Travelled to:
1 × South Korea
1 × Turkey
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
T.Schultz C.Amma J.Jarvis P.Sanders J.Singler
Talks about:
multitask (1) workload (1) standard (1) recognit (1) multimod (1) interfac (1) templat (1) potenti (1) librari (1) correct (1)
Person: Felix Putze
DBLP: Putze:Felix
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- CHI-2015-PutzeAS #design #evaluation #fault #gesture #interface #self
- Design and Evaluation of a Self-Correcting Gesture Interface based on Error Potentials from EEG (FP, CA, TS), pp. 3375–3384.
- ICPR-2010-PutzeJS #multimodal #recognition
- Multimodal Recognition of Cognitive Workload for Multitasking in the Car (FP, JPJ, TS), pp. 3748–3751.
- PPoPP-2007-PutzeSS #library #manycore #named #standard
- MCSTL: the multi-core standard template library (FP, PS, JS), pp. 144–145.