Collaborated with:
Patrick G. Xavier D.Djordjevich Michael L. Bernard M.R.Glickman Stephen J. Verzi Brian Hart Derek Hart Russell Gayle Fred J. Oppel
Talks about:
train (2) agent (2) forc (2) architectur (1) aftermath (1) respons (1) wargam (1) prepar (1) disast (1) simul (1)
Person: Jonathan Whetzel
DBLP: Whetzel:Jonathan
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- CIG-2008-DjordjevichXBWGV #game studies #using
- Preparing for the aftermath: Using emotional agents in game-based training for disaster response (DD, PGX, MLB, JW, MRG, SJV), pp. 266–275.
- AIIDE-2017-HartHGOXW #architecture #simulation
- Dante Agent Architecture for Force-On-Force Wargame Simulation and Training (BH, DH, RG, FJO, PGX, JW), pp. 200–206.