Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Germany
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.D.Choudhury A.John D.D.Seligmann J.P.Gozali M.Kan Y.Lin A.Kelliher J.Boyd A.Shrivastava B.Shevade L.Xie J.Sun P.Castro R.B.Konuru
Talks about:
social (4) dynam (4) network (3) activ (3) communic (2) context (2) person (2) photo (2) peopl (2) event (2)
Person: Hari Sundaram
DBLP: Sundaram:Hari
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- DATE-2010-BoydSS #detection #process #trade-off
- Power-accuracy tradeoffs in human activity transition detection (JB, HS, AS), pp. 1524–1529.
- KDD-2009-LinSCKSK #community #named #relational
- MetaFac: community discovery via relational hypergraph factorization (YRL, JS, PC, RBK, HS, AK), pp. 527–536.
- CIKM-2008-ChoudhurySJS #multi #network #social
- Multi-scale characterization of social network dynamics in the blogosphere (MDC, HS, AJ, DDS), pp. 1515–1516.
- CIKM-2008-LinSK #concept #network #people #process #social #summary
- Summarization of social activity over time: people, actions and concepts in dynamic networks (YRL, HS, AK), pp. 1379–1380.
- HT-2008-ChoudhurySJS #communication #predict #social #using
- Dynamic prediction of communication flow using social context (MDC, HS, AJ, DDS), pp. 49–54.
- HT-2008-ChoudhurySJS08a #communication #correlation #process #question
- Can blog communication dynamics be correlated with stock market activity? (MDC, HS, AJ, DDS), pp. 55–60.
- JCDL-2007-ShevadeSX #image #modelling #network #social
- Modeling personal and social network context for event annotation in images (BS, HS, LX), pp. 127–134.
- JCDL-2012-GozaliKS #how #people #question
- How do people organize their photos in each event and how does it affect storytelling, searching and interpretation tasks? (JPG, MYK, HS), pp. 315–324.
- JCDL-2013-GozaliKS #dataset #library
- Constructing an anonymous dataset from the personal digital photo libraries of mac app store users (JPG, MYK, HS), pp. 305–308.