowledge Representation (DC, GDG, ML), pp. 359–370.
WICSA-2001-BernardoCD #algebra #architecture #detection #process- Detecting Architectural Mismatches in Process Algebraic Descriptions of Software Systems (MB, PC, LD), pp. 77–86.
WICSA-2001-DashofyHT #architecture #xml- A Highly-Extensible, XML-Based Architecture Description Language (EMD, AvdH, RNT), pp. 103–112.
WICSA-2001-Jonkers #architecture #interface- Interface-Centric Architecture Descriptions (HJ), pp. 113–124.
ASE-2001-GrundyCL #architecture #distributed #generative- Generation of Distributed System Test-Beds from High-Level Software Architecture Descriptions (JCG, YC, AL), pp. 193–200.
DATE-2001-DasguptaCNKC #abstraction #component #linear- Abstraction of word-level linear arithmetic functions from bit-level component descriptions (PD, PPC, AN, SK, AC), pp. 4–8.
DATE-2001-HoffmannNPBM #development #generative #quality #tool support #using- Generating production quality software development tools using a machine description language (AH, AN, SP, GB, HM), pp. 674–678.
DATE-2001-PandayCM #architecture #named- AIL: description of a global electronic architecture at the vehicle scale (AP, DC, SM), p. 112.
DATE-2001-TerechkoPE #architecture #clustering #named- PRMDL: a machine description language for clustered VLIW architectures (AT, EJDP, JTJvE), p. 821.
DocEng-2001-Muchaluat-SaadeS #architecture #authoring #convergence #hypermedia #towards- Towards the convergence between hypermedia authoring languages and architecture description languages (DCMS, LFGS), pp. 48–57.
ICDAR-2001-Amin #induction #logic programming #recognition- Recognition of Hand-Printed Characters Based on Structural Description and Inductive Logic Programming (AA), pp. 333–337.
ICDAR-2001-ValvenyM #learning #using- Learning of Structural Descriptions of Graphic Symbols Using Deformable Template Matching (EV, EM), pp. 455–459.
ICDAR-2001-YangLL #approach- A Bezier Curve-Based Approach to Shape Description for Chinese Calligraphy Characters (HMY, JJL, HJL), pp. 276–280.
CAiSE-2001-BrinkkemperSH #development- A Method Engineering Language for the Description of Systems Development Methods (SB, MS, FH), pp. 473–476.
ICEIS-v1-2001-AllouiO #architecture #component #distributed #process #using- Supporting Decentralised Software-Intensive Processes Using ZETA Component-Based Architecture Description Language (IA, FO), pp. 207–215.
KDD-2001-MannilaS #sequence- Finding simple intensity descriptions from event sequence data (HM, MS), pp. 341–346.
SEKE-2001-SierraFFN- Operationalizing Application Descriptions in DTC: Building Applications with Generalized Markup Technologies (JLS, AFV, BFM, AN), pp. 379–386.
SAC-2001-MernikNAZ #implementation- Designa and implementation of simple object description language (MM, UN, EA, VZ), pp. 590–595.
ICSE-2001-NordPSH #analysis #architecture #design #effectiveness #uml- Effective Software Architecture Design: From Global Analysis to UML Descriptions (RLN, DJP, DS, CH), pp. 741–742.
IJCAR-2001-ArmandoCR- System Description: RDL : Rewrite and Decision Procedure Laboratory (AA, LC, SR), pp. 663–669.
IJCAR-2001-CerroFGHLM #logic #proving- Lotrec : The Generic Tableau Prover for Modal and Description Logics (LFdC, DF, OG, AH, DL, FM), pp. 453–458.
IJCAR-2001-HaarslevM- RACER System Description (VH, RM), pp. 701–706.
IJCAR-2001-HaarslevMT #logic #modelling #pseudo #reasoning- Exploiting Pseudo Models for TBox and ABox Reasoning in Expressive Description Logics (VH, RM, AYT), pp. 61–75.
IJCAR-2001-HaarslevMW #approach #logic #motivation- The Description Logic ALCNHR+ Extended with Concrete Domains: A Practically Motivated Approach (VH, RM, MW), pp. 29–44.
IJCAR-2001-HodgsonS- System Description: SCOTT-5 (KH, JKS), pp. 443–447.
IJCAR-2001-Lutz #logic- NEXPTIME-Complete Description Logics with Concrete Domains (CL), pp. 45–60.
IJCAR-2001-LutzSWZ #constant #logic- Tableaux for Temporal Description Logic with Constant Domains (CL, HS, FW, MZ), pp. 121–136.
IJCAR-2001-RiazanovV- Vampire 1.1 (System Description) (AR, AV), pp. 376–380.
ASE-2000-ChaudetO #algebra #architecture #evolution #named #process- pi-SPACE: A Formal Architecture Description Language Based on Process Algebra for Evolving Software Systems (CC, FO), pp. 245–248.
ASE-2000-MarreA #generative #sequence #testing- Test Sequences Generation from LUSTRE Descriptions: GATeL (BM, AA), p. 229–?.
DATE-2000-CornoRSMP #automation #experience #generative #industrial #validation- Automatic Test Bench Generation for Validation of RT-Level Descriptions: An Industrial Experience (FC, MSR, GS, AM, AP), pp. 385–389.
DATE-2000-PeesHM #using- Retargeting of Compiled Simulators for Digital Signal Processors Using a Machine Description Language (SP, AH, HM), pp. 669–673.
DATE-2000-SchonherrS #algorithm #automation #equivalence- Automatic Equivalence Check of Circuit Descriptions at Clocked Algorithmic and Register Transfer Level (JS, BS), p. 759.
CSMR-2000-SellinkV #assessment #development #re-engineering- Development, Assessment, and Reengineering of Language Descriptions (MPAS, CV), pp. 151–160.
IFM-2000-Bowen #animation #hardware #logic programming #semantics #specification- Combining Operational Semantics, Logic Programming and Literate Programming in the Specification and Animation of the Verilog Hardware Description Language (JPB), pp. 277–296.
AdaEurope-2000-HovaterMB #design #documentation #generative #interface #using- Generation of Interface Design Description Documents Using ASIS (SVH, WM, AB), pp. 138–148.
ICEIS-2000-MartinLMRM #integration #modelling #network #standard- Integration of Expert System Rules into Standardized Object Description Models for Telecommunication Network Management (SM, CL, MM, MCR, AVM), pp. 171–175.
