233 papers:
CASE-2015-BarlettaJCBR #sorting- Fostering sustainable electronic waste management through intelligent sorting equipment (IB, BJ, KC, MB, JR), pp. 459–461.
DAC-2015-JiangWS #clustering #power management #sorting- A low power unsupervised spike sorting accelerator insensitive to clustering initialization in sub-optimal feature space (ZJ, QW, MS), p. 6.
SIGMOD-2015-0002SLLF #sorting- Cache-Efficient Aggregation: Hashing Is Sorting (IM, PS, AL, WL, FF), pp. 1123–1136.
VLDB-2015-ChoBBFKP #algorithm #named #parallel #performance- PARADIS: An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for In-place Radix Sort (MC, DB, RB, UF, VK, RP), pp. 1518–1529.
VLDB-2015-InoueT #algorithm #array #sorting- SIMD- and Cache-Friendly Algorithm for Sorting an Array of Structures (HI, KT), pp. 1274–1285.
LATA-2015-CodishCS #game studies #network #sorting- Sorting Networks: The End Game (MC, LCF, PSK), pp. 664–675.
ICEIS-v2-2015-OliveiraF #bibliography #enterprise #framework #policy #sorting- A Spatial Data Infrastructure Review — Sorting the Actors and Policies from Enterprise Viewpoint (ILO, JLF), pp. 287–294.
SIGIR-2015-SpirinKKSI #metric #optimisation #quality #tuple- Relevance-aware Filtering of Tuples Sorted by an Attribute Value via Direct Optimization of Search Quality Metrics (NVS, MK, JK, YVS, PAI), pp. 979–982.
SAC-2015-CorcoglionitiRM #rdf #sorting #streaming #using- Processing billions of RDF triples on a single machine using streaming and sorting (FC, MR, MM, MA), pp. 368–375.
SAC-2015-MestrePN #adaptation #pipes and filters- Adaptive sorted neighborhood blocking for entity matching with MapReduce (DGM, CESP, DCN), pp. 981–987.
HPCA-2015-HayesPUCV #algorithm #architecture #novel #sorting- VSR sort: A novel vectorised sorting algorithm & architecture extensions for future microprocessors (TH, OP, OSÜ, AC, MV), pp. 26–38.
CAV-2015-GouwRBBH #java- OpenJDK’s Java.utils.Collection.sort() Is Broken: The Good, the Bad and the Worst Case (SdG, JR, FSdB, RB, RH), pp. 273–289.
SIGMOD-2014-ChandramouliG- Patience is a virtue: revisiting merge and sort on modern processors (BC, JG), pp. 731–742.
SIGMOD-2014-PolychroniouR #clustering #in memory #scalability- A comprehensive study of main-memory partitioning and its application to large-scale comparison- and radix-sort (OP, KAR), pp. 755–766.
VLDB-2014-Viglas #memory management #persistent- Write-limited sorts and joins for persistent memory (SV), pp. 413–424.
WRLA-2014-LucasM #order #termination- Strong and Weak Operational Termination of Order-Sorted Rewrite Theories (SL, JM), pp. 178–194.
STOC-2014-Goodrich #algorithm #sorting- Zig-zag sort: a simple deterministic data-oblivious sorting algorithm running in O(n log n) time (MTG), pp. 684–693.
DLT-J-2013-BonomoMRRS14 #multi #sorting #word- Sorting conjugates and Suffixes of Words in a Multiset (SB, SM, AR, GR, MS), p. 1161–?.
LATA-2014-BundalaZ #network #sorting- Optimal Sorting Networks (DB, JZ), pp. 236–247.
LCT-NLE-2014-Said #sorting- Card Sorting Assessing User Attitude in E-Learning (GRES), pp. 261–272.
CIKM-2014-RamadanC #realtime- Forest-Based Dynamic Sorted Neighborhood Indexing for Real-Time Entity Resolution (BR, PC), pp. 1787–1790.
ICDAR-2013-YanYWYYH #classification #sorting- Sorting-Based Dynamic Classifier Ensemble Selection (YY, XCY, ZBW, XY, CY, HWH), pp. 673–677.
VLDB-2014-BalkesenATO13 #in memory #manycore #revisited- Multi-Core, Main-Memory Joins: Sort vs. Hash Revisited (CB, GA, JT, MTÖ), pp. 85–96.
ICALP-v2-2013-ChenM #quantifier #query- Block-Sorted Quantified Conjunctive Queries (HC, DM), pp. 125–136.
CHI-2013-CassidyAR #game studies #mobile #using- Using an open card sort with children to categorize games in a mobile phone application store (BC, DSA, JCR), pp. 2287–2290.
DUXU-PMT-2013-ThomasJ #sorting- Merging Methodologies: Combining Individual and Group Card Sorting (RLT, IJ), pp. 417–426.
HCI-AMTE-2013-SteinhoffS #categorisation- Priming Categorization in a Card Sort (CS, JDS), pp. 265–272.
