Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × France
Collaborated with:
S.Mohamed D.Wierstra K.Gregor I.Danihelka A.Graves
Talks about:
generat (2) infer (2) backpropag (1) stochast (1) approxim (1) network (1) variat (1) recurr (1) normal (1) neural (1)
Person: Danilo Jimenez Rezende
DBLP: Rezende:Danilo_Jimenez
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ICML-2015-GregorDGRW #generative #image #named #network
- DRAW: A Recurrent Neural Network For Image Generation (KG, ID, AG, DJR, DW), pp. 1462–1471.
- ICML-2015-RezendeM #normalisation
- Variational Inference with Normalizing Flows (DJR, SM), pp. 1530–1538.
- ICML-c2-2014-RezendeMW #approximate #generative #modelling #probability
- Stochastic Backpropagation and Approximate Inference in Deep Generative Models (DJR, SM, DW), pp. 1278–1286.