CIKM-2000-JohoS #scalability- Retrieving Descriptive Phrases from Large Amounts of Free Text (HJ, MS), pp. 180–186.
ICML-2000-NomotoM #analysis #automation- Comparing the Minimum Description Length Principle and Boosting in the Automatic Analysis of Discourse (TN, YM), pp. 687–694.
ICPR-v2-2000-TaxD- Data Description in Subspaces (DMJT, RPWD), pp. 2672–2675.
ICPR-v3-2000-BenaventeSBVL #normalisation #segmentation- Normalized Color Segmentation for Human Appearance Description (RB, GS, RB, MV, JL), pp. 3637–3641.
ICPR-v3-2000-DuricRR- Qualitative Description of Camera Motion from Histograms of Normal Flow (ZD, ER, AR), pp. 3198–3202.
ICPR-v3-2000-ValdesME #analysis #behaviour #case study #image- Behavior Analysis of Fractal Features for Texture Description in Digital Images: An Experimental Study (JJV, LCM, SE), pp. 3917–3920.
ICPR-v4-2000-KojimaITF #behaviour #generative #image #natural language #video- Generating Natural Language Description of Human Behavior from Video Images (AK, MI, TT, KF), pp. 4728–4731.
ICPR-v4-2000-KoLB #feature model #image #performance #retrieval #using- Region-Based Image Retrieval System Using Efficient Feature Description (BK, HSL, HB), pp. 4283–4286.
KR-2000-BaaderK #concept #strict- Matching Concept Descriptions with Existential Restrictions (FB, RK), pp. 261–272.
KR-2000-Yelland #logic #network- An Alternative Combination of Bayesian Networks and Description Logics (PMY), pp. 225–234.
UML-2000-BrennerD #uml- UML Extensions for ASAM-GDI Device Capability Description (EB, ID), pp. 148–161.
UML-2000-GarlanK #architecture- Reconciling the Needs of Architectural Description with Object-Modeling Notations (DG, AK), pp. 498–512.
UML-2000-KandeS #architecture #towards #uml- Towards a UML Profile for Software Architecture Descriptions (MMK, AS), pp. 513–527.
ICRE-2000-Saeki #aspect-oriented #case study #reuse- Patterns and Aspects for Use Cases: Reuse Techniques for Use Case Descriptions (MS), p. 62.
SAC-2000-LichtnerAC #architecture- An Extensible Model of Architecture Description (KL, PSCA, DDC), pp. 156–165.
ICSE-2000-BertolinoCIM #architecture #testing- Deriving test plans from architectural descriptions (AB, FC, PI, HM), pp. 220–229.
ICSE-2000-Liu #automation #independence #testing- Platform-independent and tool-neutral test descriptions for automated software testing (CL), pp. 713–715.
CADE-2000-AndrewsBB #proving #theorem proving #type system- System Description: TPS: A Theorem Proving System for Type Theory (PBA, MB, CEB), pp. 164–169.
CADE-2000-BrownS #semantics- System Description: PTTP+GLiDes: Semantically Guided PTTP (MB, GS), pp. 411–416.
CADE-2000-CollinsD #verification- System Description: Embedding Verification into Microsoft Excel (GC, LAD), pp. 497–501.
CADE-2000-FrankeK #knowledge base- System Description: MBASE, an Open Mathematical Knowledge Base (AF, MK), pp. 455–459.
CADE-2000-GiunchigliaT #development #framework- System Description: *SAT: A Platform for the Development of Modal Decision Procedures (EG, AT), pp. 291–296.
CADE-2000-HorrocksST #logic #reasoning- Reasoning with Individuals for the Description Logic SHIQ (IH, US, ST), pp. 482–496.
CADE-2000-JacksonL #interactive #proving- System Description: Interactive Proof Critics in XBarnacle (MJ, HL), pp. 502–506.
CADE-2000-McCuneS- System Description: IVY (WM, OS), pp. 401–405.
CADE-2000-Meier #proving- System Description: TRAMP: Transformation of Machine-Found Proofs into ND-Proofs at the Assertion Level (AM), pp. 460–464.
CADE-2000-Patel-Schneider- System Description: DLP (PFPS), pp. 297–301.
CADE-2000-Sinz #algebra #automation #proving #theorem proving- System Description: ARA — An Automatic Theorem Prover for Relation Algebras (CS), pp. 177–182.
CADE-2000-Sutcliffe- System Description: SystemOn TPTP (GS), pp. 406–410.
CL-2000-KhizderTW #logic #reasoning- Reasoning about Duplicate Elimination with Description Logic (VLK, DT, GEW), pp. 1017–1032.
CSL-2000-Atserias #bound #complexity #fixpoint- The Descriptive Complexity of the Fixed-Points of Bounded Formulas (AA), pp. 172–186.
CSL-2000-Blumensath #bound #complexity- Bounded Arithmetic and Descriptive Complexity (AB), pp. 232–246.
RTA-2000-Arts #dependence- System Description: The Dependency Pair Method (TA), pp. 261–264.
DAC-1999-FallahAD #generative #simulation- Simulation Vector Generation from HDL Descriptions for Observability-Enhanced Statement Coverage (FF, PA, SD), pp. 666–671.
DAC-1999-KuhnRK #hardware #java #simulation- Description and Simulation of Hardware/Software Systems with Java (TK, WR, UK), pp. 790–793.
DAC-1999-PeesHZM #architecture #modelling #named #programmable- LISA — Machine Description Language for Cycle-Accurate Models of Programmable DSP Architectures (SP, AH, VZ, HM), pp. 933–938.
DAC-1999-PegatoquetGAB #agile #development- Rapid Development of Optimized DSP Code from a High Level Description Through Software Estimations (AP, EG, MA, LB), pp. 823–826.
ICDAR-1999-AntonacopoulosC #analysis #comparative #representation #using- Region Description and Comparative Analysis using a Tesseral Representation (AA, FC), pp. 193–196.
ITiCSE-1999-McCrackenNC #concept #design- Misconceptions of designing: a descriptive study (MM, WN, JC), pp. 48–51.
FM-v2-1999-SchatzH- Integrating Formal Description Techniques (BS, FH), pp. 1206–1225.
IFM-1999-Deiss #approach- An Approach to the Combination of Formal Description Techniques: Statecharts and TLA (TD), pp. 231–250.
