Travelled to:
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Hwang H.Chang C.Kuo P.Ku M.Wei
Talks about:
ergonom (2) vehicl (2) system (2) design (2) interfac (1) auditori (1) conveni (1) speech (1) expert (1) elicit (1)
Person: Jian-Yung Hung
DBLP: Hung:Jian=Yung
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- HCI-AS-2013-KuHCHK #design #interface
- Ergonomics Design on Expert Convenience of Voice-Based Interface for Vehicle’s AV Systems (PYK, SLH, HCC, JYH, CCK), pp. 606–611.
- HCI-AS-2013-WeiHCHK #design #elicitation #speech
- Ergonomics Design with Novice Elicitation on an Auditory-Only In-Vehicle Speech System (MHW, SLH, HCC, JYH, CCK), pp. 654–660.