Travelled to:
1 × Denmark
1 × Finland
1 × Iceland
1 × Lithuania
1 × United Kingdom
1 × Uruguay
2 × Portugal
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
B.Victor J.Bengtson M.Johansson M.Baldamus J.Å.Pohjola V.Grande ∅ J.Borgström S.Huang P.Raabjerg
Talks about:
calculus (6) calculi (4) psi (3) process (2) express (2) equival (2) fusion (2) nomin (2) mobil (2) logic (2)
Person: Joachim Parrow
DBLP: Parrow:Joachim
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 12 papers:
- ITiCSE-2015-GrandeP #gender #motivation #programming
- Motivation and Grade Gap Related to Gender in a Programming Course (VG, JP), p. 349.
- SEFM-2011-BorgstromHJRVPP #calculus #protocol
- Broadcast Psi-calculi with an Application to Wireless Protocols (JB, SH, MJ, PR, BV, JÅP, JP), pp. 74–89.
- LICS-2010-JohanssonBPV #calculus
- Weak Equivalences in Psi-Calculi (MJ, JB, JP, BV), pp. 322–331.
- LICS-2009-BengtsonJPV #calculus #logic #mobile #named #process
- Psi-calculi: Mobile Processes, Nominal Data, and Logic (JB, MJ, JP, BV), pp. 39–48.
- ICALP-B-2008-JohanssonPVB #π-calculus
- Extended π-Calculi (MJ, JP, BV, JB), pp. 87–98.
- FoSSaCS-2007-BengtsonP #formal method #logic #using #π-calculus
- Formalising the π-Calculus Using Nominal Logic (JB, JP), pp. 63–77.
- ICALP-2005-BaldamusPV #encoding #π-calculus
- A Fully Abstract Encoding of the π-Calculus with Data Terms (MB, JP, BV), pp. 1202–1213.
- LICS-2004-BaldamusPV #π-calculus
- Sπ Calculus Translated to ?--Calculus Preserving May-Tests (MB, JP, BV), pp. 22–31.
- ICALP-1998-VictorP #calculus #concurrent #constraints
- Concurrent Constraints in the Fusion Calculus (BV, JP), pp. 455–469.
- LICS-1998-ParrowV #calculus #mobile #process #symmetry
- The Fusion Calculus: Expressiveness and Symmetry in Mobile Processes (JP, BV), pp. 176–185.
- ICALP-1990-Parrow #behaviour #network
- Structural and Behavioural Equivalences of Networks (JP), pp. 540–552.
- ESOP-2016-PohjolaP #composition #parallel #power of
- The Expressive Power of Monotonic Parallel Composition (JÅP, JP), pp. 780–803.