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1768 papers:

ASPLOSASPLOS-2020-Deng0S #benchmark
A Benchmark Suite for Evaluating Caches' Vulnerability to Timing Attacks (SD, WX0, JS), pp. 683–697.
Computing Haar Measures (AP, DS, MZ0), p. 17.
EDMEDM-2019-KarumbaiahOB #behaviour #performance #student
The Influence of School Demographics on the Relationship Between Students' Help-Seeking Behavior and Performance and Motivational Measures (SK, JO, RSB).
ICSMEICSME-2019-BarbezKG #anti #learning
Deep Learning Anti-Patterns from Code Metrics History (AB, FK, YGG), pp. 114–124.
MSRMSR-2019-RiganelliMMM #android #benchmark #debugging
A benchmark of data loss bugs for Android apps (OR, MM, DM, LM), pp. 582–586.
MSRMSR-2019-Rua0S #android #energy #named #scalability #testing
GreenSource: a large-scale collection of Android code, tests and energy metrics (RR, MC0, JS), pp. 176–180.
SANERSANER-2019-DelfimUMM #automation #benchmark #debugging #java #named #program repair
BEARS: An Extensible Java Bug Benchmark for Automatic Program Repair Studies (FM, SU, MdAM, MM), pp. 468–478.
SANERSANER-2019-SomeoliayiJMM #test coverage
Program State Coverage: A Test Coverage Metric Based on Executed Program States (KES, SJ, MM, SHMH), pp. 584–588.
SANERSANER-2019-ZeroualiMRG19a #empirical #on the
On the Diversity of Software Package Popularity Metrics: An Empirical Study of npm (AZ, TM, GR, JMGB), pp. 589–593.
CIAACIAA-2019-BorsottiBCM #benchmark #regular expression
A Benchmark Production Tool for Regular Expressions (AB, LB, SCR, AM), pp. 95–107.
IFM-2019-LanotteT #automaton #probability #similarity
Computing Bisimilarity Metrics for Probabilistic Timed Automata (RL, ST), pp. 303–321.
CoGCoG-2019-HarriesLRHD #3d #benchmark #learning #named
MazeExplorer: A Customisable 3D Benchmark for Assessing Generalisation in Reinforcement Learning (LH, SL, JR, KH, SD), pp. 1–4.
FDGFDG-2019-CanaanSTN #benchmark #game studies
Leveling the playing field: fairness in AI versus human game benchmarks (RC, CS, JT, AN), p. 8.
CoGVS-Games-2019-Jercic #game studies #performance #predict #set #what
What could the baseline measurements predict about decision-making performance in serious games set in the financial context (PJ), pp. 1–4.
CIKMCIKM-2019-BoiarovT #learning #recognition #scalability
Large Scale Landmark Recognition via Deep Metric Learning (AB, ET), pp. 169–178.
CIKMCIKM-2019-HuynhP #algorithm #benchmark #knowledge base
A Benchmark for Fact Checking Algorithms Built on Knowledge Bases (VPH, PP), pp. 689–698.
The Fisher-Rao Metric in Computer Vision (SJM), p. 3.
CIKMCIKM-2019-MueenCM #detection #social
Taming Social Bots: Detection, Exploration and Measurement (AM, NC, AJM), pp. 2967–2968.
CIKMCIKM-2019-XiaoRMSL #learning #personalisation
Dynamic Bayesian Metric Learning for Personalized Product Search (TX, JR, ZM, HS, SL), pp. 1693–1702.
CIKMCIKM-2019-ZhangLZLWWX #benchmark #learning #multi #named #representation
Job2Vec: Job Title Benchmarking with Collective Multi-View Representation Learning (DZ, JL, HZ, YL, LW, PW, HX), pp. 2763–2771.
ECIRECIR-p1-2019-AlbahemSSC #how #question #topic
Meta-evaluation of Dynamic Search: How Do Metrics Capture Topical Relevance, Diversity and User Effort? (AA, DS, FS, LC), pp. 607–620.
ECIRECIR-p1-2019-GuptaKKL #correlation #evaluation #information retrieval #predict #ranking
Correlation, Prediction and Ranking of Evaluation Metrics in Information Retrieval (SG, MK, VK, ML), pp. 636–651.
ECIRECIR-p1-2019-WangFOM #similarity #topic #twitter
Evaluating Similarity Metrics for Latent Twitter Topics (XW, AF, IO, CM), pp. 787–794.
ICMLICML-2019-AdamsJWS #fault #learning #modelling
Learning Models from Data with Measurement Error: Tackling Underreporting (RA, YJ, XW, SS), pp. 61–70.
ICMLICML-2019-ChangMG #scheduling #using
Dynamic Measurement Scheduling for Event Forecasting using Deep RL (CHC, MM, AG), pp. 951–960.
ICMLICML-2019-CotterGJSSWWY #classification #constraints
Training Well-Generalizing Classifiers for Fairness Metrics and Other Data-Dependent Constraints (AC, MRG, HJ, NS, KS, SW, BEW, SY), pp. 1397–1405.
ICMLICML-2019-FuLTL #black box #generative #named #network #optimisation #speech
MetricGAN: Generative Adversarial Networks based Black-box Metric Scores Optimization for Speech Enhancement (SWF, CFL, YT0, SDL), pp. 2031–2041.
ICMLICML-2019-KleimanP #machine learning #modelling #multi #named #performance
AUCμ: A Performance Metric for Multi-Class Machine Learning Models (RK, DP), pp. 3439–3447.
ICMLICML-2019-MollenhoffC #generative #modelling
Flat Metric Minimization with Applications in Generative Modeling (TM, DC), pp. 4626–4635.
ICMLICML-2019-NayerNV #matrix #rank
Phaseless PCA: Low-Rank Matrix Recovery from Column-wise Phaseless Measurements (SN, PN, NV), pp. 4762–4770.
Measurements of Three-Level Hierarchical Structure in the Outliers in the Spectrum of Deepnet Hessians (VP), pp. 5012–5021.
ICMLICML-2019-SuW #distance #learning #sequence
Learning Distance for Sequences by Learning a Ground Metric (BS, YW), pp. 6015–6025.
ICMLICML-2019-TiomokoCBG #estimation #matrix #random #scalability
Random Matrix Improved Covariance Estimation for a Large Class of Metrics (MT, RC, FB, GG), pp. 6254–6263.
Fairness risk measures (RCW, AKM), pp. 6786–6797.
ICMLICML-2019-WuDSYHSRK #learning #matrix
Learning a Compressed Sensing Measurement Matrix via Gradient Unrolling (SW, AD, SS, FXY, DNHR, DS, AR, SK), pp. 6828–6839.
KDDKDD-2019-ChenJMFKSPSYMSS #multimodal
Developing Measures of Cognitive Impairment in the Real World from Consumer-Grade Multimodal Sensor Streams (RC, FJ, NM, LF, LK, AS, MP, JS, RY, VM, MS, HHS, HJJ, BT, AT), pp. 2145–2155.
KDDKDD-2019-InabaFKZ #approach #distance #energy #learning
A Free Energy Based Approach for Distance Metric Learning (SI, CTF, RVK, KZ), pp. 5–13.
KDDKDD-2019-YoshidaTK #graph #learning #mining
Learning Interpretable Metric between Graphs: Convex Formulation and Computation with Graph Mining (TY, IT, MK), pp. 1026–1036.
PLDIPLDI-2019-ProkopecRLD0SBZ #benchmark #named #parallel #virtual machine
Renaissance: benchmarking suite for parallel applications on the JVM (AP, AR, DL, GD, PT0, MS, LB, YZ, AV, DS, TW, WB), pp. 31–47.
ASEASE-2019-BeyerL #execution #named #robust #testing
TestCov: Robust Test-Suite Execution and Coverage Measurement (DB0, TL0), pp. 1074–1077.
ASEASE-2019-DavisMKL #regular expression #scalability #testing
Testing Regex Generalizability And Its Implications: A Large-Scale Many-Language Measurement Study (JCD, DM, AMK, DL), pp. 427–439.
ASEASE-2019-TokumotoT #development #named #quality
PHANTA: Diversified Test Code Quality Measurement for Modern Software Development (ST, KT), pp. 1206–1207.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2019-Caulo #fault #predict #taxonomy
A taxonomy of metrics for software fault prediction (MC), pp. 1144–1147.
ICSE-2019-Du0LGZLJ #assessment #identification #named
Leopard: identifying vulnerable code for vulnerability assessment through program metrics (XD, BC0, YL, JG, YZ, YL0, YJ0), pp. 60–71.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2019-GanZCSRKBHRJHPH #benchmark #open source
An Open-Source Benchmark Suite for Microservices and Their Hardware-Software Implications for Cloud & Edge Systems (YG0, YZ, DC, AS, PR, NK, AB, JH, BR, BJ, KH, MP, YH, BC, CC, FW, CL, SW, LZ, ME, RL, ZL, JP, CD), pp. 3–18.
CASECASE-2019-AhlbergD #logic #multi #synthesis
Human-in-the-Loop Control Synthesis for Multi-Agent Systems under Hard and Soft Metric Interval Temporal Logic Specifications* (SA, DVD), pp. 788–793.
CASECASE-2019-ImamM #modelling #using
Thermal Modeling of Indoor Spaces using Illumination Measurement as a Surrogate for Solar Heat Gain (MHTI, SM), pp. 1093–1098.
CASECASE-2019-SchlotzhauerKWB #2d #collaboration #on the #safety
On the trustability of the safety measures of collaborative robots: 2D Collision-force-map of a sensitive manipulator for safe HRC (AS, LK, JW, MB, MWH), pp. 1676–1683.
FASEFASE-2019-GieseMSS #graph #logic
Metric Temporal Graph Logic over Typed Attributed Graphs (HG, MM, LS, SS0), pp. 282–298.
ICSTICST-2019-GyimesiVSMBF0 #benchmark #debugging #javascript #named
BugsJS: a Benchmark of JavaScript Bugs (PG, BV, AS0, DM, ÁB, RF, AM0), pp. 90–101.
ICSTICST-2019-LiuKB0KT #automation #benchmark #bias #exclamation #fault #locality #program repair #what
You Cannot Fix What You Cannot Find! An Investigation of Fault Localization Bias in Benchmarking Automated Program Repair Systems (KL0, AK, TFB, DK0, JK, YLT), pp. 102–113.
VMCAIVMCAI-2019-QiuW #decidability #logic
A Decidable Logic for Tree Data-Structures with Measurements (XQ, YW), pp. 318–341.
ECSAECSA-2018-WuCKMLCGLZ #architecture #case study #experience #multi
Software Architecture Measurement - Experiences from a Multinational Company (WW, YC, RK, RM, ZL, RC, YG, WL, JZ), pp. 303–319.
Accurate Measurement of Lexical Sophistication in ESL with Reference to Learner Data (BN, NRH, AJ, BH, DZ).
ICPCICPC-2018-DoseaSS #design #how #question
How do design decisions affect the distribution of software metrics? (MD, CS, BCdS), pp. 74–85.
ICSMEICSME-2018-JiarpakdeeTT #automation #correlation #fault #modelling #named
AutoSpearman: Automatically Mitigating Correlated Software Metrics for Interpreting Defect Models (JJ, CT, CT), pp. 92–103.
ICSMEICSME-2018-PantiuchinaLB #quality
Improving Code: The (Mis) Perception of Quality Metrics (JP, ML, GB), pp. 80–91.
ICSMEICSME-2018-ZhuJX #execution #search-based #symbolic computation #testing
Combining Search-Based Testing and Dynamic Symbolic Execution by Evolvability Metric (ZZ, LJ, XX), pp. 59–68.
MSRMSR-2018-Ernst08 #modelling
Bayesian hierarchical modelling for tailoring metric thresholds (NAE), pp. 587–591.
MSRMSR-2018-JoonbakhshS #ide #interactive #mining #process
Mining and extraction of personal software process measures through IDE interaction logs (AJ, AS), pp. 78–81.
MSRMSR-2018-NayrollesH #clone detection #detection #fault #industrial #named #scalability
CLEVER: combining code metrics with clone detection for just-in-time fault prevention and resolution in large industrial projects (MN, AHL), pp. 153–164.
MSRMSR-2018-NovielliGL08 #analysis #benchmark #re-engineering #research #sentiment
A benchmark study on sentiment analysis for software engineering research (NN, DG, FL), pp. 364–375.
MSRMSR-2018-TrockmanCMNKV #automation #matter
“Automatically assessing code understandability” reanalyzed: combined metrics matter (AT, KC, MM, TN, CK, BV), pp. 314–318.
SANERSANER-2018-ArvanitouACGA #quality
A mapping study on design-time quality attributes and metrics (journal-first abstract) (EMA, AA, AC, MG, PA), p. 474.
SANERSANER-2018-LiuLGZX #fault #predict
Connecting software metrics across versions to predict defects (YL, YL, JG, YZ, BX), pp. 232–243.
SANERSANER-2018-RoyC #benchmark #clone detection #detection
Benchmarks for software clone detection: A ten-year retrospective (CKR, JRC), pp. 26–37.
SCAMSCAM-2018-KiniT #developer #fault #predict #research
[Research Paper] Periodic Developer Metrics in Software Defect Prediction (SOK, AT), pp. 72–81.
IFM-2018-LanotteMT #cyber-physical #towards
Towards a Formal Notion of Impact Metric for Cyber-Physical Attacks (RL, MM, ST), pp. 296–315.
AIIDEAIIDE-2018-PurdyWHR #predict #quality
Predicting Generated Story Quality with Quantitative Measures (CP, XW, LH, MR), pp. 95–101.
CoGCIG-2018-CanaanMTN #game studies #towards
Towards Game-based Metrics for Computational Co-Creativity (RC, SM, JT, AN), pp. 1–8.
FDGFDG-2018-BalintAB #comprehension #similarity
Understanding everything NPCs can do: metrics for action similarity in non-player characters (JTB, JMA, RB), p. 10.
CIKMCIKM-2018-FangZYMZ #benchmark #named #speech #video
TED-KISS: A Known-Item Speech Video Search Benchmark (FF, BWZ, XCY, HXM, FZ), pp. 1803–1806.
CIKMCIKM-2018-HoangVN #benchmark #dataset #detection #named #topic
W2E: A Worldwide-Event Benchmark Dataset for Topic Detection and Tracking (TAH, KDV, WN), pp. 1847–1850.
CIKMCIKM-2018-KuoLK #correlation #detection
Detecting Outliers in Data with Correlated Measures (YHK, ZL, DK), pp. 287–296.
CIKMCIKM-2018-KutluEHL #correlation #order #rank #statistics
When Rank Order Isn't Enough: New Statistical-Significance-Aware Correlation Measures (MK, TE, MH, ML), pp. 397–406.
CIKMCIKM-2018-SuLK #distributed #hybrid #learning
Communication-Efficient Distributed Deep Metric Learning with Hybrid Synchronization (YS, MRL, IK), pp. 1463–1472.
CIKMCIKM-2018-WangLGBN #framework #optimisation #ranking
The LambdaLoss Framework for Ranking Metric Optimization (XW, CL0, NG, MB, MN), pp. 1313–1322.
ECIRECIR-2018-DurRF #architecture #benchmark #challenge #dataset #lessons learnt
Reproducing a Neural Question Answering Architecture Applied to the SQuAD Benchmark Dataset: Challenges and Lessons Learned (AD, AR, PF), pp. 102–113.
ECIRECIR-2018-FerranteFP #evaluation #modelling
Modelling Randomness in Relevance Judgments and Evaluation Measures (MF, NF0, SP), pp. 197–209.
ECIRECIR-2018-SanchezB #recommendation
Time-Aware Novelty Metrics for Recommender Systems (PS0, AB), pp. 357–370.
ECIRECIR-2018-WangWH0 #modelling #quantum
Modeling Relevance Judgement Inspired by Quantum Weak Measurement (PW, TW, YH, DS0), pp. 424–436.
ICMLICML-2018-KumarSJ #kernel #network
Trainable Calibration Measures For Neural Networks From Kernel Mean Embeddings (AK, SS, UJ), pp. 2810–2819.
Gradient-Based Meta-Learning with Learned Layerwise Metric and Subspace (YL, SC), pp. 2933–2942.
ICMLICML-2018-ShenSWLZ #algorithm #framework #hybrid
An Algorithmic Framework of Variable Metric Over-Relaxed Hybrid Proximal Extra-Gradient Method (LS, PS, YW, WL0, TZ0), pp. 4641–4650.
ICMLICML-2018-XieWZX #analysis #distance #learning
Orthogonality-Promoting Distance Metric Learning: Convex Relaxation and Theoretical Analysis (PX, WW, YZ, EPX), pp. 5399–5408.
ICMLICML-2018-YanKZR #classification
Binary Classification with Karmic, Threshold-Quasi-Concave Metrics (BY, OK, KZ, PR), pp. 5527–5536.
ICPRICPR-2018-BiFW #constraints #learning
Cayley- Klein Metric Learning with Shrinkage-Expansion Constraints (YB, BF, FW), pp. 43–48.
ICPRICPR-2018-CaoCHP #identification #learning
Region-specific Metric Learning for Person Re-identification (MC, CC0, XH, SP), pp. 794–799.
ICPRICPR-2018-GarciaLSH #classification #complexity #recommendation #using
Classifier Recommendation Using Data Complexity Measures (LPFG, ACL, MCPdS, TKH), pp. 874–879.
ICPRICPR-2018-LiangLJXL #benchmark #dataset #multi #named #predict
SCUT-FBP5500: A Diverse Benchmark Dataset for Multi-Paradigm Facial Beauty Prediction (LL, LL, LJ, DX, ML), pp. 1598–1603.
ICPRICPR-2018-LiL #learning
Riemannian Metric Learning based on Curvature Flow (YL, RL), pp. 806–811.
ICPRICPR-2018-LiMCC #benchmark
A Benchmark for Full Rotation Head Tracking (YL, BM, HC, XC), pp. 2106–2111.
ICPRICPR-2018-MustaniemiKSMH #detection #performance #using
Fast Motion Deblurring for Feature Detection and Matching Using Inertial Measurements (JM, JK, SS, JM, JH), pp. 3068–3073.
ICPRICPR-2018-SunCWX #coordination #learning #online #parallel #rank
Online Low-Rank Metric Learning via Parallel Coordinate Descent Method (GS, YC, QW0, XX), pp. 207–212.
ICPRICPR-2018-WangSSL #learning
Nonlinear Metric Learning through Geodesic Interpolation within Lie Groups (ZW, BS, CDS, JL), pp. 898–903.
ICPRICPR-2018-WangWCK #classification #image #learning #multi #set
Multiple Manifolds Metric Learning with Application to Image Set Classification (RW, XJW, KXC, JK), pp. 627–632.
KDDKDD-2018-ChenYWWNL #named #network #predict
PME: Projected Metric Embedding on Heterogeneous Networks for Link Prediction (HC, HY, WW0, HW0, QVHN, XL), pp. 1177–1186.
KDDKDD-2018-DengKL #novel
Applying the Delta Method in Metric Analytics: A Practical Guide with Novel Ideas (AD, UK, JL), pp. 233–242.
KDDKDD-2018-HuaiMLSSZ #learning #probability
Metric Learning from Probabilistic Labels (MH, CM, YL, QS, LS, AZ), pp. 1541–1550.
KDDKDD-2018-LeeAVN #collaboration #comprehension #learning #video
Collaborative Deep Metric Learning for Video Understanding (JL, SAEH, BV, AN), pp. 481–490.
KDDKDD-2018-LiuZC #learning #performance
Efficient Similar Region Search with Deep Metric Learning (YL, KZ0, GC), pp. 1850–1859.
KDDKDD-2018-XuLDH #learning #robust #using
New Robust Metric Learning Model Using Maximum Correntropy Criterion (JX0, LL, CD, HH), pp. 2555–2564.
KDDKDD-2018-YoshidaTK #distance #learning
Safe Triplet Screening for Distance Metric Learning (TY, IT, MK), pp. 2653–2662.
ECMFAECMFA-2018-AsoudehL #search-based #similarity #testing
Life Sciences-Inspired Test Case Similarity Measures for Search-Based, FSM-Based Software Testing (NA, YL), pp. 199–215.
ECMFAECMFA-2018-BertoaMBBTV #data type #nondeterminism #ocl #uml
Expressing Measurement Uncertainty in OCL/UML Datatypes (MFB, NM, GB, LB, JT, AV), pp. 46–62.
MoDELSMoDELS-2018-BallarinMPC #problem
Measures to report the Location Problem of Model Fragment Location (MB, ACM, VP, CC), pp. 189–199.
MoDELSMoDELS-2018-KinneerH #architecture #clustering #difference
Dissimilarity Measures for Clustering Space Mission Architectures (CK, SJIH), pp. 392–402.
ASEASE-2018-ChenSXHJ #approach #automation #execution #test coverage
An automated approach to estimating code coverage measures via execution logs (BC, JS, PX, XH, ZM(J), pp. 305–316.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2018-Fakhoury #comprehension #towards
Moving towards objective measures of program comprehension (SF), pp. 936–939.
ICSE-2018-HerboldTG #benchmark #case study #comparative #fault #predict
A comparative study to benchmark cross-project defect prediction approaches (SH, AT, JG), p. 1063.
ICSE-2018-YiTMBR #automation #correlation #program repair #testing
A correlation study between automated program repair and test-suite metrics (JY, SHT, SM, MB, AR), p. 24.
The next 700 unit of measurement checkers (OBB, SM), pp. 121–132.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2018-LottariniRCKRSW #benchmark #in the cloud #named #video
vbench: Benchmarking Video Transcoding in the Cloud (AL, AR, JC, MAK, PR, DS, MW), pp. 797–809.
CASECASE-2018-FleischerBCRKT #automation #behaviour #integration #process
Integration of Electronic Pipettes into a Dual-arm Robotic System for Automated Analytical Measurement Processes Behaviors (HF, DB, XC, TR, MK, KT), pp. 22–27.
CASECASE-2018-ZhangZSZS #2d
A New Calibration Method of Line Scan Camera for High-Precision Two-Dimensional Measurement (JZ, ZZ, FS, FZ, HS), pp. 678–683.
ICSAICSA-2017-NassarS #fault #predict #question #traceability
Traceability Metrics as Early Predictors of Software Defects? (BN, RS), pp. 235–238.
JCDLJCDL-2017-BastK #benchmark #evaluation
A Benchmark and Evaluation for Text Extraction from PDF (HB, CK), pp. 99–108.
JCDLJCDL-2017-DuretecR0 #benchmark #dataset
A Text Extraction Software Benchmark Based on a Synthesized Dataset (KD, AR, CB0), pp. 109–118.
JCDLJCDL-2017-WeihsE #learning #predict
Learning to Predict Citation-Based Impact Measures (LW, OE), pp. 49–58.
EDMEDM-2017-LiuK17a #parametricity #reliability #student #towards
Towards reliable and valid measurement of individualized student parameters (RL0, KRK).
ICSMEICSME-2017-CokerDGKSP #behaviour #exception
Behavior Metrics for Prioritizing Investigations of Exceptions (ZC, KD, CLG, NAK, DCS, LLP), pp. 554–563.
ICSMEICSME-2017-HanS #distance #evaluation #network
Mean Average Distance to Resolver: An Evaluation Metric for Ticket Routing in Expert Network (JH, AS), pp. 594–602.
ICSMEICSME-2017-HigoK #analysis
Flattening Code for Metrics Measurement and Analysis (YH, SK), pp. 494–498.
MSRMSR-2017-WatanabeAKSTSIS #comprehension #mobile #scalability
Understanding the origins of mobile app vulnerabilities: a large-scale measurement study of free and paid apps (TW0, MA, FK, ES, YT, BS, YI, TS, TY, TM), pp. 14–24.
SEFMSEFM-2017-PolaSB #approximate #on the
On Approximate Diagnosability of Metric Systems (GP, EDS, MDDB), pp. 269–283.
CHI-PLAYCHI-PLAY-2017-SchaekermannRWK #behaviour #game studies #motivation #profiling #self
Curiously Motivated: Profiling Curiosity with Self-Reports and Behaviour Metrics in the Game “Destiny” (MS, GR, GW, SK, DMJ0, AD, RS, LEN), pp. 143–156.
FDGFDG-2017-SummervilleMSOL #comprehension #design #evaluation #platform
Understanding mario: an evaluation of design metrics for platformers (AS, JRHM, SS, SO, LHSL), p. 10.
CIKMCIKM-2017-JiangA17a #adaptation #effectiveness #persistent
Adaptive Persistence for Search Effectiveness Measures (JJ, JA), pp. 747–756.
CIKMCIKM-2017-LeeYHC #ontology #semantics #word
Structural-fitting Word Vectors to Linguistic Ontology for Semantic Relatedness Measurement (YYL, TYY, HHH, HHC), pp. 2151–2154.
CIKMCIKM-2017-MachmouchiAZB #online #quality
Beyond Success Rate: Utility as a Search Quality Metric for Online Experiments (WM, AHA, IZ, GB), pp. 757–765.
CIKMCIKM-2017-Ni0ZYM #fine-grained #learning #similarity #using
Fine-grained Patient Similarity Measuring using Deep Metric Learning (JN, JL0, CZ, DY, ZM), pp. 1189–1198.
ECIRECIR-2017-LipaniPLPZH #evaluation #information retrieval
Fixed-Cost Pooling Strategies Based on IR Evaluation Measures (AL, JRMP, ML, FP, GZ, AH), pp. 357–368.
ICMLICML-2017-HarandiSH #geometry #learning #reduction
Joint Dimensionality Reduction and Metric Learning: A Geometric Take (MTH, MS, RIH), pp. 1404–1413.
ICMLICML-2017-WuZ #multi #performance
A Unified View of Multi-Label Performance Measures (XZW, ZHZ), pp. 3780–3788.
KDDKDD-2017-AmandH #composition #learning
Sparse Compositional Local Metric Learning (JSA, JH), pp. 1097–1104.
KDDKDD-2017-DmitrievGKV #online
A Dirty Dozen: Twelve Common Metric Interpretation Pitfalls in Online Controlled Experiments (PAD, SG, DWK, GJV), pp. 1427–1436.
KDDKDD-2017-FayyadCRPCL #benchmark #process #question
Benchmarks and Process Management in Data Science: Will We Ever Get Over the Mess? (UMF, AC, EAdlR, SP, AC, JYL), pp. 31–32.
KDDKDD-2017-Mazumdar #big data #challenge
Addressing Challenges with Big Data for Media Measurement (MM), p. 23.
KDDKDD-2017-ZhengBLL #detection #learning
Contextual Spatial Outlier Detection with Metric Learning (GZ, SLB, TL, ZL), pp. 2161–2170.
MDEBX-2017-AnjorinDJKLW #benchmark #bidirectional #framework
BenchmarX Reloaded: A Practical Benchmark Framework for Bidirectional Transformations (AA, ZD, FJ, HSK, EL, BW), pp. 15–30.
AdaEuropeAdaEurope-2017-CarlettoV #benchmark #comparative #named #runtime
Ravenscar-EDF: Comparative Benchmarking of an EDF Variant of a Ravenscar Runtime (PC, TV), pp. 18–33.
POPLPOPL-2017-AmorimGHKC #semantics
A semantic account of metric preservation (AAdA, MG, JH, SyK, IC), pp. 545–556.
QAPLQAPL-2017-CastiglioniT #logic
Logical Characterization of Trace Metrics (VC, ST), pp. 39–74.
ASEASE-2017-GhassabaniGWHW #verification
Proof-based coverage metrics for formal verification (EG, AG, MWW, MPEH, LGW), pp. 194–199.
ASEASE-2017-Sultana #predict #towards #using
Towards a software vulnerability prediction model using traceable code patterns and software metrics (KZS), pp. 1022–1025.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2017-HuijgensLSRGR #agile #delivery #mining #power of #predict
Strong agile metrics: mining log data to determine predictive power of software metrics for continuous delivery teams (HH, RL, DS, HR, GG, DR), pp. 866–871.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2017-Pashchenko #benchmark #difference #security #static analysis #testing #tool support
FOSS version differentiation as a benchmark for static analysis security testing tools (IP), pp. 1056–1058.
ICSE-2017-JoblinAHM #developer #empirical #network
Classifying developers into core and peripheral: an empirical study on count and network metrics (MJ, SA, CH, WM), pp. 164–174.
ICSE-2017-PerezAD #fault #locality #testing
A test-suite diagnosability metric for spectrum-based fault localization approaches (AP, RA, AvD), pp. 654–664.
CASECASE-2017-CapitanV #automation #quality #technical debt
Metrics for software quality in automated production systems as an indicator for technical debt (LC, BVH), pp. 709–716.
CASECASE-2017-LiuJZ #network #optimisation
An evacuation guider location optimization method based on road network centrality measures (ZL, QSJ, HZ), pp. 838–843.
CASECASE-2017-Vogel-HeuserP #evaluation #flexibility #physics
Evaluation of selected metrics for flexibility of Cyber Physical Production Systems (BVH, JP), pp. 701–708.
CASECASE-2017-ZhangJ #bias #distributed #network
Target tracking over distributed sensor networks by polar measurements with time-varying bias (CZ, YJ), pp. 429–433.
CGOCGO-2017-CumminsP0L #benchmark #modelling #predict
Synthesizing benchmarks for predictive modeling (CC, PP, ZW0, HL), pp. 86–99.
ESOPESOP-2017-CrubilleL #reasoning
Metric Reasoning About λ-Terms: The General Case (RC, UDL), pp. 341–367.
CADECADE-2017-BenderS #set
Decision Procedures for Theories of Sets with Measures (MB, VSS), pp. 166–184.
CADECADE-2017-HustadtOD #logic #proving #theorem proving
Theorem Proving for Metric Temporal Logic over the Naturals (UH, AO, CD), pp. 326–343.
ICSTICST-2017-Gyori0PM #linear #performance #runtime
Efficient Incrementalized Runtime Checking of Linear Measures on Lists (AG, PG0, EP, PM), pp. 310–320.
ICSTICST-2017-HollandSK #analysis #benchmark #state of the art
Transferring State-of-the-Art Immutability Analyses: Experimentation Toolbox and Accuracy Benchmark (BH, GRS, SK), pp. 484–491.
CBSECBSE-2016-StevaneticZ #architecture #component #experience #modelling #using
Exploring the Understandability of Components in Architectural Component Models Using Component Level Metrics and Participants' Experience (SS, UZ), pp. 1–6.
EDMEDM-2016-DianaESK #learning #self #student
Extracting Measures of Active Learning and Student Self-Regulated Learning Strategies from MOOC Data (ND, ME, JCS, KRK), pp. 583–584.
EDMEDM-2016-RoweAEHBBE #game studies #learning #validation
Validating Game-based Measures of Implicit Science Learning (ER, JAC, ME, AH, TB, RB, TE), pp. 490–495.
EDMEDM-2016-Yee-KingGd #collaboration #learning #online #predict #social #student #using
Predicting student grades from online, collaborative social learning metrics using K-NN (MYK, AGR, Md), pp. 654–655.
ICSMEICSME-2016-SainiSL #empirical #java #quality #scalability
Comparing Quality Metrics for Cloned and Non Cloned Java Methods: A Large Scale Empirical Study (VS, HS, CVL), pp. 256–266.
MSRMSR-2016-AmannNNNM #benchmark #detection #named
MUBench: a benchmark for API-misuse detectors (SA, SN, HAN, TNN, MM), pp. 464–467.
MSRMSR-2016-ChowdhuryH #corpus #energy #named
GreenOracle: estimating software energy consumption with energy measurement corpora (SAC, AH), pp. 49–60.
SANERSANER-2016-RadevskiHM #api #towards
Towards Building API Usage Example Metrics (SR, HH, KiM), pp. 619–623.
SCAMSCAM-2016-AnicheTZDG #architecture #named
SATT: Tailoring Code Metric Thresholds for Different Software Architectures (MFA, CT, AZ, AvD, MAG), pp. 41–50.
IFM-2016-BosSV #automaton #learning
Enhancing Automata Learning by Log-Based Metrics (PvdB, RS, FWV), pp. 295–310.
CIKMCIKM-2016-CaoY #benchmark #dataset #modelling #named #network #platform #social
ASNets: A Benchmark Dataset of Aligned Social Networks for Cross-Platform User Modeling (XC, YY0), pp. 1881–1884.
Measuring Metrics (PD, XW), pp. 429–437.
CIKMCIKM-2016-Ekstrand-AbuegM #case study #realtime #summary
A Study of Realtime Summarization Metrics (MEA, RM, VP, FD0), pp. 2125–2130.
CIKMCIKM-2016-FanWL #analysis #mobile #network #on the #optimisation
On Backup Battery Data in Base Stations of Mobile Networks: Measurement, Analysis, and Optimization (XF, FW0, JL), pp. 1513–1522.
CIKMCIKM-2016-KhabsaCAZAW #learning
Learning to Account for Good Abandonment in Search Success Metrics (MK, ACC, AHA, IZ, TA, KW), pp. 1893–1896.
CIKMCIKM-2016-LiPC #benchmark #named #query #tool support
OptMark: A Toolkit for Benchmarking Query Optimizers (ZL, OP, MC), pp. 2155–2160.
CIKMCIKM-2016-UfimtsevSMB #comprehension #network
Understanding Stability of Noisy Networks through Centrality Measures and Local Connections (VU, SS, AM0, SB), pp. 2347–2352.
ECIRECIR-2016-FangMOH #case study #topic #twitter #user study
Topics in Tweets: A User Study of Topic Coherence Metrics for Twitter Data (AF, CM, IO, PH), pp. 492–504.
ECIRECIR-2016-JiangA #adaptation #evaluation
Adaptive Effort for Search Evaluation Metrics (JJ, JA), pp. 187–199.
ICMLICML-2016-DuanCHSA #benchmark #learning
Benchmarking Deep Reinforcement Learning for Continuous Control (YD, XC0, RH, JS, PA), pp. 1329–1338.
ICMLICML-2016-LarsenSLW #encoding #similarity #using
Autoencoding beyond pixels using a learned similarity metric (ABLL, SKS, HL, OW), pp. 1558–1566.
ICMLICML-2016-PandeyD #on the #random #representation
On collapsed representation of hierarchical Completely Random Measures (GP0, AD), pp. 1605–1613.
ICMLICML-2016-ZadehHS #geometry #learning
Geometric Mean Metric Learning (PZ, RH, SS), pp. 2464–2471.
ICPRICPR-2016-BarddalGBE #benchmark #classification #data type
A benchmark of classifiers on feature drifting data streams (JPB, HMG, AdSBJ, FE), pp. 2180–2185.
ICPRICPR-2016-GaliMF #similarity
Similarity measures for title matching (NG, RMI, PF), pp. 1548–1553.
ICPRICPR-2016-GranaBBV #benchmark #component
YACCLAB - Yet Another Connected Components Labeling Benchmark (CG, FB, LB, RV), pp. 3109–3114.
ICPRICPR-2016-HeLYHHDL #benchmark #framework #recognition
Context-aware mathematical expression recognition: An end-to-end framework and a benchmark (WH, YL, FY, HH, JH, ED, CLL), pp. 3246–3251.
ICPRICPR-2016-KhareSKCLB #classification #quality #video
A quad tree based method for blurred and non-blurred video text frames classification through quality metrics (VK, PS, AK, CSC, TL, MB), pp. 4023–4028.
ICPRICPR-2016-LuCC #adaptation #verification
Regularized metric adaptation for unconstrained face verification (BL, JCC, RC), pp. 4112–4117.
ICPRICPR-2016-MoutafisLK #learning
Regression-based metric learning (PM, ML, IAK), pp. 2700–2705.
ICPRICPR-2016-WangZWGSH #identification #learning #similarity
Contextual Similarity Regularized Metric Learning for person re-identification (JW0, JZ, ZW, CG, NS, RH0), pp. 2048–2053.
KDDKDD-2016-AndersonKM #benchmark #fault
Assessing Human Error Against a Benchmark of Perfection (AA, JMK, SM), pp. 705–714.
KDDKDD-2016-DengS #data-driven #development #lessons learnt #online
Data-Driven Metric Development for Online Controlled Experiments: Seven Lessons Learned (AD, XS), pp. 77–86.
KDDKDD-2016-GeyikFSOK #multi #online #optimisation #performance #video
Joint Optimization of Multiple Performance Metrics in Online Video Advertising (SCG, SF, JS, SO, SK), pp. 471–480.
KDDKDD-2016-HuoNH #effectiveness #learning #robust #using
Robust and Effective Metric Learning Using Capped Trace Norm: Metric Learning via Capped Trace Norm (ZH, FN, HH), pp. 1605–1614.
KDDKDD-2016-KummerfeldR #clustering #modelling
Causal Clustering for 1-Factor Measurement Models (EK, JR), pp. 1655–1664.
MoDELSMoDELS-2016-SzarnyasKSV #evaluation #graph #modelling #multi #towards
Towards the characterization of realistic models: evaluation of multidisciplinary graph metrics (GS, ZK, ÁS, DV), pp. 87–94.
POPLPOPL-2016-HasuoSC #algebra #model checking
Lattice-theoretic progress measures and coalgebraic model checking (IH, SS, CC), pp. 718–732.
QAPLQAPL-2016-CastiglioniGT #bisimulation #logic
Logical Characterization of Bisimulation Metrics (VC, DG, ST), pp. 44–62.
ICSE-2016-MoCKXF #architecture #complexity #maintenance
Decoupling level: a new metric for architectural maintenance complexity (RM, YC, RK, LX0, QF), pp. 499–510.
ICSE-2016-MullerF #online #predict #quality #using
Using (bio)metrics to predict code quality online (SCM, TF0), pp. 452–463.
Combining arm and hand metrics for sensible grasp selection (ACHQ, HBA, HIC), pp. 1170–1176.
CASECASE-2016-TangLZCT #assembly #parsing expression grammar
Autonomous alignment of peg and hole by force/torque measurement for robotic assembly (TT, HCL, YZ, WC, MT), pp. 162–167.
CASECASE-2016-ZouFP #estimation #network #using
Psychoacoustic impacts estimation in manufacturing based on accelerometer measurement using artificial neural networks (MZ, LF, JP), pp. 1203–1208.
FASEFASE-2016-0001K #proving #towards
Towards Formal Proof Metrics (DA0, CK), pp. 325–341.
ICSTICST-2016-SunP #effectiveness #fault #locality #statistics
Properties of Effective Metrics for Coverage-Based Statistical Fault Localization (SFS, AP), pp. 124–134.
