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252 papers:

Demonstrating “Data Near Here”: Scientific Data Search (VMM, DM), pp. 1075–1080.
VLDBVLDB-2015-BuxBLHDL #execution #named #scalability #workflow
SAASFEE: Scalable Scientific Workflow Execution Engine (MB, JB, CL, KH, JD, UL), pp. 1892–1903.
MSRMSR-2015-HashimotoTMM #effectiveness #fact extraction #optimisation #performance #predict
Extracting Facts from Performance Tuning History of Scientific Applications for Predicting Effective Optimization Patterns (MH, MT, TM, KM), pp. 13–23.
SANERSANER-2015-MoserPFW #documentation #generative #named
RbG: A documentation generator for scientific and engineering software (MM, JP, GF, MW), pp. 464–468.
CHICHI-2015-KuznetsovDWMHP #biology #hybrid #open source #tool support
DIYbio Things: Open Source Biology Tools as Platforms for Hybrid Knowledge Production and Scientific Participation (SK, CD, NW, SM, SEH, EP), pp. 4065–4068.
HCIDUXU-UI-2015-BendoukhaMB #workflow
Building Cloud-Based Scientific Workflows Made Easy: A Remote Sensing Application (SB, DM, HB), pp. 277–288.
HCISCSM-2015-VillelaXP #collaboration #identification #network
Identifying Collaboration Strategies in Scientific Collaboration Networks (MLBV, SX, ROP), pp. 253–264.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2015-ZhomartkyzyB #development #information management #monitoring
Monitoring the Development of University Scientific Schools in University Knowledge Management (GZ, TB), pp. 222–230.
KDDKDD-2015-NagarajanWBNBHT #analysis #predict
Predicting Future Scientific Discoveries Based on a Networked Analysis of the Past Literature (MN, ADW, BJB, IBN, SB, PJH, METD, SB, AKA, JJL, SR, CMB, CRP, LK, AML, AL, HZ, SB, GW, YC, LAD, WSS, OL), pp. 2019–2028.
SIGIRSIGIR-2015-LiuJG #comprehension #education
Scientific Information Understanding via Open Educational Resources (OER) (XL, ZJ, LG), pp. 645–654.
ICSEICSE-v2-2015-Mesh #process
Supporting Scientific SE Process Improvement (ESM), pp. 923–926.
HPDCHPDC-2015-ZhouHCL #as a service #declarative #optimisation #resource management #workflow
A Declarative Optimization Engine for Resource Provisioning of Scientific Workflows in IaaS Clouds (ACZ, BH, XC, CTL), pp. 223–234.
ISSTAISSTA-2015-SatoHC #testing
Calculation coverage testing in scientific applications (YS, SH, SC), pp. 350–360.
DocEngDocEng-2014-SouzaMH #metadata #named #using
ARCTIC: metadata extraction from scientific papers in pdf using two-layer CRF (AS, VPM, CAH), pp. 121–130.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2014-BlanasWBDS #data analysis #parallel
Parallel data analysis directly on scientific file formats (SB, KW, SB, BD, AS), pp. 385–396.
VLDBVLDB-2014-GoncalvesP #named #nondeterminism
Υ-DB: Managing scientific hypotheses as uncertain data (BG, FP), pp. 959–962.
VLDBVLDB-2014-StarlingerBBL #similarity #workflow
Similarity Search for Scientific Workflows (JS, BB, SCB, UL), pp. 1143–1154.
SCAMSCAM-2014-KallenHH #object-oriented #refactoring #using
Impact of Code Refactoring Using Object-Oriented Methodology on a Scientific Computing Application (MK, SH, EÞH), pp. 125–134.
CSCWCSCW-2014-OleksikMJ #collaboration #design
Study of electronic lab notebook design and practices that emerged in a collaborative scientific environment (GO, NMF, RJ), pp. 120–133.
CSCWCSCW-2014-SteinhardtJ #collaboration
Reconciling rhythms: plans and temporal alignment in collaborative scientific work (SBS, SJJ), pp. 134–145.
HCILCT-TRE-2014-LambropoulosB #case study #evolution #experience #reasoning #weaving
Weaving User Immersive Experiences: Scientific Curiosity and Reasoning with Bodily Feelings Mapping and Evolution (NL, TB), pp. 62–71.
VISSOFTVISSOFT-2014-TartariTHKRFMBLB #visualisation
Mr. Clean: A Tool for Tracking and Comparing the Lineage of Scientific Visualization Code (GT, LT, EH, KK, IAR, BF, NM, JMB, EL, LAB), pp. 75–78.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2014-GulnazMT #information management
University’s Scientific Resources Processing in Knowledge Management Systems (GZ, MM, TB), pp. 225–232.
ECIRECIR-2014-ZhangZWS #network #recommendation
Content + Attributes: A Latent Factor Model for Recommending Scientific Papers in Heterogeneous Academic Networks (CZ, XZ, KW, JS), pp. 39–50.
ICPRICPR-2014-AodhaSBTGJ #interactive #machine learning
Putting the Scientist in the Loop — Accelerating Scientific Progress with Interactive Machine Learning (OMA, VS, GJB, MT, MAG, KEJ), pp. 9–17.
KDDKDD-2014-SpanglerWBNDHRPCMSKLLPLDCL #automation #generative #mining
Automated hypothesis generation based on mining scientific literature (WSS, ADW, BJB, MN, TD, PJH, SR, CRP, AC, JNM, IS, LK, AL, JJL, NP, AML, LAD, YC, OL), pp. 1877–1886.
Providing of Scientific Information in the Nuclear Accident — Settle on Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Accident after 2011 Tohoku Earthquake (MN, MT, MS), pp. 326–330.
