Travelled to:
1 × Finland
1 × Russia
1 × Sweden
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Liu J.Sun Y.Liu J.S.Dong M.Zheng Y.Zhang X.Wang É.André C.Choppy S.Bressan G.Dobbie Z.Lacroix M.Lee Y.G.Li U.Nambiar
Talks about:
machin (2) state (2) uml (2) benchmark (1) document (1) communic (1) process (1) contain (1) complet (1) checker (1)
Person: Bimlesh Wadhwa
DBLP: Wadhwa:Bimlesh
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ASE-2014-LiuSLZWDW #automation #case study #detection #documentation #fault
- Automatic early defects detection in use case documents (SL, JS, YL, YZ, BW, JSD, XW), pp. 785–790.
- ESEC-FSE-2013-LiuL0ZWD #model checking #named #self #state machine #uml
- USMMC: a self-contained model checker for UML state machines (SL, YL, JS, MZ, BW, JSD), pp. 623–626.
- IFM-2013-LiuLACSWD #semantics #state machine #uml
- A Formal Semantics for Complete UML State Machines with Communications (SL, YL, ÉA, CC, JS, BW, JSD), pp. 331–346.
- CIKM-2001-BressanDLLLNW #benchmark #metric #named #query #xml
- X007: Applying 007 Benchmark to XML Query Processing Tool (SB, GD, ZL, MLL, YGL, UN, BW), pp. 167–174.