Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Greece
Collaborated with:
S.Viglas H.Müller P.Buneman P.Bonnet L.Bouganim
Talks about:
data (4) flash (3) memori (2) archiv (2) manag (2) scientif (1) hierarch (1) system (1) storag (1) extern (1)
Person: Ioannis Koltsidas
DBLP: Koltsidas:Ioannis
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- SIGMOD-2011-KoltsidasV #data transformation #memory management
- Data management over flash memory (IK, SV), pp. 1209–1212.
- VLDB-2011-BonnetBKV #co-evolution #data transformation #design
- System Co-Design and Data Management for Flash Devices (PB, LB, IK, SV), pp. 1504–1505.
- SIGMOD-2008-MullerBK #named
- XArch: archiving scientific and reference data (HM, PB, IK), pp. 1295–1298.
- VLDB-2008-KoltsidasMV #memory management #sorting
- Sorting hierarchical data in external memory for archiving (IK, HM, SV), pp. 1205–1216.
- VLDB-2008-KoltsidasV
- Flashing up the storage layer (IK, SV), pp. 514–525.