SEKESEKE-2014-ZhangGCS0 #topic
Topic Evolutions in Scientific Conferences (LZ, YG, XC, WS, LC), pp. 507–510.
SIGIRSIGIR-2014-TangWZ #recommendation
Cross-language context-aware citation recommendation in scientific articles (XT, XW, XZ), pp. 817–826.
HPDCHPDC-2014-SuAWBS #analysis #correlation #dataset #distributed #parallel
Supporting correlation analysis on scientific datasets in parallel and distributed settings (YS, GA, JW, AB, HWS), pp. 191–202.
HPDCHPDC-2014-YinWFZZ #analysis #middleware #named #scalability #visualisation
SLAM: scalable locality-aware middleware for I/O in scientific analysis and visualization (JY, JW, WcF, XZ, JZ), pp. 257–260.
PPoPPPPoPP-2014-Bautista-GomezC #detection #monitoring
Detecting silent data corruption through data dynamic monitoring for scientific applications (LABG, FC), pp. 381–382.
CBSECBSE-2013-GortonLLED #case study #component #experience #using
Build less code deliver more science: an experience report on composing scientific environments using component-based and commodity software platforms (IG, YL, CL, TE, KKvD), pp. 159–168.
DocEngDocEng-2013-ConstantinPV #named
PDFX: fully-automated PDF-to-XML conversion of scientific literature (AC, SP, AV), pp. 177–180.
Reflowing and annotating scientific papers on eBook readers (SM), pp. 241–244.
DocEngDocEng-2013-YelogluMZ #clustering #concept #documentation #wiki
Beyond term clusters: assigning Wikipedia concepts to scientific documents (OY, EEM, ANZH), pp. 233–234.
ICDARICDAR-2013-FurukoriYMSO #documentation
An OCR System with OCRopus for Scientific Documents Containing Mathematical Formulas (FF, SY, TM, KS, MO), pp. 1175–1179.
VLDBVLDB-2013-KaraezIZMK #lazy evaluation
Lazy ETL in Action: ETL Technology Dates Scientific Data (YK, MI, YZ, SM, MLK), pp. 1286–1289.
VLDBVLDB-2013-OkcanRPF #analysis #named
Scolopax: Exploratory Analysis of Scientific Data (AO, MR, BP, DF), pp. 1298–1301.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2013-Renaud #student
Introducing computing students to scientific experimentation (KR), pp. 76–81.
CSCWCSCW-2013-HowisonH #integration
Incentives and integration in scientific software production (JH, JDH), pp. 459–470.
CSCWCSCW-2013-HuangDLLG #bound
Meanings and boundaries of scientific software sharing (XH, XD, CPL, TL, NG), pp. 423–434.
CSCWCSCW-2013-Velden #community #difference
Explaining field differences in openness and sharing in scientific communities (TV), pp. 445–458.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2013-CoutinhoPB #energy #scheduling
A Scheduling Strategy for Global Scientific Grids — Minimizing Simultaneously Time and Energy Consumption (FC, LLP, CTB), pp. 545–553.
CIKMCIKM-2013-LiYZ #recommendation
Scientific articles recommendation (YL, MY, Z(Z), pp. 1147–1156.
ECIRECIR-2013-NeshatiAHB #classification #network #social
A Joint Classification Method to Integrate Scientific and Social Networks (MN, EA, DH, HB), pp. 122–133.
ECIRECIR-2013-ProkofyevDBRC #ambiguity #ontology #word
Ontology-Based Word Sense Disambiguation for Scientific Literature (RP, GD, AB, OR, PCM), pp. 594–605.
KDIRKDIR-KMIS-2013-BerrahouBDR #documentation #how #question
How to Extract Unit of Measure in Scientific Documents? (SLB, PB, JDB, MR), pp. 249–256.
KDIRKDIR-KMIS-2013-Gonzalez-BrambilaJG #analysis #database #research
Analysis of Mexican Research Production — Exploring a Scientifical Database (SBGB, MJM, CNGB), pp. 177–182.
KDIRKDIR-KMIS-2013-NartTF #automation #personalisation #recommendation #using
Personalized Recommendation and Explanation by using Keyphrases Automatically extracted from Scientific Literature (DDN, CT, FF), pp. 96–103.
RecSysRecSys-2013-TianJ #graph #recommendation #using
Recommending scientific articles using bi-relational graph-based iterative RWR (GT, LJ), pp. 399–402.
SACSAC-2013-LeclercqS #information management #semantics
Enhancing scientific information systems with semantic annotations (EL, MS), pp. 319–324.
On the efficacy of GPU-integrated MPI for scientific applications (AMA, LSP, FJ, MC, KM, PB, KRB, JD, WcF, JMMC, XM, RT), pp. 191–202.
HPDCHPDC-2013-LakshminarasimhanBPZJVPS #encoding #query #scalability
Scalable in situ scientific data encoding for analytical query processing (SL, DABI, SVP, XZ, JJ, VV, MEP, NFS), pp. 1–12.
DocEngDocEng-2012-KimHKL #classification #library
Scientific table type classification in digital library (SK, KH, SYK, YL), pp. 133–136.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2012-SalzerHY #testing
The scientific method and software testing integrated into the same lesson (HTS, BH, CY), p. 385.
IFLIFL-2012-IonescuJ #modelling #programming
Dependently-Typed Programming in Scientific Computing — Examples from Economic Modelling (CI, PJ), pp. 140–156.
CSCWCSCW-2012-LiRM #collaboration #distributed
Distributed scientific group collaboration across biocontainment barriers (JL, TR, CMT), pp. 1247–1256.
