Collaborated with:
Robert Grigg ∅ Anders Tychsen Thea Brolund M.Hitchens
Talks about:
game (3) contract (1) transit (1) project (1) analysi (1) troubl (1) player (1) narrat (1) format (1) experi (1)
Person: Ken Newman
DBLP: Newman:Ken
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- DiGRA-2005-NewmanG
- Albert Goes Narrative Contracting (KN, RG).
- DiGRA-2007-TychsenNBH #analysis #experience #game studies #multi
- Cross-format analysis of the gaming experience in multi-player role-playing games (AT, KN, TB, MH).
- DiGRA-2009-Newman #game studies
- The Troubled Transition to Game Study Projects (KN).