DAC-2012-ZuluagaMP #generative #network #sorting #streaming- Computer generation of streaming sorting networks (MZ, PAM, MP), pp. 1245–1253.
SIGMOD-2012-KimPSLDC #clustering #distributed #named #performance #ram #scalability- CloudRAMSort: fast and efficient large-scale distributed RAM sort on shared-nothing cluster (CK, JP, NS, HL, PD, JC), pp. 841–850.
SIGMOD-2012-OhKKL #sorting- Reducing cache misses in hash join probing phase by pre-sorting strategy (abstract only) (GHO, JMK, WHK, SWL), p. 864.
VLDB-2012-AlbutiuKN #database #in memory #manycore #memory management #parallel- Massively Parallel Sort-Merge Joins in Main Memory Multi-Core Database Systems (MCA, AK, TN), pp. 1064–1075.
WRLA-J-2010-DuranM12 #on the #order- On the Church-Rosser and coherence properties of conditional order-sorted rewrite theories (FD, JM), pp. 816–850.
WRLA-2012-GutierrezMR #axiom #order #similarity- Order-Sorted Equality Enrichments Modulo Axioms (RG, JM, CR), pp. 162–181.
ICSM-2012-BiegelBHD #developer #how #order- The Order of Things: How developers sort fields and methods (BB, FB, WH, SD), pp. 88–97.
ICSM-2012-IslamMSKS #algorithm #named #search-based #semantics #sorting #testing- MOTCP: A tool for the prioritization of test cases based on a sorting genetic algorithm and Latent Semantic Indexing (MMI, AM, AS, FBK, GS), pp. 654–657.
CSCW-2012-SosikZC #how- See friendship, sort of: how conversation and digital traces might support reflection on friendships (VSS, XZ, DC), pp. 1145–1154.
CIKM-2012-AchakeevSW #adaptation- Sort-based query-adaptive loading of R-trees (DA, BS, PW), pp. 2080–2084.
CIKM-2012-TranC #named #performance #sorting- SliceSort: efficient sorting of hierarchical data (QTT, CYC), pp. 2109–2113.
ICPR-2012-VidalCMST #database #image #scalability- Sorted dominant local color for searching large and heterogeneous image databases (MLAV, JMBC, ESdM, ASdS, RdST), pp. 1960–1963.
SAC-2012-DiasDHS #sorting #symmetry #using- Sorting genomes using almost-symmetric inversions (ZD, UD, LSH, JCS), pp. 1368–1374.
SAC-2012-KaneiwaN #knowledge base #ontology- Sorted hyper-predicate knowledge bases for ontologies and rules (KK, PHPN), pp. 312–319.
SAC-2012-Wu #memory management #sorting- Data sorting in flash memory (CHW), pp. 1847–1849.
CSL-2012-KellerL #parametricity- Parametricity in an Impredicative Sort (CK, ML), pp. 381–395.
VLDB-2012-MarcusWKMM11- Human-powered Sorts and Joins (AM, EW, DRK, SM, RCM), pp. 13–24.
ICSM-2011-HouP #api #code completion #evaluation #sorting- An evaluation of the strategies of sorting, filtering, and grouping API methods for Code Completion (DH, DMP), pp. 233–242.
ICALP-v1-2011-BulteauFR #sorting- Sorting by Transpositions Is Difficult (LB, GF, IR), pp. 654–665.
CADE-2011-ClaessenLS #first-order #logic- Sort It Out with Monotonicity — Translating between Many-Sorted and Unsorted First-Order Logic (KC, AL, NS), pp. 207–221.
SIGMOD-2010-SatishKCNLKD #performance- Fast sort on CPUs and GPUs: a case for bandwidth oblivious SIMD sort (NS, CK, JC, ADN, VWL, DK, PD), pp. 351–362.
WRLA-2010-DuranM #equation #maude #order #specification- A Church-Rosser Checker Tool for Conditional Order-Sorted Equational Maude Specifications (FD, JM), pp. 69–85.
WRLA-2010-DuranM10a #maude #order- A Maude Coherence Checker Tool for Conditional Order-Sorted Rewrite Theories (FD, JM), pp. 86–103.
ICPC-2010-Taherkhani #algorithm #classification #sorting- Recognizing Sorting Algorithms with the C4.5 Decision Tree Classifier (AT), pp. 72–75.
STOC-2010-CardinalFJJM #algorithm #sorting- Sorting under partial information (without the ellipsoid algorithm) (JC, SF, GJ, RMJ, JIM), pp. 359–368.
ICALP-v1-2010-ColeR #multi #sorting- Resource Oblivious Sorting on Multicores (RC, VR), pp. 226–237.
ICALP-v1-2010-JimenezM #sorting- Interval Sorting (RMJ, CM), pp. 238–249.
SEFM-2010-BarnatBR #parallel #partial order #reduction- Parallel Partial Order Reduction with Topological Sort Proviso (JB, LB, PR), pp. 222–231.