IJCARIJCAR-2016-MatsuzakiIKZFKA #benchmark #problem
Race Against the Teens - Benchmarking Mechanized Math on Pre-university Problems (TM, HI, MK, YZ, RF, JK, HA, NHA), pp. 213–227.
QoSAQoSA-2015-LehrigEB #in the cloud #overview #performance #scalability
Scalability, Elasticity, and Efficiency in Cloud Computing: a Systematic Literature Review of Definitions and Metrics (SL, HE, SB), pp. 83–92.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2015-ChenGLJCZ #nondeterminism #query
Indexing Metric Uncertain Data for Range Queries (LC, YG, XL, CSJ, GC, BZ), pp. 951–965.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2015-ErlingALCGPPB #benchmark #interactive #network #social
The LDBC Social Network Benchmark: Interactive Workload (OE, AA, JLLP, HC, AG, APP, MDP, PAB), pp. 619–630.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2015-QiaoO #benchmark #named #rdf
RBench: Application-Specific RDF Benchmarking (SQ, ZMÖ), pp. 1825–1838.
VLDBVLDB-2015-WangWYZ #benchmark #community #detection #framework #network #social
Community Detection in Social Networks: An In-depth Benchmarking Study with a Procedure-Oriented Framework (MW, CW, JXY, JZ), pp. 998–1009.
EDMEDM-2015-PaassenMH #adaptation #difference #sequence
A Toolbox for Adaptive Sequence Dissimilarity Measures for Intelligent Tutoring Systems (BP, BM, BH), p. 632.
EDMEDM-2015-Pelanek #evaluation #modelling #student
Metrics for Evaluation of Student Models (RP), p. 19.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2015-McDermottDC #student
Perseverance Measures and Attainment in First Year Computing Science Students (RM, MD, ÅC), pp. 302–307.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2015-SinclairBMK #student
Measures of Student Engagement in Computer Science (JS, MB, MM, SK), pp. 242–247.
ICSMEICSME-2015-Hegedus #evolution #quality #roadmap
Advances in software product quality measurement and its applications in software evolution (PH), pp. 590–593.
ICSMEICSME-2015-LimaTFK #developer #repository
Assessing developer contribution with repository mining-based metrics (JL, CT, FMFF, UK), pp. 536–540.
ICSMEICSME-2015-OliveiraVBS #developer #validation
Validating metric thresholds with developers: An early result (PO, MTV, AB, AS), pp. 546–550.
ICSMEICSME-2015-Yamashita #analysis #assessment #benchmark #case study #experience #quality #visualisation
Experiences from performing software quality evaluations via combining benchmark-based metrics analysis, software visualization, and expert assessment (AY), pp. 421–428.
SANERSANER-2015-DamevskiSP #code search #developer #evaluation #scalability #tool support
Scaling up evaluation of code search tools through developer usage metrics (KD, DCS, LLP), pp. 181–190.
SANERSANER-2015-LeL #mining #rule-based #specification
Beyond support and confidence: Exploring interestingness measures for rule-based specification mining (TDBL, DL), pp. 331–340.
CIAACIAA-2015-HoffmannS #infinity #word
Subword Metrics for Infinite Words (SH, LS), pp. 165–175.
AIIDEAIIDE-2015-MarinoRL #empirical #evaluation
An Empirical Evaluation of Evaluation Metrics of Procedurally Generated Mario Levels (JRHM, WMPR, LHSL), pp. 44–50.
FDGFDG-2015-CanossaS #design #evaluation #towards
Towards a Procedural Evaluation Technique: Metrics for Level Design (AC, GS).
FDGFDG-2015-PackardO #behaviour #learning #similarity
Learning Behavior form Demonstration in Minecraft via Symbolic Similarity Measures (BP, SO).
FDGFDG-2015-SubramanianHESS #behaviour #game studies #health #persuasion
Investigating behavior change indicators and cognitive measures in persuasive health games (SS, SH, MSEN, MS, CS).
CHICHI-2015-KendallMT #health
Blood Pressure Beyond the Clinic: Rethinking a Health Metric for Everyone (LK, DM, DST), pp. 1679–1688.
CHICHI-2015-KosmallaDK #automation #named #recognition #using
ClimbSense: Automatic Climbing Route Recognition using Wrist-worn Inertia Measurement Units (FK, FD, AK), pp. 2033–2042.
The Politics of Measurement and Action (KHP, ML), pp. 3147–3156.
CHICHI-2015-VatavuW #analysis #elicitation #formal method #tool support
Formalizing Agreement Analysis for Elicitation Studies: New Measures, Significance Test, and Toolkit (RDV, JOW), pp. 1325–1334.
CSCWCSCW-2015-KleinMC #collaboration #recursion #wiki
The Virtuous Circle of Wikipedia: Recursive Measures of Collaboration Structures (MK, TM, JCIC), pp. 1106–1115.
HCIDHM-EH-2015-OkaTGYO #process
Electromyography Measurement of Workers at the Second Lining Pounding Process for Hanging Scrolls (YO, YT, AG, HY, KO), pp. 205–215.
HCIDHM-HM-2015-ChottikamponMMS #comparison
Comparison of Braiding Skills Between Expert and Non-experts by Eye’s Movement Measurement (KC, SM, HM, PS, AG, TU, MI, MT, HN, HH), pp. 14–23.
HCIDHM-HM-2015-ChottikamponTMS #comparison
Comparison Knitting Skills Between Experts and Non-experts by Measurement of the Arm Movement (KC, ST, SM, PS, MI, HN, HH), pp. 3–13.
HCIDUXU-DD-2015-AhmedS #energy #feedback #named
OBDEnergy — Making Metrics Meaningful in Eco-driving Feedback (SA, AS), pp. 395–405.
HCIDUXU-UI-2015-DuWDXJ #case study #using
Study on Operating Clearance Measurement of Some Connectors by Using Motion Capture (HD, LW, LD, YX, CJ), pp. 45–53.
HCIHCI-DE-2015-SugiuraSO #implementation #security #using
Improving IT Security Through Security Measures: Using Our Game-Theory-Based Model of IT Security Implementation (MS, HS, TO), pp. 82–95.
HCIHIMI-IKD-2015-IchiharaHIK #behaviour
Presentation Method of Walking Sensation Based on Walking Behavior Measurement with Inertial Sensors and Pressure Sensors (KI, KH, YI, MK), pp. 374–385.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2015-PfaffK #automation #benchmark #classification #documentation #identification #natural language
Natural Language Processing Techniques for Document Classification in IT Benchmarking — Automated Identification of Domain Specific Terms (MP, HK), pp. 360–366.
Tracking Project Progress with Earned Value Management Metrics — A Real Case (MTB, NB, DC, GV), pp. 502–508.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2015-TrinkenreichS #case study #maturity #modelling
Metrics to Support It Service Maturity Models — A Case Study (BT, GS), pp. 395–403.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2015-TrinkenreichSB #maturity #modelling
Metrics to Support IT Service Maturity Models — A Systematic Mapping Study (BT, GS, MPB), pp. 330–337.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2015-BhatRM #architecture #enterprise #evolution #tool support
Tool Support for Analyzing the Evolution of Enterprise Architecture Metrics (MB, TR, FM), pp. 154–161.
CIKMCIKM-2015-DrutsaUG #aspect-oriented #online
Practical Aspects of Sensitivity in Online Experimentation with User Engagement Metrics (AD, AU, GG), pp. 763–772.
CIKMCIKM-2015-WangG #multi #performance #tuple
Partially Labeled Data Tuple Can Optimize Multivariate Performance Measures (JJYW, XG0), pp. 1915–1918.
ECIRECIR-2015-AmigoGM #approach #clustering #effectiveness #formal method #information management #retrieval
A Formal Approach to Effectiveness Metrics for Information Access: Retrieval, Filtering, and Clustering (EA, JG, SM), pp. 817–821.
ECIRECIR-2015-WilkieA #bias #comparison #difference #retrieval
Retrievability and Retrieval Bias: A Comparison of Inequality Measures (CW, LA), pp. 209–214.
ICMLICML-2015-HuangWSLC #classification #image #learning #set #symmetry
Log-Euclidean Metric Learning on Symmetric Positive Definite Manifold with Application to Image Set Classification (ZH, RW, SS, XL, XC), pp. 720–729.
ICMLICML-2015-LeC #learning #using
Unsupervised Riemannian Metric Learning for Histograms Using Aitchison Transformations (TL, MC), pp. 2002–2011.
ICMLICML-2015-NarasimhanK0 #optimisation #performance
Optimizing Non-decomposable Performance Measures: A Tale of Two Classes (HN, PK, PJ), pp. 199–208.
ICMLICML-2015-NarasimhanRS0 #algorithm #consistency #multi #performance
Consistent Multiclass Algorithms for Complex Performance Measures (HN, HGR, AS, SA), pp. 2398–2407.
ICMLICML-2015-PerrotH #analysis #learning
A Theoretical Analysis of Metric Hypothesis Transfer Learning (MP, AH), pp. 1708–1717.
ICMLICML-2015-ZukW #matrix #rank
Low-Rank Matrix Recovery from Row-and-Column Affine Measurements (OZ, AW), pp. 2012–2020.
KDDKDD-2015-HolleczekAYJAGL #agile #recommendation
Traffic Measurement and Route Recommendation System for Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) (TH, DTA, SY, YJ, SA, HLG, SL, ASN), pp. 1859–1868.
RecSysRecSys-2015-MaksaiGF #evaluation #online #performance #predict #recommendation
Predicting Online Performance of News Recommender Systems Through Richer Evaluation Metrics (AM, FG, BF), pp. 179–186.
SEKESEKE-2015-FonsecaBF #integration #tool support
Integration of Software Measurement Supporting Tools: A Mapping Study (VSF, MPB, RdAF), pp. 516–521.
SEKESEKE-2015-LacherWFPNM #behaviour #empirical
A Behavior Marker tool for measurement of the Non-Technical Skills of Software Professionals: An Empirical Investigation (LLL, GSW, FF, MP, KEN, JM), pp. 409–414.
SEKESEKE-2015-Tasse #analysis #identification #using
Using peak analysis for identifying lagged effects between software metrics (JT), pp. 512–515.
SEKESEKE-2015-TrinkenreichSCS #process #towards #using
Toward using Business Process Intelligence to Support Incident Management Metrics Selection and Service Improvement (BT, GS, VTFC, FMS), pp. 522–527.
SEKESEKE-2015-Wang #problem
Improved Metrics for Non-Classic Test Prioritization Problems (ZW), pp. 562–566.
SIGIRSIGIR-2015-Drutsa #evaluation #online #quality
Sign-Aware Periodicity Metrics of User Engagement for Online Search Quality Evaluation (AD), pp. 779–782.
SIGIRSIGIR-2015-GwizdkaZ #difference #web
Differences in Eye-Tracking Measures Between Visits and Revisits to Relevant and Irrelevant Web Pages (JG, YZ), pp. 811–814.
SIGIRSIGIR-2015-JonesTSS #effectiveness #retrieval
Features of Disagreement Between Retrieval Effectiveness Measures (TJ, PT, FS, MS), pp. 847–850.
SIGIRSIGIR-2015-MorenoD #adaptation #dataset #semistructured data
Adapted B-CUBED Metrics to Unbalanced Datasets (JGM, GD), pp. 911–914.
SIGIRSIGIR-2015-SchuthHR #predict
Predicting Search Satisfaction Metrics with Interleaved Comparisons (AS, KH, FR), pp. 463–472.
SIGIRSIGIR-2015-SpirinKKSI #optimisation #quality #tuple
Relevance-aware Filtering of Tuples Sorted by an Attribute Value via Direct Optimization of Search Quality Metrics (NVS, MK, JK, YVS, PAI), pp. 979–982.
SIGIRSIGIR-2015-XiaXLGC #evaluation #learning #optimisation
Learning Maximal Marginal Relevance Model via Directly Optimizing Diversity Evaluation Measures (LX, JX, YL, JG, XC), pp. 113–122.
AMTAMT-2015-HoislS #benchmark #evolution #model-to-text #towards
Towards Benchmarking Evolution Support in Model-to-Text Transformation Systems (BH, SS), pp. 16–25.
SPLCSPLC-2015-ValeAFG #case study #comparative #product line
Defining metric thresholds for software product lines: a comparative study (GV, DA, EF, AFG), pp. 176–185.
OnwardOnward-2015-CitoLGDKR #developer #feedback #runtime #using
Runtime metric meets developer: building better cloud applications using feedback (JC, PL, HCG, AD, AK, AR), pp. 14–27.
REFSQREFSQ-2015-OliinykPSBS #case study #evaluation #feature model #industrial #modelling
Metrics for the Evaluation of Feature Models in an Industrial Context: A Case Study at Opel (OO, KP, MS, MB, SS), pp. 33–48.
REFSQREFSQ-2015-RempelM #agile #development #implementation #requirements #traceability
Estimating the Implementation Risk of Requirements in Agile Software Development Projects with Traceability Metrics (PR, PM), pp. 81–97.
ASEASE-2015-LinMZCZ #benchmark #concurrent #debugging #java #named
JaConTeBe: A Benchmark Suite of Real-World Java Concurrency Bugs (T) (ZL, DM, HZ, YC, JZ), pp. 178–189.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2015-JingWDQX #fault #learning #predict #representation
Heterogeneous cross-company defect prediction by unified metric representation and CCA-based transfer learning (XYJ, FW, XD, FQ, BX), pp. 496–507.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2015-RuscioKKMV #automation #framework #named #open source #platform
OSSMETER: a software measurement platform for automatically analysing open source software projects (DDR, DSK, IK, NDM, JJV), pp. 970–973.
ICSEICSE-v1-2015-WhalenPRSG #approach #flexibility
A Flexible and Non-intrusive Approach for Computing Complex Structural Coverage Metrics (MWW, SP, NR, MS, DG), pp. 506–516.
ICSEICSE-v2-2015-CaglayanTBHMC #fault #industrial #predict #replication
Merits of Organizational Metrics in Defect Prediction: An Industrial Replication (BC, BT, ABB, MH, AM, EC), pp. 89–98.
SACSAC-2015-AlemerienM #named #predict #usability #user interface #visual notation
SLC: a visual cohesion metric to predict the usability of graphical user interfaces (KA, KM), pp. 1526–1533.
SACSAC-2015-ConstantinouS #architecture #evolution #reuse
Architectural stability and evolution measurement for software reuse (EC, IS), pp. 1580–1585.
SACSAC-2015-DAvanzoFGS #estimation #functional #mobile
COSMIC functional measurement of mobile applications and code size estimation (LD, FF, CG, PS), pp. 1631–1636.
SACSAC-2015-PerkusichMSGAP #approach #network
A Bayesian network approach to assist on the interpretation of software metrics (MP, AM, LCeS, KCG, HOdA, AP), pp. 1498–1503.
SACSAC-2015-ShahriarH #approach #assessment #risk management #security #web
Security assessment of clickjacking risks in web applications: metrics based approach (HS, HMH), pp. 791–797.
SACSAC-2015-SilvaMFM #evaluation #mobile
A scheduler for mobile cloud based on weighted metrics and dynamic context evaluation (FAS, PRMM, GF, RRMM), pp. 569–576.
SACSAC-2015-UshawDEM #benchmark #game studies
Benchmarking motion sensing devices for rehabilitative gaming (GU, RD, JAE, GM), pp. 143–148.
SACSAC-2015-XuanLXT #empirical #fault #predict #set #using
Evaluating defect prediction approaches using a massive set of metrics: an empirical study (XX, DL, XX, YT), pp. 1644–1647.
CASECASE-2015-KreutzerRREL #automation #detection #using
Automatically detecting fluid intake using conductivity measurements of beverages in a cup (JFK, SR, SMFR, KE, TCL), pp. 1546–1551.
CASECASE-2015-YuAGB #industrial #network
Realization and measurements of industrial wireless sensor and actuator networks (KY, , MG, MB), pp. 131–137.
CASECASE-2015-ZhangHZ #detection #fault
Fault detection for wireless networked systems with compressed measurements (JZ, XH, DHZ), pp. 356–361.
DATEDATE-2015-ErolOSPB #using
On-chip measurement of bandgap reference voltage using a small form factor VCO based zoom-in ADC (OEE, SO, CKHS, RAP, LB), pp. 1559–1562.
DATEDATE-2015-NgoEBDGNRR #detection #hardware
Hardware trojan detection by delay and electromagnetic measurements (XTN, IE, SB, JLD, SG, ZN, JBR, BR), pp. 782–787.
DATEDATE-2015-VatajeluRIRPF #estimation #robust
Read/write robustness estimation metrics for spin transfer torque (STT) MRAM cell (EIV, RRM, MI, MR, PP, JF), pp. 447–452.
DATEDATE-2015-VieiraFCC #estimation
NFRs early estimation through software metrics (AV, PF, LC, ÉFC), pp. 329–332.
DATEDATE-2015-Weis0ESVGKW #fault #modelling
Retention time measurements and modelling of bit error rates of WIDE I/O DRAM in MPSoCs (CW, MJ, PE, CS, PV, SG, MK, NW), pp. 495–500.
HPCAHPCA-2015-AroraMPJT #behaviour #benchmark #comprehension #cpu #gpu #power management
Understanding idle behavior and power gating mechanisms in the context of modern benchmarks on CPU-GPU Integrated systems (MA, SM, IP, NJ, DMT), pp. 366–377.
HPDCHPDC-2015-YangC #behaviour #benchmark #comprehension #graph #robust
Understanding Graph Computation Behavior to Enable Robust Benchmarking (FY, AAC), pp. 173–178.
PDPPDP-2015-CabreraAAP #analysis #energy #library
Energy Measurement Library (EML) Usage and Overhead Analysis (AC, FA, JA, VBP), pp. 554–558.
PDPPDP-2015-KotenkoD #security
Countermeasure Selection in SIEM Systems Based on the Integrated Complex of Security Metrics (IVK, ED), pp. 567–574.
PDPPDP-2015-SelfaSRG #multi #performance
Methodologies and Performance Metrics to Evaluate Multiprogram Workloads (VS, JS, CGR, MEG), pp. 150–154.
PPoPPPPoPP-2015-JinLMLLPCK #automation #benchmark #generative #identification #modelling #parallel #statistics
Combining phase identification and statistic modeling for automated parallel benchmark generation (YJ, ML, XM, QL, JSL, NP, JYC, SK), pp. 269–270.
FASEFASE-2015-LandsbergCKL #evaluation #fault #locality #optimisation #statistics
Evaluation of Measures for Statistical Fault Localisation and an Optimising Scheme (DL, HC, DK, ML), pp. 115–129.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2015-GeblerLT #calculus #composition #probability #process #reasoning
Compositional Metric Reasoning with Probabilistic Process Calculi (DG, KGL, ST), pp. 230–245.
Prioritized Metric Structures and Embedding (ME, AF, ON), pp. 489–498.
CAVCAV-2015-DemyanovaPVZ #benchmark #empirical #tool support #verification
Empirical Software Metrics for Benchmarking of Verification Tools (YD, TP, HV, FZ), pp. 561–579.
CAVCAV-2015-DeshmukhMP #consistency #using
Quantifying Conformance Using the Skorokhod Metric (JVD, RM, VSP), pp. 234–250.
ICTSSICTSS-2015-SchneiderWH #complexity #testing
A Negative Input Space Complexity Metric as Selection Criterion for Fuzz Testing (MAS, MFW, AH0), pp. 257–262.
LICSLICS-2015-CrubilleL #reasoning
Metric Reasoning about ?-Terms: The Affine Case (RC, UDL), pp. 633–644.
VMCAIVMCAI-2015-BraitlingFHWBH #automaton #markov
Abstraction-Based Computation of Reward Measures for Markov Automata (BB, LMFF, HH, RW, BB, HH), pp. 172–189.
QoSAQoSA-2014-LiLAGA #architecture #composition #empirical #technical debt
An empirical investigation of modularity metrics for indicating architectural technical debt (ZL, PL, PA, NG, AA), pp. 119–128.
HTHT-2014-KowaldLT #benchmark #framework #named #recommendation #standard #towards
TagRec: towards a standardized tag recommender benchmarking framework (DK, EL, CT), pp. 305–307.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2014-TaftVSSMS #benchmark #named
GenBase: a complex analytics genomics benchmark (RT, MV, NRS, NS, SM, MS), pp. 177–188.
VLDBVLDB-2014-KuhlenkampKR #benchmark #database #distributed #scalability
Benchmarking Scalability and Elasticity of Distributed Database Systems (JK, MK, OR), pp. 1219–1230.
VLDBVLDB-2014-PoessRC #benchmark #industrial #integration #named
TPC-DI: The First Industry Benchmark for Data Integration (MP, TR, BC), pp. 1367–1378.
VLDBVLDB-2014-XiaLYMQ #benchmark #named #query #social #social media
BSMA: A Benchmark for Analytical Queries over Social Media Data (FX, YL, CY, HM, WQ), pp. 1573–1576.
EDMEDM-2014-Garcia-SaizPZ #education #power of #predict
The predictive power of the SNA metrics for education (DGS, CP, MEZ), pp. 419–420.
SIGITESIGITE-2014-Hartpence #challenge #performance
Curricular and performance measurement challenges in cloud environments (BH), pp. 51–54.
SANERCSMR-WCRE-2014-OliveiraVL #source code
Extracting relative thresholds for source code metrics (PO, MTV, FPL), pp. 254–263.
ICPCICPC-2014-ThungLOC #classification #design #diagrams #network #using
Condensing class diagrams by analyzing design and network metrics using optimistic classification (FT, DL, MHO, MRVC), pp. 110–121.
ICPCICPC-2014-VasquezKMSPG #anti #java #matter #mobile
Domain matters: bringing further evidence of the relationships among anti-patterns, application domains, and quality-related metrics in Java mobile apps (MLV, SK, CM, AS, DP, YGG), pp. 232–243.
ICSMEICSME-2014-ChaparroBMP #on the #quality #refactoring
On the Impact of Refactoring Operations on Code Quality Metrics (OC, GB, AM, MDP), pp. 456–460.
ICSMEICSME-2014-OliveiraLVS #named #source code
RTTool: A Tool for Extracting Relative Thresholds for Source Code Metrics (PO, FPL, MTV, AS), pp. 629–632.
ICSMEICSME-2014-SvajlenkoIKRM #benchmark #big data #towards
Towards a Big Data Curated Benchmark of Inter-project Code Clones (JS, JFI, IK, CKR, MMM), pp. 476–480.
ICSMEICSME-2014-VieiraFC #embedded #maintenance #performance #using
Using Software Metrics to Estimate the Impact of Maintenance in the Performance of Embedded Software (AV, PF, ÉFC), pp. 521–525.
ICSMEICSME-2014-XuanM #fault #learning #locality #multi #ranking
Learning to Combine Multiple Ranking Metrics for Fault Localization (JX, MM), pp. 191–200.
MSRMSR-2014-LazarRS #debugging #detection #similarity #using
Improving the accuracy of duplicate bug report detection using textual similarity measures (AL, SR, BS), pp. 308–311.
ICALPICALP-v1-2014-AmbainisBGMSZ #complexity
Tighter Relations between Sensitivity and Other Complexity Measures (AA, MB, YG, JM, XS, SZ), pp. 101–113.
ICALPICALP-v2-2014-EisenstatMS #evolution
Facility Location in Evolving Metrics (DE, CM, NS), pp. 459–470.
FMFM-2014-GunadiT #android #case study #logic #monitoring #operating system #performance #runtime
Efficient Runtime Monitoring with Metric Temporal Logic: A Case Study in the Android Operating System (HG, AT), pp. 296–311.
FMFM-2014-SanatiMM #decidability #guidelines #logic #using
Analyzing Clinical Practice Guidelines Using a Decidable Metric Interval-Based Temporal Logic (MYS, WM, TSEM), pp. 611–626.
SEFMSEFM-2014-BianculliGK #logic #pipes and filters #using
Trace Checking of Metric Temporal Logic with Aggregating Modalities Using MapReduce (DB, CG, SK), pp. 144–158.
AIIDEAIIDE-2014-OsbornSMM #game studies #similarity
Evaluating Play Trace (Dis)similarity Metrics (JCO, BS, JAM, MM).
FDGFDG-2014-OsbornM #difference #game studies #independence
A game-independent play trace dissimilarity metric (JCO, MM).
CHICHI-2014-AferganPSJHBCJ #using
Dynamic difficulty using brain metrics of workload (DA, EMP, ETS, AJ, SWH, ETB, RC, RJKJ), pp. 3797–3806.
CHICHI-2014-AlzayatHN #physics
Quantitative measurement of virtual vs. physical object embodiment through kinesthetic figural after effects (AA, MSH, MAN), pp. 2903–2912.
CHICHI-2014-HellerKB #artificial reality #mobile
Simplifying orientation measurement for mobile audio augmented reality applications (FH, AK, JOB), pp. 615–624.
CHICHI-2014-Hincapie-RamosGMI #interactive
Consumed endurance: a metric to quantify arm fatigue of mid-air interactions (JDHR, XG, PM, PI), pp. 1063–1072.
HCIDHM-2014-Luo #artificial reality #case study #re-engineering #using
Study on Three Dimensions Body Reconstruction and Measurement by Using Kinect (QL), pp. 35–42.
HCIDHM-2014-ZhouLXZZ #analysis #parametricity
Measurement and Analysis of Anthropometric Parameters of Young Male Vehicle Drivers (QXZ, ZQL, FX, SZ, SZ), pp. 174–181.
HCIDUXU-DI-2014-CorreiaBMM #formal method #gesture #interface #semantics
Syntactic/Semantic Formalizations and Metrics of Residential Applications Based on Gestural Interface (ACdCC, PLSB, LCdM, JNM), pp. 521–532.
HCIDUXU-DP-2014-LinkLB #challenge #gamification #smarttech
Not So Fun? The Challenges of Applying Gamification to Smartphone Measurement (MWL, JL, KB), pp. 319–327.
HCIHCI-AIMT-2014-AdnanNSZH #evaluation
Evaluation of Graceful Movement in Virtual Fitting through Expressed Emotional Response and Emotion Expressed via Physiology Measures (WAWA, NLMN, FMS, SNZ, WNWH), pp. 788–797.
HCIHCI-AS-2014-YoungCGC #mobile #performance #physics #process
Snappy App: A Mobile Continuous Performance Test with Physical Activity Measurement for Assessing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ZY, MPC, MG, JC), pp. 363–373.
HCIHIMI-DE-2014-KawabeYAW #student
Measurement of Hand Raising Actions to Support Students’ Active Participation in Class (RK, MY, SA, TW), pp. 199–207.
CAiSECAiSE-2014-PadilhaPFAGS #detection #effectiveness #empirical #on the #smell
On the Effectiveness of Concern Metrics to Detect Code Smells: An Empirical Study (JP, JAP, EF, JMA, AG, CS), pp. 656–671.
EDOCEDOC-2014-BorhaniLLLH #benchmark #named #performance #virtual machine
WPress: An Application-Driven Performance Benchmark for Cloud-Based Virtual Machines (AHB, PL, BSL, XL, TH), pp. 101–109.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2014-PfaffK #benchmark #distributed #integration #ontology #semantics #towards
Semantic Integration of Semi-Structured Distributed Data in the Domain of IT Benchmarking — Towards a Domain Specific Ontology (MP, HK), pp. 320–324.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2014-JulianoTS #detection #object-oriented #using
Detection of Software Anomalies Using Object-oriented Metrics (RCJ, BANT, MSS), pp. 241–248.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2014-OliveiraG #architecture #empirical #product line #validation
Empirical Validation of Product-line Architecture Extensibility Metrics (EAOJ, IMdSG), pp. 111–118.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2014-ProcaciSA #analysis #community #online #people #reduction #reliability
Finding Reliable People in Online Communities of Questions and Answers — Analysis of Metrics and Scope Reduction (TBP, SWMS, LCVdA), pp. 526–535.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2014-SantosBLHC #development #distributed #performance
Managing Distributed Software Development with Performance Measures (GSdS, RB, GCLL, EHMH, EC), pp. 307–314.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2014-TrienekensK #feedback
Structuring Software Measurement — Metrication in the Context of Feedback Loops (JJMT, RJK), pp. 129–136.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2014-GoncalvesSC #case study #diagrams #process #using
Using Activity Diagrams and DEMO to Capture Relevant Measures in an Organizational Control — A Case Study on Remote Assistance Service (AG, PS, AC), pp. 303–310.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2014-LivieriBL #benchmark #monitoring #ontology #visualisation
Ontologies and Information Visualization for Strategic Alliances Monitoring and Benchmarking (BL, MAB, AL), pp. 402–409.
CIKMCIKM-2014-ChuWCC #microblog #monitoring #topic
Microblog Topic Contagiousness Measurement and Emerging Outbreak Monitoring (VWC, RKW, FC, CHC), pp. 1099–1108.
CIKMCIKM-2014-MarkovKNSRC #effectiveness #modelling
Vertical-Aware Click Model-Based Effectiveness Metrics (IM, EK, VN, PS, MdR, FC), pp. 1867–1870.
ECIRECIR-2014-BrucatoM #information retrieval
Metric Spaces for Temporal Information Retrieval (MB, DM), pp. 385–397.
ECIRECIR-2014-LiS #effectiveness #fault
Tolerance of Effectiveness Measures to Relevance Judging Errors (LL, MDS), pp. 148–159.
ICMLICML-c1-2014-LajugieBA #clustering #learning #problem
Large-Margin Metric Learning for Constrained Partitioning Problems (RL, FRB, SA), pp. 297–305.
ICMLICML-c2-2014-KnowlesGP #infinity #normalisation #random #using
A reversible infinite HMM using normalised random measures (DAK, ZG, KP), pp. 1998–2006.
ICMLICML-c2-2014-Kontorovich #algorithm #bound
Concentration in unbounded metric spaces and algorithmic stability (AK), pp. 28–36.
ICMLICML-c2-2014-LimL #learning #performance #ranking
Efficient Learning of Mahalanobis Metrics for Ranking (DL, GRGL), pp. 1980–1988.
ICMLICML-c2-2014-WangL #estimation #robust
Robust Inverse Covariance Estimation under Noisy Measurements (JKW, SdL), pp. 928–936.
ICMLICML-c2-2014-WangNH #distance #learning #robust
Robust Distance Metric Learning via Simultaneous L1-Norm Minimization and Maximization (HW, FN, HH), pp. 1836–1844.
ICMLICML-c2-2014-WangRRCC #design
Nonlinear Information-Theoretic Compressive Measurement Design (LW, AR, MRDR, ARC, LC), pp. 1161–1169.
ICMLICML-c2-2014-WangSSMK #learning
Two-Stage Metric Learning (JW, KS, FS, SMM, AK), pp. 370–378.
ICPRICPR-2014-AggarwalM #algorithm #multi #random
Extension of Sparse Randomized Kaczmarz Algorithm for Multiple Measurement Vectors (HKA, AM), pp. 1014–1019.
ICPRICPR-2014-Al-HalahRS #learning #semantics #similarity #what
What to Transfer? High-Level Semantics in Transfer Metric Learning for Action Similarity (ZAH, LR, RS), pp. 2775–2780.
ICPRICPR-2014-BylowOK #robust
Robust Camera Tracking by Combining Color and Depth Measurements (EB, CO, FK), pp. 4038–4043.
ICPRICPR-2014-ChenZW #identification #learning
Relevance Metric Learning for Person Re-identification by Exploiting Global Similarities (JC, ZZ, YW), pp. 1657–1662.
ICPRICPR-2014-ChevallierCA #estimation #image #orthogonal #using
Computing Histogram of Tensor Images Using Orthogonal Series Density Estimation and Riemannian Metrics (EC, AC, JA), pp. 900–905.
ICPRICPR-2014-DouWSK #3d #benchmark #estimation #recognition
Benchmarking 3D Pose Estimation for Face Recognition (PD, YW, SKS, IAK), pp. 190–195.
ICPRICPR-2014-HobsonLPVW #anti #benchmark #framework #image #platform
Classifying Anti-nuclear Antibodies HEp-2 Images: A Benchmarking Platform (PH, BCL, GP, MV, AW), pp. 3233–3238.
ICPRICPR-2014-LeiSLCXP #learning #similarity
Humanoid Robot Imitation with Pose Similarity Metric Learning (JL, MS, ZNL, CC, XX, SP), pp. 4240–4245.
ICPRICPR-2014-LiuZC #identification #learning #multi #parametricity
Parametric Local Multi-modal Metric Learning for Person Re-identification (KL, ZCZ, AC), pp. 2578–2583.
ICPRICPR-2014-MarcaciniDHR #approach #clustering #documentation #learning
Privileged Information for Hierarchical Document Clustering: A Metric Learning Approach (RMM, MAD, ERH, SOR), pp. 3636–3641.
ICPRICPR-2014-MavadatiM #automation #modelling
Temporal Facial Expression Modeling for Automated Action Unit Intensity Measurement (SMM, MHM), pp. 4648–4653.
ICPRICPR-2014-MehriMHGMM #benchmark #documentation #evaluation #performance #set
Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking of Six Texture-Based Feature Sets for Segmenting Historical Documents (MM, MM, PH, PGK, MAM, RM), pp. 2885–2890.
ICPRICPR-2014-NegrelPG #image #learning #performance #reduction #retrieval #using
Efficient Metric Learning Based Dimension Reduction Using Sparse Projectors for Image Near Duplicate Retrieval (RN, DP, PHG), pp. 738–743.
ICPRICPR-2014-RengarajanRA #classification #estimation
Motion Estimation and Classification in Compressive Sensing from Dynamic Measurements (VR, ANR, RA), pp. 3475–3480.
ICPRICPR-2014-RiesenBF #approximate #distance #edit distance #graph
Improving Graph Edit Distance Approximation by Centrality Measures (KR, HB, AF), pp. 3910–3914.
ICPRICPR-2014-SatzodaT #estimation #evaluation #on the #performance
On Performance Evaluation Metrics for Lane Estimation (RKS, MMT), pp. 2625–2630.
ICPRICPR-2014-SaygiliMH #similarity #using
Stereo Similarity Metric Fusion Using Stereo Confidence (GS, LvdM, EAH), pp. 2161–2166.
ICPRICPR-2014-TuiaVC #image
Unsupervised Alignment of Image Manifolds with Centrality Measures (DT, MV, GCV), pp. 912–917.
ICPRICPR-2014-WatanabeW #analysis #component #distance #learning #performance
Logistic Component Analysis for Fast Distance Metric Learning (KW, TW), pp. 1278–1282.
ICPRICPR-2014-YiLLL #identification #learning
Deep Metric Learning for Person Re-identification (DY, ZL, SL, SZL), pp. 34–39.
ICPRICPR-2014-ZenRS #distance #learning #matrix
Simultaneous Ground Metric Learning and Matrix Factorization with Earth Mover’s Distance (GZ, ER, NS), pp. 3690–3695.
KDDKDD-2014-QianHJPZ #approach #distance #learning #using
Distance metric learning using dropout: a structured regularization approach (QQ, JH, RJ, JP, SZ), pp. 323–332.
KDDKDD-2014-WangX #novel
Novel geospatial interpolation analytics for general meteorological measurements (BW, JX), pp. 1553–1562.
KEODKEOD-2014-HlomaniS #category theory #data-driven #evaluation #framework #ontology
Data-driven Diachronic and Categorical Evaluation of Ontologies — Framework, Measure, and Metrics (HH, DAS), pp. 56–66.
RecSysRecSys-2014-SaidB #benchmark #comparative #evaluation #framework #recommendation
Comparative recommender system evaluation: benchmarking recommendation frameworks (AS, AB), pp. 129–136.
SEKESEKE-2014-AdjoyanSS #identification #legacy #migration #object-oriented #quality #towards
Service Identification Based on Quality Metrics — Object-Oriented Legacy System Migration Towards SOA (SA, ADS, AS), pp. 1–6.
SEKESEKE-2014-BenderWFPN #empirical
Measurement of the Non-Technical Skills of Software Professionals: An Empirical Investigation (LB, GSW, FF, MP, KEN), pp. 478–483.
SEKESEKE-2014-MarinQ #diagrams
A COSMIC Measurement Procedure for BPMN Diagrams (BM, JQ), pp. 408–411.
SEKESEKE-2014-RockHW #benchmark #challenge #comparison #evaluation #framework #performance
Performance Benchmarking of BPEL Engines: A Comparison Framework, Status Quo Evaluation and Challenges (CR, SH, GW), pp. 31–34.
SEKESEKE-2014-ShankarN #automation #tool support
Automated Metrics Collection for IEC61131-3 Languages from Engineering Tools (MS, AN), pp. 7–12.
SEKESEKE-2014-ToureBL #testing #towards
Towards a Unified Metrics Suite for JUnit Test Cases (FT, MB, LL), pp. 115–120.
SEKESEKE-2014-WangKN #classification #fault #performance #predict
Choosing the Best Classification Performance Metric for Wrapper-based Software Metric Selection for Defect Prediction (HW, TMK, AN), pp. 540–545.
SIGIRSIGIR-2014-AmigoGM #clustering #effectiveness #retrieval
A general account of effectiveness metrics for information tasks: retrieval, filtering, and clustering (EA, JG, SM), p. 1289.
SIGIRSIGIR-2014-KeikhaPC #summary #using
Evaluating answer passages using summarization measures (MK, JHP, WBC), pp. 963–966.
SIGIRSIGIR-2014-LagunHWN #mobile #towards
Towards better measurement of attention and satisfaction in mobile search (DL, CHH, DW, VN), pp. 113–122.
The effect of sampling strategy on inferred measures (EMV), pp. 1119–1122.
ECMFAECMFA-2014-YueA #framework #modelling #quality
A MOF-Based Framework for Defining Metrics to Measure the Quality of Models (TY, SA), pp. 213–229.
MODELSMoDELS-2014-ShahWKRPB #benchmark #framework #persistent #scalability
A Framework to Benchmark NoSQL Data Stores for Large-Scale Model Persistence (SMS, RW, DSK, LMR, RFP, KB), pp. 586–601.
ASEASE-2014-Miranda #testing
A proposal for revisiting coverage testing metrics (BM), pp. 899–902.
ICSEICSE-2014-FritzBMYZ #development #using
Using psycho-physiological measures to assess task difficulty in software development (TF, AB, SCM, SYE, MZ), pp. 402–413.
Computing contextual metric thresholds (MF, MP, JRF, XB), pp. 1120–1125.
SACSAC-2014-YoonKHKRC #reachability #similarity
Reachability vectors: features for link-based similarity measures (SHY, JSK, JH, SWK, MR, HJC), pp. 594–597.