CIKMCIKM-2012-JiangSZ #effectiveness #ranking #towards
Towards an effective and unbiased ranking of scientific literature through mutual reinforcement (XJ, XS, HZ), pp. 714–723.
CIKMCIKM-2012-LiuZG #analysis #ranking
Full-text citation analysis: enhancing bibliometric and scientific publication ranking (XL, JZ, CG), pp. 1975–1979.
CIKMCIKM-2012-MasadaT #gpu #topic
Extraction of topic evolutions from references in scientific articles and its GPU acceleration (TM, AT), pp. 1522–1526.
CIKMCIKM-2012-ZhangLZW #recommendation
Relation regularized subspace recommending for related scientific articles (QZ, JL, ZZ, LW), pp. 2503–2506.
KDDKDD-2012-SchifanellaCCA #dependence #named #web
D-INDEX: a web environment for analyzing dependences among scientific collaborators (CS, LDC, MC, MAA), pp. 1520–1523.
SEKESEKE-2012-GallegosG #detection #tool support
Tool Support for Anomaly Detection in Scientific Sensor Data (IG, AQG), pp. 678–683.
SIGIRSIGIR-2012-LarsenLFS #case study #metadata #retrieval
Preliminary study of technical terminology for the retrieval of scientific book metadata records (BL, CL, IF, HS), pp. 1131–1132.
SACSAC-2012-DiamantiniPS #mining #repository #workflow
Mining usage patterns from a repository of scientific workflows (CD, DP, ES), pp. 152–157.
HPDCHPDC-2012-TianKYAWPGW #data transformation #performance
A system-aware optimized data organization for efficient scientific analytics (YT, SK, WY, HA, BW, NP, RWG, MW), pp. 125–126.
PPoPPPPoPP-2012-TaoBB #development #gpu #kernel #scalability #using
Using GPU’s to accelerate stencil-based computation kernels for the development of large scale scientific applications on heterogeneous systems (JT, MB, SRB), pp. 287–288.
DRRDRR-2011-Saund #challenge #documentation
Scientific challenges underlying production document processing (ES), pp. 1–10.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2011-Ailamaki #challenge
Managing scientific data: lessons, challenges, and opportunities (AA), pp. 1045–1046.
VLDBVLDB-2011-KerstenIML #database #query #research
The Researcher’s Guide to the Data Deluge: Querying a Scientific Database in Just a Few Seconds (MLK, SI, SM, EL), pp. 1474–1477.
VLDBVLDB-2011-OgasawaraOVDPM #algebra #approach #workflow
An Algebraic Approach for Data-Centric Scientific Workflows (ESO, DdO, PV, JD, FP, MM), pp. 1328–1339.
Mechanisms for (mis)allocating scientific credit (JMK, SO), pp. 529–538.
CSCWCSCW-2011-CoughlanACDLR #interactive
Working with “mission control” in scientific fieldwork: supporting interactions between in situ and distanced collaborators (TC, AA, TDC, SJD, JL, YR), pp. 617–620.
CSCWCSCW-2011-HowisonH #collaboration
Scientific software production: incentives and collaboration (JH, JDH), pp. 513–522.
CSCWCSCW-2011-JacksonRBB #collaboration
Collaborative rhythm: temporal dissonance and alignment in collaborative scientific work (SJJ, DR, AGB, GCB), pp. 245–254.
HCIDUXU-v2-2011-ZhangCV #case study #experience #modelling
Modeling Users’ Data Usage Experiences from Scientific Literature (JZ, CC, MSEV), pp. 337–346.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2011-Feng #case study #contract #research
The Study on Member Incentive of Scientific Research Group in University based on Psychological Contracts (HF), pp. 423–431.
KDDKDD-2011-El-AriniG #keyword
Beyond keyword search: discovering relevant scientific literature (KEA, CG), pp. 439–447.
KDDKDD-2011-WangB #collaboration #modelling #recommendation #topic
Collaborative topic modeling for recommending scientific articles (CW, DMB), pp. 448–456.
KDIRKDIR-2011-LourencoMFF #documentation
Unsupervised Organisation of Scientific Documents (AL, LASM, ALNF, JF), pp. 557–568.
KEODKEOD-2011-MullerRH #logic #modelling #towards
Towards a Description Logic for Scientific Modeling (JPM, HLR, DH), pp. 183–188.
KMISKMIS-2011-KrainesG #research #semantics #similarity
Calculating Semantic Similarity between Computer-understandable Descriptors of Scientific Research (SBK, WG), pp. 146–151.
SEKESEKE-2011-ZengHLCHLE #embedded #named
SC-xScript: An Embedded Script Language for Scientific Computation in Embedded Systems (RZ, YH, SL, PJC, XH, GWvdL, JLE), pp. 308–314.
MODELSMoDELS-2011-PalyartLOB #framework #maintenance #scalability
Improving Scalability and Maintenance of Software for High-Performance Scientific Computing by Combining MDE and Frameworks (MP, DL, IO, JMB), pp. 213–227.
MODELSMoDELS-2011-PalyartLOB #framework #maintenance #scalability
Improving Scalability and Maintenance of Software for High-Performance Scientific Computing by Combining MDE and Frameworks (MP, DL, IO, JMB), pp. 213–227.
SACSAC-2011-YelogluMZ #corpus #multi #summary
Multi-document summarization of scientific corpora (OY, EEM, ANZH), pp. 252–258.
ICSEICSE-2011-LiNHK #requirements
A domain specific requirements model for scientific computing (YL, NN, JH, MK), pp. 848–851.
Six degrees of scientific data: reading patterns for extreme scale science IO (JFL, MP, GAG, SK, KS, RO, MW, QL), pp. 49–60.