AGTIVE-1999-PetriuW #architecture #modelling #performance #uml- From UML Descriptions of High-Level Software Architectures to LQN Performance Models (DCP, XW), pp. 47–62.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Davies #visualisation- Expertise in a complex domain: supporting creativity through knowledge visualisation and re-description (SPD), pp. 112–116.
AdaEurope-1999-Emery #architecture #framework- Architectural Frameworks: Defining the Contents of Architectural Descriptions (DEE), pp. 64–75.
ICEIS-1999-LeonardoS #approach #development #information management- An Interpretative Approach to Organisational Inquiry and Description for Information Systems Development in Innovation Centres (PL, ALS), pp. 469–476.
CIKM-1999-GovertLF #approach #categorisation #documentation #probability #web- A Probabilistic Description-Oriented Approach for Categorizing Web Documents (NG, ML, NF), pp. 475–482.
ICML-1999-Kadous #learning #multi- Learning Comprehensible Descriptions of Multivariate Time Series (MWK), pp. 454–463.
ICML-1999-PalhangS #induction #learning #logic programming- Learning Discriminatory and Descriptive Rules by an Inductive Logic Programming System (MP, AS), pp. 288–297.
UML-1999-Hilliard #architecture #uml #using- Using the UML for Architectural Description (RH), pp. 32–48.
HPDC-1999-BruneRV #distributed- A Resource Description Environment for Distributed Computing Systems (MB, AR, JV), pp. 279–286.
CADE-1999-ArecesNR #logic- Prefixed Resolution: A Resolution Method for Modal and Description Logics (CA, HdN, MdR), pp. 187–201.
CADE-1999-AutexierHMS #logic- System Description: inka 5.0 — A Logic Voyager (SA, DH, HM, AS), pp. 207–211.
CADE-1999-BaazLM- System Description: CutRes 0.1: Cut Elimination by Resolution (MB, AL, GM), pp. 212–216.
CADE-1999-FrankeK #automation #communication #distributed #proving #theorem proving- System Description: MathWeb, an Agent-Based Communication Layer for Distributed Automated Theorem Proving (AF, MK), pp. 217–221.
CADE-1999-GribomontS #using #validation #verification- System Description: Using OBDD’s for the validation of Skolem verification conditions (EPG, NS), pp. 222–226.
CADE-1999-HillenbrandJL #performance- System Description: Waldmeister — Improvements in Performance and Ease of Use (TH, AJ, BL), pp. 232–236.
CADE-1999-KonradW #first-order #generative #logic- System Description: Kimba, A Model Generator for Many-Valued First-Order Logics (KK, DAW), pp. 282–286.
CADE-1999-NadathurM #automaton #compilation #implementation #prolog #λ-calculus- System Description: Teyjus — A Compiler and Abstract Machine Based Implementation of lambda-Prolog (GN, DJM), pp. 287–291.
CADE-1999-PfenningS #deduction #framework #logic- System Description: Twelf — A Meta-Logical Framework for Deductive Systems (FP, CS), pp. 202–206.
CADE-1999-Weidenbach99a- System Description: Spass Version 1.0.0 (CW), pp. 378–382.
CADE-1999-WhittleBBL- System Description: CyNTHIA (JW, AB, RJB, HL), pp. 388–392.
CADE-1999-ZhangJ #modelling- System Description: MCS: Model-based Conjecture Searching (JZ0), pp. 393–397.
CSL-1999-GradelK #complexity #constraints #database- Descriptive Complexity Theory for Constraint Databases (EG, SK), pp. 67–81.
CSL-1999-Grohe #complexity- Descriptive and Parameterized Complexity (MG), pp. 14–31.
CSL-1999-Tobies #logic #strict- A NExpTime-Complete Description Logic Strictly Contained in C2 (ST), pp. 292–306.
LICS-1999-GradelR- Two-Variable Descriptions of Regularity (EG, ER), pp. 14–23.
ASE-1998-LeueMR #architecture #sequence chart #specification- Synthesizing Software Architecture Descriptions from Message Sequence Chart Specifications (SL, LM, MR), pp. 192–195.
ASE-1998-SellinkV #assessment #development #re-engineering- Development, Assessment, and Reengineering of Language Descriptions (MPAS, CV), pp. 314–317.
DAC-1998-LakshminarayanaJ #behaviour #control flow #framework #named #optimisation #throughput- FACT: A Framework for the Application of Throughput and Power Optimizing Transformations to Control-Flow Intensive Behavioral Descriptions (GL, NKJ), pp. 102–107.
DAC-1998-LakshminarayanaJ98a #behaviour #power management #synthesis- Synthesis of Power-Optimized and Area-Optimized Circuits from Hierarchical Behavioral Descriptions (GL, NKJ), pp. 439–444.
DAC-1998-LakshminarayanaRJ #behaviour #control flow #execution #scheduling- Incorporating Speculative Execution into Scheduling of Control-Flow Intensive Behavioral Descriptions (GL, AR, NKJ), pp. 108–113.
DAC-1998-SeawrightM #clustering #optimisation- Partitioning and Optimizing Controllers Synthesized from Hierarchical High-Level Descriptions (AS, WM), pp. 770–775.
DATE-1998-FerrandiFMP #behaviour #estimation- Power Estimation of Behavioral Descriptions (FF, FF, EM, MP), pp. 762–766.
DATE-1998-Kazmierski- A Formal Description of VHDL-AMS Analogue Systems (TJK), pp. 916–920.
DATE-1998-LiG #algorithm #behaviour- An Algorithm To Determine Mutually Exclusive Operations In Behavioral Descriptions (JL, RKG), pp. 457–463.
HT-1998-BullockG #hypermedia #logic #named #semantics- TourisT: The Application of a Description Logic Based Semantic Hypermedia System for Tourism (JCB, CAG), pp. 132–141.
VLDB-1998-ChakrabartiSD #mining #using- Mining Surprising Patterns Using Temporal Description Length (SC, SS, BD), pp. 606–617.
WRLA-1998-Bruni #composition #concurrent #logic- A logic for modular descriptions of asynchronous and synchronized concurrent systems (RB), pp. 161–172.
ICPR-1998-CinqueLLT #image #retrieval #using- Retrieval of images using rich region descriptions (LC, FL, SL, SLT), pp. 899–901.