CASECASE-2014-PengHHW #analysis #effectiveness
An effective wavelength utilization for spectroscopic analysis on orchid chlorophyll measurement (YHP, CSH, PCH, YDW), pp. 716–721.
Hall-sensor-based orientation measurement method in three-dimensional space for electromagnetic actuators (LY, BZ, ZJ, CYC, IMC), pp. 182–187.
CGOCGO-2014-CastroKAPJ #benchmark #fine-grained
Fine-grained Benchmark Subsetting for System Selection (PdOC, YK, CA, MP, WJ), p. 132.
DACDAC-2014-JavaidYSBP #component #framework #named
FALCON: A Framework for HierarchicAL Computation of Metrics for CompONent-Based Parameterized SoCs (HJ, YY, SMMS, HB, SP), p. 6.
DACDAC-2014-YuSHEAB #parametricity #using
Remembrance of Transistors Past: Compact Model Parameter Extraction Using Bayesian Inference and Incomplete New Measurements (LY, SS, CH, IAME, DAA, DSB), p. 6.
DATEDATE-2014-GuerreAL #architecture #benchmark #parallel #performance
A unified methodology for a fast benchmarking of parallel architecture (AG, JTA, YL), pp. 1–4.
DATEDATE-2014-KimSAVG #enterprise
Global fan speed control considering non-ideal temperature measurements in enterprise servers (JK, MMS, DA, KV, KCG), pp. 1–6.
HPCAHPCA-2014-WangZLZYHGJSZZLZLQ #benchmark #big data #internet #named
BigDataBench: A big data benchmark suite from internet services (LW, JZ, CL, YZ, QY, YH, WG, ZJ, YS, SZ, CZ, GL, KZ, XL, BQ), pp. 488–499.
PDPPDP-2014-KotenkoDC #game studies #graph #security
Security Metrics Based on Attack Graphs for the Olympic Games Scenario (IVK, ED, AC), pp. 561–568.
ESOPESOP-2014-YoshimizuHFL #higher-order #proving #quantum
Measurements in Proof Nets as Higher-Order Quantum Circuits (AY, IH, CF, UDL), pp. 371–391.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2014-DArgenioGL #axiom #bisimulation #probability
Axiomatizing Bisimulation Equivalences and Metrics from Probabilistic SOS Rules (PRD, DG, MDL), pp. 289–303.
STOCSTOC-2014-AgarwalS #algorithm #approximate #geometry
Approximation algorithms for bipartite matching with metric and geometric costs (PKA, RS), pp. 555–564.
STOCSTOC-2014-Solomon #fault tolerance
From hierarchical partitions to hierarchical covers: optimal fault-tolerant spanners for doubling metrics (SS), pp. 363–372.
Well-Defined Coverage Metrics for the Glass Box Test (RS), pp. 113–128.
Unified Characterisations of Resolution Hardness Measures (OB, OK), pp. 170–187.
TAPTAP-2014-AichernigAJKKSS #industrial #modelling #mutation testing #testing
Model-Based Mutation Testing of an Industrial Measurement Device (BKA, JA, EJ, RK, WK, RS, BVS), pp. 1–19.
ICDARICDAR-2013-ChowdhuryBP #distance #online #recognition #using
Online Handwriting Recognition Using Levenshtein Distance Metric (SDC, UB, SKP), pp. 79–83.
ICDARICDAR-2013-Ramirez-OrtegonMRC #documentation
An Objective Method to Evaluate Stroke-Width Measures for Binarized Documents (MARO, VM, RR, EC), pp. 175–179.
JCDLJCDL-2013-BeckerD #benchmark #corpus #modelling #set #using
Free benchmark corpora for preservation experiments: using model-driven engineering to generate data sets (CB, KD), pp. 349–358.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2013-ArmstrongPBC #benchmark #database #facebook #graph #named #social
LinkBench: a database benchmark based on the Facebook social graph (TGA, VP, DB, MC), pp. 1185–1196.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2013-BailisVFHS #consistency #data transformation
PBS at work: advancing data management with consistency metrics (PB, SV, MJF, JMH, IS), pp. 1113–1116.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2013-GhazalRHRPCJ #benchmark #big data #data analysis #industrial #named #standard #towards
BigBench: towards an industry standard benchmark for big data analytics (AG, TR, MH, FR, MP, AC, HAJ), pp. 1197–1208.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2013-LuLWLW #similarity #string
String similarity measures and joins with synonyms (JL, CL, WW, CL, HW), pp. 373–384.
VLDBVLDB-2014-DifallahPCC13 #benchmark #database #named #relational
OLTP-Bench: An Extensible Testbed for Benchmarking Relational Databases (DED, AP, CC, PCM), pp. 277–288.
CSMRCSMR-2013-AsgharMSS #requirements #traceability #using
Maintainability-Based Requirements Prioritization by Using Artifacts Traceability and Code Metrics (MWA, AM, AS, GS), pp. 417–420.
CSMRCSMR-2013-CsabaSBJHG #clustering #quality
Relating Clusterization Measures and Software Quality (BC, LS, ÁB, JJ, PH, TG), pp. 345–348.
Metric Attitude (MR, GS, GT), pp. 405–408.
ICSMEICSM-2013-ZhangMZKH #how #maintenance #question
How Does Context Affect the Distribution of Software Maintainability Metrics? (FZ, AM, YZ, FK, AEH), pp. 350–359.
MSRMSR-2013-AlaliBNM #detection #distance #using
A preliminary investigation of using age and distance measures in the detection of evolutionary couplings (AA, BB, CDN, JIM), pp. 169–172.
MSRMSR-2013-Gala-PerezRGH #case study #evolution #open source
Intensive metrics for the study of the evolution of open source projects: case studies from apache software foundation projects (SGP, GR, JMGB, IH), pp. 159–168.
MSRMSR-2013-RaemaekersDV #dataset #dependence #repository
The maven repository dataset of metrics, changes, and dependencies (SR, AvD, JV), pp. 221–224.
MSRMSR-2013-RobbesR #developer #interactive #using
Using developer interaction data to compare expertise metrics (RR, DR), pp. 297–300.
MSRMSR-2013-SouzaM #category theory #question
Do software categories impact coupling metrics? (LBLdS, MdAM), pp. 217–220.
LATALATA-2013-Quaas #automaton #logic #model checking
Model Checking Metric Temporal Logic over Automata with One Counter (KQ), pp. 468–479.
Non-linearity as the Metric Completion of Linearity (DM), pp. 3–14.
Feedback-based gameplay metrics (RM, GS, PH, JLR), pp. 71–78.
CoGVS-Games-2013-AndersonMWHJPS #benchmark #framework #game studies
Choosing the Infrastructure for Entertainment and Serious Computer Games - a Whiteroom Benchmark for Game Engine Selection (EFA, LM, JW, SH, PJ, HP, BS), pp. 1–8.
CHICHI-2013-KimPM #named #quality #visualisation
inAir: a longitudinal study of indoor air quality measurements and visualizations (SK, EP, JM), pp. 2745–2754.
CHICHI-2013-LawsonJGLKVRM #mobile #validation
Validating a mobile phone application for the everyday, unobtrusive, objective measurement of sleep (SWL, SJP, AG, CL, EK, SV, DR, KM), pp. 2497–2506.
CHICHI-2013-SpiliotopoulosO #comprehension #facebook #network #privacy
Understanding motivations for facebook use: usage metrics, network structure, and privacy (TS, IO), pp. 3287–3296.
Pay by the bit: an information-theoretic metric for collective human judgment (TPW), pp. 623–638.
HCIDHM-HB-2013-KeyvaniLBO #database #using
Using Methods-Time Measurement to Connect Digital Humans and Motion Databases (AK, DL, GB, ), pp. 343–352.
HCIDHM-HB-2013-NettenDG #behaviour #case study
Chair Based Measurements of Sitting Behavior a Field Study of Sitting Postures and Sitting Time in Office Work (MPN, LHMvdD, RHMG), pp. 261–268.
Friction Measurements in a Hand Tool Factory (KWL, CCC, LL, CYC), pp. 326–331.
HCIDHM-SET-2013-MurataKEH #behaviour #predict #using
Prediction of Drowsy Driving Using Behavioral Measures of Drivers — Change of Neck Bending Angle and Sitting Pressure Distribution (AM, TK, TE, TH), pp. 78–87.
HCIDHM-SET-2013-NagataHKMKNAKOO #development #evaluation #process #self
Development of a Measurement and Evaluation System for Bed-Making Activity for Self-training (AN, ZH, MKP, JM, YK, MN, KA, NK, TO, JO), pp. 268–275.
HCIDUXU-CXC-2013-TsueiCC #mobile #usability
Measuring Usability of the Mobile Mathematics Curriculum-Based Measurement Application with Children (MT, HYC, BSC), pp. 304–310.
HCIHCI-III-2013-ParkKWL #parametricity
Vision Based Body Dither Measurement for Estimating Human Emotion Parameters (SP, DK, MCW, ECL), pp. 346–352.
HCIHCI-III-2013-SakamotoSYO #3d #using
Evaluating Emotional State during 3DTV Viewing Using Psychophysiological Measurements (KS, SS, KY, AO), pp. 353–361.
HCIHIMI-D-2013-EnokidaKSAII #information management #using
Assessing Mental Workload of In-Vehicle Information Systems by Using Physiological Metrics (SE, KK, SS, TA, TI, KI), pp. 584–593.
HCIHIMI-D-2013-MorodomeSAK #biology #using
Non-contact Measurement of Biological Signals Using Microwave Radar (HM, SS, TA, KK), pp. 117–125.
HCIHIMI-LCCB-2013-Sun13a #research #visual notation
Research on the Measurement of Product Sales with Relation to Visual Planning for Commercial Websites (CYS), pp. 540–545.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2013-FakhfakhTM #documentation #multi #retrieval
A New Metric for Multimedia Retrieval in Structured Documents (SF, MT, WM), pp. 240–247.
CIKMCIKM-2013-CeccarelliLOPT #learning
Learning relatedness measures for entity linking (DC, CL, SO, RP, ST), pp. 139–148.
CIKMCIKM-2013-MoffatTS #effectiveness #modelling #what
Users versus models: what observation tells us about effectiveness metrics (AM, PT, FS), pp. 659–668.
CIKMCIKM-2013-ShirakawaNHN #probability #semantics #similarity #using #wiki
Probabilistic semantic similarity measurements for noisy short texts using Wikipedia entities (MS, KN, TH, SN), pp. 903–908.
CIKMCIKM-2013-WangLZ #approach #graph #multi #random #towards
Towards metric fusion on multi-view data: a cross-view based graph random walk approach (YW, XL, QZ), pp. 805–810.
CIKMCIKM-2013-WhissellC #effectiveness #similarity
Effective measures for inter-document similarity (JSW, CLAC), pp. 1361–1370.
CIKMCIKM-2013-ZhouLSCJ #on the #reliability
On the reliability and intuitiveness of aggregated search metrics (KZ, ML, TS, RC, JMJ), pp. 689–698.
ECIRECIR-2013-RaiberK #effectiveness #predict #using
Using Document-Quality Measures to Predict Web-Search Effectiveness (FR, OK), pp. 134–145.
ICMLICML-c1-2013-LimLM #learning #robust
Robust Structural Metric Learning (DL, GRGL, BM), pp. 615–623.
ICMLICML-c3-2013-ChenRBT #normalisation #random
Dependent Normalized Random Measures (CC, VR, WLB, YWT), pp. 969–977.
ICMLICML-c3-2013-ReddiP #dependence #invariant
Scale Invariant Conditional Dependence Measures (SJR, BP), pp. 1355–1363.
KDDKDD-2013-BacheNS #documentation
Text-based measures of document diversity (KB, DN, PS), pp. 23–31.
KDDKDD-2013-TanXGW #learning #modelling #optimisation #rank #ranking
Direct optimization of ranking measures for learning to rank models (MT, TX, LG, SW), pp. 856–864.
KDDKDD-2013-WangMP #scalability #similarity
Scalable all-pairs similarity search in metric spaces (YW, AM, SP), pp. 829–837.
KEODKEOD-2013-AlmKLS #design pattern #ontology #quality
Applicability of Quality Metrics for Ontologies on Ontology Design Patterns (RA, SK, BL, KS), pp. 48–57.
MLDMMLDM-2013-GopalakrishnaOLL #algorithm #machine learning
Relevance as a Metric for Evaluating Machine Learning Algorithms (AKG, TO, AL, JJL), pp. 195–208.
SEKESEKE-2013-AlshammariFC #bytecode #java #security #source code
Security Metrics for Java Bytecode Programs (BA, CJF, DC), pp. 394–399.
SEKESEKE-2013-WangKWN #case study #feature model #first-order #statistics
A Study on First Order Statistics-Based Feature Selection Techniques on Software Metric Data (HW, TMK, RW, AN), pp. 467–472.
SIGIRSIGIR-2013-ChandarC #evaluation
Preference based evaluation measures for novelty and diversity (PC, BC), pp. 413–422.
SIGIRSIGIR-2013-ChuklinSR #information retrieval #modelling
Click model-based information retrieval metrics (AC, PS, MdR), pp. 493–502.
SIGIRSIGIR-2013-HungTLA #benchmark #crowdsourcing #named
BATC: a benchmark for aggregation techniques in crowdsourcing (NQVH, NTT, NTL, KA), pp. 1079–1080.
SIGIRSIGIR-2013-KharitonovMSO #evaluation #modelling #query
User model-based metrics for offline query suggestion evaluation (EK, CM, PS, IO), pp. 633–642.
A financial cost metric for result caching (FBS, BBC, RO, ISA, ÖU), pp. 873–876.
SIGIRSIGIR-2013-UrbanoMM #on the #reliability
On the measurement of test collection reliability (JU, MM, DM), pp. 393–402.
SKYSKY-2013-RineF #complexity #information management #quality #representation #requirements #using
Requirements Quality Knowledge Representation using Chunking Complexity Measurement: Prior to Formal Inspections (DCR, AF), pp. 3–13.
ASEASE-2013-IzsoSBHR #graph #performance #precise #predict #query #towards
Towards precise metrics for predicting graph query performance (BI, ZS, GB, ÁH, IR), pp. 421–431.
ICSEICSE-2013-BouwersDV #case study #experience #industrial
Evaluating usefulness of software metrics: an industrial experience report (EB, AvD, JV), pp. 921–930.
Software metrics: pitfalls and best practices (EB, AvD, JV), pp. 1491–1492.
ICSEICSE-2013-PosnettDDF #development
Dual ecological measures of focus in software development (DP, RMD, PTD, VF), pp. 452–461.
ICSEICSE-2013-RahmanD #how #process #why
How, and why, process metrics are better (FR, PTD), pp. 432–441.
ICSEICSE-2013-Saraiva #maintenance #roadmap
A roadmap for software maintainability measurement (JS), pp. 1453–1455.
ICSEICSE-2013-XingXJ #benchmark #feature model #kernel #research #scalability
A large scale Linux-kernel based benchmark for feature location research (ZX, YX, SJ), pp. 1311–1314.
SACSAC-2013-BarcellosF #ontology
A software measurement task ontology (MPB, RdAF), pp. 311–318.
SACSAC-2013-KuptsovNGL #network #novel
A novel demand-aware fairness metric for IEEE 802.11 wireless networks (DK, BN, AG, AL), pp. 603–610.
SACSAC-2013-SouzaRB #clustering #data access #performance
Faster construction of ball-partitioning-based metric access methods (JAdS, HLR, MCNB), pp. 8–12.
SACSAC-2013-TripletB #benchmark #biology #framework #named
BenchDW: a generic framework for biological data warehouse benchmarking (TT, GB), pp. 1328–1334.
SACSAC-2013-VeeraragavanBMVNM #analysis #comprehension #distributed #experience #interactive #multi #quality
Understanding the quality of experience in modern distributed interactive multimedia applications in presence of failures: metrics and analysis (NRV, AB, LM, RV, NN, HM), pp. 439–446.
GPCEGPCE-2013-SiegmundRA #performance
Family-based performance measurement (NS, AvR, SA), pp. 95–104.
CASECASE-2013-ChenZS #using
A severity measurement system for obstructive sleep apnea discrimination using a single ECG signal (LC, XZ, CS), pp. 1–6.
CASECASE-2013-LuoHL #multi #parametricity #recognition
Multisensor integrated stair recognition and parameters measurement system for dynamic stair climbing robots (RCL, MH, CWL), pp. 318–323.
CASECASE-2013-NourzadehM #multi #robust #visual notation
Robust visual measurement planning in multi-robot systems (HN, JEM), pp. 176–182.
DACDAC-2013-StratigopoulosFCM #estimation #multi #statistics #using
Multidimensional analog test metrics estimation using extreme value theory and statistical blockade (HGDS, PF, YC, FM), p. 7.
DATEDATE-2013-BeerGCCZ #challenge #simulation
Metastability challenges for 65nm and beyond: simulation and measurements (SB, RG, JC, TC, DMZ), pp. 1297–1302.
DATEDATE-2013-ChaG #approach #detection #effectiveness
Trojan detection via delay measurements: a new approach to select paths and vectors to maximize effectiveness and minimize cost (BC, SKG), pp. 1265–1270.
DATEDATE-2013-HellwegeHPP #analysis #reliability
Reliability analysis for integrated circuit amplifiers used in neural measurement systems (NH, NH, DPD, SP), pp. 713–716.
ISMMISMM-2013-AignerK #benchmark #named #towards
ACDC: towards a universal mutator for benchmarking heap management systems (MA, CMK), pp. 75–84.
ISMMISMM-2013-KaliberaJ #benchmark
Rigorous benchmarking in reasonable time (TK, REJ), pp. 63–74.
STOCSTOC-2013-BrandaoH #quantum #theorem
Quantum de finetti theorems under local measurements with applications (FGSLB, AWH), pp. 861–870.
CSLCSL-2013-Hunter #logic #question
When is Metric Temporal Logic Expressively Complete? (PH), pp. 380–394.
ICSTICST-2013-HongSAKR #concurrent #effectiveness #testing
The Impact of Concurrent Coverage Metrics on Testing Effectiveness (SH, MS, JA, MK, GR), pp. 232–241.
ICSTICST-2013-SakamotoSTWF #framework #multi #named #programming language #test coverage #tool support
OCCF: A Framework for Developing Test Coverage Measurement Tools Supporting Multiple Programming Languages (KS, KS, RT, HW, YF), pp. 422–430.
ICSTICST-2013-TangHYW #quality #using
Test Quality Measurement Using TBPP-R (JT, RH, JY, SW), pp. 48–55.
LICSLICS-2013-HunterOW #logic
Expressive Completeness for Metric Temporal Logic (PH, JO, JW), pp. 349–357.
TAPTAP-2013-BeckertB0 #testing #verification
A Metric for Testing Program Verification Systems (BB, TB, MW), pp. 56–75.
TAPTAP-2013-GogollaBC #analysis #benchmark #ocl #tool support #uml
Initiating a Benchmark for UML and OCL Analysis Tools (MG, FB, JC), pp. 115–132.
QoSAQoSA-2012-KrebsMK #performance
Metrics and techniques for quantifying performance isolation in cloud environments (RK, CM, SK), pp. 91–100.
WICSA-ECSAWICSA-ECSA-2012-NordOKG #architecture #technical debt
In Search of a Metric for Managing Architectural Technical Debt (RLN, IO, PK, MGR), pp. 91–100.
HTHT-2012-KontopoulouPKG #graph #matrix
Graph and matrix metrics to analyze ergodic literature for children (EMK, MP, TK, EG), pp. 133–142.
TPDLTPDL-2012-SchererLS #benchmark #retrieval
A Benchmark for Content-Based Retrieval in Bivariate Data Collections (MS, TvL, TS), pp. 286–297.
VLDBVLDB-2012-SilvaP #database #similarity
Exploiting Database Similarity Joins for Metric Spaces (YNS, SP), pp. 1922–1925.
SIGITESIGITE-2012-ShaikhK #delphi #education #identification #learning
Identifying measures to foster teachers’ competence for personal learning environment conceived teaching scenarios: a delphi study (ZAS, SAK), pp. 127–132.
SIGITESIGITE-2012-SteinmetzPNWW #benchmark #in the cloud #performance #virtual machine
Cloud computing performance benchmarking and virtual machine launch time (DS, BWP, RN, JW, XW), pp. 89–90.
CSMRCSMR-2012-BudimacRHG #towards
Towards the Better Software Metrics Tool (ZB, GR, MH, CG), pp. 491–494.
CSMRCSMR-2012-BurgerH #maintenance
Applying Maintainability Oriented Software Metrics to Cabin Software of a Commercial Airliner (SB, OH), pp. 457–460.
CSMRCSMR-2012-CoutoSVBA #debugging
Uncovering Causal Relationships between Software Metrics and Bugs (CC, CS, MTV, RdSB, NA), pp. 223–232.
CSMRCSMR-2012-FontanaCZ #benchmark #design pattern #detection #named #tool support
DPB: A Benchmark for Design Pattern Detection Tools (FAF, AC, MZ), pp. 235–244.
CSMRCSMR-2012-YoshidaKI #approach #functional #maintenance #source code
A Cohesion Metric Approach to Dividing Source Code into Functional Segments to Improve Maintainability (NY, MK, HI), pp. 365–370.
ICPCICPC-2012-KatzmarskiK #complexity
Program complexity metrics and programmer opinions (BK, RK), pp. 17–26.
Concern-based cohesion: Unveiling a hidden dimension of cohesion measurement (BCdS, CS, CC, AG), pp. 103–112.
ICSMEICSM-2012-TahirM #quality
A systematic mapping study on dynamic metrics and software quality (AT, SGM), pp. 326–335.
SCAMSCAM-2012-VinjuG #complexity #control flow #what
What Does Control Flow Really Look Like? Eyeballing the Cyclomatic Complexity Metric (JJV, MWG), pp. 154–163.
ICALPICALP-v1-2012-ChanLN #bound #fault tolerance
Sparse Fault-Tolerant Spanners for Doubling Metrics with Bounded Hop-Diameter or Degree (THHC, ML, LN), pp. 182–193.
ICALPICALP-v1-2012-GuptaL #online #problem
The Online Metric Matching Problem for Doubling Metrics (AG, KL), pp. 424–435.
ICALPICALP-v1-2012-KapralovP #bound
NNS Lower Bounds via Metric Expansion for l ∞ and EMD (MK, RP), pp. 545–556.
ICALPICALP-v2-2012-BernsHP #algorithm #distributed
Super-Fast Distributed Algorithms for Metric Facility Location (AB, JH, SVP), pp. 428–439.
ICALPICALP-v2-2012-Fu #game studies #markov #process
Computing Game Metrics on Markov Decision Processes (HF), pp. 227–238.
AIIDEAIIDE-2012-NormoyleDLS #game studies
Game-Based Data Capture for Player Metrics (AN, JD, ML, AS).
CHICHI-2012-EvansW #behaviour
Taming wild behavior: the input observer for text entry and mouse pointing measures from everyday computer use (AE, JOW), pp. 1947–1956.
CHICHI-2012-GajosRH #performance
Accurate measurements of pointing performance from in situ observations (KG, KR, CH), pp. 3157–3166.
CHICHI-2012-NobaranyORCMM #design #interface #ranking #rating
The design space of opinion measurement interfaces: exploring recall support for rating and ranking (SN, LO, VKR, CHC, JM, TM), pp. 2035–2044.
CAiSECAiSE-2012-Kabicher-FuchsR #concept #experience
Work Experience in PAIS — Concepts, Measurements and Potentials (SKF, SRM), pp. 678–694.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2012-FrancaS #aspect-oriented #evaluation #overview #programming #using
A Systematic Review on Evaluation of Aspect Oriented Programming using Software Metrics (JMSF, MdSS), pp. 77–83.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2012-KumarS #approach #architecture #enterprise #performance
Enterprise Architecture Performance Management — A Context based Approach to EA Metrics Definition (AK, PS), pp. 249–254.
CIKMCIKM-2012-Cohen #learning #random #similarity
Learning similarity measures based on random walks (WWC), p. 3.
CIKMCIKM-2012-KoopmanZBSL #concept #evaluation #information retrieval #similarity
An evaluation of corpus-driven measures of medical concept similarity for information retrieval (BK, GZ, PB, LS, ML), pp. 2439–2442.
ECIRECIR-2012-EskevichMJ #evaluation #retrieval #speech
New Metrics for Meaningful Evaluation of Informally Structured Speech Retrieval (ME, WM, GJFJ), pp. 170–181.
ICMLICML-2012-ChenDB #modelling #normalisation #random #topic
Dependent Hierarchical Normalized Random Measures for Dynamic Topic Modeling (CC, ND, WLB), p. 95.
ICMLICML-2012-CrammerC #adaptation #similarity
Adaptive Regularization for Similarity Measures (KC, GC), p. 27.
ICMLICML-2012-KimKO #parametricity #process #random #topic
Dirichlet Process with Mixed Random Measures: A Nonparametric Topic Model for Labeled Data (DK, SK, AHO), p. 90.
ICMLICML-2012-NiuDYS #learning
Information-theoretic Semi-supervised Metric Learning via Entropy Regularization (GN, BD, MY, MS), p. 136.
ICMLICML-2012-PoczosGS #dependence #kernel
Copula-based Kernel Dependency Measures (BP, ZG, JGS), p. 213.
ICMLICML-2012-RudermanRGP #probability #strict
Tighter Variational Representations of f-Divergences via Restriction to Probability Measures (AR, MDR, DGG, JP), p. 151.
ICPRICPR-2012-AbazaHB #quality #recognition
Quality metrics for practical face recognition (AA, MAFH, TB), pp. 3103–3107.
ICPRICPR-2012-ChernoffLN #fault #learning
Metric learning by directly minimizing the k-NN training error (KC, ML, MN), pp. 1265–1268.
ICPRICPR-2012-DoshiS #algorithm #benchmark #retrieval
A comprehensive benchmark of local binary pattern algorithms for texture retrieval (NPD, GS), pp. 2760–2763.
Discriminative metric: Schatten norm vs. vector norm (ZG, MS, LL, YF), pp. 1213–1216.
ICPRICPR-2012-HoritaMMKOKT #3d #robust
Coded aperture for projector and camera for robust 3D measurement (YH, YM, HM, HK, SO, MK, YT), pp. 1487–1491.
ICPRICPR-2012-LiLLL #distance #estimation #learning
Learning distance metric regression for facial age estimation (CL, QL, JL, HL), pp. 2327–2330.
Collecting historical font metrics from Google Books (RL, RZ, CAB), pp. 351–355.
ICPRICPR-2012-LyuYW #robust #visual notation
Robust visual tracking with the cross-bin metric (CL, YY, HW), pp. 2120–2123.
Enhancing motion field with OA-filter and alternative measurement (DDN, JWJ), pp. 870–873.
ICPRICPR-2012-Noh #analysis #classification #learning #nearest neighbour
χ2 Metric learning for nearest neighbor classification and its analysis (SN), pp. 991–995.
ICPRICPR-2012-PourdamghaniRZ #estimation #graph #learning
Metric learning for graph based semi-supervised human pose estimation (NP, HRR, MZ), pp. 3386–3389.
No reference measurement of contrast distortion and optimal contrast enhancement (HX, GZ, XY), pp. 1981–1984.
ICPRICPR-2012-ZhangPLV #multi #recognition
Optimal metric selection for improved multi-pose face recognition with group information (XZ, DSP, WL, SV), pp. 1675–1678.
ICPRICPR-2012-ZhaoWZW #3d #re-engineering
A new metric for measuring image-based 3D reconstruction (XZ, RW, ZZ, WW), pp. 1030–1033.
KDDKDD-2012-ChenMTJ #predict
Playlist prediction via metric embedding (SC, JLM, DT, TJ), pp. 714–722.
KDDKDD-2012-Plant #clustering #dependence
Dependency clustering across measurement scales (CP), pp. 361–369.
KDDKDD-2012-XiongJXC #dependence #learning #random
Random forests for metric learning with implicit pairwise position dependence (CX, DMJ, RX, JJC), pp. 958–966.
KEODKEOD-2012-LeraJP #ontology #summary
Ontology Summarization through Simple Pruning Measures (IL, CJ, RP), pp. 339–342.
KMISKMIS-2012-WongthongthamZ #complexity #information management #ontology
Ontology based Knowledge Transferability and Complexity Measurement for Knowledge Sharing (PW, BZ), pp. 5–14.
RecSysRecSys-2012-PradelUG #evaluation #ranking
Ranking with non-random missing ratings: influence of popularity and positivity on evaluation metrics (BP, NU, PG), pp. 147–154.
SEKESEKE-2012-GaoKN #feature model
Stability of Filter-Based Feature Selection Methods for Imbalanced Software Measurement Data (KG, TMK, AN), pp. 74–79.
SEKESEKE-2012-HumairaSOWF #framework #multi #programming language #source code #towards
Towards a Unified Source Code Measurement Framework Supporting Multiple Programming Languages (RH, KS, AO, HW, YF), pp. 480–485.
SEKESEKE-2012-JuniorGM #architecture #complexity #empirical #product line #validation #variability
Empirical Validation of Variability-based Complexity Metrics for Software Product Line Architecture (EAdOJ, IMdSG, JCM), pp. 622–627.
SEKESEKE-2012-WangKWN #empirical #fault #predict
An Empirical Study of Software Metric Selection Techniques for Defect Prediction (HW, TMK, RW, AN), pp. 94–99.
SIGIRSIGIR-2012-CarteretteKY #development #evaluation
Advances on the development of evaluation measures (BC, EK, EY), pp. 1200–1201.
SIGIRSIGIR-2012-SmuckerC #effectiveness
Time-based calibration of effectiveness measures (MDS, CLAC), pp. 95–104.
RERE-2012-LiaskosJA #elicitation #modelling #on the
On eliciting contribution measures in goal models (SL, RJ, JA), pp. 221–230.
FSEFSE-2012-CaglayanMCBAT #fault #named #predict
Dione: an integrated measurement and defect prediction solution (BC, ATM, , AB, TA, BT), p. 20.
ICSEICSE-2012-GoreR #bias #debugging #statistics
Reducing confounding bias in predicate-level statistical debugging metrics (RG, PFRJ), pp. 463–473.
SACSAC-2012-BlankH #information retrieval #multi #performance
Inverted file-based indexing for efficient multimedia information retrieval in metric spaces (DB, AH), pp. 900–905.
SACSAC-2012-ChenGZG #network #similarity #using
Discovering missing links in networks using vertex similarity measures (HHC, LG, X(Z, CLG), pp. 138–143.
SACSAC-2012-PedreschiRT #case study
A study of top-k measures for discrimination discovery (DP, SR, FT), pp. 126–131.
SACSAC-2012-TriaLT #approximate #evaluation #query
Metrics for approximate query engine evaluation (FDT, EL, FT), pp. 885–887.
CASECASE-2012-GuKJ #distance #multi
Distance measurement for tower crane obstacle based on multi-ultrasonic sensors (LG, XK, JJ), pp. 1028–1032.
CASECASE-2012-KimRYCKKP #case study
A study on the measurement of axial cracks in the Magnetic Flux Leakage NDT system (HMK, YWR, HRY, SHC, DKK, SJK, GSP), pp. 624–629.
CASECASE-2012-WuY #estimation #linear #markov #using
State estimation for Markovian Jump Linear System using quantized measurements (HW, HY), pp. 527–531.
DACDAC-2012-CongL #architecture #optimisation #synthesis
A metric for layout-friendly microarchitecture optimization in high-level synthesis (JC, BL), pp. 1239–1244.
DACDAC-2012-GuoYSCZ #classification #distance
Improved tangent space based distance metric for accurate lithographic hotspot classification (JG, FY, SS, CC, XZ), pp. 1173–1178.
DACDAC-2012-MalburgFF #automation #design #hardware #locality #using
Automated feature localization for hardware designs using coverage metrics (JM, AF, GF), pp. 941–946.
DACDAC-2012-ViswanathanASLW #benchmark #contest
The DAC 2012 routability-driven placement contest and benchmark suite (NV, CJA, CCNS, ZL, YW), pp. 774–782.
DACDAC-2012-WeiLKP #benchmark #hardware
Hardware Trojan horse benchmark via optimal creation and placement of malicious circuitry (SW, KL, FK, MP), pp. 90–95.
DATEDATE-2012-CaiHMM #analysis #fault #memory management
Error patterns in MLC NAND flash memory: Measurement, characterization, and analysis (YC, EFH, OM, KM), pp. 521–526.
DATEDATE-2012-HaedickeGD #verification
A guiding coverage metric for formal verification (FH, DG, RD), pp. 617–622.
DATEDATE-2012-PonsMP #layout
Fixed origin corner square inspection layout regularity metric (MP, MNM, CP), pp. 1397–1402.
DATEDATE-2012-TorresAGPR #benchmark
Beyond CMOS — benchmarking for future technologies (CMST, JA, MWMG, RMP, WR), pp. 129–134.
HPDCHPDC-2012-UenoS #benchmark #graph #scalability
Highly scalable graph search for the Graph500 benchmark (KU, TS), pp. 149–160.
LCTESLCTES-2012-Gal-OnL #benchmark #challenge #embedded
Creating portable, repeatable, realistic benchmarks for embedded systems and the challenges thereof (SGO, ML), pp. 149–152.
PDPPDP-2012-SeguraSL #adaptation #benchmark #parallel #problem
Analysing the Adaptation Level of Parallel Hyperheuristics Applied to Multiobjectivised Benchmark Problems (CS, ES, CL), pp. 138–145.
ICSTICST-2012-AlshahwanHMTT #web
Crawlability Metrics for Web Applications (NA, MH, AM, RT, PT), pp. 151–160.
ICSTICST-2012-HashemianKA #benchmark #challenge #manycore #web
Overcoming Web Server Benchmarking Challenges in the Multi-core Era (RH, DK, MFA), pp. 648–653.
ICSTICST-2012-JagannathKLM #independence
Evaluating Machine-Independent Metrics for State-Space Exploration (VJ, MK, YL, DM), pp. 320–329.
QoSAQoSA-ISARCS-2011-FranksLH #modelling #performance #protocol
Performance measurements and modeling of a java-based session initiation protocol (SIP) application server (GF, DHL, CEH), pp. 63–72.
QoSAQoSA-ISARCS-2011-Perez-PalacinMM11a #adaptation #architecture #self
Software architecture adaptability metrics for QoS-based self-adaptation (DPP, RM, JM), pp. 171–176.
DocEngDocEng-2011-ChidlovskiiB #learning #network #recommendation #social
Local metric learning for tag recommendation in social networks (BC, AB), pp. 205–208.
ICDARICDAR-2011-AlaeiNP #benchmark #dataset #documentation #segmentation
A Benchmark Kannada Handwritten Document Dataset and Its Segmentation (AA, PN, UP), pp. 141–145.
ICDARICDAR-2011-BeusekomS #automation #documentation #verification
Distortion Measurement for Automatic Document Verification (JvB, FS), pp. 289–293.
ICDARICDAR-2011-LamiroyL #analysis #architecture #benchmark #documentation
An Open Architecture for End-to-End Document Analysis Benchmarking (BL, DPL), pp. 42–47.
ICDARICDAR-2011-ZanibbiPMVB #performance
Stroke-Based Performance Metrics for Handwritten Mathematical Expressions (RZ, AP, HM, CVG, DB), pp. 334–338.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2011-DuanKSU #benchmark #comparison #dataset #rdf
Apples and oranges: a comparison of RDF benchmarks and real RDF datasets (SD, AK, KS, OU), pp. 145–156.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2011-SolimanIMT #nondeterminism #ranking #semantics
Ranking with uncertain scoring functions: semantics and sensitivity measures (MAS, IFI, DM, MT), pp. 805–816.
VLDBVLDB-2011-LevandoskiELEMR #architecture #benchmark #named #performance #recommendation
RecBench: Benchmarks for Evaluating Performance of Recommender System Architectures (JJL, MDE, ML, AE, MFM, JR), pp. 911–920.
VLDBVLDB-2011-Tay #benchmark #generative
Data Generation for Application-Specific Benchmarking (YCT), pp. 1470–1473.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2011-Cardell-OliverW #java #tool support
UWA Java tools: harnessing software metrics to support novice programmers (RCO, PDW), p. 341.
A bouquet of measures to promote computer science in middle & high schools (US), p. 1.
ICPCICPC-J-2009-MoraGRP11 #empirical #modelling #visual notation
Graphical versus textual software measurement modelling: an empirical study (BM, FG, FR, MP), pp. 201–233.
SCAMSCAM-J-2009-DesharnaisAS11 #analysis #identification
Identification and analysis of attributes and base measures within ISO 9126 (JMD, AA, WS), pp. 447–460.
CSMRCSMR-2011-Mordal-ManetLDABBBVM #empirical
An Empirical Model for Continuous and Weighted Metric Aggregation (KMM, JL, SD, NA, FB, FB, LB, PV, TJM), pp. 141–150.
CSMRCSMR-2011-NaseemMM #clustering #similarity
Improved Similarity Measures for Software Clustering (RN, OM, SM), pp. 45–54.
ICPCICPC-2011-OhlemacherM #automation #benchmark #concept #towards
Towards a Benchmark and Automatic Calibration for IR-Based Concept Location (SDO, AM), pp. 246–249.
ICPCICPC-2011-TothVBG #complexity #predict #process
Adding Process Metrics to Enhance Modification Complexity Prediction (GT, AZV, ÁB, TG), pp. 201–204.
ICSMEICSM-2011-BiggersEKE #source code #towards
Toward a metrics suite for source code lexicons (LRB, BPE, NAK, LHE), pp. 492–495.
ICSMEICSM-2011-NishizonoMVM #comprehension #empirical #evolution #industrial #maintenance #predict #source code
Source code comprehension strategies and metrics to predict comprehension effort in software maintenance and evolution tasks — an empirical study with industry practitioners (KN, SM, RV, KiM), pp. 473–481.
ICSMEICSM-2011-PaymalPBS #evolution #graph #process #using
Measuring disruption from software evolution activities using graph-based metrics (PP, RP, SB, HPS), pp. 532–535.
ICSMEICSM-2011-RomanoP #interface #java #predict #source code #using
Using source code metrics to predict change-prone Java interfaces (DR, MP), pp. 303–312.
ICSMEICSM-2011-VasilescuSB #case study
You can’t control the unfamiliar: A study on the relations between aggregation techniques for software metrics (BV, AS, MvdB), pp. 313–322.
