222 papers:
CASE-2015-HuangJG #distributed #generative #multi #optimisation- Multi-timescale optimization between distributed wind generators and electric vehicles in microgrid (QH, QSJ, XG), pp. 671–676.
CASE-2015-LiLFZT #automation- Vision-based intelligent forklift Automatic Guided Vehicle (AGV) (LL, YL, MF, ZZ, HT), pp. 264–265.
CASE-2015-NohAH #assessment #behaviour- Situation assessment and behavior decision for vehicle/driver cooperative driving in highway environments (SN, KA, WH), pp. 626–633.
CASE-2015-PerriBL #bound #online- Jerk bounded velocity planner for the online management of autonomous vehicles (SP, CGLB, ML), pp. 618–625.
CASE-2015-SolisTR #multi #people #towards- Towards developing a multipurpose assistive vehicle robot capable of providing assistance to caregivers and support to elderly people (JS, TDT, JPdlR), pp. 1145–1150.
DAC-2015-NishimiyaSS #evaluation #functional #interface #mockup #modelling #network- Evaluation of functional mock-up interface for vehicle power network modeling (KN, TS, SS), p. 6.
DAC-2015-VatanparvarF- Battery lifetime-aware automotive climate control for electric vehicles (KV, MAAF), p. 6.
DAC-2015-WangLPC #automation #hybrid- Joint automatic control of the powertrain and auxiliary systems to enhance the electromobility in hybrid electric vehicles (YW, XL, MP, NC), p. 6.
DATE-2015-LinWPKC #configuration management- Event-driven and sensorless photovoltaic system reconfiguration for electric vehicles (XL, YW, MP, JK, NC), pp. 19–24.
DATE-2015-ThangamuthuCCL #analysis #network- Analysis of ethernet-switch traffic shapers for in-vehicle networking applications (ST, NC, PJLC, JJL), pp. 55–60.
DHM-EH-2015-TianLYJCS #analysis #scalability #video- Single-Variable Scenario Analysis of Vehicle-Pedestrian Potential Crash Based on Video Analysis Results of Large-Scale Naturalistic Driving Data (RT, LL, KY, FJ, YC, RS), pp. 295–304.
DUXU-IXD-2015-HalbeyKZ- Going on a Road-Trip with My Electric Car: Acceptance Criteria for Long-Distance-Use of Electric Vehicles (JH, SK, MZ), pp. 473–484.
DUXU-IXD-2015-WangWG #comparison #speech- Cross Cultural Comparison of Users’ Barge-in with the In-Vehicle Speech System (PW, UW, TJG), pp. 529–540.
HCI-UC-2015-KaratasYSO #multi #named- NAMIDA: Multiparty Conversation Based Driving Agents in Futuristic Vehicle (NK, SY, PRSDS, MO), pp. 198–207.
HIMI-IKC-2015-ItoSK #information management- Information Sharing System Based on Situation Comprehensions of Intelligent Vehicles to Improve Drivers’ Acceptability for Proactive ADAS (TI, TS, MK), pp. 201–212.
SAC-2015-LeeP #reduction- Search space reduction for electric vehicle-based tour schedules (JL, GLP), pp. 2075–2076.
SAC-2015-MarquesRPSM #coordination #named #network- NVL: a coordination language for unmanned vehicle networks (ERBM, MR, JP, JBS, FM), pp. 331–334.
ESEC-FSE-2015-Vost #industrial #integration- Vehicle level continuous integration in the automotive industry (SV), pp. 1026–1029.
ICSE-v2-2015-SchroederH0HLM #architecture #case study #design #evaluation #industrial #multi #product line #self- Design and Evaluation of a Customizable Multi-Domain Reference Architecture on Top of Product Lines of Self-Driving Heavy Vehicles — An Industrial Case Study (JS, DH, CB, CJH, LL, AM), pp. 189–198.
LCTES-2015-WoitheK #architecture #named #programming- TrilobiteG: A programming architecture for autonomous underwater vehicles (HCW, UK), p. 10.
CASE-2014-JuZDL #bibliography #energy #hybrid- Review of structures and control of battery-supercapacitor hybrid energy storage system for electric vehicles (FJ, QZ, WD, JL), pp. 143–148.
CASE-2014-Murakami #approach #generative #multi #problem- A column generation approach for the multi-vehicle covering tour problem (KM), pp. 1063–1068.
CASE-2014-ParkLH #generative #performance #using- Trajectory generation method using Bézier spiral curves for high-speed on-road autonomous vehicles (BP, YCL, WYH), pp. 927–932.
DAC-2014-RaoGHC #artificial reality #design- Design Methods for Augmented Reality In-Vehicle Infotainment Systems (QR, CG, MH, SC), p. 6.
DAC-2014-Rodriguez-NavasSHNLL #approach #automation #functional #safety #specification #verification- Automated Specification and Verification of Functional Safety in Heavy-Vehicles: the VeriSpec Approach (GRN, CCS, HH, MN, OL, HL), p. 4.
STOC-2014-FriggstadS #algorithm #approximate #bound- Approximation algorithms for regret-bounded vehicle routing and applications to distance-constrained vehicle routing (ZF, CS), pp. 744–753.
