Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × Japan
1 × Spain
1 × Sweden
1 × Switzerland
1 × United Kingdom
2 × China
6 × USA
Collaborated with:
T.M.Breuel S.S.Bukhari J.v.Beusekom A.Dengel D.Keysers M.P.Cutter S.F.Rashid A.S.Mian A.Shahab A.Ul-Hasan N.Sabbour A.El-Korashy M.Z.Afzal M.Krämer N.Akhtar S.H.Khan Z.Khan Z.Khan S.Ahmed M.Liwicki M.I.A.A.Azawi J.Gebhardt M.Goldstein H.S.M.Al-Khaffaf E.Indermühle H.Bunke S.B.Ahmed D.Karatzas S.Uchida M.Iwamura L.G.i.Bigorda S.R.Mestre J.Mas D.F.Mota J.Almazán L.d.l.Heras
Talks about:
document (11) imag (10) use (9) text (8) segment (6) line (5) recognit (4) script (4) robust (4) urdu (4)
Person: Faisal Shafait
DBLP: Shafait:Faisal
Contributed to:
Wrote 32 papers:
- ICPR-2014-AkhtarSM #algorithm #approximate #named
- SUnGP: A Greedy Sparse Approximation Algorithm for Hyperspectral Unmixing (NA, FS, ASM), pp. 3726–3731.
- DRR-2013-SabbourS #approach
- A segmentation-free approach to Arabic and Urdu OCR (NS, FS).
- ICDAR-2013-AhmedSLD #segmentation #using
- A Generic Method for Stamp Segmentation Using Part-Based Features (SA, FS, ML, AD), pp. 708–712.
- ICDAR-2013-BreuelUAS #network #using
- High-Performance OCR for Printed English and Fraktur Using LSTM Networks (TMB, AUH, MIAAA, FS), pp. 683–687.
- ICDAR-2013-BukhariSB #towards
- Towards Generic Text-Line Extraction (SSB, FS, TMB), pp. 748–752.
- ICDAR-2013-El-KorashyS #recognition #reduction
- Search Space Reduction for Holistic Ligature Recognition in Urdu Nastalique Script (AEK, FS), pp. 1125–1129.
- ICDAR-2013-GebhardtGSD #authentication #detection #documentation #using
- Document Authentication Using Printing Technique Features and Unsupervised Anomaly Detection (JG, MG, FS, AD), pp. 479–483.
- ICDAR-2013-KaratzasSUIBMMMAH #contest #robust
- ICDAR 2013 Robust Reading Competition (DK, FS, SU, MI, LGiB, SRM, JM, DFM, JA, LPdlH), pp. 1484–1493.
- ICDAR-2013-KhanKS #identification #problem #question #verification
- Can Signature Biometrics Address Both Identification and Verification Problems? (SHK, ZK, FS), pp. 981–985.
- ICDAR-2013-KhanSM13a #detection
- Hyperspectral Imaging for Ink Mismatch Detection (ZK, FS, ASM), pp. 877–881.
- ICDAR-2013-Ul-HasanARSB #bidirectional #network #recognition
- Offline Printed Urdu Nastaleeq Script Recognition with Bidirectional LSTM Networks (AUH, SBA, SFR, FS, TMB), pp. 1061–1065.
- ICPR-2012-AfzalBKSB #documentation #image #parametricity #robust #using
- Robust stereo matching for document images using parameter selection of text-line extraction (MZA, SSB, MK, FS, TMB), pp. 331–334.
- ICPR-2012-Al-KhaffafSCB #on the #performance #re-engineering
- On the performance of Decapod’s digital font reconstruction (HSMAK, FS, MPC, TMB), pp. 649–652.
- ICPR-2012-KramerABSB #component #documentation #programming #robust
- Robust stereo correspondence for documents by matching connected components of text-lines with dynamic programming (MK, MZA, SSB, FS, TMB), pp. 734–737.
- ICPR-2012-Ul-HasanBRSB #automation #database #generative
- Semi-automated OCR database generation for Nabataean scripts (AUH, SSB, SFR, FS, TMB), pp. 1667–1670.
- DRR-2011-BukhariSB #algorithm #documentation #image #multi #segmentation #using
- Improved document image segmentation algorithm using multiresolution morphology (SSB, FS, TMB), pp. 1–10.
- DRR-2011-CutterBSB #identification #using
- Font group identification using reconstructed fonts (MPC, JvB, FS, TMB), pp. 1–10.
- ICDAR-2011-BeusekomS #automation #documentation #metric #verification
- Distortion Measurement for Automatic Document Verification (JvB, FS), pp. 289–293.
- ICDAR-2011-BukhariSB #set #using
- Text-Line Extraction Using a Convolution of Isotropic Gaussian Filter with a Set of Line Filters (SSB, FS, TMB), pp. 579–583.
- ICDAR-2011-BukhariSB11a #analysis #documentation #image #layout #performance
- High Performance Layout Analysis of Arabic and Urdu Document Images (SSB, FS, TMB), pp. 1275–1279.
- ICDAR-2011-RashidSB #evaluation #recognition
- An Evaluation of HMM-Based Techniques for the Recognition of Screen Rendered Text (SFR, FS, TMB), pp. 1260–1264.
- ICDAR-2011-ShahabSD #approach #recognition
- Bayesian Approach to Photo Time-Stamp Recognition (AS, FS, AD), pp. 1039–1043.
- ICDAR-2011-ShahabSD11a #challenge #contest #image #robust
- ICDAR 2011 Robust Reading Competition Challenge 2: Reading Text in Scene Images (AS, FS, AD), pp. 1491–1496.
- DocEng-2010-CutterBSB #re-engineering
- Unsupervised font reconstruction based on token co-occurrence (MPC, JvB, FS, TMB), pp. 143–150.
- SAC-2010-IndermuhleBSB #documentation #online
- Text versus non-text distinction in online handwritten documents (EI, HB, FS, TMB), pp. 3–7.
- DRR-2009-BeusekomSB #detection #documentation #image #independence
- Resolution Independent Skew and Orientation Detection for document images (JvB, FS, TMB), pp. 1–10.
- ICDAR-2009-BukhariSB #documentation #image #segmentation
- Coupled Snakelet Model for Curled Textline Segmentation of Camera-Captured Document Images (SSB, FS, TMB), pp. 61–65.
- ICDAR-2009-BukhariSB09a #independence #segmentation #using
- Script-Independent Handwritten Textlines Segmentation Using Active Contours (SSB, FS, TMB), pp. 446–450.
- DRR-2008-ShafaitKB #adaptation #image #implementation #performance #using
- Efficient implementation of local adaptive thresholding techniques using integral images (FS, DK, TMB), p. 681510.
- ICPR-2008-ShafaitBKB #analysis #layout #modelling #statistics #variability
- Background variability modeling for statistical layout analysis (FS, JvB, DK, TMB), pp. 1–4.
- ICDAR-2007-BeusekomKSB #documentation #image #logic
- Example-Based Logical Labeling of Document Title Page Images (JvB, DK, FS, TMB), pp. 919–923.
- ICPR-v1-2006-ShafaitKB #documentation #evaluation #image #representation #segmentation
- Pixel-Accurate Representation and Evaluation of Page Segmentation in Document Images (FS, DK, TMB), pp. 872–875.