MSRMSR-2011-BiegelSHDD #comparison #detection #refactoring #similarity
Comparison of similarity metrics for refactoring detection (BB, QDS, WH, SD, SD), pp. 53–62.
MSRMSR-2011-RotellaC #implementation #quality
Implementing quality metrics and goals at the corporate level (PR, SC), pp. 113–122.
WCREWCRE-2011-AbdeenDS #composition #legacy #object-oriented #scalability
Modularization Metrics: Assessing Package Organization in Legacy Large Object-Oriented Software (HA, SD, HAS), pp. 394–398.
FDGFDG-2011-MacveanR #evaluation #game studies
An enjoyment metric for the evaluation of alternate reality games (APM, MOR), pp. 277–279.
CHICHI-2011-BlanchO #benchmark #paradigm
Benchmarking pointing techniques with distractors: adding a density factor to Fitts’ pointing paradigm (RB, MO), pp. 1629–1638.
CHICHI-2011-NebelingMN #evaluation #layout
Metrics for the evaluation of news site content layout in large-screen contexts (MN, FM, MCN), pp. 1511–1520.
CHICHI-2011-PollakAG #named
PAM: a photographic affect meter for frequent, in situ measurement of affect (JPP, PA, GG), pp. 725–734.
CHICHI-2011-ToomimKPL #human-computer #interactive #towards
Utility of human-computer interactions: toward a science of preference measurement (MT, TK, CP, JAL), pp. 2275–2284.
CHICHI-2011-WobbrockSJ #design #empirical #modelling #throughput
The effects of task dimensionality, endpoint deviation, throughput calculation, and experiment design on pointing measures and models (JOW, KS, AJ), pp. 1639–1648.
Anthropometric Measurement of the Feet of Chinese Children (LR, XZ, CC, TL), pp. 30–36.
HCIDHM-2011-SchieferKOHE #3d
3D Human Motion Capturing Based Only on Acceleration and Angular Rate Measurement for Low Extremities (CS, TK, EO, IH, RPE), pp. 195–203.
HCIDUXU-v2-2011-KimMLJAS #experience #user interface
Measurement of User Experience to Select a Comfortable Mattress (JYK, SNM, MHL, JHJ, JHA, YSS), pp. 449–458.
HCIDUXU-v2-2011-SuzukiKN #case study #estimation #evaluation #usability #web
A Study on the Time Estimation Measurement for Web Usability Evaluation (KS, MK, HN), pp. 53–59.
HCIHCI-DDA-2011-AlTaboliL #design #interface #visual notation
Objective and Subjective Measures of Visual Aesthetics of Website Interface Design: The Two Sides of the Coin (AA, YL), pp. 35–44.
HCIHCI-ITE-2011-SpiesBLWBH #concept #development #industrial
Measurement of Driver’s Distraction for an Early Prove of Concepts in Automotive Industry at the Example of the Development of a Haptic Touchpad (RS, AB, CL, MW, KB, WH), pp. 125–132.
HCIHIMI-v1-2011-VrotsouF #similarity
A Qualitative Study of Similarity Measures in Event-Based Data (KV, CF), pp. 170–179.
HCIHIMI-v1-2011-WatanabeMNMN #generative
Support for Generation of Sympathetic Embodied Awareness: Measurement of Hand Contact Improvisation under Load Fluctuation Stress (TW, YM, GN, NM, HN), pp. 508–518.
HCIHIMI-v1-2011-YamamotoMM #evaluation
Measurement and Evaluation in Service Engineering (SY, HM, HM), pp. 76–81.
HCIOCSC-2011-TsaiHT11a #behaviour #difference
Measurement of Tagging Behavior Differences (LCT, SLH, KHT), pp. 373–377.
VISSOFTVISSOFT-2011-ReniersVT #dependence #visual notation
Visual exploration of program structure, dependencies and metrics with SolidSX (DR, LV, ACT), pp. 1–4.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2011-CarvalhoSR #clustering
Post-processing Association Association Rules with Clustering and Objective Measures (VOdC, FFdS, SOR), pp. 54–63.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2011-WeiY #analysis #behaviour #game studies #security
Security Investment Analysis on Gaming Theory with Measurements of Cost and Decision Behavior (WW, RY), pp. 519–523.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2011-ZhouL #analysis
A New Method and Metric for Quantitative Risk Analysis (PZ, HL), pp. 25–33.
ICEISICEIS-v4-2011-LiuGF #coordination #development #ecosystem #research
Research on the Coordinated Development of Ecosystem of Cyber-society and Its Measurement (HL, XG, JF), pp. 137–146.
CIKMCIKM-2011-GunnemannFMAS #clustering #evaluation
External evaluation measures for subspace clustering (SG, IF, EM, IA, TS), pp. 1363–1372.
CIKMCIKM-2011-HassanSH #estimation #web
A task level metric for measuring web search satisfaction and its application on improving relevance estimation (AHA, YS, LwH), pp. 125–134.
CIKMCIKM-2011-KustarevULGSS #using
Smoothing NDCG metrics using tied scores (AK, YU, YL, EG, IS, PS), pp. 2053–2056.
CIKMCIKM-2011-LangeN #similarity #why
Frequency-aware similarity measures: why Arnold Schwarzenegger is always a duplicate (DL, FN), pp. 243–248.
CIKMCIKM-2011-LangeN11a #composition #performance #similarity
Efficient similarity search: arbitrary similarity measures, arbitrary composition (DL, FN), pp. 1679–1688.
CIKMCIKM-2011-PimentelCS #clustering #data-driven #database #kernel
A partitioning method for symbolic interval data based on kernelized metric (BAP, AFBFdC, RMCRdS), pp. 2189–2192.
CIKMCIKM-2011-RiveroHRC #benchmark #on the #ontology #semantics
On benchmarking data translation systems for semantic-web ontologies (CRR, IH, DR, RC), pp. 1613–1618.
CIKMCIKM-2011-WangHJT #categorisation #image #learning #multi #performance
Efficient lp-norm multiple feature metric learning for image categorization (SW, QH, SJ, QT), pp. 2077–2080.
ECIRECIR-2011-LeonardLZTCD #data fusion #information retrieval #machine learning
Applying Machine Learning Diversity Metrics to Data Fusion in Information Retrieval (DL, DL, LZ, FT, RWC, JD), pp. 695–698.
ECIRECIR-2011-ZhaoZSH #approach #novel #quantum #ranking
A Novel Re-ranking Approach Inspired by Quantum Measurement (XZ, PZ, DS, YH), pp. 721–724.
KDIRKDIR-2011-AzamV #clustering #comparative #evaluation #proximity
A Comparative Evaluation of Proximity Measures for Spectral Clustering (NFA, HLV), pp. 30–41.
KDIRKDIR-2011-FangWLG #network #statistics #wiki
Wikipedia as Domain Knowledge Networks — Domain Extraction and Statistical Measurement (ZF, JW, BL, WG), pp. 159–165.
KDIRKDIR-2011-RoleN #case study #similarity #word
Handling the Impact of Low Frequency Events on Co-occurrence based Measures of Word Similarity — A Case Study of Pointwise Mutual Information (FR, MN), pp. 226–231.
An Improved Method to Select Candidates on Metric Index VP-tree (MS, SSL, KK), pp. 314–319.
KEODKEOD-2011-LimYSH #modelling #robust #semantics
Robust Semantic World Modeling by Beta Measurement Likelihood in a Dynamic Indoor Environment (GHL, CY, IHS, SWH), pp. 311–316.
MLDMMLDM-2011-TomasevRMI #classification #fuzzy #nearest neighbour
Hubness-Based Fuzzy Measures for High-Dimensional k-Nearest Neighbor Classification (NT, MR, DM, MI), pp. 16–30.
RecSysRecSys-2011-DayanKBRSASF #benchmark #framework #recommendation
Recommenders benchmark framework (AD, GK, NB, LR, BS, AA, RS, RF), pp. 353–354.
RecSysRecSys-2011-VargasC #rank #recommendation
Rank and relevance in novelty and diversity metrics for recommender systems (SV, PC), pp. 109–116.
Cyclic Association Rules: Coupling Between Dimensions With Measures (EBA, AN, FG), pp. 379–384.
SEKESEKE-2011-WangKN #empirical #using
An Empirical Study of Software Metrics Selection Using Support Vector Machine (HW, TMK, AN), pp. 83–88.
SIGIRSIGIR-2011-SantosMO11a #on the #ranking
On the suitability of diversity metrics for learning-to-rank for diversity (RLTS, CM, IO), pp. 1185–1186.
MODELSMoDELS-2011-Chimiak-Opoka #framework #modelling #ocl #uml #using
Measuring UML Models Using Metrics Defined in OCL within the SQUAM Framework (JCO), pp. 47–61.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2011-RichardsGEV #automation #benchmark #javascript
Automated construction of JavaScript benchmarks (GR, AG, BE, JV), pp. 677–694.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2011-SeweMSB #analysis #benchmark #design #java #scala #virtual machine
Da capo con scala: design and analysis of a scala benchmark suite for the java virtual machine (AS, MM, AS, WB), pp. 657–676.
PLATEAUPLATEAU-2011-GilGM #how #question
How much information do software metrics contain? (JYG, MG, DM), pp. 57–64.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2011-LeeNHKI #fault #interactive #predict
Micro interaction metrics for defect prediction (TL, JN, DH, SK, HPI), pp. 311–321.
ICSEICSE-2011-ChenZ #combinator #testing #tuple
Tuple density: a new metric for combinatorial test suites (BC, JZ), pp. 876–879.
ICSEICSE-2011-MeneelyW #developer #network #question #trust
Socio-technical developer networks: should we trust our measurements? (AM, LW), pp. 281–290.
ICSEICSE-2011-OBrienGG #framework
A method for selecting SOA pilot projects including a pilot metrics framework (LO, JG, JG), pp. 653–662.
SACSAC-2011-ElahiY #analysis #heuristic #requirements #trade-off
Requirements trade-offs analysis in the absence of quantitative measures: a heuristic method (GE, ESKY), pp. 651–658.
SACSAC-2011-MitraZA #approach #experience #pervasive #probability #quality
A probabilistic context-aware approach for quality of experience measurement in pervasive systems (KM, ABZ, ), pp. 419–424.
SACSAC-2011-Sanchez-GonzalezRGC #complexity #control flow #modelling #towards
Towards thresholds of control flow complexity measures for BPMN models (LSG, FR, FG, JC), pp. 1445–1450.
CASECASE-2011-AddadALD #automation #evaluation
Measures vs. analytic evaluation of response time of Networked Automation Systems (BA, SA, JJL, BD), pp. 576–581.
CASECASE-2011-AranovskiyBB #identification
The method of identification for the “motor-dual-section device” system through output signal measurements (SA, AAB, VB), pp. 346–350.
DACDAC-2011-ChangC #3d #array #image #performance #quality #specification
Image quality aware metrics for performance specification of ADC array in 3D CMOS imagers (HMC, KT(C), pp. 759–764.
DACDAC-2011-WangTW #optimisation
In-field aging measurement and calibration for power-performance optimization (SW, MT, LW), pp. 706–711.
DATEDATE-2011-SabatelliSFR #algorithm #estimation
A sensor fusion algorithm for an integrated angular position estimation with inertial measurement units (SS, FS, LF, AR), pp. 273–276.
PDPPDP-2011-CorneaB #benchmark #distributed #performance #predict #using
Performance Prediction of Distributed Applications Using Block Benchmarking Methods (BFC, JB), pp. 183–190.
PDPPDP-2011-EittenbergerK #framework #named #peer-to-peer #towards
Atheris: A First Step Towards a Uni?ed Peer-to-Peer Traf?c Measurement Framework (PME, URK), pp. 574–581.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2011-SchwinghammerBS #recursion
A Step-Indexed Kripke Model of Hidden State via Recursive Properties on Recursively Defined Metric Spaces (JS, LB, KS), pp. 305–319.
Cover times, blanket times, and majorizing measures (JD, JRL, YP), pp. 61–70.
CSLCSL-2011-CardelliLM #axiom #logic #markov
Continuous Markovian Logic — From Complete Axiomatization to the Metric Space of Formulas (LC, KGL, RM), pp. 144–158.
CSLCSL-2011-JenkinsORW #problem #synthesis
The Church Synthesis Problem with Metric (MJ, JO, AR, JW), pp. 307–321.
ICTSSICTSS-2011-PeleskaHLLSSVZ #benchmark #concurrent #realtime #testing
A Real-World Benchmark Model for Testing Concurrent Real-Time Systems in the Automotive Domain (JP, AH, FL, HL, HS, PS, EV, CZ), pp. 146–161.
TAPTAP-2011-Tan #automaton #testing
State Coverage Metrics for Specification-Based Testing with Büchi Automata (LT), pp. 171–186.
QoSAQoSA-2010-KapovaGBH #maintenance #model transformation
Evaluating Maintainability with Code Metrics for Model-to-Model Transformations (LK, TG, SB, JH), pp. 151–166.
Two new aesthetic measures for item alignment (ADR, AKS, JBSdO, IHM, RFBP), pp. 263–266.
DRRDRR-2010-FaureV #detection
Detection of figure and caption pairs based on disorder measurements (CF, NV), pp. 1–10.
TPDLECDL-2010-TonniesB #automation #metadata #quality
Uncovering Hidden Qualities — Benefits of Quality Measures for Automatically Generated Metadata (ST, WTB), pp. 30–37.
HTHT-2010-KornerKGS #evaluation #motivation
Of categorizers and describers: an evaluation of quantitative measures for tagging motivation (CK, RK, HPG, MS), pp. 157–166.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2010-BjorlingFMBBJ #lessons learnt
Performing sound flash device measurements: some lessons from uFLIP (MB, LLF, AM, PB, LB, BÞJ), pp. 1219–1222.
VLDBVLDB-2010-PD #performance #retrieval #similarity
Efficient RkNN Retrieval with Arbitrary Non-Metric Similarity Measures (DP, PD), pp. 1243–1254.
VLDBVLDB-2010-SchadDQ #in the cloud #runtime
Runtime Measurements in the Cloud: Observing, Analyzing, and Reducing Variance (JS, JD, JAQR), pp. 460–471.
CSMRCSMR-2010-AlalfiCD #automation #web
Automating Coverage Metrics for Dynamic Web Applications (MHA, JRC, TRD), pp. 51–60.
ICPCICPC-2010-Elish #case study #design
Exploring the Relationships between Design Metrics and Package Understandability: A Case Study (MOE), pp. 144–147.
ICPCICPC-2010-RollsJS #automation #benchmark #collaboration #named
Unibench: A Tool for Automated and Collaborative Benchmarking (DR, CJ, SBS), pp. 50–51.
ICSMEICSM-2010-AlvesYV #benchmark
Deriving metric thresholds from benchmark data (TLA, CY, JV), pp. 1–10.
ICSMEICSM-2010-ArnaoudovaEOGA #concept #fault #identifier #physics
Physical and conceptual identifier dispersion: Measures and relation to fault proneness (VA, LME, RO, YGG, GA), pp. 1–5.
ICSMEICSM-2010-GergelyBGG #case study #experience #industrial
Effect of test completeness and redundancy measurement on post release failures — An industrial experience report (TG, ÁB, TG, MIG), pp. 1–10.
ICSMEICSM-2010-LuciaLJB #evaluation #fault #locality
Comprehensive evaluation of association measures for fault localization (L, DL, LJ, AB), pp. 1–10.
ICSMEICSM-2010-NguyenAH #dependence #network #quality
Studying the impact of dependency network measures on software quality (THDN, BA, AEH), pp. 1–10.
Theil index for aggregation of software metrics values (AS, MvdB), pp. 1–9.
MSRMSR-2010-NugrohoCA #design #java #predict #uml
Assessing UML design metrics for predicting fault-prone classes in a Java system (AN, MRVC, EA), pp. 21–30.
PASTEPASTE-2010-Schmeelk #benchmark #detection #towards
Towards a unified fault-detection benchmark (SS), pp. 61–64.
SCAMSCAM-2010-AllierVDS #graph
Deriving Coupling Metrics from Call Graphs (SA, SV, BD, HAS), pp. 43–52.
SCAMSCAM-2010-UjhaziFPG #concept #object-oriented
New Conceptual Coupling and Cohesion Metrics for Object-Oriented Systems (BU, RF, DP, TG), pp. 33–42.
WCREWCRE-2010-BavotaLMO #semantics
Software Re-Modularization Based on Structural and Semantic Metrics (GB, ADL, AM, RO), pp. 195–204.
LATALATA-2010-GiampaoloTN #logic #parametricity
Parametric Metric Interval Temporal Logic (BDG, SLT, MN), pp. 249–260.
CHICHI-2010-KimP #named #quality #visualisation
InAir: sharing indoor air quality measurements and visualizations (SK, EP), pp. 1861–1870.
CHICHI-2010-RoddenHF #experience #scalability #user interface #web
Measuring the user experience on a large scale: user-centered metrics for web applications (KR, HH, XF), pp. 2395–2398.
SOFTVISSOFTVIS-2010-KerrenJ #3d #analysis #diagrams #interactive #roadmap
3D kiviat diagrams for the interactive analysis of software metric trends (AK, IJ), pp. 203–204.
CAiSECAiSE-2010-WeidlichPDM #behaviour #process
Process Compliance Measurement Based on Behavioural Profiles (MW, AP, ND, JM), pp. 499–514.
ICEISICEIS-AIDSS-2010-AldeebPCS #exception #similarity #workflow
Sentence Similarity Measures to Support Workflow Exception Handling (AA, DMP, KAC, MJS), pp. 256–263.
ICEISICEIS-ISAS-2010-PerezMDM #quality #requirements #tool support
Quality Measurement Model for Requirements Engineering Floss Tools (MAP, EMM, KD, LEM), pp. 249–254.
ICEISICEIS-J-2010-UrbanoRO10a #using
Extracting Trustworthiness Tendencies Using the Frequency Increase Metric (JU, APR, ECO), pp. 208–221.
CIKMCIKM-2010-AlmeidaTL #named #performance #similarity
BP-tree: an efficient index for similarity search in high-dimensional metric spaces (JA, RdST, NJL), pp. 1365–1368.
CIKMCIKM-2010-BelemMAGP #quality #recommendation #web
Exploiting co-occurrence and information quality metrics to recommend tags in web 2.0 applications (FMB, EFM, JMdA, MAG, GLP), pp. 1793–1796.
CIKMCIKM-2010-HeMW #algorithm #evaluation #learning #optimisation #rank
Directly optimizing evaluation measures in learning to rank based on the clonal selection algorithm (QH, JM, SW), pp. 1449–1452.
ICMLICML-2010-McFeeL #learning #rank
Metric Learning to Rank (BM, GRGL), pp. 775–782.
ICPRICPR-2010-CappelliMT #benchmark #recognition
Benchmarking Local Orientation Extraction in Fingerprint Recognition (RC, DM, FT), pp. 1144–1147.
ICPRICPR-2010-CeolinH #difference #gender #using
Characterising Facial Gender Difference Using Fisher-Rao Metric (SC, ERH), pp. 4308–4311.
ICPRICPR-2010-Cevikalp #distance #learning #polynomial #programming
Semi-supervised Distance Metric Learning by Quadratic Programming (HC), pp. 3352–3355.
ICPRICPR-2010-ChetouaniBD #image #modelling #quality #statistics
Statistical Modeling of Image Degradation Based on Quality Metrics (AC, AB, MD), pp. 714–717.
ICPRICPR-2010-ChetverikovM #case study #component #image
An Experimental Study of Image Components and Data Metrics for Illumination-Robust Variational Optical Flow (DC, JM), pp. 1694–1697.
ICPRICPR-2010-FanHM #classification #learning
Learning Metrics for Shape Classification and Discrimination (YF, DH, WM), pp. 2652–2655.
ICPRICPR-2010-HoreZ #image #quality
Image Quality Metrics: PSNR vs. SSIM (AH, DZ), pp. 2366–2369.
ICPRICPR-2010-RantosonSFM #3d #using
Non Contact 3D Measurement Scheme for Transparent Objects Using UV Structured light (RR, CS, DF, FM), pp. 1646–1649.
ICPRICPR-2010-SunSHE #learning #locality
Localized Supervised Metric Learning on Temporal Physiological Data (JS, DMS, JH, SE), pp. 4149–4152.
ICPRICPR-2010-Tabassi #fault #image #performance
Image Specific Error Rate: A Biometric Performance Metric (ET), pp. 1124–1127.
Enhanced Measurement Model for Subspace-Based Tracking (SY, HJY, JYC), pp. 3492–3495.
ICPRICPR-2010-ZhangZZZ #classification #kernel #using
Time Series Classification Using Support Vector Machine with Gaussian Elastic Metric Kernel (DZ, WZ, DZ, HZ), pp. 29–32.
ICPRICPR-2010-ZhuHYL #behaviour #learning #prototype #recognition #using
Prototype Learning Using Metric Learning Based Behavior Recognition (PZ, WH, CY, LL), pp. 2604–2607.
KDDKDD-2010-BennetGLSV #benchmark #named #scalability #towards
Malstone: towards a benchmark for analytics on large data clouds (CB, RLG, DL, JS, SV), pp. 145–152.
KDDKDD-2010-HendersonEFALMPT #approach #forensics #graph #mining #multi
Metric forensics: a multi-level approach for mining volatile graphs (KH, TER, CF, LA, LL, KM, BAP, HT), pp. 163–172.
KDDKDD-2010-HoTL #learning #reduction #sequence #similarity
Tropical cyclone event sequence similarity search via dimensionality reduction and metric learning (SSH, WT, WTL), pp. 135–144.
KDDKDD-2010-LiuMTLL #learning #optimisation #using
Semi-supervised sparse metric learning using alternating linearization optimization (WL, SM, DT, JL, PL), pp. 1139–1148.
KDDKDD-2010-ZhangY #learning
Transfer metric learning by learning task relationships (YZ, DYY), pp. 1199–1208.
KDIRKDIR-2010-HelouA #multi #semantics #using
Semantic Measures based on Wordnet using Multiple Information Sources (MAH, AA), pp. 500–503.
KEODKEOD-2010-AustingH #complexity #modelling
Complexity Measurement of Product Models (SgA, AH), pp. 404–407.
KEODKEOD-2010-Braham #assessment #learning
A Knowledge Metric with Applications to Learning Assessment (RB), pp. 5–9.
KEODKEOD-2010-KambhampatiSP #predict
Dysphonia Measures in Parkinson’s Disease and Their use in Prediction of Its Progression (CK, MS, NP), pp. 104–109.
KRKR-2010-XiaoLMQ #consistency #multi #nondeterminism #satisfiability #semantics
Computing Inconsistency Measurements under Multi-Valued Semantics by Partial Max-SAT Solvers (GX, ZL, YM, GQ).
SEKESEKE-2010-AbranAC #maintenance #requirements
Measurement Model of Software Requirements Derived from System Maintainability Requirements (AA, KTAS, JJCG), pp. 153–158.
SEKESEKE-2010-KhoshgoftaarG #machine learning #novel #re-engineering #using
Software Engineering with Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning A Novel Software Metric Selection Technique Using the Area Under ROC Curves (TMK, KG), pp. 203–208.
SEKESEKE-2010-KhounSiavashB #ontology #semantics #using
Using the whole structure of ontology for semantic relatedness measurement (EK, ABD), pp. 79–83.
Information-Theoretic Metrics for Project-Level Scattering and Tangling (EL, LH, CVL, PB), pp. 141–146.
SEKESEKE-2010-MauczkaBG #case study #classification #process
Analyzing the Relationship of Process Metrics And Classified Changes — A Pilot Study (AM, MB, TG), pp. 269–272.
SEKESEKE-2010-YastrebenetskyT #complexity
Synchronization Complexity Metric (PY, MT), pp. 147–152.
SIGIRSIGIR-2010-MagdyJ #information retrieval #named
PRES: a score metric for evaluating recall-oriented information retrieval applications (WM, GJFJ), pp. 611–618.
SIGIRSIGIR-2010-RadlinskiC #information retrieval
Comparing the sensitivity of information retrieval metrics (FR, NC), pp. 667–674.
SIGIRSIGIR-2010-RadlinskiSC #set #topic
Metrics for assessing sets of subtopics (FR, MS, NC), pp. 853–854.
SIGIRSIGIR-2010-SandersonPCK #evaluation #question
Do user preferences and evaluation measures line up? (MS, MLP, PDC, EK), pp. 555–562.
SIGIRSIGIR-2010-WangH #distance #effectiveness #query #similarity
Effective query expansion with the resistance distance based term similarity metric (SW, MH), pp. 715–716.
SIGIRSIGIR-2010-WangWVL #clustering #documentation #learning
Text document clustering with metric learning (JW, SW, HQV, GL), pp. 783–784.
SIGIRSIGIR-2010-WangZ #analysis #effectiveness #information retrieval #on the #optimisation #statistics
On statistical analysis and optimization of information retrieval effectiveness metrics (JW, JZ), pp. 226–233.
TOOLSTOOLS-EUROPE-2010-BergelRB #profiling #visualisation
Visualizing Dynamic Metrics with Profiling Blueprints (AB, RR, WB), pp. 291–309.
ICSEICSE-2010-Cruz #case study #fault #predict #uml
Exploratory study of a UML metric for fault prediction (AECC), pp. 361–364.
ICSEICSE-2010-KlasEMHG #case study #fault #industrial #predict
Transparent combination of expert and measurement data for defect prediction: an industrial case study (MK, FE, JM, KH, OvG), pp. 119–128.
SACSAC-2010-ChowdhuryZ #complexity #question
Can complexity, coupling, and cohesion metrics be used as early indicators of vulnerabilities? (IC, MZ), pp. 1963–1969.
SACSAC-2010-FacchinettiSG #design #development #embedded #realtime
Design and development of a real-time embedded inertial measurement unit (TF, AS, EG), pp. 491–495.
SACSAC-2010-Fenz #generative #ontology
Ontology-based generation of IT-security metrics (SF), pp. 1833–1839.
SACSAC-2010-Garcia-MagarinoCS #architecture
A metrics suite for evaluating agent-oriented architectures (IGM, MC, VS), pp. 912–919.
SACSAC-2010-GloeB #benchmark #database #forensics #image
The “Dresden Image Database” for benchmarking digital image forensics (TG, RB), pp. 1584–1590.
SACSAC-2010-HeraviZ #case study #classification
A study on interestingness measures for associative classifiers (MJH, ORZ), pp. 1039–1046.
SACSAC-2010-MalkowskiJHPKP #analysis #benchmark #database #empirical #scalability #using
Empirical analysis of database server scalability using an N-tier benchmark with read-intensive workload (SM, DJ, MH, JP, YK, CP), pp. 1680–1687.
SACSAC-2010-SamiF #estimation
Design-level metrics estimation based on code metrics (AS, SMF), pp. 2531–2535.
SACSAC-2010-Youssef #parallel #performance #using
Using surface effect measures to model parallel performance (BBY), pp. 2400–2401.
CASECASE-2010-GhanbariNBCCW #automation
Automated vision-based force measurement of moving C. elegans (AG, VN, RB, XC, JGC, WW), pp. 198–203.
CASECASE-2010-RuZSZSHC #automation
Automated four-point probe measurement of nanowires inside a scanning electron microscope (CR, YZ, YS, YZ, XS, DH, IC), pp. 533–538.
CASECASE-2010-SudarsanSNSLLK #framework #standard #summary
Sustainable Manufacturing: Metrics, Standards, and Infrastructure — Workshop summary (RS, RDS, AN, PS, JL, KWL, SJK), pp. 144–149.
DACDAC-2010-GuptaKKS #benchmark #heuristic #named
Eyecharts: constructive benchmarking of gate sizing heuristics (PG, ABK, AK, PS), pp. 597–602.
DACDAC-2010-HelinskiAP #evaluation #physics #quality
Quality metric evaluation of a physical unclonable function derived from an IC’s power distribution system (RH, DA, JP), pp. 240–243.
DATEDATE-2010-LeeYCC #embedded
An embedded wide-range and high-resolution CLOCK jitter measurement circuit (YL, CYY, NCDC, JJC), pp. 1637–1640.
DATEDATE-2010-MitraBS #challenge #optimisation
Cross-layer resilience challenges: Metrics and optimization (SM, KB, PNS), pp. 1029–1034.
DATEDATE-2010-ZengC #using
Interconnect delay and slew metrics using the beta distribution (JKZ, CPC), pp. 1329–1332.
HPCAHPCA-2010-BiswasRMACJPPS #using
Explaining cache SER anomaly using DUE AVF measurement (AB, CR, SSM, VA, LC, AJ, AEP, MP, NS), pp. 1–12.
STOCSTOC-2010-GilbertLPS #approximate #optimisation
Approximate sparse recovery: optimizing time and measurements (ACG, YL, EP, MJS), pp. 475–484.
Bilipschitz snowflakes and metrics of negative type (JRL, MM), pp. 621–630.
TACASTACAS-2010-ChatzikokolakisCG #information management #statistics
Statistical Measurement of Information Leakage (KC, TC, AG), pp. 390–404.
WICSA-ECSAWICSA-ECSA-2009-RaibuletM #adaptation #evaluation #question
Evaluation of dynamic adaptivity through metrics: an achievable target? (CR, LM), pp. 341–344.
HTHT-2009-BoellaTV #network #social
Four measures for the dynamics of coalitions in social networks (GB, LWNvdT, SV), pp. 361–362.
ICDARICDAR-2009-HeLS #analysis #linear #novel #recognition
A Novel Rejection Measurement in Handwritten Numeral Recognition Based on Linear Discriminant Analysis (CLH, LL, CYS), pp. 451–455.
ICDARICDAR-2009-Washizawa #classification
Pattern Classification on Local Metric Structure (YW), pp. 471–475.
An unsupervised, frequency-based metric for selecting hints in an MDP-based tutor (JCS, TB), pp. 181–190.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2009-Impagliazzo #performance #source code
Graduate attributes and performance measures: refinements in assessing programs (JI), p. 370.
CSMRCSMR-2009-FrankeJLUHEK #assessment #network #using
A Method for Choosing Software Assessment Measures Using Bayesian Networks and Diagnosis (UF, PJ, RL, JU, DH, ME, JK), pp. 241–246.
CSMRCSMR-2009-Gyimothy #developer #quality
To Use or Not to Use? The Metrics to Measure Software Quality (Developers’ View) (TG), pp. 3–4.
Software Metrics Suites for Project Landscapes (GL), pp. 317–318.
ICSMEICSM-2009-BrooksM #similarity #testing
Introducing a test suite similarity metric for event sequence-based test cases (PAB, AMM), pp. 243–252.
ICSMEICSM-2009-FerzundAW #classification #using
Software change classification using hunk metrics (JF, SNA, FW), pp. 471–474.
ICSMEICSM-2009-RothlisbergerHVABNM #ide
Augmenting static source views in IDEs with dynamic metrics (DR, MH, AV, DA, WB, ON, PM), pp. 253–262.
ICSMEICSM-2009-RothlisbergerHVABNM09a #eclipse #named
Senseo: Enriching Eclipse’s static source views with dynamic metrics (DR, MH, AV, DA, WB, ON, PM), pp. 383–384.
ICSMEICSM-2009-Yoo #impact analysis #performance #using
Performance impact analysis with KPP using application response measurement in E-government systems (NY), pp. 503–506.
SCAMSCAM-2009-AlikacemS #framework
A Metric Extraction Framework Based on a High-Level Description Language (EHA, HAS), pp. 159–167.
WCREWCRE-1999-BacchelliDLR99a #benchmark #lightweight #source code
Benchmarking Lightweight Techniques to Link E-Mails and Source Code (AB, MD, ML, RR), pp. 205–214.
ICALPICALP-v2-2009-GuhaM #multi
Multi-armed Bandits with Metric Switching Costs (SG, KM), pp. 496–507.
FMFM-2009-PradellaMP #bound #encoding #model checking
A Metric Encoding for Bounded Model Checking (MP, AM, PSP), pp. 741–756.
FDGFDG-2009-BastenE #animation #distance
Evaluating distance metrics for animation blending (BJHvB, AE), pp. 199–206.
CHICHI-2009-GrossmanFA #guidelines #overview
A survey of software learnability: metrics, methodologies and guidelines (TG, GWF, RA), pp. 649–658.
CHICHI-2009-HirshfieldSGKJSF #adaptation #functional #interface #testing #usability
Brain measurement for usability testing and adaptive interfaces: an example of uncovering syntactic workload with functional near infrared spectroscopy (LMH, ETS, AG, JK, RJKJ, AS, SF), pp. 2185–2194.
CHICHI-2009-OliveiraAR #web
Discriminating the relevance of web search results with measures of pupil size (FTPO, AA, DMR), pp. 2209–2212.
CHICHI-2009-SauroL #correlation #prototype #usability
Correlations among prototypical usability metrics: evidence for the construct of usability (JS, JRL), pp. 1609–1618.
The Pluses and Minuses of Obtaining Measurements from Digital Scans (RSG, CPW, JZ, SX), pp. 681–690.
HCIDHM-2009-GuoWD #3d #design
Human Head 3D Dimensions Measurement for the Design of Helmets (FG, LW, DD), pp. 624–631.
Anthropometric Measurement of the Hands of Chinese Children (LR, XZ, CC, TL, TD), pp. 46–54.
HCIHCD-2009-BaileyWNK #testing #usability
Performance-Based Usability Testing: Metrics That Have the Greatest Impact for Improving a System’s Usability (RWB, CAW, JN, SK), pp. 3–12.
HCIHCD-2009-Bevan #framework #quality #usability
Extending Quality in Use to Provide a Framework for Usability Measurement (NB), pp. 13–22.
HCIHCD-2009-JarrettQRAS #analysis #development #testing #usability #using #web
Using Measurements from Usability Testing, Search Log Analysis and Web Traffic Analysis to Inform Development of a Complex Web Site Used for Complex Tasks (CJ, WQ, IR, SA, VS), pp. 729–738.
HCIHCD-2009-NaumannWS #concept #difference #experience #industrial #usability #user interface
Measurements and Concepts of Usability and User Experience: Differences between Industry and Academia (AN, IW, RS), pp. 618–626.
HCIHCD-2009-WallineL #design #experience
Translating Subjective Data to Objective Measures to Drive Product Design and Experience (EKW, BL), pp. 351–356.
HCIHCI-AUII-2009-SungJC #using
Establishing a Measurement System for Human Motions Using a Textile-Based Motion Sensor (MS, KJ, GC), pp. 784–792.
HCIHCI-NT-2009-KimuraUOM #evaluation #towards #usability
Toward Constructing an Electroencephalogram Measurement Method for Usability Evaluation (MK, HU, MO, KiM), pp. 95–104.
HCIHIMI-DIE-2009-KimP #mobile #performance #user interface
A Business Performance Measurement Model for Mobile User Interface (MJK, JP), pp. 87–93.
HCIHIMI-DIE-2009-OcenasekS #analysis #process #workflow
A Model for Measurement and Analysis of the Workflow Processes (PO, MS), pp. 149–153.
HCIIDGD-2009-EngleF #multi #scalability #using
Rescaling Non-metric Data to Metric Data Using Multi-Dimensional Scaling (KME, GAF), pp. 245–253.
HCIOCSC-2009-FicarraVR #evaluation #online #quality
Credibility On-Line: Quality Metrics for Evaluation (FVCF, EV, JR), pp. 172–181.
CAiSECAiSE-2009-Franch #modelling
A Method for the Definition of Metrics over i* Models (XF), pp. 201–215.
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2009-RomeuAC #integration #using
Integration Method Among BSC, CMMI and Six Sigma using GQM to Support Measurement Definition (MIBCIS) (LR, JA, AC), pp. 171–176.
CIKMCIKM-2009-Azzopardi #effectiveness #information retrieval #monitoring #performance
Usage based effectiveness measures: monitoring application performance in information retrieval (LA), pp. 631–640.
CIKMCIKM-2009-KurasawaFTA #clustering #similarity
Maximal metric margin partitioning for similarity search indexes (HK, DF, AT, JA), pp. 1887–1890.
CIKMCIKM-2009-ParkG #automation #realtime #towards #using
Towards real-time measurement of customer satisfaction using automatically generated call transcripts (YP, SCG), pp. 1387–1396.
CIKMCIKM-2009-SayeedSDHMR #analysis #documentation #similarity
Characteristics of document similarity measures for compliance analysis (ABS, SS, YD, RH, RM, NR), pp. 1207–1216.
ECIRECIR-2009-HalveyPHVHGJ #case study #difference #low level #retrieval #using #video
Diversity, Assortment, Dissimilarity, Variety: A Study of Diversity Measures Using Low Level Features for Video Retrieval (MH, PP, DH, RV, FH, AG, JMJ), pp. 126–137.
ECIRECIR-2009-Kettunen #question #source code
Choosing the Best MT Programs for CLIR Purposes — Can MT Metrics Be Helpful? (KK), pp. 706–712.
Measurement Techniques and Caching Effects (SP, AM), pp. 691–695.
ICMLICML-2009-LiangJK #exponential #learning #product line
Learning from measurements in exponential families (PL, MIJ, DK), pp. 641–648.
ICMLICML-2009-LuJD #geometry #learning
Geometry-aware metric learning (ZL, PJ, ISD), pp. 673–680.
ICMLICML-2009-NguyenEB #clustering #comparison #question
Information theoretic measures for clusterings comparison: is a correction for chance necessary? (XVN, JE, JB), pp. 1073–1080.
ICMLICML-2009-QiTZCZ #learning #performance
An efficient sparse metric learning in high-dimensional space via l1-penalized log-determinant regularization (GJQ, JT, ZJZ, TSC, HJZ), pp. 841–848.
ICMLICML-2009-ZhanLLZ #learning #using
Learning instance specific distances using metric propagation (DCZ, ML, YFL, ZHZ), pp. 1225–1232.
KDDKDD-2009-Macskassy #empirical #graph #learning #using
Using graph-based metrics with empirical risk minimization to speed up active learning on networked data (SAM), pp. 597–606.
KDDKDD-2009-WuXC #adaptation #clustering
Adapting the right measures for K-means clustering (JW, HX, JC), pp. 877–886.
KMISKMIS-2009-JangP #benchmark #performance
Benchmarking based Performance Management for Construction Contractors (YJ, MP), pp. 147–152.
MLDMMLDM-2009-SilvaSNPJN #classification #geometry #image #using
Lung Nodules Classification in CT Images Using Simpson’s Index, Geometrical Measures and One-Class SVM (CAdS, ACS, SMBN, ACdP, GBJ, RAN), pp. 810–822.