SAC-2010-BaudetD #algorithm #permutation- An improved algorithm to enumerate all traces that sort a signed permutation by reversals (CB, ZD), pp. 1521–1525.
SAC-2010-EyiyurekliBLB #self #sorting- Chemotaxis-based sorting of self-organizing heterotypic agents (ME, LB, PIL, DEB), pp. 1315–1322.
SAC-2010-GroppeG #database #scalability #semantics #sorting #web- External sorting for index construction of large semantic web databases (SG, JG), pp. 1373–1380.
RTA-2010-KutsiaM #order #regular expression #unification- Order-Sorted Unification with Regular Expression Sorts (TK, MM), pp. 193–208.
VLDB-2009-KimSCKNBLSD #implementation #manycore #performance- Sort vs. Hash Revisited: Fast Join Implementation on Modern Multi-Core CPUs (CK, ES, JC, TK, ADN, ADB, VWL, NS, PD), pp. 1378–1389.
WRLA-2008-LucasM09 #equation #order #source code #termination- Operational Termination of Membership Equational Programs: the Order-Sorted Way (SL, JM), pp. 207–225.
ICALP-v1-2009-AjtaiFHN #sorting- Sorting and Selection with Imprecise Comparisons (MA, VF, AH, JN), pp. 37–48.
ICALP-v1-2009-ValleeCFF- The Number of Symbol Comparisons in QuickSort and QuickSelect (BV, JC, JAF, PF), pp. 750–763.
ICALP-v2-2009-AnagnostopoulosKMU #how- Sort Me If You Can: How to Sort Dynamic Data (AA, RK, MM, EU), pp. 339–350.
HCI-NIMT-2009-HurY #data analysis #multi #named #sorting- SimulSort: Multivariate Data Exploration through an Enhanced Sorting Technique (IH, JSY), pp. 684–693.
CASE-2008-KuanCJ #modelling- Method for proposing sort screen thresholds based on modeling etest/sort-class in semiconductor manufacturing (WKY, LCC, WJL), pp. 236–241.
VLDB-2008-ChhuganiNLMHCBKD #architecture #cpu #implementation #manycore #performance #sorting- Efficient implementation of sorting on multi-core SIMD CPU architecture (JC, ADN, VWL, WM, MH, YKC, AB, SK, PD), pp. 1313–1324.
VLDB-2008-KoltsidasMV #memory management #sorting- Sorting hierarchical data in external memory for archiving (IK, HM, SV), pp. 1205–1216.
ITiCSE-2008-FurcyNW #sorting- Sorting out sorting: the sequel (DF, TLN, JW), pp. 174–178.
ICALP-A-2008-Ruzic #performance #sorting- Constructing Efficient Dictionaries in Close to Sorting Time (MR), pp. 84–95.
LATA-2008-Petersen #sorting #turing machine- Sorting and Element Distinctness on One-Way Turing Machines (HP), pp. 433–439.
ICFP-2008-Henglein #linear #sorting- Generic discrimination: sorting and paritioning unshared data in linear time (FH), pp. 91–102.
PPDP-2008-LucasM #dependence #order- Order-sorted dependency pairs (SL, JM), pp. 108–119.
LICS-2008-Fiore #higher-order #syntax- Second-Order and Dependently-Sorted Abstract Syntax (MPF), pp. 57–68.
CASE-2007-YipLL #process- Forecasting Final/Class Yield Based on Fabrication Process E-Test and Sort Data (WKY, KGL, WJL), pp. 478–483.
DATE-2007-KhanATE #algorithm #implementation #pipes and filters #sorting- A new pipelined implementation for minimum norm sorting used in square root algorithm for MIMO-VBLAST systems (ZK, TA, JST, ATE), pp. 1569–1574.
SIGMOD-2007-RivoireSRK #benchmark #energy #metric #named- JouleSort: a balanced energy-efficiency benchmark (SR, MAS, PR, CK), pp. 365–376.
VLDB-2007-GedikBY #named #performance #sorting- CellSort: High Performance Sorting on the Cell Processor (BG, RB, PSY), pp. 1286–1207.
ICALP-2007-FranceschiniM #sorting- In-Place Suffix Sorting (GF, SM), pp. 533–545.
HCI-AS-2007-CaiX #design #sorting- Designing Product List on E-tailing Websites: The Effect of Sorting on Consumer Decision (SC, YX), pp. 104–113.
HCI-IDU-2007-XuQC #case study #design- A Case Study of New Way to Apply Card Sort in Panel Design (YX, XQ, SSC), pp. 289–297.
HCI-MIE-2007-HilligesKPBK #analysis #automation #classification #image #quality #sorting #using- Browsing and Sorting Digital Pictures Using Automatic Image Classification and Quality Analysis (OH, PK, AP, AB, HPK), pp. 882–891.
ECIR-2007-Silvestri #documentation #identifier #problem #sorting- Sorting Out the Document Identifier Assignment Problem (FS), pp. 101–112.
