120 papers:
CHI-2015-BachynskyiPOSW #case study #comparative #performance #simulation #using- Performance and Ergonomics of Touch Surfaces: A Comparative Study using Biomechanical Simulation (MB, GP, AO, JS, TW), pp. 1817–1826.
CHI-2015-SchmidtFKMPRSWB #interactive- Ergonomic Interaction for Touch Floors (DS, JF, SK, FM, MP, JR, JS, JW, PB), pp. 3879–3888.
DHM-EH-2015-HarihBR #interface #optimisation #parametricity- Optimisation of Product’s Hand-Handle Interface Material Parameters for Improved Ergonomics (GH, MB, ZR), pp. 15–25.
DHM-EH-2015-HeftSBR #approach #visualisation- An Approach for Intuitive Visualization of Ergonomic Issues (WH, MS, ACB, PR), pp. 26–36.
DHM-EH-2015-KollingKHC #design #evaluation #feedback #interactive #process #using- Estimating Ergonomic Comfort During the Process of Mechanism Design by Interaction with a Haptic Feedback-System — Evaluation of Simulated and Kinesthetically Displayed Mechanisms Using the Haptic Feedback System RePlaLink (TK, MK, MH, BC), pp. 62–73.
DHM-EH-2015-RegazzoniRC #simulation- The Role of Virtual Ergonomic Simulation to Develop Innovative Human Centered Products (DR, CR, GC), pp. 74–83.
DHM-EH-2015-YangCFHZC #case study- Experimental Study on Grip Ergonomics of Manual Handling (AY, GC, WyF, HH, XZ, CKC), pp. 92–99.
DUXU-DD-2015-BarrosSRTBS #approach #human-computer #interface #usability- A Usability Study of a Brain-Computer Interface Apparatus: An Ergonomic Approach (RQB, GS, CR, RT, MQB, MMS), pp. 224–236.
DUXU-IXD-2015-OliveiraVSBRS #analysis #interactive #usability- Ergonomic and Usability Analysis of Interactive Whiteboards in the Academic Environment (EO, EV, ES, SB, TR, MMS), pp. 208–217.
DUXU-UI-2015-PaschoarelliSSB #design #research- Brazilian Research Panorama on Information Ergonomics and Graphic Design (LCP, JCRPdS, DS, GB, FOM, EN), pp. 330–340.
DHM-2014-AndreoniCABMNPBPRP #design #monitoring- Design and Ergonomics of Monitoring System for Elderly (GA, FC, AA, GB, SM, PN, AP, RB, RP, MR, PP), pp. 499–507.
DHM-2014-KarlovicPMSRRS #analysis #case study #comparison- Analysis and Comparison of Ergonomics in Laparoscopic and Open Surgery — A Pilot Study (KK, SP, TM, KDS, RR, MAR, BS), pp. 273–281.
DHM-2014-YangZYHZL #design- Based on Upper Extremity Comfort ROM of Ergonomic Methods for Household Products Design (FY, QXZ, AY, HH, XZ, ZQL), pp. 167–173.
DUXU-DI-2014-FernandesP #evaluation #experience #online #user interface- Online Shopping Websites: An Evaluation of User Experience and Interface Ergonomic Criteria from the Perspective of Older Users (FRF, LCP), pp. 104–115.
DUXU-DI-2014-FernandesP14a #evaluation #experience #named #online #user interface- Erratum: Online Shopping Websites: An Evaluation of User Experience and Interface Ergonomic Criteria from the Perspective of Older Users (FRF, LCP).
DUXU-DI-2014-OrlandiniCB #evaluation #interface #mobile #usability- Ergonomics and Usability in Sound Dimension: Evaluation of a Haptic and Acoustic Interface Application for Mobile Devices (GO, GAC, LMPB), pp. 193–202.