ICPR-1998-LebourgeoisJA #towards #video- Towards a description for video indexation (FL, JMJ, PCA), pp. 912–915.
ICPR-1998-MatsuoKI #energy #multi #using- Multi-scale and hierarchical description using energy controlled active balloon model (HM, MK, AI), pp. 205–209.
ICPR-1998-OjalaP #multi #parametricity- Nonparametric multichannel texture description with simple spatial operators (TO, MP), pp. 1052–1056.
ICPR-1998-SchererAP #adaptation #constraints #integration #robust- Robust adaptive window matching by homogeneity constraint and integration of descriptions (SS, WA, AP), pp. 777–779.
ICPR-1998-ValkealahtiO #multi- Reduced multidimensional histograms in color texture description (KV, EO), pp. 1057–1061.
ICPR-1998-ZhaTH #3d #adaptation #multi- Multi-resolution surface description of 3D objects by shape-adaptive triangular meshes (HZ, ST, TH), pp. 954–958.
KR-1998-CalvaneseGLNR #framework #integration #logic- Description Logic Framework for Information Integration (DC, GDG, ML, DN, RR), pp. 2–13.
KR-1998-HaarslevLM #logic #reasoning- Foundations of Spatioterminological Reasoning with Description Logics (VH, CL, RM), pp. 112–123.
KR-1998-Horrocks #logic #question #using- Using an Expressive Description Logic: FaCT or Fiction? (IH), pp. 636–649.
KR-1998-Lenzerini #logic- Description Logics and their Applications (ML), p. 652.
KR-1998-WolterZ #decidability #logic #on the- On the Decidability of Description Logics with Modal Operators (FW, MZ), pp. 512–523.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1998-RakotonirainyB #architecture- A Simple Architecture Description Model (AR, AB), pp. 278–286.
REFSQ-1998-Paech #case study- The Four Levels of Use Case Description (BP), pp. 207–218.
ICSE-1998-RobbinsMR #architecture #design #standard- Integrating Architecture Description Languages with a Standard Design Method (JER, NM, DFR), pp. 209–218.
ISMM-1998-KakkadJW #compilation #runtime- Portable Run-Time Type Description for Conventional Compilers (SVK, MSJ, PRW), pp. 146–153.
LCTES-1998-RamseyD #embedded #tool support- Machine Descriptions to Build Tools for Embedded Systems (NR, JWD), pp. 176–192.
CADE-1998-ArtsDFG #distributed #erlang #source code #verification- System Description: Verification of Distributed Erlang Programs (TA, MD, LÅF, DG), pp. 38–41.
CADE-1998-BeckertG- System Description: leanK 2.0 (BB, RG), pp. 51–55.
CADE-1998-BenzmullerK98a #higher-order #proving #theorem proving- System Description: LEO — A Higher-Order Theorem Prover (CB, MK), pp. 139–144.
CADE-1998-Fuchs #generative #similarity- System Description: Similarity-Based Lemma Generation for Model Elimination (MF), pp. 33–37.
CADE-1998-FuchsW- System Description: Cooperation in Model Elimination: CPTHEO (MF, AW), pp. 42–46.
CADE-1998-GorePSV #proving #smarttech #theorem proving- System Description: card TAP: The First Theorem Prover on a Smart Card (RG, JP, AS, HV), pp. 47–50.
CADE-1998-MazureSG #framework #satisfiability- System Description: CRIL Platform for SAT (BM, LS, ÉG), pp. 124–128.
CADE-1998-Peltier #constraints #equation- System Description: An Equational Constraints Solver (NP), pp. 119–123.
CADE-1998-RichardsonSG #higher-order #logic #proving #theorem proving- System Description: Proof Planning in Higher-Order Logic with Lambda-Clam (JR, AS, IG), pp. 129–133.
CADE-1998-SlindGBB #interface- System Description: An Interface Between CLAM and HOL (KS, MJCG, RJB, AB), pp. 134–138.
CSL-1998-Schwentick #bound #complexity #linear- Descriptive Complexity, Lower Bounds and Linear Time (TS), pp. 9–28.
DAC-1997-HadjiyiannisHD #named #set- ISDL: An Instruction Set Description Language for Retargetability (GH, SH, SD), pp. 299–302.
DAC-1997-HartoogRRDDHK #generative #hardware #tool support- Generation of Software Tools from Processor Descriptions for Hardware/Software Codesign (MRH, JAR, PDR, SD, DDD, EAH, NK), pp. 303–306.
EDTC-1997-BensoPRRU #approach #fault #graph #low level- A new approach to build a low-level malicious fault list starting from high-level description and alternative graphs (AB, PP, MR, MSR, RU), pp. 560–565.
EDTC-1997-HofmannGSMMSKC #generative- Generation of the HDL-A-model of a micromembrane from its finite-element-description (KH, MG, NS, AM, SM, JS, JMK, BC), pp. 108–112.
EDTC-1997-RomanowiczLLRABMP #hardware #modelling #simulation #transducer #using- Modeling and simulation of electromechanical transducers in microsystems using an analog hardware description language (BR, ML, PL, PR, HPA, AB, VM, FP), pp. 119–123.
ICDAR-1997-CracknellDD #approach #object-oriented- An Object-Oriented form Description Language and Approach to Handwritten Form Processing (CC, ACD, LD), p. 180–?.
PODS-1997-BeeriLR #logic #query #using- Rewriting Queries Using Views in Description Logics (CB, AYL, MCR), pp. 99–108.
CSMR-1997-JarzabekW #precise #reverse engineering #tool support #towards- Towards a precise description of reverse engineering methods and tools (SJ, IW), pp. 3–9.
ICSM-1997-TryggesethN #architecture #traceability- Dynamic Traceability Links Supported by a System Architecture Description (ET, ØN), pp. 180–187.
TOOLS-ASIA-1997-WuCMY #component #named #object-oriented- JBCDL: An Object-Oriented Component Description Language (QW, JC, HM, FY), pp. 198–205.
ESEC-FSE-1997-MedvidovicT #architecture #framework- A Framework for Classifying and Comparing Architecture Description Languages (NM, RNT), pp. 60–76.
CADE-1997-Bonacina #proving #theorem proving- The Clause-Diffusion Theorem Prover Peers-mcd (System Description) (MPB), pp. 53–56.
CADE-1997-OzolsCE #named- XIsabelle: A System Description (MAO, AC, KAE), pp. 400–403.
