Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Ireland
2 × France
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
P.Thévenod-Fosse S.M.Poulding S.Behnia K.C.Castillos V.Wiels M.D.Nguyen N.Riviere O.Abdellatif-Kaddour Y.Labiche M.Durand
Talks about:
test (5) softwar (2) orient (2) graph (2) counterexampl (1) probabilist (1) strategi (1) scenario (1) properti (1) criteria (1)
Person: Hélène Waeselynck
DBLP: Waeselynck:H=eacute=l=egrave=ne
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- ICST-2015-CastillosWW #approach
- Show Me New Counterexamples: A Path-Based Approach (KCC, HW, VW), pp. 1–10.
- ICST-2014-PouldingW #automation #probability
- Adding Contextual Guidance to the Automated Search for Probabilistic Test Profiles (SMP, HW), pp. 293–302.
- ICST-2010-NguyenWR #graph #named
- GraphSeq: A Graph Matching Tool for the Extraction of Mobility Patterns (MDN, HW, NR), pp. 195–204.
- SAC-2003-Abdellatif-KaddourTW #testing
- Property-Oriented Testing: A Strategy for Exploring Dangerous Scenarios (OAK, PTF, HW), pp. 1128–1134.
- ICSE-2000-LabicheTWD #object-oriented #testing
- Testing levels for object-oriented software (YL, PTF, HW, MHD), pp. 136–145.
- FM-v1-1999-Waeselynck #modelling
- Test Criteria Definition for B Models (SB, HW), pp. 509–529.
- ISSTA-1993-Thevenod-FosseW #statistics #testing
- STATEMATE Applied to Statistical Software Testing (PTF, HW), pp. 99–109.