ICFP-2014-Fisher #formal method #using- Using formal methods to enable more secure vehicles: DARPA’s HACMS program (KF), p. 1.
DHM-2014-ZhouLXZZ #analysis #metric #parametricity- Measurement and Analysis of Anthropometric Parameters of Young Male Vehicle Drivers (QXZ, ZQL, FX, SZ, SZ), pp. 174–181.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-KnollVS #comprehension #user interface- Developing the HMI of Electric Vehicles — On the Necessity of a Broader Understanding of Automotive User Interface Engineering (CK, RV, IS), pp. 293–304.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-ZiefleBKS- Public Perception and Acceptance of Electric Vehicles: Exploring Users’ Perceived Benefits and Drawbacks (MZ, SBL, KK, MS), pp. 628–639.
HCI-AS-2014-JanssonSBAT #automation #design- Authority and Level of Automation — Lessons to Be Learned in Design of In-vehicle Assistance Systems (AJ, PS, IB, AA, ST), pp. 413–424.
HIMI-AS-2014-LinLLL #case study #design #functional #interface #navigation- A Study on the Interface Design of a Functional Menu and Icons for In-Vehicle Navigation Systems (MCL, YHL, CCL, JYL), pp. 261–272.
ICPR-2014-DongPHLDJ #classification #network #using- Vehicle Type Classification Using Unsupervised Convolutional Neural Network (ZD, MP, YH, TL, YD, YJ), pp. 172–177.
ICPR-2014-FrazES #recognition- Mid-level-Representation Based Lexicon for Vehicle Make and Model Recognition (MF, EAE, MSS), pp. 393–398.
ICPR-2014-LinH #analysis #using- Crossroad Traffic Surveillance Using Superpixel Tracking and Vehicle Trajectory Analysis (DTL, CHH), pp. 2251–2256.
ICPR-2014-MatsuoSY #detection #image #using- Vehicle Driver Face Detection in Various Sunlight Environments Using Composed Face Images (HM, TS, NY), pp. 1687–1691.
ICPR-2014-RamirezOT #detection #multi- Go with the Flow: Improving Multi-view Vehicle Detection with Motion Cues (AR, EOB, MMT), pp. 4140–4145.
ICPR-2014-YamadaM #approach #behaviour #using- Estimating Driver Awareness of Crossing Pedestrians While Turning Left Based on Vehicle Behavior Using Bayesian Approach (KY, TM), pp. 1898–1903.
KDD-2014-ShangZTCY- Inferring gas consumption and pollution emission of vehicles throughout a city (JS, YZ, WT, EC, YY), pp. 1027–1036.
SEKE-2014-KaurKF #low cost #mining #using #web- Using Web Mining to Support Low Cost Historical Vehicle Traffic Analytics (CK, DK, BHF), pp. 365–370.
SEKE-2014-PaikariF #analysis #design #implementation #simulation- Analysis, Design and Implementation of an Agent Based System for Simulating Connected Vehicles (EP, BHF), pp. 338–343.
SAC-2014-Daniel #communication #protocol #using- Vehicle to vehicle communication using Zigbee protocol (AD), pp. 715–716.
SAC-2014-LeePKH #clustering- Per-cluster allocation of relocation staff on electric vehicle sharing systems (JL, GLP, JK, NH), pp. 1541–1542.
LCTES-2014-BeaugnonKHBTAL #algebra #linear #named- VOBLA: a vehicle for optimized basic linear algebra (UB, AK, SvH, RB, DT, JA, AL), pp. 115–124.
CASE-2013-ChuS #deployment #estimation #optimisation- Optimization of probe vehicle deployment for traffic status estimation (KCC, KS), pp. 880–885.
CASE-2013-RoszkowskaG #distributed #multi- Correct-by-construction distributed control for multi-vehicle transport systems (ER, IG), pp. 156–161.
CASE-2013-RoyNSR #case study #comparative #robust- Robust position control of an autonomous underwater vehicle: A comparative study (SR, SN, SNS, RR), pp. 1002–1007.
DAC-2013-GeorgakosSSC #architecture #challenge #reliability- Reliability challenges for electric vehicles: from devices to architecture and systems software (GG, US, RS, SC), p. 9.
DAC-2013-GoswamiLKSMCR #development #modelling #verification- Model-based development and verification of control software for electric vehicles (DG, ML, MK, SS, AM, SC, SR), p. 9.
DAC-2013-LukasiewyczSASWCKMSFC #architecture #design- System architecture and software design for electric vehicles (ML, SS, SA, FS, PW, WC, MK, PM, SS, SAF, SC), p. 6.
DAC-2013-ParkKC #energy #hybrid- Hybrid energy storage systems and battery management for electric vehicles (SP, YK, NC), p. 6.
DATE-2013-HankMVK #network- Automotive ethernet: in-vehicle networking and smart mobility (PH, SM, OV, JVdK), pp. 1735–1739.
CHI-2013-Salvucci #interactive #predict- Distraction beyond the driver: predicting the effects of in-vehicle interaction on surrounding traffic (DDS), pp. 3131–3134.
