Collaborated with:
D.Jiménez-González J.Larriba-Pey
Talks about:
sort (4) radix (2) conscious (1) algorithm (1) parallel (1) effect (1) local (1) cach (1) base (1)
Person: Juan J. Navarro
DBLP: Navarro:Juan_J=
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- PDP-2003-Jimenex-GonzalezNL #named #sorting
- CC-Radix: a Cache Conscious Sorting Based on Radix sort (DJG, JJN, JLLP), pp. 101–108.
- PDP-2002-Jimenez-GonzalezNL #algorithm #parallel #sorting
- The Effect of Local Sort on Parallel Sorting Algorithms (DJG, JJN, JLLP), pp. 360–367.