DUXU-DP-2014-BarrosSF14a #analysis #artificial reality #evaluation #using- Ergonomic Evaluation of Manual Force Levels of the Elderly in the Handling of Products: An Analysis Using Virtual Reality (RQB, MMS, MGF), pp. 124–132.
DUXU-DP-2014-SilvaPS #analysis #concept #using- Brands Analysis Using Informational Ergonomics Concepts: A Proposal (JCRPdS, LCP, JCPdS), pp. 90–101.
HCI-AS-2014-DiasDH #fuzzy #interactive #modelling #quality #using- Exploring B-Learning Scenarios Using Fuzzy Logic-Based Modeling of Users’ LMS Quality of Interaction in Ergonomics and Psychomotor Rehabilitation Academic Courses (SBD, JAD, LJH), pp. 233–243.
HCI-TMT-2014-Fross #architecture- Ergonomics in the Practice of Project Architect on Selected Examples (KF), pp. 77–85.
HCI-TMT-2014-HankiewiczB #performance #quality #source code #using #word- Efficiency in Performing Basic Tasks Using Word Processing Programs by the Elderly as a Measure of the Ergonomic Quality of Software (KH, MB), pp. 481–488.
CHI-2013-HogganWONKL #gesture #multi #performance- Multi-touch rotation gestures: performance and ergonomics (EH, JW, AO, MAN, POK, AL), pp. 3047–3050.
DHM-HB-2013-CaoJHK #assessment #modelling #using- Ergonomic Assessment of Patient Barrow Lifting Technique Using Digital Human Modeling (WC, MJ, YH, MTK), pp. 20–29.
DHM-HB-2013-ColomboRR #modelling- Markerless Motion Capture Integrated with Human Modeling for Virtual Ergonomics (GC, DR, CR), pp. 314–323.
DHM-HB-2013-Hedge #risk management- Evaluating Ergonomics Risks for Digital Radiologists (AH), pp. 50–58.
DHM-HB-2013-IllmannFLBD- Application and Future Developments of EMA in Digital Production Planning and Ergonomics (BI, LF, WL, SB, MD), pp. 66–75.
DHM-HB-2013-TheisAMW #artificial reality #aspect-oriented #industrial- Considering Ergonomic Aspects of Head-Mounted Displays for Applications in Industrial Manufacturing (ST, TA, MPM, MW), pp. 282–291.
DHM-HB-2013-Yuan #approach #evaluation #modelling #validation- Validation of an Integrated Biomechanical Modeling Approach to the Ergonomic Evaluation of Drywall Installation (LY), pp. 159–168.
DHM-SET-2013-LuL #design #modelling #safety- Constructing Ergonomic Safety Modelling for Evaluating New Designs of Child Car Seats (CYL, HHL), pp. 338–347.
DHM-SET-2013-MoriK #3d #evaluation #simulation- Ergonomics Study of Direct and Indirect Visibility Evaluation at Uncontrolled Intersections Based on Three-Dimensional Computer Simulation (MM, NK), pp. 70–77.
DHM-SET-2013-OkimotoPOM #usability- Usability of Portable Fire Extinguisher: Perspectives of Ergonomics and Intuitive Use (MLLRO, MP, STdO, VM), pp. 355–364.
DUXU-NTE-2013-MeloSAR #aspect-oriented- Ergonomics Aspects in Operators of the Electric Power Control and Operation Centers (MM, LBS, AA, FR), pp. 169–178.
DUXU-PMT-2013-PenhaCSCB #evaluation #usability- Ergonomic Evaluation of Usability with Users — Application of the Technique of Cooperative Evaluation (MP, WC, MMS, FC, MB), pp. 379–388.
DUXU-WM-2013-MeloSCC #evaluation #human-computer #interface #people #visual notation #web- Ergonomic Evaluation of Websites Focusing on the Human-Computer Interface so as to Improve Access to the Web Especially by People with Visual Disabilities (ARM, MMS, FC, WC), pp. 257–264.