HCI-AMTE-2013-LoriteMTPP #design #interface- Supervisory Control Interface Design for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles through GEDIS-UAV (SL, AM, JT, PP, EP), pp. 231–240.
HCI-AS-2013-DickeJS- Auditory and Head-Up Displays in Vehicles (CD, GJ, JS), pp. 551–560.
HCI-AS-2013-Harris #interface #speech- Emotion and Emotion Regulation Considerations for Speech-Based In-Vehicle Interfaces (HH), pp. 571–577.
HCI-AS-2013-HelmbrechtBV #adaptation #performance- Adaptations in Driving Efficiency with Electric Vehicles (MH, KB, RV), pp. 578–585.
HCI-AS-2013-KrauseB #information management #process #using- Subjective Ratings in an Ergonomic Engineering Process Using the Example of an In-Vehicle Information System (MK, KB), pp. 596–605.
HCI-AS-2013-KuHCHK #design #interface- Ergonomics Design on Expert Convenience of Voice-Based Interface for Vehicle’s AV Systems (PYK, SLH, HCC, JYH, CCK), pp. 606–611.
HCI-AS-2013-PichelmannFK #adaptation- The Timeframe of Adaptation to Electric Vehicle Range (SP, TF, JFK), pp. 612–620.
HCI-AS-2013-StillwaterWN #bibliography #mobile- Mobile App Support for Electric Vehicle Drivers: A Review of Today’s Marketplace and Future Directions (TS, JW, MN), pp. 640–646.
HCI-AS-2013-WeiHCHK #design #elicitation #speech- Ergonomics Design with Novice Elicitation on an Auditory-Only In-Vehicle Speech System (MHW, SLH, HCC, JYH, CCK), pp. 654–660.
HCI-IMT-2013-FuchsFSG #adaptation #multi- Adaptive Consoles for Supervisory Control of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (CF, SF, JBS, GMG), pp. 678–687.
HCI-UC-2013-Dempster #energy- Connecting Electric Vehicles and Green Energy (PD), pp. 269–276.
HIMI-D-2013-EnokidaKSAII #information management #metric #using- Assessing Mental Workload of In-Vehicle Information Systems by Using Physiological Metrics (SE, KK, SS, TA, TI, KI), pp. 584–593.
HIMI-HSM-2013-SaitoKII #behaviour- Influence of Deceleration Intention Indicating System of Forward Vehicle on Driver Behavior (YS, SK, MI, TI), pp. 548–557.
HIMI-HSM-2013-SuzukiMKY #behaviour- Human Behavior of Prioritizing Right-Turning Vehicles and Traffic Flow at Intersections (HS, YM, TK, YY), pp. 558–567.
HIMI-HSM-2013-ZhangA #flexibility #user interface- Improving the Flexibility of In-Vehicle Infotainment Systems by the Smart Management of GUI-Application Binding Related Information (RZ, TA), pp. 223–232.
KDD-2013-WuNTWXX #framework #privacy- A privacy preserving framework for managing vehicle data in road pricing systems (HW, WSN, KLT, WW, SX, MX), pp. 1427–1435.
SEKE-2013-NevesDMMW #testing- Structural Testing of Autonomous Vehicles (VdON, MED, PCM, CCTM, DFW), pp. 200–205.
SAC-2013-KalyanC #analysis #navigation #using- A feasibility analysis on using bathymetry for navigation of autonomous underwater vehicles (BK, MC), pp. 229–231.
SAC-2013-LeeKP #hybrid #recommendation- A tour recommendation service for electric vehicles based on a hybrid orienteering model (JL, SWK, GLP), pp. 1652–1654.
DATE-2012-BrandlGWLGBFFRSSTCP- Batteries and battery management systems for electric vehicles (MB, HG, MW, VL, MG, FB, GF, LF, RR, RS, SS, AT, MC, WP), pp. 971–976.
DATE-2012-ChakrabortyLBFCPKLA #challenge #embedded- Embedded systems and software challenges in electric vehicles (SC, ML, CB, SAF, NC, SP, YK, PL, HA), pp. 424–429.
ICALP-v1-2012-GortzNS #probability- Stochastic Vehicle Routing with Recourse (ILG, VN, RS), pp. 411–423.
FM-2012-AsplundMBCC #approach #coordination #formal method- A Formal Approach to Autonomous Vehicle Coordination (MA, AM, MB, SC, VC), pp. 52–67.
ICPR-2012-LiuXAL #semantics- Semantic superpixel based vehicle tracking (LL, JX, HA, SL), pp. 2222–2225.
ICPR-2012-MinouraW #behaviour- Driving support by estimating vehicle behavior (KM, TW), pp. 1144–1147.
ICPR-2012-ShiLBH #detection- Context-driven moving vehicle detection in wide area motion imagery (XS, HL, EB, WH), pp. 2512–2515.
ICPR-2012-ThakoorB #classification #video- Structural signatures for passenger vehicle classification in video (NT, BB), pp. 926–929.