ICLP-1997-BelleghemDS #logic #logic programming- A Strong Correspondence between Description Logics and Open Logic Programming (KVB, MD, DDS), pp. 346–360.
DAC-1996-SuttonD #design #process- A Description Language for Design Process Management (PRS, SWD), pp. 175–180.
VLDB-1996-LevyRO #query #using- Querying Heterogeneous Information Sources Using Source Descriptions (AYL, AR, JJO), pp. 251–262.
PLDI-1996-EichenbergerD #constraints #multi #pipes and filters #scheduling- A Reduced Multipipeline Machine Description that Preserves Scheduling Constraints (AEE, ESD), pp. 12–22.
ICML-1996-Suzuki #algorithm #learning #network #performance #using- Learning Bayesian Belief Networks Based on the Minimum Description Length Principle: An Efficient Algorithm Using the B & B Technique (JS), pp. 462–470.
ICPR-1996-ChinveeraphanTS #image- A hierarchical description of digital grayscale images based on image dipoles (SC, RT, MS), pp. 246–250.
ICPR-1996-HuY #composition- Structural decomposition and description of printed and handwritten characters (JH, HY), pp. 230–234.
ICPR-1996-Lemaire #nondeterminism #recognition- Use of a priori descriptions in a high-level language and management of the uncertainty in a scene recognition system (JL), pp. 560–564.
ICPR-1996-StefanoFTV #distance #using- A distance measure for structural descriptions using circular arcs as primitives (CDS, PF, FT, MV), pp. 290–294.
KR-1996-BaaderS #logic #strict- Number Restrictions on Complex Roles in Description Logics: A Preliminary Report (FB, US), pp. 328–339.
KR-1996-Calvanese #finite #logic #reasoning- Finite Model Reasoning in Description Logics (DC), pp. 292–303.
KR-1996-GiacomoL #logic #reasoning- TBox and ABox Reasoning in Expressive Description Logics (GDG, ML), pp. 316–327.
SEKE-1996-Robertson96a #problem- Domain Specific Problem Description (DR), pp. 206–213.
OOPSLA-1996-Moller #functional #information management #logic #object-oriented #representation- A Functional Layer for Description Logics: Knowledge Representation Meets Object-Oriented Programing (RM), pp. 198–213.
CADE-1996-FarmerGF #named- IMPS: An Updated System Description (WMF, JDG, FJT), pp. 298–302.
CADE-1996-SchaubBN #named #prolog #proving #reasoning #theorem proving- XRay: A Prolog Technology Theorem Prover for Default Reasoning: A System Description (TS, SB, PN), pp. 293–297.
CADE-1996-ZhangZ #generative #modelling- System Description: Generating Models by SEM (JZ, HZ), pp. 308–312.
LICS-1996-HirstH #complexity #recursion- More About Recursive Structures: Descriptive Complexity and Zero-One Laws (TH, DH), pp. 334–347.
ICDAR-v1-1995-LefevreR #documentation #layout #named- ODIL: an SGML description language of the layout structure of documents (PL, FR), pp. 480–488.
ICDAR-v1-1995-SimonPJ #automation #documentation #generative #image- (Chem)DeT/sub E/X automatic generation of a markup language description of (chemical) documents from bitmap images (AS, JCP, APJ), pp. 458–461.
ICDAR-v2-1995-AzoklyI #documentation #layout #segmentation- A language for document generic layout description and its use for segmentation into regions (AA, RI), pp. 1123–1126.
ICDAR-v2-1995-LeedhamM #evaluation #interactive- Evaluation of an Interactive Tool for Handwritten Form Description (GL, DM), p. 706.
ICDAR-v2-1995-LiuDW #automation #recognition- Description and recognition of form and automated form data entry (JL, XD, YW), pp. 579–582.
ICDAR-v2-1995-WorringBS #evaluation #interactive- Evaluation of an interactive tool for handwritten form description (MW, RvdB, AWMS), p. 1185–?.
SIGMOD-1995-ThomasDM #design #implementation- Design and Implementation of Advanced Knowledge Processing in the KDMS KRISYS (Demonstration Description) (JT, SD, NMM), p. 479.
STOC-1995-GradelM #complexity- Descriptive complexity theory over the real numbers (EG, KM), pp. 315–324.
ICML-1995-DattaK #concept #learning #prototype- Learning Prototypical Concept Descriptions (PD, DFK), pp. 158–166.
ICML-1995-OliveiraS #graph #order- Inferring Reduced Ordered Decision Graphs of Minimum Description Length (ALO, ALSV), pp. 421–429.
SEKE-1995-BernardeschiFP #architecture #correctness #interactive #specification #user interface- Application of Correctness Preserving Transformations for Deriving Architectural Descriptions of Interactive Systems from User Interface Specifications (CB, AF, FP), pp. 234–243.
SEKE-1995-FarCK #design #reuse #specification #using- Software Creation: Using Specification and Description Language (SDL) for Capturing and Reusing Human Experts’ Knowledge in Software Design (BHF, HC, ZK), pp. 189–196.
PLILP-1995-SaglamG #approximate #constraints #logic programming #polymorphism #source code #using- Approximating Constraint Logic Programs Using Polymorphic Types and Regular Descriptions (HS, JPG), pp. 461–462.
ICSE-1995-TanakaSKMK #estimation #process- Improvement of Software Process by Process Description and Benefit Estimation (TT, KS, SK, KiM, TK), pp. 123–132.
ILPS-1995-LevyR #bibliography #logic- Combining Rules and Description Logics: An Overview of CARIN (AYL, MCR), p. 635.
DAC-1994-ParulkarBN #representation- Extraction of a High-level structural Representation from Circuit Descriptions with Applications to DFT/BIST (IP, MAB, CN), pp. 345–356.
EDAC-1994-BalboniCFS #architecture #array #behaviour- From Behavioral Description to Systolic Array Based Architectures (AB, CC, FF, DS), p. 657.
EDAC-1994-ZepterG #data flow #generative- Generating Synchronous Timed Descriptions of Digital Receivers from Dynamic Data Flow System Level Configurations (PZ, TG), p. 672.
KBSE-1994-Balmas #concept #pattern matching #source code- An Augmented Pattern Matcher as a Tool to Synthesize Conceptual Descriptions of Programs (FB), pp. 150–157.