DUXU-WM-2013-SoaresCCNCM #interactive #scalability- An Applied Ergonomics Study on IT User Interaction in a Large Hydroelectric Company in the Northeast of Brazil (MMS, FC, WC, AN, JC, SM), pp. 113–120.
HCI-AMTE-2013-GabillonLO #case study #composition #towards #user interface- Towards Ergonomic User Interface Composition: A Study about Information Density Criterion (YG, SL, KMdO), pp. 211–220.
HCI-AS-2013-KrauseB #information management #process #using- Subjective Ratings in an Ergonomic Engineering Process Using the Example of an In-Vehicle Information System (MK, KB), pp. 596–605.
HCI-AS-2013-KuHCHK #design #interface- Ergonomics Design on Expert Convenience of Voice-Based Interface for Vehicle’s AV Systems (PYK, SLH, HCC, JYH, CCK), pp. 606–611.
HCI-AS-2013-WeiHCHK #design #elicitation #speech- Ergonomics Design with Novice Elicitation on an Auditory-Only In-Vehicle Speech System (MHW, SLH, HCC, JYH, CCK), pp. 654–660.
DHM-2011-LiZ #evaluation- Ergonomics Evaluation of Three Operation Postures for Astronauts (DL, YZ), pp. 129–138.
ICEIS-v2-2011-Yi #diagrams- Passenger-oriented Ergonomic Ergonomic Drawing of Diagram Map for Chinese Railway Passengers’ Lines (JY), pp. 389–393.
ICEIS-v4-2011-Changxian #design #industrial #roadmap- New Trends of Ergonomics and Its Importance in Modern Industrial Design (CC), pp. 543–547.
ICPR-2010-ScharfenbergerCF #artificial reality #predict #using- Driver Body-Height Prediction for an Ergonomically Optimized Ingress Using a Single Omnidirectional Camera (CS, SC, GF), pp. 298–301.
DHM-2009-AndreoniMCZRCP #assessment #gesture- Method for Movement and Gesture Assessment (MMGA) in Ergonomics (GA, MM, OC, MZ, MR, FC, EP), pp. 591–598.
DHM-2009-DemirelD #analysis #feedback- Impact of Force Feedback on Computer Aided Ergonomic Analyses (HOD, VGD), pp. 608–613.
DHM-2009-HermawatiM #modelling- Realistic Elbow Flesh Deformation Based on Anthropometrical Data for Ergonomics Modeling (SH, RM), pp. 632–641.
DHM-2009-KawaguchiEK #assessment #design #synthesis- Database-Driven Grasp Synthesis and Ergonomic Assessment for Handheld Product Design (KK, YE, SK), pp. 642–652.
DHM-2009-McInnesSP #reliability #using- Within and Between-Subject Reliability Using Classic Jack for Ergonomic Assessments (BM, AS, JP), pp. 653–660.
HCD-2009-GuessardPBMS #approach #concept- Ergonomic Approach for the Conception of a Theatre Medical Regulation System (WG, AP, RB, POM, AS), pp. 965–971.
HCD-2009-RomeroCAMVC #concept #development- Proactive Ergonomics in Refrigerator Concept Development (MR, FC, GA, MM, JV, LC), pp. 627–634.
HCI-NT-2009-MorandiniCS #prototype #validation #web- A Prototype to Validate ErgoCoIn: A Web Site Ergonomic Inspection Technique (MM, WdAC, DLS), pp. 339–348.
CHI-2008-MorrisBM #named #type system #using- SuperBreak: using interactivity to enhance ergonomic typing breaks (DM, AJBB, BM), pp. 1817–1826.
DHM-2007-Bubb #design- Future Applications of DHM in Ergonomic Design (HB), pp. 779–793.
DHM-2007-EndoKKMKM #assessment #design #using- A Computer-Aided Ergonomic Assessment and Product Design System Using Digital Hands (YE, SK, TK, NM, MK, MM), pp. 833–842.
