Travelled to:
1 × Belgium
1 × Croatia
1 × France
1 × India
1 × Italy
1 × Japan
1 × Poland
1 × The Netherlands
Collaborated with:
M.Alpuente D.Ballis L.Duchien L.Seinturier C.Quinton R.Rouvoy F.Frechina J.Espert M.Falaschi C.Valdez R.Mélisson P.Merle C.A.Parra S.Mosser
Talks about:
rewrit (3) constraint (2) support (2) theori (2) trace (2) logic (2) base (2) web (2) architectur (1) reconfigur (1)
Person: Daniel Romero
DBLP: Romero:Daniel
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- ECSA-2015-0002QDSV #cyber-physical #named #smarttech
- SmartyCo: Managing Cyber-Physical Systems for Smart Environments (DR, CQ, LD, LS, CV), pp. 294–302.
- SPLC-2013-Quinton0D #approach #constraints #feature model #modelling
- Cardinality-based feature models with constraints: a pragmatic approach (CQ, DR, LD), pp. 162–166.
- FM-2012-AlpuenteBFR #named #slicing
- Julienne: A Trace Slicer for Conditional Rewrite Theories (MA, DB, FF, DR), pp. 28–32.
- SAC-2012-ParraRMRDS #adaptation #constraints #optimisation #self #using #variability
- Using constraint-based optimization and variability to support continuous self-adaptation (CAP, DR, SM, RR, LD, LS), pp. 486–491.
- CADE-2011-AlpuenteBER #logic #slicing
- Backward Trace Slicing for Rewriting Logic Theories (MA, DB, JE, DR), pp. 34–48.
- ASE-2010-MelissonMRRS #architecture #component #configuration management #distributed #runtime
- Reconfigurable run-time support for distributed service component architectures (RM, PM, DR, RR, LS), pp. 171–172.
- FM-2009-AlpuenteBR #logic #specification #verification #web
- Specification and Verification of Web Applications in Rewriting Logic (MA, DB, DR), pp. 790–805.
- SEFM-2006-AlpuenteBFR #automation
- A Semi-Automatic Methodology for Repairing FaultyWeb Sites (MA, DB, MF, DR), pp. 31–40.