ASEASE-2010-WoollardMPM #architecture #named
Kadre: domain-specific architectural recovery for scientific software systems (DW, CM, DP, NM), pp. 325–328.
DACDAC-2010-KinsmanN #algorithm #design #hardware #robust
Robust design methods for hardware accelerators for iterative algorithms in scientific computing (ABK, NN), pp. 254–257.
DATEDATE-2010-MehdipourHKIKMAF #quantum #scalability
Mapping scientific applications on a large-scale data-path accelerator implemented by single-flux quantum (SFQ) circuits (FM, HH, HK, KI, IK, KM, HA, AF), pp. 993–996.
TACASTACAS-2010-Sifakis #challenge #design #embedded
Embedded Systems Design — Scientific Challenges and Work Directions (JS), p. 1.
MSRMSR-2010-Herbsleb #mining #named #question
MSR: Mining for scientific results? (JDH).
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2010-GasparSBC #modelling #named #semantics #workflow
SW-Ontology — A Proposal for Semantic Modeling of a Scientific Workflow Management System (WG, LMdS, RMMB, FC), pp. 115–120.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2010-QuillienW #agile
Rubber ducks, nightmares, and unsaturated predicates: proto-scientific schemata are good for agile (JQ, DW), pp. 901–917.
SACSAC-2010-GrozaHB #automation #towards
Towards automatic extraction of epistemic items from scientific publications (TG, SH, GB), pp. 1341–1348.
ICSEICSE-2010-Moody #approach #design #physics #re-engineering #visual notation
The “physics” of notations: a scientific approach to designing visual notations in software engineering (DLM), pp. 485–486.
HPDCHPDC-2010-BuiBFT #data-driven #named #repository #scalability
ROARS: a scalable repository for data intensive scientific computing (HB, PB, PJF, DT), pp. 766–775.
HPDCHPDC-2010-BuiYT #abstraction #distributed #named #python #using #workflow
Weaver: integrating distributed computing abstractions into scientific workflows using Python (PB, LY, DT), pp. 636–643.
HPDCHPDC-2010-HaryAAHJ #design #evaluation #self #workflow
Design and evaluation of a self-healing Kepler for scientific workflows (AH, AA, YBAN, SH, DJ), pp. 340–343.
HPDCHPDC-2010-Lee #in the cloud
A perspective on scientific cloud computing (CAL), pp. 451–459.
HPDCHPDC-2010-SimmhanR #comparison #framework #workflow
Comparison of resource platform selection approaches for scientific workflows (YLS, LR), pp. 445–450.
CBSECBSE-2009-GortonCWAC #component #data-driven #workflow
Services + Components = Data Intensive Scientific Workflow Applications with MeDICi (IG, JC, AW, JA, AC), pp. 227–241.
DATEDATE-2009-Sifakis #challenge #design #embedded
Embedded systems design — Scientific challenges and work directions (JS), p. 2.
VLDBVLDB-2009-LacroixLM #database #workflow
Storing Scientific Workflows in a Database (ZL, CL, SM), pp. 1474–1480.
HCIHCD-2009-Blasko-DrabikBB #game studies #physics #testing #usability
Combining Fast-Paced Usability and Scientific Testing to Improve the Lunar Quest Physics Game (HBD, JB, CAB), pp. 23–26.
HCIHCI-VAD-2009-RodighieroHG #information retrieval #multi #visualisation
Mapping for Multi-source Visualization: Scientific Information Retrieval Service (SIRS) (DR, MH, MG), pp. 597–605.
CIKMCIKM-2009-HeCPQMG #detection #evolution #how #question #topic
Detecting topic evolution in scientific literature: how can citations help? (QH, BC, JP, BQ, PM, CLG), pp. 957–966.
KMISKMIS-2009-ZyglarskiB #documentation #keyword #network
Scientific Documents Management System — Application of Kohonens Neural Networks with Reinforcement in Keywords Extraction (BZ, PB), pp. 55–62.
RERE-2009-WieringaHR #evaluation #how
How to Write and Read a Scientific Evaluation Paper (RW, HH, BR), pp. 361–364.
CCCC-2009-Grosslinger #array #precise
Precise Management of Scratchpad Memories for Localising Array Accesses in Scientific Codes (AG), pp. 236–250.
HPDCHPDC-2009-KumarSMVDRKGHKS #framework #optimisation #workflow
An integrated framework for performance-based optimization of scientific workflows (VSK, PS, GM, KV, ED, VR, JK, YG, MWH, TMK, JHS), pp. 177–186.
DocEngDocEng-2008-KumarS #automation #documentation #n-gram #using
Automatic keyphrase extraction from scientific documents using N-gram filtration technique (NK, KS), pp. 199–208.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2008-DavidsonF #challenge #workflow
Provenance and scientific workflows: challenges and opportunities (SBD, JF), pp. 1345–1350.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2008-HeinisA #performance #workflow
Efficient lineage tracking for scientific workflows (TH, GA), pp. 1007–1018.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2008-MullerBK #named
XArch: archiving scientific and reference data (HM, PB, IK), pp. 1295–1298.
VLDBVLDB-2008-KementsietsidisNCV #database #multi #optimisation #query #scalability
Scalable multi-query optimization for exploratory queries over federated scientific databases (AK, FN, DVdC, SV), pp. 16–27.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2008-Hoo #data analysis #self
Self-organized maps in scientific data analysis (JTSH), p. 372.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2008-MetrolhoC #branch #student
Branches of professional organizations a way to enrich student’s scientific and personal skills (JCM, MITC), p. 360.
RecSysRecSys-2008-BogersB #recommendation #using
Recommending scientific articles using citeulike (TB, AvdB), pp. 287–290.
