Collaborated with:
B.Vogel-Heuser Christian Lieberoth-Leden Johannes Fottner S.Rösch S.Feldmann S.Ulewicz
Talks about:
system (2) autom (2) architectur (1) transport (1) industri (1) challeng (1) softwar (1) product (1) mainten (1) hardwar (1)
Person: Juliane Fischer
DBLP: Fischer:Juliane
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- ICSME-2015-Vogel-HeuserFRF #automation #case study #challenge #hardware #industrial #maintenance
- Challenges for maintenance of PLC-software and its related hardware for automated production systems: Selected industrial Case Studies (BVH, JF, SR, SF, SU), pp. 362–371.
- CASE-2018-Lieberoth-Leden #architecture #automation #coordination #flexibility
- Control Architecture and Transport Coordination for Autonomous Logistics Modules in Flexible Automated Material Flow Systems (CLL, JF, JF, BVH), pp. 736–743.