DHM-2007-HuDYY #3d- Investigation on Ergonomics Characteristics of Protective Clothing Based on Capture of Three-Dimensional Body Movements (HH, LD, CY, XY), pp. 856–864.
DHM-2007-LiLY #assessment #design #synthesis- Design and Realization of Synthesis Assessment System for Cockpit Ergonomics (YL, KL, XY), pp. 915–922.
DHM-2007-LiuYLMK #development #evaluation- Development of a Test-Bed for Synthetical Ergonomics Evaluation of Pilot (WL, XgY, ZQL, RM, WyK), pp. 923–928.
DHM-2007-LongzhuY #evaluation #research- Experimental Research of Evaluation of Temperature Ergonomics of EVA Spacesuit Glove (HL, XgY), pp. 929–938.
DHM-2007-MeulenS #analysis #named- Ramsis — The Leading Cad Tool for Ergonomic Analysis of Vehicles (PvdM, AS), pp. 1008–1017.
DHM-2007-SunFC #evaluation #generative #modelling- Dynamic Generation of Human-Populated VR Models for Workspace Ergonomic Evaluation (TLS, WYF, CJC), pp. 979–987.
DHM-2007-TianDM #analysis #design #interactive- Effecting Validity of Ergonomics Analysis During Virtual Interactive Design (RT, VGD, JM), pp. 988–997.
DHM-2007-ZhangYWD #3d #design #evaluation #implementation- Design and Implementation of Ergonomics Evaluation System of 3D Airplane Cockpit (LZ, XY, LW, DD), pp. 1047–1055.
HCI-AS-2007-Komatsubara #safety- Ergonomic Study of Medicament Packages for the Improvement of Safety in Use (AK), pp. 484–488.
HCI-AS-2007-LinJYHCT #design- Designing an Ergonomic Computer Console on the Ship (CJL, YTJ, CWY, CLH, TJC, MZT), pp. 629–638.
HCI-IDU-2007-ChevalierDMV #quality #web- Searching for Information on the Web: Role of Aging and Ergonomic Quality of Website (AC, AD, DM, CV), pp. 691–700.
HIMI-IIE-2007-Jones- The Relationship Between Working Conditions and Musculoskeletal/Ergonomic Disorders in a Manufacturing Facility (DRJ), pp. 903–909.
CHI-2000-HassenzahlPBL #aspect-oriented #quality- Hedonic and ergonomic quality aspects determine a software’s appeal (MH, AP, MB, KL), pp. 201–208.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Rentzsch #design- Human-computer-interactions in call centres — ergonomic demands and design solutions (MR), pp. 1311–1315.
HCI-CCAD-1999-SatoK #agile #health- Ergonomics issues in agile manufacturing — from an occupational health viewpoint - (NS, YK), pp. 1241–1244.
HCI-CCAD-1999-VayrynenTK #approach #development- Ergonomic approach to customised development of videophony applications (SV, VT, HK), pp. 261–265.
HCI-EI-1999-ChiouW #design #human-computer- An Ergonomic Design of EMG Signal Controlled HCI for Stroke Patients (WKC, MKW), pp. 745–749.
HCI-EI-1999-FarencP #architecture #performance- An Extensible Architecture to Support the Structuring and the efficient Exploitation of Ergonomic Rules (CF, PAP), pp. 1038–1042.
HCI-EI-1999-KetolaHTTV #random- Ergonomics in VDU Work: a randomized controlled trial (RK, MH, RT, EPT, EVJ), pp. 19–22.
HCI-EI-1999-Robertson- Office Ergonomic Interventions (MMR), pp. 205–210.
CHI-1997-SumnerBK #design #knowledge-based- The Cognitive Ergonomics of Knowledge-Based Design Support Systems (TS, NB, BHK), pp. 83–90.
HCI-CC-1997-AarasHBRT #bibliography #multi #perspective- A Three Years Follow-up Multidisciplinary Ergonomic Interventions. Overview (AA, GH, HHB, OR, MT), pp. 631–634.
