Travelled to:
1 × Belgium
1 × Brazil
1 × Germany
1 × Hungary
1 × Switzerland
1 × The Netherlands
1 × USA
2 × Canada
2 × Italy
3 × France
3 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
J.Jézéquel J.Cabot E.C.d.Almeida Y.L.Traon G.Daniel A.L.Guennec P.Valduriez O.Finot J.Mottu ∅ A.Gómez M.Tisi J.E.Marynowski D.Pollet O.Barais T.Degueule C.Attiogbé J.A.Meira M.Boussaa B.Baudry F.Jouault A.Benelallam D.Launay A.M.Riesco S.Pickin F.Pennaneac'h W.Ho Maxime Tricoire M.Leduc F.Fouquet B.Morin J.Bourcier G.Nain L.Mouline
Talks about:
model (13) test (8) peer (6) uml (4) transform (3) framework (3) scalabl (3) pattern (3) distribut (2) prefetch (2)
Person: Gerson Sunyé
DBLP: Suny=eacute=:Gerson
Contributed to:
Wrote 19 papers:
- FASE-2015-GomezTSC #modelling #persistent #scalability
- Map-Based Transparent Persistence for Very Large Models (AG, MT, GS, JC), pp. 19–34.
- ECMFA-2014-BenelallamGSTL #emf #modelling #persistent #scalability
- Neo4EMF, A Scalable Persistence Layer for EMF Models (AB, AG, GS, MT, DL), pp. 230–241.
- AMT-2013-FinotMSD #metamodelling #testing #using
- Using Meta-model Coverage to Qualify Test Oracles (OF, JMM, GS, TD), pp. 12–21.
- ICMT-2013-FinotMSA #model transformation #testing
- Partial Test Oracle in Model Transformation Testing (OF, JMM, GS, CA), pp. 189–204.
- ICST-2012-MeiraATS #peer-to-peer #testing
- Peer-to-Peer Load Testing (JAM, ECdA, YLT, GS), pp. 642–647.
- ASE-2010-AlmeidaMSV #framework #named #peer-to-peer #testing
- PeerUnit: a framework for testing peer-to-peer systems (ECdA, JEM, GS, PV), pp. 169–170.
- ICTSS-2010-AlmeidaMSTV #architecture #distributed #performance #scalability
- Efficient Distributed Test Architectures for Large-Scale Systems (ECdA, JEM, GS, YLT, PV), pp. 174–187.
- ASE-2008-AlmeidaSTV #testing
- Testing Peers’ Volatility (ECdA, GS, YLT, PV), pp. 419–422.
- SEKE-2002-RiescoSPPJ #analysis #metamodelling #uml
- Al analysis patterns as UML meta-model constructs (AMR, GS, DP, SP, JMJ), pp. 237–238.
- CAiSE-2001-SunyePHGJ #action semantics #execution #modelling #semantics #uml #using
- Using UML Action Semantics for Executable Modeling and Beyond (GS, FP, WMH, ALG, JMJ), pp. 433–447.
- UML-2001-SunyePTJ #modelling #refactoring #uml
- Refactoring UML Models (GS, DP, YLT, JMJ), pp. 134–148.
- ECOOP-2000-SunyeGJ #design pattern #uml
- Design Patterns Application in UML (GS, ALG, JMJ), pp. 44–62.
- UML-2000-GuennecSJ #design pattern #modelling #precise
- Precise Modeling of Design Patterns (ALG, GS, JMJ), pp. 482–496.
- MoDELS-2016-DanielSC #framework #modelling #named
- PrefetchML: a framework for prefetching and caching models (GD, GS, JC), pp. 318–328.
- ECMFA-2017-Sunye #collaboration #consistency #distributed #modelling
- Model Consistency for Distributed Collaborative Modeling (GS), pp. 197–212.
- ICMT-2018-DanielSC #model transformation #query #scalability
- Scalable Queries and Model Transformations with the Mogwaï Tool (GD, GS, JC), pp. 175–183.
- GPCE-2016-BoussaaBBS #automation #code generation #non-functional #product line #testing
- Automatic non-functional testing of code generators families (MB, OB, BB, GS), pp. 202–212.
- ASE-2017-DanielJSC #framework #model transformation #named #scalability
- Gremlin-ATL: a scalable model transformation framework (GD, FJ, GS, JC), pp. 462–472.
- CBSE-2016-TricoireBLFSMBN #configuration management #named
- KevoreeJS: Enabling Dynamic Software Reconfigurations in the Browser (MT, OB, ML, FF, GS, BM, JB, GN, LM), pp. 49–58.