Collaborated with:
Matthew Stephenson Dennis J. N. J. Soemers Cameron Browne C.Piette
Talks about:
ludii (4) general (2) system (2) polici (2) play (2) game (2) platform (1) overview (1) gradient (1) competit (1)
Person: Éric Piette
DBLP: Piette:=Eacute=ric
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- CoG-2019-PiettePSSB #game studies #logic
- Ludii and XCSP: Playing and Solving Logic Puzzles (CP, ÉP, MS, DJNJS, CB), pp. 1–4.
- CoG-2019-PietteSSB #empirical #evaluation #game studies
- An Empirical Evaluation of Two General Game Systems: Ludii and RBG (ÉP, MS, DJNJS, CB), pp. 1–4.
- CoG-2019-SoemersPSB #learning #policy #self
- Learning Policies from Self-Play with Policy Gradients and MCTS Value Estimates (DJNJS, ÉP, MS, CB), pp. 1–8.
- CoG-2019-StephensonPSB #contest #framework #platform
- Ludii as a Competition Platform (MS, ÉP, DJNJS, CB), pp. 1–8.
- CoG-2019-StephensonPSB19a #game studies #overview
- An Overview of the Ludii General Game System (MS, ÉP, DJNJS, CB), pp. 1–2.