Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Norway
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
C.Pecheur F.Raimondi C.Martinie P.A.Palanque J.A.Navas N.Shi A.Venet D.H.Bushnell M.Davies D.Giannakopoulou F.Howar T.Kahsai
Talks about:
analysi (2) system (2) formal (2) model (2) test (2) base (2) interpret (1) framework (1) properti (1) interact (1)
Person: Guillaume Brat
DBLP: Brat:Guillaume
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- FM-2015-BratBDGHK #safety #verification
- Verifying the Safety of a Flight-Critical System (GB, DHB, MD, DG, FH, TK), pp. 308–324.
- SEFM-2014-BratNSV #abstract interpretation #framework #named #static analysis
- IKOS: A Framework for Static Analysis Based on Abstract Interpretation (GB, JAN, NS, AV), pp. 271–277.
- HCI-AMTE-2013-BratMP #interactive #model checking #semantics
- V&V of Lexical, Syntactic and Semantic Properties for Interactive Systems through Model Checking of Formal Description of Dialog (GB, CM, PAP), pp. 290–299.
- ISSTA-2009-PecheurRB #analysis #formal method #testing
- A formal analysis of requirements-based testing (CP, FR, GB), pp. 47–56.
- MBT-2007-RaimondiPB #model checking #testing
- Testing Planning Domains (without Model Checkers) (FR, CP, GB), pp. 113–125.