Travelled to:
1 × The Netherlands
1 × United Kingdom
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.Tisi A.Gómez J.Cabot G.Sunyé D.Launay J.S.Cuadrado J.d.Lara T.Hartmann L.Mouline F.Fouquet J.Bourcier O.Barais Y.L.Traon
Talks about:
model (6) transform (2) distribut (2) emf (2) scalabl (1) persist (1) vision (1) partit (1) effici (1) driven (1)
Person: Amine Benelallam
DBLP: Benelallam:Amine
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- SLE-2015-BenelallamGTC #atl #distributed #model transformation #pipes and filters
- Distributed model-to-model transformation with ATL on MapReduce (AB, AG, MT, JC), pp. 37–48.
- ECMFA-2014-BenelallamGSTL #emf #modelling #persistent #scalability
- Neo4EMF, A Scalable Persistence Layer for EMF Models (AB, AG, GS, MT, DL), pp. 230–241.
- MoDELS-2017-BenelallamHMFBB #modelling
- Raising Time Awareness in Model-Driven Engineering: Vision Paper (AB, TH, LM, FF, JB, OB, YLT), pp. 181–188.
- SLE-2016-BenelallamTCLC #clustering #distributed #model transformation #performance
- Efficient model partitioning for distributed model transformations (AB, MT, JSC, JdL, JC), pp. 226–238.