SEKESEKE-2009-KocaguneliTBTC #analysis #fault #named #predict
Prest: An Intelligent Software Metrics Extraction, Analysis and Defect Prediction Tool (EK, AT, ABB, BT, BC), pp. 637–642.
SEKESEKE-2009-MitaniMIBMM #empirical #feedback
An Empirical Study of the Feedback of the In-process Measurement in a Japanese Consortium-type Software Project (YM, TM, KI, MB, AM, KiM), pp. 631–636.
SEKESEKE-2009-MukhopadhyayPRPM #benchmark #comparison #information management #multi #set
Comparison of Some Single-agent and Multi-agent Information Filtering Systems on a Benchmark Text Data Set (SM, SP, RRR, MJP, JM), pp. 185–188.
SEKESEKE-2009-VanHilstH #mining #process #repository
Mining Objective Process Metrics from Repository Data (MVH, SH), pp. 514–519.
SIGIRSIGIR-2009-SunQTW #learning #rank #ranking #robust
Robust sparse rank learning for non-smooth ranking measures (ZS, TQ, QT, JW), pp. 259–266.
ICMTICMT-2009-AmstelLB #asf+sdf #model transformation #quality #using
Using Metrics for Assessing the Quality of ASF+SDF Model Transformations (MvA, CFJL, MvdB), pp. 239–248.
MODELSMoDELS-2009-BoskovicH #assessment #modelling #performance
Model Driven Performance Measurement and Assessment with MoDePeMART (MB, WH), pp. 62–76.
MODELSMoDELS-2009-BoskovicH #assessment #modelling #performance
Model Driven Performance Measurement and Assessment with MoDePeMART (MB, WH), pp. 62–76.
TOOLSTOOLS-EUROPE-2009-ConejeroFGHJ #predict
Early Crosscutting Metrics as Predictors of Software Instability (JMC, EF, AG, JH, EJ), pp. 136–156.
PLDIPLDI-2009-TallentMF #analysis #performance
Binary analysis for measurement and attribution of program performance (NRT, JMMC, MWF), pp. 441–452.
QAPLQAPL-2009-DengD #overview
The Kantorovich Metric in Computer Science: A Brief Survey (YD, WD), pp. 73–82.
ICSEICSE-2009-ComanSS #analysis #automation #case study #industrial #re-engineering #using
A case-study on using an Automated In-process Software Engineering Measurement and Analysis system in an industrial environment (IDC, AS, GS), pp. 89–99.
SACSAC-2009-CaladoBB #approach #automation #composition #semantics #similarity #web #web service
An approach for semantic web services automatic discovery and composition with similarity metrics (IC, HB, IIB), pp. 694–695.
SACSAC-2009-ChoiKHK #component #dependence
Component-based metrics applying the strength of dependency between classes (MC, IJK, JH, JYK), pp. 530–536.
SACSAC-2009-KangKL #similarity
Similarity measures for trajectory of moving objects in cellular space (HYK, JSK, KJL), pp. 1325–1330.
SACSAC-2009-WeiCM #design #energy #manycore #realtime
Designing a multi-core hard real-time test bed for energy measurement experiments (TW, XC, PM), pp. 1998–1999.
CASECASE-2009-BijulalVH #simulation
Stability considerations and service level measures in production — inventory systems: a simulation study (DB, JV, NH), pp. 489–494.
Presentation and improvement of an AFM-based system for the measurement of adhesion forces (MR, PR), pp. 585–590.
CASECASE-2009-SudarsanSS #industrial #standard
Metrics, standards and industry best practices for sustainable manufacturing systems (RS, RDS, PS), pp. 472–477.
DATEDATE-2009-ArmengaudS #network
Remote measurement of local oscillator drifts in FlexRay networks (EA, AS), pp. 1082–1087.
DATEDATE-2009-BarontiLRS #detection #distributed
Distributed sensor for steering wheel rip force measurement in driver fatigue detection (FB, FL, RR, RS), pp. 894–897.
DATEDATE-2009-RedaN #modelling #novel #parametricity #process
Analyzing the impact of process variations on parametric measurements: Novel models and applications (SR, SRN), pp. 375–380.
HPCAHPCA-2009-DuanLP #architecture #estimation #performance #predict
Versatile prediction and fast estimation of Architectural Vulnerability Factor from processor performance metrics (LD, BL, LP), pp. 129–140.
ISMMISMM-2009-JumpM #analysis
Dynamic shape analysis via degree metrics (MJ, KSM), pp. 119–128.
PDPPDP-2009-MallonTTD #benchmark #implementation #java #message passing #named #parallel
NPB-MPJ: NAS Parallel Benchmarks Implementation for Message-Passing in Java (DAM, GLT, JT, RD), pp. 181–190.
PPoPPPPoPP-2009-TallentM #analysis #effectiveness #parallel #performance #thread
Effective performance measurement and analysis of multithreaded applications (NRT, JMMC), pp. 229–240.
ICSTICST-2009-KoochakzadehGM #lessons learnt
Test Redundancy Measurement Based on Coverage Information: Evaluations and Lessons Learned (NK, VG, FM), pp. 220–229.
ICSTSAT-2009-BonetJ #satisfiability #using
Efficiently Calculating Evolutionary Tree Measures Using SAT (MLB, KSJ), pp. 4–17.
DRRDRR-2008-ReedS #correlation #image #modelling #quality
Correlating degradation models and image quality metrics (DKR, EHBS), p. 681508.
JCDLJCDL-2008-BollenSR #towards
Towards usage-based impact metrics: first results from the mesur project (JB, HVdS, MAR), pp. 231–240.
JCDLJCDL-2008-KhooPWRPD #library #using #web
Using web metrics to analyze digital libraries (MK, JP, ALW, MR, BP, RAD), pp. 375–384.
VLDBVLDB-2008-AlexeTV #benchmark #named #towards
STBenchmark: towards a benchmark for mapping systems (BA, WCT, YV), pp. 230–244.
VLDBVLDB-2008-ChenJL #benchmark
A benchmark for evaluating moving object indexes (SC, CSJ, DL), pp. 1574–1585.
VLDBVLDB-2008-DingTSWK #comparison #distance #mining #query
Querying and mining of time series data: experimental comparison of representations and distance measures (HD, GT, PS, XW, EJK), pp. 1542–1552.
EDMEDM-2008-MerceronY #education
Interestingness Measures for Associations Rules in Educational Data (AM, KY), pp. 57–66.
EDMEDM-2008-VenturaRH #dataset #education #evaluation #framework
Analyzing Rule Evaluation Measures with Educational Datasets: A Framework to Help the Teacher (SV, CR, CH), pp. 177–181.
CSMRCSMR-2008-FigueiredoSGBCM #aspect-oriented #framework #maintenance #on the
On the Maintainability of Aspect-Oriented Software: A Concern-Oriented Measurement Framework (EF, CS, AG, TTB, WC, AM), pp. 183–192.
CSMRCSMR-2008-FulopFG #benchmark #design pattern #mining #tool support #towards
Towards a Benchmark for Evaluating Design Pattern Miner Tools (LJF, RF, TG), pp. 143–152.
Supporting Language Conversion by Metric Based Reports (GL, DS, FV), pp. 314–316.
ICPCICPC-2008-DenierG #named
Mendel: A Model, Metrics, and Rules to Understand Class Hierarchies (SD, YGG), pp. 143–152.
ICPCICPC-2008-HindleGH #complexity
Reading Beside the Lines: Indentation as a Proxy for Complexity Metric (AH, MWG, RCH), pp. 133–142.
ICSMEICSM-2008-LuciaOV #semantics #using
Using structural and semantic metrics to improve class cohesion (ADL, RO, LV), pp. 27–36.
WCREWCRE-2008-ByelasT #diagrams #lens #visualisation
The Metric Lens: Visualizing Metrics and Structure on Software Diagrams (HB, ACT), pp. 339–340.
WCREWCRE-2008-CorreiaV #benchmark #quality
Benchmarking Technical Quality of Software Products (JPC, JV), pp. 297–300.
WCREWCRE-2008-FulopHFG #benchmark #reverse engineering #tool support #towards
Towards a Benchmark for Evaluating Reverse Engineering Tools (LJF, PH, RF, TG), pp. 335–336.
ICALPICALP-A-2008-Onak #testing
Testing Properties of Sets of Points in Metric Spaces (KO), pp. 515–526.
GT-VMTGT-VMT-2006-GuerraDL08 #domain-specific language #specification #visual notation
Visual Specification of Metrics for Domain Specific Visual Languages (EG, PD, JdL), pp. 99–110.
ICGTICGT-2008-BergmannHRV #benchmark #evaluation #graph transformation #incremental #pattern matching
A Benchmark Evaluation of Incremental Pattern Matching in Graph Transformation (GB, ÁH, IR, DV), pp. 396–410.
CHICHI-2008-OConnellC #analysis #interactive #visualisation
Metrics for measuring human interaction with interactive visualizations for information analysis (TAO, YYC), pp. 1493–1496.
SOFTVISSOFTVIS-2008-ByelasT #architecture #visualisation
Texture-based visualization of metrics on software architectures (HB, ACT), pp. 205–206.
CAiSECAiSE-2008-FranchG #towards
Towards a Catalogue of Patterns for Defining Metrics over i*Models (XF, GG), pp. 197–212.
CAiSECAiSE-2008-VanderfeestenRMAC #modelling #on the #process
On a Quest for Good Process Models: The Cross-Connectivity Metric (ITPV, HAR, JM, WMPvdA, JC), pp. 480–494.
EDOCEDOC-2008-HofmeisterW #design
Supporting Service-Oriented Design with Metrics (HH, GW), pp. 191–200.
ICEISICEIS-AIDSS-2008-LamKL #knowledge-based #performance #resource management
A Knowledge-Based Performance Measurement System for Improving Resource Utilization (ACYL, SKK, WBL), pp. 187–192.
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2008-CurinoMTZ #benchmark #evolution #information management #towards #web #wiki
Schema Evolution in Wikipedia — Toward a Web Information System Benchmark (CC, HJM, LT, CZ), pp. 323–332.
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2008-Eessaar #framework #quality #towards
Towards a Semiotic Quality Framework of Software Measures (EE), pp. 41–48.
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2008-MoraGRPBGCR #qvt #using
Software Measurement by Using QVT Transformations in an MDA Context (BM, FG, FR, MP, AB, AG, JÁC, IR), pp. 117–124.
ICEISICEIS-J-2008-Eessaar08a #approach #quality #specification
A Semiotic Approach to Quality in Specifications of Software Measures (EE), pp. 73–86.
ICEISICEIS-SAIC-2008-RanW #adaptation #performance #using
Develop Adaptive Workplace E-Learning Environments by Using Performance Measurement Systems (WR, MW), pp. 142–147.
CIKMCIKM-2008-BoutsidisSA #clustering #set
Clustered subset selection and its applications on it service metrics (CB, JS, NA), pp. 599–608.
CIKMCIKM-2008-RazenteBTFT #approach #data access #novel #optimisation #process #query #similarity
A novel optimization approach to efficiently process aggregate similarity queries in metric access methods (HLR, MCNB, AJMT, CF, CTJ), pp. 193–202.
CIKMCIKM-2008-Sakai #bias #robust
Comparing metrics across TREC and NTCIR: the robustness to system bias (TS), pp. 581–590.
CIKMCIKM-2008-WangCZL #constraints #learning
Semi-supervised metric learning by maximizing constraint margin (FW, SC, CZ, TL), pp. 1457–1458.
ECIRECIR-2008-HeLR #predict #query #using
Using Coherence-Based Measures to Predict Query Difficulty (JH, ML, MdR), pp. 689–694.
ECIRECIR-2008-McSherryN #information retrieval #performance
Computing Information Retrieval Performance Measures Efficiently in the Presence of Tied Scores (FM, MN), pp. 414–421.
ICMLICML-2008-SriperumbudurLL #classification #kernel
Metric embedding for kernel classification rules (BKS, OAL, GRGL), pp. 1008–1015.
ICMLICML-2008-WeinbergerS #distance #implementation #learning #performance
Fast solvers and efficient implementations for distance metric learning (KQW, LKS), pp. 1160–1167.
ICPRICPR-2008-Arevalillo-HerraezFD #image #learning #retrieval #similarity
Learning combined similarity measures from user data for image retrieval (MAH, FJF, JD), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-Chen #pattern matching #pattern recognition #performance #recognition
Stability as performance metric for subjective pattern recognition — application of Electoral College in face recognition (LC), pp. 1–5.
ICPRICPR-2008-GuZ #similarity
A similarity measure under Log-Euclidean metric for stereo matching (QG, JZ), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-HaindlM08a #benchmark #segmentation
Texture segmentation benchmark (MH, SM), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-HanburyS #evaluation #on the #segmentation
On segmentation evaluation metrics and region counts (AH, JS), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-JayS #3d #similarity
Applying similarity metrics to 3D acquisition in structured-light systems (GTJ, RS), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-JiaDQA #3d #estimation #using
Directionality measurement and illumination estimation of 3D surface textures by using mojette transform (PJ, JD, LQ, FA), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-LuFJW #classification #framework #learning #reduction #visualisation
Metric Learning: A general dimension reduction framework for classification and visualization (CL, GF, JJ, PSPW), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-Tanaka #multi
Multiscan-based map optimizer for RFID map-building with low-accuracy measurements (KT), pp. 1–4.
Generalized criteria for uniqueness of Gibbs measures (HZ, ZZ), pp. 1–4.
KDDKDD-2008-ChenW #classification #feature model #named #performance #problem
FAST: a roc-based feature selection metric for small samples and imbalanced data classification problems (XwC, MW), pp. 124–132.
KDDKDD-2008-DavisD #learning #problem
Structured metric learning for high dimensional problems (JVD, ISD), pp. 195–203.
KDDKDD-2008-MeloAL #behaviour #network #predict #question
Can complex network metrics predict the behavior of NBA teams? (POSVdM, VAFA, AAFL), pp. 695–703.
KDDKDD-2008-YenSMS #difference #product line
A family of dissimilarity measures between nodes generalizing both the shortest-path and the commute-time distances (LY, MS, AM, MS), pp. 785–793.
SEKESEKE-2008-Condori-FernandezP #modelling #towards
Towards a Theoretical Model for Evaluating the Acceptance of Model-driven Measurement Procedures (NCF, OP), pp. 22–25.
SEKESEKE-2008-MenckeKD #ontology #towards
Towards Metrics for Ontology Balance (SM, MK, RRD), pp. 918–922.
SIGIRSIGIR-2008-CarteretteB #evaluation
Evaluation measures for preference judgments (BC, PNB), pp. 685–686.
SIGIRSIGIR-2008-Diaz08b #bound #empirical #robust #similarity
Theoretical bounds on and empirical robustness of score regularization to different similarity measures (FDD), pp. 809–810.
SIGIRSIGIR-2008-HeMO #retrieval #using
Retrieval sensitivity under training using different measures (BH, CM, IO), pp. 67–74.
SIGIRSIGIR-2008-RavanaM #evaluation
Exploring evaluation metrics: GMAP versus MAP (SDR, AM), pp. 687–688.
SIGIRSIGIR-2008-Sakai #bias #robust
Comparing metrics across TREC and NTCIR: : the robustness to pool depth bias (TS), pp. 691–692.
SIGIRSIGIR-2008-XuLLLM #evaluation #learning #optimisation #rank
Directly optimizing evaluation measures in learning to rank (JX, TYL, ML, HL, WYM), pp. 107–114.
MODELSMoDELS-2008-GogollaKB #benchmark #ocl #performance
A Benchmark for OCL Engine Accuracy, Determinateness, and Efficiency (MG, MK, FB), pp. 446–459.
MODELSMoDELS-2008-MonperrusJCH #approach #modelling
A Model-Driven Measurement Approach (MM, JMJ, JC, BH), pp. 505–519.
MODELSMoDELS-2008-GogollaKB #benchmark #ocl #performance
A Benchmark for OCL Engine Accuracy, Determinateness, and Efficiency (MG, MK, FB), pp. 446–459.
MODELSMoDELS-2008-MonperrusJCH #approach #modelling
A Model-Driven Measurement Approach (MM, JMJ, JC, BH), pp. 505–519.
AdaEuropeAdaEurope-2008-KaiserPP #concurrent
Concurrent Program Metrics Drawn by Quasar (CK, CP, JFPP), pp. 101–114.
AdaSIGAda-2008-Safari-SharifabadiC #ada #comprehension #dynamic analysis #quality #source code
Dynamic analysis of Ada programs for comprehension and quality measurement (ESS, CC), pp. 15–38.
ICSEICSE-2008-MoserPS #analysis #comparative #fault #performance #predict
A comparative analysis of the efficiency of change metrics and static code attributes for defect prediction (RM, WP, GS), pp. 181–190.
SACSAC-2008-BuenoTT #algorithm #data access #effectiveness #optimisation
An algorithm for effective deletion and a new optimization technique for metric access methods (RB, AJMT, CTJ), pp. 1034–1035.
Pathological voice discrimination based on entropy measurements (SCC, SC, HF, NA, BGAN, JMF), pp. 1424–1425.
SACSAC-2008-FreireBF #approach #monitoring #web
An approach based on metrics for monitoring web accessibility in Brazilian municipalities web sites (APF, TJB, RPdMF), pp. 2421–2425.
SACSAC-2008-GarciaH #analysis #functional #using
Integrating functional metrics, COCOMO II and earned value analysis for software projects using PMBoK (CALG, CMH), pp. 820–825.
SACSAC-2008-MorimotoO #using #video
Eyelid measurements using digital video processing (CHM, TFdO), pp. 1369–1373.
SACSAC-2008-OsadaOKKK #diagrams #using
Proposing metrics of difficulty of domain knowledge using usecase diagrams (AO, DO, NK, HK, KK), pp. 624–629.
SACSAC-2008-ReynosoCGP #diagrams #ocl #statechart #uml #using
Formal definition of measures for UML statechart diagrams using OCL (LR, JACL, MG, MP), pp. 846–847.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2008-ErtveldeE #benchmark
Dispersing proprietary applications as benchmarks through code mutation (LVE, LE), pp. 201–210.
CASECASE-2008-MitaniH #analysis #symmetry #using
Analysis of contact between feeder surface and microparts based on measurements for microparts feeder using an asymmetric surface (AM, SH), pp. 720–725.
DACDAC-2008-JinC #benchmark #case study #performance #simulation #statistics #using
Improve simulation efficiency using statistical benchmark subsetting: an ImplantBench case study (ZJ, ACC), pp. 970–973.
DATEDATE-2008-BadstubnerV #design
Quantitative Productivity Measurement in IC Design (FB, AV), pp. 934–935.
Low-Noise Sigma-Delta Capacitance-to-Digital Converter for Sub-pF Capacitive Sensors with Integrated Dielectric Loss Measurement (MB, TL, WH, JH, SM, RD, MV), pp. 868–872.
DATEDATE-2008-PaulssonHB #integration #power management
Cost-and Power Optimized FPGA based System Integration: Methodologies and Integration of a Low-Power Capacity-based Measurement Application on Xilinx FPGAs (KP, MH, JB), pp. 50–55.
DATEDATE-2008-Rimolo-DonadioSGKR #analysis #optimisation
Analysis and Optimization of the Recessed Probe Launch for High Frequency Measurements of PCB Interconnects (RRD, CS, XG, YHK, MBR), pp. 252–255.
DATEDATE-2008-StrakaMBK #aspect-oriented #quality
Theoretical and Practical Aspects of IDDQ Settling-Impact on Measurement Timing and Quality (BS, HARM, JB, SK), pp. 1310–1315.
DATEDATE-2008-Young #design
Capturing and Analyzing IC Design Productivity Metrics (JY), pp. 936–937.
DATEDATE-2008-ZhouPB #analysis #generative #modelling #using
Harvesting Wasted Heat in a Microprocessor Using Thermoelectric Generators: Modeling, Analysis and Measurement (YZ, SP, SB), pp. 98–103.
OSDIOSDI-2008-JainMKYDZ #consistency #monitoring #network #scalability
Network Imprecision: A New Consistency Metric for Scalable Monitoring (NJ, PM, DK, PY, MD, YZ), pp. 87–102.
STOCSTOC-2008-KleinbergSU #multi
Multi-armed bandits in metric spaces (RK, AS, EU), pp. 681–690.
STOCSTOC-2008-ManokaranNRS #multi
Sdp gaps and ugc hardness for multiway cut, 0-extension, and metric labeling (RM, JN, PR, RS), pp. 11–20.
CAVCAV-2008-HolzerSTV #dynamic analysis #generative #named #testing
FShell: Systematic Test Case Generation for Dynamic Analysis and Measurement (AH, CS, MT, HV), pp. 209–213.
ICSTICST-2008-McQuillanP #alloy #analysis #metamodelling #object-oriented #using
A Metamodel for the Measurement of Object-Oriented Systems: An Analysis using Alloy (JAM, JFP), pp. 288–297.
ICSTICST-2008-WareWS #predict #using
The Use of Intra-Release Product Measures in Predicting Release Readiness (MPW, FGW, MS), pp. 230–237.
ISSTAISSTA-2008-BuseW #readability
A metric for software readability (RPLB, WW), pp. 121–130.
ISSTAISSTA-2008-LinckeLL #tool support
Comparing software metrics tools (RL, JL, WL), pp. 131–142.
ECSAECSA-2007-SantAnnaFGL #architecture #composition #framework #on the
On the Modularity of Software Architectures: A Concern-Driven Measurement Framework (CS, EF, AFG, CJPdL), pp. 207–224.
ICDARICDAR-2007-Silva #analysis #documentation #performance
New Metrics for Evaluating Performance in Document Analysis Tasks_Application to the Table Case (ACeS), pp. 481–485.
JCDLJCDL-2007-ShimboIM #analysis #evaluation #kernel #recommendation #research
Evaluation of kernel-based link analysis measures on research paper recommendation (MS, TI, YM), pp. 354–355.
JCDLJCDL-2007-YanL #community #database #ranking #research #towards
Toward alternative measures for ranking venues: a case of database research community (SY, DL), pp. 235–244.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2007-ChandelHKSS #approximate #benchmark #declarative
Benchmarking declarative approximate selection predicates (AC, OH, NK, MS, DS), pp. 353–364.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2007-NicolaKS #benchmark #transaction #xml
An XML transaction processing benchmark (MN, IK, BS), pp. 937–948.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2007-RivoireSRK #benchmark #energy #named
JouleSort: a balanced energy-efficiency benchmark (SR, MAS, PR, CK), pp. 365–376.
VLDBVLDB-2007-AraiDGK #algorithm
Anytime Measures for Top-k Algorithms (BA, GD, DG, NK), pp. 914–925.
VLDBVLDB-2007-DoulkeridisVKV #peer-to-peer #similarity
Peer-to-Peer Similarity Search in Metric Spaces (CD, AV, YK, MV), pp. 986–997.
VLDBVLDB-2007-DuchateauBH #benchmark #named #tool support #xml
XBenchMatch: a Benchmark for XML Schema Matching Tools (FD, ZB, EH), pp. 1318–1321.
CSMRCSMR-2007-BeszedesGFGF #evolution
The Dynamic Function Coupling Metric and Its Use in Software Evolution (ÁB, TG, SF, TG, FF), pp. 103–112.
ICPCICPC-2007-NaeemBH #effectiveness #obfuscation
Metrics for Measuring the Effectiveness of Decompilers and Obfuscators (NAN, MB, LJH), pp. 253–258.
ICPCICPC-2007-Vivanco #algorithm #complexity #identification #modelling #predict #search-based #source code #using
Use of a Genetic Algorithm to Identify Source Code Metrics Which Improves Cognitive Complexity Predictive Models (RAV), pp. 297–300.
ICSMEICSM-2007-Anda #maintenance #using
Assessing Software System Maintainability using Structural Measures and Expert Assessments (BA), pp. 204–213.
SCAMSCAM-2007-Krinke #visualisation
Statement-Level Cohesion Metrics and their Visualization (JK), pp. 37–48.
SCAMSCAM-2007-RodenVEM #agile #empirical #modelling #process #quality #using
An Empirical Study of the Relationship of Stability Metrics and the QMOOD Quality Models Over Software Developed Using Highly Iterative or Agile Software Processes (PLR, SV, LHE, SLM), pp. 171–179.
ICALPICALP-2007-CaryRS #finite
Paper Retraction: On the Hardness of Embeddings Between Two Finite Metrics (MC, AR, AS), p. 949.
SEFMSEFM-2007-RungtaM #benchmark #model checking
Hardness for Explicit State Software Model Checking Benchmarks (NR, EGM), pp. 247–256.
CHICHI-2007-HornbaekL #correlation #usability
Meta-analysis of correlations among usability measures (KH, ELCL), pp. 617–626.
HCIDHM-2007-BeauregardC #concept #experience #framework #quality #user interface
User Experience Quality: A Conceptual Framework for Goal Setting and Measurement (RB, PC), pp. 325–332.
HCIDHM-2007-VolzBHK #automation #generative #linear #using
Automatic, Body Measurements Based Generation of Individual Avatars Using Highly Adjustable Linear Transformation (AV, RB, SH, KK), pp. 453–459.
HCIHCI-AS-2007-PadronDA #effectiveness #evaluation #framework #towards
Towards an Effective Evaluation Framework for IMS LD-Based Didactic Materials: Criteria and Measures (CLP, PD, IA), pp. 312–321.
Relevance Measurement on Chinese Search Results (HQ, PLPR), pp. 981–988.
HCIHCI-AS-2007-Tsuchiya #fault #order
Medication Errors Caused by Order Entry System and Prevention Measures (FT), pp. 535–543.
HCIHCI-IDU-2007-YinC #analysis #automation #speech #towards
Towards Automatic Cognitive Load Measurement from Speech Analysis (BY, FC), pp. 1011–1020.
HCIHCI-IDU-2007-YoonY #design #development #process #user interface
Development of Quantitative Metrics to Support UI Designer Decision-Making in the Design Process (YSY, WCY), pp. 316–324.
HCIHCI-MIE-2007-FreardJBPB #interactive #multimodal
Subjective Measurement of Workload Related to a Multimodal Interaction Task: NASA-TLX vs. Workload Profile (DF, EJ, OLB, GP, VB), pp. 60–69.
HCIHCI-MIE-2007-ZhouZ #eye tracking
Impact of Mental Rotation Strategy on Absolute Direction Judgments: Supplementing Conventional Measures with Eye Movement Data (RZ, KZ), pp. 789–798.
HCIHIMI-IIE-2007-LinWH #modelling #web
Evaluating Measurement Models for Web Purchasing Intention (BYL, PJW, CIH), pp. 740–748.
HCIHIMI-IIE-2007-WakitaAT #mobile #prototype #using
Methodology for Constructing a Prototype Site for Finding Employment SPI Measures Using Mobile Phones (SW, MA, TT), pp. 983–993.
HCIHIMI-MTT-2007-NakayasuNH #analysis #communication #performance
Measurement and Analysis of Performance of Human Perception for Information Communication Technology (HN, MN, HH), pp. 126–135.
EDOCEDOC-2007-Kerschbaum #benchmark #enterprise #privacy
Building a Privacy-Preserving Benchmarking Enterprise System (FK), pp. 87–96.
ICEISICEIS-AIDSS-2007-DanielsC #benchmark #case study #contest #generative #modelling #performance
Explanation Generation in Business Performance Models — With a Case Study in Competition Benchmarking (HD, EC), pp. 119–128.
ICEISICEIS-EIS-2007-KorherrL #performance #process
Extending the EPC and the BPMN with Business Process Goals and Performance Measures (BK, BL), pp. 287–294.
ICEISICEIS-EIS-2007-VacaS #approach #modelling #quality
GIS Quality Model — A Metric Approach to Quality Models (WS, APRS), pp. 176–183.
ICEISICEIS-HCI-2007-BimonteTMF #visualisation
Supporting Geographical Measures through a New Visualization Metaphor in Spatial OLAP (SB, AT, SDM, FF), pp. 19–26.
CIKMCIKM-2007-FanizzidE #clustering #concept #induction #knowledge base #random #semantics
Randomized metric induction and evolutionary conceptual clustering for semantic knowledge bases (NF, Cd, FE), pp. 51–60.
CIKMCIKM-2007-SongZYZD #distance #estimation #learning #ranking
Ranking with semi-supervised distance metric learning and its application to housing potential estimation (YS, BZ, WJY, CZ, JD), pp. 975–978.
ECIRECIR-2007-MetzlerDM #similarity
Similarity Measures for Short Segments of Text (DM, STD, CM), pp. 16–27.
ECIRECIR-2007-ShahE #detection #documentation #representation #topic #using
Use of Topicality and Information Measures to Improve Document Representation for Story Link Detection (CS, KE), pp. 393–404.
ICMLICML-2007-DavisKJSD #learning
Information-theoretic metric learning (JVD, BK, PJ, SS, ISD), pp. 209–216.
ICMLICML-2007-LiYW #distance #framework #learning #reduction
A transductive framework of distance metric learning by spectral dimensionality reduction (FL, JY, JW), pp. 513–520.
ICMLICML-2007-SunKR #fault #robust
Robust mixtures in the presence of measurement errors (JS, AK, SR), pp. 847–854.
ICMLICML-2007-WangZQ #learning #towards
Dirichlet aggregation: unsupervised learning towards an optimal metric for proportional data (HYW, HZ, HQ), pp. 959–966.
ICMLICML-2007-ZhangXSGL #classification
Optimal dimensionality of metric space for classification (WZ, XX, ZS, YFG, HL), pp. 1135–1142.
KDDKDD-2007-ChenZYL #adaptation #clustering #distance #learning
Nonlinear adaptive distance metric learning for clustering (JC, ZZ, JY, HL), pp. 123–132.
KDDKDD-2007-CulottaWHMM #adaptation #database #similarity #using
Canonicalization of database records using adaptive similarity measures (AC, MLW, RH, MM, AM), pp. 201–209.
MLDMMLDM-2007-FranceC #development #evaluation #reduction
Development of an Agreement Metric Based Upon the RAND Index for the Evaluation of Dimensionality Reduction Techniques, with Applications to Mapping Customer Data (SLF, JDC), pp. 499–517.
A Unified View of Objective Interestingness Measures (CH, BC), pp. 533–547.
RecSysRecSys-2007-LathiaHC #collaboration #distributed #using
Private distributed collaborative filtering using estimated concordance measures (NL, SH, LC), pp. 1–8.
SEKESEKE-2007-ArbuckleBPL #comparison #documentation
Software Documents: Comparison and Measurement (TA, AB, DKP, ML), p. 740–?.
SEKESEKE-2007-Condori-FernandezP #evaluation #functional
Analyzing the Applicability of a Theoretical Model in the Evaluation of Functional Size Measurement Procedures (NCF, OP), pp. 736–739.
SEKESEKE-2007-Garcia-CastroGS #benchmark #ontology #rdf #tool support
Benchmarking the RDF(S) Interoperability of Ontology Tools (RGC, AGP, YS), pp. 410–415.
SEKESEKE-2007-OteroIMGDQLFL #design #evaluation #interactive #quality
Metrics of Credibility and Interaction Quality: Design and Evaluation (NMPO, CMPI, SAM, AG, MdPGD, VEQ, HPL, BF, CML), pp. 87–92.
SIGIRSIGIR-2007-Al-Maskari #effectiveness #how #information retrieval #interactive #question
Beyond classical measures: how to evaluate the effectiveness of interactive information retrieval system? (AAM), p. 915.
SIGIRSIGIR-2007-Al-MaskariSC #effectiveness #information retrieval #user satisfaction
The relationship between IR effectiveness measures and user satisfaction (AAM, MS, PDC), pp. 773–774.
SIGIRSIGIR-2007-BompadaCCKS #on the #robust
On the robustness of relevance measures with incomplete judgments (TB, CCC, JC, RK, RS), pp. 359–366.
SIGIRSIGIR-2007-KneesPSW #music #similarity
A music search engine built upon audio-based and web-based similarity measures (PK, TP, MS, GW), pp. 447–454.
SIGIRSIGIR-2007-TaoZ #information retrieval #proximity
An exploration of proximity measures in information retrieval (TT, CZ), pp. 295–302.
MODELSMoDELS-2007-AbrahaoMGI #automation #design #modelling #validation #web
A Model-Driven Measurement Procedure for Sizing Web Applications: Design, Automation and Validation (SMA, EM, JG, EI), pp. 467–481.
MODELSMoDELS-2007-AbrahaoMGI #automation #design #modelling #validation #web
A Model-Driven Measurement Procedure for Sizing Web Applications: Design, Automation and Validation (SMA, EM, JG, EI), pp. 467–481.
ASEASE-2007-DallmeierZ #benchmark #debugging #locality
Extraction of bug localization benchmarks from history (VD, TZ), pp. 433–436.
ASEASE-2007-KuHCL #benchmark #model checking
A buffer overflow benchmark for software model checkers (KK, TEH, MC, DL), pp. 389–392.
ICSEICSE-2007-DammL #detection #fault #implementation
Company-Wide Implementation of Metrics for Early Software Fault Detection (LOD, LL), pp. 560–570.
SACSAC-2007-BaiocoTT #cost analysis #effectiveness #query #similarity
An effective cost model for similarity queries in metric spaces (GBB, AJMT, CTJ), pp. 527–528.
SACSAC-2007-ChanW #modelling
Outlier elimination in construction of software metric models (VKYC, WEW), pp. 1484–1488.
SACSAC-2007-KorherrL #performance
Extending the EPC with performance measures (BK, BL), pp. 1265–1266.
SACSAC-2007-LimaSC #estimation #multi #network
Enhancing QoS metrics estimation in multiclass networks (SRL, PNMdS, PC), pp. 227–231.
SACSAC-2007-LiYAZ #network
Finding hierarchical heavy hitters in network measurement system (YL, JY, CA, HZ), pp. 232–236.
CASECASE-2007-FontanelliRS #algorithm #locality #performance #using
A Fast RANSAC-Based Registration Algorithm for Accurate Localization in Unknown Environments using LIDAR Measurements (DF, LR, SS), pp. 597–602.
CASECASE-2007-KimLSSZ #approach #biology #performance #using
Iterative Control Approach to High-Speed Force-Distance Curve Measurement Using AFM for Biological Applications (KSK, ZL, PS, SS, QZ), pp. 219–224.
CASECASE-2007-KimLSSZ07a #approach #biology #performance #using
Iterative Control Approach to High-Speed Force-Distance Curve Measurement Using AFM for Biological Applications (KSK, ZL, PS, SS, QZ), p. 91–?.
CASECASE-2007-KratochvilDZN #automation
Automatic Nanorobotic Characterization of Anomalously Rolled-up SiGe/Si Helical Nanobelts through Vision-based Force Measurement (BK, LD, LZ, BJN), pp. 57–62.
CASECASE-2007-MolterMZHBLM #algorithm
Algorithm Advancements for the Measurement of Single Cell Oxygen Consumption Rates (TWM, SM, MZ, MH, LWB, MEL, DRM), pp. 386–391.
CASECASE-2007-YamamotoFI #3d #multi #performance #using
A High-Speed 3D Shape Measurement System Using a Multi-Sided Mirror (KY, HF, II), pp. 823–828.
CASECASE-2007-YeMY #2d #identification
Information Measures for Biometric Identification via 2D Discrete Wavelet Transform (ZY, HM, YY), pp. 835–840.
DACDAC-2007-AksoyCFM #optimisation #using
Optimization of Area in Digital FIR Filters using Gate-Level Metrics (LA, EACdC, PFF, JCM), pp. 420–423.
DACDAC-2007-KangKIAR #estimation #online #reliability #using
Characterization and Estimation of Circuit Reliability Degradation under NBTI using On-Line IDDQ Measurement (KK, KK, AEI, MAA, KR), pp. 358–363.
DACDAC-2007-KillpackKC #feedback
Silicon Speedpath Measurement and Feedback into EDA flows (KK, CVK, EC), pp. 390–395.
DACDAC-2007-Nagata #design
On-Chip Measurements Complementary to Design Flow for Integrity in SoCs (MN), pp. 400–403.
DATEDATE-2007-FengZTC #design #fault #validation
Clock domain crossing fault model and coverage metric for validation of SoC design (YF, ZZ, DT, XC), pp. 1385–1390.
DATEDATE-2007-TongbongMC #evaluation #interactive #multi #statistics #testing #using
Interactive presentation: Evaluation of test measures for LNA production testing using a multinormal statistical model (JT, SM, JLC), pp. 731–736.
HPDCHPDC-2007-VuGLN #multi #scalability #streaming
Measurement of a large-scale overlay for multimedia streaming (LV, IG, JL, KN), pp. 241–242.
FASEFASE-2007-Lopez-HerrejonA #case study #source code
Measuring and Characterizing Crosscutting in Aspect-Based Programs: Basic Metrics and Case Studies (RELH, SA), pp. 423–437.
Local embeddings of metric spaces (IA, YB, ON), pp. 631–640.
STOCSTOC-2007-EnglertRW #order
Reordering buffers for general metric spaces (ME, HR, MW), pp. 556–564.
LICSLICS-2007-AlfaroMRS #game studies
Game Relations and Metrics (LdA, RM, VR, MS), pp. 99–108.
JCDLJCDL-2006-MannMM #analysis #topic
Bibliometric impact measures leveraging topic analysis (GSM, DMM, AM), pp. 65–74.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2006-AchtertBKKPR #nearest neighbour #performance
Efficient reverse k-nearest neighbor search in arbitrary metric spaces (EA, CB, PK, PK, AP, MR), pp. 515–526.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2006-KoudasSS #algorithm #similarity
Record linkage: similarity measures and algorithms (NK, SS, DS), pp. 802–803.
VLDBVLDB-2006-0003RBCY #set
Composite Subset Measures (LC, RR, PB, BCC, VY), pp. 403–414.
VLDBVLDB-2006-AfanasievFMZ #benchmark #framework #named #platform #xquery
XCheck: A Platform for Benchmarking XQuery Engines (LA, MF, MM, EZ), pp. 1247–1250.
VLDBVLDB-2006-KeoghWXLV #distance
LB_Keogh Supports Exact Indexing of Shapes under Rotation Invariance with Arbitrary Representations and Distance Measures (EJK, LW, XX, SHL, MV), pp. 882–893.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2006-ChenWHL #algorithm #benchmark #design #problem
Design and applications of an algorithm benchmark system in a computational problem solving environment (MYC, JDW, JHH, DTL), pp. 123–127.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2006-CostaTBS #quality #sequence
Reconstructed high frame rate sequences quality measurement tool (MIC, CT, JB, SFSPS), p. 333.