MLDM-2007-YuZWZ #3d #image #retrieval- A Filter-Refinement Scheme for 3D Model Retrieval Based on Sorted Extended Gaussian Image Histogram (ZY, SZ, HSW, JZ), pp. 643–652.
SAC-2007-ViroliCG #distributed #problem #self #tuple- A self-organising solution to the collective sort problem in distributed tuple spaces (MV, MC, LG), pp. 354–359.
RTA-2007-HendrixM #on the #order #specification- On the Completeness of Context-Sensitive Order-Sorted Specifications (JH, JM), pp. 229–245.
DATE-2006-NelsonZDBPMB #fault- Extraction of defect density and size distributions from wafer sort test results (JEN, TZ, RD, JGB, NP, WM, RD(B), pp. 913–918.
SIGMOD-2006-GovindarajuGKM #database #named #performance #scalability #sorting- GPUTeraSort: high performance graphics co-processor sorting for large database management (NKG, JG, RK, DM), pp. 325–336.
WCRE-2006-MarinMD #framework #mining- A common framework for aspect mining based on crosscutting concern sorts (MM, LM, AvD), pp. 29–38.
ICALP-v1-2006-FinocchiGI #fault #memory management #sorting- Optimal Resilient Sorting and Searching in the Presence of Memory Faults (IF, FG, GFI), pp. 286–298.
ICPR-v1-2006-HansenMT #analysis #clustering #re-engineering #sorting- Cluster Analysis and Priority Sorting in Huge Point Clouds for Building Reconstruction (WvH, EM, UT), pp. 23–26.
IJCAR-2006-HendrixMO #axiom #linear #order #specification- A Sufficient Completeness Checker for Linear Order-Sorted Specifications Modulo Axioms (JH, JM, HO), pp. 151–155.
PODS-2005-GroheS #bound #memory management #random #sorting- Lower bounds for sorting with few random accesses to external memory (MG, NS), pp. 238–249.
VLDB-2005-GuravannavarRS #optimisation #order #parametricity #query- Optimizing Nested Queries with Parameter Sort Orders (RG, HSR, SS), pp. 481–492.
ICALP-2005-BrodalFM #adaptation #sorting- Cache-Aware and Cache-Oblivious Adaptive Sorting (GSB, RF, GM), pp. 576–588.
ICALP-2005-FranceschiniG #sorting- Optimal In-place Sorting of Vectors and Records (GF, RG), pp. 90–102.
SIGIR-2005-FergusonSGW #retrieval #scalability #set #using- Top subset retrieval on large collections using sorted indices (PF, AFS, CG, PW), pp. 599–600.
GPCE-2005-Ahlander #sorting- Sorting Out the Relationships Between Pairs of Iterators, Values, and References (KÅ), pp. 342–356.
CGO-2005-LiGP #algorithm #optimisation #search-based #sorting- Optimizing Sorting with Genetic Algorithms (XL, MJG, DAP), pp. 99–110.
CADE-2005-BaaderG- Connecting Many-Sorted Theories (FB, SG), pp. 278–294.
RTA-2005-LynchM #equation #performance- Faster Basic Syntactic Mutation with Sorts for Some Separable Equational Theories (CL, BM), pp. 90–104.
STOC-2004-FinocchiI #fault #memory management #sorting- Sorting and searching in the presence of memory faults (without redundancy) (IF, GFI), pp. 101–110.
STOC-2004-Yao #graph #problem #quantum #sorting- Graph entropy and quantum sorting problems (ACCY), pp. 112–117.
KR-2004-KaneiwaM #knowledge base #ontology #reasoning- Ontological Knowledge Base Reasoning with Sort-Hierarchy and Rigidity (KK, RM), pp. 278–288.
RE-2004-NurmulianiZW #requirements #sorting #using- Using Card Sorting Technique to Classify Requirements Change (NN, DZ, SPW), pp. 240–248.
CGO-2004-LiGP #library #sorting- A Dynamically Tuned Sorting Library (XL, MJG, DAP), pp. 111–124.
SIGMOD-2003-ChaudhuriKN #on the #relational #sorting #xml- On Relational Support for XML Publishing: Beyond Sorting and Tagging (SC, RK, JFN), pp. 611–622.
STOC-2003-Klauck #quantum #sorting #trade-off- Quantum time-space tradeoffs for sorting (HK), pp. 69–76.
SAC-2003-TakeuchiIH #parallel- An Improvement on Binary-Swap Compositing for Sort-Last Parallel Rendering (AT, FI, KH), pp. 996–1002.
SIGMOD-2002-LiGS- Skew handling techniques in sort-merge join (WL, DG, RTS), pp. 169–180.
VLDB-2002-DittrichSTW #algorithm- Progressive Merge Join: A Generic and Non-blocking Sort-based Join Algorithm (JPD, BS, DST, PW), pp. 299–310.