SACSAC-2008-CruzBDSTVCCTM #approach #detection #named #workflow
OrthoSearch: a scientific workflow approach to detect distant homologies on protozoans (SMSdC, VB, AMRD, ES, FT, CV, MLMC, RRCC, DAT, MM), pp. 1282–1286.
FSEFSE-2008-OsterweilCEPWBH #dataset #experience #process #using #workflow
Experience in using a process language to define scientific workflow and generate dataset provenance (LJO, LAC, AME, RMP, AEW, ERB, JLH), pp. 319–329.
HPDCHPDC-2008-DoraimaniI #data transformation #lessons learnt
File grouping for scientific data management: lessons from experimenting with real traces (SD, AI), pp. 153–164.
HPDCHPDC-2008-HeSWF #approximate #automation #performance #recognition #test coverage
Code coverage, performance approximation and automatic recognition of idioms in scientific applications (JH, AS, RFVdW, MAF), pp. 223–224.
HPDCHPDC-2008-RamakrishnanR #fault tolerance #modelling #scheduling #workflow
Performability modeling for scheduling and fault tolerance strategies for scientific workflows (LR, DAR), pp. 23–34.
LCTESLCTES-2008-WangYXDYTN #optimisation
Optimizing scientific application loops on stream processors (LW, XY, JX, YD, XY, TT, QHN), pp. 161–170.
CBSECBSE-2007-Dahlgren #component #contract #interface
Performance-Driven Interface Contract Enforcement for Scientific Components (TD), pp. 157–172.
HTHT-2007-BradshawL #recommendation
Annotation consensus: implications for passage recommendation in scientific literature (SB, ML), pp. 209–216.
ICDARICDAR-2007-HuangLT #image #visual notation
Extraction of Vectorized Graphical Information from Scientific Chart Images (WH, RL, CLT), pp. 521–525.
VLDBVLDB-2007-WangRKMLKWPCBH #adaptation #collaboration #framework #integration #named #research
SciPort: An Adaptable Scientific Data Integration Platform for Collaborative Scientific Research (FW, PEB, GH, MW, DK, PL, CR, PK, GM, JP, JC), pp. 1310–1313.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2007-RavehHY #student
Transforming a high school student project in computer science into a significant scientific achievement (BR, BH, CY), p. 331.
CSMRCSMR-2007-Wagner #evolution
Evolution from a Scientific Application to an Applicable Product (MW), pp. 223–232.
HCIHIMI-IIE-2007-CollinsNMRBCPFHP #collaboration #dataset
The Karst Collaborative Workspace for Analyzing and Annotating Scientific Datasets (LMC, DEN, MLBM, JVR, MAB, CRC, JEP, BFS, SKH, JCP), pp. 3–12.
SEKESEKE-2007-SadjadiMSABE #development
Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications (SMS, JM, TS, LA, RMB, JE), pp. 456–461.
ICSEICSE-2007-CarverKSP #case study #development
Software Development Environments for Scientific and Engineering Software: A Series of Case Studies (JCC, RPK, SES, DEP), pp. 550–559.
VLDBVLDB-2006-ShivamBC #cost analysis #learning #modelling #optimisation
Active and Accelerated Learning of Cost Models for Optimizing Scientific Applications (PS, SB, JSC), pp. 535–546.
CIKMCIKM-2006-VardeRRBMS #clustering #design #semantics
Designing semantics-preserving cluster representatives for scientific input conditions (ASV, EAR, CR, DCB, MM, RDSJ), pp. 708–717.
ECIRECIR-2006-CaraccioloR #documentation #generative
Generating and Retrieving Text Segments for Focused Access to Scientific Documents (CC, MdR), pp. 350–361.
RERE-2006-Smith #development #documentation #requirements
Systematic Development of Requirements Documentation for General Purpose Scientific Computing Software (SS), pp. 205–215.
ICSEICSE-2006-MattmannCMH #architecture #data-driven #distributed #framework
A software architecture-based framework for highly distributed and data intensive scientific applications (CM, DJC, NM, SH), pp. 721–730.
HPDCHPDC-2006-ChungH #automation #case study #performance #scalability #source code #using
A Case Study Using Automatic Performance Tuning for Large-Scale Scientific Programs (IHC, JKH), pp. 45–56.
HPDCHPDC-2006-SandholmLOO #grid #performance #predict #resource management #using
Market-Based Resource Allocation using Price Prediction in a High Performance Computing Grid for Scientific Applications (TS, KL, JAO, JO), pp. 132–143.
HPDCHPDC-2006-YueMSN #adaptation #memory management #runtime
Runtime Support for Memory Adaptation in Scientific Applications via Local Disk and Remote Memory (CY, RTM, AS, DSN), pp. 183–194.
HPDCHPDC-2006-ZhangHXY #named #physics #runtime #scalability
PARM: Physics Aware Runtime Manager for Large-scale Scientific and Engineering Applications (YZ, SH, JX, JY), pp. 363–364.
WICSAWICSA-2005-AnderssonEL #architecture #named
DMDA — A Dynamic Service Architecture for Scientific Computing (JA, ME, WL), pp. 297–299.
ICDARICDAR-2005-HuangTL #comprehension
Associating Text and Graphics for Scientific Chart Understanding (WH, CLT, WKL), pp. 580–584.
VLDBVLDB-2005-IvanovaR #execution #parallel #query
Customizable Parallel Execution of Scientific Stream Queries (MI, TR), pp. 157–168.
KDDKDD-2005-YangPM #framework #mining
A generalized framework for mining spatio-temporal patterns in scientific data (HY, SP, SM), pp. 716–721.
SACSAC-2005-Eliassi-RadC #approach #hybrid #modelling #multi #scalability
A hybrid approach for multiresolution modeling of large-scale scientific data (TER, TC), pp. 511–518.