CIKM-1994-Borgida #logic #on the- On The Relationship Between Description Logic and Predicate Logic (AB), pp. 219–225.
ICML-1994-Quinlan #category theory- The Minimum Description Length Principle and Categorical Theories (JRQ), pp. 233–241.
KR-1994-ArtaleF #logic- A Computational Account for a Description Logic of Time and Action (AA, EF), pp. 3–14.
KR-1994-CohenH #learning #logic- Learning the Classic Description Logic: Theoretical and Experimental Results (WWC, HH), pp. 121–133.
KR-1994-Teege #difference #logic- Making the Difference: A Subtraction Operation for Description Logics (GT), pp. 540–550.
ECOOP-1994-MoreiraC #analysis #object-oriented- Combining Object-Oriented Analysis and Formal Description Techniques (AMDM, RGC), pp. 344–364.
ICSE-1994-DevanbuJ #case study #experience #logic- The Use of Description Logics in KBSE Systems: Experience Report (PTD, MAJ), pp. 23–35.
ICSE-1994-YasumotoHT #process #using- Software Process Description Using LOTOS and Its Enaction (KY, TH, KT), pp. 169–178.
CADE-1994-RoyerQ #on the #query- On Intuitionistic Query Answering in Description Bases (VR, JQ), pp. 326–340.
CADE-1994-Slaney94a #finite #named- FINDER: Finite Domain Enumerator — System Description (JKS), pp. 798–801.
CADE-1994-SlaneyLM #named #semantics- SCOTT: Semantically Constrained Otter System Description (JKS, ELL, WM), pp. 764–768.
ICDAR-1993-MongerLD #documentation #image #interactive- An interactive document image description for OCR of handwritten forms (DM, GL, ACD), pp. 524–527.
SIGMOD-1993-BorgidaB- Loading Data into Description Reasoners (AB, RJB), pp. 217–226.
HCI-SHI-1993-Karsenty #case study- Task-Dependent Descriptions: A Preliminary Study (LK), pp. 897–902.
HCI-SHI-1993-MittalP #generative #natural language- Intelligent Help Facilities: Generating Natural Language Descriptions with Examples (VOM, CP), pp. 379–384.
CIKM-1993-Devanbu #logic #query- Translating Description Logics to Information Server Queries (PTD), pp. 256–263.
CIKM-1993-Mineau #documentation #multi- Facilitating the Creation of a Multiple Index on Graph-Described Documents by Transforming Their Descriptions (GWM), pp. 132–138.
RE-1993-JacksonZ- Domain descriptions (MJ, PZ), pp. 56–64.
RE-1993-SouquieresL #specification- Description of specification developments (JS, NL), pp. 216–223.
FSE-1993-AbowdAG #architecture #using- Using Style to Understand Descriptions of Software Architecture (GDA, RA, DG), pp. 9–20.
HT-ECHT-1992-OgawaTTH #design #hypermedia- Design Strategies for Scenario-Based Hypermedia: Description of its Structure, Dynamics, and Style (RO, ET, DT, KH), pp. 71–80.
TRI-Ada-C-1992-GieringB #ada #thread #using- Using POSIX Threads to Implement Ada Tasking: Description of Work in Progress (EWG, TPB), pp. 518–529.
CAiSE-1992-CasanovaHF #concept #declarative #modelling- A Declarative Conceptual Modelling Language: Description and Example Applications (MAC, ASH, ALF), pp. 589–611.
KR-1992-Borgida #development #logic #towards- Towards the Systematic Development of Description Logic Reasoners: CLASP Reconstructed (AB), pp. 259–269.
KR-1992-CadoliS #approximate #concept- Approximation in Concept Description Languages (MC, MS), pp. 330–341.
KR-1992-Maida #communication #information management #representation #requirements- Knowledge Representation Requirements for Description-Based Communication (ASM), pp. 232–243.
CADE-1992-CraigenKMPS- Eves System Description (DC, SK, IM, BP, MS), pp. 771–775.
CADE-1992-FarmerGT92a #named- IMPS: System Description (WMF, JDG, FJT), pp. 701–705.
DAC-1991-PitchumaniMR #fault #simulation- A System for Fault Diagnosis and Simulation of VHDL Descriptions (VP, PM, NR), pp. 144–150.
VDME-1991-1-Jackson- Description is our Business (MJ), pp. 1–8.
CHI-1991-Tatsukawa #approach #interactive #tool support #visual notation- Graphical toolkit approach to user interaction description (KT), pp. 323–328.
KDD-1991-KaufmanMK #database #mining- Mining for Knowledge in Databases: Goals and General Description of the INLEN System (KAK, RSM, LK), pp. 449–464.
SIGIR-1991-FuhrP #probability- Combining Model-Oriented and Description-Oriented Approaches for Probabilistic Indexing (NF, UP), pp. 46–56.
ESEC-1991-CollinsEGGT #composition #named #object-oriented #re-engineering- Tickle: Object-Oriented Description and Composition Services for Software Engineering Environments (TC, KE, CG, JG, IT), pp. 409–423.
DAC-1990-ScheichenzuberGLM #behaviour #data flow #hardware #synthesis- Global Hardware Synthesis from Behavioral Dataflow Descriptions (JS, WG, UL, SM), pp. 456–461.
VLDB-1990-CatarciDL #concept #modelling #statistics- Concept Description Language for Statistical Data Modeling (TC, GD, ML), pp. 722–729.
VDME-1990-FitzgeraldJ #database- Modularizing the Formal Description of a Database System (JSF, CBJ), pp. 189–210.
CHI-1990-Olsen- Propositional production systems for dialog description (DROJ), pp. 57–64.
SEKE-1990-RizmanR #agile #data flow #knowledge-based #prototype #specification #using- Using Data-flow Description Supported By The Rapid Prototyping Tool For Specifying and Developing of Knowledge-Based System (KR, IR), pp. 58–63.
SEKE-1990-SheuVH #execution #process- Integrated Process Description and Execution in Manufacturing Environments (PCYS, RV, SSH), pp. 25–32.
ICSE-1990-BernsteinF #automation #case study #declarative #experience #maintenance #programming- Automatic Maintenance of Routine Programming Tasks Based on a Declarative Description (Experience Report) (DBB, RF), pp. 310–315.