CSMRCSMR-2006-HerraizRG #analysis #comparison #evolution
Comparison between SLOCs and number of files as size metrics for software evolution analysis (IH, GR, JMGB), pp. 206–213.
CSMRCSMR-2006-JoshiJ #refactoring
Microscopic Coupling Metrics for Refactoring (PJ, RKJ), pp. 145–152.
CSMRCSMR-2006-MarchantTT #case study #industrial #legacy #requirements
A Metric of Confidence in Requirements Gathered from Legacy Systems: Two Industrial Case Studies (JM, CT, MT), pp. 355–361.
ICPCICPC-2006-ZaidmanBD #comprehension #how #mining
How Webmining and Coupling Metrics Improve Early Program Comprehension (AZ, BDB, SD), pp. 74–78.
ICSMEICSM-2006-NeedhamJ #fault
A Software Fault Tree Metric (DN, SJ), pp. 401–410.
ICSMEICSM-2006-PoshyvanykM #concept #object-oriented
The Conceptual Coupling Metrics for Object-Oriented Systems (DP, AM), pp. 469–478.
MSRMSR-2006-GuiS #component #evaluation #reuse #usability
Coupling and cohesion measures for evaluation of component reusability (GG, PDS), pp. 18–21.
SCAMSCAM-2006-PanKW #classification #debugging #slicing #using
Bug Classification Using Program Slicing Metrics (KP, SK, EJWJ), pp. 31–42.
ICALPICALP-v1-2006-BordewichDK #approximate
Stopping Times, Metrics and Approximate Counting (MB, MED, MK), pp. 108–119.
CHICHI-2006-GongT #evaluation #fault
A new error metric for text entry method evaluation (JG, PT), pp. 471–474.
ICEISICEIS-AIDSS-2006-BiesalskiA #enterprise #information management #similarity
Similarity Measures for Skill-Profile Matching in Enterprise Knowledge Management (EB, AA), pp. 11–16.
ICEISICEIS-AIDSS-2006-HuynhGB #clustering
Discovering the Stable Clusters between Interestingness Measures (HXH, FG, HB), pp. 196–201.
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2006-Ifinedo #enterprise #resource management
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems Success Measurement: An Extended Model (PI), pp. 71–78.
Inclusion of Time-Varying Measures in Temporal Data Warehouses (EM, EZ), pp. 181–186.
ICEISICEIS-J-2006-BiesalskiA06a #similarity
Skill-Profile Matching with Similarity Measures (EB, AA), pp. 210–218.
CIKMCIKM-2006-AchtertBKKPR #approximate #nearest neighbour #query
Approximate reverse k-nearest neighbor queries in general metric spaces (EA, CB, PK, PK, AP, MR), pp. 788–789.
CIKMCIKM-2006-AhlgrenG #case study #comparative #evaluation #retrieval
Retrieval evaluation with incomplete relevance data: a comparative study of three measures (PA, LG), pp. 872–873.
ECIRECIR-2006-DemartiniM #classification #effectiveness #information retrieval
A Classification of IR Effectiveness Metrics (GD, SM), pp. 488–491.
ICMLICML-2006-RavikumarL #estimation #markov #polynomial #programming #random
Quadratic programming relaxations for metric labeling and Markov random field MAP estimation (PDR, JDL), pp. 737–744.
ICMLICML-2006-SilvaS #learning #modelling
Bayesian learning of measurement and structural models (RBdAeS, RS), pp. 825–832.
ICPRICPR-v1-2006-LiYW #symmetry
Fingerprint Indexing Based On Symmetrical Measurement (JL, WYY, HW), pp. 1038–1041.
ICPRICPR-v1-2006-ParkAB #detection #performance
Efficient Measurement of Eye Blinking under Various Illumination Conditions for Drowsiness Detection Systems (IP, JHA, HB), pp. 383–386.
ICPRICPR-v1-2006-SmithL #design #visual notation
Measurement Function Design for Visual Tracking Applications (AWBS, BCL), pp. 789–792.
ICPRICPR-v2-2006-CamastraSV #algorithm #benchmark #challenge #machine learning #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition
Offline Cursive Character Challenge: a New Benchmark for Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition Algorithms. (FC, MS, AV), pp. 913–916.
ICPRICPR-v2-2006-junling #distance #multi #recognition #standard
Multi-order Standard Deviation Based Distance Metrics and its Application in Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition (Rj), pp. 1114–1117.
ICPRICPR-v2-2006-ZhengZ #2d #3d #framework #similarity
A Unifying MAP-MRF Framework for Deriving New Point Similarity Measures for Intensity-based 2D-3D Registration (GZ, XZ), pp. 1181–1185.
ICPRICPR-v3-2006-JaberAM #analysis #approach #information retrieval #novel
A Novel Approach for Lexical Noise Analysis and Measurement in Intelligent Information Retrieval (TJ, AA, PM), pp. 370–373.
ICPRICPR-v3-2006-KarlssonE #benchmark
A Ground Truth Correspondence Measure for Benchmarking (JK, AE), pp. 568–573.
ICPRICPR-v3-2006-SakaiA #detection #using
Human and Object Detection in Smoke-filled Space using Millimeter-wave radar based Measurement System (MS, YA), p. 750.
ICPRICPR-v3-2006-Wang06c #online
Online Aggregate Particle Size Measurement on A Conveyor Belt (WW), pp. 1032–1035.
ICPRICPR-v3-2006-ZhangHT #clustering #comparison #similarity
Comparison of Similarity Measures for Trajectory Clustering in Outdoor Surveillance Scenes (ZZ, KH, TT), pp. 1135–1138.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-LuC06a #3d #analysis #using
Practical 3-D Shape Measurement Using Optimal Intensity-Modulated Projection and Intensity-Phase Analysis Techniques (CL, GC), pp. 870–873.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-PhamS #approximate #classification #clustering #performance
Metric tree partitioning and Taylor approximation for fast support vector classification (TVP, AWMS), pp. 132–135.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-SekoYSMK #pointer
Proposal of recordable pointer: Pointed position measurement by projecting interference concentric circle pattern with a pointing device (YS, YY, YS, JM, HK), pp. 825–828.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-UranishiNYIMC #using
Whole Shape Measurement System Using a Single Camera and a Cylindrical Mirror (YU, MN, YY, MI, YM, KC), pp. 866–869.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-Wang06d #classification #process #profiling
From Blob Metrics to Posture Classification to Activity Profiling (LW0), pp. 736–739.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-YamauchiS #3d #image #multi
3D Human Body Measurement by Multiple Range Images (KY, YS), pp. 833–836.
KDDKDD-2006-RosalesF #learning #linear #programming
Learning sparse metrics via linear programming (RR, GF), pp. 367–373.
KDDKDD-2006-TaoXZ #database #mining #scalability
Mining distance-based outliers from large databases in any metric space (YT, XX, SZ), pp. 394–403.
KDDKDD-2006-XiongWC #clustering #perspective #validation
K-means clustering versus validation measures: a data distribution perspective (HX, JW, JC), pp. 779–784.
SEKESEKE-2006-ChangLK #architecture #product line
Key Issues and Metrics for Evaluating Product Line Architectures (SHC, HJL, SDK), pp. 212–219.
SEKESEKE-2006-KhoshgoftaarH #case study #multi
Multiple Imputation of Software Measurement Data: A Case Study (TMK, JVH), pp. 220–226.
Polishing Noise in Continuous Software Measurement Data (TMK, CS, JVH), pp. 227–231.
SIGIRSIGIR-2006-BlankeL #benchmark #retrieval #xml
Theoretical benchmarks of XML retrieval (TB, ML), pp. 613–614.
SIGIRSIGIR-2006-LiuO #effectiveness #retrieval #speech
One-sided measures for evaluating ranked retrieval effectiveness with spontaneous conversational speech (BL, DWO), pp. 673–674.
SIGIRSIGIR-2006-Sakai #evaluation
Evaluating evaluation metrics based on the bootstrap (TS), pp. 525–532.
SIGIRSIGIR-2006-Tomlinson #feedback #precise
Early precision measures: implications from the downside of blind feedback (ST), pp. 705–706.
SIGIRSIGIR-2006-TurpinS #performance #precise
User performance versus precision measures for simple search tasks (AT, FS), pp. 11–18.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2006-BlackburnGHKMBDFFGHHJLMPSVDW #analysis #benchmark #development #java
The DaCapo benchmarks: java benchmarking development and analysis (SMB, RG, CH, AMK, KSM, RB, AD, DF, DF, SZG, MH, ALH, MJ, HBL, JEBM, AP, DS, TV, DvD, BW), pp. 169–190.
QAPLQAPL-2005-BinderH06 #bytecode #cpu #using
Using Bytecode Instruction Counting as Portable CPU Consumption Metric (WB, JH), pp. 57–77.
Metrics for Action-labelled Quantitative Transition Systems (YD, TC, CP, JP), pp. 79–96.
QAPLQAPL-2006-AldiniB #component #performance #specification
Component-Oriented Specification of Performance Measures (AA, MB), pp. 27–43.
AdaSIGAda-2006-ShindiC #benchmark #performance
Evaluate the performance changes of processor simulator benchmarks When context switches are incorporated (RSS, SC), pp. 9–14.
ASEASE-2006-Rajan #black box #testing
Coverage Metrics to Measure Adequacy of Black-Box Test Suites (AR), pp. 335–338.
ICSEICSE-2006-BerenbachB #development #modelling #requirements
Metrics for model driven requirements development (BB, GB), pp. 445–451.
ICSEICSE-2006-NagappanBZ #component #mining #predict
Mining metrics to predict component failures (NN, TB, AZ), pp. 452–461.
SACSAC-2006-AguilarRGP #evaluation #modelling #process
Evaluation measures for business process models (ERA, FR, FG, MP), pp. 1567–1568.
SACSAC-2006-BaillieAC #evaluation #quality
An evaluation of resource description quality measures (MB, LA, FC), pp. 1110–1111.
SACSAC-2006-CombarroMRD #categorisation #feature model
Angular measures for feature selection in text categorization (EFC, EM, JR, ID), pp. 826–830.
SACSAC-2006-IfinedoN #enterprise #resource management
Prioritization of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems success measures: viewpoints of two organizational stakeholder groups (PI, NN), pp. 1554–1560.
SACSAC-2006-MontanesCRD #categorisation #feature model #linear
Finding optimal linear measures for feature selection in text categorization (EM, EFC, JR, ID), pp. 861–862.
SACSAC-2006-PhanTB #benchmark #mobile #performance #protocol
A benchmark on soap’s transport protocols performance for mobile applications (TKAP, ZT, PB), pp. 1139–1144.
SACSAC-2006-WengMG #collaboration #trust
Improving collaborative filtering with trust-based metrics (JW, CM, AG), pp. 1860–1864.
SACSAC-2006-WongZC #modelling #statistics
Applying statistical methodology to optimize and simplify software metric models with missing data (WEW, JZ, VKYC), pp. 1728–1733.
GPCEGPCE-2006-BinderH #bytecode #flexibility #performance
Flexible and efficient measurement of dynamic bytecode metrics (WB, JH), pp. 171–180.
CASECASE-2006-WangWJ #research #visual notation
Research on Imaging Model of a Mechanism’s Aiming Control Based on Visual Measurement (XW, JW, ZJ), pp. 606–610.
DACDAC-2006-GopalakrishnanLP #architecture #using
Architecture-aware FPGA placement using metric embedding (PG, XL, LTP), pp. 460–465.
DATEDATE-2006-Harris #process #validation
A coverage metric for the validation of interacting processes (IGH), pp. 1019–1024.
DATEDATE-2006-JerinicLHM #functional #verification
New methods and coverage metrics for functional verification (VJ, JL, UH, DM), pp. 1025–1030.
PDPPDP-2006-TsilikasF #benchmark #matrix #multi
Comparing Commodity SMP System Software with a Matrix Multiplication Benchmark (GT, MF), pp. 149–152.
FASEFASE-2006-RobbyDK #design #flexibility #predict #using
Using Design Metrics for Predicting System Flexibility (R, SAD, VAK), pp. 184–198.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2006-OuaknineW #logic #on the #turing machine
On Metric Temporal Logic and Faulty Turing Machines (JO, JW), pp. 217–230.
STOCSTOC-2006-AbrahamBN #roadmap
Advances in metric embedding theory (IA, YB, ON), pp. 271–286.
STOCSTOC-2006-KarloffKMR #distance #on the
On earthmover distance, metric labeling, and 0-extension (HJK, SK, AM, YR), pp. 547–556.
STOCSTOC-2006-PanagiotouS #on the #performance
On adequate performance measures for paging (KP, AS), pp. 487–496.
TACASTACAS-2006-OuaknineW #decidability #logic #safety
Safety Metric Temporal Logic Is Fully Decidable (JO, JW), pp. 411–425.
TACASTACAS-2006-SiminiceanuC #diagrams
New Metrics for Static Variable Ordering in Decision Diagrams (RS, GC), pp. 90–104.
ISSTAISSTA-2006-WhalenRHM #testing
Coverage metrics for requirements-based testing (MWW, AR, MPEH, SPM), pp. 25–36.
ICSTSAT-2006-Gelder #proving
Preliminary Report on Input Cover Number as a Metric for Propositional Resolution Proofs (AVG), pp. 48–53.
WICSAWICSA-2005-ZhuLGB #benchmark #generative #using
Customized Benchmark Generation Using MDA (LZ, YL, IG, NBB), pp. 35–44.
ICDARICDAR-2005-ChaYT #on the #recognition #similarity
On Binary Similarity Measures for Handwritten Character Recognition (SHC, SY, CCT), pp. 4–8.
ICDARICDAR-2005-KieningerD #approach #benchmark #recognition #towards
An Approach towards Benchmarking of Table Structure Recognition Results (TK, AD), pp. 1232–1236.
Automatical Definition of Measures from the Combination of Shape Descriptors (JPS, LW, ST), pp. 986–990.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2005-ConsensBTM #benchmark #recommendation
Goals and Benchmarks for Autonomic Configuration Recommenders (MPC, DB, AMT, LM), pp. 239–250.
VLDBVLDB-2005-ErcegovacDR #benchmark #performance #query #relational
The TEXTURE Benchmark: Measuring Performance of Text Queries on a Relational DBMS (VE, DJD, RR), pp. 313–324.
One-Pass Wavelet Synopses for Maximum-Error Metrics (PK, NM), pp. 421–432.
ICSMEICSM-2005-HayesZ #analysis #evolution #maintenance #predict
Maintainability Prediction: A Regression Analysis of Measures of Evolving Systems (JHH, LZ), pp. 601–604.
ICSMEICSM-2005-Marinescu #design #object-oriented #quality
Measurement and Quality in Object-Oriented Design (RM), pp. 701–704.
ICSMEICSM-2005-Sorkowitz #maintenance #testing #using
Using Metrics to Improve Maintenance Testing (AS), p. 725.
ICALPICALP-2005-CaryRS #finite #on the
On the Hardness of Embeddings Between Two Finite Metrics (MC, AR, AS), pp. 1412–1423.
CHICHI-2005-SauroK #standard #usability
A method to standardize usability metrics into a single score (JS, EK), pp. 401–409.
SOFTVISSOFTVIS-2005-BalzerDL #visualisation
Voronoi treemaps for the visualization of software metrics (MB, OD, CL), pp. 165–172.
SOFTVISSOFTVIS-2005-PinzgerGFL #evolution #multi #visualisation
Visualizing multiple evolution metrics (MP, HCG, MF, ML), pp. 67–75.
VISSOFTVISSOFT-2005-HoltenVW #visual notation #visualisation
Visual Realism for the Visualization of Software Metrics (DH, RV, JJvW), pp. 27–32.
VISSOFTVISSOFT-2005-TermeerLTC #architecture #visual notation
Visual Exploration of Combined Architectural and Metric Information (MT, CFJL, ACT, MRVC), pp. 21–26.
VISSOFTVISSOFT-2005-WilhelmD #design #named #quality #visualisation
DependencyViewer — A Tool for Visualizing Package Design Quality Metrics (MW, SD), pp. 125–126.
CAiSECAiSE-2005-ChenC #information management #perspective
Measurement Practices for Knowledge Management: An Option Perspective (APC, MYC), pp. 387–399.
CAiSECAiSE-2005-EtienR #generative #process
A Process for Generating Fitness Measures (AE, CR), pp. 277–292.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2005-BaroniCPA #database
A Formal Definition for Object-Relational Database Metrics (ALB, CC, MP, FBeA), pp. 334–339.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2005-DraganG #benchmark #xml
Benchmarking an XML Mediator (FD, GG), pp. 191–196.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2005-HuynhGB #clustering
Clustering Interestingness Measures with Positive Correaltion (HXH, FG, HB), pp. 248–253.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2005-KrauthMPS #performance
Performance Measurement and Control in Logistics Service Providing (EK, HM, VP, MCS), pp. 239–247.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2005-MenkhausA #analysis #embedded
Metric Suite Directing the Failure Mode Analysis of Embedded Software Systems (GM, BA), pp. 266–273.
ICEISICEIS-v5-2005-BadjioP #data mining #mining #quality #tool support #visual notation
Visual Data Mining Tools: Quality Metrics Definition and Application (EPFB, FP), pp. 98–103.
CIKMCIKM-2005-MetzlerBCMZ #data flow #similarity
Similarity measures for tracking information flow (DM, YB, WBC, AM, JZ), pp. 517–524.
ECIRECIR-2005-HowarthR #distance #image #retrieval
Fractional Distance Measures for Content-Based Image Retrieval (PH, SMR), pp. 447–456.
ECIRECIR-2005-SkopalM #data access #performance
Modified LSI Model for Efficient Search by Metric Access Methods (TS, PM), pp. 245–259.
ICMLICML-2005-Joachims #multi #performance
A support vector method for multivariate performance measures (TJ), pp. 377–384.
ICMLICML-2005-SajamaO #distance
Estimating and computing density based distance metrics (S, AO), pp. 760–767.
ICMLICML-2005-ZhouLZ #clustering #distance
A new Mallows distance based metric for comparing clusterings (DZ, JL, HZ), pp. 1028–1035.
KDDKDD-2005-NasraouiCR #mining #retrieval #similarity #using #web
Using retrieval measures to assess similarity in mining dynamic web clickstreams (ON, CC, CR), pp. 439–448.
KDDKDD-2005-SpertusSB #network #scalability #similarity #social
Evaluating similarity measures: a large-scale study in the orkut social network (ES, MS, OB), pp. 678–684.
MLDMMLDM-2005-SilvaJNP #geometry #learning #using
Diagnosis of Lung Nodule Using Reinforcement Learning and Geometric Measures (ACS, VRdSJ, AdAN, ACdP), pp. 295–304.
SIGIRSIGIR-2005-AslamYP #retrieval
The maximum entropy method for analyzing retrieval measures (JAA, EY, VP), pp. 27–34.
AdaEuropeAdaEurope-2005-BerrendonnerG #benchmark
The ESA Ravenscar Benchmark (RB, JG), pp. 260–271.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2005-HochsteinBZHC #automation #programming #self
Combining self-reported and automatic data to improve programming effort measurement (LH, VRB, MVZ, JKH, JC), pp. 356–365.
ICSEICSE-2005-LavazzaB #automation #execution
Automated support for process-aware definition and execution of measurement plans (LL, GB), pp. 234–243.
ICSEICSE-2005-NagappanB #fault #predict #using
Use of relative code churn measures to predict system defect density (NN, TB), pp. 284–292.
SACSAC-2005-BicakciCT #certification #how #trust
How to incorporate revocation status information into the trust metrics for public-key certification (KB, BC, AST), pp. 1594–1598.
SACSAC-2005-ChinoVTT #comprehension #data access #named #visual notation
MAMView: a visual tool for exploring and understanding metric access methods (FJTC, MRV, AJMT, CTJ), pp. 1218–1223.
SACSAC-2005-KimY #similarity
Similarity measurement for aggregation of spatial objects (BK, JPY), pp. 1213–1217.
SACSAC-2005-MitchellP #runtime #using
Using object-level run-time metrics to study coupling between objects (ÁM, JFP), pp. 1456–1462.
SACSAC-2005-StefanoFPT #composition
Metrics for evaluating concern separation and composition (ADS, MF, GP, ET), pp. 1381–1382.
CASECASE-2005-DaiG #development
Development of impulse resistance measurement instrument (WD, SG), pp. 244–248.
CASECASE-2005-HanJBL #image
Edge location of cannon barrel image based on non-contact measurement of CCD (BH, HJ, HB, ZL), pp. 290–294.
CASECASE-2005-KimD #process #quality #using
Quality measurement of production process plan using tolerance chart (IHK, ZD), pp. 25–30.
CASECASE-2005-MaheshFWL #agile #benchmark #prototype
Benchmarking for decision making in rapid prototyping systems (MM, JYHF, YSW, HTL), pp. 19–24.
DATEDATE-2005-BhaduriV #higher-order #induction
Inductive and Capacitive Coupling Aware Routing Methodology Driven by a Higher Order RLCK Moment Metric (AB, RV), pp. 922–923.
DATEDATE-2005-LopezPN #embedded
A New Embedded Measurement Structure for eDRAM Capacitor (LL, JMP, DN), pp. 462–463.
EEE 1149.4 Compatible ABMs for Basic RF Measurements (PS, JH, MM), pp. 172–173.
HPDCHPDC-2005-EnglandWS #robust #scheduling
A new metric for robustness with application to job scheduling (DE, JBW, JS), pp. 135–143.
Low-distortion embeddings of general metrics into the line (MB, JC, PI, AS), pp. 225–233.
STOCSTOC-2005-CheriyanV #algorithm #approximate #design #network
Approximation algorithms for network design with metric costs (JC, AV), pp. 167–175.
Balanced metric labeling (JN, RS), pp. 582–591.
STOCSTOC-2005-Shi #communication #complexity #quantum
Tensor norms and the classical communication complexity of nonlocal quantum measurement (YS), pp. 460–467.
AMOSTA-MOST-2005-SherriffNWV #estimation #fault #haskell #using
Early estimation of defect density using an in-process Haskell metrics model (MS, NN, LAW, MAV), pp. 64–69.
FATESFATES-2005-TasiranEBK #component #novel #test coverage
A Novel Test Coverage Metric for Concurrently-Accessed Software Components (ST, TE, GB, MEK), pp. 62–71.
LICSLICS-2005-OuaknineW #decidability #logic #on the
On the Decidability of Metric Temporal Logic (JO, JW), pp. 188–197.
ICSTSAT-2005-MeierS #algebra #benchmark #problem #satisfiability #set
A New Set of Algebraic Benchmark Problems for SAT Solvers (AM, VS), pp. 459–466.
ICSTSAT-2005-Southey #constraints
Constraint Metrics for Local Search (FS), pp. 269–281.
ICSTSAT-2005-Zarpas #benchmark #bound #model checking #satisfiability
Benchmarking SAT Solvers for Bounded Model Checking (EZ), pp. 340–354.
CBSECBSE-2004-MeyerhoferN #framework #named
TESTEJB — A Measurement Framework for EJBs (MM, CPN), pp. 294–301.
DocEngDocEng-2004-HarringtonNJRT #automation #documentation #layout
Aesthetic measures for automated document layout (SJH, JFN, RPJ, PGR, NT), pp. 109–111.
Deterministic Wavelet Thresholding for Maximum-Error Metrics (MNG, AK), pp. 166–176.
VLDBVLDB-2004-ArasuCGMMRST #benchmark #data transformation #linear
Linear Road: A Stream Data Management Benchmark (AA, MC, EFG, DM, AM, ER, MS, RT), pp. 480–491.
VLDBVLDB-2004-Poess #benchmark #generative #query
Generating Thousand Benchmark Queries in Seconds (MP, JMS), pp. 1045–1053.
CSMRCSMR-2004-HassounJC #architecture #runtime
A Dynamic Runtime Coupling Metric for Meta-Level Architectures (YH, RJ, SC), pp. 339–346.
ICSMEICSM-2004-GirardVG #evolution #experience #monitoring #object-oriented
Monitoring the Evolution of an OO System with Metrics: An Experience from the Stock Market Software Domain (JFG, MV, DG), pp. 360–367.
ICSMEICSM-2004-WenT #similarity
Evaluating Similarity Measures for Software Decompositions (ZW, VT), pp. 368–377.
ICSMEICSM-2004-Woodworth #quality #using
Using Metrics to Drive Quality Improvements and Value — Company Wide (BW), p. 2.
ICSMEICSM-2004-ZageZ #visualisation
Module Metric Signature (MMS) Visualization (DZ, WZ), p. 512.
SCAMSCAM-2004-BruntinkD #object-oriented #predict #testing #using
Predicting Class Testability using Object-Oriented Metrics (MB, AvD), pp. 136–145.
Slice-Based Cohesion Metrics and Software Intervention (TMM, DB), pp. 256–265.
ICALPICALP-2004-AlfaroFS #branch #linear
Linear and Branching Metrics for Quantitative Transition Systems (LdA, MF, MS), pp. 97–109.
CHICHI-2004-McGee #estimation #scalability #usability
Master usability scaling: magnitude estimation and master scaling applied to usability measurement (MM), pp. 335–342.
CAiSECAiSE-2004-SerranoCTLP #concept #empirical #modelling #validation
Empirical Validation of Metrics for Conceptual Models of Data Warehouses (MAS, CC, JT, SLM, MP), pp. 506–520.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2004-Gilb #multi #performance #project management #quality
Evolutionary Project Management: Multiple Performance, Quality and Cost Metrics for Early and Continuous Stakeholder Value Delivery (TG), p. VII.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2004-CavareroE #behaviour #how #information management
Metrics for Dynamics: How to Improve the Behaviour of an Object Information System (JLC, MJEC), pp. 344–349.
CIKMCIKM-2004-LiuZYYYCBM #learning #similarity
Learning similarity measures in non-orthogonal space (NL, BZ, JY, QY, SY, ZC, FB, WYM), pp. 334–341.
ICMLICML-2004-BilenkoBM #clustering #constraints #learning
Integrating constraints and metric learning in semi-supervised clustering (MB, SB, RJM).
ICMLICML-2004-ChangY #adaptation #clustering #linear
Locally linear metric adaptation for semi-supervised clustering (HC, DYY).
ICPRICPR-v1-2004-Bruce #analysis #image #information management
Image Analysis Through Local Information Measures (NB), pp. 616–619.
ICPRICPR-v1-2004-CaoF #using
Simple Calibration Without Metric Information Using an Isoceles Trapezoid (XC, HF), pp. 104–107.
ICPRICPR-v1-2004-TsuiTC #image #using
Metric Measurement on Arbitrary Planes in 2 Images Using the Conformal Point (PTT, HTT, WkC), pp. 108–111.
ICPRICPR-v2-2004-CaetanoCB #algorithm #comparison #distance #using
A Comparison of Junction Tree and Relaxation Algorithms for Point Matching using Different Distance Metrics (TSC, TC, DACB), pp. 124–127.
Metric Mixtures for Mutual Information (M^3 I) Tracking (NDHD, RB), pp. 752–756.
ICPRICPR-v2-2004-KoskelaLO #clustering #image #retrieval
Entropy-Based Measures for Clustering and SOM Topology Preservation Applied to Content-Based Image Indexing and Retrieval (MK, JL, EO), pp. 1005–1009.
Measurement of Shape and Refractive Index of Transparent Object (YM, MT, KC), pp. 843–846.
ICPRICPR-v2-2004-SahaDC #using
CBIR using Perception based Texture and Colour Measures (SKS, AKD, BC), pp. 985–988.
Four Metrics for Efficiently Comparing Attributed Trees (AT, DH, MP), pp. 467–470.
ICPRICPR-v2-2004-UnslanB #development #graph
A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Graph Theoretical Measures for Land Development in Satellite Imagery (, KLB), pp. 64–67.
ICPRICPR-v2-2004-WuLM #image #interactive #multi #named #retrieval
WillHunter: Interactive Image Retrieval with Multilevel Relevance Measurement (HW, HL, SM), pp. 1009–1012.
Improving Seismic Horizon Matching by Ordinal Measures (MA, RM), pp. 642–645.
ICPRICPR-v3-2004-ChenC #distance #image
Discriminative Distance Measures for Image Matching (XC, TJC), pp. 691–695.
ICPRICPR-v3-2004-SkerlLP #evaluation #similarity
Evaluation of Nine Similarity Measures Used in Rigid Registration (DS, BL, FP), pp. 794–797.
ICPRICPR-v4-2004-ChenI #algebra #image
Planar Metric Rectification by Algebraically Estimating The Image of the Absolute Conic (YC, HHSI), pp. 88–91.
ICPRICPR-v4-2004-LoutasNP #correlation #evaluation #normalisation #reliability
Evaluation of Tracking Reliability Metrics based on Information Theory and Normalized Correlation (EL, NN, IP), pp. 653–656.
ICPRICPR-v4-2004-SangiHS #analysis #difference #using
Motion Analysis Using Frame Differences with Spatial Gradient Measures (PS, JH, OS), pp. 733–736.
ICPRICPR-v4-2004-SchloglBWB #detection #evaluation #performance
Performance Evaluation Metrics for Motion Detection and Tracking (TS, CB, MW, HB), pp. 519–522.
ICPRICPR-v4-2004-TanCZ #image #kernel #robust #using
Robust Image Denoising Using Kernel-Induced Measures (KT, SC, DZ), pp. 685–688.
Vision-Based Traffic Measurement System (JMW, YCC, SCL, SLC, SC, SWC), pp. 360–363.
ICPRICPR-v4-2004-ZhangS #difference
Discovery of the Tri-Edge Inequality with Binary Vector Dissimilarity Measures (BZ, SNS), pp. 669–672.
KDDKDD-2004-CaruanaN #analysis #data mining #empirical #learning #mining #performance
Data mining in metric space: an empirical analysis of supervised learning performance criteria (RC, ANM), pp. 69–78.
KDDKDD-2004-KummamuruKA #difference #learning
Learning spatially variant dissimilarity (SVaD) measures (KK, RK, RA), pp. 611–616.
KDDKDD-2004-VlachosGD #distance #invariant
Rotation invariant distance measures for trajectories (MV, DG, GD), pp. 707–712.
SEKESEKE-2004-JaufmanFR #quality #reuse #source code
Reusing Knowledge on Software Quality for Developing Measurement Programs (OJ, BGF, IR), pp. 264–269.
SIGIRSIGIR-2004-McLaughlinH #algorithm #collaboration #evaluation #experience #user interface
A collaborative filtering algorithm and evaluation metric that accurately model the user experience (MRM, JLH), pp. 329–336.
SIGIRSIGIR-2004-WhiteJ #case study #similarity #topic
A study of topic similarity measures (RWW, JMJ), pp. 520–521.
SPLCSPLC-2004-CohenZC #product line
Developing a Measurement Program for Software Product Lines (SC, DZ, GJC), p. 318.
UMLUML-2004-MaSZJ #metamodelling #object-oriented #uml
Applying OO Metrics to Assess UML Meta-models (HM, WS, LZ, YJ), pp. 12–26.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2004-AllenCLMS #object-oriented
Object-oriented units of measurement (EEA, DC, VL, JWM, GLSJ), pp. 384–403.
RERE-2004-FranchGQ #framework #modelling
A Framework for the Definition of Metrics for Actor-Dependency Models (XF, GG, CQ), pp. 348–349.
FSEFSE-2004-CabalT #database #sql #testing #using
Using an SQL coverage measurement for testing database applications (MJSC, JT), pp. 253–262.
ICSEICSE-2004-Loconsole #empirical
Empirical Studies on Requirement Management Measures (AL), pp. 42–44.
ICSEICSE-2004-Nagappan #reliability #testing #towards
Toward a Software Testing and Reliability Early Warning Metric Suite (NN), pp. 60–62.
SACSAC-2004-ListM #performance #towards
Towards a Corporate Performance Measurement System (BL, KM), pp. 1344–1350.
SACSAC-2004-ScottoSSV #approach #relational
A relational approach to software metrics (MS, AS, GS, TV), pp. 1536–1540.
Disclosure risk measures for the sampling disclosure control method (TMT, FF, DCBJ), pp. 301–306.
SACSAC-2004-WeisserK #identification #sequence #statistics #using
Identification of fundamental building blocks in protein sequences using statistical association measures (DKW, JKS), pp. 154–161.
DACDAC-2004-AgarwalSBLNV #analysis
Variational delay metrics for interconnect timing analysis (KA, DS, DB, FL, SRN, SBKV), pp. 381–384.
DACDAC-2004-KwonKK #functional #graph #synthesis
Systematic functional coverage metric synthesis from hierarchical temporal event relation graph (YSK, YIK, CMK), pp. 45–48.
DATEDATE-v1-2004-AlakarhuN #estimation #locality #performance
Scalar Metric for Temporal Locality and Estimation of Cache Performance (JA, JN), pp. 730–731.
DATEDATE-v1-2004-KwonK #functional #generative #graph
Functional Coverage Metric Generation from Temporal Event Relation Graph (YSK, CMK), pp. 670–671.
DATEDATE-v1-2004-PomeranzR #fault #similarity
Level of Similarity: A Metric for Fault Collapsing (IP, SMR), pp. 56–61.
DATEDATE-v1-2004-SrinivasanBCC #performance #using
Efficient Test Strategy for TDMA Power Amplifiers Using Transient Current Measurements: Uses and Benefit (GS, SB, SC, AC), pp. 280–285.
DATEDATE-v2-2004-AbasRK #design
Design of Sub-10-Picoseconds On-Chip Time Measurement Circuit (MAA, GR, DJK), pp. 804–809.
DATEDATE-v2-2004-VorgRR #cost analysis
Measurement of IP Qualification Costs and Benefits (AV, MR, WR), pp. 996–1001.
LCTESLCTES-2004-AntochiJVL #3d #benchmark #mobile #named
GraalBench: a 3D graphics benchmark suite for mobile phones (IA, BHHJ, SV, PL), pp. 1–9.
Estimating the weight of metric minimum spanning trees in sublinear-time (AC, CS), pp. 175–183.
STOCSTOC-2004-Talwar #algorithm
Bypassing the embedding: algorithms for low dimensional metrics (KT), pp. 281–290.
TACASTACAS-2004-Groce #distance #fault
Error Explanation with Distance Metrics (AG), pp. 108–122.
DRRDRR-2003-ZhangS #difference #identification
Binary vector dissimilarity measures for handwriting identification (BZ, SNS), pp. 28–38.
ICDARICDAR-2003-AgneDK #benchmark #documentation #segmentation
Evaluating SEE — A Benchmarking System for Document Page Segmentation (SA, AD, BK), p. 634–?.
Confidence Measures for an Address Reading System (AB, JR, GR), pp. 294–298.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2003-DeligiannakisR #multi
Extended Wavelets for Multiple Measures (AD, NR), pp. 229–240.
VLDBVLDB-2003-VieiraM #benchmark #dependence
A Dependability Benchmark for OLTP Application Environments (MV, HM), pp. 742–753.
VLDBVLDB-2003-ZhouS #clustering
Data Bubbles for Non-Vector Data: Speeding-up Hierarchical Clustering in Arbitrary Metric Spaces (JZ, JS), pp. 452–463.
CSMRCSMR-2003-ElishR #design #logic #object-oriented
Investigation of Metrics for Object-Oriented Design Logical Stability (MOE, DCR), pp. 193–200.
CSMRCSMR-2003-KienleS #benchmark #community #towards #web
Towards a Benchmark for Web Site Extractors: A Call for Community Participatio (HMK, SES), p. 82–?.
ICSMEICSM-2003-QuahT #network #object-oriented #predict #quality #using
Application of Neural Networks for Software Quality Prediction Using Object-Oriented Metrics (TSQ, MMTT), p. 116–?.
IWPCIWPC-2003-LakhotiaLWY #benchmark #clone detection #detection #towards
Towards a Clone Detection Benchmark Suite and Results Archive (AL, JL, AW, YY), pp. 285–287.
IWPCIWPC-2003-RillingK #complexity #comprehension #identification #slicing #using
Identifying Comprehension Bottlenecks Using Program Slicing and Cognitive Complexity Metric (JR, TK), pp. 115–124.
WCREWCRE-2003-DagpinarJ #comparison #empirical #maintenance #object-oriented #predict
Predicting Maintainability with Object-Oriented Metrics — An Empirical Comparison (MD, JHJ), pp. 155–164.
CHICHI-2003-SoukoreffM #evaluation #fault #research
Metrics for text entry research: an evaluation of MSD and KSPC, and a new unified error metric (RWS, ISM), pp. 113–120.
VISSOFTVISSOFT-2003-MaleticM #benchmark #named #visualisation
CFB: A Call for Benchmarks – for Software Visualization (JIM, AM), pp. 113–116.
CAiSECAiSE-2003-GeneroP #complexity #diagrams #uml
No-redundant Metrics for UML Class Diagram Structural Complexity (MEM, MG, MP), pp. 127–142.
CAiSECAiSE-2003-Saeki #development #information management
Embedding Metrics into Information Systems Development Methods: An Application of Method Engineering Technique (MS), pp. 374–389.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2003-MirandaGP #diagrams #empirical #statechart #uml #validation
Empirical Validation of Metrics for UML Statechart Diagrams (DM, MG, MP), pp. 87–95.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2003-ZhangLZC #approach #case study #enterprise #implementation
ERP Systems Implementation Determinants and Success Measures in China: A Case Study Approach (LZ, MKOL, ZZ, CMKC), pp. 136–143.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2003-Bates #approach #maturity #modelling
A Capability Maturity Model-Based Approach to the Measurement of Shared Situation Awareness (EB), pp. 406–413.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2003-Poels #concept #functional #modelling
Functional Size Measurement of Layered Conceptual Models (GP), pp. 411–416.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2003-TyrvainenP #analysis #communication #how
How Digital Is Communication in Your Organization? a Metrics and an Analysis Method (PT, TP), pp. 156–166.
ECIRECIR-2003-DohnalGSZ #similarity
Similarity Join in Metric Spaces (VD, CG, PS, PZ), pp. 452–467.
ICMLICML-2003-Flach #comprehension #geometry #machine learning
The Geometry of ROC Space: Understanding Machine Learning Metrics through ROC Isometrics (PAF), pp. 194–201.
ICMLICML-2003-FurnkranzF #analysis #evaluation
An Analysis of Rule Evaluation Metrics (JF, PAF), pp. 202–209.
Exploration in Metric State Spaces (SK, MJK, JL), pp. 306–312.