SACSAC-2005-ProdanF #case study #grid #scheduling #workflow
Dynamic scheduling of scientific workflow applications on the grid: a case study (RP, TF), pp. 687–694.
HPDCHPDC-2005-LiuP #component #self
Enabling self-management of component-based high-performance scientific applications (HL, MP), pp. 59–68.
CBSECBSE-2004-NorrisRAMBEMS #component #quality
Computational Quality of Service for Scientific Components (BN, JR, RCA, LCM, DEB, WRE, ADM, SS), pp. 264–271.
VLDBVLDB-2004-HoweM #algebra #dataset
Algebraic Manipulation of Scientific Datasets (BH, DM), pp. 924–935.
VLDBVLDB-2004-LiuF #design #grid
The Design of GridDB: A Data-Centric Overlay for the Scientific Grid (DTL, MJF), pp. 600–611.
CSCWCSCW-2004-ChinL #biology
Capturing and supporting contexts for scientific data sharing via the biological sciences collaboratory (GCJ, CL), pp. 409–418.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2004-TagarelliTG #clustering #linear #mining #programming
Mining Scientific Results Through the Combined Use of Clustering and Linear Programming Techniques (AT, IT, SG), pp. 84–91.
A Methodology for Integrating New Scientific Domains and Applications in a Virtual Laboratory Environment (ECK, HA, LOH), pp. 265–272.
KDDKDD-2004-Cantu-PazNK #feature model
Feature selection in scientific applications (ECP, SDN, CK), pp. 788–793.
HPDCHPDC-2004-WalkerM #coordination #using #workflow
Orchestrating and Coordinating Scientific/Engineering Workflows using GridShell (EW, TM), pp. 270–271.
ASEASE-2003-HeringtonS #coordination #declarative #framework #named
DeCo: A Declarative Coordination Framework for Scientific Model Federations (DH, PDS), pp. 60–69.
ASEASE-2003-StrelzoffP #requirements #user interface
Deriving User Interface Requirements from Densely Interleaved Scientific Computing Applications (AS, LRP), pp. 22–29.
ICDARICDAR-2003-ToshihiroM #detection #documentation #image #matrix #segmentation
Detection of Matrices and Segmentation of Matrix Elements in Scanned Images of Scientific Documents (KT, SM), pp. 433–437.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2003-StoltePAG #design #repository
Scientific Data Repositories: Designing for a Moving Target (ES, CvP, GA, TRG), pp. 349–360.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2003-ThomsonCA #enterprise #middleware
Enterprise Middleware for Scientific Data (JT, AC, JA), pp. 112–119.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2003-OliveiraSS #information management #named
Epistheme: A Scientific Knowledge Management Environment (JO, JMdS, JCMS), pp. 330–335.
ICEISICEIS-v4-2003-PlaisentOBM #classification #internet #towards
Toward a Classification of Internet Scientific Conferences (MP, AO, PB, LM), pp. 473–476.
CIKMCIKM-2003-BaldwinAC #modelling #multi #scalability #simulation
Multi-resolution modeling of large scale scientific simulation data (CB, GA, TC), pp. 40–48.
SEKESEKE-2003-Strelzoff #recognition #theory and practice
Revision Recognition for Scientific Computing: Theory and Application (AS), pp. 46–53.
SACSAC-2003-PascucciLFGSLH #monitoring #realtime #scalability #simulation
Real-Time Monitoring of Large Scientific Simulations (VP, DEL, RJF, FG, GS, LL, BH), pp. 194–198.
SACSAC-2003-SterckMPR #framework #java #lightweight
A Lightweight Java Taskspaces Framework for Scientific Computing on Computational Grids (HDS, RSM, TP, UR), pp. 1024–1030.
Archiving scientific data (PB, SK, KT, WCT), pp. 1–12.
VLDBVLDB-2002-StolteA #database #performance #scalability
Efficient Exploration of Large Scientific Databases (ES, GA), pp. 622–633.
FLOPSFLOPS-2002-SumiiB #calculus #functional #named
VMλ: A Functional Calculus for Scientific Discovery (ES, HB), pp. 290–304.
ICEISICEIS-2002-BartoloMSLFW #database #design #metadata #multi
An Electronic Scientific Notebook: Metadata And Database Design for Multidisciplinary Scientific Laboratory Data (LMB, AM, MS, CSL, LZF, CW), pp. 307–310.
KRKR-2002-HustadtS #benchmark #logic #metric
Scientific Benchmarking with Temporal Logic Decision Procedures (UH, RAS), pp. 533–546.
SIGIRSIGIR-2002-LarsenI #documentation #network
The boomerang effect: retrieving scientific documents via the network of references and citations (BL, PI), pp. 397–398.
SACSAC-2002-CavalcantiMCLS #modelling
Sharing scientific models in environmental applications (MCC, MM, MLMC, FL, ES), pp. 453–457.
HPDCHPDC-2002-ChiuGB #performance
Investigating the Limits of SOAP Performance for Scientific Computing (KC, MG, RB), pp. 246–254.
Scientific OLAP for the Biotech Domain (NH), pp. 645–648.
IWPCIWPC-2001-Stewart #analysis #automation #semantics
Automated Analysis of Scientific and Engineering Semantics (MEMS), pp. 113–114.
PASTEPASTE-2001-AncourtN #array #debugging #maintenance #reuse
Array resizing for scientific code debugging, maintenance and reuse (CA, TVNN), pp. 32–37.
CIKMCIKM-2001-SiC #readability #statistics
A Statistical Model for Scientific Readability (LS, JPC), pp. 574–576.
