Travelled to:
1 × Italy
1 × Spain
1 × Switzerland
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ J.V.d.Bussche J.F.Lynch M.Spielmann M.Bielecki J.Hidders J.Paredaens
Talks about:
asymptot (3) probabl (3) logic (3) infinitari (2) properti (2) queri (2) order (2) spreadsheet (1) distribut (1) automata (1)
Person: Jerzy Tyszkiewicz
DBLP: Tyszkiewicz:Jerzy
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- SIGMOD-2010-Tyszkiewicz #database #relational #spreadsheet
- Spreadsheet as a relational database engine (JT), pp. 195–206.
- ICALP-2002-BieleckiHPTB #navigation
- Navigating with a Browser (MB, JH, JP, JT, JVdB), pp. 764–775.
- PODS-2002-SpielmannTB #automaton #distributed #query #using #web
- Distributed Computation of Web Queries Using Automata (MS, JT, JVdB), pp. 97–108.
- LICS-1995-LynchT #graph #logic #random
- The Infinitary Logic of Sparse Random Graphs (JFL, JT), pp. 46–53.
- CSL-1992-Tyszkiewicz #higher-order #monad #on the
- On Asymptotic Probabilities of Monadic Second Order Properties (JT), pp. 425–439.
- CSL-1991-Tyszkiewicz #logic #query #transitive
- Infinitary Queries and Their Asymptotic Probabilities I: Properties Definable in Transitive Closue Logic (JT), pp. 396–410.
- TAPSOFT-1993-Tyszkiewicz #logic #on the
- On Asymptotic Probabilities in Logics That Capture DSPACE(log n) in Presence of Ordering (JT), pp. 569–583.