ICMLICML-2003-Zhang #kernel #learning #multi #representation #scalability #towards
Learning Metrics via Discriminant Kernels and Multidimensional Scaling: Toward Expected Euclidean Representation (ZZ), pp. 872–879.
KDDKDD-2003-BilenkoM #adaptation #detection #similarity #string #using
Adaptive duplicate detection using learnable string similarity measures (MB, RJM), pp. 39–48.
KDDKDD-2003-VlachosHGK #distance #multi
Indexing multi-dimensional time-series with support for multiple distance measures (MV, MH, DG, EJK), pp. 216–225.
SEKESEKE-2003-ChapinK #data mining #mining #re-engineering
Validative measurement in software engineering: a data mining example (NC, MKM), pp. 626–633.
SEKESEKE-2003-GeneroRPC #ontology #towards
Towards an Ontology for Software Measurement (MG, FR, MP, CC), pp. 78–84.
SEKESEKE-2003-KiewkanyaJPM #design
Constructing Understandability Model from Design Metrics (MK, NJ, NP, PM), pp. 208–215.
SEKESEKE-2003-ThwinQ #maintenance #network #object-oriented #using
Application of Neural Networks for Estimating Software Maintainability Using Object-Oriented Metrics (MMTT, TSQ), pp. 69–73.
SIGIRSIGIR-2003-AzzopardiGR #information retrieval
Investigating the relationship between language model perplexity and IR precision-recall measures (LA, MG, KvR), pp. 369–370.
SIGIRSIGIR-2003-ZhaiCL #evaluation #independence #retrieval #topic
Beyond independent relevance: methods and evaluation metrics for subtopic retrieval (CZ, WWC, JDL), pp. 10–17.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2003-DufourDHV #java
Dynamic metrics for java (BD, KD, LJH, CV), pp. 149–168.
AdaEuropeAdaEurope-2003-MinguetGFL #using
Getting System Metrics Using POSIX Tracing Services (AEM, VLG, AGF, ACiL), pp. 220–231.
RERE-2003-ChardonD #approach #imperative #process #requirements
One Approach to the Metric Baselining Imperative for Requirements Processes (RC, MD), p. 292.
RERE-2003-HaggeK #benchmark #information management
A Benchmarking Method for Information Systems (LH, JK), p. 245.
RERE-2003-Yilmazturk #development
RE in Flatness Measurement and Control Systems Development at ABB (NY), p. 293.
ASEASE-2003-RosuC #safety
Certifying Measurement Unit Safety Polic (GR, FC), pp. 304–309.
Practical Software Measurement (DNC), pp. 738–739.
ICSEICSE-2003-JohnsonKACMMZD #analysis #process
Beyond the Personal Software Process: Metrics collection and analysis for the differently disciplined (PMJ, HK, JA, CC, CAM, JM, SZ, WEJD), pp. 641–646.
ICSEICSE-2003-SimEH #benchmark #challenge #re-engineering #research #using
Using Benchmarking to Advance Research: A Challenge to Software Engineering (SES, SME, RCH), pp. 74–83.
CGOCGO-2003-MaratheMMSMY #memory management #named
METRIC: Tracking Down Inefficiencies in the Memory Hierarchy via Binary Rewriting (JM, FM, TM, BRdS, SAM, AY), pp. 289–300.
Simple metrics for slew rate of RC circuits based on two circuit moments (KA, DS, DB), pp. 950–953.
DACDAC-2003-AlpertLKD #using
Delay and slew metrics using the lognormal distribution (CJA, FL, CVK, AD), pp. 382–385.
DACDAC-2003-RootWT #behaviour #modelling #simulation
New techniques for non-linear behavioral modeling of microwave/RF ICs from simulation and nonlinear microwave measurements (DER, JW, NT), pp. 85–90.
DATEDATE-2003-DasguptaKM #architecture #novel #performance
A Novel Metric for Interconnect Architecture Performance (PD, ABK, SM), pp. 10448–10455.
DATEDATE-2003-MoullecADAP #multi #personalisation
Multi-Granularity Metrics for the Era of Strongly Personalized SOCs (YLM, NBA, JPD, MA, JLP), pp. 10674–10681.
DATEDATE-2003-OikonomakosZA #online #self #synthesis #testing #using
Versatile High-Level Synthesis of Self-Checking Datapaths Using an On-Line Testability Metric (PO, MZ, BMAH), pp. 10596–10601.
DATEDATE-2003-Ziv #functional
Cross-Product Functional Coverage Measurement with Temporal Properties-Based Assertions (AZ), pp. 10834–10841.
SOSPSOSP-2003-GummadiDSGLZ #analysis #modelling #peer-to-peer
Measurement, modeling, and analysis of a peer-to-peer file-sharing workload (PKG, RJD, SS, SDG, HML, JZ), pp. 314–329.
FASEFASE-2003-Morasca #approach
Foundations of a Weak Measurement-Theoretic Approach to Software Measurement (SM), pp. 200–215.
STOCSTOC-2003-BartalLMN #on the
On metric ramsey-type phenomena (YB, NL, MM, AN), pp. 463–472.
STOCSTOC-2003-FakcharoenpholRT #approximate #bound
A tight bound on approximating arbitrary metrics by tree metrics (JF, SR, KT), pp. 448–455.
STOCSTOC-2003-GaoZ #composition #graph
Well-separated pair decomposition for the unit-disk graph metric and its applications (JG, LZ), pp. 483–492.
STOCSTOC-2003-Rabinovich #on the
On average distortion of embedding metrics into the line and into L1 (YR), pp. 456–462.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2002-PossSKL #benchmark
TPC-DS, taking decision support benchmarking to the next level (MP, BS, LK, PÅL), pp. 582–587.
VLDBVLDB-2002-SchmidtWKCMB #benchmark #data transformation #named #xml
XMark: A Benchmark for XML Data Management (AS, FW, MLK, MJC, IM, RB), pp. 974–985.
CSMRCSMR-2002-GustafssonPNV #design pattern #evolution
Architecture-Centric Software Evolution by Software Metrics and Design Patterns (JG, JP, LN, AIV), p. 108–?.
CSMRCSMR-2002-YuSM #case study #industrial #object-oriented #predict #using
Predicting Fault-Proneness using OO Metrics: An Industrial Case Study (PY, TS, HAM), pp. 99–107.
Implications of Software Measurement to Lehman’s Eight Laws (JCM), p. 69.
ICSMEICSM-2002-Tran-CaoLA #complexity #effectiveness #functional #towards
Measuring Software Functional Size: Towards an Effective Measurement of Complexity (DTC, GL, AA), pp. 370–376.
IWPCIWPC-2002-SimHE #benchmark #c++ #on the #using
On Using a Benchmark to Evaluate C++ Extractors (SES, RCH, SME), pp. 114–123.
SCAMSCAM-2002-Ghosh #concurrent #fault #object-oriented #source code #testing #towards #using
Towards Measurement of Testability of Concurrent Object-Oriented Programs Using Fault Insertion: A Preliminary Investigation (SG), pp. 17–25.
SCAMSCAM-2002-HarmerW #object-oriented #programming language
An Extensible Metrics Extraction Environment for Object-Oriented Programming Languages (TJH, FGW), pp. 26–35.
CAiSECAiSE-2002-GeneroPP #concept #quality #validation
Defining and Validating Measures for Conceptual Data Model Quality (MG, GP, MP), pp. 724–727.
CAiSECAiSE-2002-KimF #enterprise #modelling #ontology #quality #towards #web #web service
Towards a Data Model for Quality Management Web Services: An Ontology of Measurement for Enterprise Modeling (HMK, MSF), pp. 230–244.
ICEISICEIS-2002-Cantone #empirical #modelling #process #re-engineering
Experimental Software Engineering: Role and Impact of Measurement Models on Empirical Processes (GC), p. 3.
ICEISICEIS-2002-Poels #enterprise #functional #modelling
A Functional Size Measurement Method for Event-Based Objectoriented Enterprise Models (GP), pp. 667–675.
ICEISICEIS-2002-ZairiA #benchmark #maturity
An International Study of Benchmarking Spread and Maturity (MZ, MAM), pp. 708–715.
CIKMCIKM-2002-TrainaTFF #data access #how
How to improve the pruning ability of dynamic metric access methods (CTJ, AJMT, RFSF, CF), pp. 219–226.
ICPRICPR-v1-2002-ArlandisPC #classification
Rejection Strategies and Confidence Measures for a k- NN Classifier in an OCR Task (JA, JCPC, JCP), pp. 576–579.
ICPRICPR-v1-2002-ChazalRH #automation #detection #using #variability
Automatic Sleep Apnoea Detection Using Measures of Amplitude and Heart Rate Variability from the Electrocardiogram (PdC, RBR, CH), pp. 775–778.
ICPRICPR-v1-2002-CoquinBI #difference
Dissimilarity Measures in Color Spaces (DC, PB, BI), pp. 612–615.
Electronic Endoscope System for Shape Measurement (KH, KN, YS), pp. 792–795.
ICPRICPR-v2-2002-GuangmingJMHX #algorithm #data type #fault
A New Mesh Simplification Algorithm Combining Half-Edge Data Structure with Modified Quadric Error Metric (GL, JT, MZ, HH, XZ), pp. 659–658.
ICPRICPR-v2-2002-GuillametV #matrix #using
Determining a Suitable Metric when Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (DG, JV), pp. 128–131.
Electronic Endoscope System for Shape Measurement (KH, KN, YS), p. 761–?.
ICPRICPR-v2-2002-OlagueH #detection #flexibility #modelling #multi #recognition
Flexible Model-Based Multi-Corner Detector for Accurate Measurements and Recognition (GO, BH), pp. 578–583.
ICPRICPR-v3-2002-JohnsonB #identification
Relationship between Identification Metrics: Expected Confusion and Area Under a ROC Curve (AYJ, AFB), pp. 662–666.
ICPRICPR-v3-2002-ManabePJC #3d #using
Three Dimensional Measurement using Color Structured Patterns and Imaging Spectrograph (YM, JP, TJ, KC), pp. 649–652.
ICPRICPR-v3-2002-MarugameSYMFYKKTT #performance #precise
A Fast and Precise System for Taking High-Density Human Head Measurements with Surrounding Range Finders (AM, SS, TY, KM, OF, YY, YK, HK, WT, JT), pp. 978–982.
ICPRICPR-v3-2002-PengHD #adaptation #classification #kernel #nearest neighbour
Adaptive Kernel Metric Nearest Neighbor Classification (JP, DRH, HKD), pp. 33–36.
KDDKDD-2002-KeoghK #benchmark #data mining #empirical #mining #on the #overview
On the need for time series data mining benchmarks: a survey and empirical demonstration (EJK, SK), pp. 102–111.
KRKR-2002-HustadtS #benchmark #logic
Scientific Benchmarking with Temporal Logic Decision Procedures (UH, RAS), pp. 533–546.
SEKESEKE-2002-BriandFL #algorithm #integration #order #search-based #using
Using genetic algorithms and coupling measures to devise optimal integration test orders (LCB, JF, YL), pp. 43–50.
SEKESEKE-2002-JohanssonH #design #product line
Tracking degradation in software product lines through measurement of design rule violations (EJ, MH), pp. 249–254.
SEKESEKE-2002-RaffoHV #framework #hybrid #modelling #process #trade-off #using
Software process decision support: making process tradeoffs using a hybrid metrics, modeling and utility framework (DR, WH, JV), pp. 803–809.
SIGIRSIGIR-2002-ScheinPUP #recommendation
Methods and metrics for cold-start recommendations (AIS, AP, LHU, DMP), pp. 253–260.
UMLUML-2002-TangC #design #object-oriented #uml
Measuring OO Design Metrics from UML (MHT, MHC), pp. 368–382.
ICSEICSE-2002-KusumotoIIMMT #java #source code
Function point measurement from Java programs (SK, MI, KI, SM, KM, MT), pp. 576–582.
SACSAC-2002-Dandashi #automation #object-oriented #reuse #set #usability #using
A method for assessing the reusability of object-oriented code using a validated set of automated measurements (FD), pp. 997–1003.
SACSAC-2002-KimL #adaptation #clustering #distance #documentation #effectiveness #using
An effective document clustering method using user-adaptable distance metrics (HjK, SgL), pp. 16–20.
SACSAC-2002-KrishnaswamyLZ #data mining #estimation #mining #quality #runtime
Application run time estimation: a quality of service metric for web-based data mining services (SK, SWL, ABZ), pp. 1153–1159.
SACSAC-2002-LawsonC #reliability
Investigating software measures to improve product reliability (DL, GC), pp. 1031–1035.
DACDAC-2002-KannanBB #estimation #on the
On metrics for comparing routability estimation methods for FPGAs (PK, SB, DB), pp. 70–75.
DACDAC-2002-ShimizuD #generative #simulation #specification
Deriving a simulation input generator and a coverage metric from a formal specification (KS, DLD), pp. 801–806.
DATEDATE-2002-ChenM #design #physics
Closed-Form Crosstalk Noise Metrics for Physical Design Applications (LHC, MMS), pp. 812–819.
STOCSTOC-2002-KargerR #nearest neighbour #strict
Finding nearest neighbors in growth-restricted metrics (DRK, MR), pp. 741–750.
LICSLICS-2002-DesharnaisJGP #bisimulation #probability #process
The Metric Analogue of Weak Bisimulation for Probabilistic Processes (JD, RJ, VG, PP), pp. 413–422.
SATSAT-2002-BrglezLS #algorithm #benchmark #satisfiability #testing
The role of a skeptic agent in testing and benchmarking of SAT algorithms (FB, XYL, MFS), p. 13.
ICTSSTestCom-2002-Veciana-NoguesCDS #verification
Verifying IP Meters from Sampled Measurements (CVN, ACA, JDP, JSP), pp. 39–54.
HTHT-2001-CoulstonV #hypermedia
A hypertext metric based on huffman coding (CC, TMV), pp. 243–244.
ICDARICDAR-2001-BlumensteinV #analysis #benchmark #database #performance #segmentation
Analysis of Segmentation Performance on the CEDAR Benchmark Database (MB, BV), pp. 1142–1146.
ICDARICDAR-2001-LecoqNGT #benchmark
Benchmarking Commercial OCR Engines for Technical Drawings Indexing (JCL, LN, OG, ÉT), pp. 138–1204.
CSMRCSMR-2001-SimonSL #refactoring
Metrics Based Refactoring (FS, FS, CL), pp. 30–38.
Entropies as Measures of Software Information (SKAEH), pp. 110–117.
ICSMEICSM-2001-Fioravanti #assessment #framework #object-oriented
A Metric Framework for the Assessment of Object-Oriented Systems (FF), pp. 557–560.
ICSMEICSM-2001-MitchellM #algorithm #clustering #similarity #using
Comparing the Decompositions Produced by Software Clustering Algorithms Using Similarity Measurements (BSM, SM), pp. 744–753.
ICSMEICSM-2001-PoloPR #case study #legacy #maintenance #predict #source code #using
Using Code Metrics to Predict Maintenance of Legacy Programs: A Case Study (MP, MP, FR), pp. 202–208.
ICSMEICSM-2001-SchauerK #behaviour
The Method Replacement Indicator: A Metric for Analyzing Behavioral Substitution (RS, RKK), pp. 754–764.
IWPCIWPC-2001-BrilP #architecture #incremental #legacy #scalability
An Architectural Connectivity Metric and Its Support for Incremental Re-Architecting of Large Legacy Systems (RJB, AP), pp. 269–280.
SCAMSCAM-2001-HorganPW #analysis #java #profiling #runtime #source code
Measurement and Analysis of Runtime Profiling Data for Java Programs (JH, JFP, JW), pp. 124–132.
WCREWCRE-2001-MitchellM #benchmark #clustering #framework #named
CRAFT: A Framework for Evaluating Software Clustering Results in the Absence of Benchmark Decompositions (BSM, SM), pp. 93–102.
ICALPICALP-2001-EngebretsenK #approximate #bound
Approximation Hardness of TSP with Bounded Metrics (LE, MK), pp. 201–212.
CHICHI-2001-IvorySH #design #empirical #web
Empirically validated web page design metrics (MYI, RRS, MAH), pp. 53–60.
Accuracy measures for evaluating computer pointing devices (ISM, TK, MS), pp. 9–16.
CAiSECAiSE-2001-GeneroOPR #information management #maintenance #object-oriented #predict #using
Using Metrics to Predict OO Information Systems Maintainability (MG, JAO, MP, FPR), pp. 388–401.
Method for Obtaining Correct Metrics (CC, MP, MG), pp. 779–784.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2001-PoelsD #approach #modelling #process #re-engineering
An Integrated Approach of Modeling, Transformation and Measurement to Evaluate Business Process Re-Engineering (GP, GD), pp. 691–698.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2001-ThramboulidisTK #development #distributed #framework #industrial #object-oriented #process
An Object-Oriented Framework for the Development of Distributed Industrial Process Measurement and Control Systems (KT, CT, CK), pp. 583–589.
CIKMCIKM-2001-BressanDLLLNW #benchmark #named #query #xml
X007: Applying 007 Benchmark to XML Query Processing Tool (SB, GD, ZL, MLL, YGL, UN, BW), pp. 167–174.
CIKMCIKM-2001-KimAY #effectiveness #nearest neighbour
Effective Nearest Neighbor Indexing with the Euclidean Metric (SWK, CCA, PSY), pp. 9–16.
CIKMCIKM-2001-TombrosR #similarity
Query-Sensitive Similarity Measures for the Calculation of Interdocument Relationships (AT, CJvR), pp. 17–24.
LSOLSO-2001-Differding #modelling #process #quality #reuse #using
Reuse of Measurement Plans Based on Process and Quality Models (CMD), pp. 207–221.
LSOLSO-2001-LewerentzRS #development #feedback
A Model for Analyzing Measurement Based Feedback Loops in Software Development Projects (CL, HR, FS), pp. 135–151.
SEKESEKE-2001-LeeCUHC #automation #quality
Automated Tool for Software Quality Measurement (YL, KHC, DAU, TDH, JHCI), pp. 196–202.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-2001-Marinescu #design #detection #object-oriented
Detecting Design Flaws via Metrics in Object-Oriented Systems (RM), pp. 173–182.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-2001-TalbiMS #development #framework #object-oriented
A Metric Framework for Object-Oriented Development (TT, BM, ES), pp. 164–172.
AdaSIGAda-2001-Pritchett #ada #object-oriented
An object-oriented metrics suite for Ada 95 (WWP), pp. 117–126.
RERE-2001-ChungS #adaptation #architecture
Process-Oriented Metrics for Software Architecture Adaptability (LC, NS), pp. 310–311.
RERE-2001-Cleland-HuangCKB #object-oriented
Requirements-Based Dynamic Metrics In Object-Oriented Systems (JCH, CKC, HK, AB), pp. 212–221.
Program Execution-Based Module Cohesion Measurement (NG, PR), p. 144–?.
SACSAC-2001-PowerM #lalr
Exploiting metrics to facilitate grammar transformation into LALR format (JFP, BAM), pp. 636–640.
DACDAC-2001-LuCYP #modelling
Min/max On-Chip Inductance Models and Delay Metrics (YCL, MC, TY, LTP), pp. 341–346.
DATEDATE-2001-JozwiakC #composition #functional
High-quality sub-function construction in functional decomposition based on information relationship measures (LJ, AC), pp. 383–390.
HPDCHPDC-2001-FrumkinW #benchmark #grid
NAS Grid Benchmarks: A Tool for Grid Space Exploration (MAF, RFVdW), p. 315–?.
STOCSTOC-2001-BartalCR #approximate #clustering
Approximating min-sum k-clustering in metric spaces (YB, MC, DR), pp. 11–20.
STOCSTOC-2001-ParnasR #testing
Testing metric properties (MP, DR), pp. 276–285.
TACASTACAS-2001-ChocklerKV #logic #model checking
Coverage Metrics for Temporal Logic Model Checking (HC, OK, MYV), pp. 528–542.
PODSPODS-2000-MorishitaS #statistics #traversal
Traversing Itemset Lattice with Statistical Metric Pruning (SM, JS), pp. 226–236.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2000-PeiMHZ #benchmark #data mining #mining #performance #towards
Towards Data Mining Benchmarking: A Testbed for Performance Study of Frequent Pattern Mining (JP, RM, KH, HZ), p. 592.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2000-WattezCBFF #benchmark #learning #query
Benchmarking Queries over Trees: Learning the Hard Truth the Hard Way (FW, SC, VB, GF, CF), pp. 510–511.
CSMRCSMR-2000-HenryB #multi
Metrics for Multimedia Languages (SMH, RPBJ), pp. 75–82.
CSMRCSMR-2000-Oinas #case study #fault
Defining Goal-driven Fault Management Metrics in a Real World Environment: A Case-Study from Nokia (AO), pp. 101–108.
CSMRCSMR-2000-SystaYM #java #visualisation
Analyzing Java Software by Combining Metrics and Program Visualization (TS, PY, HAM), pp. 199–208.
ICSMEICSM-2000-RamilL #case study #evolution #predict
Metrics of Software Evolution as Effort Predictors — A Case Study (JFR, MML), pp. 163–172.
ICSMEICSM-2000-SahraouiGM #automation #design #object-oriented #quality #question
Can Metrics Help to Bridge the Gap between the Improvement of OO Design Quality and its Automation? (HAS, RG, TM), pp. 154–162.
WCREWCRE-2000-MuthannaKPS #design #industrial #maintenance #using
A Maintainability Model for Industrial Software Systems using Design Level Metrics (SM, KK, KP, BS), p. 248–?.
ICALPICALP-2000-HromkovicKKSS #automaton #finite #nondeterminism
Measures of Nondeterminism in Finite Automata (JH, JK, HK, GS, SS), pp. 199–210.
ICALPICALP-2000-Martin #process
The Measurement Process in Domain Theory (KM), pp. 116–126.
CAiSECAiSE-2000-Daneva #enterprise #requirements #reuse
Practical Reuse Measurement in ERP Requirements Engineering (MD), pp. 309–324.
CAiSECAiSE-2000-Kilpi #agile #empirical #process
Managing the Software Process in the Middle of Rapid Growth: A Metrics Based Experiment Report from Nokia (TK), pp. 498–508.
CAiSECAiSE-2000-PoelsVD #distance #information management #re-engineering
Distance Measures for Information System Reengineering (GP, SV, GD), pp. 387–400.
ICEISICEIS-2000-GeneroPCS #database #quality
Measures to Get Better Quality Databases (MG, MP, CC, MAS), pp. 49–55.
ICMLICML-2000-VilaltaO #bias #classification #distance #evaluation #quantifier
A Quantification of Distance Bias Between Evaluation Metrics In Classification (RV, DO), pp. 1087–1094.
ICPRICPR-v1-2000-ClarkM #image #statistics
Combining Statistical Measures to Find Image Text Regions (PC, MM), pp. 1450–1453.
ICPRICPR-v1-2000-GurdjosP #image
About Conditions for Recovering the Metric Structures of Perpendicular Planes from the Single Ground Plane to Image Homography (PG, RP), pp. 1358–1361.
ICPRICPR-v1-2000-KletteY #evaluation
Evaluation of Curve Length Measurements (RK, BY), pp. 1610–1613.
ICPRICPR-v1-2000-LuI #3d
An Absolute Depth Range Measurement of 3-D Objects Based on Modulation Moiré Topography (CL, SI), pp. 1754–1757.
ICPRICPR-v1-2000-OkataniD #fault #image #multi
A Method for Fine Registration of Multiple View Range Images Considering the Measurement Error Properties (ISO, KD), pp. 1280–1283.
ICPRICPR-v2-2000-ChaS #distance #similarity
Distance between Histograms of Angular Measurements and its Application to Handwritten Character Similarity (SHC, SNS), pp. 2021–2024.
ICPRICPR-v2-2000-LamICTH00a #image #retrieval #similarity
Similarity Measures for Histological Image Retrieval (RWKL, HHSI, KKTC, LHYT, RH), pp. 2295–2298.
ICPRICPR-v3-2000-Atae-AllahGMRL #image #segmentation
Image Segmentation by Jensen-Shannon Divergence. Application to Measurement of Interfacial Tension (CAA, JFGL, JMA, RRR, PLLE), pp. 3383–3386.
ICPRICPR-v3-2000-DoelVHVYGK #analysis
Nanometer-Scale Height Measurements in Micromachined Picoliter Vials Based on Interference Fringe Analysis (LRVdD, LJvV, KTH, MJV, ITY, FG, JGK), pp. 3057–3062.
Simultaneous Measurement of Spectral Distribution and Shape (YM, SK, KC), pp. 3811–3814.
ICPRICPR-v4-2000-HuynhCT #automation #evaluation #linear #re-engineering #self
Semi-Automatic Metric Reconstruction of Buildings from Self-Calibration: Preliminary Results on the Evaluation of a Linear Camera Self-Calibration Method (DQH, YSC, HTT), pp. 4599–4602.
ICPRICPR-v4-2000-Ishii #3d #using
3-D Shape Measurement Using a Focused-Section Method (AI), pp. 4828–4832.
ICPRICPR-v4-2000-MaderlechnerSS #documentation #image #using #visual notation
Extraction of Relevant Information from Document Images Using Measures of Visual Attention (GM, AS, PS), pp. 4385–4388.
ICPRICPR-v4-2000-MiyasakaKHA #3d #animation #image #re-engineering #realtime
Reconstruction of Realistic 3D Surface Model and 3D Animation from Range Images Obtained by Real Time 3D Measurement System (TM, KK, MH, KA), pp. 4594–4598.
ICPRICPR-v4-2000-ParkKL #automation #quality
Automatic Quality Measurement of Gray-Scale Handwriting Based on Extended Average Entropy (JSP, HJK, SWL), pp. 4426–4429.
ICPRICPR-v4-2000-ShimadaOI #image #video
Human Body Posture Measurement by Matching Foot Pressure Distribution to Video Images (SS, SO, KI), pp. 4188–4191.
ICPRICPR-v4-2000-ShiranitaHOT #image #sketching #using
Shape Measurement and Sketching Systems for Porcelain Using Image Technology (KS, KH, AO, RT), pp. 4795–4798.
KDDKDD-2000-Cutler #named
E-metrics: tomorrow’s business metrics today (MC), p. 6.
SIGIRSIGIR-2000-Ando #precise #scalability #semantics #similarity
Latent semantic-space: iterative scaling improves precision of inter-document similarity measurement (RKA), pp. 216–223.
SIGIRSIGIR-2000-ZhuG #distributed #information retrieval #quality #web
Incorporating quality metrics in centralized/distributed information retrieval on the World Wide Web (XZ, SG), pp. 288–295.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2000-DemeyerDN #refactoring
Finding refactorings via change metrics (SD, SD, ON), pp. 166–177.
TOOLSTOOLS-EUROPE-2000-PoelsD #interactive
Measures for Object-Event Interactions (GP, GD), pp. 70–81.
TOOLSTOOLS-PACIFIC-2000-CohenG #java #self
Self-Calibration of Metrics of Java Methods (TC, JYG), pp. 94–107.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-2000-EtzkornD #design #object-oriented #semantics #towards
Towards a Semantic Metrics Suite for Object-Oriented Design (LHE, HSD), p. 71–?.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-2000-Mingins #object-oriented
Object-Oriented Metrics (CM), p. 519–?.
REICRE-2000-Daneva #requirements #reuse
Establishing Reuse Measurement Practices in SAP Requirements Engineering (MD), pp. 168–177.
REICRE-2000-LavazzaV #modelling #process #requirements
Enhancing Requirements and Change Management through Process Modeling and Measurement (LL, GV), pp. 106–118.
ICSEFoSE-2000-FentonN #roadmap
Software metrics: roadmap (NEF, MN), pp. 357–370.
FSEFSE-2000-YamamotoMI #cumulative #file system #version control
Accumulative versioning file system Moraine and its application to metrics environment MAME (TY, MM, KI), pp. 80–87.
SACSAC-2000-AbiadHM #big data #database
Software Metrics for Small Database Applications (SA, RAH, NM), pp. 866–870.
DACDAC-2000-ChangC #architecture
An architecture-driven metric for simultaneous placement and global routing for FPGAs (YWC, YTC), pp. 567–572.
DACDAC-2000-FenstermakerGKMT #architecture #design #named #optimisation #process
METRICS: a system architecture for design process optimization (SF, DG, ABK, SM, BT), pp. 705–710.
Influence of Manufacturing Variations in IDDQ Measurements: A New Test Criterion (JMD, JCL), pp. 645–649.
All Digital Built-in Delay and Crosstalk Measurement for On-Chip Buses (CS, YTC, MJH, GNC, CLL), pp. 527–531.
HPCAHPCA-2000-HaungsSF #analysis #branch #classification
Branch Transition Rate: A New Metric for Improved Branch Classification Analysis (MH, PS, MKF), pp. 241–250.
HPDCHPDC-2000-WolskiGT #network
Synchronizing Network Probes to Avoid Measurement Intrusiveness with the Network Weather Service (RW, BG, BT), pp. 147–154.
DL-1999-Leiner99a #library
D-Lib Working Group on Metrics for Digital Libraries (BML), p. 266.
ICDARICDAR-1999-BlumensteinV #benchmark #database #recognition #segmentation #word
Neural-based Solutions for the Segmentation and Recognition of Difficult Handwritten Words from a Benchmark Database (MB, BV), pp. 281–284.
Local and Global Approaches to Achieve Quantitative Measurement of Handwritings (TF, NV), pp. 593–596.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1999-BlohsfeldKS #comparison #query
A Comparison of Selectivity Estimators for Range Queries on Metric Attributes (BB, DK, BS), pp. 239–250.
VLDBVLDB-1999-Johnson #performance
Performance Measurements of Compressed Bitmap Indices (TJ), pp. 278–289.
CSEETCSEET-1999-FelleisenC #safety
Safety as a Metric (MF, RC), pp. 129–131.
CSEETCSEET-1999-Hilburn #education #re-engineering
PSP Metrics in Support of Software Engineering Education (TBH), p. 135–?.
Micro-Process Based Software Metrics in the Training (KH), pp. 132–134.
CSEETCSEET-1999-Mengel #education #research
Software Metrics: Views from Education, Research, and Training (SAM), pp. 126–128.
CSMRCSMR-1999-LamLS #requirements #using
Managing Requirements Change Using Metrics and Action Planning (WL, ML, VS), pp. 122–129.
ICSMEICSM-1999-BriandWL #impact analysis #object-oriented #using
Using Coupling Measurement for Impact Analysis in Object-Oriented Systems (LCB, JW, HL), pp. 475–482.
ICSMEICSM-1999-FioravantiNS #adaptation #maintenance #object-oriented
Metrics for Controlling Effort During Adaptive Maintenance of Object-Oriented Systems (FF, PN, FS), pp. 483–492.
ICSMEICSM-1999-KhoshgoftaarAYJH #experience #fault #legacy #predict
Experience Paper: Preparing Measurements of Legacy Software for Predicting Operational Faults (TMK, EBA, XY, WDJ, JPH), p. 359–?.
WCREWCRE-1999-DemeyerDL #approach #hybrid #reverse engineering #visualisation
A Hybrid Reverse Engineering Approach Combining Metrics and Program Visualization (SD, SD, ML), pp. 175–186.
WCREWCRE-1999-TzerposH #clustering #distance #named
MoJo: A Distance Metric for Software Clusterings (VT, RCH), p. 187–?.
CIAAWIA-1999-CaludeSY #analysis
Metric Lexical Analysis (CC, KS, SY), pp. 48–59.
HCIHCI-CCAD-1999-DuLL #development #memory management #using
Using the memory load measurement to improve software development (TCD, CJL, CGL), pp. 53–57.
HCIHCI-CCAD-1999-LiangL #matrix #process #representation
Information representation and decision process: effects of measurement scale and shape of decision matrix on preferential choice (SFML, MRL), pp. 62–65.
HCIHCI-CCAD-1999-McNeese #analysis #learning #performance #process #protocol #using
Making sense of teamwork: the use of protocol analysis / performance measures to reveal cooperative work processes in a situated learning environment (MDM), pp. 502–506.
HCIHCI-CCAD-1999-Swezey #performance #problem #simulation
Measurement of team problem solving performance via a computerized quasi-experimental simulation (RWS), pp. 482–486.
HCIHCI-EI-1999-ChenMRK #empirical #evaluation
The Physiological Measurement of User Comfort Levels: An Evaluation Experiment for Comparing Three Types of CRTs (SC, YM, XR, HK), pp. 193–196.
Measurement in Synthetic Task Environments for Teams: a Methodological Typology (MDC, LRE, LLF, JPC, DR), pp. 686–690.
HCIHCI-EI-1999-Hollemans #user satisfaction
User Satisfaction Measurement Methodolgies: Extending the User Satisfaction Questionnaire (GH), pp. 1008–1012.
HCIHCI-EI-1999-Moore #overview #perspective
Project Leap: Addressing Measurement Dysfunction in Review (CM), pp. 871–874.
HCIHCI-EI-1999-SmithD #design #evaluation #user interface
Combined Metric for User Interface Design and Evaluation (AS, LD), pp. 651–655.
CAiSECAiSE-1999-DiazP #database #maintenance
Metrics for Active Database Maintainability (OD, MP), pp. 472–476.
ICEISICEIS-1999-CaleroPPR #database #quality #validation
Validating Referential Integrity as a Database Quality Metric (CC, MP, MP, FR), pp. 45–50.
ICMLICML-1999-BlanzieriR #classification #nearest neighbour
A Minimum Risk Metric for Nearest Neighbor Classification (EB, FR), pp. 22–31.
SIGIRSIGIR-1999-GoldsteinKMC #documentation #evaluation
Summarizing Text Documents: Sentence Selection and Evaluation Metrics (JG, MK, VOM, JGC), pp. 121–128.
ECOOPECOOP-1999-DieckmannH #behaviour #benchmark #case study #java
A Study of the Allocation Behavior of the SPECjvm98 Java Benchmark (SD, UH), pp. 92–115.
TOOLSTOOLS-ASIA-1999-Marinescu #inheritance #multi #reuse
A Multi-Layered System of Metrics for the Measurement of Reuse by Inheritance (RM), pp. 146–155.
TOOLSTOOLS-EUROPE-1999-MayerH #analysis #object-oriented
Measuring OO Systems: A Critical Analysis of the MOOD Metrics (TM, TH), pp. 108–117.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-1999-PeriyasamyL #object-oriented #source code #testing
A New Metrics Set for Evaluating Testing Efforts for Object-Oriented Programs (KP, XL), pp. 84–93.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-1999-VilicichA #benchmark #enterprise
Benchmark Metrics for Enterprise Object Request Brokers (MV, SAM), pp. 94–103.
PADLPADL-1999-MossR #automation #benchmark #data type #functional
Automated Benchmarking of Functional Data Structures (GEM, CR), pp. 1–15.
ASEASE-1999-MiceliSG #design #detection
A Metric Based Technique for Design Flaws Detection and Correction (TM, HAS, RG), pp. 307–310.
ICSEICSE-1999-BenlarbiM #morphism #polymorphism #predict #risk management
Polymorphism Measures for Early Risk Prediction (SB, WLM), pp. 334–344.
ICSEICSE-1999-Fairley #tutorial
Managing by the Numbers: A Tutorial on Quantitative Measurement and Control of software Projects (REF), pp. 677–678.
Practical Software Measurement (JS), pp. 667–668.
ICSEICSE-1999-YehL #normalisation #precise #towards #using
Toward Precise Measurements Using Software Normalization (PLY, JCL), pp. 736–737.
DACDAC-1999-InacioSNRTTK #benchmark
Vertical Benchmarks for CAD (CI, HS, DN, AR, DET, YT, BK), pp. 408–413.
LCTESLCTES-1999-Engblom #benchmark #embedded #tool support #why
Why SpecInt95 Should Not Be Used to Benchmark Embedded Systems Tools (JE), pp. 96–103.
Embedding Tree Metrics Into Low Dimensional Euclidean Spaces (AG), pp. 694–700.
STOCSTOC-1999-Indyk #algorithm #problem #sublinear
Sublinear Time Algorithms for Metric Space Problems (PI), pp. 428–434.
LICSLICS-1999-HalpernF #overview #perspective #reasoning
Plausibility Measures and Default Reasoning: An Overview (JYH, NF), pp. 130–135.
Heroic Measures: Reflections on the Rossibility and Purpose of Digital Preservation (DML), pp. 152–161.
PODSPODS-1998-CiacciaPZ #cost analysis #query #similarity
A Cost Model for Similarity Queries in Metric Spaces (PC, MP, PZ), pp. 59–68.
VLDBVLDB-1998-BonczRK #benchmark
The Drill Down Benchmark (PAB, TR, FK), pp. 628–632.
VLDBVLDB-1998-JohnsonM #performance
Performance Measurements of Tertiary Storage Devices (TJ, ELM), pp. 50–61.
CSMRCSMR-1998-DoakeD #design #maintenance #object-oriented #testing
Amber Metrics for the Testing and Maintenance of Object-Oriented Designs (JD, ID), pp. 205–208.
CSMRCSMR-1998-Marchesi #modelling #object-oriented
OOA Metrics for the Unified Modeling Language (MM), pp. 67–73.
CSMRCSMR-1998-NiessinkV #maturity #source code #towards
Towards Mature Measurement Programs (FN, HvV), pp. 82–88.
CSMRCSMR-1998-YehL #analysis #data flow #testing
Software Testability Measurements Derived from Data Flow Analysis (PLY, JCL), pp. 96–103.
CSMRCSMR-1998-ZhaoCU98a #concurrent #logic programming #source code
A Metrics Suite for Concurrent Logic Programs (JZ, JC, KU), pp. 172–178.
ICSMEICSM-1998-LehmanPR #evolution #maintenance
Implications of Evolution Metrics on Software Maintenance (MML, DEP, JFR), p. 208–?.
ICSMEICSM-1998-Munson #process
Some Comments on the Software Measurement Process (JCM), p. 71.
ICSMEICSM-1998-Pearse #evolution #using
Using Software Metrics to Control Firmware Evolution (TTP), pp. 72–73.
ICALPICALP-1998-BaierKL #concurrent #realtime #semantics
Metric Semantics for True Concurrent Real Time (CB, JPK, DL), pp. 568–579.
IFLIFL-1998-Scholz #benchmark #case study
A Case Study: Effects of WITH-Loop-Folding on the NAS Benchmark MG in SAC (SBS), pp. 216–228.