WRLA-2002-ClavelMP #equation #logic #similarity- Reflection in Membership Equational Logic, Many-Sorted Equational Logic, Horn Logic with Equality, and Rewriting Logic (MC, JM, MP), pp. 110–126.
STOC-2002-Han #linear #sorting- Deterministic sorting in O(nlog log n) time and linear space (YH), pp. 602–608.
ICALP-2002-Elmasry #adaptation #sorting- Priority Queues, Pairing, and Adaptive Sorting (AE), pp. 183–194.
CIKM-2002-FarahatNC #estimation #named #sorting- AuGEAS: authoritativeness grading, estimation, and sorting (AF, GN, FC), pp. 194–202.
KR-2002-Cristani- Many-Sorted Preference Relations (MC), pp. 265–276.
ITiCSE-2001-Laxer #empirical #sorting- Treating computer science as science as: An experiment with sorting (CL), p. 189.
ICALP-2001-HoyerNS #order #quantum #sorting- Quantum Complexities of Ordered Searching, Sorting, and Element Distinctness (PH, JN, YS), pp. 346–357.
ICLP-2001-KaneiwaT #order- An Order-Sorted Resolution with Implicitly Negative Sorts (KK, ST), pp. 300–314.
RTA-2001-VestergaardB #confluence #first-order #proving #using #λ-calculus- A Formalised First-Order Confluence Proof for the λ-Calculus Using One-Sorted Variable Names (RV, JB), pp. 306–321.
ITiCSE-2000-Weber-Wulff #programming- Combating the code warrior: a different sort of programming instruction (DWW), pp. 85–88.
ICPR-v1-2000-ClavierTLDL #classification #sorting- Classifiers Combination for Forms Sorting (EC, ÉT, ML, SD, JL), pp. 1932–1935.
SAC-2000-BrestVZ #algorithm #clustering #sorting- A Sorting Algorithm on a PC Cluster (JB, AV, VZ), pp. 710–715.
SAC-2000-FeekinC #detection #sorting #using- Duplicate Detection Using K-way Sorting Method (AF, ZC), pp. 323–327.
HPDC-2000-NolteH #biology #case study #distributed #parallel #research #sorting- Parallel Matching and Sorting with TACO’s Distributed Collections — A Case Study from Molecular Biology Research (JN, PH), pp. 247–252.
ICDAR-1999-ClavierCL #approach #classification #image #sorting- Image Sorting — Image Classification: A Global Approach (EC, SC, JL), pp. 123–126.
ICDAR-1999-LeeL #automation #design #empirical #sorting #verification- Empirical Design of a Holistic Verifier for Automatic Sorting of Handwritten Singapore Postal Addresses (CKL, GL), pp. 733–736.
ICLP-1999-KaneiwaT #logic #order- Event, Property, and Hierarchy in Order-Sorted Logic (KK, ST), pp. 94–108.
SIGMOD-1998-LarsonG #generative #memory management #sorting- Memory Management During Run Generation in External Sorting (PÅL, GG), pp. 472–483.
AFP-1998-Augusteijn98 #morphism #sorting- Sorting Morphisms (LA), pp. 1–27.
ICML-1998-BonetG #learning #sorting- Learning Sorting and Decision Trees with POMDPs (BB, HG), pp. 73–81.
ICPR-1998-HjaltasonRSW #modelling #ranking #recognition #sorting #using- Using spatial sorting and ranking in model-based object recognition (GRH, MR, HS, IW), pp. 1347–1349.
SIGMOD-1997-Arpaci-DusseauACHP #network #sorting- High-Performance Sorting on Networks of Workstations (ACAD, RHAD, DEC, JMH, DAP), pp. 243–254.
STOC-1997-ArgeFGV #memory management #on the #sorting #string- On Sorting Strings in External Memory (Extended Abstract) (LA, PF, RG, JSV), pp. 540–548.
STOC-1997-MaggsV #multi #sorting- Improved Routing and Sorting on Multibutterflies (BMM, BV), pp. 517–530.
WIA-1997-Ziadi #automaton #clustering #problem #set #sorting- Sorting and Doubling Techniques for Set Partitioning and Automata Minimization Problems (DZ), pp. 241–251.
AdaEurope-1997-Feldman #ada #set- An Ada 95 Sort Race Construction Set (MBF), pp. 23–34.
ALP-1997-Almendros-JimenezG #lazy evaluation #order #parametricity- Lazy Narrowing with Parametric Order Sorted Types (JMAJ, AGL), pp. 159–173.
RTA-1997-OgataOF #automaton #named #order #term rewriting- TRAM: An Abstract Machine for Order-Sorted Conditioned Term Rewriting Systems (KO, KO, KF), pp. 335–338.
SIGMOD-1996-Agarwal #algorithm #sorting- A Super Scalar Sort Algorithm for RISC Processors (RCA), pp. 240–246.
STOC-1996-Goodrich #parallel #sorting- Communication-Efficient Parallel Sorting (Preliminary Version) (MTG), pp. 247–256.