Discovering Communicable Scientific Knowledge from Spatio-Temporal Data (MS, PL), pp. 489–496.
Fundamental limitations on the use of prefetching and stream buffers for scientific applications (DMP), pp. 554–559.
ICSEICSE-2001-HaebererM #framework #re-engineering
Scientific Rigour, an Answer to a Pragmatic Question: A Linguistic Framework for Software Engineering (AMH, TSEM), pp. 463–472.
HPDCHPDC-2001-FollenKLTS #corba #development #legacy
A CORBA-Based Development Environment for Wrapping and Coupling Legacy Scientific Codes (GJF, CMK, IL, ST, JS), p. 22–?.
ASEASE-2000-Stewart #comprehension #empirical
An Experiment in Scientific Program Understanding (MEMS), pp. 281–284.
CSEETCSEET-2000-DampierW #education #re-engineering #realtime
Teaching Scientific Method for Real-Time Software Engineering (DAD, REW), p. 199.
Managing Scientific Computations with a Java-based Schema Extension Facility (GAR, SJEI, LD), pp. 105–110.
HPDCHPDC-2000-ShenC #architecture #distributed #multi #performance #predict
A Distributed Multi-Storage Resource Architecture and I/O Performance Prediction for Scientific Computing (XS, ANC), pp. 21–30.
Scientific Decisions which Characterize VDM (CBJ), pp. 28–47.
HCIHCI-CCAD-1999-ElzerK #visualisation
Visualization of scientific information in a virtual information space (PFE, UK), pp. 122–126.
CIKMCIKM-1999-LawrenceBG #retrieval
Indexing and Retrieval of Scientific Literature (SL, KDB, CLG), pp. 139–146.
GPCEGCSE-1999-RanaLWS #component #generative #scalability #simulation #xml
An XML Based Component Model for Generating Scientific Applications and Performing Large Scale Simulations in a Meta-computing Environment (OFR, ML, DWW, MSS), pp. 210–224.
SACSAC-1999-QiaoGLGL #optimisation
Cache Optimization in Scientific Computations (XQ, QG, ZL, XG, XL), pp. 548–552.
HPDCHPDC-1999-ArmstrongGGKKMPS #architecture #component #towards
Toward a Common Component Architecture for High-Performance Scientific Computing (RCA, DG, AG, KK, SRK, LCM, SRP, BAS), pp. 115–124.
HPDCHPDC-1999-ChoudharyKNNSTMT #data transformation #distributed #performance #scalability
Data Management for Large-Scale Scientific Computations in High Performance Distributed Systems (ANC, MTK, HSN, JN, XS, VET, SM, RT), pp. 263–272.
AdaSIGAda-1998-LeifL #ada #embedded
Ada in Embedded Boards for Scientific and Medical Instruments (RCL, SBL), pp. 114–120.
Blurring the Distinction between Command and Data in Scientific KDD (JVC, ES, SK), pp. 154–158.
SACSAC-1998-BeschHW #design #interface #modelling #parallel
Parallel scientific computing in PROMOTER: on the interface between appliction modelling and language design (MB, GH, MW), pp. 677–683.
ICDARICDAR-1997-Fateman #documentation
More Versatile Scientific Document (RJF), pp. 1107–1110.
ICDARICDAR-1997-ParmentierB #logic #recognition
Logical Structure Recognition of Scientific Bibliographic References (FP, AB), p. 1072–?.
AdaTRI-Ada-1997-White #ada #performance #programming
Performance Issues of Scientific Programming in Ada 95 (JBWI), pp. 279–294.
EDOCEDOC-1997-BakerMG #distributed #workflow
Scientific workflow management in a distributed production environment (NB, RM, JMLG), pp. 291–299.
KDDKDD-1997-GalalCH #parallel #scalability
Improving Scalability in a Scientific Discovery System by Exploiting Parallelism (GG, DJC, LBH), pp. 171–174.
KDDKDD-1997-HinkeRRG #independence #mining #roadmap
Target-Independent Mining for Scientific Data: Capturing Transients and Trends for Phenomena Mining (THH, JAR, HSR, SJG), pp. 187–190.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-1997-YangFD #object-oriented
Steering Object-Oriented Scientific Computations (TYBY, GF, PFD), pp. 112–119.
ITiCSEITiCSE-1996-BrodlieWW #learning #novel #visualisation
Scientific visualization — some novel approaches to learning (KB, JDW, HW), pp. 28–32.
IFLIFL-1996-Scholz #array #functional #on the #programming
On Programming Scientific Applications in SAC — A Functional Language Extended by a Subsystem for High-Level Array Operations (SBS), pp. 85–104.
CIKMCIKM-1996-LehnerRT #database #multi #named #statistics
CROSS-DB: A Feature-Extended Multidimensional Data Model for Statistical and Scientific Databases (WL, TR, MT), pp. 253–260.
SEKESEKE-1996-ChangW #case study #data mining #mining
Scientific Data Mining: A Case Study (CYC, JTLW), pp. 100–107.
SEKESEKE-1996-ChangWCCWA #database #pattern matching #visualisation
A Visualization Tool for Pattern Matching and Discovery in Scientific Databases (GJSC, JTLW, GWC, CYC, WW, FA), pp. 563–570.
HPDCHPDC-1996-AydtCR #requirements
I/O Requirements of Scientific Applications: An Evolutionary View E. Smirni (RAA, AAC, DAR), pp. 49–59.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1995-WangZS #database #documentation #pattern matching
Pattern Matching and Pattern Discovery in Scientific, Program, and Document Databases (JTLW, KZ, DS), p. 487.
KDDKDD-1995-LiB #database #knowledge-based
Knowledge-Based Scientific Discovery in Geological Databases (CL, GB), pp. 204–209.
