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Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Austria
1 × Canada
1 × Chile
1 × Finland
1 × Ireland
1 × Singapore
1 × United Kingdom
2 × China
7 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Turpin M.Sanderson S.Mizzaro H.E.Williams P.Thomas M.Shokouhi J.S.Culpepper J.Zobel T.Jones A.Moffat M.Wu E.Maddalena S.Kharazmi S.Garcia B.Billerbeck W.Webber D.Vallet R.Capra J.Arguello M.Petri Y.Zhao Y.Tsegay P.Bailey Y.Zhang S.Karimi A.Clark D.W.Oard B.Hedin S.M.M.Tahaghoghi J.Yiannis D.Kelly W.Wu H.S.Lee K.Järvelin S.Sadeghi R.Blanco P.Mika
Talks about:
evalu (8) effect (7) retriev (6) queri (6) relev (5) use (5) collect (4) search (4) differ (4) user (4)

Person: Falk Scholer

DBLP DBLP: Scholer:Falk

Contributed to:

ECIR 20152015
SIGIR 20152015
CIKM 20142014
SIGIR 20142014
CIKM 20132013
SIGIR 20132013
CIKM 20122012
SIGIR 20122012
SIGIR 20112011
CIKM 20102010
SIGIR 20092009
ECIR 20082008
SIGIR 20082008
SIGIR 20062006
CIKM 20032003
CIKM 20022002
SIGIR 20022002

Wrote 29 papers:

Different Rankers on Different Subcollections (TJ, FS, AT, SM, MS), pp. 203–208.
ECIR-2015-MaddalenaMST #estimation #using
Judging Relevance Using Magnitude Estimation (EM, SM, FS, AT), pp. 215–220.
ECIR-2015-SadeghiBMSSV #predict #process
Predicting Re-finding Activity and Difficulty (SS, RB, PM, MS, FS, DV), pp. 715–727.
SIGIR-2015-BaileyMST #evaluation #information retrieval #variability
User Variability and IR System Evaluation (PB, AM, FS, PT), pp. 625–634.
SIGIR-2015-JonesTSS #effectiveness #metric #retrieval
Features of Disagreement Between Retrieval Effectiveness Measures (TJ, PT, FS, MS), pp. 847–850.
SIGIR-2015-TurpinSMM #estimation #evaluation #information retrieval
The Benefits of Magnitude Estimation Relevance Assessments for Information Retrieval Evaluation (AT, FS, SM, EM), pp. 565–574.
CIKM-2014-JonesTMSS #comprehension #consistency #evaluation #matter #nondeterminism
Size and Source Matter: Understanding Inconsistencies in Test Collection-Based Evaluation (TJ, AT, SM, FS, MS), pp. 1843–1846.
SIGIR-2014-CulpepperMSS #named #topic
TREC: topic engineering exercise (JSC, SM, MS, FS), pp. 1147–1150.
SIGIR-2014-KharazmiSSV #difference #using
Using score differences for search result diversification (SK, MS, FS, DV), pp. 1143–1146.
CIKM-2013-CapraAS #image #web
Augmenting web search surrogates with images (RC, JA, FS), pp. 399–408.
CIKM-2013-MoffatTS #effectiveness #metric #modelling #what
Users versus models: what observation tells us about effectiveness metrics (AM, PT, FS), pp. 659–668.
SIGIR-2013-ScholerKWLW #assessment
The effect of threshold priming and need for cognition on relevance calibration and assessment (FS, DK, WCW, HSL, WW), pp. 623–632.
CIKM-2012-SandersonTZS #difference #effectiveness
Differences in effectiveness across sub-collections (MS, AT, YZ, FS), pp. 1965–1969.
SIGIR-2012-CulpepperPS #documentation #in memory #performance #retrieval
Efficient in-memory top-k document retrieval (JSC, MP, FS), pp. 225–234.
SIGIR-2011-KarimiSCK #behaviour #topic
Domain expert topic familiarity and search behavior (SK, FS, AC, SK), pp. 1135–1136.
SIGIR-2011-ScholerTS #consistency #quality
Quantifying test collection quality based on the consistency of relevance judgements (FS, AT, MS), pp. 1063–1072.
CIKM-2010-WebberOSH #evaluation #fault
Assessor error in stratified evaluation (WW, DWO, FS, BH), pp. 539–548.
SIGIR-2009-ScholerG #evaluation #predict #query
A case for improved evaluation of query difficulty prediction (FS, SG), pp. 640–641.
SIGIR-2009-TurpinSJWC #evaluation #summary
Including summaries in system evaluation (AT, FS, KJ, MW, JSC), pp. 508–515.
ECIR-2008-ScholerSBT #using
Using Clicks as Implicit Judgments: Expectations Versus Observations (FS, MS, BB, AT), pp. 28–39.
ECIR-2008-ShokouhiST #documentation #effectiveness #order
Investigating the Effectiveness of Clickthrough Data for Document Reordering (MS, FS, AT), pp. 591–595.
ECIR-2008-ZhaoST #effectiveness #performance #predict #query #similarity #using #variability
Effective Pre-retrieval Query Performance Prediction Using Similarity and Variability Evidence (YZ, FS, YT), pp. 52–64.
Relevance thresholds in system evaluations (FS, AT), pp. 693–694.
User preference choices for complex question answering (MW, FS, AT), pp. 717–718.
SIGIR-2006-ShokouhiZST #distributed #retrieval
Capturing collection size for distributed non-cooperative retrieval (MS, JZ, FS, SMMT), pp. 316–323.
SIGIR-2006-TurpinS #metric #performance #precise
User performance versus precision measures for simple search tasks (AT, FS), pp. 11–18.
CIKM-2003-BillerbeckSWZ #query #using
Query expansion using associated queries (BB, FS, HEW, JZ), pp. 2–9.
CIKM-2002-ScholerW #effectiveness #query #retrieval
Query association for effective retrieval (FS, HEW), pp. 324–331.
SIGIR-2002-ScholerWYZ #evaluation #performance #query
Compression of inverted indexes for fast query evaluation (FS, HEW, JY, JZ), pp. 222–229.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.