Travelled to:
1 × Germany
1 × Switzerland
Collaborated with:
R.Grønmo B.Møller-Pedersen S.Krogdahl
Talks about:
semant (2) base (2) arbitrari (1) interact (1) sequenc (1) languag (1) diagram (1) symbol (1) aspect (1) event (1)
Person: Fredrik Sørensen
DBLP: S=oslash=rensen:Fredrik
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- ECMDA-FA-2008-GronmoSMK #aspect-oriented #interactive #semantics
- A Semantics-Based Aspect Language for Interactions with the Arbitrary Events Symbol (RG, FS, BMP, SK), pp. 262–277.
- ICMT-2008-GronmoSMK #diagrams #semantics #sequence chart #uml #weaving
- Semantics-Based Weaving of UML Sequence Diagrams (RG, FS, BMP, SK), pp. 122–136.