ICPRICPR-1998-BouthemyF #video
Motion characterization from temporal cooccurrences of local motion-based measures for video indexing (PB, RF), pp. 905–908.
ICPRICPR-1998-HeikkilaS #3d #estimation #image #linear #sequence
Linear motion estimation for image sequence based accurate 3-D measurements (JH, OS), pp. 1247–1250.
ICPRICPR-1998-SebeLH #image #ranking #retrieval
Which ranking metric is optimal? With applications in image retrieval and stereo matching (NS, MSL, DPH), pp. 265–271.
ICPRICPR-1998-SporringNWO #difference
A note on differential corner measures (JS, MN, JW, OFO), pp. 652–654.
ICPRICPR-1998-SvalbeE #image #locality #rank #using
Localisation of image features using measures of rank distribution (IDS, CJE), pp. 189–191.
ICPRICPR-1998-TakacsW #image #library #performance #using
Fast searching of digital face libraries using binary image metrics (BT, HW), pp. 1235–1237.
KRKR-1998-EiterLMPS #benchmark
The KR System dlv: Progress Report, Comparisons and Benchmarks (TE, NL, CM, GP, FS), pp. 406–417.
SIGIRSIGIR-1998-BorlundI #information retrieval #interactive #performance
Measures of Relative Relevance and Ranked Half-Life: Performance Indicators for Interactive IR (PB, PI), pp. 324–331.
SIGIRSIGIR-1998-Voorhees #effectiveness #retrieval
Variations in Relevance Judgments and the Measurement of Retrieval Effectiveness (EMV), pp. 315–323.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-1998-Mingins #object-oriented
OO Metrics (CM), p. 466.
ICSEICSE-1998-ArnoldP #development #rating #scalability
Software Size Measurement and Productivity Rating in a Large-Scale Software Development Department (MA, PP), pp. 490–493.
ICSEICSE-1998-BinkleyS #dependence #maintenance #predict #runtime #validation
Validation of the Coupling Dependency Metric as a Predictor of Run-Time Failures and Maintenance Measures (ABB, SRS), pp. 452–455.
ICSEICSE-1998-BriandEB #assessment #benchmark #estimation #hybrid #named #risk management
COBRA: A Hybrid Method for Software Cost Estimation, Benchmarking, and Risk Assessment (LCB, KEE, FB), pp. 390–399.
ICSEICSE-1998-BriandELF #benchmark #development #performance #simulation #using
Using Simulation to Build Inspection Efficiency Benchmarks for Development Projects (LCB, KEE, OL, TF), pp. 340–349.
ICSEICSE-1998-HerbslebG #case study #complexity #concept
Conceptual Simplicity Meets Organizational Complexity: Case Study of a Corporate Metrics Program (JDH, REG), pp. 271–280.
ICSEICSE-1998-TanakaAOY #analysis #process #quality
Software Quality Analysis & Measurement Service Activity in the Company (TT, MA, HO, AY), pp. 426–429.
DACDAC-1998-AlbrechtNR #benchmark #design #embedded #estimation #performance
HW/SW CoVerification Performance Estimation and Benchmark for a 24 Embedded RISC Core Design (TWA, JN, SR), pp. 808–811.
DACDAC-1998-FallahDK98a #functional #named #performance #test coverage #verification
OCCOM: Efficient Computation of Observability-Based Code Coverage Metrics for Functional Verification (FF, SD, KK), pp. 152–157.
DATEDATE-1998-GhoshKBH #benchmark #equivalence #invariant #synthesis
Synthesis of Wiring Signature-Invariant Equivalence Class Circuit Mutants and Applications to Benchmarking (DG, NK, FB, JEHI), pp. 656–663.
DATEDATE-1998-LindermeirVG #design #detection #fault #parametricity
Analog Test Design with IDD Measurements for the Detection of Parametric and Catastrophic Faults (WML, TJV, HEG), pp. 822–827.
A Fully Digital Controlled Off-Chip IDDQ Measurement Unit (BS, HARM, JV, MS), pp. 495–500.
DATEDATE-1998-SvajdaSM #named
IOCIMU — An Integrated Off-Chip IDDQ Measurement Unit (MS, BS, HARM), pp. 959–960.
PDPPDP-1998-HockneyG #benchmark #low level #performance
Low-level benchmarking: performance profiles (RWH, VG), pp. 50–56.
Partial Metrics and Co-continuous Valuations (MAB, SYS), pp. 125–139.
STOCSTOC-1998-Bartal #approximate #on the
On Approximating Arbitrary Metrices by Tree Metrics (YB), pp. 161–168.
Trees and Euclidean Metrics (NL, AM, MES), pp. 169–175.
ICLPJICSLP-1998-ShenCK #distance #execution #named #parallel
Distance: A New Metric for Controlling Granularity for Parallel Execution (KS, VSC, AK), pp. 85–99.
ICDARICDAR-1997-MaergnerKP #analysis #benchmark #documentation #on the
On Benchmarking of Document Analysis Systems (VFM, PK, AKP), p. 331–?.
Distance-Based Indexing for High-Dimensional Metric Spaces (TB, ZMÖ), pp. 357–368.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1997-CareyDNAGS #benchmark
The BUCKY Object-Relational Benchmark (MJC, DJD, JFN, MA, PB, JG, DS), pp. 135–146.
VLDBVLDB-1997-CiacciaPZ #named #performance #similarity
M-tree: An Efficient Access Method for Similarity Search in Metric Spaces (PC, MP, PZ), pp. 426–435.
ICSMEICSM-1997-Visaggio #information management #quality
Structural information as a quality metric in software systems organization (GV), pp. 92–99.
WCREWCRE-1997-Kontogiannis #detection #evaluation #programming #using
Evaluation Experiments on the Detection of Programming Patterns Using Software Metrics (KK), p. 44–?.
ICSMEICSM-2000-Schneidewind #maintenance #process #reliability #using
Measuring and evaluating maintenance process using reliability, risk, and test metrics (NFS), p. 232–?.
ICALPICALP-1997-Weihrauch #probability #set
Computability on the Probability Measures on the Borel Sets of the Unit Interval (KW), pp. 166–176.
IFLIFL-1997-MossR #benchmark #data type #functional #named
Auburn: A Kit for Benchmarking Functional Data Structures (GEM, CR), pp. 141–159.
Methodological Issues of Measurement of Psychosocial Work Factors in Computer/Office Work (LN, PC, WS), pp. 509–512.
HCIHCI-CC-1997-YamamotoHM #evaluation
The Measurement of CNV in the Evaluation of Mental Stress (SY, HH, SM), pp. 537–540.
Improvement of Hand-Grasp Measurement System (YS, SS, SS, MS), pp. 459–462.
KDDKDD-1997-NakhaeizadehS #algorithm #data mining #development #evaluation #mining #multi
Development of Multi-Criteria Metrics for Evaluation of Data Mining Algorithms (GN, AS), pp. 37–42.
TOOLSTOOLS-ASIA-1997-Li-Thiao-TeKO #design #object-oriented
Mechanisms for Interpretation of OO Systems Design Metrics (PLTT, JK, JO), pp. 221–231.
TOOLSTOOLS-ASIA-1997-MisicM #approach #metamodelling #object-oriented
From Formal Metamodels to Metrics: An Object-Oriented Approach (VBM, SM), pp. 330–339.
TOOLSTOOLS-ASIA-1997-RozmanGHHD #object-oriented
OO Metrics Data Gathering Environment (IR, JG, MH, RVH, TD), pp. 80–85.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-1997-Mingins97a #development #object-oriented
Metrics for Object-Oriented Development (CM), p. 376.
AdaTRI-Ada-1997-PriceDN #ada #framework #reuse #usability
A Reusability Measurement Framework and Tool for Ada 95 (MWP, SAD, DMN), pp. 125–132.
RERE-1997-HammerRHH #requirements
Requirements Metrics — Value Added (TH, LHR, LH, LEH), p. 141.
ESECESEC-FSE-1997-IdriGI #adaptation #cost analysis #towards
Towards an Adaptation of the COCOMO Cost Model to the Software Measurement Theory (AI, BG, AEI), pp. 525–526.
ICSEICSE-1997-BriandDM #c++
An Investigation into Coupling Measures for C++ (LCB, PTD, WLM), pp. 412–421.
ICSEICSE-1997-BrueggeD #communication #development
Communication Metrics for Software Development (BB, AHD), pp. 271–281.
ICSEICSE-1997-LaneZ #approach
Intergrating Measurement with Improvement: An Action-Oriented Approach (JAL, DZ), pp. 380–389.
ICSEICSE-1997-PighinZ #analysis #predict #statistics
A Predictive Metric Based on Discriminant Statistical Analysis (MP, RZ), pp. 262–270.
ICSEICSE-1997-Royce #development
Pragmatic Software Metrics for Iterative Development (Presentation) (WR), p. 585.
DATEEDTC-1997-IwamaHKS #benchmark #random
Random benchmark circuits with controlled attributes (KI, KH, HK, SS), pp. 90–97.
DATEEDTC-1997-LaquaiRW #performance #testing
A production-oriented measurement method for fast and exhaustive Iddq tests (BL, HR, HW), pp. 279–286.
STOCSTOC-1997-Clarkson #nearest neighbour #query
Nearest Neighbor Queries in Metric Spaces (KLC), pp. 609–617.
ICLPILPS-1997-TodoranHV #commit #comparative #logic programming #semantics
Comparative Metric Semantics for Commit in OR-Parallel Logic Programming (ET, JdH, EPdV), pp. 101–115.
ICSMEICSM-1996-MayrandLM #automation #detection #empirical #using
Experiment on the Automatic Detection of Function Clones in a Software System Using Metrics (JM, CL, EM), p. 244–?.
ICSMEICSM-1996-Stark #maintenance
Measurements for managing software maintenance (GES), p. 152–?.
CAiSECAiSE-1996-Daneva #benchmark #development #information management
The Role of Benchmarking in Information System Development (MD), pp. 421–431.
Ordinal and metric structure of smooth surfaces from parallax (GB), pp. 275–279.
ICPRICPR-1996-Chernov96a #2d
A metric unified treatment of two-dimensional FFT (VMC), pp. 662–669.
ICPRICPR-1996-FlorouM #3d #question #what
What accuracy for 3D measurements with cameras? (GF, RM), pp. 354–358.
Traffic measurement with a roadside vision system-individual tracking of overlapped vehicles (TI, SO, MM), pp. 859–864.
ICPRICPR-1996-Popov #fuzzy
Fuzzy morphology and fuzzy convexity measures (ATP), pp. 611–614.
ICPRICPR-1996-ShiniK #3d #analysis
3D measurement strategy based on a projection invariance motion analysis with an artificial retina sensor (CWS, KIK), pp. 369–373.
ICPRICPR-1996-Skubalska-RafajlowiczK #classification #performance #using
Fast k-NN classification rule using metric on space-filling curves (ESR, AK), pp. 121–125.
SEKESEKE-1996-ChangDC #approach #fuzzy #usability #using
Measurement of Usability of Software Using a Fuzzy Systems Approach (EC, TSD, DC), pp. 69–76.
SEKESEKE-1996-PaulKGDS #database #interface #query #visual notation
A Visual Query Interface for Software Metrics Databases (RAP, AK, AG, YFD, YS), pp. 317–322.
Measurement Strategies (AG), p. 1.
SASSAS-1996-Snelting #constraints #slicing #theorem proving #validation
Combining Slicing and Constraint Solving for Validation of Measurement Software (GS), pp. 332–348.
ICSEICSE-1996-DevanbuKMT #empirical #evaluation #reuse
Analytical and Empirical Evaluation of Software Reuse Metrics (PTD, SK, WLM, WT), pp. 189–199.
ICSEICSE-1996-OgasawaraYK #case study #experience #lifecycle #quality #using
Experiences of Software Quality Management Using Metrics through the Life-Cycle (HO, AY, MK), pp. 179–188.
SACSAC-1996-WassermanYS #logic programming #on the
On quantitative measurement of negation in logic programming (HCW, KY, ZS), pp. 58–62.
DACDAC-1996-JohnsonCB #design #markov #process #simulation
Application of a Markov Model to the Measurement, Simulation, and Diagnosis of an Iterative Design Process (EWJ, LAC, JBB), pp. 185–188.
PDPPDP-1996-Broggi #benchmark
The Abingdon Cross Benchmark on the Two PaPrICA Systems (AB), pp. 526–533.
ICDARICDAR-v1-1995-Gentric #recognition #using #word
Experimental results on improved handwritten word recognition using the Levenshtein metric (PG), pp. 364–367.
ICDARICDAR-v1-1995-MahadevanN #word
Gap metrics for word separation in handwritten lines (UM, RCN), pp. 124–127.
ICDARICDAR-v1-1995-RoosliM #constraints #quality
A high quality vectorization combining local quality measures and global constraints (MR, GM), pp. 243–248.
ICDARICDAR-v2-1995-HontaniS #detection #multi
Character detection based on multi-scale measurement (HH, SS), pp. 644–647.
ICDARICDAR-v2-1995-Randriamasy #benchmark #image
A set-based benchmarking method for address bloc location on arbitrarily complex grey level images (SR), pp. 619–622.
ICDARICDAR-v2-1995-YanikogluV #benchmark #documentation #segmentation
Ground-truthing and benchmarking document page segmentation (BAY, LV), pp. 601–604.
VLDBVLDB-1995-Brin #scalability
Near Neighbor Search in Large Metric Spaces (SB), pp. 574–584.
VLDBVLDB-1995-HoelS #benchmark
Benchmarking Spatial Join Operations with Spatial Output (EGH, HS), pp. 606–618.
CSEETCSEE-1995-Card #education
Teaching Practical Principles of Software Measurement (DNC), p. 443.
ICSMEICSM-1995-NakanishiAI #interface #library
A metric for evaluating class library interfaces and its application to library upgrades (KN, TA, MI), pp. 12–19.
ICSMEICSM-1995-PearseO #industrial #maintenance #process #source code
Maintainability measurements on industrial source code maintenance activities (TTP, PWO), pp. 295–303.
DLTDLT-1995-Georgescu #complexity #context-free grammar #orthogonal
The Orthogonality of Some Complexity Measures of Context-Free Languages (GG), pp. 73–78.
Metrics in Method Engineering (MR, SB), pp. 200–216.
KDDKDD-1995-SilberschatzT #information management #on the
On Subjective Measures of Interestingness in Knowledge Discovery (AS, AT), pp. 275–281.
SIGIRSIGIR-1995-HershEHWML #evaluation #information retrieval #towards
Towards New Measures of Information Retrieval Evaluation (WRH, DLE, DHH, SLW, AM, CL), pp. 164–170.
AdaEuropeAdaEurope-1995-Simoens #analysis #design #development #lifecycle #object-oriented
The Introduction of an Object-Oriented Analysis/Design Method and Object-Oriented Metrics in the Software Development Life-Cycle (RS), pp. 271–283.
ESECESEC-1995-CastellS #quality
Metrics for Quality Factors in the LESD Project (NC, OS), pp. 423–437.
ESECESEC-1995-Chamillard #analysis #case study #performance #predict #reachability
An Exploratory Study of Program Metrics as Predictors of Reachability Analysis Performance (ATC), pp. 343–361.
ESECESEC-1995-ChenKV #reuse
An Objective Reuse Metric: Model and Methology (YFC, BK, KPV), pp. 109–123.
ICSEICSE-1995-BertolinoS #assessment #dependence #testing #using
Using Testability Measures for Dependability Assessment (AB, LS), pp. 61–70.
SACSAC-1995-SchachY #approach #reuse
Metrics for targeting candidates for reuse: an experimental approach (SRS, XY), pp. 379–383.
DACDAC-1995-SmailagicSAKMS #benchmark #concurrent #design
Benchmarking An Interdisciplinary Concurrent Design Methodology for Electronic/Mechanical Systems (AS, DPS, DA, CK, TLM, JS), pp. 514–519.
DACDAC-1995-StollonP #behaviour #complexity #modelling
Measures of Syntactic Complexity for Modeling Behavioral VHDL (NSS, JDP), pp. 684–689.
STOCSTOC-1995-Yao #protocol #quantum #security
Security of quantum protocols against coherent measurements (ACCY), pp. 67–75.
ICSMEICSM-1994-ChenS #complexity #rule-based
Complexity Metrics for Rule-Based Expert Systems (ZC, CYS), pp. 382–391.
ICSMEICSM-1994-PigoskiN #case study #maintenance
Software Maintenance Metrics: A Case Study (TMP, LEN), pp. 392–401.
SEKESEKE-1994-Tovar #complexity #information management
Applicability of McCabe’s complexity metric to knowledge engineering products (ET), pp. 508–515.
SIGIRSIGIR-1994-EllisFW #consistency #database #effectiveness #hypermedia #on the #retrieval
On the Measurement of Inter-Linker Consistency and Retrieval Effectiveness in Hypertext Databases (DE, JFH, PW), pp. 51–60.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-1994-CareyDKN #benchmark #object-oriented
A Status Report on the oo7 OODBMS Benchmarking Effort (MJC, DJD, CK, JFN), pp. 414–426.
TOOLSTOOLS-EUROPE-1994-CampanaiN #design #object-oriented
Supporting Object-Oriented Design with Metrics (MC, PN), pp. 227–241.
TOOLSTOOLS-EUROPE-1994-Henderson-Sellers #design #object-oriented
Metrics for Object-Oriented Design (BHS), p. 529.
AdaTRI-Ada-1994-ShumateS #process
Software Project Reporting: Management, Measurement, and Process Improvement (KS, TS), pp. 41–45.
AdaTRI-Ada-1994-WorkmanC #design #guidelines #quality
Quality Guidelines = Designer Metrics (DAW, RC), pp. 29–40.
DACDAC-1994-Kapoor #process
Improving the Accuracy of Circuit Activity Measurement (BK), pp. 734–739.
PDPPDP-1994-Fahringer #benchmark #estimation #evaluation #fortran #parallel #performance #source code
Evaluation Of Benchmark Performance Estimation For Parallel Fortran Programs On Massively Parallel SIMD And MIMD Computers (TF), pp. 449–456.
PDPPDP-1994-McAleeseM #implementation #parallel #representation
Representation And Measurement Of Non-rigid Egocentric Motion: A Parallel Implementation (GM, PJM), pp. 7–13.
ICLPICLP-1994-Zapatrin #logic programming #quantum
Logic Programming as Quantum Measurement (RRZ), p. 747.
ISSTAISSTA-1994-HowdenH #dependence
Confidence Oriented Software Dependability Measurement (WEH, YH), p. 196.
ICDARICDAR-1993-DoriHGH #automation #documentation #standard
Radiographs as medical documents: automating standard measurements (DD, AIH, GG, RMH), pp. 553–556.
Perfect metrics (TKH, HSB), pp. 593–597.
ICDARICDAR-1993-HuangS #classification #multi
Combination of multiple classifiers with measurement values (YSH, CYS), pp. 598–601.
ICDARICDAR-1993-KanaiNRN #comprehension #documentation #performance
Performance metrics for document understanding systems (JK, TAN, SVR, GN), pp. 424–427.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1993-CareyDN #benchmark #object-oriented
The oo7 Benchmark (MJC, DJD, JFN), pp. 12–21.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1993-LeuteneggerD #benchmark #modelling
A Modeling Study of the TPC-C Benchmark (STL, DMD), pp. 22–31.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1993-StonebrakerFGM #benchmark
The Sequoia 2000 Benchmark (MS, JF, KG, JM), pp. 2–11.
ICSMECSM-1993-Abran #benchmark #feedback #industrial #maintenance #quality
Maintenance Productivity and Quality Studies: Industry Feedback on Benchmarking (AA), p. 370.
ICSMECSM-1993-Desharnais #benchmark #industrial #process #validation
Validation Process for Industry Benchmarking Data (JMD), pp. 371–372.
ICSMECSM-1993-Mancini #maintenance
Software Maintenance Metrics: A Changing Attitude (LM), p. 373.
ICSMECSM-1993-St-Pierre #integration #maintenance
Integration of Maintenance Metrics (DSP), pp. 374–375.
FPCAFPCA-1993-HartelL #benchmark #functional #implementation #lazy evaluation
Benchmarking Implementations of Lazy Functional Languages (PHH, KL), pp. 341–349.
FPCAFPCA-1993-KozatoO #benchmark #functional #image #lazy evaluation #source code
Benchmarking Real-Life Image Processing Programs in Lazy Functional Languages (YK, GPO), pp. 18–30.
HCIHCI-ACS-1993-HouwingWA #evaluation #usability
Usability Evaluation From Users’ Point of View: Three Complementary Measures (EMH, MW, AGA), pp. 475–480.
HCIHCI-ACS-1993-Rauterberg #human-computer #interface
Quantitative Measures for Evaluating Human-Computer Interfaces (MR), pp. 612–617.
HCIHCI-ACS-1993-Wieland-EckelmannS #design
Mental Workload Measurement and Its Application for Prospective System Design (RWE, RS), pp. 937–942.
HCIHCI-SHI-1993-McAlindon #performance
Performance Measures in an “Ergonomically” Designed Keyboard (PJM), pp. 1079–1084.
CHIINTERCHI-1993-MacleodB #analysis #music #tool support #usability #video
MUSiC video analysis and context tools for usability measurement (MM, NB), p. 55.
CHIINTERCHI-1993-MaguireD #industrial #usability
Usability measurement: its practical value to the computer industry (MCM, AD), pp. 145–148.
CIKMCIKM-1993-QianFF #analysis #database #object-oriented
An Object-Oriented Database for the Display Measurement and Analysis System (YQ, EAF, WWF), pp. 384–392.
SEKESEKE-1993-BoetticherSE #approach
A Neural Net-Based Approach to Software Metrics (GDB, KS, DE), pp. 271–274.
SEKESEKE-1993-Cheng #complexity #rule-based
A New Complexity Metric for OPS5 Rule-Based Systems (AMKC), pp. 244–247.
SEKESEKE-1993-Paul #maturity #risk management
Software Maturity Measurement for Software Risk Management (RAP), pp. 641–648.
SEKESEKE-1993-Poulin #development #reuse
Issues in the Development and Application of Reuse Metrics in a Corporate Environment (JSP), pp. 258–262.
SEKESEKE-1993-ReynoldsM #process #programming language #refinement #using
The Use of Refinement Metrics to Assess Programming Language Support for the Stepwise Refinement Process (RGR, JIM), pp. 150–157.
TOOLSTOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-AvotinsM #design #object-oriented
Metrics for Object-Oriented Design (JA, CM), pp. 127–141.
TOOLSTOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-DurnotaM #design #object-oriented
Tree-Based Coherence Metrics in Object-Oriented Design (BD, CM), pp. 489–504.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-1993-Henderson-Sellers #object-oriented
Object-Oriented Metrics (BHS), p. 548.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-1993-MinginsDS #analysis #eiffel
Collection and Analysis of Software Metrics from the Eiffel Class Hierarchy (CM, BD, GS), pp. 427–435.
ICSEICSE-1993-PiwowarskiOC #experience #testing
Coverage Measurement Experience During Function Test (PP, MO, JMC), pp. 287–301.
SACSAC-1993-FrederickSW #algorithm #network #problem #search-based
The Hamming Metric in Genetic Algorithms and Its Application to Two Network Problems (WGF, RLS, CMW), pp. 126–130.
SACSAC-1993-ONeal #complexity #empirical
An Empirical Study of Three Common Software Complexity Measures (MBO), pp. 203–207.
SACSAC-1993-Spring #automation #benchmark #generative
Benchmarking Automated Solution Generators for the Crozzle (JS), pp. 247–250.
PDPPDP-1993-BorensztejnLB #parallel
Measures of parallelism at compile time (PB, JL, CB), pp. 253–258.
PDPPDP-1993-EspositoGM #benchmark #database #parallel
Benchmarking a parallel data base environment (AE, GG, IM), pp. 247–252.
STOCSTOC-1993-HershbergerS #matrix
Matrix searching with the shortest path metric (JH, SS), pp. 485–494.
ICLPILPS-1993-Fitting #logic programming #semantics #source code
Metric Methods in the Semantics of Logic Programs (MF), pp. 69–71.
ISSTAISSTA-1993-LevineT #analysis #concurrent #re-engineering
Metric-Driven Reengineering for Static Concurrency Analysis (DLL, RNT), pp. 40–50.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1992-Gray #benchmark #database #transaction
Database and Transaction Processing Benchmarks (JG), p. 6.
ICALPICALP-1992-Rote #how
A New Metric Between Polygons and How to Compute it (GR), pp. 404–415.
SEKESEKE-1992-DoyleV #rule-based
Applying Metrics to Rule-Based Systems (PD, RV), pp. 123–130.
SEKESEKE-1992-LanubileV #maintenance #modelling
Maintainability via Structure Models and Software Metrics (FL, GV), pp. 590–599.
TOOLSTOOLS-PACIFIC-1992-Henderson-Sellers #re-engineering
Some Metrics for Objected-Oriented Software Engineering (BHS), pp. 131–139.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-1992-RajaramanL #c++ #source code
Some Coupling Measures for C++ Programs (CR, MRL), pp. 225–234.
AdaEuropeAdaEurope-1992-Wearing #ada #re-engineering
Software Engineering, Ada and Metrics (AW), pp. 35–46.
AdaEuropeAdaEurope-1992-ZageZBG #design
Design and Code Metrics Through a DIANA-Based Tool (WMZ, DMZ, MB, DJG), pp. 60–71.
AdaTRI-Ada-C-1992-Lodge #ada #benchmark
Benchmarking Ada: A Rationale (MJL), pp. 142–147.
SASWSA-1992-MesnardM #automation #generative #linear #source code
Automatic Generation of Valid Linear Measures for CLP(Q) Programs (FM, MM), pp. 29–34.
CADECADE-1992-LuskW #benchmark #problem #similarity
Benchmark Problems in Which Equality Plays the Major Role (ELL, LW), pp. 781–785.
ICTSSIWPTS-1992-McAllisterVA #automation #test coverage #testing
Automated Test Case Selection Based on Test Coverage Metrics (MM, STV, JAC), pp. 93–104.
LICSLICS-1992-Klarlund #automaton #set
Progress Measures, Immediate Determinacy, and a Subset Construction for Tree Automata (NK), pp. 382–393.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-1991-ChidamberK #design #object-oriented #towards
Towards a Metrics Suite for Object Oriented Design (SRC, CFK), pp. 197–211.
AdaEuropeAdaEurope-1991-Curley #ada #approach #benchmark #compilation
An Approach To Benchmarking Ada Compilation Systems (TC), pp. 87–108.
AdaEuropeAdaEurope-1991-TsalidisH #ada
AFADA, a Measurement Tool for Ada (CTT, AEH), pp. 65–86.
ESECESEC-1991-RozmanGD #analysis #source code
Relation Between Source Code Metrics and Structure Analysis Metrics (IR, JG, TD), pp. 332–342.
ESECESEC-1991-SelbyM #analysis #classification
Metric-Driven Classification Analysis (RWS, RKM), pp. 290–307.
ESECESEC-1991-ShepperdI #algebra #validation
Algebraic Validation of software Metrics (MJS, DCI), pp. 343–363.
ICSEICSE-1991-SelbyPSB #analysis #development #empirical #feedback
Metric-Driven Analysis and Feedback Systems for Enabling Empirically Guided Software Development (RWS, AAP, DCS, JB), pp. 288–298.
ASPLOSASPLOS-1991-CmelikKDK #analysis #benchmark #set #specification
An Analysis of SPARC and MIPS Instruction Set Utilization on the SPEC Benchmarks (RFC, SIK, DRD, EJK), pp. 290–302.
DACDAC-1991-GeigerM #algebra #automaton #benchmark #composition
FSM Decomposition Revisited: Algebraic Structure Theory Applied to MCNC Benchmark FSMs (MG, TMW), pp. 182–185.
DACDAC-1991-Kozminski #benchmark #evolution #layout #synthesis
Benchmarks for Layout Synthesis — Evolution and Current Status (KK), pp. 265–270.
PPoPPPPoPP-1991-HollingsworthIM #integration #parallel #performance
The Integration of Application and System Based Metrics in a Parallel Program Performance Tool (JKH, RBI, BPM), pp. 189–200.
SOSPSOSP-1991-BakerHKSO #distributed #file system
Measurements of a Distributed File System (MB, JHH, MDK, KS, JKO), pp. 198–212.
ICTSSIWPTS-1991-VuongA #communication #on the #protocol #test coverage
On Test Coverage Metrics for Communication Protocols (STV, JAC), pp. 31–45.
LICSLICS-1991-KlarlundK #automaton
Rabin Measures and Their Applications to Fairness and Automata Theory (NK, DK), pp. 256–265.
VLDBVLDB-1990-WangS #distance #query
Query Processing for Distance Metrics (JTLW, DS), pp. 602–613.
ICALPICALP-1990-Wiedermann #normalisation #problem #ram
Normalizing and Accelerating RAM Computations and the Problem of Reasonable Space Measures (JW), pp. 125–138.
CAiSECAiSE-1990-Almgren #motivation #quality
Quality Control: A Cornerstone to Quality — Measurement and Motivation are Key Issues (RA), p. 288.
SEKESEKE-1990-ComoLV #design #evaluation #quality
Evaluation of Characteristics of Design Quality Metrics (GC, FL, GV), pp. 195–201.
Recent Advances in Software Measurement (VRB), pp. 44–49.
ICSEICSE-1990-Bush90a #quality
Getting Started on Metrics — JPL Productivity and Quality (MWB), pp. 133–142.
ICSEICSE-1990-HirayamaSYT #lifecycle #modelling #quality
Practice of Quality Modeling and Measurement on Software Life-Cycle (MH, HS, AY, JT), pp. 98–107.
DACDAC-1990-HillP #benchmark #synthesis
Benchmarks for Cell Synthesis (DDH, BP), pp. 317–320.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1989-Gray #database #performance
Database Performance Metrics (JG), p. 2.
CHICHI-1989-LeePB #learning
Learning and transfer of measurement tasks (AYL, PGP, WAB), pp. 115–120.
SEKESEKE-1989-FanH #complexity
A Comprehensive Software Complexity Metric for Primitive Modules (ZF, JMH), pp. 67–72.
SEKESEKE-1989-ReynoldsMP #compilation #named
PM: A Metrics Driven Plan Compiler (RGR, JIM, SEP), pp. 25–30.
ESECESEC-1989-Ince #analysis #data flow #design #empirical
Martin J. Shepperd: An Empirical and Theoretical Analysis of an Information Flow-Based System Design Metric (DCI), pp. 86–99.
The Role of Measurement in ISEEs (HDR), pp. 65–85.
ICSEICSE-1989-NakagawaH #complexity #fault #reliability
An Error Complexity Model for Software Reliability Measurement (YN, SH), pp. 230–236.
CSLCSL-1989-PrieseN #semantics #using
Semantic for Abstract Fairness using Metric Spaces (LP, DN), pp. 355–368.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1988-Group #benchmark #sql #transaction
A Benchmark of NonStop SQL on the Debit Credit Transaction (TTPG), pp. 337–341.
SIGIRSIGIR-1988-TagueS #evaluation #information retrieval #user interface
Some Measures and Procedures for Evaluation of the User Interface in an Information Retrieval System (JT, RS), pp. 371–385.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-1988-DuhlD #benchmark #comparison #database #performance #relational #using
A Performance Comparison of Object and Relational Databases Using the Sun Benchmark (JD, CD), pp. 153–163.
ICSEICSE-1988-Benjamin #named #performance
PILOT: A Prescription for Program Performance Measurement (JLB), pp. 388–395.
ICSEICSE-1988-Duncan #development #tool support
Software Development Productivity Tools and Metrics (ASD), pp. 41–48.
DACDAC-1988-MaoC #algorithm #generative #named #self #testing #using
Dytest: A Self-Learning Algorithm Using Dynamic Testability Measures to Accelerate Test Generation (WM, MDC), pp. 591–596.
DACDAC-1988-PillageR #polynomial
A Quadratic Metric with a Simple Solution Scheme for Initial Placement (LTP, RAR), pp. 324–329.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1987-RubensteinKC #benchmark #database
Benchmarking Simple Database Operations (WBR, MSK, RGGC), pp. 387–394.
“80/20 OA” Measurement of White Collar Workers (DLS), pp. 345–352.
PLDIPLDI-1987-HuguetLT #architecture #generative
A block-and-actions generator as an alternative to a simulator for collecting architecture measurements (MH, TL, YT), pp. 14–25.
ICSEICSE-1987-MiyazakiM #using
Software Metrics Using Deviation Value (YM, NM), pp. 83–95.
DACDAC-1987-LadjadjM #benchmark
Benchmark Runs of the Subscripted D-Algorithm with Observation Path Mergers on the Brglez-Fujiwara Circuits (ML, JFM), pp. 509–515.
DACDAC-1987-Preas #benchmark #layout
Benchmarks for Cell-Based Layout Systems (BP), pp. 319–320.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1986-Boral #database #performance
Database System Performance Measurement (HB), pp. 153–154.
VLDBVLDB-1986-Hagmann #database #performance
An Observation on Database Buffering Performance Metrics (RBH), pp. 289–293.
DACDAC-1986-Geus #automation #benchmark #design #logic #optimisation #synthesis
Logic synthesis and optimization benchmarks for the 1986 Design Automation Conference (AJdG), p. 78.
DACDAC-1986-PatelP #automation #effectiveness #generative #heuristic
Effectiveness of heuristics measures for automatic test pattern generation (SJP, JHP), pp. 547–552.
SIGIRSIGIR-1985-Korfhage #documentation
Theoretical Measures in P/Q Document Spaces (RK), pp. 33–40.
ICSEICSE-1985-BasiliS #set #using
Calculation and Use of an Environment’s Characteristic Software Metric Set (VRB, RWS), pp. 386–393.
ICSEICSE-1985-KafuraC #using #validation
A Validation of Software Metrics Using Many Metrics and Two Resources (DGK, JC), pp. 378–385.
A Metric Characterization of Fair Computations in CCS (GC), pp. 239–252.
ICALPICALP-1984-Mannila #algorithm #sorting
Measures of Presortedness and Optimal Sorting Algorithms (HM), pp. 324–336.
SIGIRSIGIR-1984-Bollmann #axiom #evaluation #information retrieval
Two Axioms for Evaluation Measures in Information Retrieval (PB), pp. 233–245.
ICSEICSE-1984-Elshoff #complexity
Characteristic Program Complexity Measures (JLE), pp. 288–293.
A Discriminant Metric for Module Cohersion (TJE), pp. 294–303.
ICSEICSE-1984-MusaO #execution #reliability
A Logarithmic Poisson Execution Time Model for Software Reliability Measurement (JDM, KO), pp. 230–238.
ICSEICSE-1984-Schroeder #documentation #tool support
Integrated Program Measurement and Documentation Tools (AS), pp. 304–313.
ICSEICSE-1984-Tai #complexity #data flow #graph
A Program Complexity Metric Based on Data Flow Information in Control Graphs (KCT), pp. 239–249.
STOCSTOC-1984-DeganoM #convergence #liveness
Liveness Properties as Convergence in Metric Spaces (PD, UM), pp. 31–38.
VLDBVLDB-1983-BittonDT #approach #benchmark #database
Benchmarking Database Systems A Systematic Approach (DB, DJD, CT), pp. 8–19.
SIGIRSIGIR-1983-Bollman #normalisation
The Normalized Recall and Related Measures (PB), pp. 122–128.
DACDAC-1982-OusterhoutU #design
Measurements of a VLSI design (JKO, DMU), pp. 903–908.
SIGIRSIGIR-1981-BuellK #fuzzy #performance #retrieval
Performance Measurement in a Fuzzy Retrieval Environment (DAB, DHK), pp. 56–62.
STOCSTOC-1981-King #parallel
Measures of Parallelism in Alternating Computation Trees (KNK), pp. 189–201.
SIGIRSIGIR-1980-NoreaultMK #documentation #evaluation #performance #similarity
A Performance Evaluation of Similarity Measures, Document Term Weighting Schemes and Representations in a Boolean Environment (TN, MM, MBK), pp. 57–76.
DACDAC-1980-Yates #analysis #design #process
Design process analysis: A measurement and analysis technique (KDY), pp. 420–421.
ICSEICSE-1979-CurtisSM #complexity #performance #predict #replication
Third Time Charm: Stronger Replication of the Ability of Software Complexity Metrics to Predict Programmer Performance (BC, SBS, PM), pp. 356–360.
DACDAC-1979-Bresnen #automation
Automation of manufacturing planning, shop loading and work measurement in an engineering job shop environment (EJB), pp. 215–221.
DACDAC-1979-Grason #testing
TMEAS, a testability measurement program (JG), pp. 156–161.
ICALPICALP-1978-Biskup #turing machine
Path Measures of Turing Machine Computations (JB), pp. 90–104.
STOCSTOC-1978-Lynch #complexity #parametricity
Straight-Line Program Length as a Parameter for Complexity Measures (NAL), pp. 150–161.
ICALPICALP-1977-Alton #complexity #memory management
“Natural” Complexity Measures and Time versus Memory: Some Definitional Proposals (DAA), pp. 16–29.
SOSPSOSP-1977-McDaniel #distributed #kernel #named
METRIC: A Kernel Instrumentation System for Distributed Environments (GM), pp. 93–99.
SOSPSOSP-1977-Montgomery #multi
Measurements of Sharing in Multics (WAM), pp. 85–90.
ICALPICALP-1976-GillS #turing machine
Ink, Dirty-Tape Turing Machines, and Quasicomplexity Measures (JG, IS), pp. 285–306.
STOCSTOC-1975-LiptonD #complexity #evaluation #integer
Complexity Measures and Hierarchies for the Evaluation of Integers, Polynomials, and n-linear Forms (RJL, DPD), pp. 1–5.
STOCSTOC-1974-EhrenfeuchtZ #complexity #regular expression
Complexity Measures for Regular Expressions (AE, HPZ), pp. 75–79.
SOSPSOSP-1973-Svobodova #hybrid #monitoring #online #performance
Online System Performance Measurements with Software and Hybrid Monitors (LS), pp. 45–53.
DACDAC-1970-AshleyMS #automation
An automated micro measurement system for integrated circuit masks (FRA, EBM, HJS), pp. 17–27.
SOSPSOSP-1969-ArdenB #multi #performance
Measurement and performance of a multiprogramming system (BA, DB), pp. 130–146.
Measurements of segment size (APB, SMJ, DCW), pp. 25–29.
STOCSTOC-1969-Loveland #complexity #on the
On Minimal-Program Complexity Measures (DWL), pp. 61–65.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.