STOC-1996-KaplanT #functional- Purely Functional Representations of Catenable Sorted Lists (HK, RET), pp. 202–211.
STOC-1996-Ma #fault tolerance #network #sorting- An O(n log n)-Size Fault-Tolerant Sorting Network (Extended Abstract) (YM), pp. 266–275.
WIA-1996-Schubert #automaton #how #sorting- How to Use Sorting Procedures to Minimize DFA (BS), pp. 159–166.
KR-1996-Sharma #inheritance #partial order- Partial Orders of Sorts and Inheritances (or Placing Inheritance in Context) (NS), pp. 280–290.
ALP-1996-Almendros-JimenezGG #algebra #functional #logic programming #order #polymorphism #semantics- Algebraic Semantics for Functional Logic Programming with Polymorphic Order-Sorted Types (JMAJ, AGF, AGL), pp. 299–313.
ALP-1996-OlveszkyL #order #termination- Order-Sorted Termination: The Unsorted Way (PCÖ, OL), pp. 92–106.
CADE-1996-Weidenbach #decidability #pseudo #unification- Unification in Pseudo-Linear Sort Theories is Decidable (CW), pp. 343–357.
STOC-1995-AnderssonHNR #linear #question #sorting- Sorting in linear time? (AA, TH, SN, RR), pp. 427–436.
STOC-1995-AnderssonHP #array #bound- A tight lower bound for searching a sorted array (AA, JH, OP), pp. 417–426.
STOC-1995-HannenhalliP #algorithm #permutation #polynomial #sorting- Transforming cabbage into turnip: polynomial algorithm for sorting signed permutations by reversals (SH, PAP), pp. 178–189.
STOC-1995-KahaleLMPSS #bound #network #sorting- Lower bounds for sorting networks (NK, FTL, YM, CGP, TS, ES), pp. 437–446.
CIKM-1995-WakeF #library #named- SortTables: A Browser for a Digital Library (WCW, EAF), pp. 175–181.
ICLP-1995-Beierle #logic programming #order #polymorphism #source code- Type Inferencing for Polymorphic Order-Sorted Logic Programs (CB), pp. 765–779.
EDAC-1994-AlexiouSK #composition #design #implementation #sorting- Design and Implementation of a High-Performance, Modular, Sorting Engine (GA, DS, NK), pp. 2–8.
SIGMOD-1994-NybergBCGL #named- AlphaSort: A RISC Machine Sort (CN, TB, ZC, JG, DBL), pp. 233–242.
STOC-1994-AnderssonHHP #array #complexity #string- The complexity of searching a sorted array of strings (AA, TH, JH, OP), pp. 317–325.
STOC-1994-Hagerup #algorithm #parallel #sorting #string- Optimal parallel string algorithms: sorting, merging and computing the minimum (TH), pp. 382–391.
ICALP-1994-HintermeierKK #dynamic typing #equation #order- Dynamically-Typed Computations for Order-Sorted Equational Presentations (CH, CK, HK), pp. 450–461.
ICALP-1994-PlaxtonS #bound #network #sorting- A Super-Logarithmic Lower Bound for Hypercubic Sorting Networks (CGP, TS), pp. 618–629.
CIKM-1994-LehmannC #integration #prototype #reliability #semantics #using- The EGG/YOLK Reliability Hierarchy : Semantic Data Integration Using Sorts with Prototypes (FL, AGC), pp. 272–279.
SAC-1994-ZuhlkeL #automation #process #sorting- Application of fuzzy-logic in an automatic sorting process (DZ, ML), pp. 131–135.
CADE-1994-JohannK #constant #order #unification #λ-calculus- Unification in an Extensional Lambda Calculus with Ordered Function Sorts and Constant Overloading (PJ, MK), pp. 620–634.
ICDAR-1993-ChouY #database #research #sorting- Sorting qualities of handwritten Chinese characters for setting up a research database (SLC, SSY), pp. 474–477.
VLDB-1993-PangCL #adaptation #sorting- Memory-Adaptive External Sorting (HP, MJC, ML), pp. 618–629.
POPL-1993-Gay #algorithm #π-calculus- A Sort Inference Algorithm for the Polyadic π-Calculus (SJG), pp. 429–438.
ILPS-1993-Ait-KaciPG #order #unification- Order-Sorted Feature Theory Unification (HAK, AP, SCG), pp. 506–524.
RTA-1993-Werner #approach #order #semantics- A Semantic Approach to Order-Sorted Rewriting (AW), pp. 47–61.
STOC-1992-KahnK #sorting- Entropy and Sorting (JK, JHK), pp. 178–187.
STOC-1992-Plaxton #network #sorting- A Hypercubic Sorting Network with Nearly Logarithmic Depth (CGP), pp. 405–416.
CHI-1992-Brown #algorithm #parallel #sorting #visualisation- An Introduction to Zeus: Audiovisualization of Some Elementary Sequential and Parallel Sorting Algorithms (MHB), pp. 663–664.
