Travelled to:
1 × Belgium
1 × China
1 × Finland
1 × Germany
1 × India
1 × South Korea
1 × Sweden
1 × Switzerland
2 × Canada
2 × France
2 × Italy
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
X.Xia D.Lo B.Zhou X.Yang J.Sun L.Bao Z.Xing I.Dillig J.Sun Y.Liu J.Li S.Li C.Huang Z.He S.R.Maddineni Z.Cai Y.Wang J.S.Dong Y.Feng C.Lin Christopher Purdy Larry He M.Riedl Y.Feng Z.Chen X.Wang C.Zhang C.Tian T.Wang Y.Si D.Wu D.Ye L.Gui Y.J.Si S.Liu Y.Zhang B.Wadhwa
Talks about:
system (5) predict (4) accur (4) recommend (3) distribut (3) languag (3) develop (3) legaci (3) time (3) more (3)
Person: Xinyu Wang
DBLP: Wang:Xinyu
Contributed to:
Wrote 23 papers:
- ICSE-v2-2015-BaoLXWZ #behaviour #developer #interactive #modelling #named #using #video
- scvRipper: Video Scraping Tool for Modeling Developers’ Behavior Using Interaction Data (LB, JL, ZX, XW, BZ), pp. 673–676.
- ICSME-2015-XiaLWY #analysis #bibliography #recommendation
- Who should review this change?: Putting text and file location analyses together for more accurate recommendations (XX, DL, XW, XY), pp. 261–270.
- OOPSLA-2015-FengWDL #control flow #interprocedural
- EXPLORER : query- and demand-driven exploration of interprocedural control flow properties (YF, XW, ID, CL), pp. 520–534.
- SANER-2015-BaoLXWZ #interactive #reverse engineering
- Reverse engineering time-series interaction data from screen-captured videos (LB, JL, ZX, XW, BZ), pp. 399–408.
- ASE-2014-LiuSLZWDW #automation #case study #detection #documentation #fault
- Automatic early defects detection in use case documents (SL, JS, YL, YZ, BW, JSD, XW), pp. 785–790.
- CSMR-WCRE-2014-XiaFLCW #behaviour #learning #multi #towards
- Towards more accurate multi-label software behavior learning (XX, YF, DL, ZC, XW), pp. 134–143.
- ICPC-2014-XiaLWZW #debugging #locality
- Cross-language bug localization (XX, DL, XW, CZ, XW), pp. 275–278.
- ICPC-2014-ZhouXLTW #api #categorisation #towards
- Towards more accurate content categorization of API discussions (BZ, XX, DL, CT, XW), pp. 95–105.
- SAC-2014-XiaLWZ #analysis #predict
- Build system analysis with link prediction (XX, DL, XW, BZ), pp. 1184–1186.
- TACAS-2014-Wang0LWL #automaton #specification
- Are Timed Automata Bad for a Specification Language? Language Inclusion Checking for Timed Automata (TW, JS, YL, XW, SL), pp. 310–325.
- CSMR-2013-XiaLWYLS #algorithm #case study #comparative #debugging #learning #predict
- A Comparative Study of Supervised Learning Algorithms for Re-opened Bug Prediction (XX, DL, XW, XY, SL, JS), pp. 331–334.
- ISSTA-2013-GuiSLSDW #model checking #predict #reliability #testing
- Combining model checking and testing with an application to reliability prediction and distribution (LG, JS, YL, YJS, JSD, XW), pp. 101–111.
- MSR-2013-XiaLWZ #recommendation
- Tag recommendation in software information sites (XX, DL, XW, BZ), pp. 287–296.
- WCRE-2013-XiaLWZ #debugging #developer #recommendation
- Accurate developer recommendation for bug resolution (XX, DL, XW, BZ), pp. 72–81.
- ICSM-2009-CaiYW #approach #empirical #maintenance #process
- Business process recovery for system maintenance — An empirical approach (ZC, XY, XW), pp. 399–402.
- ICSM-2009-HuangSWSW #industrial #legacy #mining #preprocessor
- Preprocessing the noise in legacy user permission assignment data for role mining — An industrial practice (CH, JS, XW, YS, DW), pp. 403–406.
- ICSM-2007-WangSY #case study #distributed #experience #re-engineering
- Experience Report: Reengineering Standalone System into the Service-Partition Distributed Environment (XW, JS, XY), pp. 477–480.
- ICSE-2006-WangSYHHM #c++ #distributed #legacy #re-engineering
- Reengineering standalone C++ legacy systems into the J2EE partition distributed environment (XW, JS, XY, CH, ZH, SRM), pp. 525–533.
- CSMR-2004-WangSYHM #legacy #scalability
- Business Rules Extraction from Large Legacy Systems (XW, JS, XY, ZH, SRM), pp. 249–253.
- ASE-2015-BaoXWZ #developer #process
- Tracking and Analyzing Cross-Cutting Activities in Developers’ Daily Work (N) (LB, ZX, XW, BZ), pp. 277–282.
- ASE-2015-BaoYXXW #framework #named
- ActivitySpace: A Remembrance Framework to Support Interapplication Information Needs (LB, DY, ZX, XX, XW), pp. 864–869.
- AIIDE-2018-PurdyWHR #metric #predict #quality
- Predicting Generated Story Quality with Quantitative Measures (CP, XW, LH, MR), pp. 95–101.
- OOPSLA-2018-WangWD #relational #synthesis
- Relational program synthesis (YW, XW, ID), p. 27.