Ana Cavalcanti, Dennis Dams
Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium of Formal Methods: Second World Congress
FM, 2009.
@proceedings{FM-2009, address = "Eindhoven, The Netherlands", doi = "10.1007/978-3-642-05089-3", editor = "Ana Cavalcanti and Dennis Dams", isbn = "978-3-642-05088-6", publisher = "{Springer International Publishing}", series = "{Lecture Notes in Computer Science}", title = "{Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium of Formal Methods: Second World Congress}", volume = 5850, year = 2009, }
Contents (53 items)
- FM-2009-TschantzW #formal method #privacy
- Formal Methods for Privacy (MCT, JMW), pp. 1–15.
- FM-2009-BonzanniFFK #biology #formal method #question #what
- What Can Formal Methods Bring to Systems Biology? (NB, KAF, WF, EK), pp. 16–22.
- FM-2009-OHalloran #verification
- Guess and Verify — Back to the Future (CO), pp. 23–32.
- FM-2009-Rajamani #statistics #testing #verification
- Verification, Testing and Statistics (SKR), pp. 33–40.
- FM-2009-McIverMM #probability #security
- Security, Probability and Nearly Fair Coins in the Cryptographers’ Café (AM, LM, CM), pp. 41–71.
- FM-2009-JaffarS #abstraction #recursion
- Recursive Abstractions for Parameterized Systems (JJ, AES), pp. 72–88.
- FM-2009-Tonetta #abstraction #model checking
- Abstract Model Checking without Computing the Abstraction (ST), pp. 89–105.
- FM-2009-SchriebWW #abstraction
- Three-Valued Spotlight Abstractions (JS, HW, DW), pp. 106–122.
- FM-2009-SunLRLD #abstraction #model checking #process
- Fair Model Checking with Process Counter Abstraction (JS, YL, AR, SL, JSD), pp. 123–139.
- FM-2009-RamosSM #component #development
- Systematic Development of Trustworthy Component Systems (RR, AS, AM), pp. 140–156.
- FM-2009-LangM #composition #confluence #detection #partial order #reduction #using
- Partial Order Reductions Using Compositional Confluence Detection (FL, RM), pp. 157–172.
- FM-2009-JeffordsHAL #composition #fault tolerance #formal method #refinement #using
- A Formal Method for Developing Provably Correct Fault-Tolerant Systems Using Partial Refinement and Composition (RDJ, CLH, MA, EIL), pp. 173–189.
- FM-2009-SchierlSHR #file system #memory management #specification
- Abstract Specification of the UBIFS File System for Flash Memory (AS, GS, DH, WR), pp. 190–206.
- FM-2009-ShahbazG #automaton
- Inferring Mealy Machines (MS, RG), pp. 207–222.
- FM-2009-KohlhaseLSS #process
- Formal Management of CAD/CAM Processes (MK, JL, LS, ES), pp. 223–238.
- FM-2009-Eshuis #petri net
- Translating Safe Petri Nets to Statecharts in a Structure-Preserving Way (RE), pp. 239–255.
- FM-2009-WangKGG #analysis #concurrent #predict #source code
- Symbolic Predictive Analysis for Concurrent Programs (CW, SK, MKG, AG), pp. 256–272.
- FM-2009-DaylightS #case study #design #on the
- On the Difficulties of Concurrent-System Design, Illustrated with a 2×2 Switch Case Study (EGD, SKS), pp. 273–288.
- FM-2009-McIverM #case study #composition #refinement #security
- Sums and Lovers: Case Studies in Security, Compositionality and Refinement (AM, CCM), pp. 289–304.
- FM-2009-WalkinshawDG #modelling #refinement #testing
- Iterative Refinement of Reverse-Engineered Models by Model-Based Testing (NW, JD, QG), pp. 305–320.
- FM-2009-LiuCLS #model checking #refinement
- Model Checking Linearizability via Refinement (YL, WC, YAL, JS), pp. 321–337.
- FM-2009-HoenickeLPSW
- It’s Doomed; We Can Prove It (JH, KRML, AP, MS, TW), pp. 338–353.
- FM-2009-JostLHSH #analysis #bound #using
- “Carbon Credits” for Resource-Bounded Computations Using Amortised Analysis (SJ, HWL, KH, NS, MH), pp. 354–369.
- FM-2009-AlbertAGP #analysis
- Field-Sensitive Value Analysis by Field-Insensitive Analysis (EA, PA, SG, GP), pp. 370–386.
- FM-2009-Boute #logic #unification
- Making Temporal Logic Calculational: A Tool for Unification and Discovery (RTB), pp. 387–402.
- FM-2009-Reynolds
- A Tableau for CTL (MR), pp. 403–418.
- FM-2009-LuthW #c #source code #specification #verification
- Certifiable Specification and Verification of C Programs (CL, DW), pp. 419–434.
