Collaborated with:
Molly Rossman T.Morelli Kevin Andrews
Talks about:
virtual (2) pedestrian (1) realiti (1) walker (1) visual (1) button (1) usabl (1) sonic (1) simul (1) navig (1)
Person: Ethan Coggins
DBLP: Coggins:Ethan
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- FDG-2015-CogginsARM #artificial reality #named #navigation #simulation
- SonicWalker: Virtual Reality Simulation of Non-Visual Pedestrian City Navigation (EC, KA, MR, TM).
- FDG-2015-MorelliCR #usability
- Usability of Back of Device Virtual Buttons (TM, EC, MR).