Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × Canada
1 × Croatia
1 × France
1 × Serbia
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Japan
2 × The Netherlands
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ Z.M.Ariola P.Curien A.Saurin G.Huet V.Siles S.Zimmermann S.Ghilezan A.Sabry V.Danos L.Regnier P.Downen K.Nakata
Talks about:
classic (7) logic (4) call (4) comput (3) type (3) abstract (2) dualiti (2) continu (2) semant (2) prove (2)
Person: Hugo Herbelin
DBLP: Herbelin:Hugo
Contributed to:
Wrote 16 papers:
- POPL-2014-HuetH #coq #development #research
- 30 years of research and development around Coq (GH, HH), pp. 249–250.
- TLCA-2013-Herbelin #proving
- Proving with Side Effects (HH), p. 2.
- FLOPS-2012-AriolaDHNS #calculus #call-by #semantics
- Classical Call-by-Need Sequent Calculi: The Unity of Semantic Artifacts (ZMA, PD, HH, KN, AS), pp. 32–46.
- LICS-2012-Herbelin #logic #proving
- A Constructive Proof of Dependent Choice, Compatible with Classical Logic (HH), pp. 365–374.
- TLCA-2011-AriolaHS #call-by
- Classical Call-by-Need and Duality (ZMA, HH, AS), pp. 27–44.
- LICS-2010-Herbelin #logic #markov #principle
- An Intuitionistic Logic that Proves Markov’s Principle (HH), pp. 50–56.
- LICS-2010-SilesH #similarity #type system
- Equality Is Typable in Semi-full Pure Type Systems (VS, HH), pp. 21–30.
- TLCA-2009-HerbelinZ #call-by #deduction #λ-calculus
- An Operational Account of Call-by-Value Minimal and Classical λ-Calculus in “Natural Deduction” Form (HH, SZ), pp. 142–156.
- POPL-2008-HerbelinG #approach #call-by #continuation
- An approach to call-by-name delimited continuations (HH, SG), pp. 383–394.
- TLCA-2005-Herbelin #logic #on the
- On the Degeneracy of Σ-Types in Presence of Computational Classical Logic (HH), pp. 209–220.
- ICFP-2004-AriolaHS #continuation
- A type-theoretic foundation of continuations and prompts (ZMA, HH, AS), pp. 40–53.
- ICALP-2003-AriolaH #logic
- Minimal Classical Logic and Control Operators (ZMA, HH), pp. 871–885.
- ICFP-2000-CurienH
- The duality of computation (PLC, HH), pp. 233–243.
- FLOPS-1998-CurienH
- Computing with Abstract Böhm Trees (PLC, HH), pp. 20–39.
- TLCA-1997-Herbelin #game studies #reduction
- Games and Weak-Head Reduction for Classical PCF (HH), pp. 214–230.
- LICS-1996-DanosHR #automaton #game studies #semantics
- Game Semantics & Abstract Machines (VD, HH, LR), pp. 394–405.