MoDELS-2012-SalayWS #development #modelling- Managing Related Models in Vehicle Control Software Development (RS, SW, VS), pp. 383–398.
MoDELS-2012-SalayWS #development #modelling- Managing Related Models in Vehicle Control Software Development (RS, SW, VS), pp. 383–398.
SAC-2012-LeeKP #search-based- A genetic scheduler for electric vehicle charging (JL, HJK, GLP), pp. 1843–1844.
SAC-2012-PereiraR #architecture #simulation- An integrated architecture for autonomous vehicles simulation (JLFP, RJFR), pp. 286–292.
SAC-2012-SalehSRDBB #design #distributed #problem- Mechanism design for decentralized vehicle routing problem (MS, AS, SR, MD, JB, AB), pp. 749–754.
SAC-2012-SouzaPEMOW #navigation #network #using- Vision and GPS-based autonomous vehicle navigation using templates and artificial neural networks (JRS, GP, GBE, CCTM, FSO, DFW), pp. 280–285.
SPLC-2012-BragaJBL #certification #feature model #modelling #product line- Incorporating certification in feature modelling of an unmanned aerial vehicle product line (RTVB, OTJ, KRLJCB, JL), pp. 249–258.
QoSA-ISARCS-2011-HillenbrandHMA #architecture #safety #workflow- A metric-based safety workflow for electric/electronic architectures of vehicles (MH, MH, KDMG, NA), pp. 105–114.
WICSA-2011-TsakirisKM #case study #evaluation #hybrid #industrial #plugin #quality- Evaluation of the Use of Quality Attribute Scenarios in a Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Controls System — Industrial Case Study (AT, JK, RM), pp. 66–72.
CASE-2011-JuWLBX #framework #simulation- Virtual battery: A simulation framework for batteries in electric vehicles (FJ, JW, JL, SB, GX), pp. 648–653.
CASE-2011-SaddemTT #embedded- Diagnosis of critical embedded systems: application to the control card of a railway vehicle braking systems (RS, AT, MT), pp. 163–168.
CASE-2011-StumpM #multi #persistent #problem- Multi-robot persistent surveillance planning as a Vehicle Routing Problem (ES, NM), pp. 569–575.
DAC-2011-RameshG #design #modelling #verification- Rigorous model-based design & verification flow for in-vehicle software (SR, AAG), pp. 13–16.
DATE-2011-LukasiewyczCM #concept #network #scheduling- FlexRay switch scheduling — A networking concept for electric vehicles (ML, SC, PM), pp. 76–81.
DHM-2011-WortelenL #approach #automation #behaviour #estimation- Less Driving While Driving? An Approach for the Estimation of Effects of Future Vehicle Automation Systems on Driver Behavior (BW, AL), pp. 523–532.
DUXU-v2-2011-McKimmGC #design #navigation- Dynamic Navigation System Design for Networked Electric Vehicles (FM, MG, VC), pp. 156–166.
DUXU-v2-2011-MooreBC #locality #optimisation #prototype- Optimisation of Sound Localisation for Emergency Vehicle Sirens through a Prototype Audio System (JDM, SB, VC), pp. 177–186.
HCI-MIIE-2011-DambockKBB- The H-Metaphor as an Example for Cooperative Vehicle Driving (DD, MK, KB, HB), pp. 376–385.
HCI-MIIE-2011-HwangKAJ #representation- Factors for Representing In-Vehicle Roominess (WH, NHK, HJA, HSJ), pp. 386–390.
HCI-MIIE-2011-LimPJK #behaviour #experience- Driver’s Experience and Behavioral Patterns through the Observation of Commercial Vehicle Driving (YL, SP, ESJ, TK), pp. 426–434.
HIMI-v1-2011-LifOLHS #multimodal- Multimodal Threat Cueing in Simulated Combat Vehicle with Tactile Information Switching between Threat and Waypoint Indication (PL, PAO, BL, JH, JS), pp. 454–461.
IDGD-2011-BaZ #bibliography- A Review of Driver Mental Workload in Driver-Vehicle-Environment System (YB, WZ), pp. 125–134.
ICEIS-v2-2011-YuanL #enterprise #float #research #standard- The Research of Public Transport Enterprises Quota Floating Fuel — National Standard GB4353 Fuel Consumption for Passenger Vehicles in Operation Applied to the Public Transport Enterprise (YY, ML), pp. 291–296.
ICEIS-v4-2011-YangJZH #multi #problem- Vehicle Routing Problem with Multi-depot and Multi-task (HY, LJ, YZ, MH), pp. 650–655.
ICEIS-v4-2011-YangZZZ #policy- Urban Motor Vehicle Limiting Policy based on System Dynamics (HY, ZZ, YZ, HZ), pp. 539–542.
SAC-2011-LinCL #data-driven #navigation- Service-oriented dynamic data driven application systems to potential field method vehicle navigation (SYL, KMC, CCL), pp. 462–467.
CASE-2010-GuerreroLBX #hybrid #state of the art- Hybrid/electric vehicle battery manufacturing: The state-of-the-art (CPAG, JL, SB, GX), pp. 281–286.
