Travelled to:
1 × Spain
2 × Canada
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
K.Ma V.Shoup E.Kaltofen ∅ M.Karpinski I.Shparlinski
Talks about:
polynomi (3) factor (2) comput (2) multivari (1) frobenius (1) algorithm (1) parallel (1) function (1) project (1) problem (1)
Person: Joachim von zur Gathen
DBLP: Gathen:Joachim_von_zur
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- STOC-1994-MaG #complexity #permutation
- The computational complexity of recognizing permutation functions (KM, JvzG), pp. 392–401.
- STOC-1993-GathenKS
- Counting curves and their projections (JvzG, MK, IS), pp. 805–812.
- STOC-1992-GathenS
- Computing Frobenius Maps and Factoring Polynomials (JvzG, VS), pp. 97–105.
- ICALP-1983-GathenK #finite #multi #polynomial
- Polynomial-Time Factorization of Multivariate Polynomials over Finite Fields (JvzG, EK), pp. 250–263.
- STOC-1983-Gathen #algebra #algorithm #parallel #problem
- Parallel algorithms for algebraic problems (JvzG), pp. 17–23.