SEKESEKE-1995-WangCCCP #database #documentation #pattern matching #tool support
An Integrated Toolkit for Pattern Matching and Pattern Discovery in Scientific, Program, and Document databases (JTLW, GWC, CYC, GJSC, KP), p. 497.
SACSAC-1995-Pratt #modelling
Data modeling of scientific experimentation (JMP), pp. 86–90.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1994-WangCMSSZ #combinator
Combinatorial Pattern Discovery for Scientific Data: Some Preliminary Results (JTLW, GWC, TGM, BAS, DS, KZ), pp. 115–125.
VLDBVLDB-1994-ZemankovaI #database #state of the art
Scientific Databases — State of the Art and Future Directions (MZ, YEI), pp. 752–753.
PEPMPEPM-1994-BerlinS #experience #partial evaluation #tool support
Partial Evaluation for Scientific Computing: The Supercomputer Toolkit Experience (AAB, RJS), pp. 133–141.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-1994-SpinelliSCR #integration #named #object-oriented
MI — An Object Oriented Environment for Integration of Scientific Applications (AS, PS, MC, MR), pp. 212–222.
HPDCHPDC-1994-ArmstrongM #distributed #framework #parallel
The Use of Frameworks for Scientific Computation in a Parallel Distributed Environment (RCA, JM), pp. 15–25.
Managing Derived Data in the Gaea Scientific DBMS (NIH, KQ, MAG, MOW), pp. 1–12.
VLDBVLDB-1993-StonebrakerCNPW #data transformation #named #visualisation
Tioga: Providing Data Management Support for Scientific Visualization Applications (MS, JC, NN, CP, JW), pp. 25–38.
VLDBVLDB-1993-WolniewiczG #algebra #database #optimisation
Algebraic Optimization of Computations over Scientific Databases (RHW, GG), pp. 13–24.
FPCAFPCA-1993-PageM #experience #functional #scalability
Experience with a Large Scientific Application in a Functional Language (RLP, BDM), pp. 3–11.
SACSAC-1993-GuuB #database #named #object-oriented #research
Scibase: An Object-Oriented Scientific Database for Cell Physiology Research (YWG, GGB), pp. 309–317.
ASEKBSE-1992-Kant #knowledge base #programming
Knowledge Based Support for Scientific Programming (Keynote) (EK), p. 3.
ASEKBSE-1992-KellerR #development #knowledge-based
A Knowledge-based Software Development Environment for Scientific Model-building (RK, MR), p. 27.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1992-Cowley #data transformation #requirements
Scientific Data Management: Real-World Issues and Requirements (PJC), p. 318.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1992-JohnsonGLMSW #database #named #research
USD — A Database Management System for Scientific Research (RRJ, MG, ML, KM, RS, JW), p. 4.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-1992-Butler #eiffel
Developing Scientific Software with Eiffel (DMB), p. 263.
CCCC-1992-ViklundHF #implementation #programming
The Implementation of ObjectMath — a High-Level Programming Environment for Scientific Computing (LV, JH, PF), pp. 312–318.
HTHT-1991-BassettiPS #effectiveness #hypermedia #using
Applications Navigator: Using Hypertext to Support Effective Scientific Information Exchange (OB, DP, MS), pp. 411–416.
KDDKDD-1991-Schaffer #evaluation #independence #on the
On Evaluation of Domain-Independent Scientific Function-Finding Systems (CS), pp. 93–106.
PLDIPLDI-1990-AndersonH #array #compilation #haskell
Compilation of Haskell Array Comprehensions for Scientific Computing (SA, PH), pp. 137–149.
The Role of Experimentation in Scientific Theory Revision (DK, HAS), pp. 278–283.
ICMLML-1989-Rose #using
Using Domain Knowledge to Aid Scientific Theory Revision (DR), pp. 272–277.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-1989-WaltherP #prototype #smalltalk
Strategies for Scientific Prototyping in Smalltalk (SSW, RLP), pp. 159–167.
The Scientific Engineering of Software (MS), p. 258.
CSCWCSCW-1988-KrautEG #collaboration #communication #research
Patterns of Contact and Communication in Scientific Research Collaboration (REK, CE, JG), pp. 1–12.
POPLPOPL-1987-AllenCK #automation #composition #execution #parallel #source code
Automatic Decomposition of Scientific Programs for Parallel Execution (RA, DC, KK), pp. 63–76.
CSCWCSCW-1986-KrautGE #research
Relationships and tasks in scientific research collaborations (RK, JG, CE), pp. 229–245.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-1986-JackyK #approach #object-oriented #scalability
An Object-Oriented Approach to a Large Scientific Application (JJ, IK), pp. 368–376.
FPCAFPCA-1985-Young85 #architecture #composition #functional
A Functional Language and Modular Architecture for Scientific Computing (MFY), pp. 305–318.
VLDBVLDB-1984-ShoshaniOW #database
Characteristics of Scientific Databases (AS, FO, HKTW), pp. 147–160.
PLDISCC-1984-Touzeau #compilation #fortran
A Fortran compiler for the FPS-164 scientific computer (RFT), pp. 48–57.
DACDAC-1982-Sparr #database
A language for a scientific and engineering database system (TMS), pp. 865–871.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1982-Bell #modelling #simulation #source code
Data Modelling of Scientific Simulation Programs (JLB), pp. 79–86.
DACDAC-1977-Krohn #design #scalability #verification
Design verification of large scientific computers (HEK), pp. 354–361.
LISPLISP-1963-Yates #analysis #compilation #lisp #source code #word
LISP. Group Analysis programs. Λ LISP Compiler for a variable word machine (Gamma 30 Scientific) (RY), p. 15.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.