CASE-2010-PaullGLM #adaptation #using- An information gain based adaptive path planning method for an autonomous underwater vehicle using sidescan sonar (LP, SSG, HL, VM), pp. 835–840.
CASE-2010-RoyKHM- Vehicle interference effects in warehousing systems with autonomous vehicles (DR, AK, SSH, CJM), pp. 674–679.
CASE-2010-TaoW #3d #algorithm #constraints #heuristic #problem- A new packing heuristic based algorithm for Vehicle Routing Problem with Three-dimensional Loading constraints (YT, FW), pp. 972–977.
ICPR-2010-OzcanliM #recognition- Vehicle Recognition as Changes in Satellite Imagery (ÖCÖ, JLM), pp. 3336–3339.
ICPR-2010-TamersoyA- Counting Vehicles in Highway Surveillance Videos (BT, JKA), pp. 3631–3635.
ICPR-2010-TsaiHTC #detection #pipes and filters #predict #scalability #using- Learning-Based Vehicle Detection Using Up-Scaling Schemes and Predictive Frame Pipeline Structures (YMT, KYH, CCT, LGC), pp. 3101–3104.
ICPR-2010-ZhangHTW #3d #evaluation #framework #modelling #using- 3D Model Based Vehicle Tracking Using Gradient Based Fitness Evaluation under Particle Filter Framework (ZZ, KH, TT, YW), pp. 1771–1774.
KDD-2010-KarguptaSG #bibliography #data mining #distributed #mining #performance- MineFleet®: an overview of a widely adopted distributed vehicle performance data mining system (HK, KS, MG), pp. 37–46.
SAC-2010-FariaMLPA #interactive #validation #visual notation- A new methodology for photometric validation in vehicles visual interactive systems (AWCF, DM, DSDL, GLP, AdAA), pp. 948–953.
WICSA-ECSA-2009-EklundO #architecture #case study- A case study of the Architecture Business Cycle for an in-vehicle software architecture (UE, CMO), pp. 91–100.
CASE-2009-CaldwellM #estimation #higher-order- Second-order optimal estimation of slip state for a simple slip-steered vehicle (TMC, TDM), pp. 133–139.
CASE-2009-ChouguleC #assembly #ontology- Application of ontology guided search for improved equipment diagnosis in a vehicle assembly plant (RC, SC), pp. 90–95.
CASE-2009-HeraguCKM #analysis #network #retrieval- Analysis of autonomous vehicle storage and retrieval system by open queueing network (SSH, XC, AK, CJM), pp. 455–459.
CASE-2009-RoyKHM #throughput- Impact of zones on throughput and cycle times in warehouses with Autonomous Vehicles (DR, AK, SSH, CJM), pp. 449–454.
CHI-2009-AokiHMMPSW #community #research #using- A vehicle for research: using street sweepers to explore the landscape of environmental community action (PMA, RJH, AMM, CM, EP, SS, AW), pp. 375–384.
HCD-2009-SimoesP #adaptation- Older Drivers and New In-Vehicle Technologies: Adaptation and Long-Term Effects (AS, MP), pp. 552–561.
HCI-AUII-2009-MatsuiIK #image #recognition #using- Front Environment Recognition of Personal Vehicle Using the Image Sensor and Acceleration Sensors for Everyday Computing (TM, TI, YK), pp. 151–158.
HCI-AUII-2009-NestlerTK #interactive #interface- Common Interaction Schemes for In-Vehicle User-Interfaces (SN, MT, GK), pp. 159–168.
HIMI-DIE-2009-Wichansky #enterprise #experience #user interface- Customer Boards as Vehicles of Change in Enterprise Software User Experience (AMW), pp. 316–322.
HIMI-DIE-2009-YamaguchiNKN #evaluation- Evaluation for Adjustment Method of Vehicle’s Location by Recognizing Crosswalks (YY, TN, HK, SN), pp. 648–656.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2009-JuanRMJF #problem- A Simulation-based Methodology to Assist Decision-makers in Real Vehicle Routing Problems (AAJ, DR, DM, JJ, JF), pp. 212–217.
SAC-2009-JazayeriCZTB #locality #video- An intelligent video system for vehicle localization and tracking in police cars (AJ, HC, JYZ, MT, HB), pp. 939–940.
CASE-2008-LiuL #analysis #interactive #mobile- Track-stair and vehicle-manipulator interaction analysis for tracked mobile manipulators climbing stairs (YL, GL), pp. 157–162.
CASE-2008-NishiTI #approach #automation #composition #optimisation #petri net- Petri Net decomposition approach for the simultaneous optimization of task assignment and routing with automated guided vehicles (TN, YT, MI), pp. 175–180.
CASE-2008-Pan #distributed #estimation #robust- Decentralized control of vehicles in platoons with robust nonlinear state estimation (YJP), pp. 145–150.
CASE-2008-ReveliotisR #multi #paradigm #resource management- Conflict resolution in multi-vehicle systems: A resource allocation paradigm (SAR, ER), pp. 115–121.
