Travelled to:
1 × The Netherlands
5 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ E.R.Pedersen K.McCall W.C.J.Jr. R.H.Trigg L.A.Suchman T.P.Moran C.C.Marshall R.A.Rogers R.M.Akscyn T.Oren V.A.Riley L.Welch D.L.McCracken N.K.Meyrowitz A.Pearl B.Shneiderman S.Elrod R.Bruce R.Gold D.Goldberg D.Lee K.A.Pier J.C.Tang B.B.Welch
Talks about:
system (3) hypertext (2) collabor (2) support (2) meet (2) whiteboard (1) interchang (1) hypermedia (1) workgroup (1) liveboard (1)
Person: Frank G. Halasz
DBLP: Halasz:Frank_G=
Facilitated 2 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- INTERCHI-1993-PedersenMMH #named
- Tivoli: an electronic whiteboard for informal workgroup meetings (ERP, KM, TPM, FGH), pp. 391–398.
- CHI-1992-ElrodBGGHJLMPPTW #collaboration #interactive #named #scalability
- Liveboard: A Large Interactive Display Supporting Group Meetings, Presentations, and Remote Collaboration (SE, RB, RG, DG, FGH, WCJJ, DL, KM, ERP, KAP, JCT, BBW), pp. 599–607.
- HT-1991-MarshallHRJ #hypermedia #named
- Aquanet: A Hypertext Tool to Hold Your Knowledge in Place (CCM, FGH, RAR, WCJJ), pp. 261–275.
- HT-1989-AkscynHORW
- Interchanging Hypertexts (RMA, FGH, TO, VAR, LW), pp. 379–381.
- HT-1989-HalaszMMPS #named #what
- Confessions — What’s Wrong with Our Systems (FGH, DLM, NKM, AP, BS), p. 399.
- HT-1987-Halasz #generative #hypermedia
- Reflections on NoteCards: Seven Issues for the Next Generation of Hypermedia Systems (FGH), pp. 345–365.
- SIGMOD-1987-Halasz #data transformation #design #re-engineering
- The Impact of Software Engineering Environments on the Design of Data Management Systems (FGH), p. 3.
- CSCW-1986-TriggSH #collaboration
- Supporting collaboration in notecards (RHT, LAS, FGH), pp. 153–162.