Travelled to:
1 × Spain
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ F.Raimondi G.Brat A.E.Lindsey
Talks about:
verif (3) system (2) model (2) test (2) base (2) livingston (1) distribut (1) techniqu (1) knowledg (1) without (1)
♂ Person: Charles Pecheur
DBLP: Pecheur:Charles
Facilitated 7 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- ISSTA-2009-PecheurRB #analysis #formal method #testing
- A formal analysis of requirements-based testing (CP, FR, GB), pp. 47–56.
- MBT-2007-RaimondiPB #model checking #testing
- Testing Planning Domains (without Model Checkers) (FR, CP, GB), pp. 113–125.
- TACAS-2004-LindseyP #verification
- Simulation-Based Verification of Autonomous Controllers via Livingstone PathFinder (AEL, CP), pp. 357–371.
- ASE-1999-Pecheur #clustering #file system #modelling #verification
- Advanced Modelling and Verification Techniques Applied to a Cluster File System (CP), pp. 119–126.
- ASE-1997-Pecheur #distributed #specification #using #verification
- Specification and Verification of the Co4 Distributed Knowledge System using LOTOS (CP), pp. 63–70.