- FM-2009-HasanAATA #random #reasoning
- Formal Reasoning about Expectation Properties for Continuous Random Variables (OH, NA, BA, ST, RA), pp. 435–450.
- FM-2009-GancarskiB #semantics
- The Denotational Semantics of slotted-Circus (PG, AB), pp. 451–466.
- FM-2009-ChenS #nondeterminism #probability
- Unifying Probability with Nondeterminism (YC, JWS), pp. 467–482.
- FM-2009-GiannakopoulosDFK #alloy #semantics #towards
- Towards an Operational Semantics for Alloy (TG, DJD, KF, SK), pp. 483–498.
- FM-2009-ReevesS #fault #robust #semantics
- A Robust Semantics Hides Fewer Errors (SR, DS), pp. 499–515.
- FM-2009-HeidarianSV #analysis #network #protocol
- Analysis of a Clock Synchronization Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks (FH, JS, FWV), pp. 516–531.
- FM-2009-SouyrisWDD #verification
- Formal Verification of Avionics Software Products (JS, VW, DD, HD), pp. 532–546.
- FM-2009-PlatzerC #case study #verification
- Formal Verification of Curved Flight Collision Avoidance Maneuvers: A Case Study (AP, EMC), pp. 547–562.
- FM-2009-LausdahlLL #tool support #uml
- Connecting UML and VDM++ with Open Tool Support (KL, HKAL, PGL), pp. 563–578.
- FM-2009-SaidBS #refinement #state machine #tool support #uml
- Language and Tool Support for Class and State Machine Refinement in UML-B (MYS, MJB, CFS), pp. 579–595.
- FM-2009-JohnsenKY #composition #concurrent #distributed #evolution
- Dynamic Classes: Modular Asynchronous Evolution of Distributed Concurrent Objects (EBJ, MK, ICY), pp. 596–611.
- FM-2009-AhrendtBG #logic
- Abstract Object Creation in Dynamic Logic (WA, FSdB, IG), pp. 612–627.
- FM-2009-Gast #memory management #reasoning
- Reasoning about Memory Layouts (HG), pp. 628–643.
- FM-2009-SeidlVV #alias #analysis #linear #polynomial
- A Smooth Combination of Linear and Herbrand Equalities for Polynomial Time Must-Alias Analysis (HS, VV, VV), pp. 644–659.
- FM-2009-BonakdarpourK #bound #complexity #on the
- On the Complexity of Synthesizing Relaxed and Graceful Bounded-Time 2-Phase Recovery (BB, SSK), pp. 660–675.
- FM-2009-LarsenLNP #realtime #requirements #verification
- Verifying Real-Time Systems against Scenario-Based Requirements (KGL, SL, BN, SP), pp. 676–691.
- FM-2009-GomesO #specification
- Formal Specification of a Cardiac Pacing System (AOG, MVMO), pp. 692–707.
- FM-2009-LeuschelFFP #automation #modelling #scalability #verification
- Automated Property Verification for Large Scale B Models (ML, JF, FF, DP), pp. 708–723.
- FM-2009-VakkalankaVGK #execution #semantics #theory and practice
- Reduced Execution Semantics of MPI: From Theory to Practice (SSV, AV, GG, RMK), pp. 724–740.
- FM-2009-PradellaMP #bound #encoding #metric #model checking
- A Metric Encoding for Bounded Model Checking (MP, AM, PSP), pp. 741–756.
- FM-2009-ShaoKP #approach #bound #formal method #incremental #lightweight #using
- An Incremental Approach to Scope-Bounded Checking Using a Lightweight Formal Method (DS, SK, DEP), pp. 757–772.
- FM-2009-HarrisKCJR #bound #data flow #process #verification
- Verifying Information Flow Control over Unbounded Processes (WRH, NK, SC, SJ, TWR), pp. 773–789.
- FM-2009-AlpuenteBR #logic #specification #verification #web
- Specification and Verification of Web Applications in Rewriting Logic (MA, DB, DR), pp. 790–805.
- FM-2009-LeinenbachS #verification
- Verifying the Microsoft Hyper-V Hypervisor with VCC (DL, TS), pp. 806–809.
- FM-2009-BicarreguiFLW #formal method #industrial #overview #perspective
- Industrial Practice in Formal Methods: A Review (JB, JSF, PGL, JCPW), pp. 810–813.
- FM-2009-HjortRLPS #modelling #testing #user interface #using
- Model-Based GUI Testing Using Uppaal at Novo Nordisk (UHH, JIR, KGL, MAP, AS), pp. 814–818.
10 ×#verification
5 ×#analysis
5 ×#bound
5 ×#formal method
5 ×#refinement
5 ×#using
4 ×#abstraction
4 ×#composition
4 ×#model checking
4 ×#semantics
5 ×#analysis
5 ×#bound
5 ×#formal method
5 ×#refinement
5 ×#using
4 ×#abstraction
4 ×#composition
4 ×#model checking
4 ×#semantics