KR-1992-BollingerP #constraints #logic #order- An Order-Sorted Logic with Sort Literals and Disjointness Constraints (TB, UP), pp. 413–424.
ALP-1992-Gnaedig #order #termination- Termination of Order-sorted Rewriting (IG), pp. 37–52.
CADE-1992-Boudet #algebra #order #unification- Unification in Order-Sorted Algebras with Overloading (AB), pp. 193–207.
CADE-1992-Cohn #logic- A Many Sorted Logic with Possibly Empty Sorts (AGC), pp. 633–647.
CADE-1992-FrischC #unification- An Abstract View of Sorted Unification (AMF, AGC), pp. 178–192.
CADE-1992-Kesner #order #orthogonal #term rewriting- Free Sequentially in Orthogonal Order-Sorted Rewriting Systems with Constructors (DK), pp. 603–617.
CADE-1992-Uribe #constraints #set #unification #using- Sorted Unification Using Set Constraints (TEU), pp. 163–177.
STOC-1991-Hagerup #integer #parallel #sorting- Constant-Time Parallel Integer Sorting (Extended Abstract) (TH), pp. 299–306.
FPCA-1991-NipkowS #order #unification- Type Classes and Overloading Resolution via Order-Sorted Unification (TN, GS), pp. 1–14.
PLILP-1991-Gloess #logic #order- U-Log, An Ordered Sorted Logic with Typed Attributes (PYG), pp. 275–286.
ISLP-1991-BeierleMS #automaton #order #polymorphism- Extending the Warren Abstract Machine to Polymorphic Order-Sorted Resolution (CB, GM, HS), pp. 272–286.
ISLP-1991-Caseau #abstract interpretation #constraints #order- Abstract Interpretation of Constraints on Order-Sorted Domains (YC), pp. 435–452.
ISLP-1991-LauP #product line #recursion #sorting #synthesis- Synthesis of a Family of Recursive Sorting Procedures (KKL, SDP), pp. 641–658.
RTA-1991-Domenjoud #order #unification- AC Unification Through Order-Sorted AC1 Unification (ED), pp. 98–111.
SIGMOD-1990-SalzbergTGSUV #distributed #named- FastSort: A Distributed Single-Input Single-Output External Sort (BS, AT, JG, MS, SU, BV), pp. 94–101.
STOC-1990-CypherP #sorting- Deterministic Sorting in Nearly Logarithmic Time on the Hypercube and Related Computers (RC, CGP), pp. 193–203.
STOC-1990-GoddardKS #algorithm #random #sorting- Optimal Randomized Algorithms for Local Sorting and Set-Maxima (WG, VK, LJS), pp. 45–53.
ICALP-1990-Comon #algebra #equation #order- Equational Formulas in Order-Sorted Algebras (HC), pp. 674–688.
ICALP-1990-MatiasV #integer #on the #parallel #sorting #summary- On Parallel Hashing and Integer Sorting (Extended Summary) (YM, UV), pp. 729–743.
ALP-1990-DebartEL #equation #logic programming #multi #order #using- Multi-Modal Logic Programming using Equational and Order-Sorted Logic (FD, PE, ML), pp. 55–69.
ALP-1990-Qian #algebra #higher-order- Higher-Order Order-Sorted Algebras (ZQ), pp. 86–100.
ICSE-1990-GanzingerS #composition #horn clause #order #specification- System Support for Modular Order-Sorted Horn Clause Specifications (HG, RS), pp. 150–159.
VLDB-1989-IyerRV #algorithm #multi- Percentile Finding Algorithm for Multiple Sorted Runs (BRI, GRR, PJV), pp. 135–144.
VLDB-1989-LorieY #algorithm #communication #database #parallel #sorting- A Low Communication Sort Algorithm for a Parallel Database Machine (RAL, HCY), pp. 125–134.
VLDB-1989-SaakeLPW #information management #prototype #sorting- Sorting, Grouping and Duplicate Elimination in the Advanced Information Management Prototype (GS, VL, PP, LMW), pp. 307–316.
KR-1989-Frisch #deduction #framework #hybrid #reasoning- A General Framework for Sorted Deduction: Fundamental Results on Hybrid Reasoning (AMF), pp. 126–136.
ALP-1988-Smolka #logic programming #order- Logic Programming with Polymorphically Order-Sorted Types (GS), pp. 53–70.
JICSCP-1988-GallierI88 #equation #logic #order- Rewriting in Order-sorted Equational Logic (JHG, TI), pp. 280–294.
ICALP-1987-AggarwalV #complexity #problem #sorting- The I/O Complexity of Sorting and Related Problems (Extended Abstract) (AA, JSV), pp. 467–478.
ICALP-1987-Dietzfelbinger #bound #sorting- Lower Bounds for Sorting of Sums (MD), pp. 457–466.
