Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × Ireland
1 × Japan
1 × Sweden
1 × The Netherlands
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
J.Hackett M.A.T.Handley N.Vazou L.E.Day C.Hope ∅ E.Meijer C.Brown M.Jaskelioff M.Cripps D.Elliman C.Higgins J.Breitner R.Kunkel D.V.Horn
Talks about:
program (4) unfold (3) liquid (3) haskel (3) perform (2) reason (2) fold (2) interpret (1) exponenti (1) strategi (1)
Person: Graham Hutton
DBLP: Hutton:Graham
Facilitated 2 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 12 papers:
- LICS-2015-HackettH #exclamation #source code
- Programs for Cheap! (JH, GH), pp. 115–126.
- ICFP-2014-HackettH #performance
- Worker/wrapper/makes it/faster (JH, GH), pp. 95–107.
- IFL-2013-DayH #compilation
- Compilation à la Carte (LED, GH), p. 13.
- IFL-2013-HackettHJ #approach #optimisation #recursion #source code
- The Under-Performing Unfold: A new approach to optimising corecursive programs (JH, GH, MJ), p. 1.
- IFL-2005-HopeH
- Accurate Step Counting (CH, GH), pp. 91–105.
- ICFP-1998-Hutton #semantics
- Fold and Unfold for Program Semantics (GH), pp. 280–288.
- ICDAR-1997-HuttonCEH #online #sketching
- A Strategy for On-line Interpretation of Sketched Engineering Drawings (GH, MC, DE, CH), pp. 771–775.
- FPCA-1995-MeijerH #exponential
- Bananas in Space: Extending Fold and Unfold to Exponential Types (EM, GH), pp. 324–333.
- LICS-1994-BrownH #category theory #design
- Categories, Allegories and Circuit Design (CB, GH), pp. 372–381.
- Haskell-2018-HandleyH #haskell #named #performance #source code
- AutoBench: comparing the time performance of Haskell programs (MATH, GH), pp. 26–37.
- Haskell-2018-VazouBKHH #equation #functional #haskell #proving #reasoning #theorem proving
- Theorem proving for all: equational reasoning in liquid Haskell (functional pearl) (NV, JB, RK, DVH, GH), pp. 132–144.
- POPL-2020-HandleyVH #haskell #reasoning #resource management
- Liquidate your assets: reasoning about resource usage in liquid Haskell (MATH, NV, GH), p. 27.