HCI-CC-1997-Aoki #interface #using- An Ergonomical Study on Computer Interface Using Input Devices (MA), pp. 587–590.
HCI-CC-1997-BayehMSCCA #human-computer- Methodology for Studying Complex Ergonomic Interventions for HCI Work (ADB, FBPM, MJS, PC, FTC, PA), pp. 489–492.
HCI-CC-1997-Bondarovskaia #interactive- Psychological and Ergonomics Peculiarities of Cross-Cultural Interaction of Computer Users (VMB), pp. 105–108.
HCI-CC-1997-CakDE #design #industrial- An Ergonomic Rendering System for Industrial Design (SC, END, AE), pp. 603–606.
HCI-CC-1997-DainoffAHTC- Results from the International Cooperative Study: Impact of Ergonomic Interventions on Musculoskeletal, Eyestrain, and Psychosocial Stress (MEPS) (MJD, AA, GH, MT, BGFC), pp. 583–586.
HCI-CC-1997-GorskaZ #flexibility- A Flexible Computer System for Ergonomic Diagnosis (EG, JMZ), pp. 679–682.
HCI-CC-1997-Granot #game studies- Ergonomics Knowledge Pyramid: A Computer Based Training Game (RG), pp. 623–626.
HCI-CC-1997-Grzybowski- Ergonomic Assessments of Workstands as the Basic Information for the Work Conditions Management in Plants (WG), pp. 687–690.
HCI-CC-1997-Jasiak #design- Ergonomic Information for Design of Manufacturing Systems (AEJ), pp. 675–677.
HCI-CC-1997-LewandowskiG #aspect-oriented #enterprise- Ergonomics Aspects of Enterprises (JL, EG), pp. 699–702.
HCI-CC-1997-MatejaP #process- Decision Process of the Current Ergonomic Renewal of Production Systems (BEM, LMP), pp. 667–670.
HCI-CC-1997-Olszewski- Application of Ergonomics in Creating of Workplace of Computer’s Operator in Manufacturing (JO), pp. 695–698.
HCI-CC-1997-RogalinskiT #development- Ergonomic Decision Optimalization in Production System Development (KLR, SRT), pp. 671–674.
HCI-CC-1997-SaitoJVS #aspect-oriented- Ergonomic Aspects of Flat Panel Display and Large-Size CRT Screen (SS, HJ, MBGV, MS), pp. 639–642.
HCI-CC-1997-SchaabH #industrial- Application of Ergonomics Principles Within the Semiconductor Industry (JAS, MRH), pp. 707–710.
HCI-CC-1997-SmithBSA #interface- Ergonomic Systems Engineering: The Human Interface and the Management of International Relations in the 21st Century (JHS, ADB, MJS, GAF), pp. 185–188.
HCI-CC-1997-StrasserK #evaluation #rest- Ergonomic Evaluation of a Wrist Rest for VDU Work via Electromyographic Methods (HS, EK), pp. 615–618.
HCI-CC-1997-Venda97a #assembly #design #industrial #testing- Ergonomic Design and Industrial Testing of the Televised Assembly and Manual Material Handling Workstations with Indirect Observation of Operations (VFV), pp. 847–850.
HCI-CC-1997-VendaL #assembly #evaluation #using- Ergonomic Evaluation of Manual Assembly Operations Using Direct and Indirect Observation Workstations in Sitting and Standing Positions (VFV, SSL), pp. 855–858.
HCI-SEC-1997-Cohen #self- Evaluating Effects of Self-Directed Ergonomics Training (BGFC), pp. 123–128.
HCI-SEC-1997-DainoffD- Effects of Ergonomic Training as an Ergonomic Intervention (MHD, MJD), pp. 129–132.
HCI-SEC-1997-PadovaniM #evaluation #hypermedia- Ergonomic Evaluation of Some Brazilian Hypertext Systems (SP, AdM), pp. 613–616.