LICS-1987-GoguenM #algebra #multi #order- Order-Sorted Algebra solves the Constructor-Selector, Multiple (JAG, JM), pp. 18–29.
SLP-1987-HuberV87 #order #prolog- Extended Prolog for Order-Sorted Resolution (MH, IV), pp. 34–43.
VLDB-1986-Menon #algorithm #case study #database #multi #sorting- A Study of Sort Algorithms for Multiprocessor Database Machines (JM0), pp. 197–206.
STOC-1986-SchnorrS #algorithm #sorting- An Optimal Sorting Algorithm for Mesh Connected Computers (CPS, AS), pp. 255–263.
POPL-1986-LengauerH #concurrent #network #sorting #theorem- A Mechanically Certified Theorem about Optimal Concurrency of Sorting Networks (CL, CHH), pp. 307–317.
POPL-1986-SneltingH #algebra #analysis #incremental #semantics #unification- Unification in Many-Sorted Algebras as a Device for Incremental Semantic Analysis (GS, WH), pp. 229–235.
CADE-1986-Schmidt-Schauss #unification- Unification in Many-Sorted Eqational Theories (MSS), pp. 538–552.
CADE-1986-Traugott86a #deduction #sorting #source code #synthesis- Deductive Synthesis of Sorting Programs (JT), pp. 641–660.
CADE-1986-Walther #classification #problem #unification- A Classification of Many-Sorted Unification Problems (CW), pp. 525–537.
STOC-1985-Alon #sorting- Expanders, Sorting in Rounds and Superconcentrators of Limited Depth (NA), pp. 98–102.
ICALP-1985-BilardiP #complexity #sorting- The Influence of Key Length on the Area-Time Complexity of Sorting (GB, FPP), pp. 53–62.
ICALP-1985-GoguenJM #algebra #order #semantics- Operational Semantics for Order-Sorted Algebra (JAG, JPJ, JM), pp. 221–231.
VLDB-1984-Tanaka #algorithm- Bit-Sliced VLSI Algorithm for Search and Sort (YT), pp. 225–234.
STOC-1984-BilardiP #network #sorting- A Minimum Area VLSI Network for O(log n) Time Sorting (GB, FPP), pp. 64–70.
STOC-1984-Chazelle #sorting- Intersecting Is Easier than Sorting (BC), pp. 125–134.
STOC-1984-Leighton #bound #complexity #parallel #sorting- Tight Bounds on the Complexity of Parallel Sorting (FTL), pp. 71–80.
ICALP-1984-Mannila #algorithm #metric #sorting- Measures of Presortedness and Optimal Sorting Algorithms (Extended Abstract) (HM), pp. 324–336.
PODS-1983-GinsburgH #relational #set- Sort Sets in the Relational Model (SG, RH), pp. 332–339.
VLDB-1983-IbarakiKM #concept- Disjoint-Interval Topological Sort: A Useful Concept in Serializability Theory (Extended Abstract) (TI, TK, TM), pp. 89–91.
STOC-1983-AjtaiKS #network #sorting- An O(n log n) Sorting Network (MA, JK, ES), pp. 1–9.
STOC-1983-ReifV #linear #network- A Logarithmic Time Sort for Linear Size Networks (JHR, LGV), pp. 10–16.
ICALP-1983-LangSSS #algorithm #performance #sorting- A Fast Sorting Algorithm for VLSI (HWL, MS, HS, HS), pp. 408–419.
STOC-1982-BorodinH #modelling #parallel #sorting- Routing, Merging and Sorting on Parallel Models of Computation (Extended Abstract) (AB, JEH), pp. 338–344.
VLDB-1981-Muraszkiewicz #array #concept #sorting- Concepts of Sorting and Projection in a Cellular Array (MM), pp. 76–80.
STOC-1981-GonnetM #analysis #linear- A Linear Probing Sort and its Analysis (Preliminary Draft) (GHG, JIM), pp. 90–95.
STOC-1981-Kosaraju #locality- Localized Search in Sorted Lists (SRK), pp. 62–69.
STOC-1980-BorodinC #sorting #trade-off- A Time-Space Tradeoff for Sorting on a General Sequential Model of Computation (AB, SAC), pp. 294–301.
VLDB-1978-ChenLT #bound #performance #scalability- The Rebound Sorter: An Efficient Sort Engine for Large Files (TCC, VYL, CT), pp. 312–318.
VLDB-1977-Harder #database #relational- A Scan-Driven Sort Facility for a Relational Database System (TH), pp. 236–244.
STOC-1976-ThompsonK #parallel #sorting- Sorting on a Mesh-Connected Parallel Computer (CDT, HTK), pp. 58–64.
STOC-1975-Fredman #probability #sorting- Two Applications of a Probabilistic Search Technique: Sorting x + y and Building Balanced Search Trees (MLF), pp. 240–244.
STOC-1974-Horvath #performance #sorting- Efficient Stable Sorting with Minimal Extra Space (ECH), pp. 194–215.