WAGA-1990-JourdanBP #attribute grammar #design #evaluation #implementation- The OLGA Attribute Grammar Description Language: Design, Implementation and Evaluation (MJ, CLB, DP), pp. 222–237.
CAV-1990-Eveking #automation #hardware #verification- Automatic Verification of Extensions of Hardware Descriptions (HE), pp. 2–12.
DAC-1989-BlaauwSMAR #automation #behaviour #generative #modelling- Automatic Generation of Behavioral Models from Switch-Level Descriptions (DB, DGS, RBMT, JAA, JTR), pp. 179–184.
DAC-1989-Cyre #synthesis #towards- Toward Synthesis from English Descriptions (WRC), pp. 742–745.
DAC-1989-FrydmanGGB #named- DeBuMA: Description, Building and Management of Applications (CSF, NG, MG, PB), pp. 203–208.
DAC-1989-HayatiP #automation #behaviour #specification- Automatic Production of Controller Specifications from Control and Timing Behavioral Descriptions (SH, AP), pp. 75–80.
DAC-1989-HoevenLDD #network #simulation- A New Model for the High Level Description and Simulation of VLSI Networks (AJvdH, AAdL, EFD, PD), pp. 738–741.
DAC-1989-KumarKKG #automation #behaviour #synthesis- Automatic Synthesis of Microprogrammed Control Units from Behavioral Descriptions (AK, SK, PK, SG), pp. 147–154.
DAC-1989-Norrod #algorithm #automation #generative #hardware #testing- An Automatic Test Generation Algorithm for Hardware Description Languages (FEN), pp. 429–434.
DAC-1989-NowakM #code generation #hardware #verification- Verification of Hardware Descriptions by Retargetable Code Generation (LN, PM), pp. 441–447.
DAC-1989-RoyA #approach #novel #using #verification- A Novel Approach to Accurate Timing Verification Using RTL Descriptions (KR, JAA), pp. 638–641.
KR-1989-Rosenschein #automaton- Synthesizing Information-Tracking Automata from Environment Descriptions (SJR), pp. 386–393.
ML-1989-Aha #concept #incremental #independence #learning- Incremental, Instance-Based Learning of Independent and Graded Concept Descriptions (DWA), pp. 387–391.
ML-1989-Keller #compilation #learning #performance- Compiling Learning Vocabulary from a Performance System Description (RMK), pp. 482–495.
ML-1989-Kokar #concept #embedded- Concept Discovery Through Utilization of Invariance Embedded in the Description Language (MMK), pp. 478–479.
ML-1989-ZhangM #learning- A Description of Preference Criterion in Constructive Learning: A Discussion of Basis Issues (JZ, RSM), pp. 17–19.
SIGIR-1989-Parkes #automation #image #network- Settings and the Setting Structure: The Description and Automated Propagation of Networks for Perusing Videodisk Image States (APP), pp. 229–238.
ICSE-1989-InoueOKT #adaptation #process- A Formal Adaptation Method for Process Descriptions (KI, TO, TK, KT), pp. 145–153.
ICSE-1989-Katayama #functional #process- A Hierarchical and Functional Software Process Description and Its Enaction (TK), pp. 343–352.
CSL-1989-Gradel #complexity #concept #logic #on the- On Logical Descriptions of Some Concepts in Structural Complexity Theory (EG), pp. 163–175.
VDME-1988-BorzyszkowskiS #architecture #comprehension #documentation #standard- Understanding an informal Description: Office Documents Architecture, an ISO Standard (AMB, SS), pp. 48–63.
SIGIR-1988-BonziL #documentation #information retrieval- The Use of Anaphoric Resolution for Document Description in Information Retrieval (SB, EDL), pp. 53–66.
ICSE-1988-Hallman- An Operational Requirement Description Model for Open Systems (MH), pp. 286–295.
CSL-1988-SchonfeldS #integration- Integration of Descriptive and Procedural Language Constructs (WS, WS), pp. 344–356.
DAC-1987-LeeLP #editing #named #visual notation- TED: A Graphical Technology Description Editor (WL, GL, KP), pp. 423–428.
DAC-1987-WuHHYY #behaviour- Function Search from Behavioral Description of a Digital System (JGW, WPCH, YHH, DYYY, HJY), pp. 574–579.
VDME-1987-MinkowitzH #object-oriented #programming #using- A Formal Description of Object-Oriented Programming Using VDM (CM, PBH), pp. 237–259.
VDME-1987-Pedersen- VDM in Three Generations of Ada* Formal Descriptions (JSP), pp. 33–48.
SIGIR-1987-Humphrey #interactive #knowledge-based- Illustrated Description of an Interactive Knowledge-Based Indexing System (SMH), pp. 73–90.
ASPLOS-1987-WallP #experience #using- The Mahler Experience: Using and Intermediate Language as the Machine Description (DWW, MLP), pp. 100–104.
DAC-1986-BruckKKR #algorithm #composition #concurrent #synthesis- Synthesis of concurrent modular controllers from algorithmic descriptions (RB, BK, TK, FJR), pp. 285–292.
DAC-1986-McFarland #behaviour #bottom-up #design #hardware #synthesis #using- Using bottom-up design techniques in the synthesis of digital hardware from abstract behavioral descriptions (MCM), pp. 474–480.
DAC-1986-WatanabeMNH #generative #knowledge-based #logic- Knowledge-based optimal IIL generator from conventional logic circuit descriptions (TW, TM, TN, NH), pp. 608–614.
LFP-1986-WandF- The Mystery of the Tower Revealed: A Non-Reflective Description of the Reflective Tower (MW, DPF), pp. 298–307.
ICLP-1986-ChengzhengY86 #execution #logic programming #source code- The OR-Forest Description for the Execution of Logic Programs (CS, TY), pp. 710–717.
DAC-1985-MeshkinpourE #design #functional- A functional language for description and design of digital systems: sequential constructs (FM, MDE), pp. 238–244.
DAC-1985-OdawaraTO #data flow #diagrams- Diagrammatic function description of microprocessor and data-flow processor (GO, MT, IO), pp. 731–734.
SIGIR-1985-Gordon #algorithm #documentation #learning- A Learning Algorithm Applied to Document Description (MG), pp. 179–186.
ICSE-1985-BuhrWKLL #design #multi #prolog #tool support- Experiments with Prolog Design Descriptions and Tools in CAEDE: An Iconic Design Environment for Multitasking, Embdedded Systems (RJAB, CMW, GMK, KVDL, DGL), pp. 62–67.