CASE-2008-XuFWY #algorithm #multi #problem- An Or-opt NSGA-II algorithm for multi-objective Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (HX, WF, TW, LY), pp. 309–314.
DATE-2008-AltCS #algorithm #architecture #detection #hardware #realtime- Hardware/software architecture of an algorithm for vision-based real-time vehicle detection in dark environments (NA, CC, WS), pp. 176–181.
CHI-2008-BachJST- You can touch, but you can’t look: interacting with in-vehicle systems (KMB, MGJ, MBS, NGT), pp. 1139–1148.
SIGAda-2008-CicaleseWSBFGRS #architecture #distributed #multi #scalability- A distributed, multi-language architecture for large unmanned ground vehicles (CDTC, RMW, JS, RHB, KF, RG, KR, DS), pp. 133–138.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-MahdaviSP #approach #automation #using- Machine Grouping in Cellular Manufacturing System Using Tandem Automated Guided vehicle with ACO Based Six Sigma Approach (IM, BS, MMP), pp. 261–267.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-Martinsky #recognition- Recognition of Vehicle Number Plates (OM), pp. 136–140.
ICPR-2008-FefilatyevG #detection #video- Detection and tracking of marine vehicles in video (SF, DBG), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-WangCS #detection- Detecting shadows of moving vehicles based on HMM (YW, HDC, JS), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-YarlagaddaOM #3d #classification #distance- Lie group distance based generic 3-d vehicle classification (PY, ÖCÖ, JLM), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ZhangLHT08a #3d #evaluation #locality #modelling #optimisation- 3D model based vehicle localization by optimizing local gradient based fitness evaluation (ZZ, ML, KH, TT), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ZhengBT #comprehension #integration- Understanding vehicle motion via spatial integration of intensities (JYZ, YB, HTT), pp. 1–5.
SAC-2008-OliveiraRSCBM #heuristic #problem- A vehicular waiting time heuristic for dynamic vehicle routing problem (HCBdO, GMR, MMdS, LAC, VRB, GRM), pp. 13–17.
SAC-2008-VasiraniO #coordination #distributed #problem- Decentralized coordination strategies for the vehicle routing problem (MV, SO), pp. 130–131.
CASE-2007-JacksonCM- A Rationale for the use of Optical Mice Chips for Economic and Accurate Vehicle Tracking (JDJ, DWC, JM), pp. 939–944.
DATE-2007-SaponaraPTCF #network #reliability- FPGA-based networking systems for high data-rate and reliable in-vehicle communications (SS, EP, MT, IDC, LF), pp. 480–485.
AGTIVE-2007-KreowskiK #community- Communities of Autonomous Units for Pickup and Delivery Vehicle Routing (HJK, SK), pp. 281–296.
CHI-2007-PettittBS #information management #predict #visual notation- An extended keystroke level model (KLM) for predicting the visual demand of in-vehicle information systems (MP, GEB, AS), pp. 1515–1524.
DHM-2007-DebrilPMGL #case study #estimation- Human Articulation Efforts Estimation in the Automobile Vehicle Accessibility Movement — A Pilot Study (JFD, PP, MOAEM, PG, FXL), pp. 23–32.
DHM-2007-LarsLT #artificial reality- Human Age and Vehicle Speeds Affect on Vehicle Ingress Motion Pattern (LH, YL, TF), pp. 843–846.
DHM-2007-MeulenS #analysis #named- Ramsis — The Leading Cad Tool for Ergonomic Analysis of Vehicles (PvdM, AS), pp. 1008–1017.
HCI-IPT-2007-CharissisNPP #design #interface- Designing a Direct Manipulation HUD Interface for In-Vehicle Infotainment (VC, MN, SP, MP), pp. 551–559.
HCI-MIE-2007-VilimekHO #interface #multimodal- Multimodal Interfaces for In-Vehicle Applications (RV, TH, BO), pp. 216–224.
HIMI-IIE-2007-YamaguchiNAHKN #artificial reality #named #navigation #using- AR-Navi: An In-Vehicle Navigation System Using Video-Based Augmented Reality Technology (YY, TN, KA, MH, HK, SN), pp. 1139–1147.
CASE-2006-Tan #automation #security- Automatic Interpretation of Human and Vehicle Motion for Enhanced Security (TT), p. 2.
DATE-2006-ConradD #development #modelling- Model-based development of in-vehicle software (MC, HD), pp. 89–90.
DATE-2006-Degardins #architecture #assessment- Electric and electronic vehicle architecture assessment (PD), p. 558.
SIGAda-2006-SwardG #safety- Developing safety critical software for an unmanned aerial vehicle situational awareness tool (RES, MG), pp. 45–50.
ICPR-v1-2006-ChenCCW #detection- Nighttime Vehicle Detection for Driver Assistance and Autonomous Vehicles (YLC, YHC, CJC, BFW), pp. 687–690.
ICPR-v1-2006-ChengZS #detection- Boosted Gabor Features Applied to Vehicle Detection (HC, NZ, CS), pp. 662–666.
ICPR-v1-2006-LiHH #clustering- A Coarse-to-Fine Strategy for Vehicle Motion Trajectory Clustering (XL, WH, WH), pp. 591–594.
