Travelled to:
1 × Germany
1 × The Netherlands
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Canada
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Marshall J.Noble F.Maurer R.Biddle S.M.Sohan ∅ J.Paredes S.Markstrum E.R.Murphy-Hill H.Ruan B.Thompson D.J.Pearce G.Haggard E.D.Tempero
Talks about:
visual (8) softwar (6) use (4) evalu (3) document (2) collabor (2) environ (2) locat (2) autom (2) tool (2)
♂ Person: Craig Anslow
DBLP: Anslow:Craig
Facilitated 7 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 11 papers:
- ICSME-2014-Anslow #collaboration #visualisation
- Reflections on Collaborative Software Visualization in Co-located Environments (CA), pp. 645–650.
- VISSOFT-2014-ParedesAM #agile #development #visualisation
- Information Visualization for Agile Software Development (JP, CA, FM), pp. 157–166.
- VISSOFT-2013-AnslowMNB #collaboration #named #visualisation
- SourceVis: Collaborative software visualization for co-located environments (CA, SM, JN, RB), pp. 1–10.
- Onward-2011-AnslowMM #evaluation #programming language #tool support #usability
- Evaluation and usability of programming languages and tools: (PLATEAU) (CA, SM, ERMH), pp. 119–120.
- SOFTVIS-2010-AnslowMNTB #evaluation #scalability #using #visualisation
- User evaluation of polymetric views using a large visualization wall (CA, SM, JN, EDT, RB), pp. 25–34.
- SOFTVIS-2010-RuanAMN #visualisation
- Exploring the inventor’s paradox: applying jigsaw to software visualization (HR, CA, SM, JN), pp. 83–92.
- SOFTVIS-2008-AnslowNMB #3d #using #visualisation #web
- Web software visualization using extensible 3D (X3D) graphics (CA, JN, SM, RB), pp. 213–214.
- SOFTVIS-2008-ThompsonPAH #polynomial #visualisation
- Visualizing the computation tree of the Tutte Polynomial (BT, DJP, CA, GH), pp. 211–212.
- SOFTVIS-2006-AnslowMNB #3d #visualisation
- Evaluating X3D for use in software visualization (CA, SM, JN, RB), pp. 161–162.
- ASE-2015-SohanAM #api #automation #documentation #named #rest #using
- SpyREST: Automated RESTful API Documentation Using an HTTP Proxy Server (N) (SMS, CA, FM), pp. 271–276.
- ASE-2015-SohanAM15a #api #automation #documentation #rest
- SpyREST in Action: An Automated RESTful API Documentation Tool (SMS, CA, FM), pp. 813–818.