DAC-1984-Dewey #hardware- The VHSIC hardware description language (VHDL) program (AD), pp. 556–557.
DAC-1984-Lieberherr #hardware #standard #towards- Towards a standard hardware description language (KJL), pp. 265–272.
DAC-1984-Milne #hardware #verification- A model for hardware description and verification (GJM), pp. 251–257.
DAC-1984-OdawaraST #functional- A symbolic functional description language (GO, JS, MT), pp. 73–80.
DAC-1984-SlutzOW- Block description language (BDL): A structural description language (ES, GO, JW), pp. 81–85.
DAC-1984-VeigaL #hardware #multi #named- HARPA: A hierarchical multi-level hardware description language (PV, ML), pp. 59–65.
SCC-1984-Kessler #architecture #named- Peep: an architectural description driven peephole optimizer (RRK), pp. 106–110.
DAC-1983-Dewey #development #hardware- VHSIC hardware description (VHDL) development program (AD), pp. 625–628.
DAC-1983-LieberherrK #hardware #named- Zeus: A hardware description language for VLSI (KJL, SEK), pp. 17–23.
DAC-1983-McFarland #behaviour #clustering #hardware- Computer-aided partitioning of behavioral hardware descriptions (MCM), pp. 472–478.
DAC-1983-RobinsonD #hardware- Programmimg languages for hardware description (PR, JD), pp. 12–16.
ICALP-1983-Ganzinger #compilation #composition #data type #semantics- Modular Compiler Descriptions Based on Abstract Semantic Data Types (Extended Abstract) (HG), pp. 237–249.
DAC-1982-Chu #design- Computer system design description (YC), pp. 842–850.
DAC-1982-ShivaC #composition #simulation #synthesis #using- Modular description/simulation/synthesis using DDL (SGS, JAC), pp. 321–329.
DAC-1982-TraceyK #hardware- A hardware description language for processor based digital systems (JHT, KSK), pp. 330–337.
POPL-1982-GanapathiF #attribute grammar #code generation #using- Description-Driven Code Generation using Attribute Grammars (MG, CNF), pp. 108–119.
ICSE-1982-AgusaOO #requirements #verification- Verification System for Formal Requirements Description (KA, AO, YO), pp. 120–126.
ICSE-1982-ChibaKK #communication #protocol- A Model for Description of Communication Protocol (KC, KK, AK), pp. 424–428.
ICSE-1982-MuraiSDMF #specification- Requirement Specification Description System in Japanese Language — JISDOS (JM, NS, ND, MM, TF), pp. 127–136.
DAC-1981-BellonSG #hardware- Hardware description levels and test for complex circuits (CB, GS, JMG), pp. 213–219.
DAC-1981-KangC #automation #synthesis- Automatic PLA synthesis from a DDL-P description (SK, WMvC), pp. 391–397.
DAC-1981-LacroixP #data type- Data structures for CAD object description (ML, AP), pp. 653–659.
DAC-1980-Shiva #logic #synthesis- Combinational logic synthesis from an HDL description (SGS), pp. 550–555.
CADE-1980-Goad #proving- Proofs as Description of Computation (CG), pp. 39–52.
DAC-1979-Cleemput #hardware- Computer hardware description languages and their applications (WMvC), pp. 554–560.
DAC-1979-Hoskins #database #design- Descriptive databases in some design/manufacturing environments (EMH), pp. 421–436.
DAC-1979-Marwedel #design- The MIMOLA design system: Detailed description of the software system (PM), pp. 59–63.
DAC-1979-RoseRS- The N. mPc system description facility (CWR, LAR, RS), pp. 520–528.
VLDB-1979-Sandewall- A Description Language and Pilot-System Executive for Information-Transport Systems (ES), pp. 101–110.
ICSE-1979-BanatreB #process- Language Features for Description of Cooperating Processes (JPB, MB), pp. 308–314.
VLDB-1978-Kleefstra #database- Data Base Description with a Single Name Category Data Model (WJK), pp. 177–185.
DAC-1977-Cleemput- An hierarchical language for the structural description of digital systems (WMvC), pp. 377–385.
DAC-1977-PedroG #algorithm #automation #design #named #set- DOCIL: An automatic system for printed circuit board (PCB) designing. A board description language and an algorithm to connect a set of points (TdP, RG), pp. 174–181.
VLDB-1977-HotakaT #database #relational #self- Self-Descriptive Relational Data Base (RH, MT), pp. 415–426.
DAC-1976-Pierce #re-engineering- The literature of software engineering: Description and guide (ARP), pp. 451–461.
DAC-1975-RoseA #design #hardware #modelling- Modeling and design description of hierarchical hardware/software systems (CWR, MA), pp. 421–430.
SIGMOD-1975-BandurskiJ #design- Data Description for Computer-Aided Design (AEB, DKJ), pp. 193–202.
SIGMOD-1975-SchneiderS- Quantitative Data Description (LSS, CRS), pp. 167–185.
POPL-1975-LauerC #petri net- A Description of Path Expressions by Petri Nets (PEL, RHC), pp. 95–105.
SIGFIDET-1974-MertenF #approach- A Data Description Language Approach to File Translation (AGM, JPF), pp. 191–205.
SIGFIDET-1974-RamirezRP #automation #generative #source code #using- Automatic Generation of Data Conversion Programs Using A Data Description Language (JAR, NAR, NSP), pp. 207–225.
SIGIR-1973-Smith #perspective- From a Data Description Point of View (DCPS), pp. 118–130.
SIGFIDET-1972-McGee #roadmap- Some Current Issues in Data Description (WCM), pp. 1–12.
STOC-1972-MeyerB- Program Size and Economy of Descriptions: Preliminary Report (ARM, AB), pp. 183–186.
SIGFIDET-1970-EllisN- A Data Description Language for Hierarchical Data Files (MEE, KHN), pp. 87–106.
SIGFIDET-1970-Hatfield #summary- Data Description of Text Structures/Text Processing (pre-discussion summary) (DJH), p. 285.
DAC-1969-Srinivasan #design- A discussion of CDLI, a computer description language and associated design aid systems (CVS), p. 383.
DAC-1968-Darringer- A language for the description of digital computer processors (JAD).
SHARE-1965-Falkoff #automation #design #process- Formal description of processes — the first step in design automation (ADF).