ICPR-v1-2006-LinCW #detection #multi #queue #realtime- A Real-Time Multiple-Vehicle Detection and Tracking System with Prior Occlusion Detection and Resolution, and Prior Queue Detection and Resolution (SPL, YHC, BFW), pp. 828–831.
ICPR-v1-2006-NegriCMP #algorithm #classification- An Oriented-Contour Point Based Voting Algorithm for Vehicle Type Classification (PN, XC, MM, RP), pp. 574–577.
ICPR-v2-2006-FuHC #detection- Vision-Based Preceding Vehicle Detection and Tracking (CMF, CLH, YSC), pp. 1070–1073.
ICPR-v2-2006-ZhangZ #detection- Driver Fatigue Detection Based Intelligent Vehicle Control (ZZ, JZ), pp. 1262–1265.
ICPR-v3-2006-GhoshB #3d #incremental #modelling #video- Incremental Vehicle 3-D Modeling from Video (NG, BB), pp. 272–275.
ICPR-v3-2006-LeeP #classification #detection #robust- Robust vehicle detection based on shadow classification (DL, YP), pp. 1167–1170.
ICPR-v4-2006-NiuG #network #using- Recovering Non-overlapping Network Topology Using Far-field Vehicle Tracking Data (CN, EG), pp. 944–949.
ICPR-v4-2006-TeshimaSOYI #estimation #image- Vehicle Lateral Position Estimation Method Based on Matching of Top-View Images (TT, HS, SO, KY, TI), pp. 626–629.
ICPR-v4-2006-YamaguchiKN #detection #estimation #using- Vehicle Ego-Motion Estimation and Moving Object Detection using a Monocular Camera (KY, TK, YN), pp. 610–613.
SAC-2006-LeongL #algorithm #multi #problem- A multi-agent algorithm for vehicle routing problem with time window (HWL, ML), pp. 106–111.
VLDB-2005-BrakatsoulasPSW #on the- On Map-Matching Vehicle Tracking Data (SB, DP, RS, CW), pp. 853–864.
CHI-2005-LeeFH #effectiveness #navigation- Studying the effectiveness of MOVE: a contextually optimized in-vehicle navigation system (JL, JF, SEH), pp. 571–580.
CHI-2005-SalvucciZBM #agile #evaluation #interface #named #prototype- Distract-R: rapid prototyping and evaluation of in-vehicle interfaces (DDS, MZ, EB, DM), pp. 581–589.
AdaEurope-2005-OrtizAAP #architecture- A Reference Control Architecture for Service Robots Implemented on a Climbing Vehicle (FJO, DA, BÁ, JAP), pp. 13–24.
MLDM-2005-KuhnertK #feedback #learning- Autonomous Vehicle Steering Based on Evaluative Feedback by Reinforcement Learning (KDK, MK), pp. 405–414.
STOC-2004-BansalBCM #algorithm #approximate- Approximation algorithms for deadline-TSP and vehicle routing with time-windows (NB, AB, SC, AM), pp. 166–174.
ICPR-v2-2004-LiYMKG #detection #realtime- A Real-Time Vehicle Detection and Tracking System in Outdoor Traffic Scenes (XL, XY, YLM, RK, GG), pp. 761–764.
ICPR-v3-2004-PetrovicC #recognition #refinement- Vehicle Type Recognition with Match Refinement (VSP, TFC), pp. 95–98.
ICPR-v4-2004-HsiehYCH #analysis- A Shadow Elimination Method for Vehicle Analysis (JWH, SHY, YSC, WFH), pp. 372–375.
ICPR-v4-2004-HuangL04a #identification- A Vision-Based Vehicle Identification System (CLH, WCL), pp. 364–367.
ICPR-v4-2004-LeeCW #recognition- Extraction and Recognition of License Plates of Motorcycles and Vehicles on Highways (HJL, SYC, SZW), pp. 356–359.
KR-2004-Doherty #research- Advanced Research with Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (PD), pp. 731–732.
ICDAR-2003-Kasturi #detection- Detection of Text Marks on Moving Vehicles Vladimir Y. Mariano (RK), pp. 393–397.
SAC-2003-TavaresPMC #on the- On the Influence of GVR in Vehicle Routing (JT, FBP, PM, EC), pp. 753–758.
ICGT-2002-BeckPS #graph transformation #problem #scheduling- Graph Transformations for the Vehicle Routing and Job Shop Scheduling Problems (JCB, PP, ES), pp. 60–74.
ICPR-v3-2002-StevensSP #identification #using- Identifying Vehicles Using Vibrometry Signatures (MRS, MS, DP), pp. 253–256.
ICPR-v4-2002-Sakaino #estimation #robust- Nonlinear Robust Velocity Estimation of Vehicles from a Snowfall Traffic Scene (HS), pp. 60–63.
RE-2002-HardtMB #development #requirements- Integrating ECUs in Vehicles — Requirements Engineering in Series Development (MH, RM, JB), pp. 227–236.