HCI-SEC-1997-Robertson #evaluation- A Model for Ergonomics Training Evaluation (MMR), pp. 133–138.
HCI-SEC-1997-ScottS #case study- Ergonomics Training in Industrially Developing Countries: Case Studies from “Roving Seminars” (PAS, HS), pp. 139–144.
HCI-SEC-1997-Stary97a #interactive #modelling #question #specification- The Role of Interaction Modeling in Future Cognitive Ergonomics: Do Interaction Models Lead to Formal Specification of Involved Machine Intelligence? (CS), pp. 91–94.
HCI-SEC-1997-XuD #comparative #hypermedia- Comparative Hypertext Approaches to Ergonomic Training (WX, MJD), pp. 145–148.
HCI-SEC-1997-Yamaoka #concept #design- A New Design Concept and Method Based on Ergonomics and Kansei Engineering and So On (TY), pp. 547–550.
ICDAR-1993-BackmutskyZ #detection #fault- Some ergonomic improvements of text error detection and prevention in DTP-systems (VB, VZ), pp. 947–950.
HCI-ACS-1993-BoggsWL- Assessing Ergonomic Furniture in The Workplace (GJB, REW, DRL), pp. 416–420.
HCI-ACS-1993-CakirC #documentation #evaluation #image #user interface- Image Processing of Office Documents — Ergonomic Evaluation of the User Interface of a New System (GÇ, AÇ), pp. 797–802.
HCI-ACS-1993-Hale #design- Ergonomics and VDT Design for Space Environments (JPH), pp. 196–200.
HCI-ACS-1993-Harkins #communication #people- Ergonomic Considerations for Communication Technologies for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People (JEH), pp. 504–509.
HCI-ACS-1993-Hayanhjelm #design #evolution #problem #process- The Ergonomic Deisgn Process — The User Involved in Problem Solving and the Design Evolution (HIJH), pp. 966–969.
HCI-ACS-1993-HelenaRF- Ergonomics in CAD Systems: A Brazilian Study of Case (LH, BR, ERF), pp. 102–107.
HCI-ACS-1993-KanSH #evaluation #towards #type system- Toward a Cognitive Ergonomics Evaluation System of Typing Chinese Characters into Computers (ZK, GS, ZH), pp. 380–385.
HCI-ACS-1993-LimC #approach #cumulative- An Integrated Approach to Cumulative Trauma Disorders in Computerized Offices: The Role of Psychosocial Work Factors, Psychological Stress and Ergonomic Risk Factors (SYL, PC), pp. 880–885.
HCI-ACS-1993-PacholskiW #evaluation #formal method #modelling- Formal Modelling of the Ergonomicity Level Evaluation of Man-Microcomputer Systems (LP, MW), pp. 1029–1032.
HCI-SHI-1993-McAlindon #metric #performance- Performance Measures in an “Ergonomically” Designed Keyboard (PJM), pp. 1079–1084.
INTERCHI-1993-McClelland- The applied ergonomics group at Philips (IM), pp. 461–462.
CHI-1992-RafflerSK #development #human-computer #interactive #research- System Ergonomics and Human-Computer Interaction at SIEMENS Corporate Research and Development (HR, MSH, TK), pp. 65–66.
CHI-1989-Bisseret- The ergonomics psychology project at Inria (AB), pp. 153–154.
HCI-CE-1987-BullingerFZ #named #roadmap- Software-Ergonomics: History, State-of-Art and Important Trends (HJB, KPF, JZ), pp. 307–316.
HCI-SES-1987-Litewka #concept #human-computer #interactive #research- Questionable Assumptions and Misconceptions in Ergonomic Research on Human-Computer Interaction: A Discussion (JL), pp. 337–344.
DAC-1984-HeidenG #design- Ergonomic studies in computer aided design (GHvdH, EG), pp. 220–227.