Collaborated with:
Stephan Müller 0002 Seth Frey Mubbasir Kapadia Severin Klingler R.P.Mann R.W.Sumner Markus H. Gross
Talks about:
minecraft (3) collabor (2) player (2) craft (2) heap (2) understand (1) quantifi (1) behavior (1) statist (1) predict (1)
Person: Barbara Solenthaler
DBLP: Solenthaler:Barbara
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- AIIDE-2015-MullerFKKMSSG #collaboration #named #predict
- HeapCraft: Quantifying and Predicting Collaboration in Minecraft (SM0, SF, MK, SK, RPM, BS, RWS, MHG), pp. 156–162.
- FDG-2015-MuellerKFKMSSG #analysis #behaviour #statistics
- Statistical Analysis of Player Behavior in Minecraft (SM0, MK, SF, SK, RPM, BS, RWS, MHG).
- FDG-2015-MuellerKFKMSSG15a #collaboration #comprehension #named
- HeapCraft: Understanding and Improving Player Collaboration in Minecraft (SM0, MK, SF, SK, RPM, BS, RWS, MHG).