RE-2002-KnorrLFSKPBB #component #development #distributed #process- A Process Model for Distributed Development of Networked Mechatronic Components in Motor Vehicles (KK, AL, PTF, JS, DK, JP, MB, TB), p. 214.
SAC-2002-LiL #problem- Local search with annealing-like restarts to solve the vehicle routing problem with time windows (HL, AL), pp. 560–565.
DATE-2001-HettichT #architecture #challenge- Vehicle electric/electronic architecture — one of the most important challenges for OEM’s (GH, TT), pp. 112–113.
DATE-2001-PandayCM #architecture #named- AIL: description of a global electronic architecture at the vehicle scale (AP, DC, SM), p. 112.
SAC-2001-ThangiahSM #architecture #problem- An agent architecture for vehicle routing problems (SRT, OS, WM), pp. 517–521.
ICPR-v1-2000-LiuH #database- Vehicle Ground-Truth Database for the Vertical-View Ft. Hood Imagery (GL, RMH), pp. 1342–1345.
ICPR-v3-2000-YagiKYB #smarttech- Active Contour Road Model for Smart Vehicle (YY, YK, MY, MB), pp. 3819–3822.
HCI-EI-1999-MarcusAFG99c #design #interface- Vehicle-Navigation User-Interface Design: Lessons for Consumer Devices (AM, JA, VF, EG), pp. 1143–1147.
ICEIS-1999-StefanoV #detection #image- Vehicle Detection in Traffic Images (LdS, EV), pp. 308–313.
STOC-1998-CharikarKR #algorithm- Algorithms for Capacitated Vehicle Routing (MC, SK, BR), pp. 349–358.
ICPR-1998-HermistonBFR #estimation #recognition- Pose estimation and recognition of ground vehicles in aerial reconnaissance imagery (KJH, DMB, SBF, ALR), pp. 578–582.
CAV-1998-HardinWG #concept #design #proving #theorem proving- Transforming the Theorem Prover into a Digital Design Tool: From Concept Car to Off-Road Vehicle (DSH, MW, DAG), pp. 39–44.
ICPR-1996-EkinciT #navigation #recognition- Road junction recognition and turn-offs for autonomous road vehicle navigation (ME, BTT), pp. 318–322.
ICPR-1996-IkedaOM #metric- Traffic measurement with a roadside vision system-individual tracking of overlapped vehicles (TI, SO, MM), pp. 859–864.
ICPR-1996-MaurerBFTD- A compact vision system for road vehicle guidance (MM, RB, SF, FT, EDD), pp. 313–317.
ICPR-1996-RuskoneGAJ #approach #detection #image- Vehicle detection on aerial images: a structural approach (RR, LG, SA, OJ), pp. 900–904.
ICPR-1996-YaoC #image- Selective stabilization of images acquired by unmanned ground vehicles (YSY, RC), pp. 289–292.
SAC-1996-SohHHO #algorithm #automation #distributed- Decentralized routing algorithms for automated guided vehicles (JTLS, WJH, SYH, ACYO), pp. 473–479.
SEKE-1995-PerkusichF #design #object-oriented #on the- On the Object Oriented Design of a Track-Vehicle System (AP, JCAdF), pp. 283–290.
SAC-1995-GudaitisLT #parallel #using- Multicriteria vehicle route-planning using parallel A* search (MSG, GBL, AJT), pp. 171–176.
SIGMOD-1993-Egenhofer #database #navigation #requirements #what- What’s Special about Spatial? Database Requirements for Vehicle Navigation in Geographic Space (Extended Abstract) (MJE), pp. 398–402.
HCI-ACS-1993-Haduch #interactive- Operator Interaction with Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV) (TWH), pp. 289–294.
HCI-ACS-1993-McFarlane #automation #development- Current Status of Development and Use of Tethered and Autonomous Underwater Vehicles and the Potential for Further Automation (JRM), pp. 301–306.
HCI-ACS-1993-VankovGRV #complexity- Operational Complexity of Controlling Space Vehicles (AV, YG, AR, AV), pp. 219–224.
TOOLS-USA-1993-NelsonBKM #object-oriented- Putting Object-Oriented Technology to Work in Autonomous Vehicles (MLN, RBB, SHK, RBM), pp. 279–288.
CAV-1992-FischerST #algebra #case study #distributed #process #verification- Verification in Process Algebra of the Distributed Control of Track Vehicles — A Case Study (SF, AS, DT), pp. 192–205.
CSCW-1988-Root #design #multi #social- Design of a Multi-Media Vehicle for Social Browsing (RWR), pp. 25–38.
DAC-1976-RabideauF #interactive #layout- Interactive graphics package for human engineering and layout of vehicle workspace (GFR, JF), pp. 34–41.
VLDB-1976-Hitchcock #relational- User Extensions to the Peterlee Relational Test Vehicle (PH), pp. 169–180.
DAC-1974-MillerHKRS #design- Feasibility study of an integrated program for aerospace vehicle design (IPAD) (REMJ, SH, AK, DR, JS), pp. 335–346.
DAC-1969-JeglicSM #automation #design- Automation of re-entry vehicles’ preliminary design (JMJ, RFS, CDM), pp. 61–70.